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[f-cpu] Re: (forw) Paper proposal

Andy Mueller-Maguhn a écrit :
> >I'm from the f-cpu team. We would to make a 2 hours speach about the
> >fcpu technology and last development (we will try to make it less boring
> >than last year ;p).
> That´s great. For planning the time-slot and announcement I need
> - titel
> - short description (5 lines or so)
> - references / URL´s
> - coordinates of the people / phone #
> best regards,
> A.

I believe that the short description will be display in there web site.
It's like an advertising for us. So we must encourage them to see our

I want to propose that : 

The F-cpu (Freedom CPU) project 

The goal of the project is to write a free cpu (free in the sense of the
french "libre" not free of charge). The CPU is written in VHDL and will
be at the disposition of what ever people want to build one. The main
goal is to provide a free IP to create a new standard with a good ratio
between cost and performance.

Nowadays, almost all the instruction set are defined and most integer
execution unit (blocs that make calcul) are under design. The main
project problem are the lack of free synthesys tools (to translate code
to chip) and good GPL-like licence (silicon are under specific law).

We will present all the hard point in the design of a cpu and the global
architecture of the Fcpu. 

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