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Re: Rep:Re: Re: [f-cpu] GCC 3.1 for F-CPU port
> >> there are several F-CPU assemblers now.
> >> even though i don't know which one to trust :-P
> >> everyone with a specific syntax, unique features etc ...
> >>
> >:) Are there reasons other than personal ego ? Like
> >
> >if all wants their own assembler ? And are these
> >documented so that I can select one ?
> nobody is "happy" with other's SW.
> unfortunately they are loosely documented,
> and the only discriminating factor is whether it works ...
> >>>Cedric and Alex have written a pretty complete generic assembler
> working with x86 and fcpu. IT's pretty fast and modular. It seems that
> they didn't release it now because they have udge work on documentation.
> So Cedric, time is up ! Show your code !
Wait, we have some little bug to correct before, but you will see it tomorrow
at the "first jeudi". It currently support rawbin + elf (32/64) + hex for
F-CPU and x86. We are currently working on macro and solving some problem
with elf and memory management.
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