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Re: [f-cpu] new student contributors
On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 01:44:45PM +0100, yannick wrote:
> We are 3 students in a French engineering school. We study electronics and
> are interested in the Free-cpu project.
Welcome to the chaos^H^H^H^H^Hlist. ;)
> We've got a little project (1 month) and could participate to f-cpu.
> We all worked on the design of an uart for a board based on a fpga.
> First, I'm going to motivate my supervisor in the university and if he is
> agree we will start to study the manual.
You'd better study the code ;)
> I'm very interested in vhdl and ic design that's why I want to contribute to
> this project.
Finally, another HW guy! Maybe that helps us keep the balance :)
Michael "Tired" Riepe <Michael.Riepe@stud.uni-hannover.de>
"All I wanna do is have a little fun before I die"
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