Michael Riepe wrote:
On Tue, Dec 17, 2002 at 08:38:53AM +0000, Nicolas Boulay wrote:There some imm instruction using 8 or 16 bits. I had proposed a long time ago, to use the 6 bits register adresse field to create an immediat adressing mode available for every instructions.With the constant following in the next 32-bit word(s)? Well, no. I don't want to build yet another CISC machine.
Well I am glad I never took computer science, and just learned computers on my own. I don't give a DAM what you call it,immedate constants NEED to be with every instruction set. Any how would not immedate constants be taged as a long constant preceding a instruction? Load/Store machines because they need to generate effective addresses often need to have good immedate instruction format. Ben. ************************************************************* To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to majordomo@seul.org with unsubscribe f-cpu in the body. http://f-cpu.seul.org/