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Re: [f-cpu] SIMD and exception

Hi #2,

gaetan@xeberon.net wrote:
So here is a problem:
There is in the first stage the exponent substraction. For single, exponent size is 8 bit, so the substractor delay is 6.So it just fit into the stage
But for double, it takes more, so i will have to slip it between stage 1 and stage 2 (putting csv and cla). So the two datapathes (single and double) will not arrive on the same time on the main adder (mantissa adder). So i cannot use the same adder for both operation (except if i bufferize single datapath and "wait" for double one).
Is there any restriction about register number because it will add lot of registers (for double and single datapath)...

The subtractor will cross the first pipeline register in either case. Don't forget that you'll have to select different slices from the operands:

-- assuming separate adders for chunk 0 and 1
-- suffixes -0/-1 indicate the chunk number
Ea1 := (others => '0'); -- at least 11 bits
Eb1 := (others => '0');
Ea0 := (others => '0'); -- at least 8 bits
Eb0 := (others => '0');
if mode = double then
Ea1(10 downto 0) := A(62 downto 52);
Eb1(10 downto 0) := B(62 downto 52);
-- Ea0/Eb0 not used in double mode
Ea1(7 downto 0) := A(62 downto 55);
Eb1(7 downto 0) := B(62 downto 55);
Ea0(7 downto 0) := A(30 downto 23);
Eb0(7 downto 0) := B(30 downto 23);
end if;
-- and then subtract:
De1 := Ea1 - Eb1; -- for upper single or double
De0 := Ea0 - Eb0; -- for lower single

or similar. That will add some latency before the subtractor. After that, you should have enough room for a row of 4-bit adders (d=4/t=6) and input inverters for one operand (d=1/t=1), maybe even for the final CLA (d=5/t=6 from the beginning of the adder). But the CSV will have to reside in stage #2. The same will be true for the "el cheapo" variant using a single 16-bit subtractor (with an 8+8 split for SIMD):

Ea := (others => '0'); -- 16 bits
Eb := (others => '0'); -- 16 bits
-- left-align operands
Ea(15 downto 8) := A(62 downto 55);
Eb(15 downto 8) := B(62 downto 55);
if mode = double then
-- add least significant bits
Ea(7 downto 5) := A(54 downto 52);
Eb(7 downto 5) := B(54 downto 52);
split_adder = '0';
-- add second chunk
Ea(7 downto 0) := A(30 downto 23);
Eb(7 downto 0) := B(30 downto 23);
split_adder = '1';
end if;
-- and then subtract:
De := SIMD_subtract(Ea, Eb, split_adder);

Yet another solution is this one:

De_1 := A(62 downto 55) - B(62 downto 55); -- 8 bits
De_2 := A(54 downto 52) - B(54 downto 52); -- 3 bits
De_3 := A(30 downto 23) - B(30 downto 23); -- 8 bits

Then, in stage #2, select De := De_1 & De_2 for double (requires another CLA/CSV step), and one of (De_1, De_3) for single.

But whatever you do, you'll have to sacrifice part of stage #2 if you implement variable operand sizes.


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