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Re: [f-cpu] Are 8 bits SIMD mode usefull ?
Le ven 10/01/2003 à 21:37, nico a écrit :
> Just a stupid question : is 8 bits integer mode usefull ?
I think so ;)
> "Char" C type are going to be 16 bits (unicode)
The most widely used encoding of unicode, UTF-8, is based on regular
bytes (it's a variable length encoding backwards compatible with
Ascii). That means both legacy character strings and unicode strings
will use byte operations. Protocol networks, compression formats will
also remain byte-based. And so on ;)
> Gimp use 16 bit per channel
I think that's false, that's even why Film Gimp exists (movie guys
need more than 8 bits per channel and Gimp can't satisfy their needs).
However even if Gimp can do 16 bits per channel, most images will still
only require 8 bits per channel, leading to more compact representations
and faster calculations (and less memory transfers ;-)).
Also if you think SIMD in stuff like GIMP, operations with 8-bit
per channel will be twice faster than with 16-bit channel (because
your registers have a fixed size and you can stuff twice more bytes
than 16-bit integers into a register).
Hey, if you wanna write an x86 emulator for F-CPU, you'll also need
bytes :-)))
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