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Re: [f-cpu] F-CPU gcc CVS
> > I setup CVS server for gcc/config/fcpu subdirectory
> > of gcc. The current trunk head can compile majority
> > of code and can finally correctly generate
> > loadaddr vs. loadaddrd.
> Yes, but it takes an awful lot of time and memory for that. I guess we
> need to find a cheaper way.
There IS such way - go over all insns and pair NOTE_LABELs.
But because we will need at least prefetches then complete
DF will be needed anyway.
It now take 50% of time but .... we have other problems than
speed of compiler.
> [...]
> > Then you can do ./configure --target=fcpu-none-none.
> Wait... it has to be `fcpu-fcpu-none'. On my system, I added `fcpu'
> as a shorthand:
ahh ok. I missed it :)
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