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Re: [f-cpu] F-CPU gcc CVS
> > But because we will need at least prefetches then complete
> > DF will be needed anyway.
> > It now take 50% of time but .... we have other problems than
> > speed of compiler.
> My main problem is that it takes so much memory that I can't compile some
> large source files any longer (e.g. fctools/emu/emu.c). More than half of
> the memory consumed is used by the DF, even with moderate optimization
> (-O -fomit-frame-pointer) or no optimization at all. IMHO, the DF phase
> should not run when -O isn't specified, and maybe only with -O2 or higher.
Ok I did 2 changes,
- reorg pass is done only with -O
- I fine grained DF flags so that it takes 1/3 of memory
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