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Re: [f-cpu] x86-64 long article
hi !
(maybe we can go to the francomoule's tribune ?)
Michael Riepe wrote:
On Fri, Jan 24, 2003 at 01:01:27AM +0100, Yann Guidon wrote:
Sounds like the return of the G-chip...
was it ever away ?
Haven't heard from it for a long time...
i don't like to speak about things that drive people crazy :-)
Or somebody found the way to multiply the number of pins
without exploding the F-Chip's cost ?...
I still prefer high-speed serial links.
we can't access this technology, or the die's price climbs.
Something that's compatible
with one of the existing serial "buses" would be even better. But...
yep, you named it.
eing compatible with Intel and other has some risks ....
Too bad that 8b/10b encoding and other good stuff are patented.
Well, i have thought for a long time about an oversampled synchronous
communication path.
But the maths behind it are too tough for me :-(
Hmm... what exactly do you have in mind? Dump your brain to my
standard input, please :)
But not in public.
It's an old idea (3 or 4 years ?)
but i want to be the first to find the solution ;-)
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