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Re: [f-cpu] Remarks to most recent (2002/07/04) snapshot
On Fri, Jul 05, 2002 at 03:00:25PM +0200, Michael Riepe wrote:
> EU_IDU (not ready yet):
> The 8-bit subtractor can be replaced with misc.Generic_Adder.CIAdd.
> The `bloc_and' entity and the tree of AND gates can probably
> be replaced with my misc.Bit_Manipulation.cascade_and function.
> Only the SIMD stuff needs to be added.
Yes, i will try to include your generic function in my code.
> Since only INC/DEC/LSB is supported, will there be a complementary
> unit for CMP/MSB?
For the moment, the INC unit perform INC/DEC/NEG operation with only one
cycle. I will add others operations support (CMP/MAX/MIN), but i don't
know if it's possible with one cycle, because the size of end-MUX.
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