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Re: RE : [f-cpu] Snapshot_jws update
--- Yann Guidon <whygee@f-cpu.org> wrote:
> seems this idea of a SW C simulator triggered
> some interest.
don't spent to mutch time on a simulator, a real
F-CPU would be a lot nicer :-)
to make sure we don't spend to much time doing the
same thing, i tried to implement all suggestions,
and reply to all questions ASAP.
i also uploaded a new snapshot_jws.
>about ncurses:
looks very useful, but i will save it till the
simulator needs more user input. (dous a simulator
need any input, apart from selecting different views?)
i now use a gnome x-terminal of +/-60 lines,
so i can see the last state as well.
i'll use it until i start on ncurses.
it was just what i needed.
thanks Thomas.
i made some changes:
-changed carriage returns from MSDOS to UNIX type
-moved jaap.txt to f-cpu/c/
-only scripts appear as executable
-added YG's register .c / .h and test_registers.c
-reordered register.h
-added flags to register_view.c
-added "print(true/false)" function
-created /c/fcpusim/ and split the files into:
toplevel.c -> link al units (i.e. simulate)
fcpusim.c -> interface, (was fcpusim_view.c)
-added getkey.c
-make more connections between units stall-able.
-add counters for IMUL and IDIV to scheduler.
-and a lot more..
and some more reply's:
>but a YG snapshot is necessary if some definitions
>must be changed.
i'm still using a YG snapshot to change definitions
i will try to add the script soon.
>i would concentrate on
> - validation of the units
> - careful design and validation of the register set
> - and then connect the units together with the Xbar.
> - then comes the decoder and the scheduler queue.
but it's more fun to do it all at once :-)
>i have remarked that you have not integrated ROP2
i (or YG?) will do it soon. connecting EU's is easy.
>I also remark that EU_INC is not capable of doing
.. as well as a lot of other things.
supporting SIMD is not on the top of my list...
i just looked at GMP, would this we useful for doing
64 / 128 / 256 bit ?
> "clocking" / reduce temporary variables..
i spotted the possibilities, and there are a lot of
other things that can improve speed, but for now i
like the "clocking" / "copying" because it's easy and
i now shift the scoreboard every cycle, how is that
for slow simulation! :-)
as soon as it is (mostly) working a will take a closer
look at speed.
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