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Re: [f-cpu] changes to C
hi !
jaap stolk wrote:
> hi,
> i uploaded a new (jws) snapshot, witch includes
> whygee's latest /c/registers/ and /c/rop2/
> i changed eu_rop2.c/.h a bit. (renamed function,
> added (and used!) two extra tmp_'s, and added some
> things to the view function.
> hope you don't mind :-)
i'm downloading the file, i'll check.
we'll make as many versions as necessary anyway :-)
> ( also note the updated ports.h in /include/ )
> at least fcpusim now compiles, try to run the
> move_test.bin, it fils a few registers using all
> kinds of bypassing, etc.
cool. Will you include your version of the assembler ?
> jaap.
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