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Re: [f-cpu] opcodes : missing m4
sorry for the slow response.
about the tmp_*'s:
i have been thinking about this, but could not
decide what would be the best. lots of flags/signals
are the same for all EU's, so it would make sence to
delay them in/after the decoder (or on the x-bar),
and then distribute then to all the EU's.
on the other hand, distributing the flags to all the
EU's across long wires (from the decoder) will take
some time, witch is a pity if there is a free cycle
before that. also some units need that cycle to
improve the fan-out of the flags ?
but anyway,
changing it back is fine, i'll just delay mode and
combine_size in the decoder.
about the stall's:
stall is declared by toplevel, if you use an EU
without the rest, then the test bench shoeld provide
the stall signal.
> when the pipeline is stalled (well, the
> decoder and the Xbar),
actually it's just the decoder (and the fetcher), we
can't stall the xbar, because we need to keep re-
loading the data in case there is a bypass.
i looked into it, and yes, it is a bit confusing.
in hardware it's easy to "stall" a unit just by not
changing it's input. in software, i have to save it's
output or re-run the unit.
to save hardware-power, you need to not-change the
inputs, to save software-power you need to
not-re-run the units.
mixing both ways doesn't seem to go
very well. :-(
please forget about stalls, and just use your original
eu_rop2.c files. i'll sort this ASAP in the simulator.
i'll let you know more soon...
and i'll look at the files you send me.
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