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[f-cpu] manual 0.2.5 quirks
I'm currently busy with something different (in case you're nosy:
symbolic verification of the F-CPU execution units) but I stopped to
have a look at the PDF version of the latest manual...
... and I still found some quirks in the instruction set part:
- Register naming is inconsistent in sub and div:
sub r3, r2, r1 => r1 = r2 - r3
div r3, r2, r1 => r1 = r3 / r2
The `sub' variant is more logical.
- The current ASU sets the `borrow' register to 1, not -1.
See vhdl/eu_asu/iadd.vhdl, line 344ff.
- The description of `subi' is wrong (registers swapped):
subi imm8, r2, r1 => r2 = r1 - imm8
In general, <op>i and <op> should be consistent. That is, the
instruction is supposed to calculate `r1 = r2 - imm8'.
- Registers swapped in `mod' description. Should read:
r1 = r2 % r3
BTW: What this instruction really computes is the *remainder* of the
division r2 / r3, *not* the modulus (this makes a difference when the
operands are signed numbers). It therefore should be called `rem',
not `mod'. Analogously, `divm' should be called `divr', or maybe
`divrem' (just like `addsub'). And while we're at it, `sort' could
have `minmax' as an alias (since that's what it does: compute the
minimum and maximum of its operands at the same time).
- The `alternate result register' is still named `r1+1' throughout the
manual. Didn't we change that to `r1^1'?
- The description if `cmpl' is missing:
r1 = r2 < r3 ? -1 : 0
- With all compare/max/sort instructions, the reference to IEEE
floating-point is misleading. Even if the instructions work with
signed integers, they will NEVER compare IEEE floats correctly.
Adding signed integer comparision, on the other hand, should not be
too hard (remember: just invert both sign bits before comparision).
- Same for cmple (except that it performs: r1 = r2 <= r3 ? -1 : 0)
- Syntax for `scmpli' and `scmplei' is wrong. Where did the immediate
operand go? The descriptions are missing, too.
- The `bitop' instruction is still listed with the bit shuffling ops,
and contains a reference to the SHL unit. We *could* make this true, but
that means we'll have to add a pipeline stage to the SHL unit (or route
the output to the ROP2 unit, which will take an extra Xbar cycle).
IIRC we decided that the function (F) is be encoded in the opcode,
and that the immediate for bitopi should be 8 bits wide. The correct
descriptions are:
bitop r3, r2, r1 => r1 = F(r2, 1 << r3)
bitopi imm8, r2, r1 => r1 = F(r2, 1 << imm8)
- The `bitrev' instruction performs:
bitrev r3, r2, r1 => r1 = reverse(r2) >> (size - r3 % size - 1)
or, if you like that better:
bitrev r3, r2, r1 => r1 = reverse(r2) >> (~r3 % size)
That is, you always get ((r3 % size) + 1) result bits.
The two-operand form (r3 = 0) makes no sense; it's essentially the
same as `andi 1, r2, r1'.
The -o suffix is unsupported unless we add a pipeline stage to the
SHL unit (or similar, see `bitop').
The SIMD variant `sbitrev' is undocumented. Is it really useless?
- The double-word shifts are missing. We currently have
dshiftl r3, r2, r1 =>
r1 = r2 << r3
r1^1 = r2 >> (size - r3) (*)
dshiftr r3, r2, r1 =>
r1 = (unsigned)r2 >> r3
r1^1 = r2 << (size - r3) (*)
dshiftra r3, r2, r1 =>
r1 = (signed)r2 >> r3
r1^1 = r2 << (size - r3) (*)
dbitrev r3, r2, r1 =>
r1 = reverse(r2) >> (size - r3 % size - 1)
r1^1 = reverse(r2) << (r3 % size + 1) (*)
(immediate and SIMD versions also available).
(*) result will be zero if the shift count equals the chunk size.
- The sshift*/srot*/sbitrev ops are available in `full-SIMD' and
`half-SIMD' modes. The latter performs an implicit `sdup' on the shift
count. The manual should state which is which (and also mention the
other variant if we're going to support it).
- In the drawings for mix/expand, it's still not clear whether `source #1'
is r2 and `source #2' is r3, or vice versa. I suggest that the least
significant chunk of the result should always come from r2 (that is,
source #1 is r2 and source #2 is r3).
- In the description of the logic operators, the registers are named
inconsistently with the rest of the manual (r3 is destination).
F is be encoded in the opcode in 3-bit form, and the immediate for
`logici' is 8 bits wide (see `bitop' above). It's still not clear which
operand is inverted when `andn' or `orn' is performed (I suggest r3,
for symmetry). And finally: there is no `not' instruction.
- Floating-point compare is completely broken. With IEEE floats, two
numbers can be less, equal or greater with respect to each other,
but they can also be *unordered* (if one or both of them is NaN).
To make things even more complicated, +0.0 and -0.0 compare equal,
although they have different representations, while NaNs *never*
compare equal even if their representations are identical.
- `fdiv' calculates r1 = r2 / r3, NOT r1 = r3 / r2.
- `fsqrt' has only two operands: r1 = fsqrt(r2).
- `flog'/`fexp' still have three-operand form which requires you to
preload the logarithm's base into r3. If we *really* need three-operand
forms, they should calculate something like
r1 = log2(r2) / r3
r1 = exp2(r2 * r3)
with two-operand forms that implicitly set r3 to 1.0. If you set r3 to
log2(n), you'll get log<n>(x) and <n>**x (for n > 0.0) without making
the implementation of log() and exp() more complex than necessary.
- `faddsub' is supposed to calculate r2 + r3 and r2 - r3 (NOT r3 - r2).
- `move r0, r0' is no longer an alias for `nop'. There is a real `nop'
instruction (opcode 0) now, and `move' has a different opcode.
The textual description claims that `r2 is copied to r3', but the
target is r1.
- While I suggested that `loadcons imm, r1' should be an assembler
shortcut for a sequence of `loadcons.n imm16, r1' instructions, I didn't
mean that the constant to load *must* be 64 bits wide. If it's only
32 bits wide, the assembler might use a shorter instruction sequence
(e.g. a loadcons followed by a loadconsx). The difference between
`loadcons imm, r1' and `loadconsx imm, r1' should be that the assembler
sign-extends the constant in the latter case.
Michael "Tired" Riepe <Michael.Riepe@stud.uni-hannover.de>
"All I wanna do is have a little fun before I die"
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