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Rep:Re: [f-cpu] There's something going wrong here...
- To: <f-cpu@seul.org>
- Subject: Rep:Re: [f-cpu] There's something going wrong here...
- From: "Nicolas Boulay" <nicolas.boulay@ifrance.com>
- Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 11:46:54 GMT
- Delivered-To: archiver@seul.org
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- Delivery-Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 07:47:04 -0400
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Globaly, you say the same thing !
CVS are supposed to be used read only with a maintainer for each part.
So Michael wrote this unit inlocal, when he is satisfied it upload it to
th CVS, that's all.
Cedric could do the same or not !
It's easier to use CVS for downloading changes.
Why using tuxfamily AND seul.org, because tuxfamily propose easy tools
to create CVS and it's possible to run php code. To do that on seul.org,
we should personnaly ask to the owner. If Cedric is in charge of that,
it could chose it's prefered site.
seul.org is nice for the personnal account and quick download.
-----Message d'origine-----
De: "Christophe" <christophe.avoinne@laposte.net>
A: <f-cpu@seul.org>
Date: 13/06/02
Objet: Re: [f-cpu] There's something going wrong here...
> This happened exactly because the F-CPU site moved too often. How many
> shiny new toys^H^H^H^Hwebsites did we have, three? Four? Now you're
> preparing the next move, and we'll leave yet another dead site behind.
> That's not an improvement, it only makes things worse. You'd better
> to work with what's there (that is, seul.org) instead of moving again.
> Seul.org is the official F-CPU site. It's not broken, it's not dead,
> so why should we replace it? There's absolutely no reason for a move.
Grrr, I'm not the one who wants to move anything to another sites !!!! I
only asking for a true official and frequently updated homepage and
repositary. That's all. I don't care where they could be so long time as
are easily accessed and maintainable in one spot.
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