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Re: [f-cpu] Status quo
I wanted to let some time pass before I give my opinion on the project
as well. Those that are able to contribute code should always have the
first say!
I know that the only way to really help an open source project is by
contributing working code. Unfortunately I can't do that - at least I
got that impression when reading my work contract(*) - but I will keep
an eye on the project since my belief that the world needs a high
performance open and free CPU has only grown over the past decade.
One way to avoid too many discussions is to close part of the project
and only work on implementation there to get it done.
All new, fancy, clever and cool ideas get pooled and evaluated for the
That way more than one generation can be in flight at the same time
without the clever ideas postponing the implementation indefinitely.
>Which leads me to one proposal: to improve the SNR of the discussions
>and reduce the disappointment of people suggesting ideas, let's invent
>a simple rule: suggest only things that *you can implement now*. Which
>usually means - think twice before giving ideas, because you could be
>the one leading their implementation.
I second that for the part that is involved in implementation.
Nonetheless there should be a way to discuss and examine *future* ideas
as well. They need time to mature. It even could be a separate list if
we want to avoid confusion.
Just my 2cents,
(*) I worked the last few years as a hardware designer on 5GHz+
mainframe CPUs
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