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Re: [f-cpu] CVS for F-CPU created

hi !

Andreas Romeyke wrote:
> Hello,
> > can you make "snapshots" of the CVS database and upload them
> > on a ftp account ?
> I want to make a weekly/monthly snapshot, coming soon...

i am a real beginner with CVS. However it would be a "cool"
functionality if CVSWEB would make a full distro based on the HEAD tag
for example. This would spare a lot of efforts.

i remember you that you can upload files through anonymous ftp
at seul.org. these files are visible on the web at f-cpu.seul.org/new
or something like that.

maybe we can crontab an archiver ?
(i've tasted crontab for the first time
this week and i don't know why i didn't use it before :-D)

> Bye Andreas
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