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Re: [f-cpu] Shifter, like during the good old days ;p
Michael Riepe wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 04, 2001 at 12:26:55AM +0100, Yann Guidon wrote:
> [...]
> > > > Here's another version of the shifter. It now uses a 6-stage omega
> > > > network (in fact, a *reversed* omega network) for bitwise operations.
> > i don't understand what this means.
> > is a drawing available ?
> I can also render you a small MPEG movie ;)
theold good PNG+HTML way are enough, i think, unless you have
something really complex :-)
> [...]
> > i'd like to see a "textual" architectural description.
> > The choice of an omega network looks curious to me.
> Didn't you suggest that a while ago?
I have analysed it a bit but the "routing" algorithm
doesn't seem straightforward...
I preferred to investigate networks that allow better signal
integrity on the wire. Think about it : Omega network stages
have 2 wires that cross 1/2 of the shift circuit. This means
that every stage adds a "worst case" latency (concerning the timing).
I tried to find a simpler network where each stage is regular,
even if the stages are not like each others.
> [...]
> > btw, i'm currently trying to (re)write some C code using the Xlib.
> > i search a way to bypass the window manager when the user enters
> > ALT + mouse button/drag ...
> You mean, you want the events delivered to your client no matter where
> the pointer is, until the button is released? Use XGrabPointer().
i figured it out tonight. i d/l the docs for X11R6.6 while reading some
online docs. however i still have to code it.
> On Sun, Nov 04, 2001 at 04:43:40AM +0100, I wrote:
> [...]
> > You mean, you want the events delivered to your client no matter where
> > the pointer is, until the button is released? Use XGrabPointer().
> Umh... sorry, 'twas late. XGrabButton() was the function I meant
> (so-called "passive grab").
probably but i think that XGrabPointer() does the trick because i
want to use all 3 buttons.
i would like to rewrite the GNL interface (in Xlib) in a much cleaner way.
so i also borrowed some books from the library in Jussieu : that's
probably the only cool thing when you're a student ;-)
> Michael "Tired" Riepe <Michael.Riepe@stud.uni-hannover.de>
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