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Re: ll/sc (was Re: Re: Re: [f-cpu] F-CPU project and Debian)

> ll r1,r2,r3 :
>     what the purpose of storing a status in r3 ? which status ? is there
> any reasons to have it ? several "ll"s without "sc" don't harm at all, so
> what's its purpose ? just a addinational way to know if several "people"
> try to access the same memory, so we can have a different behavior if a
> previous "ll" on the same address has been set ? like a conditional load as
> spoken in one pdf about non-blocking syncs ?

I am currently adding this instruction to the manual and it still not clear 
what r3 mean. If somebody can explain it so that I can add it to the manual.

> sc r1,r2,r3 :
>     "checking the value of r2" ? what does that mean ? what you only need
> is to check the nodirty flag is still set when "sc" is executed so that r2
> may be stored at address r1. r3 should just tell us whether the nodirty
> flag was set or not, that is, if r2 is stored.
>     But your example looks correct, so I think it is just the way you
> explain which is disturbing, not the example :).

I think that I will include it the manual.


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