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[freehaven-cvs] r1780: Updated the Pynchon spec to include the Byzantine server det (doc/trunk/pynchon-gate)

Author: rabbi
Date: 2007-04-24 08:47:49 -0400 (Tue, 24 Apr 2007)
New Revision: 1780

Updated the Pynchon spec to include the Byzantine server detection scheme 
I came up with. Asked some questions we need to answer.

Modified: doc/trunk/pynchon-gate/llncs.cls
--- doc/trunk/pynchon-gate/llncs.cls	2007-04-18 19:44:53 UTC (rev 1779)
+++ doc/trunk/pynchon-gate/llncs.cls	2007-04-24 12:47:49 UTC (rev 1780)
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Modified: doc/trunk/pynchon-gate/pynchon-spec.txt
--- doc/trunk/pynchon-gate/pynchon-spec.txt	2007-04-18 19:44:53 UTC (rev 1779)
+++ doc/trunk/pynchon-gate/pynchon-spec.txt	2007-04-24 12:47:49 UTC (rev 1780)
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
                   Pynchon Gate Protocol Draft Specification
-                       (Spec draft by Nick Mathewson;
-               original design by Bram Cohen and Len Sassaman)
+                 (Spec draft by Nick Mathewson with 
+                  contributions from Len Sassaman;
+            original design by Bram Cohen and Len Sassaman)
@@ -505,6 +506,8 @@
    [XXXX Say something about TLS sessions.]
+   [XXXX Do we want to do away with SHORT_PIR_REQUESTS?]
    The PIR message format is as follows:
        TYPE   [1 octet]
@@ -562,9 +565,10 @@
       1.  The first message MUST be sent by the client, and must be a VERSION
           message listing all the protocol versions that the client
-          understands.  (Currently, the only known version is 0.)  The server
-          MUST reply with a VERSION message choosing a single one of those
-          versions, or with an ERROR message (code 'BAD_VERSION').
+          understands.  (Currently, the only known version is 0.XXXXX)  
+          The server MUST reply with a VERSION message choosing a single
+          one of those versions, or with an ERROR message (code
+          'BAD_VERSION').
           Once the client receives the VERSION message from the server, it
           then sends one or more messages to the server.  The server replies
@@ -648,22 +652,33 @@
 4.2. Retrieving a bucket
    To download a specific bucket B from cycle CYC of nymserver NYMID, clients
-   should behave as follows:
+   should behave as follows: XXXX
       1. Connect to K chosen distributors and negotiate protocol versions, if
          not already connected.
-      2. Generate K-1 random seeds SEED[1..K-1].
-      3. Let MASK = SEED[1] XOR SEED[2] ... XOR SEED[K-1]
+      2. Generate 2 sets of K-1 random seeds ALPHA_SEED[1..K-1], 
+         ETA_SEED[1..K-1].
       4. Flip the B'th bit of MASK.
-      5. Permute the chosen distributors into a randomly selected order.
+      5. Generate ETA_MASK as a random string of bitlength idential to 
+         MASK.
+      6. Permute the chosen distributors into a randomly selected order.
          Send the first K-1 distributors SHORT_PIR_REQUEST messages, each
-         with a different one of the K-1 elements of SEED
+         with a different one of the K-1 elements of both ALPHA_SEED and 
+         ETA_SEED, randomizing the which set's element is chosen to be sent
+         first..
-         Send the last distributor a LONG_PIR_REQUEST message with MASK.
+         Send the last distributor a LONG_PIR_REQUEST message with MASK for
+	 both sets, randomizing which set's MASK is sent first.
-      6. Compute the XOR of the responses.  This is the value of the bucket.
+      7. Cache the values of each element of ETA_SET and the corresponding
+         distributor to which it was sent. 
+      8. Compute the XOR of the ALPHA_SET responses.  This is the value of 
+         the bucket. If this fails, see the section on Byzantine server 
+         detection (Section 4.4).
 4.3. Retrieving a cycle's worth of messages.
    To download _all_ of its messages for a given cycle CYC of nymserver
@@ -704,13 +719,40 @@
       8. Unpack the messages in the bucket.
-   If a client retrieves a bucket with an in-correct hash, it must have
-   received an incorrect PIR response from at least one distributer.  The
-   client then re-downloads the offending bucket, as follows:
+//   If a client retrieves a bucket with an in-correct hash, it must have
+//   received an incorrect PIR response from at least one distributer.  The
+//   client then re-downloads the offending bucket, as follows:
        {XXXX how exactly do we reattempt a bucket?  Is it better to try a
         completely different set of servers?  Or to try replacing a just a
         couple of the distributors in the current PIR set?}
+       {XXXX Do the Byzantine detection, and correct for it. However, I think
+        that round is a wash, and you should either punt to the next one,
+        or re-download with a new set of servers, minus the Byzantine ones.
+        Thoughts? --LS.}
+4.4. Byzantine server detection.
+   {XXXX We need to introduce the validator in the architecture section.}
+   If a client retrieves a bucket with an incorrect hash, it must have
+   received an incorrect PIR response from at least one distributor. The
+   client can then attempt to identify which distributor or distributors
+   provided the incorrect response as follows:
+     1. Connect to the validator.
+     2. Submit ETA_SEED[1..K-1] and ETA_MASK. 
+     3. Compare the results from the validator with the previously cached 
+        distributor responses for the elements of ETA_SET. If mis-matched, 
+        flag the offending distributor(s) as having returned invalid 
+        responses.
+     [XXXX 4. Add the Byzantine distributor to a list of servers never to
+      use? After some number of repeat offenses? Should we send it random
+      junk instead of an ALPHA_SET? What about notification to the system
+      as a whole? --LS.]
+     [What about performance issues on the validator? --LS.]
 5. Account administration
    {XXXX Write me.  Clients need a way to set preferences, create accounts,

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