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Freehaven CVS Commit

dmolnar   Tue Jun 20 18:02:03 EDT 2000

Update of /home/freehaven/cvsroot/doc/workshop
In directory belegost.mit.edu:/extra/home/dmolnar/doc/workshop

Modified Files:
Log Message:

It's now down to 17 pages, but it's going to go back up -- the Eternity 
USENET section isn't in there, and the discussion of trading and 
accountability needs to be summarized.

I decided that the entire discussion around the "Haven Module" and "Comm
Module" and so on can be cut. If we are just presenting our design, then
the layout of the code on a particular server doesn't matter that much. 

In particular, this means that the anonymous channel section comes to two
paragraphs and change. It also nukes one of the figures showing the 
layout of a Free Haven server. 

The anonymity section needs to include a part on how strict we are about
anonymity, and another part on "picking the document first vs. picking the
author first," as in the recent Eternity USENET discussion on freehaven-discuss.

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