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[freehaven-dev] Re: tractable DL paper
Some time ago I e-mailed this fellow asking about his "Delegation Logic."
Here's the response I received; it may be of interest. Brian, are you
interested in e-mailing him about what our trust module does? It may be
that there's some cute trick or two he knows about which would be
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2000 21:31:22 -0400 (EDT)
From: Ninghui Li <ninghui@cs.nyu.edu>
To: dmolnar@hcs.harvard.edu
Subject: Re: tractable DL paper (fwd)
The attached file is the paper to appear in Oakland conference.
I also got your email asking about implementation of DL. I am very
sorry for this very late reply. I was completely buried with paper
writing and implementing new version of DL the last couple of months.
The main feature of DL's delegation is integer and infinite
delegation-depth and complex principal structures as delegatees.
Many applications do not need all this expressive power; a somewhat
limited version should suffice.
You mentioned a project to build an Eternity service and said that you
were trying to formulate policies about questions like "will I trust
server X to store my file F for time T ?" and "is this request to do
operation O on file F a good request?" I would like to hear more about
your project. Such queries can be easily formulated in DL or other Logic
Programming languages. The more important issue is what kind of
information is going to be used in making this decision and how to
represent and reason with this information.
I have an implementation of Delegation Logic that is written in XSB,
a Prolog variant developed at SUNY - Stony Brook. I've also experimented
with a Interprolog, a Java-XSB interface program. I don't know whether
a Prolog implementation is acceptable to your project.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 03:07:22 -0500 (EST)
From: dmolnar <dmolnar@hcs.harvard.edu>
To: Joan Feigenbaum <jf@research.att.com>
Cc: ninghui@cs.nyu.edu
Subject: Re: tractable DL paper
Ninghui, Joan,
Thank you very much for your response! I had been looking for
access control models with explicit / formal treatments of delegation a
few months ago, but had not found anything really satisfactory. So I am
very happy to hear about your paper and look forward to reading it.
Thanks much,
-David Molnar
On Sun, 16 Jan 2000, Joan Feigenbaum wrote:
> Hello, David. This paper is about delegation of trust, for
> system-security purposes as well as business and other purposes.
> It is part of the PhD thesis work of my student Ninghui Li at
> NYU. He is developing a logic-based "trust-management system,"
> for expressing security policies and credentials and for
> determining whether requested actions comply with policies.
> Ninghui, Benjamin Grosof (at IBM), and I are currently putting together
> a conference version of this paper. It will be posted on my web page as
> soon as it's finished; in the meantime, I am cc'ing this message to Ninghui
> so that he will know to send you a copy once it's in a stable state.
> Regards,
> Joan
> >From dmolnar@hcs.harvard.edu Wed Jan 12 18:31:59 2000
> Return-Path: <dmolnar@hcs.harvard.edu>
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> Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 18:31:58 -0500 (EST)
> From: dmolnar <dmolnar@hcs.harvard.edu>
> To: jf@research.att.com
> Subject: Practical Delegation Logic paper available?
> Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.4.05.10001121829410.14635-100000@hcs.harvard.edu>
> MIME-Version: 1.0
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> Hi,
> I noticed that you have a paper on a "tractable and practical delegation
> logic" listed on your page.
> Is this delegation in the sense of delegating computation to many
> not-particularly-trusted third parties over a network, or delegation in
> the system security sense?
> Would it be possible to have a copy of the paper at some point?
> Thanks much,
> -David Molnar