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[freehaven-dev] Meeting Sunday 2pm

So here are the people working on this right now:

Me: you know me.
Brian Sniffen: more qualitative than quantitative. Senior. Wants to do an AUP
  re: trust networks.
David Molnar: sophomore (?) at Harvard. Is very mathematically oriented,
  has the tendency to read a huge number of mailing lists and papers. Knows
  some stuff about mixnets.
Gerald Britton: junior. Has extensive experience with software development.
  Hand him some specs, he'll show up with some code.
Michael Freedman: junior. Knows quite a bit about java, wants to help do
  something cool.
Todd Kamin: Wants to do an AUP. Seems at least somewhat mathematically
  oriented, I haven't met him yet.

We're going to meet on Sunday at 2pm to discuss how this is actually going
to work, get to know each other, etc. (I think Mike might still be out of
town by then. I guess we'll see.)
Meet in 10-280 (or outside it if it's full).
Bring your friends and neighbors (and their friends) if you think they might
be interested.
