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[freehaven-dev] modelling mix resistance to attacks

I noticed these two papers on the list of SIRENE publications. They aren't
linked from that page, but may be someplace else. 

FGJP2_98 Elke Franz, Andreas Graubner, Anja Jerichow, Andreas Pfitzmann:
Modelling mix-mediated anonymous communication and preventing pool-mode
attacks; Global IT Security, Proc. of IFIP/SEC'98, 14th Intern.
Information Security Conference, Schriftenreihe der sterreichischen
Computer Gesellschaft, Band 116, 554-560.

FGJP_98 Elke Franz, Andreas Graubner, Anja Jerichow, Andreas Pfitzmann:
Comparison of commitment schemes used in mix-mediated anonymous
communication for preventing pool-mode attack; 3rd Australasian Conference
on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP'98), LNCS 1438,
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg 1998, 111-122.