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gEDA-bug: gschem fails to find system-gafrc file

Full_Name: Priit Laes
Version: 20050313
OS: Gentoo
Submission from: (NULL) (

I compiled the gschem from sources and used prefixed install. 
./configure --prefix=/home/amd/opt

Now gschem fails because it searches system wide "gschemrc" file from wrong

From log file:
Did not find required system-gafrc file [/usr/share/gEDA]    <--- BUG ??
Did not find optional ~/.gEDA/gafrc file [/home/amd/.gEDA]
Did not find optional local gafrc file [/home/amd/opt/bin/gafrc]
Did not find required system-gschemrc file [/usr/share/gEDA] <--- BUG??
Did not find optional ~/.gEDA/gschemrc file [/home/amd/.gEDA]
Did not find optional local gschemrc file [/home/amd/opt/bin/gschemrc]
Could not find any gschemrc file!