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gEDA-bug: [ geda-Bugs-2836749 ] Pre-built HTML man pages aren't installed without groff.

Bugs item #2836749, was opened at 2009-08-13 08:09
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by peter-b
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Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 2
Private: No
Submitted By: Peter Brett (peter-b)
Assigned to: Peter Brett (peter-b)
Summary: Pre-built HTML man pages aren't installed without groff.

Initial Comment:
We distribute HTML versions of man pages, but we don't keep them in the repository. This means that, if building from git, groff is *required* in order to 'make dist' successfully.

However, a downstream user who hasn't edited the man pages should be able to install the HTML versions without having groff. At the moment, if groff isn't present the HTML man pages aren't installed, even if groff isn't actually needed.

OTOH, is arguable whether it's actually necessary to install/distribute HTML man pages any more -- just about every modern system has a way to view manpages as HTML directly (e.g. by visiting 'man:gnetlist' in Konqueror). Dropping the HTML man pages would have the advantage of removing a tool from build-time dependencies.


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