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gEDA-bug: gmanager feature request

Full_Name: Daniel Hornung
Version: 20040111
OS: x86 Linux (Gentoo)
Submission from: (NULL) (

One feature I'm missing is the use of the spice-sdb backend of gnetlist in
gEDA/gManager, i.e. a menu entry which actually does

gnetlist -g spice-sdb ....

  instead of

gnetlist -g spice ....

Maybe I'll post a small patch for the tools.c file. (I haven't read all the
code, but it seems to me at a first glance, that this is the only place which
needs to be adjusted.)

The advantage of spice-sdb is that it makes use of schematic attributes like
"file" (to reference an external model or subcircuits). See also the howto at