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gEDA-bug: Selection bug with new multiattrib widget
Full_Name: Stuart Brorson
Version: CVS (20050225)
OS: FC 1 and FC2
Submission from: (NULL) (
I was playing around with the multiattrib editor widget again this
morning. I *do* like the way it looks and feels. However, it
displays a bug on both my systems. The bug is this:
1. Open an existing schematic & double click on a component.
2. The dialog box opens up. Play with it (or not). Then close it.
3. Bug -> Upon closing, a rubber band is formed between the selected
component and the cursor's current position. The only way to
clear the rubber band is to hit the right mouse button, or hit
I am less than familiar with the way that selection works in gEDA, so
I am at a loss about what might be a problem here. Any ideas? It
would be nice to fix this before the official release. If somebody
has a hint I can take a look at it myself . . . . .
BTW: I see this bug on two systems, one running FC1 and one running