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Re: gEDA-bug: error installing with make xinstall

Hi Steve,

>I was unable to install with make install as detailed in the release
>notes and so I am reporting the error as requested.


>I tried to install twice and am sending the error report of the second
>attempt. the install fails with ### ERROR ! gSchem utilities cannot not
>be installed.
>Please find the error log attached.=20

	Great.  Thanks for the log file.  Something has gone terribly 
wrong since the log shows that it is trying to build libgeda without
building the prereq's first.  This is pretty odd behavior since on my
box it does things right.

>I look forward to your advice.

	I would recommend for now building gEDA/gaf the manual way,
by running the usual ./configure ; make ; make install in each of
the packages (libgdgeda, libgeda, symbols, gschem, gnetlist ...).

Please see the README in libgeda/ for more info on how to build the
manual way.  Also, the release notes include info on the manual way
of installing gEDA/gaf.  
