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gEDA-bug: gschem/gsymupdate bugs

Full_Name: Mark Whitis
Version: 20040111
OS: linux  redhat 8.0
Submission from: (NULL) (

When I run gschem and load a schematic I created, I get lots of bogus errors
outdated symbol files.   Every single symbol file used carries the version
"v 20021103".    gsymupdate fails to create the backup files.  It turns out this
is because the install trashed the permersions on /usr/share/gEDA/sym/local
making it
only writable by root even though I had set the permissions properly.   When I
at the source of the script, I see that it says it needs to be run only on files
which are older than mine and that it just changes pin# and slot# attirbutes.  
Actually, it does make minor changes to the file nonetheless:
  - it changes the version number and adds a "1" after it.
  - it adds a "1" to the end of each "T" attribute.
  - the documentation at the head of gsymupdate is wrong about what it does
  - the program should not trash the permissions of /usr/share/gEDA/sym/local/