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gEDA-bug: Footprint not editable

Full_Name: Mark Whitis
Version: 20040111
OS: linux  redhat 8.0
Submission from: (NULL) (

The footprint attribute should be editable, just like the refdes and device
Otherwise, you end up with avogadros number of variations of library symbols for
footprint.   Far better to have one 7400 with a footprint of DIP14 and let the
edit it to 14-TSSOP, 14-SOP, 14-SOIC, 14-TVSOP, etc.

It would actually be good to have a "footprints=DIP14, 14-SOP, 14-SOIC,
14-TVSOP", etc.
that could be used to present a menu of alternate footprints but the user should
be able to enter a choice that is not on the menu.