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gEDA-cvs: CVS update: tragesym

  User: cnieves 
  Date: 05/04/16 06:12:44

  Modified:    .        tragesym
  Changed the way tragesym draws the symbol so there is no need to translate it to the origin.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.4       +187 -106  eda/geda/devel/utils/scripts/tragesym
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: tragesym
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/devel/utils/scripts/tragesym,v
  retrieving revision 1.3
  retrieving revision 1.4
  diff -u -b -r1.3 -r1.4
  --- tragesym	14 Nov 2004 18:08:23 -0000	1.3
  +++ tragesym	16 Apr 2005 10:12:44 -0000	1.4
  @@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
   # - swap words of the pinlabels
   # - negation lines if label is in "_","\" is for escape
   # - rotate top and bottom pinlabels if wished
  +# - if the symbol's width specified is 0, then tragesym calculates the
  +#   symbol width based on the greater number of pins at the top or at the
  +#   bottom of the symbol
   # TODO:
   # - make a nicer comandline interface including stdin /stdout
  @@ -29,7 +32,7 @@
   import sys, string
   ##################### GLOBALS ############################################
  @@ -38,6 +41,7 @@
  +         ,"pinwidthvertical":"400"
   pre_attr=["version", "name", "device", "refdes", "footprint", "numslots", "slot",
             "slotdef","description", "comment", "author", "documentation"]
  @@ -157,6 +161,14 @@
   def checkpins(pinlist):
       for pin in pinlist:
  +    	if (pin[P_STYLE]=="spacer"):
  +	    if (pin[P_POS] == ""):
  +		print "There must be a position with a spacer.\n"
  +		sys.exit()
  +	    if pin[P_POS] not in poslist:
  +		print "Position is not allowed: \n", pin
  +		sys.exit()
  +    	    continue
               if pin[P_STYLE] != "none":
  @@ -244,114 +256,86 @@
   def writesym(filename,options,attr,pins):
  +    # If pinwidthvertikal was defined, use it, else use pinwidthvertical
  +    # This keeps compatibility with older versions, while fixing the spell
  +    # bug
  +    if options["pinwidthvertikal"] != pre_options["pinwidthvertikal"]:
  +    else:
  +	o_vdist=string.atoi(options["pinwidthvertical"])
       pinlength = 300
  -    topleftx, toplefty = 50000, 30000  ## top left of the box
  -    textx, texty= topleftx , toplefty + 50
  -    urefx, urefy= topleftx + o_symwidth, toplefty + 100
  -    prightx, prighty= topleftx + pinlength + o_symwidth, toplefty - o_vdist
  -    pleftx, plefty= topleftx - pinlength, toplefty - o_vdist
  -    ptopx, ptopy= topleftx + o_symwidth + 1000, toplefty + pinlength
  -    pbottomx, pbottomy= topleftx + o_symwidth + 1000, toplefty - 2000 
  +### Count the number of pins in each side
  +    numpleft=0
  +    numpright=0
  +    numpbottom=0
  +    numptop = 0
  +    for pin in pins:
  +    	if pin[P_POS] == "l": # left pin
  +    		numpleft=numpleft+1
  +    	elif pin[P_POS] == "r": #right pin
  +    		numpright=numpright+1
  +    	elif pin[P_POS] == "b": #right pin
  +    		numpbottom=numpbottom+1
  +    	elif pin[P_POS] == "t": #right pin
  +    		numptop=numptop+1
  +    # If there are pins on the top, then o_vdist should be 500 at least
  +    if ( (numptop > 0) and (o_vdist < 500) ):
  +	o_vdist = 500
  +    # Calculate the position of the pins in the left and right side.    
  +    plefty, prighty = 0, 0
  +    if numpleft >  numpright:
  +        plefty=plefty+(numpleft-1)*o_vdist
  +        prighty = plefty
  +    else :
  +        prighty=prighty+(numpright-1)*o_vdist
  +        plefty = prighty
  +    # Calculate the bottom left of the box
  +    bottomleftx, bottomlefty = pinlength + 100, 100  ## bottom left of the box
  +    if numpbottom > 0:
  +	bottomlefty += pinlength
  +    # Calculate the minimum symwidth and increase it if necessary
  +    if numpbottom > numptop:
  +	calculated_symwidth=(numpbottom-1)*o_hdist+2*o_hdist
  +    else:
  +	calculated_symwidth=(numptop-1)*o_hdist+2*o_hdist
  +    if o_symwidth == 0:
  +	o_symwidth = calculated_symwidth
  +    # Calculate the symbol's high
  +    if numpleft < numpright:
  +        high=(numpright+1)*o_vdist 
  +    else:
  +        high=(numpleft+1)*o_vdist 
  +    topy = bottomlefty + high
  +    # Calculate the position of several items.
  +    prightx, prighty= bottomleftx + pinlength + o_symwidth, prighty + bottomlefty + o_vdist
  +    pleftx, plefty= bottomleftx - pinlength, plefty + bottomlefty + o_vdist
  +    ptopx, ptopy= bottomleftx + o_hdist, bottomlefty + high + pinlength
  +    pbottomx, pbottomy = bottomleftx + o_hdist, bottomlefty - pinlength   
       f = open(filename, "w")
  -    texty_basis=texty
  +### Draw the symbol version
       if attr.has_key(("version",1)):
  -        f.write("v " + value + "\n")
  +        f.write("v " + value + " 1\n")
           print "version attribut missing"
  -    if attr.has_key(("refdes",1)):
  -        value=attr[("refdes",1)]
  -        f.write("T %i"% urefx +" %i"% urefy +" 8 10 1 1 0 6 1\n")
  -        f.write("refdes=" + value + "\n")
  -    else:
  -        print "refdes attribut missing"
  -    if attr.has_key(("name",1)):
  -        value=attr[("name",1)]
  -        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 9 10 1 0 0 0 1\n")
  -        f.write(value + "\n")
  -        texty=texty+200
  -    else:
  -        print "name attribut missing"
  -    if attr.has_key(("device",1)):
  -        value=attr[("device",1)]
  -        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  -        f.write("device=" + value + "\n")
  -        texty=texty+200
  -    else:
  -        print "device attribut missing"
  -    if attr.has_key(("footprint",1)):
  -        value=attr[("footprint",1)]
  -        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  -        f.write("footprint=" + value + "\n")
  -        texty=texty+200
  -    else:
  -        print "footprint attribut missing"
  -    if attr.has_key(("author",1)):
  -        value=attr[("author",1)]
  -        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  -        f.write("author=" + value + "\n")
  -        texty=texty+200
  -    else:
  -        print "author attribut missing"
  -    if attr.has_key(("documentation",1)):
  -        value=attr[("documentation",1)]
  -        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  -        f.write("documentation=" + value + "\n")
  -        texty=texty+200
  -    else:
  -        print "documentation attribut missing"
  -    if attr.has_key(("description",1)):
  -        value=attr[("description",1)]
  -        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  -        f.write("description=" + value + "\n")
  -        texty=texty+200
  -    else:
  -        print "description attribut missing"
  -    if attr.has_key(("numslots",1)):
  -        value=attr[("numslots",1)]
  -        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  -        f.write("numslots=" + value + "\n")
  -        texty=texty+200
  -    else:
  -        print "numslots attribut missing"
  -    if attr.has_key(("slot",1)):
  -        value=attr[("slot",1)]
  -        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  -        f.write("slot=" + value + "\n")
  -        texty=texty+200
  -    i = 1
  -    while attr.has_key(("slotdef",i)):
  -        value=attr[("slotdef",i)]
  -        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  -        f.write("slotdef=" + value + "\n")
  -        texty=texty+200
  -        i = i + 1
  -    i = 1
  -    while attr.has_key(("comment",i)):
  -        value=attr[("comment",i)]
  -        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  -        f.write("comment=" + value + "\n")
  -        texty=texty+200
  -        i = i + 1
  -    nets={}
  -    for pin in pins:
  -        if pin[P_STYLE] == "none":
  -            if not nets.has_key(pin[P_NET]):
  -                nets[pin[P_NET]] = pin[P_NR]
  -            else:
  -                nets[pin[P_NET]] = nets[pin[P_NET]] + ","+ pin[P_NR]
  -    for key,value in nets.items():
  -        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  -        f.write("net=" + key + ":" + value + "\n")
  -        texty=texty+200
       if o_sort == "yes":
  @@ -416,6 +400,8 @@
               ptopx=ptopx + o_hdist
  +        if (pin[P_STYLE]=="spacer"):
  +            continue
   ### draw the pin
           if (pin[P_STYLE]=="dot" or  #short pin and dot?
  @@ -430,12 +416,16 @@
           pintx, pinty, pinta, pintr=pint
  +        if pin[P_POS] == "t": # top pin
  +	    y += 50
           f.write("T %i"%x+" %i"%y+" 5 8 1 1 %i"%pintr+" %i 1\n"%pinta)
   ### draw pinseq
           pintx, pinty, pinta, pintr=pinq
  +        if pin[P_POS] == "t": # top pin
  +	    y += 50
           f.write("T %i"%x+" %i"%y+" 5 8 0 1 %i"%pintr+" %i 1\n"%pinta)
   ### draw pinlabel and pintype
  @@ -491,14 +481,105 @@
               f.write("L %i"%x1+" %i"%y1+" %i"%x2+" %i"%y2 + " 3 0 0 0 -1 -1\n")
               f.write("L %i"%x1+" %i"%y1+" %i"%x3+" %i"%y3 + " 3 0 0 0 -1 -1\n")
   ### draw a box 
  -    width=o_symwidth
  -    if plefty < prighty:
  -        high=toplefty - plefty 
  -    else:
  -        high=toplefty - prighty
  -    bottomy = toplefty - high
  -    f.write("B %i"%topleftx+" %i"%bottomy+" %i"%width+" %i"%high+
  +    f.write("B %i"%bottomleftx+" %i"%bottomlefty+" %i"%o_symwidth+" %i"%high+
               " 3 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1\n")
  +### draw the attributes
  +    urefx, urefy = bottomleftx+o_symwidth, bottomlefty + high + 100
  +    namex, namey = bottomleftx, bottomlefty+high+100
  +    textx = namex
  +    texty = namey + 200
  +    if numptop > 0:
  + 	texty += 100
  +    if attr.has_key(("refdes",1)):
  +        value=attr[("refdes",1)]
  +        f.write("T %i"% urefx +" %i"% urefy +" 8 10 1 1 0 6 1\n")
  +        f.write("refdes=" + value + "\n")
  +    else:
  +        print "refdes attribut missing"
  +    if attr.has_key(("name",1)):
  +        value=attr[("name",1)]
  +        f.write("T %i" %namex + " %i"% namey + " 9 10 1 0 0 0 1\n")
  +        f.write(value + "\n")
  +    else:
  +        print "name attribut missing"
  +    if attr.has_key(("device",1)):
  +        value=attr[("device",1)]
  +        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  +        f.write("device=" + value + "\n")
  +        texty=texty+200
  +    else:
  +        print "device attribut missing"
  +    if attr.has_key(("footprint",1)):
  +        value=attr[("footprint",1)]
  +        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  +        f.write("footprint=" + value + "\n")
  +        texty=texty+200
  +    else:
  +        print "footprint attribut missing"
  +    if attr.has_key(("author",1)):
  +        value=attr[("author",1)]
  +        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  +        f.write("author=" + value + "\n")
  +        texty=texty+200
  +    else:
  +        print "author attribut missing"
  +    if attr.has_key(("documentation",1)):
  +        value=attr[("documentation",1)]
  +        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  +        f.write("documentation=" + value + "\n")
  +        texty=texty+200
  +    else:
  +        print "documentation attribut missing"
  +    if attr.has_key(("description",1)):
  +        value=attr[("description",1)]
  +        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  +        f.write("description=" + value + "\n")
  +        texty=texty+200
  +    else:
  +        print "description attribut missing"
  +    if attr.has_key(("numslots",1)):
  +        value=attr[("numslots",1)]
  +        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  +        f.write("numslots=" + value + "\n")
  +        texty=texty+200
  +    else:
  +        print "numslots attribut missing"
  +    if attr.has_key(("slot",1)):
  +        value=attr[("slot",1)]
  +        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  +        f.write("slot=" + value + "\n")
  +        texty=texty+200
  +    i = 1
  +    while attr.has_key(("slotdef",i)):
  +        value=attr[("slotdef",i)]
  +        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  +        f.write("slotdef=" + value + "\n")
  +        texty=texty+200
  +        i = i + 1
  +    i = 1
  +    while attr.has_key(("comment",i)):
  +        value=attr[("comment",i)]
  +        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  +        f.write("comment=" + value + "\n")
  +        texty=texty+200
  +        i = i + 1
  +    nets={}
  +    for pin in pins:
  +        if pin[P_STYLE] == "none":
  +            if not nets.has_key(pin[P_NET]):
  +                nets[pin[P_NET]] = pin[P_NR]
  +            else:
  +                nets[pin[P_NET]] = nets[pin[P_NET]] + ","+ pin[P_NR]
  +    for key,value in nets.items():
  +        f.write("T %i" %textx + " %i"% texty + " 5 10 0 0 0 0 1\n")
  +        f.write("net=" + key + ":" + value + "\n")
  +        texty=texty+200
       return 0
   def mergeoptions(source_opt,pre_opt):