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gEDA-cvs: CVS update: gnet-drc2.scm

  User: cnieves 
  Date: 06/04/22 16:09:27

  Modified:    .        gnet-drc2.scm
  Added support for directives as graphical objects in schematics.
  Changed the drc2 backend to use directives, as well as include several 
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.13      +100 -33   eda/geda/devel/gnetlist/scheme/gnet-drc2.scm
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: gnet-drc2.scm
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/devel/gnetlist/scheme/gnet-drc2.scm,v
  retrieving revision 1.12
  retrieving revision 1.13
  diff -u -b -r1.12 -r1.13
  --- gnet-drc2.scm	5 Apr 2006 15:19:51 -0000	1.12
  +++ gnet-drc2.scm	22 Apr 2006 20:09:26 -0000	1.13
  @@ -20,6 +20,13 @@
   ;; DRC backend written by Carlos Nieves Onega starts here.
  +;;  2006-04-22: Display the pins when reporting a net with only one connection.
  +;;  2006-04-08: Added support for DRC directives (DontCheckPintypes and 
  +;;              NoConnection), so the DRC doesn't depend on the net name
  +;;              anymore.
  +;;              Changed the drc connection matrix. Now an unknown pin doesn't 
  +;;              generate an error, and it can drive a net.
  +;;              Added report for pins without the 'pintype' attribute.
   ;;  2006-04-05: Fixed parenthesis mismatch in function drc2:check-slots.
   ;;              Thanks to David Logan for reporting the bug.
   ;;  2006-03-02: Don't check pintypes of net "NoConnection". 
  @@ -93,6 +100,7 @@
   ;; (define dont-check-non-numbered-parts 1)
   ;; (define dont-check-duplicated-references 1)
   ;; (define dont-check-one-connection-nets 1)
  +;; (define dont-report-unknown-pintypes 1)
   ;; (define dont-check-pintypes-of-nets 1)
   ;; (define dont-check-not-driven-nets 1)
   ;; (define dont-check-unconnected-pins 1)
  @@ -125,27 +133,27 @@
   ;;;  Order is important !
   ;;;             unknown in    out   io    oc    oe    pas   tp    tri   clk   pwr unconnected
  -;;  '(            #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e )
  +;;  '(            #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\e )
  -;;  '(            #\e   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\e )
  +;;  '(            #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\e )
  -;;  '(            #\e   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  +;;  '(            #\c   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  -;;  '(            #\e   #\c   #\w   #\c   #\w   #\w   #\c   #\w   #\c   #\c   #\w   #\e )
  +;;  '(            #\c   #\c   #\w   #\c   #\w   #\w   #\c   #\w   #\c   #\c   #\w   #\e )
  -;;  '(            #\e   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  +;;  '(            #\c   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  -;;  '(            #\e   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  +;;  '(            #\c   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  -;;  '(            #\e   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\e )
  +;;  '(            #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\e )
  -;;  '(            #\e   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  +;;  '(            #\c   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  -;;  '(            #\e   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  +;;  '(            #\c   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  -;;  '(            #\e   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  +;;  '(            #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  -;;  '(            #\e   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e )
  +;;  '(            #\c   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e )
   ;;  '(            #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e )))
  @@ -199,7 +207,8 @@
       (define pintype-can-drive 1))     ; Later is redefined if it's not a list.
   (if (not (list? pintype-can-drive))
  -    (define pintype-can-drive (list 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 )))
  +;                                  unk in out io oc oe pas tp tri clk pwr undef
  +    (define pintype-can-drive (list 1   0  1   1  1  1  1   1  1   0   1    0 )))
   ; DRC matrix
  @@ -209,27 +218,27 @@
   ;  Order is important !
   ;             unknown in    out   io    oc    oe    pas   tp    tri   clk   pwr unconnected
  -  '(            #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e )
  +  '(            #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\e )
  -  '(            #\e   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\e )
  +  '(            #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\e )
  -  '(            #\e   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  +  '(            #\c   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  -  '(            #\e   #\c   #\w   #\c   #\w   #\w   #\c   #\w   #\c   #\c   #\w   #\e )
  +  '(            #\c   #\c   #\w   #\c   #\w   #\w   #\c   #\w   #\c   #\c   #\w   #\e )
  -  '(            #\e   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  +  '(            #\c   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  -  '(            #\e   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  +  '(            #\c   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  -  '(            #\e   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\e )
  +  '(            #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\e )
  -  '(            #\e   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  +  '(            #\c   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  -  '(            #\e   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  +  '(            #\c   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  -  '(            #\e   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  +  '(            #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\c   #\e   #\e )
  -  '(            #\e   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e )
  +  '(            #\c   #\c   #\e   #\w   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\c   #\e )
     '(            #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e   #\e )
  @@ -552,10 +561,15 @@
   (define drc2:check-single-nets
     (lambda (port all-nets)
         (if (not (null? all-nets))
  -	  (let ((netname (car all-nets)))
  -	    (begin
  -	      ; If netname is NoConnection, then it shouldn't be checked.
  - 	      (if (not (string-ci=? netname "NoConnection"))
  +	  (let* ((netname (car all-nets))
  +		 (directives (gnetlist:graphical-objs-in-net-with-attrib-get-attrib
  +			      netname
  +			      "device=DRC_Directive"
  +			      "value")))
  +	    (begin
  +	      ; If one of the directives is NoConnection, 
  +	      ; then it shouldn't be checked.
  + 	      (if (not (member "NoConnection" directives))
   		    (if (eq? (length (gnetlist:get-all-connections netname)) '0)
   			(begin (display (string-append "ERROR: Net '"
  @@ -566,7 +580,9 @@
   		    (if (eq? (length (gnetlist:get-all-connections netname)) '1)
   			(begin (display (string-append "ERROR: Net '"
  -						       netname "' is connected to only one pin.") port)
  +						       netname "' is connected to only one pin: ") port)
  +			       (drc2:display-pins-of-type port "all" (gnetlist:get-all-connections netname))
  +			       (display "." port)
   			       (newline port)
   			       (set! errors_number (+ errors_number 1))
  @@ -623,7 +639,8 @@
   ;; Display pins of a specified type connected to a net
  -;; type: number of the position of the type in the vector.
  +;; type: number of the position of the type in the vector, or 
  +;;       the string "all" to display all the pins.
   ;; connections: ((U100 1) (U101 1)), for example.
   (define drc2:display-pins-of-type
     (lambda (port type connections)
  @@ -631,8 +648,10 @@
   	  (let ((device (car (car connections)))
   		(pin (car (cdr (car connections)))))
  -	    (if (string-ci=? (list-ref pintype-names type)
  +	    (if (or (and (string? type) (string-ci=? type "all"))
  +		    (string-ci=? (list-ref pintype-names type)
   			     (gnetlist:get-attribute-by-pinnumber device pin "pintype"))
  +		    )
   		  (display device port)
   		  (display ":" port)
  @@ -769,13 +788,18 @@
   		       (pintype-count (drc2:count-pintypes-of-net pintypes port))
  +		       (directives (gnetlist:graphical-objs-in-net-with-attrib-get-attrib
  +				    netname
  +				    "device=DRC_Directive"
  +				    "value"))
  -		; If netname is NoConnection, then it shouldn't be checked.
  -		(if (not (string-ci=? netname "NoConnection"))
  +		; If some directives are defined, then it shouldn't be checked.
  +		(if (not (member "DontCheckPintypes" directives))
   		    (drc2:check-pintypes-of-single-net port connections pintypes pintype-count 0 0 netname))
   		(if (not (defined? 'dont-check-not-driven-nets))
  -		      (if (not (string-ci=? netname "NoConnection"))
  +		      (if (and (not (member "DontCheckIfDriven" directives))
  +			       (not (member "NoConnection" directives)))
   			  (if (eqv? (drc2:check-if-net-is-driven pintype-count 0) #f)
   				(set! errors_number (+ errors_number 1))
  @@ -845,6 +869,41 @@
  +; Report pins without the 'pintype' attribute (pintype=unknown)
  +(define drc2:report-unknown-pintypes
  +  (lambda (port nets)
  +    (define count-unknown-pintypes
  +      (lambda (port nets)
  +	(if (null? nets)
  +	    0
  +	    (begin
  +	      (let*  ( (netname     (car nets))
  +		       (connections (gnetlist:get-all-connections netname))
  +		       (pintypes    (drc2:get-pintypes-of-net-connections 
  +				     connections
  +				     '()))
  +		       (pintype-count (drc2:count-pintypes-of-net pintypes port)))
  +		(+ (list-ref pintype-count (drc2:position-of-pintype "unknown"))
  +		   (count-unknown-pintypes port (cdr nets))))))))
  +    (define display-unknown-pintypes
  +      (lambda (port nets)
  +	(if (not (null? nets))
  +	    (begin
  +	      (let*  ( (netname     (car nets))
  +		       (connections (gnetlist:get-all-connections netname))
  +		       )
  +		(drc2:display-pins-of-type port (drc2:position-of-pintype "unknown")
  +					   connections)		   
  +		(display-unknown-pintypes port (cdr nets)))))))
  +    (if (> (count-unknown-pintypes port nets) 0)
  +	(begin
  +	  (display "NOTE: Found pins without the 'pintype' attribute: " port)
  +	  (display-unknown-pintypes port nets)
  +	  (display "\n")))
   ;  End of Net checking functions
  @@ -901,6 +960,14 @@
   		  (drc2:check-single-nets port (gnetlist:get-all-unique-nets "dummy"))
   		  (newline port)))
  +	    ;; Check "unknown" pintypes
  +	    (if (not (defined? 'dont-report-unknown-pintypes))
  +		(begin
  +		  (display "Checking pins without the 'pintype' attribute..." port)
  +		  (newline port)
  +		  (drc2:report-unknown-pintypes port (gnetlist:get-all-unique-nets "dummy"))
  +		  (newline port)))
   	    ;; Check pintypes of the pins connected to every net
   	    (if (not (defined? 'dont-check-pintypes-of-nets))