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gEDA-cvs: CVS update: system-gschemrc.in

  User: danmc   
  Date: 06/04/22 23:48:27

  Modified:    .        system-gschemrc.in
  add support for some new hooks:
  In addition provide a partial example of how one can use these hooks to
  communicate to pcb.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.90      +11 -0     eda/geda/devel/gschem/lib/system-gschemrc.in
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: system-gschemrc.in
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/devel/gschem/lib/system-gschemrc.in,v
  retrieving revision 1.89
  retrieving revision 1.90
  diff -u -b -r1.89 -r1.90
  --- system-gschemrc.in	13 Mar 2006 03:44:53 -0000	1.89
  +++ system-gschemrc.in	23 Apr 2006 03:48:27 -0000	1.90
  @@ -883,6 +883,17 @@
   	(autoplace-object-attributes object)) #t)
  +; Comment in this scheme code if you want to link with pcb
  +; Please note that the hooks in pcb.scm are still
  +; highly experimental
  +; (load (string-append gedadatarc "/scheme/pcb.scm"))
  +; (add-hook! deselect-component-hook pcb-deselect-component-hook)
  +; (add-hook! deselect-net-hook pcb-deselect-net-hook)
  +; (add-hook! deselect-all-hook pcb-deselect-all-hook)
  +; (add-hook! select-component-hook pcb-select-component-hook)
  +; (add-hook! select-net-hook pcb-select-net-hook)
   ; End of hooks