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gEDA-cvs: CVS update: Makefile.am

  User: pcjc2   
  Date: 07/04/17 16:19:23

  Modified:    .        Makefile.am a_basic.c f_image.c f_print.c g_smob.c
                        o_arc_basic.c o_basic.c o_box_basic.c o_bus_basic.c
                        o_circle_basic.c o_complex_basic.c o_line_basic.c
                        o_net_basic.c o_picture.c o_pin_basic.c
                        o_text_basic.c s_basic.c s_toplevel.c
  Merge changes from noscreen branch
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.61      +0 -0      eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/Makefile.am
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: Makefile.am
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/Makefile.am,v
  retrieving revision 1.60
  retrieving revision 1.61
  diff -u -b -r1.60 -r1.61
  --- Makefile.am	24 Feb 2007 18:43:16 -0000	1.60
  +++ Makefile.am	17 Apr 2007 20:19:20 -0000	1.61
  @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
  -# $Id: Makefile.am,v 1.60 2007/02/24 18:43:16 pcjc2 Exp $
  +# $Id: Makefile.am,v 1.61 2007/04/17 20:19:20 pcjc2 Exp $
   # NOTE: Don't forget that in the libtool distribution, files in this
   # directory are distributed by the demo_distfiles variable in the top
  1.23      +1 -0      eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/a_basic.c
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: a_basic.c
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/a_basic.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.22
  retrieving revision 1.23
  diff -u -b -r1.22 -r1.23
  --- a_basic.c	30 Sep 2006 16:27:23 -0000	1.22
  +++ a_basic.c	17 Apr 2007 20:19:20 -0000	1.23
  @@ -467,6 +467,7 @@
   	        w_current->page_current->object_tail = temp_tail;
   	        w_current->page_current->object_parent = temp_parent;
  +          o_complex_recalc( w_current, object_list );
   	} else {
           	fprintf(stderr, "Read unexpected embedded "
  1.20      +4 -4      eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/f_image.c
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: f_image.c
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/f_image.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.19
  retrieving revision 1.20
  diff -u -b -r1.19 -r1.20
  --- f_image.c	22 Sep 2006 18:48:07 -0000	1.19
  +++ f_image.c	17 Apr 2007 20:19:20 -0000	1.20
  @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
     /*	printf("%d %d\n", w_current->paper_width, w_current->paper_height);*/
  -  world_get_complex_bounds(w_current, 
  +  world_get_object_list_bounds(w_current,
                              &origin_x, &origin_y, 
                              &right, &bottom);
  1.28      +4 -4      eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/f_print.c
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: f_print.c
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/f_print.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.27
  retrieving revision 1.28
  diff -u -b -r1.27 -r1.28
  --- f_print.c	10 Feb 2007 21:08:18 -0000	1.27
  +++ f_print.c	17 Apr 2007 20:19:20 -0000	1.28
  @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@
     /*	printf("%d %d\n", w_current->paper_width, w_current->paper_height);*/
  -  world_get_complex_bounds(w_current, 
  +  world_get_object_list_bounds(w_current,
                              &origin_x, &origin_y, 
                              &right, &bottom);
  1.15      +7 -5      eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/g_smob.c
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: g_smob.c
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/g_smob.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.14
  retrieving revision 1.15
  diff -u -b -r1.14 -r1.15
  --- g_smob.c	5 Apr 2007 22:59:57 -0000	1.14
  +++ g_smob.c	17 Apr 2007 20:19:20 -0000	1.15
  @@ -377,8 +377,10 @@
   /*! \brief Get the bounds of an attribute.
    *  \par Function Description
    *  Get the bounds of an attribute.
  - *  I got top and bottom values reversed from world_get_complex_bounds,
  - *  so don\'t rely on the position in the list. 
  + *  WARNING: top and bottom are mis-named in world-coords,
  + *  top is the smallest "y" value, and bottom is the largest.
  + *  Be careful! This doesn't correspond to what you'd expect,
  + *  nor to the coordinate system who's origin is the bottom, left of the page.
    *  \param[in] attrib_smob the attribute.
    *  \return a list of the bounds of the <B>attrib smob</B>. 
    *  The list has the format: ( (left right) (top bottom) )
  1.35      +22 -101   eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_arc_basic.c
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: o_arc_basic.c
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_arc_basic.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.34
  retrieving revision 1.35
  diff -u -b -r1.34 -r1.35
  --- o_arc_basic.c	24 Feb 2007 18:43:16 -0000	1.34
  +++ o_arc_basic.c	17 Apr 2007 20:19:21 -0000	1.35
  @@ -208,9 +208,6 @@
    *  If <B>whichone</B> is equal to #ARC_END_ANGLE, the <B>x</B> parameter is the ending angle of the arc.
    *  <B>x</B> is in degrees. <B>y</B> is ignored.
  - *  The screen coordinates of the arc and its bounding box are computed again
  - *  after the change in world coordinates.
  - *
    *  \param [in]     w_current  The TOPLEVEL object.
    *  \param [in,out] object     
    *  \param [in]     x
  @@ -529,110 +526,28 @@
    *  pointed structure.
    *  It also recalculates the <B>OBJECT</B> specific fields and the bounding box of the arc.
  - *  The bounding box - in screen units - is recalculated with the <B>get_arc_bounds()</B> function.
  + *  The bounding box - in world units - is recalculated with the <B>world_get_arc_bounds()</B> function.
    *  \param [in] w_current  The TOPLEVEL object.
    *  \param [in] o_current
   void o_arc_recalc(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *o_current)
  -  int screen_x1, screen_y1, screen_x2, screen_y2;	
     int left, right, top, bottom;
     if (o_current->arc == NULL) {
  -  /* update the screen_x and screen_y fields of the arc */
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, o_current->arc->x, o_current->arc->y, 
  -                &screen_x1, &screen_y1);  
  -  o_current->arc->screen_x = screen_x1; /* x coord */
  -  o_current->arc->screen_y = screen_y1; /* y coord */
  -  /* update the screen_width and screen_height fields of the arc */
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  -                o_current->arc->x + o_current->arc->width,
  -                o_current->arc->y - o_current->arc->height, 
  -                &screen_x2, &screen_y2);  
  -  o_current->arc->screen_width  = screen_x2 - screen_x1; /* width */
  -  o_current->arc->screen_height = screen_y2 - screen_y1; /* height */
     /* recalculates the bounding box */
  -  get_arc_bounds(w_current, o_current, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  o_current->left   = left;
  -  o_current->top    = top;
  -  o_current->right  = right;
  -  o_current->bottom = bottom;
  +  world_get_arc_bounds(w_current, o_current, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  +  o_current->w_left   = left;
  +  o_current->w_top    = top;
  +  o_current->w_right  = right;
  +  o_current->w_bottom = bottom;
  -/*! \brief
  - *  \par Function Description
  - *  This function calculates the smallest rectangle the arc can be drawn into.
  - *  The <B>OBJECT</B> pointed by object is assumed to be an arc.
  - *  The <B>left</B>, <B>top</B>, <B>right</B> and <B>bottom</B> pointed integers define
  - *  this rectangle at the end of the function. It is expressed in screen units.
  - *
  - *  The process is divided into two steps : the first step is to calculate the
  - *  coordinates of the two ends of the arc and the coordinates of the center.
  - *  They form a first rectangle but (depending on the start angle and the sweep
  - *  of the arc) not the right.
  - *
  - *  \param [in]  w_current  The TOPLEVEL object.
  - *  \param [in]  object
  - *  \param [out] left
  - *  \param [out] top
  - *  \param [out] right
  - *  \param [out] bottom
  - */
  -void get_arc_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *object,
  -		    int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom)
  -  int x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
  -  int radius, start_angle, end_angle;
  -  int i, angle;
  -  radius      = object->arc->screen_width / 2;
  -  start_angle = object->arc->start_angle % 360;
  -  end_angle   = object->arc->end_angle   % 360;
  -  x1 = object->arc->screen_x;
  -  y1 = object->arc->screen_y;
  -  x2 = x1 + radius * cos(start_angle * M_PI / 180);
  -  y2 = y1 - radius * sin(start_angle * M_PI / 180);
  -  x3 = x1 + radius * cos((start_angle + end_angle) * M_PI / 180);
  -  y3 = y1 - radius * sin((start_angle + end_angle) * M_PI / 180);
  -  *left   = (x1 < x2) ? ((x1 < x3) ? x1 : x3) : ((x2 < x3) ? x2 : x3);
  -  *right  = (x1 > x2) ? ((x1 > x3) ? x1 : x3) : ((x2 > x3) ? x2 : x3);
  -  *top    = (y1 < y2) ? ((y1 < y3) ? y1 : y3) : ((y2 < y3) ? y2 : y3);
  -  *bottom = (y1 > y2) ? ((y1 > y3) ? y1 : y3) : ((y2 > y3) ? y2 : y3);
  -  /*! \note
  -   *  The previous rectangle is extended to the final one by checking
  -   *  whether the arc is over a main axis (vertical or horizontal).
  -   *  If so, the rectangle is extended in these directions.
  -   */
  -  angle = ((int) (start_angle / 90)) * 90;
  -  for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
  -    angle = angle + 90;
  -    if(angle < start_angle + end_angle) {
  -      if(angle % 360 == 0)   *right  = x1 + radius;
  -      if(angle % 360 == 90)  *top    = y1 - radius;
  -      if(angle % 360 == 180) *left   = x1 - radius;
  -      if(angle % 360 == 270) *bottom = y1 + radius;
  -    } else {
  -      break;
  -    }
  -  }
  -  /* PB : bounding box has to take into account the width of the line it is
  -     composed with, ie adding/substracting half the width to this box */
  -  /* PB : but width is unknown here */	
   /*! \brief
    *  \par Function Description
  @@ -658,6 +573,9 @@
     int x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
     int radius, start_angle, end_angle;
     int i, angle;
  +  int halfwidth;
  +  halfwidth = object->line_width / 2;
     radius      = object->arc->width / 2;
     start_angle = object->arc->start_angle % 360;
  @@ -672,8 +590,8 @@
     *left   = (x1 < x2) ? ((x1 < x3) ? x1 : x3) : ((x2 < x3) ? x2 : x3);
     *right  = (x1 > x2) ? ((x1 > x3) ? x1 : x3) : ((x2 > x3) ? x2 : x3);
  -  *bottom = (y1 < y2) ? ((y1 < y3) ? y1 : y3) : ((y2 < y3) ? y2 : y3);
  -  *top    = (y1 > y2) ? ((y1 > y3) ? y1 : y3) : ((y2 > y3) ? y2 : y3);
  +  *bottom = (y1 > y2) ? ((y1 > y3) ? y1 : y3) : ((y2 > y3) ? y2 : y3);
  +  *top    = (y1 < y2) ? ((y1 < y3) ? y1 : y3) : ((y2 < y3) ? y2 : y3);
     /*! \note
      *  The previous rectangle is extended to the final one
  @@ -685,15 +603,20 @@
       angle = angle + 90;
       if(angle < start_angle + end_angle) {
         if(angle % 360 == 0)   *right  = x1 + radius;
  -      if(angle % 360 == 90)  *top    = y1 + radius;
  +      if(angle % 360 == 90)  *bottom = y1 + radius;
         if(angle % 360 == 180) *left   = x1 - radius;
  -      if(angle % 360 == 270) *bottom = y1 - radius;
  +      if(angle % 360 == 270) *top    = y1 - radius;
       } else {
  -  /* PB : same problem as above */
  +  /* This isn't strictly correct, but a 1st order approximation */
  +  *left   -= halfwidth;
  +  *top    -= halfwidth;
  +  *right  += halfwidth;
  +  *bottom += halfwidth;
  @@ -1492,11 +1415,9 @@
     if (end_angle < start_angle)
       end_angle += 360;
  -  width  = o_current->arc->screen_width;
  -  height = o_current->arc->screen_height;
  -  x = o_current->arc->screen_x;
  -  y = o_current->arc->screen_y;
  +  width = SCREENabs( w_current, o_current->arc->width);
  +  height = SCREENabs( w_current, o_current->arc->height);
  +  WORLDtoSCREEN( w_current, o_current->arc->x, o_current->arc->y, &x, &y );
   #ifdef HAS_LIBGD
  1.17      +3 -0      eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_basic.c
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: o_basic.c
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_basic.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.16
  retrieving revision 1.17
  diff -u -b -r1.16 -r1.17
  --- o_basic.c	24 Feb 2007 18:43:16 -0000	1.16
  +++ o_basic.c	17 Apr 2007 20:19:21 -0000	1.17
  @@ -243,6 +243,9 @@
     o_current->line_length = length;
     o_current->line_space  = space;
  +  /* Recalculate the object's bounding box */
  +  o_recalc_single_object( w_current, o_current );
   /*! \brief Set #OBJECT's fill options.
  1.28      +42 -82    eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_box_basic.c
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: o_box_basic.c
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_box_basic.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.27
  retrieving revision 1.28
  diff -u -b -r1.27 -r1.28
  --- o_box_basic.c	24 Feb 2007 18:43:16 -0000	1.27
  +++ o_box_basic.c	17 Apr 2007 20:19:21 -0000	1.28
  @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
      * The dimensions of the new box are set with the ones of the original box.
      * The two boxes have the same line type and the same filling options.
  -   * The coordinates and the values in screen unit are computed with
  +   * The coordinates and the values in world unit are computed with
      *  #o_box_recalc().
  @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
   		object->box->lower_y = tmp;
  -	/* recalculate the screen coords and the boundings */
  +	/* recalculate the world coords and the boundings */
   	o_box_recalc(w_current, object);
  @@ -566,7 +566,7 @@
     object->box->lower_x += world_centerx;
     object->box->lower_y += world_centery;
  -  /* recalc boundings and screen coords */
  +  /* recalc boundings and world coords */
     o_box_recalc(w_current, object);
  @@ -614,17 +614,15 @@
     object->box->lower_x += world_centerx;
     object->box->lower_y += world_centery;
  -  /* recalc boundings and screen coords */
  +  /* recalc boundings and world coords */
     o_box_recalc(w_current, object);
  -/*! \brief Recalculate BOX coordinates in SCREEN units.
  +/*! \brief Recalculate BOX coordinates in WORLD units.
    *  \par Function Description
  - *  This function recalculates the screen coords of the <B>o_current</B> pointed
  - *  box object from its world coords.
  - *
  - *  The box coordinates and its bounding are recalculated
  + *  This function recalculates the box coordinates and its 
  + *  bounding are recalculated as well.
    *  \param [in] w_current      The TOPLEVEL object.
    *  \param [in,out] o_current  BOX OBJECT to be recalculated.
  @@ -632,63 +630,18 @@
   void o_box_recalc(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *o_current)
     int left, top, right, bottom;
  -  int screen_x1, screen_y1;
  -  int screen_x2, screen_y2;
     if (o_current->box == NULL) {
  -  /* update the screen coords of the upper left corner of the box */
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  -		o_current->box->upper_x, o_current->box->upper_y, 
  -		&screen_x1, &screen_y1);  
  -  o_current->box->screen_upper_x = screen_x1;
  -  o_current->box->screen_upper_y = screen_y1;
  -  /* update the screen coords of the lower right corner of the box */
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  -		o_current->box->lower_x, o_current->box->lower_y, 
  -		&screen_x2, &screen_y2);  
  -  o_current->box->screen_lower_x = screen_x2;
  -  o_current->box->screen_lower_y = screen_y2;
  -  /* update the bounding box - screen unit */
  -  get_box_bounds(w_current, o_current->box, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  o_current->left   = left;
  -  o_current->top    = top;
  -  o_current->right  = right;
  -  o_current->bottom = bottom;
  +  /* update the bounding box - world unit */
  +  world_get_box_bounds(w_current, o_current, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  +  o_current->w_left   = left;
  +  o_current->w_top    = top;
  +  o_current->w_right  = right;
  +  o_current->w_bottom = bottom;
  -/*! \brief Get BOX bounding rectangle.
  - *  \par Function Description
  - *  This function sets the <B>left</B>, <B>top</B>, <B>right</B> and <B>bottom</B>
  - *  parameters to the bounding rectangle of the box object described in
  - *  <B>*box</B> in SCREEN units.
  - *
  - *  \param [in]  w_current  The TOPLEVEL object.
  - *  \param [in]  box        BOX OBJECT to read coordinates from.
  - *  \param [out] left       Left box coordinate in SCREEN units.
  - *  \param [out] top        Top box coordinate in SCREEN units.
  - *  \param [out] right      Right box coordinate in SCREEN units.
  - *  \param [out] bottom     Bottom box coordinate in SCREEN units.
  - */
  -void get_box_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, BOX *box,
  -		    int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom)
  -  *left   = box->screen_upper_x;
  -  *top    = box->screen_upper_y;
  -  *right  = box->screen_lower_x;
  -  *bottom = box->screen_lower_y;
  -  /* PB : bounding box has to take into account the width of the line */
  -  /* PB : but line width is unknown here */
  -  *left   = *left   - 4;
  -  *top    = *top    - 4;
  -  *right  = *right  + 4;
  -  *bottom = *bottom + 4;
   /*! \brief Get BOX bounding rectangle in WORLD coordinates.
  @@ -698,27 +651,29 @@
    *  in world units.
    *  \param [in]  w_current  The TOPLEVEL object.
  - *  \param [in]  box        BOX OBJECT to read coordinates from.
  + *  \param [in]  object     BOX OBJECT to read coordinates from.
    *  \param [out] left       Left box coordinate in WORLD units.
    *  \param [out] top        Top box coordinate in WORLD units.
    *  \param [out] right      Right box coordinate in WORLD units.
    *  \param [out] bottom     Bottom box coordinate in WORLD units.
  -void world_get_box_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, BOX *box,
  +void world_get_box_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *object,
   			  int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom)
  -  /* pb20011002 - why using min and max here and not above ? */
  -  *left   = min(box->upper_x, box->lower_x);
  -  *top    = min(box->upper_y, box->lower_y);
  -  *right  = max(box->upper_x, box->lower_x);
  -  *bottom = max(box->upper_y, box->lower_y);
  -  /* PB : same as above here for width of edges */	
  +  int halfwidth;
  -#if DEBUG 
  -  printf("box: %d %d %d %d\n", *left, *top, *right, *bottom);
  +  halfwidth = object->line_width / 2;
  +  *left   = min(object->box->upper_x, object->box->lower_x);
  +  *top    = min(object->box->upper_y, object->box->lower_y);
  +  *right  = max(object->box->upper_x, object->box->lower_x);
  +  *bottom = max(object->box->upper_y, object->box->lower_y);
  +  /* This isn't strictly correct, but a 1st order approximation */
  +  *left   -= halfwidth;
  +  *top    -= halfwidth;
  +  *right  += halfwidth;
  +  *bottom += halfwidth;
   /*! \brief Print BOX to Postscript document.
  @@ -1567,7 +1522,7 @@
   		       int origin_x, int origin_y, int color_mode)
     int color;
  +  int s_upper_x, s_upper_y, s_lower_x, s_lower_y;
     if (o_current == NULL) {
       printf("got null in o_box_image_write\n");
  @@ -1581,18 +1536,23 @@
       color = image_black;
  -  /* assumes screen coords are already calculated correctly */
   #ifdef HAS_LIBGD
  +  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, 
  +                o_current->box->upper_x,
  +                o_current->box->upper_y,
  +                &s_upper_x, &s_upper_y);
  +  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, 
  +                o_current->box->lower_x,
  +                o_current->box->lower_y,
  +                &s_lower_x, &s_lower_y);
     gdImageSetThickness(current_im_ptr, SCREENabs(w_current,
  -                   o_current->box->screen_upper_x,
  -                   o_current->box->screen_upper_y,
  -                   o_current->box->screen_lower_x,
  -                   o_current->box->screen_lower_y, 
  +                   s_upper_x, s_upper_y,
  +                   s_lower_x, s_lower_y,
  1.19      +37 -163   eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_bus_basic.c
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: o_bus_basic.c
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_bus_basic.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.18
  retrieving revision 1.19
  diff -u -b -r1.18 -r1.19
  --- o_bus_basic.c	24 Feb 2007 18:43:16 -0000	1.18
  +++ o_bus_basic.c	17 Apr 2007 20:19:21 -0000	1.19
  @@ -47,53 +47,10 @@
    * \par Function Description
  -void get_bus_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, LINE *line, int *left, int *top,
  +void world_get_bus_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *object, int *left, int *top,
   		    int *right, int *bottom)
  -  *left = w_current->width;
  -  *top = w_current->height;
  -  *right = 0;
  -  *bottom = 0;
  -  if (line->screen_x[0] < *left) *left = line->screen_x[0];
  -  if (line->screen_x[0] > *right) *right = line->screen_x[0];
  -  if (line->screen_y[0] < *top) *top = line->screen_y[0];
  -  if (line->screen_y[0] > *bottom) *bottom = line->screen_y[0];
  -  if (line->screen_x[1] < *left) *left = line->screen_x[1];
  -  if (line->screen_x[1] > *right) *right = line->screen_x[1];
  -  if (line->screen_y[1] < *top) *top = line->screen_y[1];
  -  if (line->screen_y[1] > *bottom) *bottom = line->screen_y[1];
  -  *left = *left - 4;
  -  *top = *top - 4;
  -  *right = *right + 4;
  -  *bottom = *bottom + 4;
  -/* \brief
  - * \par Function Description
  - *
  - */
  -void world_get_bus_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, LINE *line, int *left, int *top,
  -			  int *right, int *bottom)
  -  *left = w_current->init_right;
  -  *top = w_current->init_bottom;
  -  *right = 0;
  -  *bottom = 0;
  -  if (line->x[0] < *left) *left = line->x[0];
  -  if (line->x[0] > *right) *right = line->x[0];
  -  if (line->y[0] < *top) *top = line->y[0];
  -  if (line->y[0] > *bottom) *bottom = line->y[0];
  -  if (line->x[1] < *left) *left = line->x[1];
  -  if (line->x[1] > *right) *right = line->x[1];
  -  if (line->y[1] < *top) *top = line->y[1];
  -  if (line->y[1] > *bottom) *bottom = line->y[1];
  +  world_get_line_bounds( w_current, object, left, top, right, bottom );
   /* \brief
  @@ -105,7 +62,6 @@
   		  int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
   		  int bus_ripper_direction)
  -  int screen_x, screen_y;
     int left, right, top, bottom;
     OBJECT *new_node;
  @@ -120,31 +76,16 @@
     new_node->line->y[0] = y1;
     new_node->line->x[1] = x2;
     new_node->line->y[1] = y2;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, 
  -                new_node->line->x[0], new_node->line->y[0], 
  -                &screen_x,
  -                &screen_y);  
  -  new_node->line->screen_x[0] = screen_x;
  -  new_node->line->screen_y[0] = screen_y;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, 
  -                new_node->line->x[1], new_node->line->y[1], 
  -                &screen_x,
  -                &screen_y);  
  -  new_node->line->screen_x[1] = screen_x;
  -  new_node->line->screen_y[1] = screen_y;
  +  new_node->line_width = BUS_WIDTH;
     new_node->bus_ripper_direction = bus_ripper_direction;
  -  get_bus_bounds(w_current, new_node->line, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  +  world_get_bus_bounds(w_current, new_node, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  new_node->left = left;
  -  new_node->top = top;
  -  new_node->right = right;
  -  new_node->bottom = bottom;	
  +  new_node->w_left = left;
  +  new_node->w_top = top;
  +  new_node->w_right = right;
  +  new_node->w_bottom = bottom;	
     new_node->draw_func = bus_draw_func;  
     new_node->sel_func = select_func;  
  @@ -168,8 +109,6 @@
   void o_bus_recalc(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *o_current)
  -  int screen_x1, screen_y1;
  -  int screen_x2, screen_y2;	
     int left, right, top, bottom;
     if (o_current == NULL) {
  @@ -180,29 +119,12 @@
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, o_current->line->x[0], 
  -                o_current->line->y[0], 
  -                &screen_x1,
  -                &screen_y1);  
  -  o_current->line->screen_x[0] = screen_x1;
  -  o_current->line->screen_y[0] = screen_y1;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, o_current->line->x[1], 
  -                o_current->line->y[1], 
  -                &screen_x2,
  -                &screen_y2);  
  -  o_current->line->screen_x[1] = screen_x2;
  -  o_current->line->screen_y[1] = screen_y2;
  -  get_bus_bounds(w_current, o_current->line, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  +  world_get_bus_bounds(w_current, o_current, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  o_current->left = left;
  -  o_current->top = top;
  -  o_current->right = right;
  -  o_current->bottom = bottom;
  +  o_current->w_left = left;
  +  o_current->w_top = top;
  +  o_current->w_right = right;
  +  o_current->w_bottom = bottom;
  @@ -296,43 +218,24 @@
   void o_bus_translate_world(TOPLEVEL *w_current, int x1, int y1, OBJECT *object)
  -  int screen_x1, screen_y1;
  -  int screen_x2, screen_y2;	
     int left, right, top, bottom;
     if (object == NULL) printf("btw NO!\n");
  -  /* Do world coords */
  +  /* Update world coords */
     object->line->x[0] = object->line->x[0] + x1;
     object->line->y[0] = object->line->y[0] + y1;
     object->line->x[1] = object->line->x[1] + x1;
     object->line->y[1] = object->line->y[1] + y1;
  -  /* update screen coords */
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, object->line->x[0], 
  -                object->line->y[0], 
  -                &screen_x1,
  -                &screen_y1);  
  -  object->line->screen_x[0] = screen_x1;
  -  object->line->screen_y[0] = screen_y1;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, object->line->x[1], 
  -                object->line->y[1], 
  -                &screen_x2,
  -                &screen_y2);  
  -  object->line->screen_x[1] = screen_x2;
  -  object->line->screen_y[1] = screen_y2;
  -  /* update bounding box */
  -  get_bus_bounds(w_current, object->line, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  object->left = left;
  -  object->top = top;
  -  object->right = right;
  -  object->bottom = bottom;
  +  /* Update bounding box */
  +  world_get_bus_bounds(w_current, object, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  +  object->w_left = left;
  +  object->w_top = top;
  +  object->w_right = right;
  +  object->w_bottom = bottom;
     s_tile_update_object(w_current, object);
  @@ -362,11 +265,6 @@
                         o_current->line->x[1], o_current->line->y[1],
  -  new_obj->line->screen_x[0] = o_current->line->screen_x[0];
  -  new_obj->line->screen_y[0] = o_current->line->screen_y[0];
  -  new_obj->line->screen_x[1] = o_current->line->screen_x[1];
  -  new_obj->line->screen_y[1] = o_current->line->screen_y[1];
     new_obj->line->x[0] = o_current->line->x[0];
     new_obj->line->y[0] = o_current->line->y[0];
     new_obj->line->x[1] = o_current->line->x[1];
  @@ -437,10 +335,7 @@
   void o_bus_image_write(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *o_current,
   		       int origin_x, int origin_y, int color_mode)
  -  int offset, offset2;
  -  int cross;
  -  int x1, y1;
  -  int x2, y2;
  +  int x[2], y[2];
     int color;
     if (o_current == NULL) {
  @@ -454,34 +349,22 @@
       color = image_black;
  -  offset = SCREENabs(w_current, BUS_WIDTH);
  -  /* 
  -     offset = 7 * (float) w_current->height/ (float) w_current->width;
  -     offset2 = 7 * (float) w_current->height/ (float) w_current->width*2;  
  -     printf("%f %d %d\n", (float) ( (float) w_current->height/ (float) w_current->width), 
  -     offset, offset2);
  -  */
  -  offset2 = offset*2;
  -  cross = offset;
  -  x1 = o_current->line->screen_x[0];
  -  y1 = o_current->line->screen_y[0];
  -  x2 = o_current->line->screen_x[1];
  -  y2 = o_current->line->screen_y[1];
  -  /* assumes screen coords are already calculated correctly */
   #ifdef HAS_LIBGD
  +  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  +                o_current->line->x[0],
  +                o_current->line->y[0],
  +                &x[0], &y[0]);
  +  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  +                o_current->line->x[1],
  +                o_current->line->y[1],
  +                &x[1], &y[1]);
     gdImageSetThickness(current_im_ptr, SCREENabs(w_current, BUS_WIDTH));
  -  gdImageLine(current_im_ptr, x1, y1, x2, y2, color);
  +  gdImageLine(current_im_ptr, x[0], y[0], x[1], y[1], color);
  @@ -710,26 +593,17 @@
   void o_bus_modify(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *object, 
   		  int x, int y, int whichone)
  -  int screen_x, screen_y;
     int left, right, top, bottom;
     object->line->x[whichone] = x;
     object->line->y[whichone] = y;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, 
  -                object->line->x[whichone], 
  -                object->line->y[whichone], 
  -                &screen_x, &screen_y);  
  -  object->line->screen_x[whichone] = screen_x;
  -  object->line->screen_y[whichone] = screen_y;
  -  get_bus_bounds(w_current, object->line, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  object->left = left;
  -  object->top = top;
  -  object->right = right;
  -  object->bottom = bottom;	
  +  world_get_bus_bounds(w_current, object, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  +  object->w_left = left;
  +  object->w_top = top;
  +  object->w_right = right;
  +  object->w_bottom = bottom;	
     s_tile_update_object(w_current, object);
  1.29      +37 -96    eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_circle_basic.c
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: o_circle_basic.c
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_circle_basic.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.28
  retrieving revision 1.29
  diff -u -b -r1.28 -r1.29
  --- o_circle_basic.c	24 Feb 2007 18:43:16 -0000	1.28
  +++ o_circle_basic.c	17 Apr 2007 20:19:21 -0000	1.29
  @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
     new_node->draw_func = circle_draw_func;  
     new_node->sel_func = select_func;  
  -  /* compute the bounding box and screen coords */
  +  /* compute the bounding box coords */
     o_circle_recalc(w_current, new_node);
     /* add the object to the list */
  @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
      * circle. The two circle have the same line type and the same filling
      * options.
  -   * The coordinates and the values in screen unit are computed with
  +   * The bounding box coordinates are computed with
      * #o_circle_recalc().
     /* modify */
  @@ -211,8 +211,8 @@
    *  If <B>whichone</B> is equal to <B>CIRCLE_RADIUS</B>, the radius is given by
    *  <B>x</B> - in world units. <B>y</B> is ignored.
  - *  The screen coords and the bounding box of the circle object are updated
  - *  after the modification of its parameters.
  + *  The bounding box of the circle object is updated after the modification of its 
  + *  parameters.
    *  \param [in]     w_current  The TOPLEVEL object.
    *  \param [in,out] object     Circle OBJECT to modify.
  @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
  -  /* recalculate the screen coords and the boundings */
  +  /* recalculate the boundings */
     o_circle_recalc(w_current, object);
  @@ -549,74 +549,22 @@
   void o_circle_recalc(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *o_current)
  -  int screen_x1, screen_y1;
     int left, right, top, bottom;
     if (o_current->circle == NULL) {
  -#if DEBUG
  -  printf("drawing circle\n");
  -  /* update the screen coords of the center of the circle */
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  -		o_current->circle->center_x, o_current->circle->center_y, 
  -		&screen_x1, &screen_y1);  
  -  o_current->circle->screen_x = screen_x1;
  -  o_current->circle->screen_y = screen_y1;
  -  /* update the value of the radius in screen unit */
  -  o_current->circle->screen_radius = SCREENabs(w_current, 
  -					       o_current->circle->radius);
  -  /* update the bounding box - screen unit */
  -  get_circle_bounds(w_current, o_current->circle,
  +  /* update the bounding box - world unit */
  +  world_get_circle_bounds(w_current, o_current,
   		    &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  o_current->left   = left;
  -  o_current->top    = top;
  -  o_current->right  = right;
  -  o_current->bottom = bottom;
  +  o_current->w_left   = left;
  +  o_current->w_top    = top;
  +  o_current->w_right  = right;
  +  o_current->w_bottom = bottom;
  -/*! \brief Get circle bounding rectangle.
  - *  \par Function Description
  - *  This function sets the <B>left</B>, <B>top</B>, <B>right</B>
  - *  and <B>bottom</B> pointed variables to the boundings of the circle object
  - *  described in <B>*circle</B> in screen unit.
  - *
  - *  The function finds the smallest rectangle that cover this circle.
  - *
  - *  \param [in]  w_current  The TOPLEVEL object.
  - *  \param [in]  circle     Circle OBJECT to read coordinates from.
  - *  \param [out] left       Left circle coordinate in SCREEN units.
  - *  \param [out] top        Top circle coordinate in SCREEN units.
  - *  \param [out] right      Right circle coordinate in SCREEN units.
  - *  \param [out] bottom     Bottom circle coordinate in SCREEN units.
  - */
  -void get_circle_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, CIRCLE *circle,
  -		       int *left, int *top,
  -		       int *right, int *bottom)
  -  *left   = circle->screen_x - circle->screen_radius;
  -  *top    = circle->screen_y - circle->screen_radius;
  -  *right  = circle->screen_x + circle->screen_radius;
  -  *bottom = circle->screen_y + circle->screen_radius;
  -  /* PB : need to take into account the width of the line */
  -  /* out temp  
  -   *left = *left - 4;
  -   *top = *top - 4;
  -   *right = *right + 4;
  -   *bottom = *bottom + 4;
  -   */
   /*! \brief Get circle bounding rectangle in WORLD coordinates.
    *  \par Function Description
    *  This function sets the <B>left</B>, <B>top</B>, <B>right</B> and <B>bottom</B>
  @@ -624,43 +572,29 @@
    *  in world units.
    *  \param [in]  w_current  The TOPLEVEL object.
  - *  \param [in]  circle     Circle OBJECT to read coordinates from.
  + *  \param [in]  object     Circle OBJECT to read coordinates from.
    *  \param [out] left       Left circle coordinate in WORLD units.
    *  \param [out] top        Top circle coordinate in WORLD units.
    *  \param [out] right      Right circle coordinate in WORLD units.
    *  \param [out] bottom     Bottom circle coordinate in WORLD units.
  -void world_get_circle_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, CIRCLE *circle, int *left,
  +void world_get_circle_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *object, int *left,
   			     int *top, int *right, int *bottom)
  +  int halfwidth;
  -  *left   = w_current->init_right;
  -  *top    = w_current->init_bottom;
  -  *right  = 0;
  -  *bottom = 0;
  +  halfwidth = object->line_width / 2;
  -  *left   = circle->center_x - circle->radius;
  -  *top    = circle->center_y - circle->radius;
  -  *right  = circle->center_x + circle->radius;
  -  *bottom = circle->center_y + circle->radius;
  -  /*
  -   *left = points->x1;
  -   *top = points->y1;
  -   *right = points->x1+(temp);
  -   *bottom = points->y1-(temp); 
  -   */
  -  /* 
  -   *left = min(circle->x1, circle->x1+temp);
  -   *top = min(circle->y1, circle->y1-temp);
  -   *right = max(circle->x1, circle->x1+temp);
  -   *bottom = max(circle->y1, circle->y1-temp);*/
  -#if DEBUG 
  -  printf("circle: %d %d %d %d\n", *left, *top, *right, *bottom);
  +  *left   = object->circle->center_x - object->circle->radius;
  +  *top    = object->circle->center_y - object->circle->radius;
  +  *right  = object->circle->center_x + object->circle->radius;
  +  *bottom = object->circle->center_y + object->circle->radius;
  +  /* This isn't strictly correct, but a 1st order approximation */
  +  *left   -= halfwidth;
  +  *top    -= halfwidth;
  +  *right  += halfwidth;
  +  *bottom += halfwidth;
  @@ -1294,6 +1228,8 @@
   void o_circle_image_write(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *o_current,
   			  int origin_x, int origin_y, int color_mode)
  +  int diameter;
  +  int s_x, s_y;
     int color;
     if (o_current == NULL) {
  @@ -1309,14 +1245,19 @@
   #ifdef HAS_LIBGD
  +  diameter = SCREENabs(w_current, o_current->circle->radius)*2;
  +  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  +                o_current->circle->center_x,
  +                o_current->circle->center_y,
  +                &s_x, &s_y);
     gdImageSetThickness(current_im_ptr, SCREENabs(w_current,
  -             o_current->circle->screen_x, 
  -             o_current->circle->screen_y,
  -             SCREENabs(w_current, o_current->circle->radius)*2,
  -             SCREENabs(w_current, o_current->circle->radius)*2,
  +             s_x, s_y,
  +             diameter,
  +             diameter,
                0, 360, 
  1.32      +104 -217  eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_complex_basic.c
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: o_complex_basic.c
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_complex_basic.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.31
  retrieving revision 1.32
  diff -u -b -r1.31 -r1.32
  --- o_complex_basic.c	24 Feb 2007 18:43:16 -0000	1.31
  +++ o_complex_basic.c	17 Apr 2007 20:19:21 -0000	1.32
  @@ -51,66 +51,49 @@
    *  \param [out] rtop    pointer to the top coordinate of the object.
    *  \param [out] rright  pointer to the right coordinate of the object.
    *  \param [out] rbottom pointer to the bottom coordinate of the object.
  - *
  + *  \return If any bounds were found for the object
  + *  \retval 0 No bound was found
  + *  \retval 1 Bound was found
  -void get_single_object_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *o_current, 
  +int world_get_single_object_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *o_current,
   			      int *rleft, int *rtop, int *rright, int *rbottom)
     if (o_current != NULL) {
       switch(o_current->type) {
  -        get_line_bounds(w_current, o_current->line, rleft, rtop, rright, rbottom);
  -        break;
  -        /* same as a line (diff name)*/
  -        get_net_bounds(w_current, o_current->line, rleft, rtop, rright, rbottom);
  -        break;
  -        /* same as a line (diff name)*/
  -        get_bus_bounds(w_current, o_current->line, rleft, rtop, rright, rbottom);
  -        break;
  -        get_box_bounds(w_current, o_current->box, rleft, rtop, rright, rbottom);
  -        break;
  -        get_picture_bounds(w_current, o_current->picture, rleft, rtop, rright, rbottom);
  -        break;
  -        get_circle_bounds(w_current, o_current->circle, rleft, rtop, rright, rbottom);
  -        break;
  +      case(OBJ_PIN):
  +      case(OBJ_ARC):
  -        /* recursive objects ?*/
  -        get_object_list_bounds(w_current, o_current->complex->prim_objs, rleft, rtop, rright, rbottom);
  -        break;
  +        *rleft = o_current->w_left;
  +        *rtop = o_current->w_top;
  +        *rright = o_current->w_right;
  +        *rbottom = o_current->w_bottom;
  +        return 1;
           /* only do bounding boxes for visible or doing show_hidden_text*/
           /* you might lose some attrs though */
  -        if (o_current->visibility == VISIBLE ||
  -            (o_current->visibility == INVISIBLE && w_current->show_hidden_text)) {
  -          get_text_bounds(w_current, o_current, rleft, rtop, rright, rbottom);
  +        if ( o_current->visibility == VISIBLE ||
  +             w_current->show_hidden_text ) {
  +          *rleft = o_current->w_left;
  +          *rtop = o_current->w_top;
  +          *rright = o_current->w_right;
  +          *rbottom = o_current->w_bottom;
  +          return 1;
  -      case(OBJ_PIN):
  -        get_pin_bounds(w_current, o_current->line, rleft, rtop, rright, rbottom);
  -        break;
  -      case(OBJ_ARC):
  -        get_arc_bounds(w_current, o_current, rleft, rtop, rright, rbottom);
  -        break;
  +  return 0;
   /*! \brief Return the bounds of the given list of objects.
  @@ -121,34 +104,39 @@
    *  \param [out] top    pointer to the top coordinate of the object.
    *  \param [out] right  pointer to the right coordinate of the object.
    *  \param [out] bottom pointer to the bottom coordinate of the object.
  + *  \return If any bounds were found for the list of objects
  + *  \retval 0 No bounds were found
  + *  \retval 1 Bound was found
  -get_object_list_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *complex, 
  +world_get_object_list_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *complex, 
   		       int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom)
     OBJECT *o_current=NULL;
     int rleft, rtop, rright, rbottom;
  -  *left = rleft = 999999;
  -  *top = rtop = 9999999;
  -  *right = rright = 0;
  -  *bottom = rbottom = 0;
  +  int found = 0;
     o_current = complex;
  +  // Find the first object with bounds, and set the bounds variables, then expand as necessary
     while ( o_current != NULL ) {
  -    get_single_object_bounds(w_current, o_current, &rleft, &rtop, 
  -			     &rright, &rbottom);
  -    if (rleft < *left) *left = rleft;
  -    if (rtop < *top) *top = rtop;
  -    if (rright > *right) *right = rright;
  -    if (rbottom > *bottom) *bottom = rbottom;
  -    o_current=o_current->next;
  +    if ( world_get_single_object_bounds( w_current, o_current, &rleft, &rtop, &rright, &rbottom) ) {
  +      if ( found ) {
  +        *left = min( *left, rleft );
  +        *top = min( *top, rtop );
  +        *right = max( *right, rright );
  +        *bottom = max( *bottom, rbottom );
  +      } else {
  +        *left = rleft;
  +        *top = rtop;
  +        *right = rright;
  +        *bottom = rbottom;
  +        found = 1;
  +    }
  +    o_current = o_current->next;
  +  }
  +  return found;
   /*! \brief Return the bounds of the given GList of objects.
  @@ -159,158 +147,69 @@
    *  \param [out] top    pointer to the top coordinate of the object.
    *  \param [out] right  pointer to the right coordinate of the object.
    *  \param [out] bottom pointer to the bottom coordinate of the object.
  + *  \return If any bounds were found for the list of objects
  + *  \retval 0 No bounds were found
  + *  \retval 1 Bound was found
  -void get_object_glist_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, GList *head, 
  +int world_get_object_glist_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, GList *head, 
   			     int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom)
     GList *s_current=NULL;
     OBJECT *o_current=NULL;
     int rleft, rtop, rright, rbottom;
  -  *left = rleft = 999999;
  -  *top = rtop = 9999999;
  -  *right = rright = 0;
  -  *bottom = rbottom = 0;
  +  int found = 0;
     s_current = head;
  +  // Find the first object with bounds, and set the bounds variables, then expand as necessary
     while ( s_current != NULL ) {
       o_current = (OBJECT *) s_current->data;
       g_assert (o_current != NULL);
  -    get_single_object_bounds(w_current, o_current, &rleft, &rtop, 
  -			     &rright, &rbottom);
  -    if (rleft < *left) *left = rleft;
  -    if (rtop < *top) *top = rtop;
  -    if (rright > *right) *right = rright;
  -    if (rbottom > *bottom) *bottom = rbottom;
  -    s_current=s_current->next;
  -  }
  -/*! \brief Return the bounds of the given object.
  - *  \par Given an object, calcule the bounds coordinates.
  - *  \param [in] w_current The toplevel structure.
  - *  \param [in] o_current The object to look the bounds for.
  - *  \param [out] left   pointer to the left coordinate of the object.
  - *  \param [out] top    pointer to the top coordinate of the object.
  - *  \param [out] right  pointer to the right coordinate of the object.
  - *  \param [out] bottom pointer to the bottom coordinate of the object.
  - *
  - */
  -void world_get_single_object_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *o_current, 
  -				    int *left, int *top, 
  -				    int *right, int *bottom)
  -  if (o_current != NULL ) {
  -    switch(o_current->type) {
  -      case(OBJ_LINE):
  -        world_get_line_bounds(w_current, o_current->line, 
  -			      left, top, right, bottom);
  -        break;
  -      case(OBJ_NET):
  -        /* same as a line (diff name)*/
  -        world_get_net_bounds(w_current, o_current->line, 
  -			     left, top, right, bottom);
  -        break;
  -      case(OBJ_BUS):
  -        /* same as a line (diff name)*/
  -        world_get_bus_bounds(w_current, o_current->line, 
  -			     left, top, right, bottom);
  -        break;
  -      case(OBJ_BOX):
  -        world_get_box_bounds(w_current, o_current->box, 
  -			     left, top, right, bottom);
  -        break;
  -      case(OBJ_PICTURE):
  -        world_get_picture_bounds(w_current, o_current->picture, 
  -				 left, top, right, bottom);
  -        break;
  -      case(OBJ_CIRCLE):
  -        world_get_circle_bounds(w_current, o_current->circle, 
  -				left, top, right, bottom);
  -        break;
  -      case(OBJ_COMPLEX):
  -      case(OBJ_PLACEHOLDER):
  -        /* recursive objects ?*/
  -        world_get_complex_bounds(w_current, o_current->complex->prim_objs, 
  -				 left, top, right, bottom);
  -        break;
  -      case(OBJ_TEXT):
  -        /* only do bounding boxes for visible or doing show hidden text */
  -        /* you might lose some attrs though */
  -        if (o_current->visibility == VISIBLE ||
  -            (o_current->visibility == INVISIBLE && 
  -	     w_current->show_hidden_text)) {
  -          world_get_text_bounds(w_current, o_current, 
  -				left, top, right, bottom);
  -        }
  -        break;
  -      case(OBJ_PIN):
  -        world_get_pin_bounds(w_current, o_current->line, 
  -			     left, top, right, bottom);
  -        break;
  -      case(OBJ_ARC):
  -        world_get_arc_bounds(w_current, o_current, 
  -			     left, top, right, bottom);
  -        break;
  -      default:
  -        break;
  -    }
  -  }
  -/*! \brief Return the bounds of the given complex (or list of OBJECTs).
  - *  \par Given a complex (list of objects), calcule the bounds coordinates.
  - *  \param [in] w_current The toplevel structure.
  - *  \param [in] complex   The list of objects to look the bounds for.
  - *  \param [out] left   pointer to the left coordinate of the object.
  - *  \param [out] top    pointer to the top coordinate of the object.
  - *  \param [out] right  pointer to the right coordinate of the object.
  - *  \param [out] bottom pointer to the bottom coordinate of the object.
  +    if ( world_get_single_object_bounds( w_current, o_current, &rleft, &rtop, &rright, &rbottom) ) {
  +      if ( found ) {
  +        *left = min( *left, rleft );
  +        *top = min( *top, rtop );
  +        *right = max( *right, rright );
  +        *bottom = max( *bottom, rbottom );
  +      } else {
  +        *left = rleft;
  +        *top = rtop;
  +        *right = rright;
  +        *bottom = rbottom;
  +        found = 1;
  +      }
  +    }
  +    s_current = s_current->next;
  +  }
  +  return found;
  +/*! \brief Queries the bounds of a complex object.
  + *  \par Function Description
  + *  This function returns the bounding box of the complex object
  + *  <B>object</B>.
  + *
  + *  \param [in]  w_current The toplevel environment.
  + *  \param [in]  complex   The complex object.
  + *  \param [out] left      The leftmost edge of the bounding box (in
  + *                         world units).
  + *  \param [out] top       The upper edge of the bounding box (in
  + *                         world units).
  + *  \param [out] right     The rightmost edge of the bounding box (in
  + *                         world units).
  + *  \param [out] bottom    The bottom edge of the bounding box (in
  + *                         screen units).
   void world_get_complex_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *complex, 
   			      int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom)
  -  OBJECT *o_current=NULL;
  -  int rleft, rtop, rright, rbottom;
  -  *left = rleft = w_current->init_right;
  -  *top = rtop = w_current->init_bottom;;
  -  *right = rright = 0;
  -  *bottom = rbottom = 0;
  -  o_current = complex;
  -  while ( o_current != NULL ) {
  -    world_get_single_object_bounds (w_current, o_current, 
  -				    &rleft, &rtop, &rright, &rbottom);
  +  g_return_if_fail (complex != NULL &&
  +                    (complex->type == OBJ_COMPLEX ||
  +                     complex->type == OBJ_PLACEHOLDER) &&
  +                    complex->complex != NULL);
  -    if (rleft < *left) *left = rleft;
  -    if (rtop < *top) *top = rtop;
  -    if (rright > *right) *right = rright;
  -    if (rbottom > *bottom) *bottom = rbottom;
  -    o_current=o_current->next;
  -  }
  +  world_get_object_list_bounds (w_current, complex->complex->prim_objs->next,
  +                                left, top, right, bottom);
  @@ -464,9 +363,6 @@
     new_node->complex->x = x;
     new_node->complex->y = y;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, x, y, 
  -                &new_node->complex->screen_x, 
  -                &new_node->complex->screen_y);    
     new_node->draw_func = complex_draw_func;  
  @@ -717,6 +613,11 @@
  +  if (use_object_list)
  +    o_complex_recalc(w_current, object_list);
  +  else
  +    o_complex_recalc(w_current, new_node);
  @@ -738,9 +639,6 @@
     new_node->complex = (COMPLEX *) g_malloc(sizeof(COMPLEX));
     new_node->complex->x = x;
     new_node->complex->y = y;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, x, y, 
  -                &new_node->complex->screen_x, 
  -                &new_node->complex->screen_y);    
     new_node->complex->angle = angle;
     new_node->complex->mirror = 0;
  @@ -791,17 +689,11 @@
     if ((!o_current) || (o_current->type != OBJ_COMPLEX && o_current->type != OBJ_PLACEHOLDER))
  -  get_object_list_bounds(w_current, o_current->complex->prim_objs, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  o_current->left = left;
  -  o_current->top = top;
  -  o_current->right = right;
  -  o_current->bottom = bottom;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, 
  -                o_current->complex->x, 
  -                o_current->complex->y,
  -                &o_current->complex->screen_x, 
  -                &o_current->complex->screen_y);
  +  world_get_complex_bounds(w_current, o_current, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  +  o_current->w_left = left;
  +  o_current->w_top = top;
  +  o_current->w_right = right;
  +  o_current->w_bottom = bottom;
  @@ -1066,21 +958,16 @@
     object->complex->x = object->complex->x + x1;
     object->complex->y = object->complex->y + y1;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, object->complex->x,
  -                object->complex->y,
  -                &object->complex->screen_x,
  -                &object->complex->screen_y);
     o_complex_world_translate(w_current, x1, y1, 
  -  get_object_list_bounds(w_current, object->complex->prim_objs, 
  +  world_get_object_list_bounds(w_current, object->complex->prim_objs, 
   			 &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  object->left = left;
  -  object->top = top;
  -  object->right = right;
  -  object->bottom = bottom;
  +  object->w_left = left;
  +  object->w_top = top;
  +  object->w_right = right;
  +  object->w_bottom = bottom;
   /*! \brief
  1.28      +51 -123   eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_line_basic.c
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: o_line_basic.c
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_line_basic.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.27
  retrieving revision 1.28
  diff -u -b -r1.27 -r1.28
  --- o_line_basic.c	24 Feb 2007 18:43:16 -0000	1.27
  +++ o_line_basic.c	17 Apr 2007 20:19:21 -0000	1.28
  @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
     new_node->draw_func = line_draw_func;
     new_node->sel_func = select_func;  
  -  /* compute bounding box and screen coords */
  +  /* compute bounding box */
     o_line_recalc(w_current, new_node);
     object_list = (OBJECT *) s_basic_link_object(new_node, object_list);
  @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
      * of the original line. The two lines have the sale line type and
      * filling options.
  -   * The coordinates and the values in screen unit are computed with
  +   * The bounding box are computed with
      * #o_line_recalc().
  @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
   		     o_current->fill_pitch1, o_current->fill_angle1,
   		     o_current->fill_pitch2, o_current->fill_angle2);
  -  /* calc the screen coords */
  +  /* calc the bounding box */
     o_line_recalc(w_current, o_current);
     /* new_obj->attribute = 0;*/
  @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
  -	/* recalculate the screen coords and the boundings */
  +	/* recalculate the bounding box */
   	o_line_recalc(w_current, object);
  @@ -405,40 +405,23 @@
   void o_line_translate_world(TOPLEVEL *w_current,
   			    int x1, int y1, OBJECT *object)
  -  int screen_x1, screen_y1;
  -  int screen_x2, screen_y2;	
     int left, right, top, bottom;
     if (object == NULL) printf("ltw NO!\n");
  -  /* Do world coords */
  +  /* Update world coords */
     object->line->x[0] = object->line->x[0] + x1;
     object->line->y[0] = object->line->y[0] + y1;
     object->line->x[1] = object->line->x[1] + x1;
     object->line->y[1] = object->line->y[1] + y1;
  -  /* update screen coords */
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, object->line->x[0], 
  -		object->line->y[0], 
  -		&screen_x1,
  -		&screen_y1);  
  -  object->line->screen_x[0] = screen_x1;
  -  object->line->screen_y[0] = screen_y1;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, object->line->x[1], 
  -		object->line->y[1], 
  -		&screen_x2,
  -		&screen_y2);  
  -  object->line->screen_x[1] = screen_x2;
  -  object->line->screen_y[1] = screen_y2;
  -  /* update bounding box */
  -  get_line_bounds(w_current, object->line, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  object->left   = left;
  -  object->top    = top;
  -  object->right  = right;
  -  object->bottom = bottom;
  +  /* Update bounding box */
  +  world_get_line_bounds(w_current, object, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  +  object->w_left   = left;
  +  object->w_top    = top;
  +  object->w_right  = right;
  +  object->w_bottom = bottom;
  @@ -527,88 +510,29 @@
   /*! \brief Recalculate line coordinates in SCREEN units.
    *  \par Function Description
  - *  This function recalculate the screen coords of the <B>o_current</B>
  - *  pointed line object from its world coords.
  - *
  - *  The line ends coordinates and its bounding box are recalculated
  + *  This function recalculate the bounding box of the <B>o_current</B>
    *  \param [in] w_current      The TOPLEVEL object.
    *  \param [in,out] o_current  Line OBJECT to be recalculated.
   void o_line_recalc(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *o_current)
  -  int screen_x1, screen_y1;
  -  int screen_x2, screen_y2;
     int left, right, top, bottom;
     if (o_current->line == NULL) {
  -  /* update the screen coords of end 1 of the line */
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  -		o_current->line->x[0], o_current->line->y[0], 
  -		&screen_x1, &screen_y1);  
  -  o_current->line->screen_x[0] = screen_x1;
  -  o_current->line->screen_y[0] = screen_y1;
  -  /* update the screen coords of end 2 of the line */
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  -		o_current->line->x[1], o_current->line->y[1], 
  -		&screen_x2, &screen_y2);  
  -  o_current->line->screen_x[1] = screen_x2;
  -  o_current->line->screen_y[1] = screen_y2;
     /* update the bounding box - screen unit */
  -  get_line_bounds(w_current, o_current->line, 
  +  world_get_line_bounds(w_current, o_current, 
   		  &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  o_current->left   = left;
  -  o_current->top    = top;
  -  o_current->right  = right;
  -  o_current->bottom = bottom;
  +  o_current->w_left   = left;
  +  o_current->w_top    = top;
  +  o_current->w_right  = right;
  +  o_current->w_bottom = bottom;
  -/*! \brief Get line bounding rectangle.
  - *  \par Function Description 
  - *  This function sets the <B>left</B>, <B>top</B>, <B>right</B> and
  - *  <B>bottom</B> parameters to the boundings of the line object described
  - *  by <B>*line</B> in screen units.
  - *
  - *  \param [in]  w_current  The TOPLEVEL object.
  - *  \param [in]  line       line OBJECT to read coordinates from.
  - *  \param [out] left       Left line coordinate in SCREEN units.
  - *  \param [out] top        Top line coordinate in SCREEN units.
  - *  \param [out] right      Right line coordinate in SCREEN units.
  - *  \param [out] bottom     Bottom line coordinate in SCREEN units.
  - */
  -void get_line_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, LINE *line, int *left, int *top,
  -		     int *right, int *bottom)
  -  *left   = w_current->width;
  -  *top    = w_current->height;
  -  *right  = 0;
  -  *bottom = 0;
  -  if (line->screen_x[0] < *left)   *left   = line->screen_x[0];
  -  if (line->screen_x[0] > *right)  *right  = line->screen_x[0];
  -  if (line->screen_y[0] < *top)    *top    = line->screen_y[0];
  -  if (line->screen_y[0] > *bottom) *bottom = line->screen_y[0];
  -  if (line->screen_x[1] < *left)   *left   = line->screen_x[1];
  -  if (line->screen_x[1] > *right)  *right  = line->screen_x[1];
  -  if (line->screen_y[1] < *top)    *top    = line->screen_y[1];
  -  if (line->screen_y[1] > *bottom) *bottom = line->screen_y[1];
  -  /* PB : bounding box has to take into account the width of the line */
  -  /* PB : but line width is unknown here */
  -  *left   = *left   - 4;
  -  *top    = *top    - 4;
  -  *right  = *right  + 4;
  -  *bottom = *bottom + 4;
   /*! \brief Get line bounding rectangle in WORLD coordinates.
    *  \par Function Description
    *  This function sets the <B>left</B>, <B>top</B>, <B>right</B> and
  @@ -616,30 +540,29 @@
    *  in <B>*line</B> in world units.
    *  \param [in]  w_current  The TOPLEVEL object.
  - *  \param [in]  line       Line OBJECT to read coordinates from.
  + *  \param [in]  OBJECT     Line OBJECT to read coordinates from.
    *  \param [out] left       Left line coordinate in WORLD units.
    *  \param [out] top        Top line coordinate in WORLD units.
    *  \param [out] right      Right line coordinate in WORLD units.
    *  \param [out] bottom     Bottom line coordinate in WORLD units.
  -void world_get_line_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, LINE *line,
  +void world_get_line_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *object,
   			   int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom)
  -  *left   = w_current->init_right;
  -  *top    = w_current->init_bottom;
  -  *right  = 0;
  -  *bottom = 0;
  -  if (line->x[0] < *left)   *left   = line->x[0];
  -  if (line->x[0] > *right)  *right  = line->x[0];
  -  if (line->y[0] < *top)    *top    = line->y[0];
  -  if (line->y[0] > *bottom) *bottom = line->y[0];
  -  if (line->x[1] < *left)   *left   = line->x[1];
  -  if (line->x[1] > *right)  *right  = line->x[1];
  -  if (line->y[1] < *top)    *top    = line->y[1];
  -  if (line->y[1] > *bottom) *bottom = line->y[1];
  +  int halfwidth;
  +  halfwidth = object->line_width / 2;
  +  *left = min( object->line->x[0], object->line->x[1] );
  +  *top = min( object->line->y[0], object->line->y[1] );
  +  *right = max( object->line->x[0], object->line->x[1] );
  +  *bottom = max( object->line->y[0], object->line->y[1] );
  +  /* This isn't strictly correct, but a 1st order approximation */
  +  *left   -= halfwidth;
  +  *top    -= halfwidth;
  +  *right  += halfwidth;
  +  *bottom += halfwidth;
   /*! \brief Print line to Postscript document.
  @@ -1313,6 +1236,7 @@
   void o_line_image_write(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *o_current, 
   			int origin_x, int origin_y, int color_mode)
  +  int x[2], y[2];
     int color;
     if (o_current == NULL) {
  @@ -1326,17 +1250,23 @@
       color = image_black;
  -  /* assumes screen coords are already calculated correctly */
   #ifdef HAS_LIBGD
  +  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  +                o_current->line->x[0],
  +                o_current->line->y[0],
  +                &x[0], &y[0]);
  +  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  +                o_current->line->x[1],
  +                o_current->line->y[1],
  +                &x[1], &y[1]);
     gdImageSetThickness(current_im_ptr, SCREENabs(w_current, 
  -              o_current->line->screen_x[0],
  -              o_current->line->screen_y[0],
  -              o_current->line->screen_x[1],
  -              o_current->line->screen_y[1], 
  +              x[0], y[0],
  +              x[1], y[1],
  @@ -1360,7 +1290,7 @@
     object->line->x[1] = object->line->x[1] * x_scale;
     object->line->y[1] = object->line->y[1] * y_scale;
  -  /* update screen coords */
  +  /* update boundingbox */
     o_line_recalc(w_current, object);
  @@ -1387,10 +1317,8 @@
  -  *x1 = line->screen_x[0];
  -  *y1 = line->screen_y[0];
  -  *x2 = line->screen_x[1];
  -  *y2 = line->screen_y[1];
  +  WORLDtoSCREEN( w_current, line->x[0], line->y[0], x1, y1 );
  +  WORLDtoSCREEN( w_current, line->x[1], line->y[1], x2, y2 );
     visible = SCREENclip_change(w_current, x1, y1, x2, y2);
  1.36      +37 -184   eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_net_basic.c
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: o_net_basic.c
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_net_basic.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.35
  retrieving revision 1.36
  diff -u -b -r1.35 -r1.36
  --- o_net_basic.c	24 Feb 2007 18:43:16 -0000	1.35
  +++ o_net_basic.c	17 Apr 2007 20:19:21 -0000	1.36
  @@ -52,77 +52,10 @@
    *  \param [out] right
    *  \param [out] bottom
  -void get_net_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, LINE *line, int *left, int *top,
  -		    int *right, int *bottom)
  -  *left = w_current->width;
  -  *top = w_current->height;
  -  *right = 0;
  -  *bottom = 0;
  -  if (line->screen_x[0] < *left)
  -  *left = line->screen_x[0];
  -  if (line->screen_x[0] > *right)
  -  *right = line->screen_x[0];
  -  if (line->screen_y[0] < *top)
  -  *top = line->screen_y[0];
  -  if (line->screen_y[0] > *bottom)
  -  *bottom = line->screen_y[0];
  -  if (line->screen_x[1] < *left)
  -  *left = line->screen_x[1];
  -  if (line->screen_x[1] > *right)
  -  *right = line->screen_x[1];
  -  if (line->screen_y[1] < *top)
  -  *top = line->screen_y[1];
  -  if (line->screen_y[1] > *bottom)
  -  *bottom = line->screen_y[1];
  -  *left = *left - 4;
  -  *top = *top - 4;
  -  *right = *right + 4;
  -  *bottom = *bottom + 4;
  -/*! \todo Finish function documentation!!!
  - *  \brief
  - *  \par Function Description
  - *
  - *  \param [in]  w_current  The TOPLEVEL object.
  - *  \param [in]  line
  - *  \param [out] left
  - *  \param [out] top
  - *  \param [out] right
  - *  \param [out] bottom
  - */
  -void world_get_net_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, LINE *line, int *left,
  +void world_get_net_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *object, int *left,
   			  int *top, int *right, int *bottom)
  -  *left = w_current->init_right;
  -  *top = w_current->init_bottom;
  -  *right = 0;
  -  *bottom = 0;
  -  if (line->x[0] < *left)
  -  *left = line->x[0];
  -  if (line->x[0] > *right)
  -  *right = line->x[0];
  -  if (line->y[0] < *top)
  -  *top = line->y[0];
  -  if (line->y[0] > *bottom)
  -  *bottom = line->y[0];
  -  if (line->x[1] < *left)
  -  *left = line->x[1];
  -  if (line->x[1] > *right)
  -  *right = line->x[1];
  -  if (line->y[1] < *top)
  -  *top = line->y[1];
  -  if (line->y[1] > *bottom)
  -  *bottom = line->y[1];
  +  world_get_line_bounds( w_current, object, left, top, right, bottom );
   /*! \todo Finish function documentation!!!
  @@ -142,7 +75,6 @@
   OBJECT *o_net_add(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *object_list, char type,
   		  int color, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
  -  int screen_x, screen_y;
     int left, right, top, bottom;
     OBJECT *new_node;
  @@ -157,28 +89,15 @@
     new_node->line->y[0] = y1;
     new_node->line->x[1] = x2;
     new_node->line->y[1] = y2;
  +  new_node->line_width = NET_WIDTH;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  -                new_node->line->x[0], new_node->line->y[0],
  -                &screen_x, &screen_y);
  -  new_node->line->screen_x[0] = screen_x;
  -  new_node->line->screen_y[0] = screen_y;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  -                new_node->line->x[1], new_node->line->y[1],
  -                &screen_x, &screen_y);
  -  new_node->line->screen_x[1] = screen_x;
  -  new_node->line->screen_y[1] = screen_y;
  -  get_net_bounds(w_current, new_node->line, &left, &top, &right,
  +  world_get_net_bounds(w_current, new_node, &left, &top, &right,
  -  new_node->left = left;
  -  new_node->top = top;
  -  new_node->right = right;
  -  new_node->bottom = bottom;
  +  new_node->w_left = left;
  +  new_node->w_top = top;
  +  new_node->w_right = right;
  +  new_node->w_bottom = bottom;
     new_node->draw_func = net_draw_func;
     new_node->sel_func = select_func;
  @@ -204,8 +123,6 @@
   void o_net_recalc(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *o_current)
  -  int screen_x1, screen_y1;
  -  int screen_x2, screen_y2;
     int left, right, top, bottom;
     if (o_current == NULL) {
  @@ -216,25 +133,13 @@
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, o_current->line->x[0],
  -                o_current->line->y[0], &screen_x1, &screen_y1);
  -  o_current->line->screen_x[0] = screen_x1;
  -  o_current->line->screen_y[0] = screen_y1;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, o_current->line->x[1],
  -                o_current->line->y[1], &screen_x2, &screen_y2);
  -  o_current->line->screen_x[1] = screen_x2;
  -  o_current->line->screen_y[1] = screen_y2;
  -  get_net_bounds(w_current, o_current->line, &left, &top, &right,
  +  world_get_net_bounds(w_current, o_current, &left, &top, &right,
  -  o_current->left = left;
  -  o_current->top = top;
  -  o_current->right = right;
  -  o_current->bottom = bottom;
  +  o_current->w_left = left;
  +  o_current->w_top = top;
  +  o_current->w_right = right;
  +  o_current->w_bottom = bottom;
  @@ -323,40 +228,25 @@
   void o_net_translate_world(TOPLEVEL *w_current, int x1, int y1,
   			   OBJECT *object)
  -  int screen_x1, screen_y1;
  -  int screen_x2, screen_y2;
     int left, right, top, bottom;
     if (object == NULL)
     printf("ntw NO!\n");
  -  /* Do world coords */
  +  /* Update world coords */
     object->line->x[0] = object->line->x[0] + x1;
     object->line->y[0] = object->line->y[0] + y1;
     object->line->x[1] = object->line->x[1] + x1;
     object->line->y[1] = object->line->y[1] + y1;
  -  /* update screen coords */
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, object->line->x[0],
  -                object->line->y[0], &screen_x1, &screen_y1);
  -  object->line->screen_x[0] = screen_x1;
  -  object->line->screen_y[0] = screen_y1;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, object->line->x[1],
  -                object->line->y[1], &screen_x2, &screen_y2);
  -  object->line->screen_x[1] = screen_x2;
  -  object->line->screen_y[1] = screen_y2;
  -  /* update bounding box */
  -  get_net_bounds(w_current, object->line, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  object->left = left;
  -  object->top = top;
  -  object->right = right;
  -  object->bottom = bottom;
  +  /* Update bounding box */
  +  world_get_net_bounds(w_current, object, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  +  object->w_left = left;
  +  object->w_top = top;
  +  object->w_right = right;
  +  object->w_bottom = bottom;
     s_tile_update_object(w_current, object);
  @@ -388,11 +278,6 @@
                         o_current->line->x[0], o_current->line->y[0],
                         o_current->line->x[1], o_current->line->y[1]);
  -  new_obj->line->screen_x[0] = o_current->line->screen_x[0];
  -  new_obj->line->screen_y[0] = o_current->line->screen_y[0];
  -  new_obj->line->screen_x[1] = o_current->line->screen_x[1];
  -  new_obj->line->screen_y[1] = o_current->line->screen_y[1];
     new_obj->line->x[0] = o_current->line->x[0];
     new_obj->line->y[0] = o_current->line->y[0];
     new_obj->line->x[1] = o_current->line->x[1];
  @@ -464,11 +349,7 @@
   void o_net_image_write(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *o_current,
   		       int origin_x, int origin_y, int color_mode)
  -  int offset, offset2;
  -  int cross;
  -  int x1, y1;
  -  int x2, y2;
  -  int endpoint_color;
  +  int x[2], y[2];
     int color;
     if (o_current == NULL) {
  @@ -482,27 +363,15 @@
       color = image_black;
  -  offset = SCREENabs(w_current, NET_WIDTH);
  -  /* 
  -     offset = 7 * (float) w_current->height/ (float) w_current->width;
  -     offset2 = 7 * (float) w_current->height/ (float) w_current->width*2;  
  -     printf("%f %d %d\n", (float) ( (float) w_current->height/ (float) w_current->width), 
  -     offset, offset2);
  -  */
  -  offset2 = offset * 2;
  -  cross = offset;
  -  x1 = o_current->line->screen_x[0];
  -  y1 = o_current->line->screen_y[0];
  -  x2 = o_current->line->screen_x[1];
  -  y2 = o_current->line->screen_y[1];
  -  /* assumes screen coords are already calculated correctly */
   #ifdef HAS_LIBGD
  +  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  +                o_current->line->x[0],
  +                o_current->line->y[0],
  +                &x[0], &y[0]);
  +  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  +                o_current->line->x[1],
  +                o_current->line->y[1],
  +                &x[1], &y[1]);
     if (w_current->net_style == THICK) {
       gdImageSetThickness(current_im_ptr, SCREENabs(w_current,
  @@ -511,16 +380,8 @@
       gdImageSetThickness(current_im_ptr, 0);
  -  gdImageLine(current_im_ptr, x1, y1, x2, y2, color);
  +  gdImageLine(current_im_ptr, x[0], y[0], x[1], y[1], color);
  -  if (color_mode == TRUE) {
  -    endpoint_color =
  -      o_image_geda2gd_color(w_current->net_endpoint_color);
  -  } else {
  -    endpoint_color = image_black;
  -  }
   /*! \todo Finish function documentation!!!
  @@ -886,25 +747,17 @@
   void o_net_modify(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *object,
   		  int x, int y, int whichone)
  -  int screen_x, screen_y;
     int left, right, top, bottom;
     object->line->x[whichone] = x;
     object->line->y[whichone] = y;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  -                object->line->x[whichone],
  -                object->line->y[whichone], &screen_x, &screen_y);
  -  object->line->screen_x[whichone] = screen_x;
  -  object->line->screen_y[whichone] = screen_y;
  -  get_net_bounds(w_current, object->line, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  +  world_get_net_bounds(w_current, object, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  object->left = left;
  -  object->top = top;
  -  object->right = right;
  -  object->bottom = bottom;
  +  object->w_left = left;
  +  object->w_top = top;
  +  object->w_right = right;
  +  object->w_bottom = bottom;
     s_tile_update_object(w_current, object);
  1.7       +16 -64    eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_picture.c
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: o_picture.c
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_picture.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision 1.7
  diff -u -b -r1.6 -r1.7
  --- o_picture.c	24 Feb 2007 18:43:16 -0000	1.6
  +++ o_picture.c	17 Apr 2007 20:19:21 -0000	1.7
  @@ -454,12 +454,10 @@
  -/*! \brief Recalculate picture coordinates in SCREEN units.
  +/*! \brief Recalculate picture bounding box.
    *  \par Function Description
  - *  This function recalculates the screen coords of the <B>o_current</B>
  - *  parameter picture object from its world coords.
  - *
  - *  The picture coordinates and its bounding are recalculated
  + *  This function recalculates the bounding box of the <B>o_current</B>
  + *  parameter picture object.
    *  \param [in] w_current      The TOPLEVEL object.
    *  \param [in,out] o_current  Picture OBJECT to be recalculated.
  @@ -467,57 +465,18 @@
   void o_picture_recalc(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *o_current)
     int left, top, right, bottom;
  -  int screen_x1, screen_y1;
  -  int screen_x2, screen_y2;
     if (o_current->picture == NULL) {
  -  /* update the screen coords of the upper left corner of the picture */
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  -		o_current->picture->upper_x, o_current->picture->upper_y, 
  -		&screen_x1, &screen_y1);  
  -  o_current->picture->screen_upper_x = screen_x1;
  -  o_current->picture->screen_upper_y = screen_y1;
  -  /* update the screen coords of the lower right corner of the picture */
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  -		o_current->picture->lower_x, o_current->picture->lower_y, 
  -		&screen_x2, &screen_y2);  
  -  o_current->picture->screen_lower_x = screen_x2;
  -  o_current->picture->screen_lower_y = screen_y2;
  -  /* update the bounding picture - screen unit */
  -  get_picture_bounds(w_current, o_current->picture,
  +  /* update the bounding picture - world units */
  +  world_get_picture_bounds(w_current, o_current,
   		     &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  o_current->left   = left;
  -  o_current->top    = top;
  -  o_current->right  = right;
  -  o_current->bottom = bottom;
  -/*! \brief Get picture bounding rectangle.
  - *  \par Function Description 
  - *  This function sets the <B>left</B>, <B>top</B>, <B>right</B> and
  - *  <B>bottom</B> parameters to the boundings of the picture object described
  - *  in <B>*picture</B> in SCREEN units.
  - *
  - *  \param [in]  w_current  The TOPLEVEL object.
  - *  \param [in]  picture    Picture OBJECT to read coordinates from.
  - *  \param [out] left       Left picture coordinate in SCREEN units.
  - *  \param [out] top        Top picture coordinate in SCREEN units.
  - *  \param [out] right      Right pircture coordinate in SCREEN units.
  - *  \param [out] bottom     Bottom picture coordinate in SCREEN units.
  - */
  -void get_picture_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, PICTURE *picture,
  -			int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom)
  -  *left   = picture->screen_upper_x;
  -  *top    = picture->screen_upper_y;
  -  *right  = picture->screen_lower_x;
  -  *bottom = picture->screen_lower_y;
  +  o_current->w_left   = left;
  +  o_current->w_top    = top;
  +  o_current->w_right  = right;
  +  o_current->w_bottom = bottom;
  @@ -528,26 +487,19 @@
    *  described in <B>*picture</B> in WORLD units.
    *  \param [in]  w_current  The TOPLEVEL object.
  - *  \param [in]  picture    Picture OBJECT to read coordinates from.
  + *  \param [in]  object     Picture OBJECT to read coordinates from.
    *  \param [out] left       Left picture coordinate in WORLD units.
    *  \param [out] top        Top picture coordinate in WORLD units.
    *  \param [out] right      Right picture coordinate in WORLD units.
    *  \param [out] bottom     Bottom picture coordinate in WORLD units.
  -void world_get_picture_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, PICTURE *picture,
  +void world_get_picture_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *object,
   			      int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom)
  -	/* pb20011002 - why using min and max here and not above ? */
  -	*left   = min(picture->upper_x, picture->lower_x);
  -	*top    = min(picture->upper_y, picture->lower_y);
  -	*right  = max(picture->upper_x, picture->lower_x);
  -	*bottom = max(picture->upper_y, picture->lower_y);
  -	/* PB : same as above here for width of edges */	
  -#if DEBUG 
  -	printf("picture: %d %d %d %d\n", *left, *top, *right, *bottom);
  +  *left   = min(object->picture->upper_x, object->picture->lower_x);
  +  *top    = min(object->picture->upper_y, object->picture->lower_y);
  +  *right  = max(object->picture->upper_x, object->picture->lower_x);
  +  *bottom = max(object->picture->upper_y, object->picture->lower_y);
  1.26      +59 -160   eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_pin_basic.c
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: o_pin_basic.c
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_pin_basic.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.25
  retrieving revision 1.26
  diff -u -b -r1.25 -r1.26
  --- o_pin_basic.c	24 Feb 2007 18:43:16 -0000	1.25
  +++ o_pin_basic.c	17 Apr 2007 20:19:21 -0000	1.26
  @@ -46,53 +46,10 @@
    *  \par Function Description
  -void get_pin_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, LINE *line, int *left, int *top,
  +void world_get_pin_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *object, int *left, int *top,
   		    int *right, int *bottom)
  -  *left = w_current->width;
  -  *top = w_current->height;
  -  *right = 0;
  -  *bottom = 0;
  -  if (line->screen_x[0] < *left) *left = line->screen_x[0];
  -  if (line->screen_x[0] > *right) *right = line->screen_x[0];
  -  if (line->screen_y[0] < *top) *top = line->screen_y[0];
  -  if (line->screen_y[0] > *bottom) *bottom = line->screen_y[0];
  -  if (line->screen_x[1] < *left) *left = line->screen_x[1];
  -  if (line->screen_x[1] > *right) *right = line->screen_x[1];
  -  if (line->screen_y[1] < *top) *top = line->screen_y[1];
  -  if (line->screen_y[1] > *bottom) *bottom = line->screen_y[1];
  -  *left = *left - 4;
  -  *top = *top - 4;
  -  *right = *right + 4;
  -  *bottom = *bottom + 4;
  -/*! \todo Finish function documentation!!!
  - *  \brief
  - *  \par Function Description
  - *
  - */
  -void world_get_pin_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, LINE *line, int *left, int *top,
  -			  int *right, int *bottom)
  -  *left = w_current->init_right;
  -  *top = w_current->init_bottom;
  -  *right = 0;
  -  *bottom = 0;
  -  if (line->x[0] < *left) *left = line->x[0];
  -  if (line->x[0] > *right) *right = line->x[0];
  -  if (line->y[0] < *top) *top = line->y[0];
  -  if (line->y[0] > *bottom) *bottom = line->y[0];
  -  if (line->x[1] < *left) *left = line->x[1];
  -  if (line->x[1] > *right) *right = line->x[1];
  -  if (line->y[1] < *top) *top = line->y[1];
  -  if (line->y[1] > *bottom) *bottom = line->y[1];
  +  world_get_line_bounds( w_current, object, left, top, right, bottom );
   /*! \todo Finish function documentation!!!
  @@ -104,7 +61,6 @@
   		  char type, int color,
   		  int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int pin_type, int whichend)
  -  int screen_x, screen_y;
     int left, right, top, bottom;
     OBJECT *new_node;
  @@ -118,29 +74,14 @@
     new_node->line->y[0] = y1;
     new_node->line->x[1] = x2;
     new_node->line->y[1] = y2;
  +  new_node->line_width = PIN_WIDTH;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, 
  -                new_node->line->x[0], new_node->line->y[0], 
  -                &screen_x,
  -                &screen_y);  
  +  world_get_pin_bounds(w_current, new_node, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  new_node->line->screen_x[0] = screen_x;
  -  new_node->line->screen_y[0] = screen_y;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, 
  -                new_node->line->x[1], new_node->line->y[1], 
  -                &screen_x,
  -                &screen_y);  
  -  new_node->line->screen_x[1] = screen_x;
  -  new_node->line->screen_y[1] = screen_y;
  -  get_pin_bounds(w_current, new_node->line, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  new_node->left = left;
  -  new_node->top = top;
  -  new_node->right = right;
  -  new_node->bottom = bottom;	
  +  new_node->w_left = left;
  +  new_node->w_top = top;
  +  new_node->w_right = right;
  +  new_node->w_bottom = bottom;	
     new_node->draw_func = pin_draw_func;  
     new_node->sel_func = select_func;  
  @@ -182,37 +123,18 @@
   void o_pin_recalc(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *o_current)
  -  int screen_x1, screen_y1;
  -  int screen_x2, screen_y2;	
     int left, right, top, bottom;
     if (o_current->line == NULL) {
  +  world_get_pin_bounds(w_current, o_current, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, o_current->line->x[0], 
  -                o_current->line->y[0], 
  -                &screen_x1,
  -                &screen_y1);  
  -  o_current->line->screen_x[0] = screen_x1;
  -  o_current->line->screen_y[0] = screen_y1;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, o_current->line->x[1], 
  -                o_current->line->y[1], 
  -                &screen_x2,
  -                &screen_y2);  
  -  o_current->line->screen_x[1] = screen_x2;
  -  o_current->line->screen_y[1] = screen_y2;
  -  get_pin_bounds(w_current, o_current->line, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  o_current->left = left;
  -  o_current->top = top;
  -  o_current->right = right;
  -  o_current->bottom = bottom;
  +  o_current->w_left = left;
  +  o_current->w_top = top;
  +  o_current->w_right = right;
  +  o_current->w_bottom = bottom;
  @@ -320,43 +242,24 @@
   void o_pin_translate_world(TOPLEVEL *w_current, int x1, int y1, OBJECT *object)
  -  int screen_x1, screen_y1;
  -  int screen_x2, screen_y2;	
     int left, right, top, bottom;
     if (object == NULL) printf("ptw NO!\n");
  -  /* Do world coords */
  +  /* Update world coords */
     object->line->x[0] = object->line->x[0] + x1;
     object->line->y[0] = object->line->y[0] + y1;
     object->line->x[1] = object->line->x[1] + x1;
     object->line->y[1] = object->line->y[1] + y1;
  -  /* update screen coords */
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, object->line->x[0], 
  -                object->line->y[0], 
  -                &screen_x1,
  -                &screen_y1);  
  -  object->line->screen_x[0] = screen_x1;
  -  object->line->screen_y[0] = screen_y1;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, object->line->x[1], 
  -                object->line->y[1], 
  -                &screen_x2,
  -                &screen_y2);  
  -  object->line->screen_x[1] = screen_x2;
  -  object->line->screen_y[1] = screen_y2;
  -  /* update bounding box */
  -  get_pin_bounds(w_current, object->line, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  object->left = left;
  -  object->top = top;
  -  object->right = right;
  -  object->bottom = bottom;
  +  /* Update bounding box */
  +  world_get_pin_bounds(w_current, object, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  +  object->w_left = left;
  +  object->w_top = top;
  +  object->w_right = right;
  +  object->w_bottom = bottom;
     s_tile_update_object(w_current, object);
  @@ -383,14 +286,6 @@
                         o_current->line->x[1], o_current->line->y[1],
                         o_current->pin_type, o_current->whichend);
  -  /* why is this here ? */
  -  /* because they all have it, and it is used during outline actions */
  -  new_obj->line->screen_x[0] = o_current->line->screen_x[0];
  -  new_obj->line->screen_y[0] = o_current->line->screen_y[0];
  -  new_obj->line->screen_x[1] = o_current->line->screen_x[1];
  -  new_obj->line->screen_y[1] = o_current->line->screen_y[1];
     new_obj->line->x[0] = o_current->line->x[0];
     new_obj->line->y[0] = o_current->line->y[0];
     new_obj->line->x[1] = o_current->line->x[1];
  @@ -454,6 +349,7 @@
   void o_pin_image_write(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *o_current,
   		       int origin_x, int origin_y, int color_mode)
  +  int x[2], y[2];
     int color;
     if (o_current == NULL) {
  @@ -467,8 +363,15 @@
       color = image_black;
  -  /* assumes screen coords are already calculated correctly */
   #ifdef HAS_LIBGD
  +  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  +                o_current->line->x[0],
  +                o_current->line->y[0],
  +                &x[0], &y[0]);
  +  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current,
  +                o_current->line->x[1],
  +                o_current->line->y[1],
  +                &x[1], &y[1]);
     if (w_current->pin_style == THICK) {
       gdImageSetThickness(current_im_ptr, SCREENabs(w_current,
  @@ -478,10 +381,8 @@
  -              o_current->line->screen_x[0],
  -              o_current->line->screen_y[0],
  -              o_current->line->screen_x[1],
  -              o_current->line->screen_y[1],
  +              x[0], y[0],
  +              x[1], y[1],
  @@ -544,26 +445,17 @@
   void o_pin_modify(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *object, 
   		  int x, int y, int whichone)
  -  int screen_x, screen_y;
     int left, right, top, bottom;
     object->line->x[whichone] = x;
     object->line->y[whichone] = y;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, 
  -                object->line->x[whichone], 
  -                object->line->y[whichone], 
  -                &screen_x, &screen_y);  
  -  object->line->screen_x[whichone] = screen_x;
  -  object->line->screen_y[whichone] = screen_y;
  -  get_pin_bounds(w_current, object->line, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  object->left = left;
  -  object->top = top;
  -  object->right = right;
  -  object->bottom = bottom;	
  +  world_get_pin_bounds(w_current, object, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  +  object->w_left = left;
  +  object->w_top = top;
  +  object->w_right = right;
  +  object->w_bottom = bottom;	
     s_tile_update_object(w_current, object);
  @@ -583,34 +475,40 @@
     int min0, min1;
     int min0_whichend, min1_whichend;
     int rleft, rtop, rright, rbottom;
  +  int found;
     if (object_list && num_pins) {
       if (num_pins == 1 || w_current->force_boundingbox) {
  -      world_get_complex_bounds(w_current, object_list,
  +      world_get_object_list_bounds(w_current, object_list,
                                &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
       } else {
  -      left = rleft = w_current->init_right;
  -      top = rtop = w_current->init_bottom;;
  -      right = rright = 0;
  -      bottom = rbottom = 0;
  +      found = 0;
         /* only look at the pins to calculate bounds of the symbol */
         o_current = object_list;
         while (o_current != NULL) {
           if (o_current->type == OBJ_PIN) {
  -          world_get_pin_bounds(w_current, o_current->line,
  -                               &rleft, &rtop, &rright, &rbottom);
  +          rleft = o_current->w_left;
  +          rtop = o_current->w_top;
  +          rright = o_current->w_right;
  +          rbottom = o_current->w_bottom;
  +          if ( found ) {
  +            left = min( left, rleft );
  +            top = min( top, rtop );
  +            right = max( right, rright );
  +            bottom = max( bottom, rbottom );
  +          } else {
  +            left = rleft;
  +            top = rtop;
  +            right = rright;
  +            bottom = rbottom;
  +            found = 1;
  +          }
  -        if (rleft < left) left = rleft;
  -        if (rtop < top) top = rtop;
  -        if (rright > right) right = rright;
  -        if (rbottom > bottom) bottom = rbottom;
     } else {
  @@ -618,6 +516,7 @@
     o_current = object_list;
     while (o_current != NULL) {
  +    /* Determine which end of the pin is on or nearest the boundary */
       if (o_current->type == OBJ_PIN && o_current->whichend == -1) {
         if (o_current->line->y[0] == o_current->line->y[1]) {
           /* horizontal */
  1.28      +19 -57    eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_text_basic.c
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: o_text_basic.c
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/o_text_basic.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.27
  retrieving revision 1.28
  diff -u -b -r1.27 -r1.28
  --- o_text_basic.c	24 Feb 2007 18:43:16 -0000	1.27
  +++ o_text_basic.c	17 Apr 2007 20:19:21 -0000	1.28
  @@ -66,22 +66,10 @@
    *  \par Function Description
  -void get_text_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *o_current,
  -		     int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom)
  -  get_object_list_bounds(w_current, o_current->text->prim_objs, left, top,
  -			 right, bottom);
  -/*! \todo Finish function documentation!!!
  - *  \brief
  - *  \par Function Description
  - *
  - */
  -void world_get_text_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *o_current, int *left,
  +int world_get_text_bounds(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *o_current, int *left,
   			   int *top, int *right, int *bottom)
  -  world_get_complex_bounds(w_current, o_current->text->prim_objs,
  +  return world_get_object_list_bounds(w_current, o_current->text->prim_objs,
                              left, top, right, bottom);
  @@ -887,7 +875,6 @@
     OBJECT *temp_list=NULL;
     OBJECT *temp_parent=NULL;
     TEXT *text;
  -  int left, right, top, bottom;
     char *name = NULL;
     char *value = NULL; 
     char *output_string = NULL;
  @@ -907,7 +894,6 @@
     text->alignment = alignment;
     text->x = x;
     text->y = y;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, x, y, &text->screen_x, &text->screen_y);
     text->angle = angle;
     new_node->text = text;
  @@ -990,13 +976,8 @@
     w_current->page_current->object_parent = temp_parent;
  -  get_text_bounds(w_current, object_list, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  /* set the new object's bounding box */
  -  object_list->left = left;
  -  object_list->top = top;
  -  object_list->right = right;
  -  object_list->bottom = bottom;
  +  /* Update bounding box */
  +  o_text_recalc( w_current, object_list );
     if (name) g_free(name);
     if (value) g_free(value);
  @@ -1017,17 +998,13 @@
  -  get_object_list_bounds(w_current, o_current->text->prim_objs, 
  -			 &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  o_current->left = left;
  -  o_current->top = top;
  -  o_current->right = right;
  -  o_current->bottom = bottom;
  +  if ( !world_get_text_bounds(w_current, o_current, &left, &top, &right, &bottom) )
  +    return;
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, o_current->text->x,
  -                o_current->text->y,
  -                &o_current->text->screen_x,
  -                &o_current->text->screen_y);
  +  o_current->w_left = left;
  +  o_current->w_top = top;
  +  o_current->w_right = right;
  +  o_current->w_bottom = bottom;
   /*! \todo Finish function documentation!!!
  @@ -1358,6 +1335,8 @@
       o_current->text->displayed_height = 0;
  +  o_text_recalc( w_current, o_current );
     w_current->page_current->object_parent = temp_parent;
     if (name) g_free(name);
     if (value) g_free(value);
  @@ -1372,30 +1351,13 @@
   void o_text_translate_world(TOPLEVEL *w_current,
   			    int x1, int y1, OBJECT *o_current)
  -  int screen_x, screen_y;
  -  int left, right, top, bottom;
     o_current->text->x = o_current->text->x + x1;
     o_current->text->y = o_current->text->y + y1;
  -  /* update screen coords */
  -  WORLDtoSCREEN(w_current, o_current->text->x, o_current->text->y, 
  -                &screen_x, &screen_y);
  -  o_current->text->screen_x = screen_x;
  -  o_current->text->screen_y = screen_y;
     o_complex_world_translate(w_current, x1, y1, o_current->text->prim_objs);
  -  /* update bounding box */
  -  /* do it */
  -  get_text_bounds(w_current, o_current, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
  -  o_current->left = left;
  -  o_current->top = top;
  -  o_current->right = right;
  -  o_current->bottom = bottom;
  +  /* Update bounding box */
  +  o_text_recalc( w_current, o_current );
   /*! \todo Finish function documentation!!!
  1.26      +4 -10     eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/s_basic.c
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: s_basic.c
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/s_basic.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.25
  retrieving revision 1.26
  diff -u -b -r1.25 -r1.26
  --- s_basic.c	17 Dec 2006 04:14:07 -0000	1.25
  +++ s_basic.c	17 Apr 2007 20:19:21 -0000	1.26
  @@ -169,10 +169,10 @@
     sprintf(new_node->name, "%s.%d", name, new_node->sid);
     /* Setup the bounding box */
  -  new_node->top = 999999;
  -  new_node->left = 999999;
  -  new_node->right = 0;
  -  new_node->bottom = 0;
  +  new_node->w_top = 0;
  +  new_node->w_left = 0;
  +  new_node->w_right = 0;
  +  new_node->w_bottom = 0;
     /* Setup line/circle structs */
     new_node->line = NULL;
  @@ -209,19 +209,13 @@
     new_node->line_end = END_NONE;
     new_node->line_type = TYPE_SOLID;
     new_node->line_width = 0;
  -  new_node->screen_line_width = 0;
     new_node->line_space = 0;
  -  new_node->screen_line_space = 0;
     new_node->line_length = 0;
  -  new_node->screen_line_length = 0;
     new_node->fill_width = 0;
  -  new_node->screen_fill_width = 0;
     new_node->fill_angle1 = 0;
     new_node->fill_angle2 = 0;
     new_node->fill_pitch1 = 0;
  -  new_node->screen_fill_pitch1 = 0;
     new_node->fill_pitch2 = 0;
  -  new_node->screen_fill_pitch2 = 0;
     new_node->attribs = NULL;
     new_node->attached_to = NULL;
  1.19      +2 -0      eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/s_toplevel.c
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: s_toplevel.c
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/libgeda/src/s_toplevel.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.18
  retrieving revision 1.19
  diff -u -b -r1.18 -r1.19
  --- s_toplevel.c	24 Feb 2007 10:46:25 -0000	1.18
  +++ s_toplevel.c	17 Apr 2007 20:19:21 -0000	1.19
  @@ -416,6 +416,8 @@
     toplevel->print_command = NULL;
  +  toplevel->select_slack_pixels = 4;
     toplevel->net_naming_priority = 0;
     toplevel->hierarchy_traversal = 0;
     toplevel->hierarchy_uref_mangle = 0;

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