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gEDA-cvs: CVS update: system-gschemrc.in

  User: cnieves 
  Date: 07/04/21 06:00:41

  Modified:    .        system-gschemrc.in
  Rearrange gschem help menu & make it link to wiki pages. (Peter Brett's patch)
  * lib/system-gschemrc.in: Apply patch from Peter Brett. Thanks!
    Rearrange gschem help menu & make it link to wiki pages.
    Rearrange the gschem help menu:
     - "Manual" now links directly to the gschem User Guide.
        (Note by cnieves: I commented this out until the gsch2pcb 
        tutorial gets into the wiki and the UG wiki page is improved).
     - "FAQ" now links directly to the gschem FAQ
     - Add menu item which links directly to the wiki root page
     - Rearrange "About" and "Hotkeys" to bottom of menu
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.123     +23 -6     eda/geda/gaf/gschem/lib/system-gschemrc.in
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: system-gschemrc.in
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/gschem/lib/system-gschemrc.in,v
  retrieving revision 1.122
  retrieving revision 1.123
  diff -u -b -r1.122 -r1.123
  --- system-gschemrc.in	17 Apr 2007 20:19:15 -0000	1.122
  +++ system-gschemrc.in	21 Apr 2007 10:00:41 -0000	1.123
  @@ -1484,6 +1484,8 @@
   (define help-keymap
     '(("a" . help-about)
       ("m" . help-manual)
  +    ("f" . help-faq)
  +    ("w" . help-wiki)
       ("h" . help-hotkeys)
       ("c" . hierarchy-documentation))) ; yes this is okay; reusing
  @@ -1721,15 +1723,30 @@
   	   ("Show Coord Window..."   options-show-coord-window   
  +; Set up some functions used to open help files for the help menu
  +; Commented this out until the gsch2pcb tutorial gets into the wiki
  +; and the UG wiki page is improved
  +; (define (help-manual)
  +;   (gschem-browse-wiki "geda:gschem_ug"))
  +(define (help-faq)
  +  (gschem-browse-wiki "geda:faq-gschem"))
  +(define (help-wiki)
  +  (gschem-browse-wiki))
   (define help-menu-items 
   ;;          menu item name      menu action     	menu hotkey action
  -	'( ("About..."		help-about      	help-about)
  -	   ("Manual..."         help-manual             help-manual)
  -	   ("Hotkeys..."        help-hotkeys            help-hotkeys)
  -	   ("Component..."      hierarchy-documentation
  -						    hierarchy-documentation)))
  +	'( 
  +	   ("Manual"		help-manual             help-manual)
  +	   ("FAQ"		help-faq		help-faq)
  +	   ("gEDA Wiki"		help-wiki		help-wiki)
  +	   ("Component Documentation"	hierarchy-documentation
  +						hierarchy-documentation)
  +	   ("SEPARATOR"		no-action		no-action)
  +	   ("About gschem"	help-about		help-about)
  +	   ("Hotkeys"		help-hotkeys		help-hotkeys)))
   ; Now actually add the menus.  The order here defines the order in which

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