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gEDA-cvs: CVS update: auto-place-attribs.scm

  User: cnieves 
  Date: 06/12/05 17:56:13

  Modified:    .        auto-place-attribs.scm
  * lib/system_gschemrc.in, scheme/auto-place-attribs.scm:
    Make the auto place function smarter when dealing with objects
    with pins on 3 or 4 sides. Now it avoids to overlap the pins or
    the attributes when autoplacing.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.3       +519 -5    eda/geda/gaf/gschem/scheme/auto-place-attribs.scm
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: auto-place-attribs.scm
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/gschem/scheme/auto-place-attribs.scm,v
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -b -r1.2 -r1.3
  --- auto-place-attribs.scm	9 Apr 2006 10:23:48 -0000	1.2
  +++ auto-place-attribs.scm	5 Dec 2006 22:56:13 -0000	1.3
  @@ -23,6 +23,34 @@
   ; Copyright (C) 2006 Carlos Nieves Onega
  +; Given a bound,  defined as a list of the form ( (x1 x2) (y1 y2) ) with:
  +;   - (x1, y1): bottom left corner.
  +;   - (x2, y2): upper right corner.
  +; Returns:
  +;   - The minimum x value if point is "min-x".
  +;   - The maximum x value if point is "max-x".
  +;   - The minimum y value if point is "min-y".
  +;   - The maximum y value if point is "max-y".
  +(define get-point-of-bound
  +  (lambda (point bound)
  +    (if (string=? point "min-x")
  +	(min (car (car bound))
  +	     (cdr (car bound)))
  +	(if (string=? point "max-x")
  +	    (max (car (car bound))
  +		 (cdr (car bound)))
  +	    (if (string=? point "min-y")
  +		(min (car (cdr bound))
  +		     (cdr (cdr bound)))
  +		(if (string=? point "max-y")
  +		    (max (car (cdr bound))
  +			 (cdr (cdr bound)))
  +		    (error (string-append 
  +			    "get-point-of-bound : Unknown point to get: "
  +			    point))
  +		    ))))))
   ; This function returns the pin direction of the pin object parameter.
   ; It returns a one character string: "^", "v", "<" or ">". The arrow
   ; points the pin's end, which is NOT the active connection end.
  @@ -44,6 +72,421 @@
  +; This function returns a list with the end coordinate of the pins, 
  +; if they are in the desired side.
  +;   - desired_side: is a one character string: "^", "v", "<" or ">".
  +;   - coordinate: is a one character string: 
  +;     - "B" if the pin beginnings are desired.
  +;     - "E" if the pin ends are desired.
  +(define get-bound-of-pins 
  +  (lambda (desired_side coordinate pins)
  +    (if (eq? (length pins) 0)
  +	(list)
  +	(let* ( (pin (car pins))
  +		(pin-ends (get-pin-ends pin))
  +		(pin-beginning (car pin-ends))
  +		(pin-end (cdr pin-ends)) 
  +		)
  +	  (begin
  +	    (if (string=? (get-pin-direction pin) desired_side)
  +		(if (string=? coordinate "B")
  +		    (cons (car pin-beginning)
  +			  (cons (car pin-end)
  +				(get-bound-of-pins desired_side
  +						   coordinate
  +						   (cdr pins))))
  +		    (if (string=? coordinate "E")
  +			(cons (cdr pin-beginning)
  +			      (cons (cdr pin-end)
  +				    (get-bound-of-pins desired_side
  +						       coordinate
  +						       (cdr pins))))
  +			(error (string-append 
  +				"get-bound-of-pin : Unknown coordinate: "
  +				coordinate))))
  +		(get-bound-of-pins desired_side coordinate (cdr pins))))
  +	  )
  +	)))
  +; This function returns the bounds of the pins in the given side of the object
  +; The side is a one character string: "^", "v", "<" or ">". The arrow
  +; points the pin's end, which is NOT the active connection end.
  +(define get-bounds-of-pins-in-side
  +   (lambda (object desired_side)
  +     (let* ( (pins (get-object-pins object))
  + 	     (pins-beginning (get-bound-of-pins desired_side "B" pins))
  + 	     (pins-beginning-sorted (stable-sort pins-beginning <))
  + 	     (pins-end (get-bound-of-pins desired_side "E" pins))
  + 	     (pins-end-sorted (stable-sort pins-end <))	     
  +	     )
  +       (begin
  +	 (if (or (eq? (length pins-beginning-sorted) 0)
  +		 (eq? (length pins-end-sorted) 0))
  +	     (list)
  +	     (let* ( (min-x (car pins-beginning-sorted))
  +		     (max-x (list-ref pins-beginning-sorted 
  +				      (- (length pins-beginning-sorted) 1)))
  +		     (min-y (car pins-end-sorted))
  +		     (max-y (list-ref pins-end-sorted 
  +				      (- (length pins-end-sorted) 1))))
  +	       (cons (cons min-x max-x) (cons min-y max-y)))
  +	     )
  +       ))))
  +; This function returns the bounds of the pins in the given side of the object
  +; The side is a one character string: "^", "v", "<" or ">". The arrow
  +; points the pin's end, which is NOT the active connection end.
  +(define get-bounds-of-pins-with-attribs-in-side
  +   (lambda (object desired_side)
  +     (define get-bound-of-list-of-pins-with-attribs
  +       (lambda (bounds desired-side pin-list)
  +	 (if (null? pin-list)
  +	     bounds
  +	     (begin 
  +	       (let* ( (pin (car pin-list))
  +		       (pin-direction (get-pin-direction pin))
  +		       (pin-bounds (get-object-bounds pin (list) (list)))
  +		       (new-bounds bounds)		     
  +		       (old-bounds bounds)
  +		       )
  +		 (begin
  +		   (if (string=? pin-direction desired-side)
  +		       (begin
  +			 (if (null? bounds)
  +			     (begin 
  +			       (set! old-bounds pin-bounds)
  +			       ))
  +			 (if (not (null? pin-bounds))
  +			     (set! new-bounds
  +				   (cons (cons
  +					  (min (get-point-of-bound 
  +						"min-x" pin-bounds)
  +					       (get-point-of-bound 
  +						"min-x" old-bounds))
  +					  (max (get-point-of-bound 
  +						"max-x" pin-bounds)
  +					       (get-point-of-bound 
  +						"max-x" old-bounds)))
  +					 (cons
  +					  (min (get-point-of-bound 
  +						"min-y" pin-bounds)
  +					       (get-point-of-bound 
  +						"min-y" old-bounds))
  +					  (max (get-point-of-bound 
  +						"max-y" pin-bounds)
  +					       (get-point-of-bound 
  +						"max-y" old-bounds))))))))
  +		   (get-bound-of-list-of-pins-with-attribs 
  +		    new-bounds desired-side (cdr pin-list))
  +		   ))))))
  +     (get-bound-of-list-of-pins-with-attribs
  +      (list) 
  +      desired_side 
  +      (get-object-pins object))
  +; Check if a point (x,y) if inside a region with the given bounds.
  +;   - bounds is a list of the form ( (x1 x2) (y1 y2) ) with:
  +;      - (x1, y1): bottom left corner.
  +;      - (x2, y2): upper right corner.
  +; Return true if the point is inside the region, or false otherwise.
  +(define inside-region 
  +  (lambda (bounds x y)
  +    (let* ( (right (get-point-of-bound "max-x" bounds))
  +	    (left  (get-point-of-bound "min-x" bounds))
  +	    (top   (get-point-of-bound "max-y" bounds))
  +	    (bottom (get-point-of-bound "min-y" bounds))
  +	    (collision (and (>= x left) (<= x right) (<= y top) (>= y bottom)))
  +	    )
  +      (begin 
  +	collision))))
  +; Chech if two regions are overlapping.
  +; Each bound is defined as a list of the form ( (x1 x2) (y1 y2) ) with:
  +;   - (x1, y1): bottom left corner.
  +;   - (x2, y2): upper right corner.
  +; Return true if the regions are overlapping, or false otherwise.
  +(define check-collision-of-bounds
  +  (lambda (bounds1 bounds2)
  +    (let* ( (bounds1_x1 (get-point-of-bound "min-x" bounds1))
  +	    (bounds1_x2 (get-point-of-bound "max-x" bounds1))
  +	    (bounds1_y1 (get-point-of-bound "min-y" bounds1))
  +	    (bounds1_y2 (get-point-of-bound "max-y" bounds1))
  +	    (bounds2_x1 (get-point-of-bound "min-x" bounds2))
  +	    (bounds2_x2 (get-point-of-bound "max-x" bounds2))
  +	    (bounds2_y1 (get-point-of-bound "min-y" bounds2))
  +	    (bounds2_y2 (get-point-of-bound "max-y" bounds2))
  +	    )
  +      (begin
  +	(or (inside-region bounds1 bounds2_x1 bounds2_y1)
  +	    (inside-region bounds1 bounds2_x2 bounds2_y2)
  +	    (inside-region bounds1 bounds2_x1 bounds2_y2)
  +	    (inside-region bounds1 bounds2_x2 bounds2_y1)
  +	    (inside-region bounds2 bounds1_x1 bounds1_y1)
  +	    (inside-region bounds2 bounds1_x2 bounds1_y2)
  +	    (inside-region bounds2 bounds1_x1 bounds1_y2)
  +	    (inside-region bounds2 bounds1_x2 bounds1_y1)
  +	    ; horizontal bounds or region 1 are within
  +	    ; horizontal bounds of region 2 and 
  +	    ; vertical bounds of region 1 are within 
  +	    ; vertical bounds of region 2
  +	    (and (< bounds1_x1 bounds2_x1)
  +		 (< bounds1_x1 bounds2_x2)
  +		 (> bounds1_x2 bounds2_x1)
  +		 (> bounds1_x2 bounds2_x2)
  +		 (> bounds1_y1 bounds2_y1)
  +		 (< bounds1_y2 bounds2_y2))
  +	    ; horizontal bounds or region 2 are within
  +	    ; horizontal bounds of region 1 and 
  +	    ; vertical bounds of region 2 are within 
  +	    ; vertical bounds of region 1
  +	    (and (< bounds2_x1 bounds1_x1)
  +		 (< bounds2_x1 bounds1_x2)
  +		 (> bounds2_x2 bounds1_x1)
  +		 (> bounds2_x2 bounds1_x2)
  +		 (> bounds2_y1 bounds1_y1)
  +		 (< bounds2_y2 bounds1_y2)))))))
  +; Chech if the attribute bounds may overlap the net conections of
  +; the pin bounds.
  +; Each bound is defined as a list of the form ( (x1 x2) (y1 y2) ) with:
  +;   - (x1, y1): bottom left corner.
  +;   - (x2, y2): upper right corner.
  +; Return true if the regions are overlapping, or false otherwise.
  +(define check-overlapping-of-pin-connections
  +  (lambda (pins-bounds pin-direction attrib-bounds spacing)
  +    (let* ( (pins-min-x (get-point-of-bound "min-x" pins-bounds))
  +	    (pins-max-x (get-point-of-bound "max-x" pins-bounds))
  +	    (pins-min-y (get-point-of-bound "min-y" pins-bounds))
  +	    (pins-max-y (get-point-of-bound "max-y" pins-bounds))
  +	    (attrib-min-x (get-point-of-bound "min-x" attrib-bounds))
  +	    (attrib-max-x (get-point-of-bound "max-x" attrib-bounds))
  +	    (attrib-min-y (get-point-of-bound "min-y" attrib-bounds))
  +	    (attrib-max-y (get-point-of-bound "max-y" attrib-bounds)) )
  +      (if (string=? pin-direction "^")  
  +	  (and (>= pins-min-y attrib-max-y)
  +	       (check-collision-of-bounds 
  +		; Calcule the collision as if the attribute has the same
  +		; vertical coordinates as the pins (including spacing).
  +		(cons (cons attrib-min-x attrib-max-x)
  +		      (cons pins-min-y pins-max-y))
  +		(cons (cons (- pins-min-x spacing) (+ pins-max-x spacing))
  +		      (cons pins-min-y pins-max-y)) ) )
  +	  (if (string=? pin-direction "v")
  +	      (and (<= pins-max-y attrib-min-y)
  +		   (check-collision-of-bounds 
  +	            ; Calcule the collision as if the attribute has the same
  +	            ; vertical coordinates as the pins (including spacing).
  +		    (cons (cons attrib-min-x attrib-max-x)
  +			  (cons pins-min-y pins-max-y))
  +		    (cons (cons (- pins-min-x spacing) (+ pins-max-x spacing))
  +			  (cons pins-min-y pins-max-y)) ) )
  +	      (if (string=? pin-direction "<")
  +		  (and (<= pins-max-x attrib-min-x)
  +		       (check-collision-of-bounds 
  +	                ; Calcule the collision as if the attribute has 
  +			; the same  horizontal coordinates as the pins 
  +			; (including spacing).
  +			(cons (cons pins-min-x pins-max-x)
  +			      (cons attrib-min-y attrib-max-y))
  +			(cons (cons pins-min-x 
  +				    pins-max-x)
  +			      (cons (- pins-min-y spacing)
  +				    (+ pins-max-y spacing)) ) ) )
  +		  (if (string=? pin-direction ">")
  +		      (and (>= pins-min-x attrib-max-x)
  +			   (check-collision-of-bounds 
  +	                    ; Calcule the collision as if the attribute has 
  +			    ; the same  horizontal coordinates as the pins 
  +			    ; (including spacing).
  +			    (cons (cons pins-min-x pins-max-x)
  +				  (cons attrib-min-y attrib-max-y))
  +			    (cons (cons pins-min-x 
  +					pins-max-x)
  +				  (cons (- pins-min-y spacing)
  +					(+ pins-max-y spacing)) ) ) )
  +		      (error (string-append 
  +			      "check-overlapping-of-pin-connections : Unknown pin-direction: "
  +			      pin-direction)))))))))
  +; Given a coordinate, snap it to the nearest point in the grid.
  +(define snap-coord-to-grid
  +  (lambda (coord)
  +    (if (> autoplace-attributes-grid 0)
  +	(if (<= coord 0) 
  +	    (inexact->exact (* (floor (/ coord
  +					 autoplace-attributes-grid))
  +			       autoplace-attributes-grid))
  +	    (inexact->exact (* (ceiling (/ coord
  +					   autoplace-attributes-grid))
  +			       autoplace-attributes-grid)))
  +	coord)
  +; Given the new desired bounds of an object's attribute, 
  +; calcule the new bounds so the new position don't overlap with pins
  +; or pin attributes.
  +; Returns the new bounds of the attribute.
  +(define adjust-pos-to-avoid-collision 
  +  (lambda (new-attrib-bounds object move-direction spacing)
  +    (let* ( (pin-directions-list (list ">" "<" "v" "^"))
  +	    (pin-directions-list-index 0)
  +	    (new-attrib-bounds-adjusted new-attrib-bounds)
  +	    (pass 1)
  +	    )
  +      ; For each pin-direction in the pin-directions-list, make a 2 pass loop.
  +      ; The first one checks the attribute bounds with the pin bounds (without
  +      ; attributes like pinname, pinnumber,...), and taking care of not overlap
  +      ; the pin connections side, so the nets connecting to the pins don't
  +      ; overlap the attribute.
  +      ; The second one checks the attribute bounds with the pin bounds,
  +      ; this time including all the pin attributes.
  +      (while (<= pin-directions-list-index (- (length pin-directions-list) 1))
  +	     (let* ( (pin-direction (list-ref pin-directions-list 
  +					      pin-directions-list-index))
  +		     (pins-bounds 
  +		      (if (eq? pass 1)
  +			  (get-bounds-of-pins-in-side object pin-direction)
  +			  (get-bounds-of-pins-with-attribs-in-side 
  +			   object pin-direction)))
  +		     (x_offset 0)
  +		     (y_offset 0)
  +		     )
  +	       (begin
  +		 (if (not (null? pins-bounds))
  +		     (if (if (eq? pass 1)
  + 			     (check-overlapping-of-pin-connections
  + 			      pins-bounds
  + 			      pin-direction
  + 			      new-attrib-bounds-adjusted
  + 			      spacing)
  +			     (check-collision-of-bounds 
  +			      new-attrib-bounds-adjusted
  +			      pins-bounds)
  +			     )
  +			 (begin
  +			   ; Calcule the offset for vertical pins.
  +			   (if (or (string=? pin-direction "^") 
  +				   (string=? pin-direction "v") )
  +			       (begin
  +				 (if (string-index move-direction #\<)
  +				     (set! x_offset
  +					   (- (- (get-point-of-bound 
  +						  "min-x" 
  +						  pins-bounds)
  +2						 (get-point-of-bound 
  +						  "max-x" 
  +						  new-attrib-bounds-adjusted)
  +						 )
  +					      spacing )) ;; add spacing
  +				     (if (string-index move-direction #\>)
  +					 (set! x_offset 
  +					       (+ (- (get-point-of-bound 
  +						      "min-x" 
  +						      new-attrib-bounds-adjusted)
  +						     (get-point-of-bound 
  +						      "max-x" 
  +						      pins-bounds)) 
  +						  spacing))))
  +				 ; Snap the offset to the grid.
  +				 (set! x_offset (snap-coord-to-grid x_offset))
  +				 ; Loop again from the beginning
  +				 (set! pin-directions-list-index -1)
  +				 (set! pass 2)
  +				 ; Set the new attrib bounds.
  +				 (set! new-attrib-bounds-adjusted 
  +				       (cons (cons (+ (get-point-of-bound 
  +						       "min-x"
  +						       new-attrib-bounds-adjusted)
  +						      x_offset)
  +						   (+ (get-point-of-bound 
  +						       "max-x"
  +						       new-attrib-bounds-adjusted)
  +						      x_offset))
  +					     (cons (get-point-of-bound 
  +						    "min-y"
  +						    new-attrib-bounds-adjusted)
  +						   (get-point-of-bound 
  +						    "max-y"
  +						    new-attrib-bounds-adjusted))))
  +				 )
  +			       ; Calcule the offset for horizontal pins.
  +			       (if (or (string=? pin-direction "<") 
  +				       (string=? pin-direction ">") )
  +				   (begin
  +				     (if (string-index move-direction #\^)
  +					 (set! y_offset 
  +					       (+ y_offset
  +						  (+ (- (get-point-of-bound 
  +							 "max-y" 
  +							 pins-bounds)
  +							(get-point-of-bound 
  +							 "min-y" 
  +							 new-attrib-bounds-adjusted)
  +							)
  +						     spacing)))
  +					 (if (string-index move-direction #\v)
  +					     (set! y_offset 
  +						   (+ y_offset 
  +						      (+ (- (get-point-of-bound
  +							     "min-y" 
  +							     new-attrib-bounds-adjusted)
  +							    (get-point-of-bound
  +							     "max-y" 
  +							     pins-bounds))
  +							 spacing)))))
  +				     ; Snap the offset to the grid.
  +				     (set! y_offset 
  +					   (snap-coord-to-grid y_offset))
  +				     ; Loop again from the beginning
  +				     (set! pin-directions-list-index -1)
  +				     (set! pass 2)
  +				     ; Set the new attrib bounds.
  +				     (set! new-attrib-bounds-adjusted
  +					   (cons 
  +					    (cons (get-point-of-bound 
  +						   "min-x" 
  +						   new-attrib-bounds-adjusted)
  +						  (get-point-of-bound 
  +						   "max-x" 
  +						   new-attrib-bounds-adjusted))
  +					    (cons (+ (get-point-of-bound 
  +						      "min-y" 
  +						      new-attrib-bounds-adjusted)
  +						     y_offset)
  +						  (+ (get-point-of-bound 
  +						      "max-y"
  +						      new-attrib-bounds-adjusted)
  +						     y_offset)
  +						  )))
  +				     )
  +				   (error "adjust-pos-to-avoid-collision: Wrong pin-direction format")
  +				   ))))
  +		     )
  +		 ; Update the index and pass number for the next loop.
  +		 (if (not (eq? pass 1))
  +		     (begin
  +		       (set! pin-directions-list-index 
  +			     (+ pin-directions-list-index 1))
  +		       (set! pass 1))
  +		     (set! pass (+ pass 1)))
  +		 )))
  +      new-attrib-bounds-adjusted
   ; This function gets the reference point of an object.
   ; The position string is the reference to return. It has the format:
   ;   "horizontal vertical", where: 
  @@ -53,7 +496,8 @@
   (define (get-reference object position-string)
     (if (not (string-index position-string #\ )) 
         (error "get-reference : Wrong reference format"))
  -  (let* ( (bounds (get-object-bounds object #f))
  +  (let* ( ; Get the object bounds without attributes neither pins.
  +	  (bounds (get-object-bounds object (list "all") (list "P")))
   	  (horiz-bounds (car bounds))
   	  (vertical-bounds (cdr bounds)) 
   	  (space-pos (string-index position-string #\ ))
  @@ -103,7 +547,7 @@
   		 (string=? def-direction
  -	      ; It maches, so change the text parameters
  +	      ; It matches, so change the text parameters
   	      (let* ( (ref (get-reference object (list-ref default-def 
   		      (new-alignment (list-ref default-def 
  @@ -116,14 +560,38 @@
   		      (new-y (+ (list-ref default-def
   				(cdr ref)))
  +		      (attrib-move-dir (list-ref default-def def-move-pos))
  +		      (attrib-spacing (list-ref default-def def-spacing-pos))
  + 		      (new-attrib-bounds (calcule-new-attrib-bounds attribute
  + 								    new-alignment
  + 								    new-angle
  + 								    new-x
  + 								    new-y))
  +		      (new-attrib-bounds-adjusted 
  +		       (adjust-pos-to-avoid-collision new-attrib-bounds 
  +						      object 
  +						      attrib-move-dir 
  +						      attrib-spacing))
  +		      (x_offset 
  +		       (if (null? new-attrib-bounds-adjusted)
  +			   0
  +			   (- (get-point-of-bound "min-x" 
  +						  new-attrib-bounds-adjusted)
  +			      (get-point-of-bound "min-x" new-attrib-bounds))))
  +		      (y_offset 
  +		       (if (null? new-attrib-bounds-adjusted)
  +			   0
  +			   (- (get-point-of-bound "min-y" 
  +						  new-attrib-bounds-adjusted)
  +			      (get-point-of-bound "min-y" new-attrib-bounds))))
   		(set-attribute-text-properties! attribute
   						"" ; keep previous color
   						-1 ; keep previous size
  -						new-x
  -						new-y)
  +						(+ new-x x_offset)
  +						(+ new-y y_offset))
  @@ -133,6 +601,52 @@
     ) ; End of definition of set-default-position
  +; Calcule the attribute bounds in the new position
  +; Returns a list of the form ( (x1 x2) (y1 y2) ) with:
  +;  - (x1, y1): bottom left corner.
  +;  - (x2, y2): upper right corner.
  +(define calcule-new-attrib-bounds 
  +  (lambda (attribute alignment angle x y)
  +    (let* ( (old-bounds (get-attribute-bounds attribute))
  +	    (length (- (get-point-of-bound "max-x" old-bounds)
  +		       (get-point-of-bound "min-x" old-bounds)))
  +	    (height (- (get-point-of-bound "max-y" old-bounds)
  +		       (get-point-of-bound "min-y" old-bounds)))
  +	    (old-angle (get-attribute-angle attribute))			    
  +	    (x_size (if (or (eq? (abs (- old-angle angle)) 0)
  +			    (eq? (abs (- old-angle angle)) 180))
  +			length
  +			height))
  +	    (y_size (if (or (eq? (abs (- old-angle angle)) 0)
  +			    (eq? (abs (- old-angle angle)) 180))
  +			height
  +			length))
  +	    (space-pos (string-index alignment #\space))
  +	    (vertical-pos (substring alignment 0 space-pos))
  +	    (horiz-pos (substring alignment (+ space-pos 1)))
  +	    ; Calcule the x of the left bottom point of the text.
  +	    (lb_x (if (string=? horiz-pos "Left")
  +		      x
  +		      (if (string=? horiz-pos "Middle")
  +			  (- x (inexact->exact (/ x_size 2)))
  +			  (if (string=? horiz-pos "Right")
  +			      (- x x_size)
  +			      (error (string-append 
  +				      "calcule-new-attrib-bounds : Unknown reference (horizontal): " 
  +					 horiz-pos))))))
  +	    ; Calcule the y of the left bottom point of the text.
  +	    (lb_y (if (string=? vertical-pos "Lower")
  +		      y
  +		      (if (string=? horiz-pos "Middle")
  +			  (- y (inexact->exact (/ y_size 2)))
  +			  (if (string=? horiz-pos "Upper")
  +			      (- y y_size)
  +			      (error (string-append 
  +				      "calcule-new-attrib-bounds : Unknown reference (vertical): " 
  +					 vertical-pos))))))
  +	    )
  +      (cons (cons lb_x (+ lb_x x_size)) (cons lb_y (+ lb_y y_size))))))
   ; This function processes the attribute list and calls
   ; set-default-position for each attribute
   (define autoplace-text 

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