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gEDA-cvs: CVS update: fileformats.tex

  User: cnieves 
  Date: 05/02/19 18:26:56

  Modified:    .        fileformats.tex
  Added support for pictures within schematics and symbols.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.15      +49 -0     eda/geda/devel/docs/fileformats/fileformats.tex
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: fileformats.tex
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/devel/docs/fileformats/fileformats.tex,v
  retrieving revision 1.14
  retrieving revision 1.15
  diff -u -b -r1.14 -r1.15
  --- fileformats.tex	29 Dec 2004 01:49:00 -0000	1.14
  +++ fileformats.tex	19 Feb 2005 23:26:55 -0000	1.15
  @@ -218,6 +218,55 @@
   40 mils thick, no cap, dotted line style, and with a spacing of 75 mils 
   in between each dot.
  +Valid in: Schematic and Symbol files
  +{\bf type x1 y1 width height angle ratio mirrored embedded}
  +{\bf filename}
  +\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline
  +Field 		& Type/unit 	& Description \\ \hline 
  +{\bf type} 	& char		& G \\ \hline
  +{\bf x} 	& int/mils 	& Lower left X coordinate \\ \hline 
  +{\bf y} 	& int/mils	& Lower left Y coordinate \\ \hline
  +{\bf width} 	& int/mils	& Width of the picture \\ \hline
  +{\bf height} 	& int/mils	& Height of the picture \\ \hline
  +{\bf angle} 	& int/degrees	& Angle of the picture \\ \hline
  +{\bf mirrored} 	& char          & Mirrored or normal picture \\ \hline
  +{\bf embedded} 	& char          & Embedded or link to the picture file\\ \hline
  +{\bf filename} 	& string        & path and filename of a not embedded  picture \\ \hline
  +\item This object is a picture object. The first line contains all the picture 
  +      parameters, and the second line is the path and filename of the picture.
  +\item The angle of the picture can only take on one of the following values: 
  +      0, 90, 180, 270.
  +\item The mirrored field is an enumerated type:
  +	\item NOT MIRRORED = 0 
  +	\item MIRRORED = 1
  +\item The embdded field is an enumerated type:
  +	\item NOT EMBEDDED = 0
  +	\item EMBEDDED = 1 (not yet supported)
  +{\tt G 16900 35800 1400 2175 0 6.435331e-01 0 0}\newline
  +{\tt ../bitmaps/logo.jpg}
  +A picture object with the lower left corner at (16900, 35800). The width of the image is 1400 mils, and its height is 2175 mils (i.e.: the ratio is 0.6353). \newline
  +The picture rotation is 0 degrees and the picture is not mirrored, neither embedded.\newline
  +The picture path and filename is showed in the second line. \newline