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gEDA-cvs: CVS update: Makefile.am

  User: pbernaud
  Date: 05/02/24 17:01:45

  Modified:    .        Makefile.am
  Added:       .        notangle_guile.in
  Removed:     .        notangle_guile.scm.in
  Renamed notangle_guile.scm.in to notangle_guile.in.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.5       +2 -2      eda/geda/devel/libgeda/scripts/Makefile.am
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: Makefile.am
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/devel/libgeda/scripts/Makefile.am,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -b -r1.4 -r1.5
  --- Makefile.am	10 Feb 2002 04:44:12 -0000	1.4
  +++ Makefile.am	24 Feb 2005 22:01:45 -0000	1.5
  @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
  -EXTRA_DIST = 	geda_totexi.in prepnoweb notangle_guile.scm.in
  +EXTRA_DIST = 	geda_totexi.in prepnoweb notangle_guile.in
   CLEANFILES = 		*.log *~
   DISTCLEANFILES = 	*.log core FILE *~ prototype.bak \
  -			geda_totexi notangle_guile.scm
  +			geda_totexi notangle_guile
   MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = 	*.log *~ Makefile.in configure
  1.1                  eda/geda/devel/libgeda/scripts/notangle_guile.in
  Index: notangle_guile.in
  -e main -s
  ;;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2005 by Patrick Bernaud. All rights reserved
  ;;; See file COPYRIGHT for more information.
  ;;; This scripts is supposed to do the same things as notangle do.
  ;;; Its purpose it to avoid the need of a complete noweb installation
  ;;; to simply get the sources from a noweb file, provided the user
  ;;; has a Guile interpreter.
  (use-modules (ice-9 getopt-long)
  	     (ice-9 regex))
  (debug-enable 'backtrace)
  (define noweb-rootname     "*")
  (define noweb-filename     #f)
  (define code-chunks        '())
  (define def-regexp  (make-regexp "^\<\<(.*)\>\>="))
  (define ref-regexp  (make-regexp "\<\<([^>]*)\>\>"))
  (define end-regexp  (make-regexp "^@\ ?"))
  (define (tangle-step1)
    ;; reads and returns a code chunk
    (define (read-code-chunk)
      (let loop ((line (read-line (current-input-port) 'concat)))
        (if (not (eof-object? line))
            (let ((res (regexp-exec end-regexp line)))
              ;; code chunk ends at line that match end-regexp (^@\ ?)
              (if (regexp-match? res)
                  ;; reached end of chunk
                  ;; end not yet reached, continues the analyze
                  (append (list line) 
                          (loop (read-line (current-input-port) 'concat))))))))
    ;; identifies code chunk and adds them to the association table
    (let loop ((line ""))
      (if (not (eof-object? line))
          (let ((m (regexp-exec def-regexp line)))
            (if (regexp-match? m)
                (add-code-chunk (match:substring m 1) (read-code-chunk)))
            (loop (read-line))))))
  (define (tangle-step2)
    ;; search in the association table for a code chunk named name
    ;; and output its content recursively, looking for embedded references
    (define (output-code-chunk name offset)
      (let ((code (assoc-ref code-chunks name))
            (first #t))
        ;; check there actually exists a code chunk with this name
        (if code
            ;; yes, go on and process each line of the code chunk
             (lambda (line)
               ;; the offset must not be printed when it is the first line
               ;; of a code chunk
               (if (not first) (display offset) (set! first #f))
               ;; search for one (or more) chunk reference in the current line
               (let loop ((l line))
                 (let ((m (regexp-exec ref-regexp l)))
                   (if (regexp-match? m)
                       ;; found a reference in the line, process it
                         (display (match:prefix m))
                         (output-code-chunk (match:substring m 1)
                                            (string-append offset
                                                            (match:start m)
                         (loop (match:suffix m)))
                       ;; no reference found, output the full line
                       (display l)))))
            (error (format #f "undefined chunk name: \<\<~a\>\>~%" name)))))
    ;; check there is a code chunk with name rootname
    (if (assoc-ref code-chunks noweb-rootname)
        ;; ok, start tangling from rootname and null offset
        (output-code-chunk noweb-rootname "")
        (error (format #f "The root module \<\<~a\>\> was not defined.~%" 
  (define (tangle-noweb)
    ;; first reads the file and collect the code chunks
    ;; then assemble them
  (define (add-code-chunk name code)
    ;; the last newline char of a code chunk must be removed
    (let ((last (1- (length code))))
      (if (>= last 0)
          (list-set! code last (remove-newline (list-ref code last)))))
    ;; add a new entry for name to the association list code-chunks
    ;; or complete an entry if it already exists
    (set! code-chunks 
          (assoc-set! code-chunks name
                      (let ((code-prev (assoc-ref code-chunks name)))
                        ;; check if chunk is already defined
                        (if code-prev
                            ;; yes, append new code
                            (append code-prev (list "\n") code)
                            ;; otherwise, only associate name with code
  (define (remove-newline str)
    (cond ((string-null? str) str)
          ((char=? (string-ref str (1- (string-length str))) #\newline)
           (substring str 0 (1- (string-length str))))
          (else str)))
  (define option-spec
    '((rootname (required? #f) (single-char #\R) (value #t))
      (help     (required? #f) (single-char #\h))
      (version  (required? #f) (single-char #\v))
  (define (display-usage)
    (display "Usage: notangle_guile [options...] [file]\n")
    (display "  --help, -h                  Show this usage information\n")
    (display "  --version, -v               Show version information\n")
    (display "  --rootname=value, -Rvalue   Set root code chunk name to value\n")
  (define (display-version)
    (display "notangle_guile 20050224\n")
  (define (main args)
    ;; processing command line
    (let* ((opts           (getopt-long args option-spec))
           (help-wanted    (option-ref opts 'help     #f))
           (version-wanted (option-ref opts 'version  #f))
           (rootname       (option-ref opts 'rootname #f))
           (filename       (option-ref opts '()       #f)))
      ;; display version if -v flag
      (if version-wanted (display-version))
      ;; display usage   if -h flag
      (if help-wanted    (display-usage))
      ;; if a filename is given, filename is a string
      ;; else, filename is set to #f
      (if (not (null? filename))
          (if (file-exists? (car filename))
              (set! noweb-filename (car filename))
              (error (format #f "couldn't find file ~a~%" (car filename)))))
      ;; if rootname is given, rootname is a string
      ;; else, rootname is set to #f
      (if (string? rootname)
          (set! noweb-rootname rootname)))
    ;; start tangling
    (if (string? noweb-filename)
        ;; work on a file
        (with-input-from-file noweb-filename
          (lambda ()
        ;; no file specified, work on current input port