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gEDA-cvs: CVS update: system-gschemrc.in
User: cnieves
Date: 06/02/25 10:00:58
Modified: . system-gschemrc.in
Added some text autoplacing hooks and related functions.
Revision Changes Path
1.88 +116 -0 eda/geda/devel/gschem/lib/system-gschemrc.in
(In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
Index: system-gschemrc.in
RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/devel/gschem/lib/system-gschemrc.in,v
retrieving revision 1.87
retrieving revision 1.88
diff -u -b -r1.87 -r1.88
--- system-gschemrc.in 18 Nov 2005 20:31:48 -0000 1.87
+++ system-gschemrc.in 25 Feb 2006 15:00:58 -0000 1.88
@@ -768,6 +768,122 @@
;(add-hook! add-component-hook auto-uref)
;(add-hook! copy-component-hook auto-uref)
+; Define default pin attributes
+; Attributes:
+; - Attribute name.
+; - Value of the attribute.
+; - Visibility: #t (visible) or #f (hidden).
+; - Show_list: a list containing what to show, using
+; elements like 'name' or 'value', or an empty list.
+(define default-pin-attributes
+ '(("pintype" "unknown" #f ())
+ ("pinlabel" "unknown" #t (value))
+ ("pinnumber" "0" #t (value))
+ ("pinseq" "0" #f ())))
+(define default-position-of-text-attributes
+ ; Specifies the default position of pin attributes.
+ ; An attribute whose name is "attrib_name" in a pin with direction
+ ; "pin_direction" will be placed at the offset specified (x_offset and
+ ; y_offset) from the "reference" of the symbol or pin..
+ ; The direction always points to inside of the symbol.
+ ; The reference string is the reference used when placing the attribute.
+ ; It has the format:
+ ; "horizontal vertical", where:
+ ; - "horizontal" is one of the following: "Left", "Middle", "Right".
+ ; - "vertical" is one of the following: "Lower", "Middle", "Upper".
+ ; Example: "Lower Right".
+ ; The alignment and angle will be also set.
+ ; Attrib_name Direct. X_offset Y_offset Reference Alignment Angle
+ '( ("pinlabel" ">" 50 0 "Lower Right" "Lower Left" 0)
+ ("pinlabel" "<" -50 0 "Lower Left" "Lower Right" 0)
+ ("pinlabel" "^" 0 50 "Upper Middle" "Lower Left" 90)
+ ("pinlabel" "v" 0 -50 "Lower Middle" "Lower Right" 90)
+ ("pinnumber" ">" -100 50 "Lower Right" "Lower Right" 0)
+ ("pinnumber" "<" 100 50 "Lower Left" "Lower Left" 0)
+ ("pinnumber" "^" -50 -100 "Upper Middle" "Lower Right" 90)
+ ("pinnumber" "v" -50 100 "Lower Middle" "Lower Left" 90)
+ ; Component attributes
+ ; One direction
+ ("refdes" "<" -50 50 "Upper Middle" "Lower Right" 0)
+ ("value" "<" 50 50 "Upper Middle" "Lower Left" 0)
+ ("refdes" ">" -50 50 "Upper Middle" "Lower Right" 0)
+ ("value" ">" 50 50 "Upper Middle" "Lower Left" 0)
+ ("refdes" "^" 50 100 "Middle Left" "Lower Right" 0)
+ ("value" "^" 50 -100 "Middle Left" "Lower Right" 0)
+ ("refdes" "v" 50 100 "Middle Left" "Lower Right" 0)
+ ("value" "v" 50 -100 "Middle Left" "Lower Right" 0)
+ ; Two directions
+ ("refdes" "<>" -50 50 "Upper Middle" "Lower Right" 0)
+ ("value" "<>" 50 50 "Upper Middle" "Lower Left" 0)
+ ("refdes" "^v" -50 100 "Middle Left" "Lower Right" 0)
+ ("value" "^v" -50 -100 "Middle Left" "Lower Right" 0)
+ ; Three directions
+ ("refdes" "<^v" -50 100 "Middle Left" "Lower Right" 0)
+ ("value" "<^v" -50 -100 "Middle Left" "Lower Right" 0)
+ ("refdes" ">^v" 50 100 "Middle Right" "Lower Left" 0)
+ ("value" ">^v" 50 -100 "Middle Right" "Lower Left" 0)
+ ("refdes" "<>v" -50 -50 "Lower Middle" "Upper Right" 0)
+ ("value" "<>v" 50 -50 "Lower Middle" "Upper Left" 0)
+ ("refdes" "<>^" -50 50 "Upper Middle" "Lower Right" 0)
+ ("value" "<>^" 50 50 "Upper Middle" "Lower Left" 0)
+ ; Four directions
+ ("refdes" "<>^v" 300 50 "Upper Left" "Lower Left" 0)
+ ("value" "<>^v" -300 50 "Upper Right" "Lower Right" 0)
+ ))
+; Position of parameters inside default-position-of-text-attributes
+(define def-attrib-name-pos 0)
+(define def-direction-pos 1)
+(define def-x-offset-pos 2)
+(define def-y-offset-pos 3)
+(define def-reference-pos 4)
+(define def-alignment-pos 5)
+(define def-angle-pos 6)
+; Adds the default pin attributes to each newly placed pin.
+(define (add-default-pin-attributes object)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (a)
+ (apply add-attribute-to-object object a)) default-pin-attributes))
+; Comment in this hook to automatically add the default attributes to
+; each newly placed pin
+(add-hook! add-pin-hook add-default-pin-attributes)
+; Comment in this to load the functions to place the attributes automatically.
+(load (string-append gedadatarc "/scheme/auto-place-attribs.scm"))
+; Autoplace pin text attributes hook.
+; Comment in these if you want the pin attributes to be automatically placed.
+; There are different hooks for situations like adding a new pin and rotating
+; or mirroring an existing one.
+; The #t at the end means that function is appended to the end of the hook.
+(add-hook! add-pin-hook (lambda (pin)
+ (autoplace-pin-attributes pin )) #t)
+(add-hook! rotate-pin-hook (lambda (pin)
+ (autoplace-pin-attributes pin )) #t)
+(add-hook! mirror-pin-hook (lambda (pin)
+ (autoplace-pin-attributes pin )) #t)
+; Autoplace component text attributes hook.
+; Comment in these if you want the component attributes to be
+; automatically placed.
+; There are different hooks for situations like adding a new pin, rotating
+; or mirroring an existing one, or adding a new attribute.
+; The #t at the end means that function is appended to the end of the hook.
+(add-hook! add-component-object-hook (lambda (object)
+ (autoplace-object-attributes object)) #t)
+(add-hook! rotate-component-object-hook (lambda (object)
+ (autoplace-object-attributes object)) #t)
+(add-hook! mirror-component-object-hook (lambda (object)
+ (autoplace-object-attributes object)) #t)
+(add-hook! add-attribute-hook (lambda (object)
+ (autoplace-object-attributes object)) #t)
; End of hooks