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gEDA-cvs: pcb.git: branch: master updated (a0d58e34da81b9b92f60577ec283dfaac6e71d41)

The branch, master has been updated
       via  a0d58e34da81b9b92f60577ec283dfaac6e71d41 (commit)
      from  69e400c21211758b2b3c2d71dc6083c455396e80 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.


 src/find.c   |  211 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 src/search.c |   55 +++++++++------
 2 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)

 Commit Messages

commit a0d58e34da81b9b92f60577ec283dfaac6e71d41
Author: Ineiev <ineiev@xxxxxxxxx>
Commit: Peter Clifton <pcjc2@xxxxxxxxx>

    Fix bugs in the arc intersection routine. Bug #2942582
    This bug resulted in various false identificaton of connectivity
    between arcs and other object. Notes from Ineiev's emails:
    So I built a montecarlo; fixed some ugly unrealistic cases like thin
    arc merged in bloat and arc->Delta<-360; ran the test program (aat.c)
    several hours on different machins; that discovered no errors, though
    the number of points was not very high (a thousand or slightly more):
    the reference functions are really slow.
    That resulted in arc.bis.patch. I tested it also with already mentioned
    teardropped OSDCU.pcb and t1.pcb. Then, eliminate two precision losses.
    I feel I ought to stop here: the patch fixes many more bugs than
    originally reported.

:100644 100644 1962234... 6fb62b6... M	src/find.c
:100644 100644 07015f0... 4d450d3... M	src/search.c


commit a0d58e34da81b9b92f60577ec283dfaac6e71d41
Author: Ineiev <ineiev@xxxxxxxxx>
Commit: Peter Clifton <pcjc2@xxxxxxxxx>

    Fix bugs in the arc intersection routine. Bug #2942582
    This bug resulted in various false identificaton of connectivity
    between arcs and other object. Notes from Ineiev's emails:
    So I built a montecarlo; fixed some ugly unrealistic cases like thin
    arc merged in bloat and arc->Delta<-360; ran the test program (aat.c)
    several hours on different machins; that discovered no errors, though
    the number of points was not very high (a thousand or slightly more):
    the reference functions are really slow.
    That resulted in arc.bis.patch. I tested it also with already mentioned
    teardropped OSDCU.pcb and t1.pcb. Then, eliminate two precision losses.
    I feel I ought to stop here: the patch fixes many more bugs than
    originally reported.

diff --git a/src/find.c b/src/find.c
index 1962234..6fb62b6 100644
--- a/src/find.c
+++ b/src/find.c
@@ -1327,11 +1327,61 @@ PVTouchesLine (LineTypePtr line)
   return (False);
+/* reduce arc start angle and delta to 0..360 */
+static void
+normalize_angles (int *sa, int *d)
+  if (*d < 0)
+    {
+      *sa += *d;
+      *d = - *d;
+    }
+  if (*d > 360) /* full circle */
+    *d = 360;
+  if (*sa < 0)
+    *sa = 360 - ((-*sa) % 360);
+  if (*sa >= 360)
+    *sa %= 360;
+static int
+radius_crosses_arc (double x, double y, ArcTypePtr arc)
+  double alpha = atan2 (y - arc->Y, -x + arc->X) * RAD_TO_DEG;
+  int sa = arc->StartAngle, d = arc->Delta;
+  normalize_angles (&sa, &d);
+  if (alpha < 0)
+    alpha += 360;
+  if ((double)sa <= alpha)
+    return (double)(sa + d) >= alpha;
+  return (double)(sa + d - 360) >= alpha;
+static void
+get_arc_ends (double *box, ArcTypePtr arc)
+  double ca, sa, angle;
+  angle  = arc->StartAngle;
+  angle *= M180;
+  ca = cos (angle);
+  sa = sin (angle);
+  box[0] = arc->X - arc->Width * ca;
+  box[1] = arc->Y + arc->Height * sa;
+  angle  = arc->StartAngle + arc->Delta;
+  angle *= M180;
+  ca = cos (angle);
+  sa = sin (angle);
+  box[2] = arc->X - arc->Width * ca;
+  box[3] = arc->Y + arc->Height * sa;
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * check if two arcs intersect
  * first we check for circle intersections,
  * then find the actual points of intersection
- * and test them to see if they are on both arcs
+ * and test them to see if they are on arcs
  * consider a, the distance from the center of arc 1
  * to the point perpendicular to the intersecting points.
@@ -1355,18 +1405,32 @@ PVTouchesLine (LineTypePtr line)
 static Boolean
 ArcArcIntersect (ArcTypePtr Arc1, ArcTypePtr Arc2)
-  register float x, y, dx, dy, r1, r2, a, d, l, t, t2;
-  register LocationType pdx, pdy;
-  BoxTypePtr box;
-  BoxType box1, box2;
+  double x, y, dx, dy, r1, r2, a, d, l, t, t1, t2, dl;
+  LocationType pdx, pdy;
+  double box[4];
+  t = 0.5 * Arc1->Thickness + fBloat;
+  if (t < 0) /* too thin arc */
+    return (False);
+  t2 = 0.5 * Arc2->Thickness;
+  t1 = t2 + fBloat;
+  if (t1 < 0) /* too thin arc */
+    return (False);
+  /* try the end points first */
+  get_arc_ends (box, Arc1);
+  if (IsPointOnArc ((float) box[0], (float) box[1], (float)t, Arc2)
+      || IsPointOnArc ((float) box[2], (float) box[3], (float)t, Arc2))
+    return (True);
+  get_arc_ends (box, Arc2);
+  if (IsPointOnArc ((float) box[0], (float) box[1], (float)t1, Arc1)
+      || IsPointOnArc ((float) box[2], (float) box[3], (float)t1, Arc1))
+    return (True);
   pdx = Arc2->X - Arc1->X;
   pdy = Arc2->Y - Arc1->Y;
   l = pdx * pdx + pdy * pdy;
-  t = MAX (0.5 * Arc1->Thickness + fBloat, 0.0);
-  t2 = 0.5 * Arc2->Thickness;
   /* concentric arcs, simpler intersection conditions */
-  if (l == 0.0)
+  if (l < 0.5)
       if ((Arc1->Width - t >= Arc2->Width - t2
            && Arc1->Width - t <=
@@ -1374,82 +1438,93 @@ ArcArcIntersect (ArcTypePtr Arc1, ArcTypePtr Arc2)
           || (Arc1->Width + t >=
               Arc2->Width - t2 && Arc1->Width + t <= Arc2->Width + t2))
-          if ((Arc2->BoundingBox.X1 +
-               MAX (Arc2->Thickness + Bloat,
-                    0) >= Arc1->BoundingBox.X1
-               && Arc2->BoundingBox.X1 <=
-               Arc1->BoundingBox.X2
-               && Arc2->BoundingBox.Y1 +
-               MAX (Arc2->Thickness + Bloat,
-                    0) >= Arc1->BoundingBox.Y1
-               && Arc2->BoundingBox.Y1 <=
-               Arc1->BoundingBox.Y2)
-              || (Arc2->BoundingBox.X2 +
-                  MAX (Arc2->Thickness +
-                       Bloat,
-                       0) >=
-                  Arc1->BoundingBox.X1
-                  && Arc2->BoundingBox.X2 <=
-                  Arc1->BoundingBox.X2
-                  && Arc2->BoundingBox.Y2 +
-                  MAX (Arc2->Thickness +
-                       Bloat,
-                       0) >=
-                  Arc1->BoundingBox.Y1
-                  && Arc2->BoundingBox.Y2 <= Arc1->BoundingBox.Y2))
-            return (True);
+	  int sa1 = Arc1->StartAngle, d1 = Arc1->Delta;
+	  int sa2 = Arc2->StartAngle, d2 = Arc2->Delta;
+	  /* NB the endpoints have already been checked,
+	     so we just compare the angles */
+	  normalize_angles (&sa1, &d1);
+	  normalize_angles (&sa2, &d2);
+	  /* cases like sa1 == sa2 are catched when checking the endpoints */
+	  if (sa1 > sa2)
+	    {
+	      if (sa1 < sa2 + d2)
+		return (True);
+	      if (sa1 + d1 > 360 && sa1 + d1 - 360 > sa2)
+		return (True);
+	    }
+	  if (sa2 > sa1)
+	    {
+	      if (sa2 < sa1 + d1)
+		return (True);
+	      if (sa2 + d2 > 360 && sa2 + d2 - 360 > sa1)
+		return (True);
+	    }
       return (False);
-  r1 = Arc1->Width + t;
+  r1 = Arc1->Width;
+  r2 = Arc2->Width;
+  dl = sqrt (l);
+  if (dl > r1 + r2 || dl + r1 < r2
+      || dl + r2 < r1) /* arcs centerlines are too far or too near */
+    {
+      /* check the nearst to the other arc center point */
+      dx = pdx * r1 / dl;
+      dy = pdy * r1 / dl;
+      if (dl + r1 < r2) /* Arc1 inside Arc2 */
+	{
+	  dx = - dx;
+	  dy = - dy;
+	}
+      if (radius_crosses_arc (Arc1->X + dx, Arc1->Y + dy, Arc1)
+	  && IsPointOnArc ((float)(Arc1->X + dx), (float)(Arc1->Y + dy),
+			   (float)t, Arc2))
+	return (True);
+      dx = - pdx * r2 / dl;
+      dy = - pdy * r2 / dl;
+      if (dl + r2 < r1) /* Arc2 inside Arc1 */
+	{
+	  dx = - dx;
+	  dy = - dy;
+	}
+      if (radius_crosses_arc (Arc2->X + dx, Arc2->Y + dy, Arc2)
+	  && IsPointOnArc ((float)(Arc2->X + dx), (float)(Arc2->Y + dy),
+			   (float)t1, Arc1))
+	return (True);
+      return (False);
+    }
   r1 *= r1;
-  r2 = Arc2->Width + t2;
   r2 *= r2;
   a = 0.5 * (r1 - r2 + l) / l;
   r1 = r1 / l;
-  /* add a tiny positive number for round-off problems */
-  d = r1 - a * a + 1e-5;
-  /* the circles are too far apart to touch */
+  d = r1 - a * a;
+  /* the circles are too far apart to touch or probably just touch:
+     check the nearest point */
   if (d < 0)
-    return (False);
-  d = sqrt (d);
+    d = 0;
+  else
+    d = sqrt (d);
   x = Arc1->X + a * pdx;
   y = Arc1->Y + a * pdy;
   dx = d * pdx;
   dy = d * pdy;
-  if (x + dy >= Arc1->BoundingBox.X1
-      && x + dy <= Arc1->BoundingBox.X2
-      && y - dx >= Arc1->BoundingBox.Y1
-      && y - dx <= Arc1->BoundingBox.Y2
-      && x + dy >= Arc2->BoundingBox.X1
-      && x + dy <= Arc2->BoundingBox.X2
-      && y - dx >= Arc2->BoundingBox.Y1 && y - dx <= Arc2->BoundingBox.Y2)
+  if (radius_crosses_arc (x + dy, y - dx, Arc1)
+      && IsPointOnArc ((float)(x + dy), (float)(y - dx), (float)t, Arc2))
     return (True);
-  if (x - dy >= Arc1->BoundingBox.X1
-      && x - dy <= Arc1->BoundingBox.X2
-      && y + dx >= Arc1->BoundingBox.Y1
-      && y + dx <= Arc1->BoundingBox.Y2
-      && x - dy >= Arc2->BoundingBox.X1
-      && x - dy <= Arc2->BoundingBox.X2
-      && y + dx >= Arc2->BoundingBox.Y1 && y + dx <= Arc2->BoundingBox.Y2)
+  if (radius_crosses_arc (x + dy, y - dx, Arc2)
+      && IsPointOnArc ((float)(x + dy), (float)(y - dx), (float)t1, Arc1))
     return (True);
-  /* try the end points in case the ends don't actually pierce the outer radii */
-  box = GetArcEnds (Arc1);
-  box1 = *box;
-  box = GetArcEnds (Arc2);
-  box2 = *box;
-  if (IsPointOnArc
-      ((float) box1.X1, (float) box1.Y1, t,
-       Arc2) || IsPointOnArc ((float) box1.X2, (float) box1.Y2, t, Arc2))
+  if (radius_crosses_arc (x - dy, y + dx, Arc1)
+      && IsPointOnArc ((float)(x - dy), (float)(y + dx), (float)t, Arc2))
     return (True);
-  if (IsPointOnArc
-      ((float) box2.X1, (float) box2.Y1,
-       MAX (t2 + fBloat, 0.0), Arc1)
-      || IsPointOnArc ((float) box2.X2,
-                       (float) box2.Y2, MAX (t2 + fBloat, 0.0), Arc1))
+  if (radius_crosses_arc (x - dy, y + dx, Arc2)
+      && IsPointOnArc ((float)(x - dy), (float)(y + dx), (float)t1, Arc1))
     return (True);
   return (False);
diff --git a/src/search.c b/src/search.c
index 07015f0..4d450d3 100644
--- a/src/search.c
+++ b/src/search.c
@@ -1040,32 +1040,35 @@ IsPointInBox (LocationType X, LocationType Y, BoxTypePtr box, BDimension Radius)
 IsPointOnArc (float X, float Y, float Radius, ArcTypePtr Arc)
-  register float x, y, dx, dy, r1, r2, a, d, l;
-  register float pdx, pdy;
-  int ang1, ang2, delta;
+  double x, y, dx, dy, r1, r2, a, d, l;
+  double pdx, pdy;
+  double ang1, ang2, ang0, delta;
   int startAngle, arcDelta;
   pdx = X - Arc->X;
   pdy = Y - Arc->Y;
   l = pdx * pdx + pdy * pdy;
+  Radius += 0.5 * Arc->Thickness;
+  if (Radius < 0) /* thin arc: trivial condition */
+    return (False);
   /* concentric arcs, simpler intersection conditions */
-  if (l == 0.0)
+  if (l < 0.5)
-      if (Arc->Width <= Radius + 0.5 * Arc->Thickness)
+      if (Arc->Width <= Radius)
 	return (True);
 	return (False);
   r1 = Arc->Width;
+  r2 = Radius;
+  if (sqrt (l) < r2 - r1) /* the arc merged in the circle */
+    return (True);
   r1 *= r1;
-  r2 = Radius + 0.5 * Arc->Thickness;
   r2 *= r2;
   a = 0.5 * (r1 - r2 + l) / l;
   r1 = r1 / l;
-  /* add a tiny positive number for round-off problems */
-  d = r1 - a * a + 1e-5;
-  /* the circles are too far apart to touch */
+  d = r1 - a * a;
+  /* the circles are too far apart to touch or probably just touch */
   if (d < 0)
     return (False);
   /* project the points of intersection */
@@ -1077,32 +1080,38 @@ IsPointOnArc (float X, float Y, float Radius, ArcTypePtr Arc)
   /* arrgh! calculate the angles, and put them in a standard range */
   startAngle = Arc->StartAngle;
   arcDelta = Arc->Delta;
-  while (startAngle < 0)
-    startAngle += 360;
   if (arcDelta < 0)
       startAngle += arcDelta;
       arcDelta = -arcDelta;
-      while (startAngle < 0)
-	startAngle += 360;
+  if (arcDelta > 360)
+    arcDelta = 360;
+  while (startAngle < 0)
+    startAngle += 360;
+  while (startAngle > 360)
+    startAngle -= 360;
   ang1 = RAD_TO_DEG * atan2 ((y + dy), -(x + dx));
   if (ang1 < 0)
     ang1 += 360;
   ang2 = RAD_TO_DEG * atan2 ((y - dy), -(x - dx));
   if (ang2 < 0)
     ang2 += 360;
+  if (ang1 > ang2)
+    {
+      ang0 = ang1;
+      ang1 = ang2;
+      ang2 = ang0;
+    }
   delta = ang2 - ang1;
-  if (delta > 180)
-    delta -= 360;
-  else if (delta < -180)
-    delta += 360;
-  if (delta < 0)
+  /* ang0 does not belong to intersection range */
+  ang0 = RAD_TO_DEG * atan2 (-pdy, pdx);
+  if (ang0 < 0)
+    ang0 += 360;
+  if (ang0 > ang1 && ang0 < ang2) /* we need the other part of circle */
-      ang1 += delta;
-      delta = -delta;
-      while (ang1 < 0)
-	ang1 += 360;
+      ang1 = ang2;
+      delta = 360 - delta;
   if (ang1 >= startAngle && ang1 <= startAngle + arcDelta)
     return (True);

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