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gEDA-cvs: gaf.git: branch: master updated (1.6.1-20100214-193-gdc5dc70)

The branch, master has been updated
       via  dc5dc7051c988d63941454df58dd635eb66611c1 (commit)
       via  e4905ac16ec2a0cf96f57b51a092a13a6c9d3cd2 (commit)
      from  7221bc50ee41a061d2805039d82aada1586e0d4f (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.


 HACKING              |   82 ++-
 utils/src/gsch2pcb.c | 2959 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 2 files changed, 1469 insertions(+), 1572 deletions(-)

 Commit Messages

commit dc5dc7051c988d63941454df58dd635eb66611c1
Author: Peter TB Brett <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Commit: Peter TB Brett <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

    gsch2pcb: Clean up formatting.
    Re-format gsch2pcb.c using GNU indent, followed by manual pass to tidy

:100644 100644 4d3a825... 5b932fb... M	utils/src/gsch2pcb.c

commit e4905ac16ec2a0cf96f57b51a092a13a6c9d3cd2
Author: Peter TB Brett <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Commit: Peter TB Brett <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

    Expand HACKING file
    Add some information on gEDA C and Scheme coding style to the HACKING

:100644 100644 ee88407... 1631622... M	HACKING


commit dc5dc7051c988d63941454df58dd635eb66611c1
Author: Peter TB Brett <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Commit: Peter TB Brett <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

    gsch2pcb: Clean up formatting.
    Re-format gsch2pcb.c using GNU indent, followed by manual pass to tidy

diff --git a/utils/src/gsch2pcb.c b/utils/src/gsch2pcb.c
index 4d3a825..5b932fb 100644
--- a/utils/src/gsch2pcb.c
+++ b/utils/src/gsch2pcb.c
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
-/* $Id$ */
 /* gsch2pcb
-|  Bill Wilson    billw@xxxxxx
-|  This program is free software which I release under the GNU General Public
-|  License. You may redistribute and/or modify this program under the terms
-|  of that license as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-|  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-|  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-|  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-|  GNU General Public License for more details.  Version 2 is in the
-|  COPYRIGHT file in the top level directory of this distribution.
-|  To get a copy of the GNU General Puplic License, write to the Free Software
-|  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ *
+ *  Bill Wilson    billw@xxxxxx
+ *
+ *  This program is free software which I release under the GNU General Public
+ *  License. You may redistribute and/or modify this program under the terms
+ *  of that license as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ *  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.  Version 2 is in the
+ *  COPYRIGHT file in the top level directory of this distribution.
+ *
+ *  To get a copy of the GNU General Puplic License, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
@@ -37,1629 +35,1456 @@
 #include <dmalloc.h>
-#define	GSC2PCB_VERSION		"1.6"
+#define GSC2PCB_VERSION "1.6"
-#define	DEFAULT_PCB_INC		"pcb.inc"
+#define DEFAULT_PCB_INC "pcb.inc"
-#define SEP_STRING 	"--------\n"
+#define SEP_STRING "--------\n"
 typedef struct
-	{
-	gchar		*refdes,
-				*value,
-				*description,
-				*changed_description,
-				*changed_value;
-	gchar		*flags,
-				*tail;
-	gint		x,
-				y;
-	gchar		*pkg_name_fix;
-	gchar		res_char;
-	gboolean	still_exists,
-				new_format,
-				hi_res_format,
-				quoted_flags,
-				omit_PKG;
-	}
-	PcbElement;
+  gchar *refdes, *value, *description, *changed_description, *changed_value;
+  gchar *flags, *tail;
+  gint x, y;
+  gchar *pkg_name_fix;
+  gchar res_char;
+  gboolean still_exists, new_format, hi_res_format, quoted_flags, omit_PKG;
 typedef struct
-	{
-	gchar		*part_number,
-				*element_name;
-	}
-	ElementMap;
-static GList	*pcb_element_list,
-				*element_directory_list,
-				*extra_gnetlist_list,
-				*extra_gnetlist_arg_list;
-static gchar	*schematics,
-				*sch_basename;
-static gchar	*m4_command,
-				*m4_pcbdir,
-				*default_m4_pcbdir,
-				*m4_files,
-				*m4_override_file;
+  gchar *part_number, *element_name;
+static GList *pcb_element_list,
+  *element_directory_list, *extra_gnetlist_list, *extra_gnetlist_arg_list;
+static gchar *schematics, *sch_basename;
+static gchar *m4_command,
+  *m4_pcbdir, *default_m4_pcbdir, *m4_files, *m4_override_file;
 static gboolean use_m4 = TRUE;
-static gchar	*empty_footprint_name;
-static gint		verbose,
-				n_deleted,
-				n_added_m4,
-				n_added_ef,
-				n_fixed,
-				n_PKG_removed_new,
-				n_PKG_removed_old,
-				n_preserved,
-				n_changed_value,
-				n_not_found,
-				n_unknown,
-				n_none,
-				n_empty;
-static gboolean	remove_unfound_elements = TRUE,
-				quiet_mode = FALSE,
-				force_element_files,
-				preserve,
-				fix_elements,
-				bak_done,
-				need_PKG_purge;
+static gchar *empty_footprint_name;
+static gint verbose,
+  n_deleted,
+  n_added_m4,
+  n_added_ef,
+  n_fixed,
+  n_PKG_removed_new,
+  n_PKG_removed_old,
+  n_preserved, n_changed_value, n_not_found, n_unknown, n_none, n_empty;
+static gboolean remove_unfound_elements = TRUE,
+  quiet_mode = FALSE,
+  force_element_files, preserve, fix_elements, bak_done, need_PKG_purge;
 static void
-	{
-	FILE	*f;
-	m4_override_file = "gnet-gsch2pcb-tmp.scm";
-	f = fopen(m4_override_file, "wb");
-	if (!f)
-		{
-		m4_override_file = NULL;
-		return;
-		}
-	if (m4_command)
-		fprintf(f, "(define m4-command \"%s\")\n", m4_command);
-	if (m4_pcbdir)
-		fprintf(f, "(define m4-pcbdir \"%s\")\n", m4_pcbdir);
-	if (m4_files)
-		fprintf(f, "(define m4-files \"%s\")\n", m4_files);
-	fprintf(f, "(define gsch2pcb:use-m4 %s)\n", use_m4 == TRUE ? "#t" : "#f");
-	fclose(f);
-	if (verbose)
-		{
-		printf("Default m4-pcbdir: %s\n", default_m4_pcbdir);
-		printf("--------\ngnet-gsch2pcb-tmp.scm override file:\n");
-		if (m4_command)
-			printf("    (define m4-command \"%s\")\n", m4_command);
-		if (m4_pcbdir)
-			printf("    (define m4-pcbdir \"%s\")\n", m4_pcbdir);
-		if (m4_files)
-			printf("    (define m4-files \"%s\")\n", m4_files);
-		printf("    (define gsch2pcb:use-m4 %s)\n", use_m4 == TRUE ? "#t" : "#f");
-		}
-	}
-  /* Run gnetlist to generate a netlist and a PCB board file.  gnetlist
-  |  has exit status of 0 even if it's given an invalid arg, so do some
-  |  stat() hoops to decide if gnetlist successfully generated the PCB
-  |  board file (only gnetlist >= 20030901 recognizes -m).
-  */
+create_m4_override_file ()
+  FILE *f;
+  m4_override_file = "gnet-gsch2pcb-tmp.scm";
+  f = fopen (m4_override_file, "wb");
+  if (!f) {
+    m4_override_file = NULL;
+    return;
+  }
+  if (m4_command)
+    fprintf (f, "(define m4-command \"%s\")\n", m4_command);
+  if (m4_pcbdir)
+    fprintf (f, "(define m4-pcbdir \"%s\")\n", m4_pcbdir);
+  if (m4_files)
+    fprintf (f, "(define m4-files \"%s\")\n", m4_files);
+  fprintf (f, "(define gsch2pcb:use-m4 %s)\n", use_m4 == TRUE ? "#t" : "#f");
+  fclose (f);
+  if (verbose) {
+    printf ("Default m4-pcbdir: %s\n", default_m4_pcbdir);
+    printf ("--------\ngnet-gsch2pcb-tmp.scm override file:\n");
+    if (m4_command)
+      printf ("    (define m4-command \"%s\")\n", m4_command);
+    if (m4_pcbdir)
+      printf ("    (define m4-pcbdir \"%s\")\n", m4_pcbdir);
+    if (m4_files)
+      printf ("    (define m4-files \"%s\")\n", m4_files);
+    printf ("    (define gsch2pcb:use-m4 %s)\n", use_m4 == TRUE ? "#t" : "#f");
+  }
+/* Run gnetlist to generate a netlist and a PCB board file.  gnetlist
+ * has exit status of 0 even if it's given an invalid arg, so do some
+ * stat() hoops to decide if gnetlist successfully generated the PCB
+ * board file (only gnetlist >= 20030901 recognizes -m).
+ */
 static void
-run_gnetlist(gchar *pins_file, gchar *net_file, gchar *pcb_file, gchar *basename, gchar *args)
-	{
-	gchar		*command,
-				*out_file,
-				*args1,
-				*s;
-	GList		*list;
-	struct stat	st;
-	time_t		mtime;
-	static const gchar *gnetlist = NULL;
-        /* Prepend the gnetlist arguments (including the list of schematics)
-         * with those the user has specified with gnetlist-arg directives */
-        if (extra_gnetlist_arg_list != NULL) {
-          int count = 0;
-          gchar **str_array =
-            g_new0 (char *, 2 + g_list_length (extra_gnetlist_arg_list));
-          for (list = extra_gnetlist_arg_list;
-               list != NULL;
-               list = g_list_next(list)) {
-            str_array[count++] = list->data;
-          }
-          str_array[count++] = args;
-          args = g_strjoinv (" ", str_array);
-          g_free (str_array);
-        } else {
-          args = g_strdup (args);
-        }
-	/*
-	 * Allow the user to specify a full path or a different name for
-	 * the gnetlist command.  Especially useful if multiple copies
-	 * are installed at once.
-	 */
-	if (gnetlist == NULL)
-		gnetlist = g_getenv ("GNETLIST");
-	if (gnetlist == NULL)
-		gnetlist = "gnetlist";
-	if (verbose)
-		{
-		command = g_strconcat(
-					gnetlist, " -g pcbpins -o ", pins_file, " ", args, NULL);
-		printf("Running command:\n\t%s\n", command);
-		printf(SEP_STRING);
-		}
-	else
-		command = g_strconcat(
-					gnetlist, " -q -g pcbpins -o ", pins_file, " ", args, NULL);
-	g_spawn_command_line_sync(command, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-	g_free(command);
-	if (verbose)
-		{
-		command = g_strconcat(
-					gnetlist, " -g PCB -o ", net_file, " ", args, NULL);
-		printf("Running command:\n\t%s\n", command);
-		printf(SEP_STRING);
-		}
-	else
-		command = g_strconcat(
-					gnetlist, " -q -g PCB -o ", net_file, " ", args, NULL);
-	g_spawn_command_line_sync(command, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-	g_free(command);
-	create_m4_override_file();
-	if (m4_override_file)
-		args1 = g_strconcat("-m ", m4_override_file, " ", args, NULL);
-	else
-		args1 = g_strdup(args);
-	mtime = (stat(pcb_file, &st) == 0) ? st.st_mtime : 0;
-	if (verbose)
-		{
-		printf(SEP_STRING);
-		command = g_strconcat(gnetlist, " -g gsch2pcb -o ", pcb_file, 
-				" ", args1, NULL);
-		printf("Running command:\n\t%s\n", command);
-		printf(SEP_STRING);
-		}
-	else
-		command = g_strconcat(gnetlist, " -q -g gsch2pcb -o ", pcb_file, 
-				" ", args1, NULL);
-	g_spawn_command_line_sync(command, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-	if (verbose)
-		printf(SEP_STRING);
-	if (   stat(pcb_file, &st) != 0
-		|| mtime == st.st_mtime
-	   )
-		{
-		fprintf(stderr, "gsch2pcb: gnetlist command (%s) failed.\n", command);
-		if (m4_override_file)
-			fprintf(stderr,
-		"    At least gnetlist 20030901 is required for m4-xxx options.\n");
-		exit(1);
-		}
-	g_free(command);
-	g_free(args1);
-	if (m4_override_file)
-		unlink(m4_override_file);
-	for (list = extra_gnetlist_list; list; list = g_list_next(list))
-		{
-		s = (gchar *) list->data;
-		if (!strstr(s, " -o "))
-			out_file = g_strconcat(" -o ", basename, ".", s, NULL);
-		else
-			out_file = g_strdup(" ");
-		if (verbose)
-			{
-			printf(SEP_STRING);
-			command = g_strconcat(gnetlist, " -g ", s, out_file,
-							" ", args, NULL);
-			printf("Running command:\n\t%s\n", command);
-			printf(SEP_STRING);
-			}
-		else
-			command = g_strconcat(gnetlist, " -q -g ", s, out_file,
-							" ", args, NULL);
-		g_spawn_command_line_sync(command, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-		g_free(command);
-		g_free(out_file);
-		if (verbose)
-			printf(SEP_STRING);
-		}
-        g_free (args);
-	}
+run_gnetlist (gchar * pins_file, gchar * net_file, gchar * pcb_file,
+              gchar * basename, gchar * args)
+  gchar *command, *out_file, *args1, *s;
+  GList *list;
+  struct stat st;
+  time_t mtime;
+  static const gchar *gnetlist = NULL;
+  /* Prepend the gnetlist arguments (including the list of schematics)
+   * with those the user has specified with gnetlist-arg directives */
+  if (extra_gnetlist_arg_list != NULL) {
+    int count = 0;
+    gchar **str_array =
+      g_new0 (char *, 2 + g_list_length (extra_gnetlist_arg_list));
+    for (list = extra_gnetlist_arg_list;
+         list != NULL; list = g_list_next (list)) {
+      str_array[count++] = list->data;
+    }
+    str_array[count++] = args;
+    args = g_strjoinv (" ", str_array);
+    g_free (str_array);
+  } else {
+    args = g_strdup (args);
+  }
+  /* Allow the user to specify a full path or a different name for
+   * the gnetlist command.  Especially useful if multiple copies
+   * are installed at once.
+   */
+  if (gnetlist == NULL)
+    gnetlist = g_getenv ("GNETLIST");
+  if (gnetlist == NULL)
+    gnetlist = "gnetlist";
+  if (verbose) {
+    command =
+      g_strconcat (gnetlist, " -g pcbpins -o ", pins_file, " ", args, NULL);
+    printf ("Running command:\n\t%s\n", command);
+    printf (SEP_STRING);
+  } else
+    command =
+      g_strconcat (gnetlist, " -q -g pcbpins -o ", pins_file, " ", args, NULL);
+  g_spawn_command_line_sync (command, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+  g_free (command);
+  if (verbose) {
+    command = g_strconcat (gnetlist, " -g PCB -o ", net_file, " ", args, NULL);
+    printf ("Running command:\n\t%s\n", command);
+    printf (SEP_STRING);
+  } else
+    command =
+      g_strconcat (gnetlist, " -q -g PCB -o ", net_file, " ", args, NULL);
+  g_spawn_command_line_sync (command, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+  g_free (command);
+  create_m4_override_file ();
+  if (m4_override_file)
+    args1 = g_strconcat ("-m ", m4_override_file, " ", args, NULL);
+  else
+    args1 = g_strdup (args);
+  mtime = (stat (pcb_file, &st) == 0) ? st.st_mtime : 0;
+  if (verbose) {
+    printf (SEP_STRING);
+    command = g_strconcat (gnetlist, " -g gsch2pcb -o ", pcb_file,
+                           " ", args1, NULL);
+    printf ("Running command:\n\t%s\n", command);
+    printf (SEP_STRING);
+  } else
+    command = g_strconcat (gnetlist, " -q -g gsch2pcb -o ", pcb_file,
+                           " ", args1, NULL);
+  g_spawn_command_line_sync (command, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+  if (verbose)
+    printf (SEP_STRING);
+  if (stat (pcb_file, &st) != 0 || mtime == st.st_mtime) {
+    fprintf (stderr, "gsch2pcb: gnetlist command (%s) failed.\n", command);
+    if (m4_override_file)
+      fprintf (stderr,
+               "    At least gnetlist 20030901 is required for m4-xxx options.\n");
+    exit (1);
+  }
+  g_free (command);
+  g_free (args1);
+  if (m4_override_file)
+    unlink (m4_override_file);
+  for (list = extra_gnetlist_list; list; list = g_list_next (list)) {
+    s = (gchar *) list->data;
+    if (!strstr (s, " -o "))
+      out_file = g_strconcat (" -o ", basename, ".", s, NULL);
+    else
+      out_file = g_strdup (" ");
+    if (verbose) {
+      printf (SEP_STRING);
+      command = g_strconcat (gnetlist, " -g ", s, out_file, " ", args, NULL);
+      printf ("Running command:\n\t%s\n", command);
+      printf (SEP_STRING);
+    } else
+      command = g_strconcat (gnetlist, " -q -g ", s, out_file, " ", args, NULL);
+    g_spawn_command_line_sync (command, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+    g_free (command);
+    g_free (out_file);
+    if (verbose)
+      printf (SEP_STRING);
+  }
+  g_free (args);
 static gchar *
-token(gchar *string, gchar **next, gboolean *quoted_ret)
-	{
-	static gchar	*str;
-	gchar			*s, *ret;
-	gboolean		quoted = FALSE;
-	if (string)
-		str = string;
-	if (!str || !*str)
-		{
-		if (next)
-			*next = str;
-		return g_strdup("");
-		}
-	while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t' || *str == ',' || *str == '\n')
-		++str;
-	if (*str == '"')
-		{
-		quoted = TRUE;
-		if (quoted_ret)
-			*quoted_ret = TRUE;
-		++str;
-		for (s = str; *s && *s != '"' && *s != '\n'; ++s)
-			;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		if (quoted_ret)
-			*quoted_ret = FALSE;
-		for (s = str;
-				*s && (*s != ' ' && *s != '\t' && *s != ',' && *s != '\n');
-				++s)
-			;
-		}
-	ret = g_strndup(str, s - str);
-	str = (quoted && *s) ? s + 1 : s;
-	if (next)
-		*next = str;
-	return ret;
-	}
+token (gchar * string, gchar ** next, gboolean * quoted_ret)
+  static gchar *str;
+  gchar *s, *ret;
+  gboolean quoted = FALSE;
+  if (string)
+    str = string;
+  if (!str || !*str) {
+    if (next)
+      *next = str;
+    return g_strdup ("");
+  }
+  while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t' || *str == ',' || *str == '\n')
+    ++str;
+  if (*str == '"') {
+    quoted = TRUE;
+    if (quoted_ret)
+      *quoted_ret = TRUE;
+    ++str;
+    for (s = str; *s && *s != '"' && *s != '\n'; ++s);
+  } else {
+    if (quoted_ret)
+      *quoted_ret = FALSE;
+    for (s = str;
+         *s && (*s != ' ' && *s != '\t' && *s != ',' && *s != '\n'); ++s);
+  }
+  ret = g_strndup (str, s - str);
+  str = (quoted && *s) ? s + 1 : s;
+  if (next)
+    *next = str;
+  return ret;
 static gchar *
-fix_spaces(gchar *str)
-	{
-	gchar	*s;
-	if (!str)
-		return NULL;
-	for (s = str; *s; ++s)
-		if (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t')
-			*s = '_';
-	return str;
-	}
+fix_spaces (gchar * str)
+  gchar *s;
+  if (!str)
+    return NULL;
+  for (s = str; *s; ++s)
+    if (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t')
+      *s = '_';
+  return str;
   /* As of 1/9/2004 CVS hi_res Element[] line format:
-  |  Element[element_flags, description, pcb-name, value, mark_x, mark_y,
-  |			text_x, text_y, text_direction, text_scale, text_flags]
-  |  New PCB 1.7 / 1.99 Element() line format:
-  |  Element(element_flags, description, pcb-name, value, mark_x, mark_y,
-  |			text_x, text_y, text_direction, text_scale, text_flags)
-  |  Old PCB 1.6 Element() line format:
-  |  Element(element_flags, description, pcb-name, value, 
-  |			text_x, text_y, text_direction, text_scale, text_flags)
-  |
-  |  (mark_x, mark_y) is the element position (mark) and (text_x,text_y)
-  |  is the description text position which is absolute in pre 1.7 and
-  |  is now relative.  The hi_res mark_x,mark_y and text_x,text_y resolutions
-  |  are 100x the other formats.
-  */
+   *   Element[element_flags, description, pcb-name, value, mark_x, mark_y,
+   *       text_x, text_y, text_direction, text_scale, text_flags]
+   *   New PCB 1.7 / 1.99 Element() line format:
+   *   Element(element_flags, description, pcb-name, value, mark_x, mark_y,
+   *       text_x, text_y, text_direction, text_scale, text_flags)
+   *   Old PCB 1.6 Element() line format:
+   *   Element(element_flags, description, pcb-name, value,
+   *       text_x, text_y, text_direction, text_scale, text_flags)
+   *
+   *   (mark_x, mark_y) is the element position (mark) and (text_x,text_y)
+   *   is the description text position which is absolute in pre 1.7 and
+   *   is now relative.  The hi_res mark_x,mark_y and text_x,text_y resolutions
+   *   are 100x the other formats.
+   */
 PcbElement *
-pcb_element_line_parse(gchar *line)
-	{
-	PcbElement	*el = NULL;
-	gchar		*s, *t, close_char;
-	gint		state = 0, elcount = 0;
-	if (strncmp(line, "Element", 7))
-		return NULL;
-	el = g_new0(PcbElement, 1);
-	s = line + 7;
-	while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t')
-		++s;
-	if (*s == '[')
-		el->hi_res_format = TRUE;
-	else if (*s != '(')
-		{
-		g_free(el);
-		return NULL;
-		}
-	el->res_char = el->hi_res_format ? '[' : '(';
-	close_char = el->hi_res_format ? ']' : ')';
-	el->flags = token(s + 1, NULL, &el->quoted_flags);
-	el->description = token(NULL, NULL, NULL);
-	el->refdes = token(NULL, NULL, NULL);
-	el->value  = token(NULL, NULL, NULL);
-	s = token(NULL, NULL, NULL);
-	el->x = atoi(s);
-	g_free(s);
-	s = token(NULL, &t, NULL);
-	el->y = atoi(s);
-	g_free(s);
-	el->tail = g_strdup(t ? t : "");
-	if ((s = strrchr(el->tail, (gint) '\n')) != NULL)
-		*s = '\0';
-	/* Count the tokens in tail to decide if it's new or old format.
-	|  Old format will have 3 tokens, new format will have 5 tokens.
-	*/
-	for (s = el->tail; *s && *s != close_char; ++s)
-		{
-		if (*s != ' ')
-			{
-			if (state == 0)
-				++elcount;
-			state = 1;
-			}
-		else
-			state = 0;
-		}
-	if (elcount > 4)
-		el->new_format = TRUE;
-	fix_spaces(el->description);
-	fix_spaces(el->refdes);
-	fix_spaces(el->value);
-	/* Don't allow elements with no refdes to ever be deleted
-	|  because they may be desired pc board elements not in schematics.
-	|  So initialize still_exists to TRUE if empty or non-alphanumeric refdes.
-	*/
-	if (!*el->refdes || !isalnum((gint) (*el->refdes)))
-		el->still_exists = TRUE;
-	return el;
-	}
+pcb_element_line_parse (gchar * line)
+  PcbElement *el = NULL;
+  gchar *s, *t, close_char;
+  gint state = 0, elcount = 0;
+  if (strncmp (line, "Element", 7))
+    return NULL;
+  el = g_new0 (PcbElement, 1);
+  s = line + 7;
+  while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t')
+    ++s;
+  if (*s == '[')
+    el->hi_res_format = TRUE;
+  else if (*s != '(') {
+    g_free (el);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  el->res_char = el->hi_res_format ? '[' : '(';
+  close_char = el->hi_res_format ? ']' : ')';
+  el->flags = token (s + 1, NULL, &el->quoted_flags);
+  el->description = token (NULL, NULL, NULL);
+  el->refdes = token (NULL, NULL, NULL);
+  el->value = token (NULL, NULL, NULL);
+  s = token (NULL, NULL, NULL);
+  el->x = atoi (s);
+  g_free (s);
+  s = token (NULL, &t, NULL);
+  el->y = atoi (s);
+  g_free (s);
+  el->tail = g_strdup (t ? t : "");
+  if ((s = strrchr (el->tail, (gint) '\n')) != NULL)
+    *s = '\0';
+  /* Count the tokens in tail to decide if it's new or old format.
+   * Old format will have 3 tokens, new format will have 5 tokens.
+   */
+  for (s = el->tail; *s && *s != close_char; ++s) {
+    if (*s != ' ') {
+      if (state == 0)
+        ++elcount;
+      state = 1;
+    } else
+      state = 0;
+  }
+  if (elcount > 4)
+    el->new_format = TRUE;
+  fix_spaces (el->description);
+  fix_spaces (el->refdes);
+  fix_spaces (el->value);
+  /* Don't allow elements with no refdes to ever be deleted because
+   * they may be desired pc board elements not in schematics.  So
+   * initialize still_exists to TRUE if empty or non-alphanumeric
+   * refdes.
+   */
+  if (!*el->refdes || !isalnum ((gint) (*el->refdes)))
+    el->still_exists = TRUE;
+  return el;
 static void
-pcb_element_free(PcbElement *el)
-	{
-	if (!el)
-		return;
-	g_free(el->flags);
-	g_free(el->description);
-	g_free(el->changed_description);
-	g_free(el->changed_value);
-	g_free(el->refdes);
-	g_free(el->value);
-	g_free(el->tail);
-	g_free(el->pkg_name_fix);
-	g_free(el);
-	}
+pcb_element_free (PcbElement * el)
+  if (!el)
+    return;
+  g_free (el->flags);
+  g_free (el->description);
+  g_free (el->changed_description);
+  g_free (el->changed_value);
+  g_free (el->refdes);
+  g_free (el->value);
+  g_free (el->tail);
+  g_free (el->pkg_name_fix);
+  g_free (el);
 static void
-get_pcb_element_list(gchar *pcb_file)
-	{
-	FILE		*f;
-	PcbElement	*el;
-	gchar		*s, buf[1024];
-	if ((f = fopen(pcb_file, "r")) == NULL)
-		return;
-	while ((fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) != NULL)
-		{
-		for (s = buf; *s == ' ' || *s == '\t'; ++s)
-			;
-		if (!strncmp(s, "PKG_", 4))
-			{
-			need_PKG_purge = TRUE;
-			continue;
-			}
-		if ((el = pcb_element_line_parse(s)) == NULL)
-			continue;
-		pcb_element_list = g_list_append(pcb_element_list, el);
-		}
-	fclose(f);
-	}
+get_pcb_element_list (gchar * pcb_file)
+  FILE *f;
+  PcbElement *el;
+  gchar *s, buf[1024];
+  if ((f = fopen (pcb_file, "r")) == NULL)
+    return;
+  while ((fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f)) != NULL) {
+    for (s = buf; *s == ' ' || *s == '\t'; ++s);
+    if (!strncmp (s, "PKG_", 4)) {
+      need_PKG_purge = TRUE;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if ((el = pcb_element_line_parse (s)) == NULL)
+      continue;
+    pcb_element_list = g_list_append (pcb_element_list, el);
+  }
+  fclose (f);
 static PcbElement *
-pcb_element_exists(PcbElement *el_test, gboolean record)
-	{
-	GList	*list;
-	PcbElement	*el;
-	for (list = pcb_element_list; list; list = g_list_next(list))
-		{
-		el = (PcbElement *) list->data;
-		if (strcmp(el_test->refdes, el->refdes))
-			continue;
-		if (strcmp(el_test->description, el->description))	/* footprint */
-			{
-			if (record)
-				el->changed_description = g_strdup(el_test->description);
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			if (record)
-				{
-				if (strcmp(el_test->value, el->value))
-					el->changed_value = g_strdup(el_test->value);
-				el->still_exists = TRUE;
-				}
-			return el;
-			}
-		}
-	return NULL;
-	}
-  /* A problem is that new PCB 1.7 file elements have the (mark_x,mark_y)
-  |  value set to wherever the element was created and no equivalent of a
-  |  gschem translate symbol was done.
-  |  So, file elements inserted can be scattered over a big area and this is
-  |  bad when loading a file.new.pcb into an existing PC board.  So, do a
-  |  simple translate if (mark_x,mark_y) is (arbitrarily) over 1000.  I'll
-  |  assume that for values < 1000 the element creator was concerned with a
-  |  sane initial element placement.  Unless someone has a better idea?
-  |  Don't bother with pre PCB 1.7 formats as that would require parsing
-  |  the mark().  Current m4 elements use the old format but they seem to
-  |  have a reasonable initial mark().
-  */
+pcb_element_exists (PcbElement * el_test, gboolean record)
+  GList *list;
+  PcbElement *el;
+  for (list = pcb_element_list; list; list = g_list_next (list)) {
+    el = (PcbElement *) list->data;
+    if (strcmp (el_test->refdes, el->refdes))
+      continue;
+    if (strcmp (el_test->description, el->description)) { /* footprint */
+      if (record)
+        el->changed_description = g_strdup (el_test->description);
+    } else {
+      if (record) {
+        if (strcmp (el_test->value, el->value))
+          el->changed_value = g_strdup (el_test->value);
+        el->still_exists = TRUE;
+      }
+      return el;
+    }
+  }
+  return NULL;
+/* A problem is that new PCB 1.7 file elements have the
+ * (mark_x,mark_y) value set to wherever the element was created and
+ * no equivalent of a gschem translate symbol was done.
+ *
+ * So, file elements inserted can be scattered over a big area and
+ * this is bad when loading a file.new.pcb into an existing PC
+ * board.  So, do a simple translate if (mark_x,mark_y) is
+ * (arbitrarily) over 1000.  I'll assume that for values < 1000 the
+ * element creator was concerned with a sane initial element
+ * placement.  Unless someone has a better idea?  Don't bother with
+ * pre PCB 1.7 formats as that would require parsing the mark().
+ * Current m4 elements use the old format but they seem to have a
+ * reasonable initial mark().
+ */
 static void
-simple_translate(PcbElement *el)
-	{
-	gint	factor;
-	if (el->new_format)
-		{
-		factor = el->hi_res_format ? 100 : 1;
-		if (el->x > 1000 * factor)
-			el->x = 500 * factor;
-		if (el->y > 1000 * factor)
-			el->y = 500 * factor;
-		}
-	}
+simple_translate (PcbElement * el)
+  gint factor;
+  if (el->new_format) {
+    factor = el->hi_res_format ? 100 : 1;
+    if (el->x > 1000 * factor)
+      el->x = 500 * factor;
+    if (el->y > 1000 * factor)
+      el->y = 500 * factor;
+  }
 static gboolean
-insert_element(FILE *f_out, gchar *element_file,
-			gchar *footprint, gchar *refdes, gchar *value)
-	{
-	FILE		*f_in;
-	PcbElement	*el;
-	gchar		*fmt, *s, buf[1024];
-	gboolean	retval = FALSE;
-	if ((f_in = fopen(element_file, "r")) == NULL)
-		{
-		s = g_strdup_printf("insert_element() can't open %s", element_file);
-		perror(s);
-		g_free(s);
-		return FALSE;
-		}
-	/* Scan the file to detect whether it's actually a PCB
-	 * layout. Assumes that a PCB layout will have a "PCB" line. */
-	while ((fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f_in)) != NULL) {
-		for (s = buf; *s == ' ' || *s == '\t'; ++s)
-		;
-		s[3] = 0; /* Truncate line */
-		if (strncmp ("PCB", s, sizeof(buf)) == 0) {
-			printf ("Warning: %s appears to be a PCB layout file. Skipping.\n",
-				element_file);
-			fclose (f_in);
-			return FALSE;
-		}
-	}
-	rewind (f_in);
-	/* Copy the file element lines.  Substitute new parameters into the
-	|  Element() or Element[] line and strip comments.
-	*/
-	while ((fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f_in)) != NULL)
-		{
-		for (s = buf; *s == ' ' || *s == '\t'; ++s)
-			;
-		if ((el = pcb_element_line_parse(s)) != NULL)
-			{
-			simple_translate(el);
-			fmt = el->quoted_flags ?
-						"Element%c\"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %d %d%s\n" :
-						"Element%c%s \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %d %d%s\n";
-			fprintf(f_out, fmt,
-						el->res_char, el->flags, footprint, refdes, value,
-						el->x, el->y, el->tail);
-			retval = TRUE;;
-			}
-		else if (*s != '#')
-			fputs(buf, f_out);
-		pcb_element_free(el);
-		}
-	fclose(f_in);
-	return retval;
-	}
-gchar	*
-find_element(gchar *dir_path, gchar *element)
-	{
-	GDir	*dir;
-	gchar	*path, *name, *s, *found = NULL;
-	if ((dir = g_dir_open(dir_path, 0, NULL)) == NULL)
-		{
-		s = g_strdup_printf("find_element can't open dir \"%s\"", dir_path);
-		perror(s);
-		g_free(s);
-		return NULL;
-		}
-	if (verbose > 1)
-			printf("\t  Searching: \"%s\" for \"%s\"\n", dir_path, element);
-	while ((name = (gchar *) g_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL)
-		{
-		path = g_strconcat(dir_path, "/", name, NULL);
-		found = NULL;
-		/* if we got a directory name, then recurse down into it */
-		if (g_file_test(path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
-			found = find_element(path, element);
-		/* otherwise assume it is a file and see if it is the one we want */
-		else
-			{
-			if (verbose > 1)
-				printf("\t           : %s\t", name);
-			if (!strcmp(name, element))
-				found = g_strdup(path);
-			else
-			  {
-				gchar *tmps;
-				tmps = g_strconcat (element, ".fp", NULL);
-				if (!strcmp(name, tmps))
-					found = g_strdup(path);
-				g_free (tmps);
-			  }
-			if (verbose > 1)
-				printf("%s\n", found ? "Yes" : "No");
-			}
-		g_free(path);
-		if (found)
-			break;
-		}
-	g_dir_close(dir);
-	return found;
-	}
+insert_element (FILE * f_out, gchar * element_file,
+                gchar * footprint, gchar * refdes, gchar * value)
+  FILE *f_in;
+  PcbElement *el;
+  gchar *fmt, *s, buf[1024];
+  gboolean retval = FALSE;
+  if ((f_in = fopen (element_file, "r")) == NULL) {
+    s = g_strdup_printf ("insert_element() can't open %s", element_file);
+    perror (s);
+    g_free (s);
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  /* Scan the file to detect whether it's actually a PCB
+   * layout. Assumes that a PCB layout will have a "PCB" line. */
+  while ((fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f_in)) != NULL) {
+    for (s = buf; *s == ' ' || *s == '\t'; ++s);
+    s[3] = 0;                   /* Truncate line */
+    if (strncmp ("PCB", s, sizeof (buf)) == 0) {
+      printf ("Warning: %s appears to be a PCB layout file. Skipping.\n",
+              element_file);
+      fclose (f_in);
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  }
+  rewind (f_in);
+  /* Copy the file element lines.  Substitute new parameters into the
+   * Element() or Element[] line and strip comments.
+   */
+  while ((fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f_in)) != NULL) {
+    for (s = buf; *s == ' ' || *s == '\t'; ++s);
+    if ((el = pcb_element_line_parse (s)) != NULL) {
+      simple_translate (el);
+      fmt = el->quoted_flags ?
+        "Element%c\"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %d %d%s\n" :
+        "Element%c%s \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %d %d%s\n";
+      fprintf (f_out, fmt,
+               el->res_char, el->flags, footprint, refdes, value,
+               el->x, el->y, el->tail);
+      retval = TRUE;;
+    } else if (*s != '#')
+      fputs (buf, f_out);
+    pcb_element_free (el);
+  }
+  fclose (f_in);
+  return retval;
 gchar *
-search_element_directories( PcbElement	*el)
-	{
-	GList		*list;
-	gchar		*s, *elname = NULL, *dir_path, *path = NULL;
-	gint		n1, n2;
-	/* See comment before pkg_to_element() */
-	if (el->pkg_name_fix)
-		{
-		if (strchr(el->description, '-'))
-			{
-			n1 = strlen(el->description);
-			n2 = strlen(el->pkg_name_fix);
-			s = el->description + n1 - n2 - 1;
+find_element (gchar * dir_path, gchar * element)
+  GDir *dir;
+  gchar *path, *name, *s, *found = NULL;
+  if ((dir = g_dir_open (dir_path, 0, NULL)) == NULL) {
+    s = g_strdup_printf ("find_element can't open dir \"%s\"", dir_path);
+    perror (s);
+    g_free (s);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  if (verbose > 1)
+    printf ("\t  Searching: \"%s\" for \"%s\"\n", dir_path, element);
+  while ((name = (gchar *) g_dir_read_name (dir)) != NULL) {
+    path = g_strconcat (dir_path, "/", name, NULL);
+    found = NULL;
+    /* if we got a directory name, then recurse down into it */
+    if (g_file_test (path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
+      found = find_element (path, element);
+    /* otherwise assume it is a file and see if it is the one we want */
+    else {
+      if (verbose > 1)
+        printf ("\t           : %s\t", name);
+      if (!strcmp (name, element))
+        found = g_strdup (path);
+      else {
+        gchar *tmps;
+        tmps = g_strconcat (element, ".fp", NULL);
+        if (!strcmp (name, tmps))
+          found = g_strdup (path);
+        g_free (tmps);
+      }
+      if (verbose > 1)
+        printf ("%s\n", found ? "Yes" : "No");
+    }
+    g_free (path);
+    if (found)
+      break;
+  }
+  g_dir_close (dir);
+  return found;
+gchar *
+search_element_directories (PcbElement * el)
+  GList *list;
+  gchar *s, *elname = NULL, *dir_path, *path = NULL;
+  gint n1, n2;
+  /* See comment before pkg_to_element() */
+  if (el->pkg_name_fix) {
+    if (strchr (el->description, '-')) {
+      n1 = strlen (el->description);
+      n2 = strlen (el->pkg_name_fix);
+      s = el->description + n1 - n2 - 1;
 // printf("n1=%d n2=%d desc:%s fix:%s s:%s\n",
-//	n1, n2, el->description, el->pkg_name_fix, s);
-			if (   n1 > 0  && n2 < n1
-				&& *s == '-'
-				&& *(s + 1) == *el->pkg_name_fix
-			   )
-				{
-				s = g_strndup(el->description, n1 - n2 - 1);
-				elname = g_strconcat(s, " ", el->pkg_name_fix, NULL);
-				g_free(s);
-				}
-			}
-		if (!elname)
-			{
-			printf("Warning: argument passing may have been confused by\n");
-			printf("         a comma in a component value:\n");
-			printf("         Check %s %s %s\n",
-					el->refdes, el->description, el->value);
-			printf("         Maybe just use a space instead of a comma?\n");
-			}
-		}
-	if (!elname)
-		elname = g_strdup(el->description);
-	if (!strcmp(elname, "unknown"))
-		{
-		g_free(elname);
-		return NULL;
-		}
-	if (verbose > 1)
-		printf("\tSearching directories looking for file element: %s\n",
-					elname);
-	for (list = element_directory_list; list; list = g_list_next(list))
-		{
-		dir_path = (gchar *) list->data;
-		if (verbose > 1)
-			printf("\tLooking in directory: \"%s\"\n", dir_path);
-		path = find_element(dir_path, elname);
-		if (path)
-			{
-			if (verbose)
-				printf("\tFound: %s\n", path);
-			break;
-			}
-		}
-	g_free(elname);
-	return path;
-	}
+//  n1, n2, el->description, el->pkg_name_fix, s);
+      if (n1 > 0 && n2 < n1 && *s == '-' && *(s + 1) == *el->pkg_name_fix) {
+        s = g_strndup (el->description, n1 - n2 - 1);
+        elname = g_strconcat (s, " ", el->pkg_name_fix, NULL);
+        g_free (s);
+      }
+    }
+    if (!elname) {
+      printf ("Warning: argument passing may have been confused by\n");
+      printf ("         a comma in a component value:\n");
+      printf ("         Check %s %s %s\n",
+              el->refdes, el->description, el->value);
+      printf ("         Maybe just use a space instead of a comma?\n");
+    }
+  }
+  if (!elname)
+    elname = g_strdup (el->description);
+  if (!strcmp (elname, "unknown")) {
+    g_free (elname);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  if (verbose > 1)
+    printf ("\tSearching directories looking for file element: %s\n", elname);
+  for (list = element_directory_list; list; list = g_list_next (list)) {
+    dir_path = (gchar *) list->data;
+    if (verbose > 1)
+      printf ("\tLooking in directory: \"%s\"\n", dir_path);
+    path = find_element (dir_path, elname);
+    if (path) {
+      if (verbose)
+        printf ("\tFound: %s\n", path);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  g_free (elname);
+  return path;
 /* The gnetlist backend gnet-gsch2pcb.scm generates PKG_ lines:
-|        PKG_footprint(footprint{-fp0-fp1},refdes,value{,fp0,fp1})
-|  where fp1 and fp2 (if they exist) are the extra footprint components when
-|  specifying footprints like "DIL 14 300".  This is needed for m4 macros.
-|  A complication is if the footprint references a file element with spaces
-|  embedded in the name.  The gnetlist backend will interpret these as
-|  fp0, fp1, ... args and the footprint will in this case incorrectly have
-|  '-' inserted where the spaces should be.  So, if there are additional
-|  args, reconstruct the portion of the name given by the args with spaces
-|  for later use.  Eg. if the footprint is "100 Pin jack", we will have
-|      PKG_100-Pin-jack(100-Pin-jack,refdes,value,Pin,jack)
-|  So put "Pin jack" into pkg_name_fix so if this element is searched
-|  as a file element we can munge the description to what it should be, eg:
-|      100-Pin-jack -> 100 Pin jack
+ *
+ *        PKG_footprint(footprint{-fp0-fp1},refdes,value{,fp0,fp1})
+ *
+ * where fp1 and fp2 (if they exist) are the extra footprint
+ * components when specifying footprints like "DIL 14 300".  This is
+ * needed for m4 macros.
+ *
+ * A complication is if the footprint references a file element with
+ * spaces embedded in the name.  The gnetlist backend will interpret
+ * these as fp0, fp1, ... args and the footprint will in this case
+ * incorrectly have '-' inserted where the spaces should be.  So, if
+ * there are additional args, reconstruct the portion of the name
+ * given by the args with spaces for later use.  Eg. if the footprint
+ * is "100 Pin jack", we will have
+ *
+ *      PKG_100-Pin-jack(100-Pin-jack,refdes,value,Pin,jack)
+ *
+ *  So put "Pin jack" into pkg_name_fix so if this element is searched
+ *  as a file element we can munge the description to what it should
+ *  be, eg:
+ *
+ *      100-Pin-jack -> 100 Pin jack
+ */
 static PcbElement *
-pkg_to_element(FILE *f, gchar *pkg_line)
-	{
-	PcbElement	*el;
-	gchar		**args, *s;
-	gint		n, n_extra_args, n_dashes;
-	if (   strncmp(pkg_line, "PKG_", 4)
-		|| (s = strchr(pkg_line, (gint) '(')) == NULL
-	   )
-		return NULL;
-	args = g_strsplit(s + 1, ",", 12);
-	if (!args[0] || !args[1] || !args[2])
-		{
-		fprintf(stderr, "Bad package line: %s\n", pkg_line);
-		return NULL;
-		}
-	fix_spaces(args[0]);
-	fix_spaces(args[1]);
-	fix_spaces(args[2]);
-	el = g_new0(PcbElement, 1);
-	el->description = g_strdup(args[0]);
-	el->refdes      = g_strdup(args[1]);
-	el->value       = g_strdup(args[2]);
-	if ((s = strchr(el->value, (gint) ')')) != NULL)
-		*s = '\0';
-	/* If the component value has a comma, eg "1k, 1%", the gnetlist generated
-	|  PKG line will be PKG_XXX(`R0w8',`R100',`1k, 1%'), but after processed
-	|  by m4, the input to gsch2pcb will be PKG_XXX(R0w8,R100,1k, 1%).  So the
-	|  quoting info has been lost when processing for file elements.  So here
-	|  try to detect and fix this.  But I can't handle the situation where
-	|  the description has a '-' and the value has a comma because
-	|  gnet-gsch2pcb.scm munges the description with '-' when there are
-	|  extra args.
-	*/
-	for (n_extra_args = 0; args[3 + n_extra_args] != NULL; ++n_extra_args)
-		;
-	s = el->description;
-	for (n_dashes = 0; (s = strchr(s + 1, '-')) != NULL; ++n_dashes)
-		;
-	n = 3;
-	if (n_extra_args == n_dashes + 1)
-		{	/* Assume there was a comma in the value, eg "1K, 1%" */
-		s = el->value;
-		el->value = g_strconcat(s, ",", fix_spaces(args[n]), NULL);
-		g_free(s);
-		if ((s = strchr(el->value, (gint) ')')) != NULL)
-			*s = '\0';
-		n = 4;
-		}
-	if (args[n])
-		{
-		el->pkg_name_fix = g_strdup(args[n]);
-		for (n += 1; args[n] != NULL; ++n)
-			{
-			s = el->pkg_name_fix;
-			el->pkg_name_fix = g_strconcat(s, " ", args[n], NULL);
-			g_free(s);
-			}
-		if ((s = strchr(el->pkg_name_fix, (gint) ')')) != NULL)
-			*s = '\0';
-		}
-	g_strfreev(args);
-	if (empty_footprint_name && !strcmp(el->description, empty_footprint_name))
-		{
-		if (verbose)
-			printf(
-"%s: has the empty footprint attribute \"%s\" so won't be in the layout.\n",
-				el->refdes, el->description);
-		n_empty += 1;
-		el->omit_PKG = TRUE;
-		}
-	else if (!strcmp(el->description, "none"))
-		{
-		fprintf(stderr,
-"WARNING: %s has a footprint attribute \"%s\" so won't be in the layout.\n",
-				el->refdes, el->description);
-		n_none += 1;
-		el->omit_PKG = TRUE;
-		}
-	else if (!strcmp(el->description, "unknown"))
-		{
-		fprintf(stderr,
-		"WARNING: %s has no footprint attribute so won't be in the layout.\n",
-				el->refdes);
-		n_unknown += 1;
-		el->omit_PKG = TRUE;
-		}
-	return el;
-	}
+pkg_to_element (FILE * f, gchar * pkg_line)
+  PcbElement *el;
+  gchar **args, *s;
+  gint n, n_extra_args, n_dashes;
+  if (strncmp (pkg_line, "PKG_", 4)
+      || (s = strchr (pkg_line, (gint) '(')) == NULL)
+    return NULL;
+  args = g_strsplit (s + 1, ",", 12);
+  if (!args[0] || !args[1] || !args[2]) {
+    fprintf (stderr, "Bad package line: %s\n", pkg_line);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  fix_spaces (args[0]);
+  fix_spaces (args[1]);
+  fix_spaces (args[2]);
+  el = g_new0 (PcbElement, 1);
+  el->description = g_strdup (args[0]);
+  el->refdes = g_strdup (args[1]);
+  el->value = g_strdup (args[2]);
+  if ((s = strchr (el->value, (gint) ')')) != NULL)
+    *s = '\0';
+  /* If the component value has a comma, eg "1k, 1%", the gnetlist generated
+   * PKG line will be
+   *
+   *   PKG_XXX(`R0w8',`R100',`1k, 1%'),
+   *
+   * but after processed by m4, the input to gsch2pcb will be
+   *
+   *   PKG_XXX(R0w8,R100,1k, 1%).
+   *
+   * So the quoting info has been lost when processing for file
+   * elements.  So here try to detect and fix this.  But I can't
+   * handle the situation where the description has a '-' and the
+   * value has a comma because gnet-gsch2pcb.scm munges the
+   * description with '-' when there are extra args.
+   */
+  for (n_extra_args = 0; args[3 + n_extra_args] != NULL; ++n_extra_args);
+  s = el->description;
+  for (n_dashes = 0; (s = strchr (s + 1, '-')) != NULL; ++n_dashes);
+  n = 3;
+  if (n_extra_args == n_dashes + 1) { /* Assume there was a comma in the value, eg "1K, 1%" */
+    s = el->value;
+    el->value = g_strconcat (s, ",", fix_spaces (args[n]), NULL);
+    g_free (s);
+    if ((s = strchr (el->value, (gint) ')')) != NULL)
+      *s = '\0';
+    n = 4;
+  }
+  if (args[n]) {
+    el->pkg_name_fix = g_strdup (args[n]);
+    for (n += 1; args[n] != NULL; ++n) {
+      s = el->pkg_name_fix;
+      el->pkg_name_fix = g_strconcat (s, " ", args[n], NULL);
+      g_free (s);
+    }
+    if ((s = strchr (el->pkg_name_fix, (gint) ')')) != NULL)
+      *s = '\0';
+  }
+  g_strfreev (args);
+  if (empty_footprint_name && !strcmp (el->description, empty_footprint_name)) {
+    if (verbose)
+      printf
+        ("%s: has the empty footprint attribute \"%s\" so won't be in the layout.\n",
+         el->refdes, el->description);
+    n_empty += 1;
+    el->omit_PKG = TRUE;
+  } else if (!strcmp (el->description, "none")) {
+    fprintf (stderr,
+             "WARNING: %s has a footprint attribute \"%s\" so won't be in the layout.\n",
+             el->refdes, el->description);
+    n_none += 1;
+    el->omit_PKG = TRUE;
+  } else if (!strcmp (el->description, "unknown")) {
+    fprintf (stderr,
+             "WARNING: %s has no footprint attribute so won't be in the layout.\n",
+             el->refdes);
+    n_unknown += 1;
+    el->omit_PKG = TRUE;
+  }
+  return el;
 /* Process the newly created pcb file which is the output from
-|     gnetlist -g gsch2pcb ...
-|  It will have elements found via the m4 interface and PKG_ lines for
-|  elements not found.
-|  Insert pcb file elements for PKG_ lines if file elements can be found.
-|  If there was an existing pcb file, strip out any elements if they are
-|  already present so that the new pcb file will only have new elements.
+ *     gnetlist -g gsch2pcb ...
+ *
+ * It will have elements found via the m4 interface and PKG_ lines for
+ * elements not found.  Insert pcb file elements for PKG_ lines if
+ * file elements can be found.  If there was an existing pcb file,
+ * strip out any elements if they are already present so that the new
+ * pcb file will only have new elements.
+ */
 static gint
-add_elements(gchar *pcb_file)
-	{
-	FILE		*f_in, *f_out;
-	PcbElement	*el = NULL;
-	gchar		*command, *p, *tmp_file, *s, buf[1024];
-	gint		total, paren_level = 0;
-	gboolean	is_m4, skipping = FALSE;
-	if ((f_in = fopen(pcb_file, "r")) == NULL)
-		return 0;
-	tmp_file = g_strconcat(pcb_file, ".tmp", NULL);
-	if ((f_out = fopen(tmp_file, "wb")) == NULL)
-		{
-		fclose(f_in);
-		g_free(tmp_file);
-		return 0;
-		}
-	while ((fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f_in)) != NULL)
-		{
-		for (s = buf; *s == ' ' || *s == '\t'; ++s)
-			;
-		if (skipping)
-			{
-			if (*s == '(')
-				++paren_level;
-			else if (*s == ')' && --paren_level <= 0)
-				skipping = FALSE;
-			continue;
-			}
-		is_m4 = FALSE;
-		if ((el = pcb_element_line_parse(s)) != NULL)
-			is_m4 = TRUE;
-		else
-			el = pkg_to_element(f_out, s);
-		if (el && pcb_element_exists(el, TRUE))
-			{
-			skipping = is_m4;
-			pcb_element_free(el);
-			continue;
-			}
-		if (!el || el->omit_PKG)
-			{
-			if (el)
-				{
-				}
-			else
-				fputs(buf, f_out);
-			continue;
-			}
-		if (!is_m4 || (is_m4 && force_element_files))
-			{
-			if (verbose && !is_m4)
-				printf(
-					"%s: need new file element for footprint  %s (value=%s)\n",
-					el->refdes, el->description, el->value);
-			if (verbose && is_m4 && force_element_files)
-				printf(
-		"%s: have m4 element %s, but trying to replace with a file element.\n",
-					el->refdes, el->description);
-			p = search_element_directories(el);
-			if (!p && verbose && is_m4 && force_element_files)
-				printf("\tNo file element found.\n");
-			if (p && insert_element(f_out, p,
-						el->description, el->refdes, el->value))
-				{
-				skipping = is_m4;
-				is_m4 = FALSE;
-				++n_added_ef;
-				if (verbose)
-					printf(
-					"%s: added new file element for footprint %s (value=%s)\n",
-					el->refdes, el->description, el->value);
-				}
-			else if (!is_m4)
-				{
-				fprintf(stderr,
-					"%s: can't find PCB element for footprint %s (value=%s)\n",
-					el->refdes, el->description, el->value);
-				if (remove_unfound_elements && !fix_elements)
-					{
-					fprintf(stderr,
-						"So device %s will not be in the layout.\n",
-						el->refdes);
-					++n_PKG_removed_new;
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					++n_not_found;
-					fputs(buf, f_out);	/* Copy PKG_ line */
-					}
-				}
-			g_free(p);
-			}
-		if (is_m4)
-			{
-			fputs(buf, f_out);
-			++n_added_m4;
-			if (verbose)
-				printf(
-					"%s: added new m4 element for footprint   %s (value=%s)\n",
-					el->refdes, el->description, el->value);
-			}
-		pcb_element_free(el);
-		if (verbose)
-			printf("----\n");
-		}
-	fclose(f_in);
-	fclose(f_out);
-	total = n_added_ef + n_added_m4 + n_not_found;
-	if (total == 0)
-		command = g_strconcat("rm ", tmp_file, NULL);
-	else
-		command = g_strconcat("mv ", tmp_file, " ", pcb_file, NULL);
-	g_spawn_command_line_sync(command, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-	g_free(command);
-	g_free(tmp_file);
-	return total;
-	}
+add_elements (gchar * pcb_file)
+  FILE *f_in, *f_out;
+  PcbElement *el = NULL;
+  gchar *command, *p, *tmp_file, *s, buf[1024];
+  gint total, paren_level = 0;
+  gboolean is_m4, skipping = FALSE;
+  if ((f_in = fopen (pcb_file, "r")) == NULL)
+    return 0;
+  tmp_file = g_strconcat (pcb_file, ".tmp", NULL);
+  if ((f_out = fopen (tmp_file, "wb")) == NULL) {
+    fclose (f_in);
+    g_free (tmp_file);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  while ((fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f_in)) != NULL) {
+    for (s = buf; *s == ' ' || *s == '\t'; ++s);
+    if (skipping) {
+      if (*s == '(')
+        ++paren_level;
+      else if (*s == ')' && --paren_level <= 0)
+        skipping = FALSE;
+      continue;
+    }
+    is_m4 = FALSE;
+    if ((el = pcb_element_line_parse (s)) != NULL)
+      is_m4 = TRUE;
+    else
+      el = pkg_to_element (f_out, s);
+    if (el && pcb_element_exists (el, TRUE)) {
+      skipping = is_m4;
+      pcb_element_free (el);
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (!el || el->omit_PKG) {
+      if (el) {
+      } else
+        fputs (buf, f_out);
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (!is_m4 || (is_m4 && force_element_files)) {
+      if (verbose && !is_m4)
+        printf ("%s: need new file element for footprint  %s (value=%s)\n",
+                el->refdes, el->description, el->value);
+      if (verbose && is_m4 && force_element_files)
+        printf
+          ("%s: have m4 element %s, but trying to replace with a file element.\n",
+           el->refdes, el->description);
+      p = search_element_directories (el);
+      if (!p && verbose && is_m4 && force_element_files)
+        printf ("\tNo file element found.\n");
+      if (p && insert_element (f_out, p,
+                               el->description, el->refdes, el->value)) {
+        skipping = is_m4;
+        is_m4 = FALSE;
+        ++n_added_ef;
+        if (verbose)
+          printf ("%s: added new file element for footprint %s (value=%s)\n",
+                  el->refdes, el->description, el->value);
+      } else if (!is_m4) {
+        fprintf (stderr,
+                 "%s: can't find PCB element for footprint %s (value=%s)\n",
+                 el->refdes, el->description, el->value);
+        if (remove_unfound_elements && !fix_elements) {
+          fprintf (stderr,
+                   "So device %s will not be in the layout.\n", el->refdes);
+          ++n_PKG_removed_new;
+        } else {
+          ++n_not_found;
+          fputs (buf, f_out);   /* Copy PKG_ line */
+        }
+      }
+      g_free (p);
+    }
+    if (is_m4) {
+      fputs (buf, f_out);
+      ++n_added_m4;
+      if (verbose)
+        printf ("%s: added new m4 element for footprint   %s (value=%s)\n",
+                el->refdes, el->description, el->value);
+    }
+    pcb_element_free (el);
+    if (verbose)
+      printf ("----\n");
+  }
+  fclose (f_in);
+  fclose (f_out);
+  total = n_added_ef + n_added_m4 + n_not_found;
+  if (total == 0)
+    command = g_strconcat ("rm ", tmp_file, NULL);
+  else
+    command = g_strconcat ("mv ", tmp_file, " ", pcb_file, NULL);
+  g_spawn_command_line_sync (command, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+  g_free (command);
+  g_free (tmp_file);
+  return total;
 static void
-update_element_descriptions(gchar *pcb_file, gchar *bak)
-	{
-	FILE		*f_in, *f_out;
-	GList		*list;
-	PcbElement	*el, *el_exists;
-	gchar		*fmt, *command, *tmp, *s, buf[1024];
-	for (list = pcb_element_list; list; list = g_list_next(list))
-		{
-		el = (PcbElement *) list->data;
-		if (el->changed_description)
-			++n_fixed;
-		}
-	if (!pcb_element_list || n_fixed == 0)
-		{
-		fprintf(stderr, "Could not find any elements to fix.\n");
-		return;
-		}
-	if ((f_in = fopen(pcb_file, "r")) == NULL)
-		return;
-	tmp = g_strconcat(pcb_file, ".tmp", NULL);
-	if ((f_out = fopen(tmp, "wb")) == NULL)
-		{
-		fclose(f_in);
-		return;
-		}
-	while ((fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f_in)) != NULL)
-		{
-		for (s = buf; *s == ' ' || *s == '\t'; ++s)
-			;
-		if (   (el = pcb_element_line_parse(s)) != NULL
-			&& (el_exists = pcb_element_exists(el, FALSE)) != NULL
-			&& el_exists->changed_description
-		   )
-			{
-			fmt = el->quoted_flags ?
-						"Element%c\"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %d %d%s\n" :
-						"Element%c%s \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %d %d%s\n";
-			fprintf(f_out, fmt,
-						el->res_char,
-						el->flags, el_exists->changed_description,
-						el->refdes, el->value, el->x, el->y, el->tail);
-			printf("%s: updating element Description: %s -> %s\n",
-						el->refdes, el->description,
-						el_exists->changed_description);
-			el_exists->still_exists = TRUE;
-			}
-		else
-			fputs(buf, f_out);
-		pcb_element_free(el);
-		}
-	fclose(f_in);
-	fclose(f_out);
-	if (!bak_done)
-		{
-		command = g_strconcat("mv ", pcb_file, " ", bak, NULL);
-		g_spawn_command_line_sync(command, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-		g_free(command);
-		bak_done = TRUE;
-		}
-	command = g_strconcat("mv ", tmp, " ", pcb_file, NULL);
-	g_spawn_command_line_sync(command, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-	g_free(command);
-	g_free(tmp);
-	}
+update_element_descriptions (gchar * pcb_file, gchar * bak)
+  FILE *f_in, *f_out;
+  GList *list;
+  PcbElement *el, *el_exists;
+  gchar *fmt, *command, *tmp, *s, buf[1024];
+  for (list = pcb_element_list; list; list = g_list_next (list)) {
+    el = (PcbElement *) list->data;
+    if (el->changed_description)
+      ++n_fixed;
+  }
+  if (!pcb_element_list || n_fixed == 0) {
+    fprintf (stderr, "Could not find any elements to fix.\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  if ((f_in = fopen (pcb_file, "r")) == NULL)
+    return;
+  tmp = g_strconcat (pcb_file, ".tmp", NULL);
+  if ((f_out = fopen (tmp, "wb")) == NULL) {
+    fclose (f_in);
+    return;
+  }
+  while ((fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f_in)) != NULL) {
+    for (s = buf; *s == ' ' || *s == '\t'; ++s);
+    if ((el = pcb_element_line_parse (s)) != NULL
+        && (el_exists = pcb_element_exists (el, FALSE)) != NULL
+        && el_exists->changed_description) {
+      fmt = el->quoted_flags ?
+        "Element%c\"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %d %d%s\n" :
+        "Element%c%s \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %d %d%s\n";
+      fprintf (f_out, fmt,
+               el->res_char,
+               el->flags, el_exists->changed_description,
+               el->refdes, el->value, el->x, el->y, el->tail);
+      printf ("%s: updating element Description: %s -> %s\n",
+              el->refdes, el->description, el_exists->changed_description);
+      el_exists->still_exists = TRUE;
+    } else
+      fputs (buf, f_out);
+    pcb_element_free (el);
+  }
+  fclose (f_in);
+  fclose (f_out);
+  if (!bak_done) {
+    command = g_strconcat ("mv ", pcb_file, " ", bak, NULL);
+    g_spawn_command_line_sync (command, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+    g_free (command);
+    bak_done = TRUE;
+  }
+  command = g_strconcat ("mv ", tmp, " ", pcb_file, NULL);
+  g_spawn_command_line_sync (command, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+  g_free (command);
+  g_free (tmp);
 static void
-prune_elements(gchar *pcb_file, gchar *bak)
-	{
-	FILE		*f_in, *f_out;
-	GList		*list;
-	PcbElement	*el, *el_exists;
-	gchar		*fmt, *command, *tmp, *s, buf[1024];
-	gint		paren_level = 0;
-	gboolean	skipping = FALSE;
-	for (list = pcb_element_list; list; list = g_list_next(list))
-		{
-		el = (PcbElement *) list->data;
-		if (!el->still_exists)
-			{
-			if (preserve)
-				{
-				++n_preserved;
-				fprintf(stderr,
-		"Preserving PCB element not in the schematic:    %s (element   %s)\n",
-					el->refdes, el->description);
-				}
-			else
-				++n_deleted;
-			}
-		else if (el->changed_value)
-			++n_changed_value;
-		}
-	if (   !pcb_element_list
-		|| (n_deleted == 0 && !need_PKG_purge && n_changed_value == 0)
-	   )
-		return;
-	if ((f_in = fopen(pcb_file, "r")) == NULL)
-		return;
-	tmp = g_strconcat(pcb_file, ".tmp", NULL);
-	if ((f_out = fopen(tmp, "wb")) == NULL)
-		{
-		fclose(f_in);
-		return;
-		}
-	while ((fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f_in)) != NULL)
-		{
-		for (s = buf; *s == ' ' || *s == '\t'; ++s)
-			;
-		if (skipping)
-			{
-			if (*s == '(')
-				++paren_level;
-			else if (*s == ')' && --paren_level <= 0)
-				skipping = FALSE;
-			continue;
-			}
-		el_exists = NULL;
-		if (   (el = pcb_element_line_parse(s)) != NULL
-			&& (el_exists = pcb_element_exists(el, FALSE)) != NULL
-			&& !el_exists->still_exists
-			&& !preserve
-		   )
-			{
-			skipping = TRUE;
-			if (verbose)
-				printf(
-					"%s: deleted element %s (value=%s)\n",
-					el->refdes, el->description, el->value);
-			pcb_element_free(el);
-			continue;
-			}
-		if (el_exists && el_exists->changed_value)
-			{
-			fmt = el->quoted_flags ?
-						"Element%c\"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %d %d%s\n" :
-						"Element%c%s \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %d %d%s\n";
-			fprintf(f_out, fmt,
-					el->res_char, el->flags, el->description, el->refdes,
-					el_exists->changed_value, el->x, el->y, el->tail);
-			if (verbose)
-				printf(
-					"%s: changed element %s value: %s -> %s\n",
-					el->refdes, el->description,
-					el->value, el_exists->changed_value);
-			}
-		else if (!strncmp(s, "PKG_", 4))
-			++n_PKG_removed_old;
-		else
-			fputs(buf, f_out);
-		pcb_element_free(el);
-		}
-	fclose(f_in);
-	fclose(f_out);
-	if (!bak_done)
-		{
-		command = g_strconcat("mv ", pcb_file, " ", bak, NULL);
-		g_spawn_command_line_sync(command, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-		g_free(command);
-		bak_done = TRUE;
-		}
-	command = g_strconcat("mv ", tmp, " ", pcb_file, NULL);
-	g_spawn_command_line_sync(command, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-	g_free(command);
-	g_free(tmp);
-	}
+prune_elements (gchar * pcb_file, gchar * bak)
+  FILE *f_in, *f_out;
+  GList *list;
+  PcbElement *el, *el_exists;
+  gchar *fmt, *command, *tmp, *s, buf[1024];
+  gint paren_level = 0;
+  gboolean skipping = FALSE;
+  for (list = pcb_element_list; list; list = g_list_next (list)) {
+    el = (PcbElement *) list->data;
+    if (!el->still_exists) {
+      if (preserve) {
+        ++n_preserved;
+        fprintf (stderr,
+                 "Preserving PCB element not in the schematic:    %s (element   %s)\n",
+                 el->refdes, el->description);
+      } else
+        ++n_deleted;
+    } else if (el->changed_value)
+      ++n_changed_value;
+  }
+  if (!pcb_element_list
+      || (n_deleted == 0 && !need_PKG_purge && n_changed_value == 0)
+    )
+    return;
+  if ((f_in = fopen (pcb_file, "r")) == NULL)
+    return;
+  tmp = g_strconcat (pcb_file, ".tmp", NULL);
+  if ((f_out = fopen (tmp, "wb")) == NULL) {
+    fclose (f_in);
+    return;
+  }
+  while ((fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f_in)) != NULL) {
+    for (s = buf; *s == ' ' || *s == '\t'; ++s);
+    if (skipping) {
+      if (*s == '(')
+        ++paren_level;
+      else if (*s == ')' && --paren_level <= 0)
+        skipping = FALSE;
+      continue;
+    }
+    el_exists = NULL;
+    if ((el = pcb_element_line_parse (s)) != NULL
+        && (el_exists = pcb_element_exists (el, FALSE)) != NULL
+        && !el_exists->still_exists && !preserve) {
+      skipping = TRUE;
+      if (verbose)
+        printf ("%s: deleted element %s (value=%s)\n",
+                el->refdes, el->description, el->value);
+      pcb_element_free (el);
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (el_exists && el_exists->changed_value) {
+      fmt = el->quoted_flags ?
+        "Element%c\"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %d %d%s\n" :
+        "Element%c%s \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %d %d%s\n";
+      fprintf (f_out, fmt,
+               el->res_char, el->flags, el->description, el->refdes,
+               el_exists->changed_value, el->x, el->y, el->tail);
+      if (verbose)
+        printf ("%s: changed element %s value: %s -> %s\n",
+                el->refdes, el->description,
+                el->value, el_exists->changed_value);
+    } else if (!strncmp (s, "PKG_", 4))
+      ++n_PKG_removed_old;
+    else
+      fputs (buf, f_out);
+    pcb_element_free (el);
+  }
+  fclose (f_in);
+  fclose (f_out);
+  if (!bak_done) {
+    command = g_strconcat ("mv ", pcb_file, " ", bak, NULL);
+    g_spawn_command_line_sync (command, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+    g_free (command);
+    bak_done = TRUE;
+  }
+  command = g_strconcat ("mv ", tmp, " ", pcb_file, NULL);
+  g_spawn_command_line_sync (command, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+  g_free (command);
+  g_free (tmp);
 static void
-add_m4_file(gchar *arg)
-	{
-	gchar	*s;
-	if (!m4_files)
-		m4_files = g_strdup(arg);
-	else
-		{
-		s = m4_files;
-		m4_files = g_strconcat(m4_files, " ", arg, NULL);
-		g_free(s);
-		}
-	}
+add_m4_file (gchar * arg)
+  gchar *s;
+  if (!m4_files)
+    m4_files = g_strdup (arg);
+  else {
+    s = m4_files;
+    m4_files = g_strconcat (m4_files, " ", arg, NULL);
+    g_free (s);
+  }
 static gchar *
-expand_dir(gchar *dir)
-	{
-	gchar	*s;
+expand_dir (gchar * dir)
+  gchar *s;
-	if (*dir == '~')
-		s = g_build_filename((gchar *) g_get_home_dir(), dir + 1, NULL);
-	else
-		s = g_strdup(dir);
-	return s;
-	}
+  if (*dir == '~')
+    s = g_build_filename ((gchar *) g_get_home_dir (), dir + 1, NULL);
+  else
+    s = g_strdup (dir);
+  return s;
 static void
-	{
-	gchar	*path;
+add_default_m4_files (void)
+  gchar *path;
-	path = g_build_filename((gchar *) g_get_home_dir(),
-				".pcb", DEFAULT_PCB_INC, NULL);
-	if (g_file_test(path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR))
-		add_m4_file(path);
-	g_free(path);
+  path = g_build_filename ((gchar *) g_get_home_dir (),
+                           ".pcb", DEFAULT_PCB_INC, NULL);
+  if (g_file_test (path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR))
+    add_m4_file (path);
+  g_free (path);
-		add_m4_file(DEFAULT_PCB_INC);
+    add_m4_file (DEFAULT_PCB_INC);
-	}
 static void
-add_schematic(gchar *sch)
-	{
-	gchar	*s;
-	s = schematics;
-	if (s)
-		schematics = g_strconcat(s, " ", sch, NULL);
-	else
-		schematics = g_strdup(sch);
-	g_free(s);
-	if (!sch_basename && (s = strstr(sch, ".sch")) != NULL)
-		sch_basename = g_strndup(sch, s - sch);
-	}
+add_schematic (gchar * sch)
+  gchar *s;
+  s = schematics;
+  if (s)
+    schematics = g_strconcat (s, " ", sch, NULL);
+  else
+    schematics = g_strdup (sch);
+  g_free (s);
+  if (!sch_basename && (s = strstr (sch, ".sch")) != NULL)
+    sch_basename = g_strndup (sch, s - sch);
 static gint
-parse_config(gchar *config, gchar *arg)
-	{
-	gchar	*s;
-	/* remove trailing white space otherwise strange things can happen */
-	if ( (arg != NULL) && (strlen(arg) >= 1) )
-		{
-		s = arg + strlen(arg) - 1;
-		while( (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) && (s != arg) )
-			s--;
-		s++;
-		*s = '\0';
-		}
-	if (verbose)
-		printf("    %s \"%s\"\n", config, arg ? arg : "");
-	if (!strcmp(config, "remove-unfound") || !strcmp(config, "r"))
-		{
-		/* This is default behavior set in header section */
-		remove_unfound_elements = TRUE;
-		return 0;
-		}
-	if (!strcmp(config, "keep-unfound") || !strcmp(config, "k"))
-		{
-		remove_unfound_elements = FALSE;
-		return 0;
-		}
-	if (!strcmp(config, "quiet") || !strcmp(config, "q"))
-		{
-		quiet_mode = TRUE;
-		return 0;
-		}
-	if (!strcmp(config, "preserve") || !strcmp(config, "p"))
-		{
-		preserve = TRUE;
-		return 0;
-		}
-	if (!strcmp(config, "use-files") || !strcmp(config, "f"))
-		{
-		force_element_files = TRUE;
-		return 0;
-		}
-	if (!strcmp(config, "skip-m4") || !strcmp(config, "s"))
-		{
-		use_m4 = FALSE;
-		return 0;
-		}
-	if (!strcmp(config, "elements-dir") || !strcmp(config, "d"))
-		{
-		if (verbose > 1)
-			printf("\tAdding directory to file element directory list: %s\n",
-					expand_dir(arg));
-		element_directory_list =
-				g_list_prepend(element_directory_list, expand_dir(arg));
-		}
-	else if (!strcmp(config, "output-name") || !strcmp(config, "o"))
-		sch_basename = g_strdup(arg);
-	else if (!strcmp(config, "schematics"))
-		add_schematic(arg);
-	else if (!strcmp(config, "m4-command"))
-		m4_command = g_strdup(arg);
-	else if (!strcmp(config, "m4-pcbdir"))
-		m4_pcbdir = g_strdup(arg);
-	else if (!strcmp(config, "m4-file"))
-		add_m4_file(arg);
-	else if (!strcmp(config, "gnetlist"))
-		extra_gnetlist_list =
-				g_list_append(extra_gnetlist_list, g_strdup(arg));
-	else if (!strcmp(config, "gnetlist-arg"))
-		extra_gnetlist_arg_list =
-				g_list_append(extra_gnetlist_arg_list, g_strdup(arg));
-	else if (!strcmp(config, "empty-footprint"))
-		empty_footprint_name = g_strdup(arg);
-	else
-		return -1;
-	return 1;
-	}
+parse_config (gchar * config, gchar * arg)
+  gchar *s;
+  /* remove trailing white space otherwise strange things can happen */
+  if ((arg != NULL) && (strlen (arg) >= 1)) {
+    s = arg + strlen (arg) - 1;
+    while ((*s == ' ' || *s == '\t') && (s != arg))
+      s--;
+    s++;
+    *s = '\0';
+  }
+  if (verbose)
+    printf ("    %s \"%s\"\n", config, arg ? arg : "");
+  if (!strcmp (config, "remove-unfound") || !strcmp (config, "r")) {
+    /* This is default behavior set in header section */
+    remove_unfound_elements = TRUE;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if (!strcmp (config, "keep-unfound") || !strcmp (config, "k")) {
+    remove_unfound_elements = FALSE;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if (!strcmp (config, "quiet") || !strcmp (config, "q")) {
+    quiet_mode = TRUE;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if (!strcmp (config, "preserve") || !strcmp (config, "p")) {
+    preserve = TRUE;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if (!strcmp (config, "use-files") || !strcmp (config, "f")) {
+    force_element_files = TRUE;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if (!strcmp (config, "skip-m4") || !strcmp (config, "s")) {
+    use_m4 = FALSE;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if (!strcmp (config, "elements-dir") || !strcmp (config, "d")) {
+    if (verbose > 1)
+      printf ("\tAdding directory to file element directory list: %s\n",
+              expand_dir (arg));
+    element_directory_list =
+      g_list_prepend (element_directory_list, expand_dir (arg));
+  } else if (!strcmp (config, "output-name") || !strcmp (config, "o"))
+    sch_basename = g_strdup (arg);
+  else if (!strcmp (config, "schematics"))
+    add_schematic (arg);
+  else if (!strcmp (config, "m4-command"))
+    m4_command = g_strdup (arg);
+  else if (!strcmp (config, "m4-pcbdir"))
+    m4_pcbdir = g_strdup (arg);
+  else if (!strcmp (config, "m4-file"))
+    add_m4_file (arg);
+  else if (!strcmp (config, "gnetlist"))
+    extra_gnetlist_list = g_list_append (extra_gnetlist_list, g_strdup (arg));
+  else if (!strcmp (config, "gnetlist-arg"))
+    extra_gnetlist_arg_list =
+      g_list_append (extra_gnetlist_arg_list, g_strdup (arg));
+  else if (!strcmp (config, "empty-footprint"))
+    empty_footprint_name = g_strdup (arg);
+  else
+    return -1;
+  return 1;
 static void
-load_project(gchar *path)
-	{
-	FILE	*f;
-	gchar	*s, buf[1024], config[32], arg[768];
-	f = fopen(path, "r");
-	if (!f)
-		return;
-	if (verbose)
-		printf("Reading project file: %s\n", path);
-	while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f))
-		{
-		for (s = buf; *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\n'; ++s)
-			;
-		if (!*s || *s == '#' || *s == '/' || *s == ';')
-			continue;
-		arg[0] = '\0';
-		sscanf(s, "%31s %767[^\n]", config, arg);
-		parse_config(config, arg);
-		}
-    fclose(f);
-    }
+load_project (gchar * path)
+  FILE *f;
+  gchar *s, buf[1024], config[32], arg[768];
+  f = fopen (path, "r");
+  if (!f)
+    return;
+  if (verbose)
+    printf ("Reading project file: %s\n", path);
+  while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f)) {
+    for (s = buf; *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\n'; ++s);
+    if (!*s || *s == '#' || *s == '/' || *s == ';')
+      continue;
+    arg[0] = '\0';
+    sscanf (s, "%31s %767[^\n]", config, arg);
+    parse_config (config, arg);
+  }
+  fclose (f);
 static void
-	{
-	gchar			*path;
-	static gboolean	done = FALSE;
+load_extra_project_files (void)
+  gchar *path;
+  static gboolean done = FALSE;
-	if (done)
-		return;
+  if (done)
+    return;
-	load_project("/etc/gsch2pcb");
-	load_project("/usr/local/etc/gsch2pcb");
+  load_project ("/etc/gsch2pcb");
+  load_project ("/usr/local/etc/gsch2pcb");
-	path = g_build_filename((gchar *) g_get_home_dir(), ".gEDA",
-                                "gsch2pcb", NULL);
-	load_project(path);
-	g_free(path);
+  path = g_build_filename ((gchar *) g_get_home_dir (), ".gEDA",
+                           "gsch2pcb", NULL);
+  load_project (path);
+  g_free (path);
-	done = TRUE;
-	}
+  done = TRUE;
 static gchar *usage_string0 =
-"usage: gsch2pcb [options] {project | foo.sch [foo1.sch ...]}\n"
-"Generate a PCB layout file from a set of gschem schematics.\n"
-"   gnetlist -g PCB is run to generate foo.net from the schematics.\n"
-"   gnetlist -g gsch2pcb is run to get PCB m4 derived elements which\n"
-"   match schematic footprints.  For schematic footprints which don't match\n"
-"   any PCB m4 layout elements, search a set of file element directories in\n"
-"   an attempt to find matching PCB file elements.\n"
-"   Output to foo.pcb if it doesn't exist.  If there is a current foo.pcb,\n"
-"   output only new elements to foo.new.pcb.\n"
-"   If any elements with a non-empty element name in the current foo.pcb\n"
-"   have no matching schematic component, then remove those elements from\n"
-"   foo.pcb and rename foo.pcb to a foo.pcb.bak sequence.\n"
-"   gnetlist -g pcbpins is run to get a PCB actions file which will rename all\n"
-"   of the pins in a .pcb file to match pin names from the schematic.\n"
-"   \"project\" is a file (not ending in .sch) containing a list of\n"
-"   schematics to process and some options.  A schematics line is like:\n"
-"       schematics foo1.sch foo2.sch ...\n"
-"   Options in a project file are like command line args without the \"-\":\n"
-"       output-name myproject\n"
-"options (may be included in a project file):\n"
-"   -d, --elements-dir D  Search D for PCB file elements.  These defaults\n"
-"                         are searched if they exist: ./packages,\n"
-"                         /usr/local/share/pcb/newlib, /usr/share/pcb/newlib,\n"
-"                         (old pcb) /usr/local/lib/pcb_lib, /usr/lib/pcb_lib,\n"
-"                         (old pcb) /usr/local/pcb_lib\n"
-"   -o, --output-name N   Use output file names N.net, N.pcb, and N.new.pcb\n"
-"                         instead of foo.net, ... where foo is the basename\n"
-"                         of the first command line .sch file.\n"
-"   -f, --use-files       Force using file elements over m4 PCB elements\n"
-"                         for new footprints even though m4 elements are\n"
-"                         searched for first and may have been found.\n"
-"   -r, --remove-unfound  Don't include references to unfound elements in\n"
-"                         the generated .pcb files.  Use if you want PCB to\n"
-"                         be able to load the (incomplete) .pcb file.\n"
-"                         This is the default behavior.\n"
-"   -k, --keep-unfound    Keep include references to unfound elements in\n"
-"                         the generated .pcb files.  Use if you want to hand\n"
-"                         edit or otherwise preprocess the generated .pcb file\n"
-"                         before running pcb.\n"
-"   -p, --preserve        Preserve elements in PCB files which are not found\n"
-"                         in the schematics.  Note that elements with an empty\n"
-"                         element name (schematic refdes) are never deleted,\n"
-"                         so you really shouldn't need this option.\n"
-"   -q, --quiet           Don't tell the user what to do next after running gsch2pcb.\n"
-"   -s, --skip-m4         Skip m4 when looking for footprints.  The default is to use\n"
-"                         m4 (which is what previous versions did).\n"
-"       --m4-file F.inc   Use m4 file F.inc in addition to the default m4\n"
-"                         files ./pcb.inc and ~/.pcb/pcb.inc.\n"
-"       --m4-pcbdir D     Use D as the PCB m4 files install directory\n"
-"                         instead of the default:\n";
+  "usage: gsch2pcb [options] {project | foo.sch [foo1.sch ...]}\n"
+  "\n"
+  "Generate a PCB layout file from a set of gschem schematics.\n"
+  "   gnetlist -g PCB is run to generate foo.net from the schematics.\n"
+  "\n"
+  "   gnetlist -g gsch2pcb is run to get PCB m4 derived elements which\n"
+  "   match schematic footprints.  For schematic footprints which don't match\n"
+  "   any PCB m4 layout elements, search a set of file element directories in\n"
+  "   an attempt to find matching PCB file elements.\n"
+  "   Output to foo.pcb if it doesn't exist.  If there is a current foo.pcb,\n"
+  "   output only new elements to foo.new.pcb.\n"
+  "   If any elements with a non-empty element name in the current foo.pcb\n"
+  "   have no matching schematic component, then remove those elements from\n"
+  "   foo.pcb and rename foo.pcb to a foo.pcb.bak sequence.\n"
+  "\n"
+  "   gnetlist -g pcbpins is run to get a PCB actions file which will rename all\n"
+  "   of the pins in a .pcb file to match pin names from the schematic.\n"
+  "\n"
+  "   \"project\" is a file (not ending in .sch) containing a list of\n"
+  "   schematics to process and some options.  A schematics line is like:\n"
+  "       schematics foo1.sch foo2.sch ...\n"
+  "   Options in a project file are like command line args without the \"-\":\n"
+  "       output-name myproject\n"
+  "\n"
+  "options (may be included in a project file):\n"
+  "   -d, --elements-dir D  Search D for PCB file elements.  These defaults\n"
+  "                         are searched if they exist: ./packages,\n"
+  "                         /usr/local/share/pcb/newlib, /usr/share/pcb/newlib,\n"
+  "                         (old pcb) /usr/local/lib/pcb_lib, /usr/lib/pcb_lib,\n"
+  "                         (old pcb) /usr/local/pcb_lib\n"
+  "   -o, --output-name N   Use output file names N.net, N.pcb, and N.new.pcb\n"
+  "                         instead of foo.net, ... where foo is the basename\n"
+  "                         of the first command line .sch file.\n"
+  "   -f, --use-files       Force using file elements over m4 PCB elements\n"
+  "                         for new footprints even though m4 elements are\n"
+  "                         searched for first and may have been found.\n"
+  "   -r, --remove-unfound  Don't include references to unfound elements in\n"
+  "                         the generated .pcb files.  Use if you want PCB to\n"
+  "                         be able to load the (incomplete) .pcb file.\n"
+  "                         This is the default behavior.\n"
+  "   -k, --keep-unfound    Keep include references to unfound elements in\n"
+  "                         the generated .pcb files.  Use if you want to hand\n"
+  "                         edit or otherwise preprocess the generated .pcb file\n"
+  "                         before running pcb.\n"
+  "   -p, --preserve        Preserve elements in PCB files which are not found\n"
+  "                         in the schematics.  Note that elements with an empty\n"
+  "                         element name (schematic refdes) are never deleted,\n"
+  "                         so you really shouldn't need this option.\n"
+  "   -q, --quiet           Don't tell the user what to do next after running gsch2pcb.\n"
+  "\n"
+  "   -s, --skip-m4         Skip m4 when looking for footprints.  The default is to use\n"
+  "                         m4 (which is what previous versions did).\n"
+  "       --m4-file F.inc   Use m4 file F.inc in addition to the default m4\n"
+  "                         files ./pcb.inc and ~/.pcb/pcb.inc.\n"
+  "       --m4-pcbdir D     Use D as the PCB m4 files install directory\n"
+  "                         instead of the default:\n";
 static gchar *usage_string1 =
-"   --gnetlist backend    A convenience run of extra gnetlist -g commands.\n"
-"                         Example:  gnetlist partslist3\n"
-"                         Creates:  myproject.partslist3\n"
-"   --gnetlist-arg arg    Allows additional arguments to be passed to gnetlist.\n"
-" --empty-footprint name  See the project.sample file.\n"
-"options (not recognized in a project file):\n"
-"       --fix-elements    If a schematic component footprint is not equal\n"
-"                         to its PCB element Description, update the\n"
-"                         Description instead of replacing the element.\n"
-"                         Do this the first time gsch2pcb is used with\n"
-"                         PCB files originally created with gschem2pcb.\n"
-"   -v, --verbose         Use -v -v for additional file element debugging.\n"
-"   -V, --version\n\n"
-"environment variables:\n"
-"   GNETLIST              If set, this specifies the name of the gnetlist program\n"
-"                         to execute.\n"
-"Additional Resources:\n"
-"  gEDA homepage:  http://www.geda.seul.org\n";
-"  PCB homepage:   http://pcb.sf.net\n";
-"  gEDA Wiki:      http://geda.seul.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=geda\n";
+  "   --gnetlist backend    A convenience run of extra gnetlist -g commands.\n"
+  "                         Example:  gnetlist partslist3\n"
+  "                         Creates:  myproject.partslist3\n"
+  "   --gnetlist-arg arg    Allows additional arguments to be passed to gnetlist.\n"
+  " --empty-footprint name  See the project.sample file.\n"
+  "\n"
+  "options (not recognized in a project file):\n"
+  "       --fix-elements    If a schematic component footprint is not equal\n"
+  "                         to its PCB element Description, update the\n"
+  "                         Description instead of replacing the element.\n"
+  "                         Do this the first time gsch2pcb is used with\n"
+  "                         PCB files originally created with gschem2pcb.\n"
+  "   -v, --verbose         Use -v -v for additional file element debugging.\n"
+  "   -V, --version\n\n"
+  "environment variables:\n"
+  "   GNETLIST              If set, this specifies the name of the gnetlist program\n"
+  "                         to execute.\n"
+  "\n"
+  "Additional Resources:\n"
+  "\n"
+  "  gEDA homepage:  http://www.geda.seul.org\n";
+  "  PCB homepage:   http://pcb.sf.net\n";
+  "  gEDA Wiki:      http://geda.seul.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=geda\n"; "\n";
 static void
-	{
-	puts(usage_string0);
-	printf("                         %s\n", default_m4_pcbdir);
-	puts(usage_string1);
-	exit(0);
-	}
+usage ()
+  puts (usage_string0);
+  printf ("                         %s\n", default_m4_pcbdir);
+  puts (usage_string1);
+  exit (0);
 static void
-get_args(gint argc, gchar **argv)
-	{
-	gchar	*opt, *arg, *s;
-	gint	i, r;
-	for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
-		{
-		opt = argv[i];
-		arg = argv[i + 1];
-		if (*opt == '-')
-			{
-			++opt;
-			if (*opt == '-')
-				++opt;
-			if (!strcmp(opt, "version") || !strcmp(opt, "V"))
-				{
-				printf("gsch2pcb %s\n", GSC2PCB_VERSION);
-				exit(0);
-				}
-			else if (!strcmp(opt, "verbose") || !strcmp(opt, "v"))
-				{
-				verbose += 1;
-				continue;
-				}
-			else if (!strcmp(opt, "fix-elements"))
-				{
-				fix_elements = TRUE;
-				continue;
-				}
-			else if (!strcmp(opt, "help") || !strcmp(opt, "h"))
-				usage();
-			else if (   i < argc
-					 && ((r = parse_config(opt, (i < argc - 1) ? arg : NULL))
-									>= 0)
-					)
-				{
-				i += r;
-				continue;
-				}
-			printf("gsch2pcb: bad or incomplete arg: %s\n", argv[i]);
-			usage();
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			if ((s = strstr(argv[i], ".sch")) == NULL)
-				{
-				load_extra_project_files();
-				load_project(argv[i]);
-				}
-			else
-				add_schematic(argv[i]);
-			}
-		}
-	}
+get_args (gint argc, gchar ** argv)
+  gchar *opt, *arg, *s;
+  gint i, r;
+  for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
+    opt = argv[i];
+    arg = argv[i + 1];
+    if (*opt == '-') {
+      ++opt;
+      if (*opt == '-')
+        ++opt;
+      if (!strcmp (opt, "version") || !strcmp (opt, "V")) {
+        printf ("gsch2pcb %s\n", GSC2PCB_VERSION);
+        exit (0);
+      } else if (!strcmp (opt, "verbose") || !strcmp (opt, "v")) {
+        verbose += 1;
+        continue;
+      } else if (!strcmp (opt, "fix-elements")) {
+        fix_elements = TRUE;
+        continue;
+      } else if (!strcmp (opt, "help") || !strcmp (opt, "h"))
+        usage ();
+      else if (i < argc
+               && ((r = parse_config (opt, (i < argc - 1) ? arg : NULL))
+                   >= 0)
+        ) {
+        i += r;
+        continue;
+      }
+      printf ("gsch2pcb: bad or incomplete arg: %s\n", argv[i]);
+      usage ();
+    } else {
+      if ((s = strstr (argv[i], ".sch")) == NULL) {
+        load_extra_project_files ();
+        load_project (argv[i]);
+      } else
+        add_schematic (argv[i]);
+    }
+  }
-main(gint argc, gchar **argv)
-	{
-	gchar	*pcb_file_name,
-			*pcb_new_file_name,
-			*bak_file_name,
-			*pins_file_name,
-			*net_file_name,
-			*tmp;
-	gint	i;
-	gboolean initial_pcb = TRUE;
-	gboolean created_pcb_file = TRUE;
-	char *path, *p;
-	const char *pcbdata_path;
-	if (argc < 2)
-		usage();
-	pcbdata_path = g_getenv ("PCBDATA");  /* do not free return value */
-	if (pcbdata_path != NULL)
-	{
-		/* If PCBDATA is set, use the value */
-		m4_pcbdir = g_strconcat( pcbdata_path, "/pcb/m4", NULL );
-	} else {
-		/* Use the default value passed in from the configure script 
-		 * instead of trying to hard code a value which is very 
-		 * likely wrong
-		 */
-		m4_pcbdir = g_strconcat( PCBDATADIR, "/pcb/m4", NULL );
-	}
-	default_m4_pcbdir = g_strdup(m4_pcbdir);
-	get_args(argc, argv);
-	load_extra_project_files();
-	add_default_m4_files();
-	if (!schematics)
-		usage();
-	/* Defaults for the search path if not configured in the project file */
-	if (g_file_test("packages", G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
-		element_directory_list = g_list_append(element_directory_list,
-					"packages");
+main (gint argc, gchar ** argv)
+  gchar *pcb_file_name,
+    *pcb_new_file_name, *bak_file_name, *pins_file_name, *net_file_name, *tmp;
+  gint i;
+  gboolean initial_pcb = TRUE;
+  gboolean created_pcb_file = TRUE;
+  char *path, *p;
+  const char *pcbdata_path;
+  if (argc < 2)
+    usage ();
+  pcbdata_path = g_getenv ("PCBDATA");  /* do not free return value */
+  if (pcbdata_path != NULL) {
+    /* If PCBDATA is set, use the value */
+    m4_pcbdir = g_strconcat (pcbdata_path, "/pcb/m4", NULL);
+  } else {
+    /* Use the default value passed in from the configure script
+     * instead of trying to hard code a value which is very
+     * likely wrong
+     */
+    m4_pcbdir = g_strconcat (PCBDATADIR, "/pcb/m4", NULL);
+  }
+  default_m4_pcbdir = g_strdup (m4_pcbdir);
+  get_args (argc, argv);
+  load_extra_project_files ();
+  add_default_m4_files ();
+  if (!schematics)
+    usage ();
+  /* Defaults for the search path if not configured in the project file */
+  if (g_file_test ("packages", G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
+    element_directory_list = g_list_append (element_directory_list, "packages");
-	if (verbose)
-		printf ("Processing PCBLIBPATH=\"%s\"\n", PCBLIBPATH);
-	path = g_strdup (PCBLIBPATH);
-	for (p = strtok (path, PCB_PATH_DELIMETER); p && *p;
-		p = strtok (NULL, PCB_PATH_DELIMETER))
-	  {
-		if (g_file_test(p, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
-		  {
-			if (verbose)
-				printf ("Adding %s to the newlib search path\n", p);
-			element_directory_list = g_list_append(element_directory_list,
-					g_strdup(p));
-		  }
-	  }
-	g_free (path);
-	pins_file_name = g_strconcat(sch_basename, ".cmd", NULL);
-	net_file_name = g_strconcat(sch_basename, ".net", NULL);
-	pcb_file_name = g_strconcat(sch_basename, ".pcb", NULL);
-	bak_file_name = g_strconcat(sch_basename, ".pcb.bak", NULL);
-	tmp = g_strdup(bak_file_name);
-	for (i = 0; g_file_test(bak_file_name, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS); ++i)
-		{
-		g_free(bak_file_name);
-		bak_file_name = g_strdup_printf("%s%d", tmp, i);
-		}
-	g_free(tmp);
-	if (g_file_test(pcb_file_name, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
-		{
-		initial_pcb = FALSE;
-		pcb_new_file_name = g_strconcat(sch_basename, ".new.pcb", NULL);
-		get_pcb_element_list(pcb_file_name);
-		}
-	else
-		pcb_new_file_name = g_strdup(pcb_file_name);
-	run_gnetlist(pins_file_name, net_file_name, pcb_new_file_name,
-                     sch_basename, schematics);
-	if (add_elements(pcb_new_file_name) == 0)
-		{
-		tmp = g_strconcat("rm ", pcb_new_file_name, NULL);
-		g_spawn_command_line_sync(tmp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-		g_free(tmp);
-		if (initial_pcb)
-			{
-			printf("No elements found, so nothing to do.\n");
-			exit(0);
-			}
-		}
-	if (fix_elements)
-		update_element_descriptions(pcb_file_name, bak_file_name);
-	prune_elements(pcb_file_name, bak_file_name);
-        /* Report work done during processing */
-	if (verbose)
-		printf("\n");
-	printf("\n----------------------------------\n");
-	printf("Done processing.  Work performed:\n");
-	if (n_deleted > 0 || n_fixed > 0 || need_PKG_purge || n_changed_value > 0)
-		printf("%s is backed up as %s.\n",
-				pcb_file_name, bak_file_name);
-	if (pcb_element_list && n_deleted > 0)
-		printf("%d elements deleted from %s.\n", n_deleted, pcb_file_name);
-	if (n_added_ef + n_added_m4 > 0)
-		printf("%d file elements and %d m4 elements added to %s.\n",
-					n_added_ef, n_added_m4, pcb_new_file_name);
-    else if (n_not_found == 0)
-		{
-	    printf("No elements to add so not creating %s\n", pcb_new_file_name);
-		created_pcb_file = FALSE;
-		}
-	if (n_not_found > 0)
-		{
-		printf("%d not found elements added to %s.\n",
-				n_not_found, pcb_new_file_name);
-		}
-	if (n_unknown > 0)
-		printf("%d components had no footprint attribute and are omitted.\n",
-				n_unknown);
-	if (n_none > 0)
-		printf("%d components with footprint \"none\" omitted from %s.\n",
-				n_none, pcb_new_file_name);
-	if (n_empty > 0)
-		printf("%d components with empty footprint \"%s\" omitted from %s.\n",
-				n_empty, empty_footprint_name, pcb_new_file_name);
-	if (n_changed_value > 0)
-		printf("%d elements had a value change in %s.\n",
-				n_changed_value, pcb_file_name);
-	if (n_fixed > 0)
-		printf("%d elements fixed in %s.\n", n_fixed, pcb_file_name);
-	if (n_PKG_removed_old > 0)
-		{
-		printf("%d elements could not be found.", n_PKG_removed_old);
-		if (created_pcb_file)
-			printf("  So %s is incomplete.\n", pcb_file_name);
-		else
-			printf("\n");
-		}
-	if (n_PKG_removed_new > 0)
-		{
-		printf("%d elements could not be found.", n_PKG_removed_new);
-		if (created_pcb_file)
-			printf("  So %s is incomplete.\n", pcb_new_file_name);
-		else
-			printf("\n");
-		}
-	if (n_preserved > 0)
-		printf("%d elements not in the schematic preserved in %s.\n",
-				n_preserved, pcb_file_name);
-        /* Tell user what to do next */
-	if (verbose)
-		printf("\n");
-	if (n_added_ef + n_added_m4 > 0)
-		{
-		if (initial_pcb)
-			{
-			printf("\nNext step:\n");
-			printf("1.  Run pcb on your file %s.\n", pcb_file_name);
-			printf("    You will find all your footprints in a bundle ready for you to place\n");
-			printf("    or disperse with \"Select -> Disperse all elements\" in PCB.\n\n");
-			printf("2.  From within PCB, select \"File -> Load netlist file\" and select \n");
-			printf("    %s to load the netlist.\n\n", net_file_name);
-			printf("3.  From within PCB, enter\n\n");
-			printf("           :ExecuteFile(%s)\n\n", pins_file_name);
-			printf("    to propagate the pin names of all footprints to the layout.\n\n");
-			}
-		else if (quiet_mode == FALSE)
-			{
-			printf("\nNext steps:\n");
-			printf("1.  Run pcb on your file %s.\n", pcb_file_name);
-			printf("2.  From within PCB, select \"File -> Load layout data to paste buffer\"\n");
-			printf("    and select %s to load the new footprints into your existing layout.\n",
-						pcb_new_file_name);
-			printf("3.  From within PCB, select \"File -> Load netlist file\" and select \n");
-			printf("    %s to load the updated netlist.\n\n", net_file_name);
-			printf("4.  From within PCB, enter\n\n");
-			printf("           :ExecuteFile(%s)\n\n", pins_file_name);
-			printf("    to update the pin names of all footprints.\n\n");
-			}
-		}
-	g_free(net_file_name);
-	g_free(pins_file_name);
-	g_free(pcb_file_name);
-	g_free(bak_file_name);
-	return 0;
-	}
+  if (verbose)
+    printf ("Processing PCBLIBPATH=\"%s\"\n", PCBLIBPATH);
+  path = g_strdup (PCBLIBPATH);
+  for (p = strtok (path, PCB_PATH_DELIMETER); p && *p;
+       p = strtok (NULL, PCB_PATH_DELIMETER)) {
+    if (g_file_test (p, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
+      if (verbose)
+        printf ("Adding %s to the newlib search path\n", p);
+      element_directory_list = g_list_append (element_directory_list,
+                                              g_strdup (p));
+    }
+  }
+  g_free (path);
+  pins_file_name = g_strconcat (sch_basename, ".cmd", NULL);
+  net_file_name = g_strconcat (sch_basename, ".net", NULL);
+  pcb_file_name = g_strconcat (sch_basename, ".pcb", NULL);
+  bak_file_name = g_strconcat (sch_basename, ".pcb.bak", NULL);
+  tmp = g_strdup (bak_file_name);
+  for (i = 0; g_file_test (bak_file_name, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS); ++i) {
+    g_free (bak_file_name);
+    bak_file_name = g_strdup_printf ("%s%d", tmp, i);
+  }
+  g_free (tmp);
+  if (g_file_test (pcb_file_name, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
+    initial_pcb = FALSE;
+    pcb_new_file_name = g_strconcat (sch_basename, ".new.pcb", NULL);
+    get_pcb_element_list (pcb_file_name);
+  } else
+    pcb_new_file_name = g_strdup (pcb_file_name);
+  run_gnetlist (pins_file_name, net_file_name, pcb_new_file_name,
+                sch_basename, schematics);
+  if (add_elements (pcb_new_file_name) == 0) {
+    tmp = g_strconcat ("rm ", pcb_new_file_name, NULL);
+    g_spawn_command_line_sync (tmp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+    g_free (tmp);
+    if (initial_pcb) {
+      printf ("No elements found, so nothing to do.\n");
+      exit (0);
+    }
+  }
+  if (fix_elements)
+    update_element_descriptions (pcb_file_name, bak_file_name);
+  prune_elements (pcb_file_name, bak_file_name);
+  /* Report work done during processing */
+  if (verbose)
+    printf ("\n");
+  printf ("\n----------------------------------\n");
+  printf ("Done processing.  Work performed:\n");
+  if (n_deleted > 0 || n_fixed > 0 || need_PKG_purge || n_changed_value > 0)
+    printf ("%s is backed up as %s.\n", pcb_file_name, bak_file_name);
+  if (pcb_element_list && n_deleted > 0)
+    printf ("%d elements deleted from %s.\n", n_deleted, pcb_file_name);
+  if (n_added_ef + n_added_m4 > 0)
+    printf ("%d file elements and %d m4 elements added to %s.\n",
+            n_added_ef, n_added_m4, pcb_new_file_name);
+  else if (n_not_found == 0) {
+    printf ("No elements to add so not creating %s\n", pcb_new_file_name);
+    created_pcb_file = FALSE;
+  }
+  if (n_not_found > 0) {
+    printf ("%d not found elements added to %s.\n",
+            n_not_found, pcb_new_file_name);
+  }
+  if (n_unknown > 0)
+    printf ("%d components had no footprint attribute and are omitted.\n",
+            n_unknown);
+  if (n_none > 0)
+    printf ("%d components with footprint \"none\" omitted from %s.\n",
+            n_none, pcb_new_file_name);
+  if (n_empty > 0)
+    printf ("%d components with empty footprint \"%s\" omitted from %s.\n",
+            n_empty, empty_footprint_name, pcb_new_file_name);
+  if (n_changed_value > 0)
+    printf ("%d elements had a value change in %s.\n",
+            n_changed_value, pcb_file_name);
+  if (n_fixed > 0)
+    printf ("%d elements fixed in %s.\n", n_fixed, pcb_file_name);
+  if (n_PKG_removed_old > 0) {
+    printf ("%d elements could not be found.", n_PKG_removed_old);
+    if (created_pcb_file)
+      printf ("  So %s is incomplete.\n", pcb_file_name);
+    else
+      printf ("\n");
+  }
+  if (n_PKG_removed_new > 0) {
+    printf ("%d elements could not be found.", n_PKG_removed_new);
+    if (created_pcb_file)
+      printf ("  So %s is incomplete.\n", pcb_new_file_name);
+    else
+      printf ("\n");
+  }
+  if (n_preserved > 0)
+    printf ("%d elements not in the schematic preserved in %s.\n",
+            n_preserved, pcb_file_name);
+  /* Tell user what to do next */
+  if (verbose)
+    printf ("\n");
+  if (n_added_ef + n_added_m4 > 0) {
+    if (initial_pcb) {
+      printf ("\nNext step:\n");
+      printf ("1.  Run pcb on your file %s.\n", pcb_file_name);
+      printf
+        ("    You will find all your footprints in a bundle ready for you to place\n");
+      printf
+        ("    or disperse with \"Select -> Disperse all elements\" in PCB.\n\n");
+      printf
+        ("2.  From within PCB, select \"File -> Load netlist file\" and select \n");
+      printf ("    %s to load the netlist.\n\n", net_file_name);
+      printf ("3.  From within PCB, enter\n\n");
+      printf ("           :ExecuteFile(%s)\n\n", pins_file_name);
+      printf
+        ("    to propagate the pin names of all footprints to the layout.\n\n");
+    } else if (quiet_mode == FALSE) {
+      printf ("\nNext steps:\n");
+      printf ("1.  Run pcb on your file %s.\n", pcb_file_name);
+      printf
+        ("2.  From within PCB, select \"File -> Load layout data to paste buffer\"\n");
+      printf
+        ("    and select %s to load the new footprints into your existing layout.\n",
+         pcb_new_file_name);
+      printf
+        ("3.  From within PCB, select \"File -> Load netlist file\" and select \n");
+      printf ("    %s to load the updated netlist.\n\n", net_file_name);
+      printf ("4.  From within PCB, enter\n\n");
+      printf ("           :ExecuteFile(%s)\n\n", pins_file_name);
+      printf ("    to update the pin names of all footprints.\n\n");
+    }
+  }
+  g_free (net_file_name);
+  g_free (pins_file_name);
+  g_free (pcb_file_name);
+  g_free (bak_file_name);
+  return 0;

commit e4905ac16ec2a0cf96f57b51a092a13a6c9d3cd2
Author: Peter TB Brett <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Commit: Peter TB Brett <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

    Expand HACKING file
    Add some information on gEDA C and Scheme coding style to the HACKING

diff --git a/HACKING b/HACKING
index ee88407..1631622 100644
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  'gschem and Friends' Electronic Design Suite
-Copyright (C) 1998-2010 gEDA Developers
+Copyright (C) 1998-2011 gEDA Developers
 This file contains information which you may find useful if you wish
 to contribute to gEDA.
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Please submit patches to the patch tracker on SourceForge.net:
 Once you've submitted your patches, you may wish to also e-mail the
-`gEDA-user' mailing list to announce that you've done so and to ask
+`gEDA-user' mailing list [1] to announce that you've done so and to ask
 for feedback.
 To make it easier for developers to promptly verify your patches and
@@ -25,12 +25,14 @@ integrate them, please try to follow the following guidelines:
     logical steps, and use a separate patch for each.
   - Avoid unnecessary whitespace changes. Please do not add trailing
-    whitespace.
+    whitespace.  If you must make bulk whitespace changes
+    (e.g. because a file or function is formatted in a way that is
+    *offensively ugly*) then please do so as a separate patch.
   - Ensure that each of your patches applies cleanly against the
     `master' branch of the gaf main git repository.
-  - Please format your patches with `git format-patch', and ensure
+  - Please format your patches with `git format-patch' [2], and ensure
     that they contain good commit messages.  The commit messages
     should include:
@@ -49,11 +51,16 @@ integrate them, please try to follow the following guidelines:
       * If your patch fixes a regression, and you know which commit
         introduced the regression, include the broken commit's ID.
+    If you don't use `git format-patch' to create your patch, please
+    include the commands needed to apply it when you submit it.
+    Assume the reader's current working directory is the top level of
+    the gEDA/gaf source tree.
   - Make sure it's clear whether, and in what ways, you've tested your
   - If you add functions, or change function definitions, make sure
-    that the doxygen comments are up-to-date.
+    that the doxygen [3] comments are up-to-date.
 Sometimes, you may submit a patch and not hear anything back for a
 while.  This can be for a number of reasons, and it's only very rarely
@@ -65,3 +72,68 @@ you should e-mail the `gEDA-user' mailing list with a reminder.
 A final thought: to get your patches included, make it easy to accept
+[1] http://www.seul.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/geda-user
+[2] http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-format-patch.html
+[3] http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/
+C coding style
+gEDA C coding style is fairly flexible.  However, there are a few requests.
+  - Indent using spaces only, with an indentation step of two spaces.
+  - Avoid C++ style comments (`//').
+  - `switch' statements should always include a `default' label.
+  - Do not comment out code or omit it using `#if 0', unless
+    absolutely necessary for documentation purposes.  If code is not
+    needed, delete it.
+  - Wrap code at 80 columns.
+  - Wrap the body of an `if' statement in braces `{}', even if the
+    body only contains one statement.
+  - When checking a pointer for validity, explicitly compare it with
+    `NULL'.
+       if (ptr == NULL) { return; } /* Good */
+       if (!ptr) { return; }        /* Bad */
+Obviously, all these rules are made to be broken, and it'll be obvious
+when it's appropriate to do so. ;-)
+Here is a set of options to GNU `indent' which approximates the gEDA
+indentation style:
+  -br -blf -bls -cdw -ce -cs -ts2 -sc -nut -bap -pcs -psl -lp l80 -bbo
+Scheme coding style
+gEDA Scheme coding style is also fairly flexible.  Once again, though,
+there are a few things to bear in mind!
+  - When you need to iterate over a list, it's often better to use
+    `map', `for-each' or SRFI-1 `fold' than to make your function
+    recursive [1][2].
+  - Predicate functions should have names ending in `?', and
+    destructive functions should have names ending in `!'.
+  - When defining a function, please use the "implicit define" form of
+    `define' [3]:
+    (define (<name> <formals>) <body>)
+  - It's often clearer to use `format' to format strings rather than
+    using a combination of `string-append', `display' and `newline'.
+    This function is always available in Guile 1.8.x [4].
+[1] http://www.schemers.org/Documents/Standards/R5RS/HTML/r5rs-Z-H-9.html#%_idx_558
+[2] http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/html_node/SRFI_002d1-Fold-and-Map.html#index-fold-3609
+[3] http://www.schemers.org/Documents/Standards/R5RS/HTML/r5rs-Z-H-8.html#%_sec_5.2
+[4] http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/html_node/Writing.html#index-simple_002dformat-2052

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