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gEDA-cvs: branch: master updated (1.0-20070526-98-g24bc0f3)

The branch, master has been updated
       via  24bc0f38e5eedc7f67c33f52c7395236d62d24de (commit)
       via  a680faf8e3121c2b999bc5168a2910fb83f11ffc (commit)
       via  0484a4d7c925af33d18f5d9bfdeca240b735a9bb (commit)
       via  099c49e5689afda4b8a5221dde73f9fdf1972ce7 (commit)
       via  87731dda219b0986fed0d1a7789e17678dd79d8c (commit)
       via  e4e105b3309dcbc0b598318e1b24591dec39422a (commit)
       via  dc7b8c53f4bc94626634887e46167a367a91f707 (commit)
       via  5237ea395af0ac1c4cecd18ea2a28291e3d48a90 (commit)
       via  dbf600e34e2284fe1ec59242d541334bc27d3d49 (commit)
      from  ca4571b1a6a49c97feb8fc6cc8cb926acc287ece (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.


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 Commit Messages

commit 24bc0f38e5eedc7f67c33f52c7395236d62d24de
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Jul 5 01:27:02 2007 -0400

    Downloaded and integrated latest wiki documentation from the geda website.
    Also updated some of the wiki scripts a little.  Fetching and integrating
    the latest wiki version isn't fully automated yet, but getting there.

:000000 100755 0000000... e7da5a1... A	docs/scripts/copygitignores.sh
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:100644 100644 c60cd86... f931da4... M	docs/wiki/geda_icarus_mp.html
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:100644 100644 d5253e9... 6ee2a88... M	docs/wiki/geda_icarus_quick_start.html
:100644 100644 7d4da7e... 5b33825... M	docs/wiki/geda_icarus_readme.html
:100644 100644 5ab58b8... 4d09414... M	docs/wiki/geda_icarus_vpi_mp.html
:100644 100644 b40ad4e... 7643666... M	docs/wiki/geda_icarus_vpi_within_vvp.html
:100644 100644 055a4a6... 0eee6c8... M	docs/wiki/geda_icarus_vvp_runtime.html
:100644 100644 0e73877... 11617e8... M	docs/wiki/geda_icarus_vvp_simulation.html
:100644 100644 3ffef01... d7d0ce5... M	docs/wiki/geda_icarus_xilinx_hints.html
:100644 100644 480021c... 6b2ca09... M	docs/wiki/geda_icarus_xnf.html
:100644 100644 a217e53... 20af6ee... M	docs/wiki/geda_igarus_fpga_lcg.html
:100644 100644 e0700bc... f1af942... M	docs/wiki/geda_installation.html
:100644 100644 4a3bc66... ae82ef7... M	docs/wiki/geda_installed_plugins.html
:100644 100644 b30e60a... 0d998b2... M	docs/wiki/geda_kig_howto.html
:100644 100644 f5e2953... f6cf8a9... M	docs/wiki/geda_master_attributes_list.html
:100644 100644 9726c5c... 084128f... M	docs/wiki/geda_mcalc_readme.html
:100644 100644 e17f560... a59dad5... M	docs/wiki/geda_na_howto.html
:100644 100644 78d8324... 293f2ba... M	docs/wiki/geda_ngnutmeg_mp.html
:100644 100644 25ce10b... 905a30e... M	docs/wiki/geda_ngsconvert_mp.html
:100644 100644 43636e4... ab47781... M	docs/wiki/geda_ngspice_mp.html
:100644 100644 2d0ee29... 84d72fa... M	docs/wiki/geda_olib_readme.html
:100644 100644 bfd38e8... ffc8885... M	docs/wiki/geda_pcb-quick_reference.html
:100644 100644 882a59d... 7639db8... M	docs/wiki/geda_pcb_footprints.html
:100644 100644 e917513... 308d2dd... M	docs/wiki/geda_pcb_mp.html
:100644 100644 cfd2196... cae794b... M	docs/wiki/geda_pcb_tips.html
:100644 100644 4a773ba... 2f471b3... M	docs/wiki/geda_scg.html
:000000 100644 0000000... 499b15f... A	docs/wiki/geda_scm.html
:100644 100644 8b89c4f... 5f3a06a... M	docs/wiki/geda_sdb_howto.html
:100644 100644 268e392... 70f3fef... M	docs/wiki/geda_sn_readme.html
:100644 100644 a21e6ac... 9ebdf53... M	docs/wiki/geda_ssan.html
:100644 100644 10d56e5... 3b742a6... M	docs/wiki/geda_style_guide.html
:100644 100644 99098d2... ab05eb6... M	docs/wiki/geda_suse_10.html
:100644 100644 a22ac27... b924f98... M	docs/wiki/geda_suse_9.html
:100644 100644 a195964... b788e59... M	docs/wiki/geda_suse_rpm_installation.html
:100644 100644 00d360d... e4d5cd8... M	docs/wiki/geda_syntax_features.html
:100644 100644 a8ef60e... 98df741... M	docs/wiki/geda_systemc_netlister_readme.html
:100644 100644 f372dd6... dfde142... M	docs/wiki/geda_tasks.html
:100644 100644 e102cd3... a5f6a07... M	docs/wiki/geda_todos.html
:100644 100644 b960060... 0388a1a... M	docs/wiki/geda_tragesym_readme.html
:100644 100644 f297bff... aeda1cb... M	docs/wiki/geda_tragesym_tutorial.html
:100644 100644 83c10d1... e482d0a... M	docs/wiki/geda_transistor_guide.html
:100644 100644 160c328... 0663520... M	docs/wiki/geda_ubuntu.html
:100644 100644 c961a40... a8b310d... M	docs/wiki/geda_usage.html
:100644 100644 f6f074d... 5da308c... M	docs/wiki/geda_vams_netlister_readme.html
:100644 100644 5f3558c... 206114b... M	docs/wiki/geda_verilog_netlister_readme.html
:100644 100644 7dedd6f... 850a192... M	docs/wiki/geda_version_control_migration.html
:100644 100644 126af77... eb53fb0... M	docs/wiki/geda_vhdl_netlister_readme.html
:100644 100644 a242255... 71232ee... M	docs/wiki/geda_wcalc_mp.html
:100644 100644 9ca802d... 3e195a9... M	docs/wiki/geda_wcalc_readme.html
:100644 100644 1503b6b... 5b94155... M	docs/wiki/geda_wcalc_stdio_mp.html
:100644 100644 0803f83... 7d7915d... M	docs/wiki/index.html
:100644 100644 8353060... 6a9b0fd... M	docs/wiki/lib/Makefile.am
:100644 100644 0a9c1e6... a76ae7c... M	docs/wiki/lib/exe/Makefile.am
:000000 100644 0000000... e4f68f7... A	docs/wiki/lib/exe/opensearch
:100644 100644 ceae568... 56b5760... M	docs/wiki/lib/images/Makefile.am
:100644 100644 840b2c1... 648a3b3... M	docs/wiki/lib/images/fileicons/Makefile.am
:100644 100644 95abd02... 0fbc847... M	docs/wiki/lib/images/interwiki/Makefile.am
:100644 100644 82046ef... f3c323d... M	docs/wiki/lib/images/smileys/Makefile.am
:100644 100644 c21986b... 6fe326b... M	docs/wiki/lib/plugins/Makefile.am
:100644 100644 163e969... 440e78f... M	docs/wiki/lib/plugins/definitionlist/Makefile.am
:100644 100644 623a04e... db55a8d... M	docs/wiki/lib/plugins/definitionlist/images/Makefile.am
:100644 100644 7d00855... 96e7cd0... M	docs/wiki/lib/plugins/note/Makefile.am
:100644 100644 a3fab24... 9d35140... M	docs/wiki/lib/plugins/note/images/Makefile.am
:100644 100644 9c73171... 8152f5c... M	docs/wiki/lib/tpl/Makefile.am
:100644 100644 c37d2c5... a35eb1a... M	docs/wiki/lib/tpl/default/Makefile.am
:100644 100644 3ef3d5a... 0df7513... M	docs/wiki/lib/tpl/default/images/Makefile.am
:100644 100644 d502d1e... e28c67f... M	docs/wiki/libgeda3.html
:100644 100644 7be00d9... eedf96a... M	docs/wiki/playground_transistor_guide.html
:100644 100644 4136281... a0e08c5... M	docs/wiki/start_es.html
:100644 100644 2859f91... ba5c00a... M	docs/wiki/start_fr.html

commit a680faf8e3121c2b999bc5168a2910fb83f11ffc
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Jul 5 00:57:07 2007 -0400

    Updated all pot/po files (via make update-po).  Added new menus to rcstrings.c.

:100644 100644 258a450... 534b11e... M	gschem/po/de_DE.po
:100644 100644 edf5113... 9824b48... M	gschem/po/es_ES.po
:100644 100644 18078a3... d59f17f... M	gschem/po/fr_FR.po
:100644 100644 f5c1c76... d6ca601... M	gschem/po/geda-gschem.pot
:100644 100644 4efa05a... bd014ef... M	gschem/po/it_IT.po
:100644 100644 d9394b1... fd868ce... M	gschem/po/ja_JP.po
:100644 100644 89b44c4... dcf4b23... M	gschem/po/nl_NL.po
:100644 100644 9f07b50... a81c3f7... M	gschem/po/pt_BR.po
:100644 100644 a29fb48... 3694153... M	gschem/po/ru.po
:100644 100644 d03f855... d797c2b... M	gschem/src/rcstrings.c

commit 0484a4d7c925af33d18f5d9bfdeca240b735a9bb
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Jul 5 00:18:27 2007 -0400

    Oops, incorrectly specified libgeda's shared library version.
    The format for this version is X:Y:Z and for the most part the major
    number just increments every release if there aren't any changes to
    any interfaces.  For detailed information on how to change this number

:100644 100644 d02ea3b... 25e8e50... M	libgeda/configure.ac

commit 099c49e5689afda4b8a5221dde73f9fdf1972ce7
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Jul 5 00:11:45 2007 -0400

    Updated all version strings to 1.1.0 and 20070705

:100644 100644 63a99e3... 94625b0... M	Makefile
:100644 100644 0f149d6... 452f50f... M	docs/configure.ac
:100644 100644 a79fa70... 0e5220c... M	examples/configure.ac
:100644 100644 a4e1e6c... 1a4f80b... M	gattrib/configure.ac
:100644 100644 44a1cf7... 3290bd5... M	gnetlist/configure.ac
:100644 100644 2e2233b... 12e73f9... M	gschem/configure.ac.in
:100644 100644 94b22a1... b32f342... M	gsymcheck/configure.ac
:100644 100644 9e668d0... d02ea3b... M	libgeda/configure.ac
:100644 100644 2fc558d... 486c6c8... M	symbols/configure.ac
:100644 100644 a57b6af... d0ca0ce... M	utils/configure.ac

commit 87731dda219b0986fed0d1a7789e17678dd79d8c
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Jul 4 23:55:07 2007 -0400

    Removed AM_MAINTAINER_MODE from all configure.ac[.in] files.
    Maintainer mode is no longer needed or desired now that we are no longer
    using CVS.  Hopefully this will prevent some of the odd problems that were
    observed during the last release when the Makefile's didn't get auto

:100644 100644 d87d9f8... a4e1e6c... M	gattrib/configure.ac
:100644 100644 d326ac2... 44a1cf7... M	gnetlist/configure.ac
:100644 100644 e61b5d0... 2e2233b... M	gschem/configure.ac.in
:100644 100644 14f46b3... 94b22a1... M	gsymcheck/configure.ac
:100644 100644 149d840... 9e668d0... M	libgeda/configure.ac
:100644 100644 c149ff5... 2fc558d... M	symbols/configure.ac
:100644 100644 efdf2c2... a57b6af... M	utils/configure.ac

commit e4e105b3309dcbc0b598318e1b24591dec39422a
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Jul 4 23:52:58 2007 -0400

    Provided an alternative implementation to glib 2.12.x only function

:100644 100644 14b486e... 33add0d... M	libgeda/src/s_clib.c

commit dc7b8c53f4bc94626634887e46167a367a91f707
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Jul 4 23:32:15 2007 -0400

    Changed gEDA/gaf's version mechanism to use new dotted X.Y.Z convention
    Added DOTTED_VERSION and DATE_VERSION variables to all configure.ac[.in]
    files.  Changed all version related output to be DOTTED_VERSION.DATE_VERSION.
    Updated the configure.ac[.in] files to have consistent top sections.
    Updated code and various scheme files to use the new DOTTED_VERSION
    and DATE_VERSION variables available via config.h.  Stopped using
    PREPEND_VERSION_STRING as the mechanism for doing the dotted versions
    (not intended for that use).  Updated update-versions.sh script to set the
    version in all the configure.ac[.in] files and the toplevel Makefile.
    Went through all the g_rc.c files and make the handling of rc file
    mismatch handling consistent.

:100644 100644 a437878... 63a99e3... M	Makefile
:100644 100644 7a13a73... 0f149d6... M	docs/configure.ac
:100644 100644 1f702ed... a79fa70... M	examples/configure.ac
:100644 100644 9d56cd5... d87d9f8... M	gattrib/configure.ac
:100644 100644 b78a62d... 852af6a... M	gattrib/lib/system-gattribrc.in
:100644 100644 95c9728... b8a5a57... M	gattrib/src/g_rc.c
:100644 100644 2e95db4... 9d295d0... M	gattrib/src/gattrib.c
:100644 100644 67ad1b6... 204e27e... M	gattrib/src/x_dialog.c
:100644 100644 af1b0c8... d326ac2... M	gnetlist/configure.ac
:100644 100644 96f550d... f92cb40... M	gnetlist/lib/system-gnetlistrc.in
:100644 100644 d3d1fb3... 471ca61... M	gnetlist/src/g_rc.c
:100644 100644 abdd10b... 77fc97a... M	gnetlist/src/gnetlist.c
:100644 100644 8cb5fc4... e61b5d0... M	gschem/configure.ac.in
:100644 100644 2098a24... 0fb6132... M	gschem/lib/system-gschemrc.in
:100644 100644 63c98dd... 9c30e89... M	gschem/src/g_rc.c
:100644 100644 e109eba... 015b3f8... M	gschem/src/gschem.c
:100644 100644 ed0ed50... 44bf763... M	gschem/src/x_dialog.c
:100644 100644 11b8cb1... 14f46b3... M	gsymcheck/configure.ac
:100644 100644 a121e74... d4b78ae... M	gsymcheck/lib/system-gsymcheckrc.in
:100644 100644 c9bee24... 0ffc601... M	gsymcheck/src/g_rc.c
:100644 100644 3c3fde7... 12601a4... M	gsymcheck/src/gsymcheck.c
:100644 100644 498edc6... 149d840... M	libgeda/configure.ac
:100644 100644 c42f613... e521bc4... M	libgeda/include/defines.h
:100644 100644 92b6f3a... 4626651... M	libgeda/libgeda.pc.in
:100644 100644 9bda5b9... af8c46f... M	libgeda/src/a_basic.c
:100644 100644 087fbc1... 7c6e061... M	libgeda/src/f_print.c
:100644 100644 3101c2d... c149ff5... M	symbols/configure.ac
:100755 100755 21ffa51... 45aa63e... M	update-versions.sh
:100644 100644 cb7e99b... efdf2c2... M	utils/configure.ac
:100644 100644 cec9313... a11a10a... M	utils/gschlas/g_rc.c
:100644 100644 c4443c9... 11a8b25... M	utils/gschlas/gschlas.c
:100644 100644 b1a2e20... 1f26c34... M	utils/lib/system-gschlasrc.in
:100644 100644 f2401f6... 73c888a... M	utils/src/grenum.c

commit 5237ea395af0ac1c4cecd18ea2a28291e3d48a90
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Jul 4 23:22:14 2007 -0400

    Updated spice-sdb golden file to pass make check.

:100644 100644 e1bb285... 9c1c1d8... M	gnetlist/tests/spice-sdb/outputs/JD_nomunge_longopt-output.net

commit dbf600e34e2284fe1ec59242d541334bc27d3d49
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Jul 4 16:51:32 2007 -0400

    Implemented the ability to change the color of junctions (code for #1746675).
    The filled circles (at the junction of nets) and filled boxes (at the
    end of unconnected nets) were the same color and it was hard to tell the
    difference from a distance.  This patch addes (junction-color ...) rc
    keyword and allows the user to change the junction color.  The default
    color for the dark color scheme is yellow and the default color for the
    light color scheme is purple.

:100644 100644 31f4f38... 71711cb... M	gschem/include/i_vars.h
:100644 100644 efdbe77... 5750dae... M	gschem/include/prototype.h
:100644 100644 d62bb85... 84efaac... M	gschem/lib/gschem-darkbg
:100644 100644 361d2f8... 6043cc4... M	gschem/lib/gschem-lightbg
:100644 100644 427bb5f... 63c98dd... M	gschem/src/g_rc.c
:100644 100644 c9cad7d... b694dfe... M	gschem/src/g_register.c
:100644 100644 29cff01... b75ea8e... M	gschem/src/i_vars.c
:100644 100644 cb624c7... 24ae595... M	gschem/src/o_cue.c
:100644 100644 f455143... 49223b3... M	libgeda/include/colors.h
:100644 100644 c117110... de47c1e... M	libgeda/include/struct.h
:100644 100644 6dc400f... a2650cb... M	libgeda/src/s_cue.c
:100644 100644 16cd84a... 8acadd7... M	libgeda/src/s_toplevel.c


commit 24bc0f38e5eedc7f67c33f52c7395236d62d24de
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Jul 5 01:27:02 2007 -0400

    Downloaded and integrated latest wiki documentation from the geda website.
    Also updated some of the wiki scripts a little.  Fetching and integrating
    the latest wiki version isn't fully automated yet, but getting there.

diff --git a/docs/scripts/copygitignores.sh b/docs/scripts/copygitignores.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e7da5a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/scripts/copygitignores.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+if [ ! -d "wiki" -a ! -d "wip" ]
+        echo "You must start this program in the toplevel docs directory"
+        echo "wherever wiki and wip live."
+        exit 1
+files=`find wiki -name .gitignore -print`
+for i in $files
+	src=$i
+	dest=`echo $i | sed "s/^wiki/wip/"`	
+	echo Copying $src to $dest
+	cp -f $src $dest
diff --git a/docs/scripts/populatemkfiles.sh b/docs/scripts/populatemkfiles.sh
index 0dc63d3..b6e7613 100755
--- a/docs/scripts/populatemkfiles.sh
+++ b/docs/scripts/populatemkfiles.sh
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
+# Issues:
+# * dot files (like .gitignore) aren't handled correctly.
 # $1 is the name of the directory
@@ -17,7 +22,7 @@ do_work()
 	thisdir=`echo $thisdir | sed "s%//%/%g"`
-	mv -f Makefile.am Makefile.am.old
+	mv -f Makefile.am Makefile.am.old >& /dev/null
 	echo "" > Makefile.am
 	echo "" >> Makefile.am
@@ -65,8 +70,8 @@ do_work()
 subdir=`echo $pwd | awk -F$basedir '{print $2}'`
diff --git a/docs/wiki/001geda_debian.html b/docs/wiki/001geda_debian.html
index d4e3149..d5c32fb 100644
--- a/docs/wiki/001geda_debian.html
+++ b/docs/wiki/001geda_debian.html
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
 <meta name="generator" content="DokuWiki Release rc2007-05-24" />
-<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />
+<meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />
 <meta name="date" content="2007-05-24T22:27:25-0400" />
 <meta name="keywords" content="geda,debian.fr" />
 <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/lib/exe/opensearch.php"; title="geda Wiki" />
diff --git a/docs/wiki/001geda_documentation.html b/docs/wiki/001geda_documentation.html
index 54f9aa4..ef342a6 100644
--- a/docs/wiki/001geda_documentation.html
+++ b/docs/wiki/001geda_documentation.html
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
 <meta name="generator" content="DokuWiki Release rc2007-05-24" />
-<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />
-<meta name="date" content="2007-05-24T22:27:25-0400" />
+<meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />
+<meta name="date" content="2007-06-27T07:42:20-0400" />
 <meta name="keywords" content="geda,documentation.fr" />
 <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/lib/exe/opensearch.php"; title="geda Wiki" />
 <link rel="start" href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/"; />
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ New features are available for document authors:
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:gsch2pcb_readme"; class="wikilink1" title="geda:gsch2pcb_readme">gsch2pcb (gschem to PCB) README</a></div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html";  rel="nofollow">gsch2pcb tutorial</a></div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="geda_bill_wilson_s.html" class="wikilink2" title="geda:bill_wilson_s">gschem and pcb tutorial</a></div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:tragesym_readme"; class="wikilink1" title="geda:tragesym_readme">tragesym (symbol generator) README</a></div>
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ New features are available for document authors:
-<!-- SECTION "utils - gEDA Utilities" [1593-2059] -->
+<!-- SECTION "utils - gEDA Utilities" [1593-2012] -->
 <h2><a name="examples" id="examples">Examples</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ New features are available for document authors:
-<!-- SECTION "Examples" [2060-2209] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Examples" [2013-2162] -->
 <h2><a name="attribute_file_format_details" id="attribute_file_format_details">Attribute/File Format Details</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ New features are available for document authors:
-<!-- SECTION "Attribute/File Format Details" [2210-2375] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Attribute/File Format Details" [2163-2328] -->
 <h1><a name="spice" id="spice">SPICE</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ New features are available for document authors:
-<!-- SECTION "SPICE" [2376-3125] -->
+<!-- SECTION "SPICE" [2329-3078] -->
 <h1><a name="ngspice" id="ngspice">ngspice</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ New features are available for document authors:
-<!-- SECTION "ngspice" [3126-3548] -->
+<!-- SECTION "ngspice" [3079-3501] -->
 <h1><a name="gnucap" id="gnucap">gnucap</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ New features are available for document authors:
-<!-- SECTION "gnucap" [3549-3809] -->
+<!-- SECTION "gnucap" [3502-3762] -->
 <h1><a name="gspiceui" id="gspiceui">gSpiceUI</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ New features are available for document authors:
-<!-- SECTION "gSpiceUI" [3810-3917] -->
+<!-- SECTION "gSpiceUI" [3763-3870] -->
 <h1><a name="pcb" id="pcb">PCB</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ New features are available for document authors:
-<!-- SECTION "PCB" [3918-4234] -->
+<!-- SECTION "PCB" [3871-4187] -->
 <h1><a name="gerbv" id="gerbv">gerbv</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ New features are available for document authors:
-<!-- SECTION "gerbv" [4235-4380] -->
+<!-- SECTION "gerbv" [4188-4333] -->
 <h1><a name="icarus_verilog" id="icarus_verilog">Icarus Verilog</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ New features are available for document authors:
-<!-- SECTION "Icarus Verilog" [4381-5306] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Icarus Verilog" [4334-5259] -->
 <h1><a name="gtkwave" id="gtkwave">GTKWave</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ New features are available for document authors:
-<!-- SECTION "GTKWave" [5307-6338] -->
+<!-- SECTION "GTKWave" [5260-6291] -->
 <h1><a name="wcalc" id="wcalc">Wcalc</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ New features are available for document authors:
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 <h1><a name="mcalc" id="mcalc">mcalc</a></h1>
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 <h1><a name="covered" id="covered">covered</a></h1>
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@@ -378,6 +378,6 @@ New features are available for document authors:
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@@ -47,16 +47,16 @@
 <div class="level2">
- Actuellement, la meilleure information à ce propos est dans le <a href="http://geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html";  rel="nofollow">outstanding tutorial</a> de Bill Wilson. <br/>
+ Actuellement, la meilleure information à ce propos est dans le <a href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:gsch2pcb_tutorial"; class="wikilink1" title="geda:gsch2pcb_tutorial">tutorial</a> de Bill Wilson. <br/>
  <span class="hilited">Cette page grossira plus tard pour contenir les réponses aux <acronym title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</acronym> postées sur la liste des geda-user.</span>
-Câ??est un script de gestion pour gsch2pcb appelé sch2pcb. Vous pouvez y trouver des informations dans la section <a href="001geda_pcb_tips.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:pcb_tips.fr">pcb_tips.fr</a> de ce wiki.
+Câ??est un script de gestion pour gsch2pcb appelé sch2pcb. Vous pouvez y trouver des informations dans la section <a href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:pcb_tips.fr"; class="wikilink1" title="geda:pcb_tips.fr">pcb_tips.fr</a> de ce wiki.
-<!-- SECTION "Où est le tutoriel gsch2pcb?" [25-492] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Où est le tutoriel gsch2pcb?" [25-436] -->
 <h2><a name="ou_puis-je_telecharger_gsch2pcb" id="ou_puis-je_telecharger_gsch2pcb">Où puis-je télécharger gsch2pcb?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ gsch2pcb est une part de gEDA/gaf, dans les utils. Il est normalement installé
-<!-- SECTION "Où puis-je télécharger gsch2pcb?" [493-961] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Où puis-je télécharger gsch2pcb?" [437-905] -->
 <h2><a name="gsch2pcb_ne_peut_pas_trouver_quelques_uns_de_mes_empreintes_ou_genere_une_erreur._comment_puis-je_diagnostiquer_mon_probleme" id="gsch2pcb_ne_peut_pas_trouver_quelques_uns_de_mes_empreintes_ou_genere_une_erreur._comment_puis-je_diagnostiquer_mon_probleme">gsch2pcb ne peut pas trouver quelques uns de mes empreintes ou génère une erreur. Comment puis-je diagnostiquer mon problème?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -86,6 +86,6 @@ Tentez de lancer gsch2pcb en mode bavard double: â??gsch2pcb -v -vâ??. Cela prod
-<!-- SECTION "gsch2pcb ne peut pas trouver quelques uns de mes empreintes ou génère une erreur. Comment puis-je diagnostiquer mon problème?" [962-] --></div>
+<!-- SECTION "gsch2pcb ne peut pas trouver quelques uns de mes empreintes ou génère une erreur. Comment puis-je diagnostiquer mon problème?" [906-] --></div>
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@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ Venez à la réunion des « Free EDA Users Group » (Freedog) de Cambridge, MA.
 <div class="level2">
-La chose la plus importante à faire est de lire et de comprendre lâ??excellent tutoriel de Bill Wilson <a href="http://geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html";  rel="nofollow">gschem -&gt; gsch2pcb -&gt; PCB</a>. Cela vous permettra de débuter.
+La chose la plus importante à faire est de lire et de comprendre lâ??excellent tutoriel de Bill Wilson <a href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:gsch2pcb_tutorial"; class="wikilink1" title="geda:gsch2pcb_tutorial">gschem -&gt; gsch2pcb -&gt; PCB</a>. Cela vous permettra de débuter.
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@@ -281,9 +281,9 @@ This document describes the installation, configuration, and operation of the <s
  This document does not describe the process of generating schematics. For this, refer to the various tutorials on using the gEDA Tool Suite:
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://www.geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/gschem-warmup.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/gschem-warmup.html";  rel="nofollow">Bill Wilson&#039;s gschem warmup</a></div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:gschem_warmup"; class="wikilink1" title="geda:gschem_warmup">Bill Wilson&#039;s gschem warmup</a></div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://www.geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html";  rel="nofollow">Bill Wilson&#039;s gsch2pcb tutorial</a></div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Bill Wilsonâ??s <a href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:gsch2pcb_tutorial"; class="wikilink1" title="geda:gsch2pcb_tutorial">gschem and pcb tutorial</a></div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> â??Optical Proximity Sensor for Robots (Part 1), Simple PCB Design with the gEDA Suiteâ??, by Stuart Brorson (March 2006 Circuit Cellar article)</div>
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ This document describes the installation, configuration, and operation of the <s
-<!-- SECTION "Introduction" [883-2936] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Introduction" [883-2837] -->
 <h1><a name="overview" id="overview">Overview</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ This document describes the installation, configuration, and operation of the <s
-<!-- SECTION "Overview" [2937-5517] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Overview" [2838-5418] -->
 <h1><a name="resources" id="resources">Resources</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ The following on-line resources are useful for designers using <strong>gschem</s
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://www.geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/gschem-warmup.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/gschem-warmup.html";  rel="nofollow">Bill Wilson&#039;s gschem warmup tutorial</a> &ndash; If you are new to the gEDA tools, read this before you read Billâ??s â??Bill Wilsonâ??s gsch2pcb tutorialâ??.</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://www.geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html";  rel="nofollow">Bill Wilson&#039;s gsch2pcb tutorial</a> &ndash; If you are new to the gEDA tools, this tutorial will bring you up to speed quickly.</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:gsch2pcb_tutorial"; class="wikilink1" title="geda:gsch2pcb_tutorial">Bill Wilson&#039;s gschem and pcb tutorial</a> &ndash; If you are new to the gEDA tools, this tutorial will bring you up to speed quickly.</div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://www.circuitcellar.com/"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.circuitcellar.com/";  rel="nofollow">Circuit Cellar Magazine</a> &ndash; Practical, hands-on applications and solutions for embedded designers:</div>
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ The following on-line resources are useful for designers using <strong>gschem</s
-<!-- SECTION "Resources" [5518-9819] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Resources" [5419-9678] -->
 <h1><a name="how_to_ask_questions" id="how_to_ask_questions">How To Ask Questions</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ The following on-line resources are useful for designers using <strong>gschem</s
-<!-- SECTION "How To Ask Questions" [9820-13001] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How To Ask Questions" [9679-12860] -->
 <h1><a name="installing_gschem" id="installing_gschem">Installing gschem</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ As a mature OpenSource project, the gEDA Tools Suite and its components have bee
-<!-- SECTION "Installing gschem" [13002-13260] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Installing gschem" [12861-13119] -->
 <h2><a name="latest_stable" id="latest_stable">Latest Stable</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ As a mature OpenSource project, the gEDA Tools Suite and its components have bee
-<!-- SECTION "Latest Stable" [13261-13745] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Latest Stable" [13120-13604] -->
 <h3><a name="geda_tools_suite_cd-rom" id="geda_tools_suite_cd-rom">&quot;gEDA Tools Suite&quot; CD-ROM</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ If the installation wizzard did not launch, enter as follows to install the gEDA
-<!-- SECTION "gEDA Tools Suite CD-ROM" [13746-15432] -->
+<!-- SECTION "gEDA Tools Suite CD-ROM" [13605-15291] -->
 <h3><a name="debian_distributions" id="debian_distributions">Debian distributions</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ For Debian distributions, you may wish to download the <a href="http://www.geda.
-<!-- SECTION "Debian distributions" [15433-15781] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Debian distributions" [15292-15640] -->
 <h3><a name="red_hat_distributions" id="red_hat_distributions">Red Hat distributions</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ For Red Hat distributions (and possibly others) you may wish to download the lat
-<!-- SECTION "Red Hat distributions" [15782-15944] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Red Hat distributions" [15641-15803] -->
 <h3><a name="mac_osx_distributions" id="mac_osx_distributions">Mac OSX distributions</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ For Mac OSX distributions you may wish to download the <a href="http://www.geda.
-<!-- SECTION "Mac OSX distributions" [15945-16124] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Mac OSX distributions" [15804-15983] -->
 <h2><a name="cvs_unstable_testing" id="cvs_unstable_testing">CVS Unstable/Testing</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ For those already familiar with the gEDA/gaf applications on the â??gEDA Tools S
-<!-- SECTION "CVS Unstable/Testing" [16125-17015] -->
+<!-- SECTION "CVS Unstable/Testing" [15984-16874] -->
 <h1><a name="configuring_gschem" id="configuring_gschem">Configuring gschem</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ Now that we know the above, we can configure <strong>gschem</strong>.<br/>
-<!-- SECTION "Configuring gschem" [17016-22736] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Configuring gschem" [16875-22595] -->
 <h2><a name="gschemrc" id="gschemrc">gschemrc</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ The {binary-install-path}/share/gEDA/system-gschemrc file is well commented. Rea
-<!-- SECTION "gschemrc" [22737-23038] -->
+<!-- SECTION "gschemrc" [22596-22897] -->
 <h2><a name="gafrc" id="gafrc">gafrc</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -648,12 +648,12 @@ The {binary-install-path}/share/gEDA/system-gafrc file is well commented. Read t
-<!-- SECTION "gafrc" [23039-23328] -->
+<!-- SECTION "gafrc" [22898-23187] -->
 <h1><a name="lancer_gschem" id="lancer_gschem">Lancer gschem</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
-<!-- SECTION "Lancer gschem" [23329-23357] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Lancer gschem" [23188-23216] -->
 <h2><a name="confirming_gschem_is_installed" id="confirming_gschem_is_installed">Confirming gschem is installed</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ If these commands do not return the expected results, then most likely the gEDA
-<!-- SECTION "Confirming gschem is installed" [23358-29063] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Confirming gschem is installed" [23217-28922] -->
 <h2><a name="the_shell_prompt" id="the_shell_prompt">The Shell Prompt</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
 <table class="inline">
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ As operations are performed in the <strong>gschem</strong> <a href="http://geda.
-<!-- SECTION "The Shell Prompt" [29064-32598] -->
+<!-- SECTION "The Shell Prompt" [28923-32457] -->
 <h2><a name="backups" id="backups">Backups</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ There are two basic mechanisms in <strong>gschem</strong> for backing up schemat
-<!-- SECTION "Backups" [32599-32750] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Backups" [32458-32609] -->
 <h3><a name="classic_linux_backups" id="classic_linux_backups">Classic Linux backups</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -894,12 +894,12 @@ When the user does finally manually save the file, the original file (i.e., the
-<!-- SECTION "Classic Linux backups" [32751-35657] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Classic Linux backups" [32610-35516] -->
 <h3><a name="incremental_backups" id="incremental_backups">Incremental backups</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
-<!-- SECTION "Incremental backups" [35658-35691] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Incremental backups" [35517-35550] -->
 <h3><a name="relevant_configuration_settings" id="relevant_configuration_settings">Relevant configuration settings</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ There are the following configuration settings in the {binary-install-path}/shar
-<!-- SECTION "Relevant configuration settings" [35692-36733] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Relevant configuration settings" [35551-36592] -->
 <h2><a name="on-line_documentation" id="on-line_documentation">On-line documentation</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@ Version			      December 31st, 2003		     gschem(1)</font></pre>
-<!-- SECTION "On-line documentation" [36734-41203] -->
+<!-- SECTION "On-line documentation" [36593-41062] -->
 <h1><a name="electrical_connectivity" id="electrical_connectivity">Electrical Connectivity</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ As you draw schematics you need be aware of what is considered to be electricall
-<!-- SECTION "Electrical Connectivity" [41204-42920] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Electrical Connectivity" [41063-42779] -->
 <h1><a name="components_symbols_objects_attributes" id="components_symbols_objects_attributes">Components &amp; Symbols &amp; Objects &amp; Attributes</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -1071,7 +1071,7 @@ There is a hierarchical association between components, symbols, objects, and at
-<!-- SECTION "Components & Symbols & Objects & Attributes" [42921-43069] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Components & Symbols & Objects & Attributes" [42780-42928] -->
 <h2><a name="components" id="components">Components</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -1094,7 +1094,7 @@ A component is the instantiation of a specific symbol, as placed on the schemati
-<!-- SECTION "Components" [43070-44884] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Components" [42929-44743] -->
 <h2><a name="symbols" id="symbols">Symbols</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@ Symbols are just a collection of objects and attributes.<br/>
-<!-- SECTION "Symbols" [44885-45226] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Symbols" [44744-45085] -->
 <h2><a name="objects" id="objects">Objects</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ The following are objects:
-<!-- SECTION "Objects" [45227-45339] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Objects" [45086-45198] -->
 <h2><a name="attributes" id="attributes">Attributes</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ So, to summarize, attribute promotion takes unattached attributes inside symbols
-<!-- SECTION "Attributes" [45340-48726] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Attributes" [45199-48585] -->
 <h1><a name="the_main_window" id="the_main_window">The Main Window</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
 <table class="inline">
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@ So, to summarize, attribute promotion takes unattached attributes inside symbols
-<!-- SECTION "The Main Window" [48727-51640] -->
+<!-- SECTION "The Main Window" [48586-51499] -->
 <h1><a name="the_status_window" id="the_status_window">The Status Window</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
 <table class="inline">
@@ -1227,7 +1227,7 @@ So, to summarize, attribute promotion takes unattached attributes inside symbols
-<!-- SECTION "The Status Window" [51641-51803] -->
+<!-- SECTION "The Status Window" [51500-51662] -->
 <h1><a name="the_schematic_file" id="the_schematic_file">The Schematic File</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ Schematic files. These files contain components, nets, text, and sometimes primi
-<!-- SECTION "The Schematic File" [51804-52573] -->
+<!-- SECTION "The Schematic File" [51663-52432] -->
 <h1><a name="the_symbol_file" id="the_symbol_file">The Symbol File</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -1271,7 +1271,7 @@ Symbol files. The schematic and symbol file formats are identical. <strong>gsche
-<!-- SECTION "The Symbol File" [52574-53560] -->
+<!-- SECTION "The Symbol File" [52433-53419] -->
 <h1><a name="symbol_libraries" id="symbol_libraries">Symbol Libraries</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -1280,7 +1280,7 @@ Components are searched for by specifying (component-library &quot;&hellip;â??)
-<!-- SECTION "Symbol Libraries" [53561-53714] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Symbol Libraries" [53420-53573] -->
 <h1><a name="the_log_file" id="the_log_file">The Log File</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@ Log file. This file contains informative, error, warnings etc&hellip; messages w
-<!-- SECTION "The Log File" [53715-53992] -->
+<!-- SECTION "The Log File" [53574-53851] -->
 <h1><a name="grips" id="grips">Grips</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -1312,12 +1312,12 @@ Using grips is easy:
-<!-- SECTION "Grips" [53993-54702] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Grips" [53852-54561] -->
 <h1><a name="menu_operations" id="menu_operations">Menu Operations</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
-<!-- SECTION "Menu Operations" [54703-54732] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Menu Operations" [54562-54591] -->
 <h2><a name="file" id="file">File</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -1344,7 +1344,7 @@ The following are available from the <strong>gschem</strong> main windowâ??s men
-<!-- SECTION "File" [54733-55886] -->
+<!-- SECTION "File" [54592-55745] -->
 <h3><a name="new_window_fw" id="new_window_fw">New Window (fw)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@ The following are available from the <strong>gschem</strong> main windowâ??s men
-<!-- SECTION "New Window (fw)" [55887-56027] -->
+<!-- SECTION "New Window (fw)" [55746-55886] -->
 <h3><a name="new_page_fn" id="new_page_fn">New Page (fn)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ The following are available from the <strong>gschem</strong> main windowâ??s men
-<!-- SECTION "New Page (fn)" [56028-56234] -->
+<!-- SECTION "New Page (fn)" [55887-56093] -->
 <h3><a name="open_page..._fo" id="open_page..._fo">Open Page... (fo)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1388,7 +1388,7 @@ The following are available from the <strong>gschem</strong> main windowâ??s men
-<!-- SECTION "Open Page... (fo)" [56235-56521] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Open Page... (fo)" [56094-56380] -->
 <h3><a name="close_page_pc" id="close_page_pc">Close Page (pc)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ The following are available from the <strong>gschem</strong> main windowâ??s men
-<!-- SECTION "Close Page (pc)" [56522-56704] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Close Page (pc)" [56381-56563] -->
 <h3><a name="revert_page_pr" id="revert_page_pr">Revert Page (pr)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1406,7 +1406,7 @@ The following are available from the <strong>gschem</strong> main windowâ??s men
-<!-- SECTION "Revert Page (pr)" [56705-57002] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Revert Page (pr)" [56564-56861] -->
 <h3><a name="save_page_fs" id="save_page_fs">Save Page (fs)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1424,7 +1424,7 @@ The following are available from the <strong>gschem</strong> main windowâ??s men
-<!-- SECTION "Save Page (fs)" [57003-57656] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Save Page (fs)" [56862-57515] -->
 <h3><a name="save_page_as..._fa" id="save_page_as..._fa">Save Page As... (fa)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1436,7 +1436,7 @@ The following are available from the <strong>gschem</strong> main windowâ??s men
-<!-- SECTION "Save Page As... (fa)" [57657-58109] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Save Page As... (fa)" [57516-57968] -->
 <h3><a name="save_all_fl_fl" id="save_all_fl_fl">Save All (fl) (fl)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1445,7 +1445,7 @@ The following are available from the <strong>gschem</strong> main windowâ??s men
-<!-- SECTION "Save All (fl) (fl)" [58110-58235] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Save All (fl) (fl)" [57969-58094] -->
 <h3><a name="print..._fp" id="print..._fp">Print... (fp)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1488,7 +1488,7 @@ The following are available from the <strong>gschem</strong> main windowâ??s men
-<!-- SECTION "Print... (fp)" [58236-59284] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Print... (fp)" [58095-59143] -->
 <h3><a name="write_png..._fi" id="write_png..._fi">Write PNG... (fi)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1525,7 +1525,7 @@ The following are available from the <strong>gschem</strong> main windowâ??s men
-<!-- SECTION "Write PNG... (fi)" [59285-60081] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Write PNG... (fi)" [59144-59940] -->
 <h3><a name="execute_script..._ft" id="execute_script..._ft">Execute Script... (ft)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1534,7 +1534,7 @@ The following are available from the <strong>gschem</strong> main windowâ??s men
-<!-- SECTION "Execute Script... (ft)" [60082-60153] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Execute Script... (ft)" [59941-60012] -->
 <h3><a name="close_window_fc" id="close_window_fc">Close Window (fc)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1543,7 +1543,7 @@ The following are available from the <strong>gschem</strong> main windowâ??s men
-<!-- SECTION "Close Window (fc)" [60154-60404] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Close Window (fc)" [60013-60263] -->
 <h3><a name="quit_alt-q" id="quit_alt-q">Quit (Alt-q)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1552,7 +1552,7 @@ The following are available from the <strong>gschem</strong> main windowâ??s men
-<!-- SECTION "Quit (Alt-q)" [60405-60597] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Quit (Alt-q)" [60264-60456] -->
 <h2><a name="edit" id="edit">Edit</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@ The following are available from the <strong>gschem</strong> main windowâ??s men
-<!-- SECTION "Edit" [60598-60714] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Edit" [60457-60573] -->
 <h3><a name="undo_shift-u" id="undo_shift-u">Undo (shift-u)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1582,7 +1582,7 @@ After every action (including zooming and panning) the schematic is saved to dis
-<!-- SECTION "Undo (shift-u)" [60715-61673] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Undo (shift-u)" [60574-61532] -->
 <h3><a name="redo_shift-r" id="redo_shift-r">Redo (shift-r)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1592,7 +1592,7 @@ After every action (including zooming and panning) the schematic is saved to dis
-<!-- SECTION "Redo (shift-r)" [61674-61982] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Redo (shift-r)" [61533-61841] -->
 <h3><a name="select_mode_s" id="select_mode_s">Select Mode (s)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1615,7 +1615,7 @@ After every action (including zooming and panning) the schematic is saved to dis
-<!-- SECTION "Select Mode (s)" [61983-64390] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Select Mode (s)" [61842-64249] -->
 <h3><a name="edit..._ee" id="edit..._ee">Edit... (ee)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1664,7 +1664,7 @@ First, select the object to be edited (i.e., in <strong>Select Mode</strong>).<b
-<!-- SECTION "Edit... (ee)" [64391-65585] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Edit... (ee)" [64250-65444] -->
 <h3><a name="edit_text..._ex" id="edit_text..._ex">Edit Text... (ex)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1702,7 +1702,7 @@ First, select the text object to be edited (i.e., in <strong>Select Mode</strong
-<!-- SECTION "Edit Text... (ex)" [65586-66444] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Edit Text... (ex)" [65445-66303] -->
 <h3><a name="copy_mode_ec" id="copy_mode_ec">Copy Mode (ec)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1735,7 +1735,7 @@ First, select the text object to be edited (i.e., in <strong>Select Mode</strong
-<!-- SECTION "Copy Mode (ec)" [66445-67369] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Copy Mode (ec)" [66304-67228] -->
 <h3><a name="move_mode_em" id="move_mode_em">Move Mode (em)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1781,7 +1781,7 @@ Since version 20060906, there is another way to move object(s):<br/>
-<!-- SECTION "Move Mode (em)" [67370-68523] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Move Mode (em)" [67229-68382] -->
 <h3><a name="delete_delete-key" id="delete_delete-key">Delete (Delete-key)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1801,7 +1801,7 @@ Since version 20060906, there is another way to move object(s):<br/>
-<!-- SECTION "Delete (Delete-key)" [68524-68842] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Delete (Delete-key)" [68383-68701] -->
 <h3><a name="rotate_90_mode_er" id="rotate_90_mode_er">Rotate 90 Mode (er)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1825,7 +1825,7 @@ Since version 20060906, there is another way to move object(s):<br/>
-<!-- SECTION "Rotate 90 Mode (er)" [68843-69432] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Rotate 90 Mode (er)" [68702-69291] -->
 <h3><a name="mirror_mode_ei" id="mirror_mode_ei">Mirror Mode (ei)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1849,7 +1849,7 @@ Since version 20060906, there is another way to move object(s):<br/>
-<!-- SECTION "Mirror Mode (ei)" [69433-70089] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Mirror Mode (ei)" [69292-69948] -->
 <h3><a name="slot..._e_shift-s" id="slot..._e_shift-s">Slot... (e shift-s)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1874,7 +1874,7 @@ Some physical packages (e.g., the classic 7400 Quad NAND gate) contain more than
-<!-- SECTION "Slot... (e shift-s)" [70090-71306] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Slot... (e shift-s)" [69949-71165] -->
 <h3><a name="color..._eo" id="color..._eo">Color... (eo)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@ Some physical packages (e.g., the classic 7400 Quad NAND gate) contain more than
-<!-- SECTION "Color... (eo)" [71307-72265] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Color... (eo)" [71166-72124] -->
 <h3><a name="lock_el_unlock_e_shift-l" id="lock_el_unlock_e_shift-l">Lock (el) / Unlock (e shift-l)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1955,7 +1955,7 @@ Some physical packages (e.g., the classic 7400 Quad NAND gate) contain more than
-<!-- SECTION "Lock (el) / Unlock (e shift-l)" [72266-73804] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Lock (el) / Unlock (e shift-l)" [72125-73663] -->
 <h3><a name="line_width_type..._ew" id="line_width_type..._ew">Line Width &amp; Type... (ew)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1991,7 +1991,7 @@ The <strong>Edit | Line Width &amp; Type&hellip;</strong> dialog box lets you co
-<!-- SECTION "Line Width & Type... (ew)" [73805-74420] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Line Width & Type... (ew)" [73664-74279] -->
 <h3><a name="fill_type..._ef" id="fill_type..._ef">Fill Type... (ef)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2025,7 +2025,7 @@ The <strong>Edit | Line Width &amp; Type&hellip;</strong> dialog box lets you co
-<!-- SECTION "Fill Type... (ef)" [74421-74761] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Fill Type... (ef)" [74280-74620] -->
 <h3><a name="symbol_translate..._et" id="symbol_translate..._et">Symbol Translate... (et)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2065,7 +2065,7 @@ The <strong>Edit | Line Width &amp; Type&hellip;</strong> dialog box lets you co
-<!-- SECTION "Symbol Translate... (et)" [74762-75926] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Symbol Translate... (et)" [74621-75785] -->
 <h3><a name="embed_component_picture_eb" id="embed_component_picture_eb">Embed Component/Picture (eb)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2088,7 +2088,7 @@ The <strong>Edit | Line Width &amp; Type&hellip;</strong> dialog box lets you co
-<!-- SECTION "Embed Component/Picture (eb)" [75927-76956] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Embed Component/Picture (eb)" [75786-76815] -->
 <h3><a name="unembed_component_picture_eu" id="unembed_component_picture_eu">Unembed Component/Picture (eu)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2108,7 +2108,7 @@ The <strong>Edit | Line Width &amp; Type&hellip;</strong> dialog box lets you co
-<!-- SECTION "Unembed Component/Picture (eu)" [76957-77546] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Unembed Component/Picture (eu)" [76816-77405] -->
 <h3><a name="update_component_ep" id="update_component_ep">Update Component (ep)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2148,7 +2148,7 @@ The <strong>Edit | Line Width &amp; Type&hellip;</strong> dialog box lets you co
-<!-- SECTION "Update Component (ep)" [77547-79356] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Update Component (ep)" [77406-79215] -->
 <h3><a name="show_hide_inv_text_en" id="show_hide_inv_text_en">Show/Hide Inv Text (en)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2214,7 +2214,7 @@ The <strong>Edit | Line Width &amp; Type&hellip;</strong> dialog box lets you co
-<!-- SECTION "Show/Hide Inv Text (en)" [79357-82184] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Show/Hide Inv Text (en)" [79216-82043] -->
 <h3><a name="make_inv_text_vis_ev" id="make_inv_text_vis_ev">Make Inv Text Vis (ev)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2235,7 +2235,7 @@ The <strong>Edit | Line Width &amp; Type&hellip;</strong> dialog box lets you co
-<!-- SECTION "Make Inv Text Vis (ev)" [82185-82848] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Make Inv Text Vis (ev)" [82044-82707] -->
 <h2><a name="buffer" id="buffer">Buffer</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -2244,7 +2244,7 @@ The <strong>Edit | Line Width &amp; Type&hellip;</strong> dialog box lets you co
-<!-- SECTION "Buffer" [82849-82968] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Buffer" [82708-82827] -->
 <h3><a name="copy_into_1_2_3_4_5_yc" id="copy_into_1_2_3_4_5_yc">Copy into 1/2/3/4/5 (yc)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2259,7 +2259,7 @@ To copy something into a buffer:
-<!-- SECTION "Copy into 1/2/3/4/5 (yc)" [82969-83121] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Copy into 1/2/3/4/5 (yc)" [82828-82980] -->
 <h3><a name="cut_into_1_2_3_4_5_yu" id="cut_into_1_2_3_4_5_yu">Cut into 1/2/3/4/5 (yu)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2268,7 +2268,7 @@ Cut is like copy in that it removes the objects from the schematic
-<!-- SECTION "Cut into 1/2/3/4/5 (yu)" [83122-83223] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Cut into 1/2/3/4/5 (yu)" [82981-83082] -->
 <h3><a name="paste_from_1_2_3_4_5_yp" id="paste_from_1_2_3_4_5_yp">Paste from 1/2/3/4/5 (yp)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2291,12 +2291,12 @@ To paste a buffer into the current schematic:
-<!-- SECTION "Paste from 1/2/3/4/5 (yp)" [83224-83577] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Paste from 1/2/3/4/5 (yp)" [83083-83436] -->
 <h2><a name="view" id="view">View</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
-<!-- SECTION "View" [83578-83595] -->
+<!-- SECTION "View" [83437-83454] -->
 <h3><a name="redraw_vr" id="redraw_vr">Redraw (vr)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2306,7 +2306,7 @@ To paste a buffer into the current schematic:
-<!-- SECTION "Redraw (vr)" [83596-83846] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Redraw (vr)" [83455-83705] -->
 <h3><a name="pan_x" id="pan_x">Pan (x)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2353,7 +2353,7 @@ to either your userâ??s ~/gschemrc file or local â??pwdâ??/gschemrc file, whenev
-<!-- SECTION "Pan (x)" [83847-85643] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Pan (x)" [83706-85502] -->
 <h3><a name="zoom_box_w" id="zoom_box_w">Zoom Box (w)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2380,7 +2380,7 @@ to either your userâ??s ~/gschemrc file or local â??pwdâ??/gschemrc file, whenev
-<!-- SECTION "Zoom Box (w)" [85644-86524] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Zoom Box (w)" [85503-86383] -->
 <h3><a name="zoom_extents_ve" id="zoom_extents_ve">Zoom Extents (ve)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2399,7 +2399,7 @@ to either your userâ??s ~/gschemrc file or local â??pwdâ??/gschemrc file, whenev
-<!-- SECTION "Zoom Extents (ve)" [86525-86891] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Zoom Extents (ve)" [86384-86750] -->
 <h3><a name="zoom_in_z" id="zoom_in_z">Zoom In (z)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2436,7 +2436,7 @@ in either your userâ??s ~/gschemrc file or local â??pwdâ??/gschemrc file, whenev
-<!-- SECTION "Zoom In (z)" [86892-88053] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Zoom In (z)" [86751-87912] -->
 <h3><a name="zoom_out_z" id="zoom_out_z">Zoom Out (Z)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2473,7 +2473,7 @@ in either your userâ??s ~/gschemrc file or local â??pwdâ??/gschemrc file, whenev
-<!-- SECTION "Zoom Out (Z)" [88054-89242] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Zoom Out (Z)" [87913-89101] -->
 <h3><a name="zoom_full_vf" id="zoom_full_vf">Zoom Full (vf)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2513,52 +2513,52 @@ To view the maximum displayable area using the keyboard shortcut (i.e., â??<stro
-<!-- SECTION "Zoom Full (vf)" [89243-90021] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Zoom Full (vf)" [89102-89880] -->
 <h2><a name="page" id="page">Page</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
-<!-- SECTION "Page" [90022-90040] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Page" [89881-89899] -->
 <h3><a name="manager..._pm" id="manager..._pm">Manager... (pm)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
-<!-- SECTION "Manager... (pm)" [90041-90068] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Manager... (pm)" [89900-89927] -->
 <h3><a name="next" id="next">Next (&gt;)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
-<!-- SECTION "Next (>)" [90069-90089] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Next (>)" [89928-89948] -->
 <h3><a name="previous" id="previous">Previous (&lt;)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
-<!-- SECTION "Previous (<)" [90090-90114] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Previous (<)" [89949-89973] -->
 <h3><a name="new_pe" id="new_pe">New (pe)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
-<!-- SECTION "New (pe)" [90115-90135] -->
+<!-- SECTION "New (pe)" [89974-89994] -->
 <h3><a name="revert_pr" id="revert_pr">Revert (pr)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
-<!-- SECTION "Revert (pr)" [90136-90159] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Revert (pr)" [89995-90018] -->
 <h3><a name="close_pc" id="close_pc">Close (pc)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
-<!-- SECTION "Close (pc)" [90160-90182] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Close (pc)" [90019-90041] -->
 <h3><a name="discard_pd" id="discard_pd">Discard (pd)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
-<!-- SECTION "Discard (pd)" [90183-90207] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Discard (pd)" [90042-90066] -->
 <h2><a name="add" id="add">Add</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
-<!-- SECTION "Add" [90208-90224] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Add" [90067-90083] -->
 <h3><a name="component..._i" id="component..._i">Component... (i)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2611,7 +2611,7 @@ Pour placer un composant:
-<!-- SECTION "Component... (i)" [90225-91823] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Component... (i)" [90084-91682] -->
 <h3><a name="net_n" id="net_n">Net (n)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2693,7 +2693,7 @@ Pour placer un composant:
-<!-- SECTION "Net (n)" [91824-94455] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Net (n)" [91683-94314] -->
 <h3><a name="bus_u" id="bus_u">Bus (u)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2703,7 +2703,7 @@ Pour placer un composant:
-<!-- SECTION "Bus (u)" [94456-94715] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Bus (u)" [94315-94574] -->
 <h3><a name="attribute..._aa" id="attribute..._aa">Attribute... (aa)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2734,7 +2734,7 @@ Pour placer un composant:
-<!-- SECTION "Attribute... (aa)" [94716-96522] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Attribute... (aa)" [94575-96381] -->
 <h3><a name="text..._at" id="text..._at">Text... (at)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2785,7 +2785,7 @@ la souris)
-<!-- SECTION "Text... (at)" [96523-98533] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Text... (at)" [96382-98392] -->
 <h3><a name="line_l" id="line_l">Line (l)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2829,7 +2829,7 @@ la souris)
-<!-- SECTION "Line (l)" [98534-99702] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Line (l)" [98393-99561] -->
 <h3><a name="box_b" id="box_b">Box (b)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2859,7 +2859,7 @@ la souris)
-<!-- SECTION "Box (b)" [99703-100455] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Box (b)" [99562-100314] -->
 <h3><a name="circle_ai" id="circle_ai">Circle (ai)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2891,7 +2891,7 @@ la souris)
-<!-- SECTION "Circle (ai)" [100456-101406] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Circle (ai)" [100315-101265] -->
 <h3><a name="arc_ar" id="arc_ar">Arc (ar)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2927,7 +2927,7 @@ la souris)
-<!-- SECTION "Arc (ar)" [101407-102567] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Arc (ar)" [101266-102426] -->
 <h3><a name="pin_ap" id="pin_ap">Pin (ap)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2960,7 +2960,7 @@ la souris)
-<!-- SECTION "Pin (ap)" [102568-103755] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Pin (ap)" [102427-103614] -->
 <h3><a name="picture..._ag" id="picture..._ag">Picture... (ag)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -2994,12 +2994,12 @@ la souris)
-<!-- SECTION "Picture... (ag)" [103756-104751] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Picture... (ag)" [103615-104610] -->
 <h2><a name="hierarchy" id="hierarchy">Hierarchy</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
-<!-- SECTION "Hierarchy" [104752-104774] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Hierarchy" [104611-104633] -->
 <h3><a name="down_schematic_hd" id="down_schematic_hd">Down Schematic (Hd)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3021,7 +3021,7 @@ la souris)
-<!-- SECTION "Down Schematic (Hd)" [104775-106651] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Down Schematic (Hd)" [104634-106510] -->
 <h3><a name="down_symbol_hs" id="down_symbol_hs">Down Symbol (Hs)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3032,7 +3032,7 @@ Cette option ouvrira le symbole du composant sélectionné.<br/>
-<!-- SECTION "Down Symbol (Hs)" [106652-107020] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Down Symbol (Hs)" [106511-106879] -->
 <h3><a name="up_hu" id="up_hu">Up (Hu)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3041,7 +3041,7 @@ Cette option permettra de remonter dans la hiérarchie (sâ??il y a des pages au-
-<!-- SECTION "Up (Hu)" [107021-107161] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Up (Hu)" [106880-107020] -->
 <h3><a name="documentation_ho" id="documentation_ho">Documentation (Ho)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3056,12 +3056,12 @@ Open any documentation available for the selected symbol/component.<br/>
-<!-- SECTION "Documentation (Ho)" [107162-108246] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Documentation (Ho)" [107021-108105] -->
 <h2><a name="attributes1" id="attributes1">Attributes</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
-<!-- SECTION "Attributes" [108247-108270] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Attributes" [108106-108129] -->
 <h3><a name="attach_ta" id="attach_ta">Attach (ta)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3084,7 +3084,7 @@ The Attach command allows you to take a text item (in the proper form; <code>nam
-<!-- SECTION "Attach (ta)" [108271-109078] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Attach (ta)" [108130-108937] -->
 <h3><a name="detach_td" id="detach_td">Detach (td)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3105,7 +3105,7 @@ Detach allows you to deassociate attributes from objects.<br/>
-<!-- SECTION "Detach (td)" [109079-109685] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Detach (td)" [108938-109544] -->
 <h3><a name="show_value_tv" id="show_value_tv">Show Value (tv)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3126,7 +3126,7 @@ These operations allow you to control which part of the attribute string is visi
-<!-- SECTION "Show Value (tv)" [109686-110224] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Show Value (tv)" [109545-110083] -->
 <h3><a name="show_name_tn" id="show_name_tn">Show Name (tn)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3147,7 +3147,7 @@ These operations allow you to control which part of the attribute string is visi
-<!-- SECTION "Show Name (tn)" [110225-110762] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Show Name (tn)" [110084-110621] -->
 <h3><a name="show_both_tb" id="show_both_tb">Show Both (tb)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3168,7 +3168,7 @@ These operations allow you to control which part of the attribute string is visi
-<!-- SECTION "Show Both (tb)" [110763-111300] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Show Both (tb)" [110622-111159] -->
 <h3><a name="toggle_visibility_tt" id="toggle_visibility_tt">Toggle Visibility (tt)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3190,32 +3190,32 @@ This operation allows you to toggle the visibility of attributes.<br/>
-<!-- SECTION "Toggle Visibility (tt)" [111301-111996] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Toggle Visibility (tt)" [111160-111855] -->
 <h3><a name="find_specific_text..._t_shift-f" id="find_specific_text..._t_shift-f">Find Specific Text... (t shift-f)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
-<!-- SECTION "Find Specific Text... (t shift-f)" [111997-112041] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Find Specific Text... (t shift-f)" [111856-111900] -->
 <h3><a name="hide_specific_text..._th" id="hide_specific_text..._th">Hide Specific Text... (th)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
-<!-- SECTION "Hide Specific Text... (th)" [112042-112079] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Hide Specific Text... (th)" [111901-111938] -->
 <h3><a name="show_specific_text..._t_shift-h" id="show_specific_text..._t_shift-h">Show Specific Text... (t shift-h)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
-<!-- SECTION "Show Specific Text... (t shift-h)" [112080-112123] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Show Specific Text... (t shift-h)" [111939-111982] -->
 <h3><a name="autonumber_text..._tu" id="autonumber_text..._tu">Autonumber Text... (tu)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
-<!-- SECTION "Autonumber Text... (tu)" [112124-112158] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Autonumber Text... (tu)" [111983-112017] -->
 <h2><a name="options" id="options">Options</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
-<!-- SECTION "Options" [112159-112179] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Options" [112018-112038] -->
 <h3><a name="text_size..._ot" id="text_size..._ot">Text Size... (ot)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3225,7 +3225,7 @@ This operation allows you to toggle the visibility of attributes.<br/>
-<!-- SECTION "Text Size... (ot)" [112180-112492] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Text Size... (ot)" [112039-112351] -->
 <h3><a name="toggle_grid_on_off_og" id="toggle_grid_on_off_og">Toggle Grid On/Off (og)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3234,7 +3234,7 @@ This operation allows you to toggle the visibility of attributes.<br/>
-<!-- SECTION "Toggle Grid On/Off (og)" [112493-112586] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Toggle Grid On/Off (og)" [112352-112445] -->
 <h3><a name="toggle_snap_on_off_os" id="toggle_snap_on_off_os">Toggle Snap On/Off (os)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3245,7 +3245,7 @@ This operation allows you to toggle the visibility of attributes.<br/>
-<!-- SECTION "Toggle Snap On/Off (os)" [112587-113038] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Toggle Snap On/Off (os)" [112446-112897] -->
 <h3><a name="snap_grid_spacing..._os" id="snap_grid_spacing..._os">Snap Grid Spacing... (oS)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3255,7 +3255,7 @@ This operation allows you to toggle the visibility of attributes.<br/>
-<!-- SECTION "Snap Grid Spacing... (oS)" [113039-113342] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Snap Grid Spacing... (oS)" [112898-113201] -->
 <h3><a name="toggle_outline_box_oa" id="toggle_outline_box_oa">Toggle Outline/Box (oa)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3264,7 +3264,7 @@ This operation allows you to toggle the visibility of attributes.<br/>
-<!-- SECTION "Toggle Outline/Box (oa)" [113343-113652] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Toggle Outline/Box (oa)" [113202-113511] -->
 <h3><a name="toggle_net_rubberband_or" id="toggle_net_rubberband_or">Toggle Net/Rubberband (or)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3273,7 +3273,7 @@ This operation allows you to toggle the visibility of attributes.<br/>
-<!-- SECTION "Toggle Net/Rubberband (or)" [113653-113736] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Toggle Net/Rubberband (or)" [113512-113595] -->
 <h3><a name="show_log_window_ol" id="show_log_window_ol">Show Log Window (ol)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3282,7 +3282,7 @@ This operation allows you to toggle the visibility of attributes.<br/>
-<!-- SECTION "Show Log Window (ol)" [113737-113907] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Show Log Window (ol)" [113596-113766] -->
 <h3><a name="show_coord_window..._oc" id="show_coord_window..._oc">Show Coord Window... (oc)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3291,12 +3291,12 @@ This operation allows you to toggle the visibility of attributes.<br/>
-<!-- SECTION "Show Coord Window... (oc)" [113908-114112] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Show Coord Window... (oc)" [113767-113971] -->
 <h2><a name="help" id="help">Help</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
-<!-- SECTION "Help" [114113-114130] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Help" [113972-113989] -->
 <h3><a name="about..._ha" id="about..._ha">About... (ha)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3313,7 +3313,7 @@ Every <acronym title="Graphical User Interface">GUI</acronym> application needs
-<!-- SECTION "About... (ha)" [114131-114333] -->
+<!-- SECTION "About... (ha)" [113990-114192] -->
 <h3><a name="manual..._hm" id="manual..._hm">Manual... (hm)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3322,7 +3322,7 @@ Every <acronym title="Graphical User Interface">GUI</acronym> application needs
-<!-- SECTION "Manual... (hm)" [114334-114547] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Manual... (hm)" [114193-114406] -->
 <h3><a name="hotkeys..._hh" id="hotkeys..._hh">Hotkeys... (hh)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3331,7 +3331,7 @@ Every <acronym title="Graphical User Interface">GUI</acronym> application needs
-<!-- SECTION "Hotkeys... (hh)" [114548-114675] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Hotkeys... (hh)" [114407-114534] -->
 <h3><a name="component..._ho" id="component..._ho">Component... (Ho)</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -3346,7 +3346,7 @@ If you select a component on the schematic, and select <strong>Help | Component&
-<!-- SECTION "Component... (Ho)" [114676-115458] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Component... (Ho)" [114535-115317] -->
 <h1><a name="appendix_a_--_heavy_vs_light_symbol_libraries" id="appendix_a_--_heavy_vs_light_symbol_libraries">Appendix A -- Heavy vs Light Symbol Libraries</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -3355,7 +3355,7 @@ A short discussion of Light Symbol Libraries as the default for <strong>gschem</
-<!-- SECTION "Appendix A -- Heavy vs Light Symbol Libraries" [115459-115652] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Appendix A -- Heavy vs Light Symbol Libraries" [115318-115511] -->
 <h1><a name="appendix_b_--_printing_schematics_and_symbols" id="appendix_b_--_printing_schematics_and_symbols">Appendix B -- Printing Schematics and Symbols</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -3364,7 +3364,7 @@ To be supplied&hellip;
-<!-- SECTION "Appendix B -- Printing Schematics and Symbols" [115653-115731] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Appendix B -- Printing Schematics and Symbols" [115512-115590] -->
 <h1><a name="appendix_c_--_writing_guile_scripts" id="appendix_c_--_writing_guile_scripts">Appendix C -- Writing guile Scripts</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -3373,7 +3373,7 @@ To be supplied&hellip;
-<!-- SECTION "Appendix C -- Writing guile Scripts" [115732-115800] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Appendix C -- Writing guile Scripts" [115591-115659] -->
 <h1><a name="appendix_d_--_i_want_to_build_a_printed_circuit_board" id="appendix_d_--_i_want_to_build_a_printed_circuit_board">Appendix D -- I Want To Build A Printed Circuit Board</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -3406,7 +3406,7 @@ To be supplied&hellip;
-<!-- SECTION "Appendix D -- I Want To Build A Printed Circuit Board" [115801-116590] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Appendix D -- I Want To Build A Printed Circuit Board" [115660-116449] -->
 <h1><a name="appendix_e_--_i_want_to_simulate_my_design" id="appendix_e_--_i_want_to_simulate_my_design">Appendix E -- I Want To Simulate My Design</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -3441,7 +3441,7 @@ To be supplied&hellip;
-<!-- SECTION "Appendix E -- I Want To Simulate My Design" [116591-117470] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Appendix E -- I Want To Simulate My Design" [116450-117329] -->
 <h1><a name="appendix_f_--_change_gschemdoc_user-defined_preferences" id="appendix_f_--_change_gschemdoc_user-defined_preferences">Appendix F -- Change gschemdoc User-Defined Preferences</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -3469,7 +3469,7 @@ To select a different application launcher, simply edit the {binary-install-path
-<!-- SECTION "Appendix F -- Change gschemdoc User-Defined Preferences" [117471-118687] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Appendix F -- Change gschemdoc User-Defined Preferences" [117330-118546] -->
 <h1><a name="appendix_g_--_breaking_a_large_symbol_into_smaller_symbols" id="appendix_g_--_breaking_a_large_symbol_into_smaller_symbols">Appendix G -- Breaking a Large Symbol Into Smaller Symbols</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -3478,7 +3478,7 @@ To be supplied&hellip;
-<!-- SECTION "Appendix G -- Breaking a Large Symbol Into Smaller Symbols" [118688-118779] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Appendix G -- Breaking a Large Symbol Into Smaller Symbols" [118547-118638] -->
 <h1><a name="appendix_h_--_definition_of_terms" id="appendix_h_--_definition_of_terms">Appendix H -- Definition of Terms</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -3554,6 +3554,6 @@ Some terms used in the art of schematic capture:</p>
-<!-- SECTION "Appendix H -- Definition of Terms" [118780-] --></div>
+<!-- SECTION "Appendix H -- Definition of Terms" [118639-] --></div>
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@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 <div class="level1">
-La première chose à faire est de lire et comprendre lâ??excellent <a href="http://geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html";  rel="nofollow">gschem -&gt; gsch2pcb -&gt; PCB</a> tutoriel de Bill Wilson. Cela devrait vous permettre de débuter.
+La première chose à faire est de lire et comprendre lâ??excellent <a href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:gsch2pcb_tutorial"; class="wikilink1" title="geda:gsch2pcb_tutorial">gschem -&gt; gsch2pcb -&gt; PCB</a> tutoriel de Bill Wilson. Cela devrait vous permettre de débuter.
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Néanmoins, peut être que la meilleure voie pour apprendre la suite gEDA est de
-<!-- SECTION "Quelle est la meilleure manière d'apprendre à utiliser gEDA?" [1-734] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Quelle est la meilleure manière d'apprendre à utiliser gEDA?" [1-690] -->
 <h2><a name="a_quoi_ressemble_de_le_flux_de_conception_de_geda" id="a_quoi_ressemble_de_le_flux_de_conception_de_geda">Ã? quoi ressemble de le flux de conception de gEDA?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Mis en mots, le flux de conception pour un PCB simple se fait de la manière sui
-<!-- SECTION "Ã? quoi ressemble de le flux de conception de gEDA?" [735-2737] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Ã? quoi ressemble de le flux de conception de gEDA?" [691-2693] -->
 <h2><a name="quelles_sont_les_limitations_pour_les_outils_geda" id="quelles_sont_les_limitations_pour_les_outils_geda">Quelles sont les limitations pour les outils gEDA?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ La chose la plus importante à garder en mémoire à propos des limitations de g
-<!-- SECTION "Quelles sont les limitations pour les outils gEDA?" [2738-4996] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Quelles sont les limitations pour les outils gEDA?" [2694-4952] -->
 <h2><a name="quels_fichiers_de_configuration_locaux_sont_utilises_pour_un_projet" id="quels_fichiers_de_configuration_locaux_sont_utilises_pour_un_projet">Quels fichiers de configuration locaux sont utilisés pour un projet?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ Une conception typique de PCB nécessite les fichiers de config suivants dans vo
-<!-- SECTION "Quels fichiers de configuration locaux sont utilisés pour un projet?" [4997-6166] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Quels fichiers de configuration locaux sont utilisés pour un projet?" [4953-6122] -->
 <h2><a name="quels_sont_les_noms_et_les_emplacements_des_fichiers_rc_utilises_avec_les_applications_geda_gaf" id="quels_sont_les_noms_et_les_emplacements_des_fichiers_rc_utilises_avec_les_applications_geda_gaf">Quels sont les noms et les emplacements des fichiers RC utilisés avec les applications gEDA/gaf?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ Finalement, notez que les applications gEDA/gaf recherchent jusquâ??à six fichi
-<!-- SECTION "Quels sont les noms et les emplacements des fichiers RC utilisés avec les applications gEDA/gaf?" [6167-10122] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Quels sont les noms et les emplacements des fichiers RC utilisés avec les applications gEDA/gaf?" [6123-10078] -->
 <h2><a name="qu_en_est-il_du_gestionnaire_de_projet" id="qu_en_est-il_du_gestionnaire_de_projet">Qu&#039;en est-il du gestionnaire de projet?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -241,6 +241,6 @@ Malheureusement, le développement de « geda » nâ??a pas suivi le reste de gED
-<!-- SECTION "Qu'en est-il du gestionnaire de projet?" [10123-] --></div>
+<!-- SECTION "Qu'en est-il du gestionnaire de projet?" [10079-] --></div>
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 <h1><a name="pcb" id="pcb">PCB</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> The pcb <acronym title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</acronym>: <a href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:faq-pcb"; class="wikilink1" title="geda:faq-pcb">faq-pcb</a></div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> The pcb <acronym title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</acronym>: <a href="geda_faq-pcb.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:faq-pcb">faq-pcb</a></div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> The official <a href="http://pcb.sourceforge.net/manual.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://pcb.sourceforge.net/manual.html";  rel="nofollow">manual of pcb</a></div>
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@@ -47,8 +47,7 @@
 <div class="level2">
-Currently, the best information about this is contained in Bill Wilsonâ??s <a href="http://geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html";  rel="nofollow">outstanding tutorial</a>. <br/>
- <span class="hilited">This page will grow later to contain answers to FAQs posted on the geda-user list.</span>
+Currently, the best information about how to get started with gsch2pcb is contained in Bill Wilsonâ??s outstanding <a href="geda_gsch2pcb_tutorial.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:gsch2pcb_tutorial">tutorial</a>. 
@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ There is a wrapper script for gsch2pcb called sch2pcb.  Read about it in the <a
-<!-- SECTION "Where is the gsch2pcb tutorial?" [25-440] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Where is the gsch2pcb tutorial?" [25-335] -->
 <h2><a name="where_can_i_download_gsch2pcb" id="where_can_i_download_gsch2pcb">Where can I download gsch2pcb?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -77,7 +76,7 @@ gsch2pcb is part of gEDA/gaf, in the utils. It is normally installed by default
-<!-- SECTION "Where can I download gsch2pcb?" [441-896] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Where can I download gsch2pcb?" [336-791] -->
 <h2><a name="gsch2pcb_can_t_find_some_of_my_footprints_or_errors_out._what_can_i_do_to_diagnose_my_problem" id="gsch2pcb_can_t_find_some_of_my_footprints_or_errors_out._what_can_i_do_to_diagnose_my_problem">gsch2pcb can&#039;t find some of my footprints, or errors out. What can I do to diagnose my problem?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -86,6 +85,6 @@ Try running gsch2pcb in double verbose mode: â??gsch2pcb -v -vâ??. This will pro
-<!-- SECTION "gsch2pcb can't find some of my footprints, or errors out. What can I do to diagnose my problem?" [897-] --></div>
+<!-- SECTION "gsch2pcb can't find some of my footprints, or errors out. What can I do to diagnose my problem?" [792-] --></div>
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@@ -27,9 +27,15 @@
 <div id="toc__inside">
 <ul class="toc">
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#general" class="toc">General</a></span></div>
+<ul class="toc">
+<li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#i_found_a_bug_what_can_i_do_about_it" class="toc">I found a bug! What can I do about it?</a></span></div></li>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#gschem_usage" class="toc">Gschem usage</a></span></div>
 <ul class="toc">
 <li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#how_do_i_move_a_component" class="toc">How do I move a component?</a></span></div></li>
+<li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#how_do_i_move_components_without_dragging_a_tail_of_connectet_nets" class="toc">How do I move components without dragging a tail of connectet nets?</a></span></div></li>
 <li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#how_do_i_change_the_size_of_the_text_on_a_symbol" class="toc">How do I change the size of the text on a symbol?</a></span></div></li>
 <li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#how_do_i_unlock_a_locked_component" class="toc">How do I unlock a locked component</a></span></div></li>
 <li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#how_can_i_get_refdes_automatically_numbered_when_i_draw_a_schematic" class="toc">How can I get refdes automatically numbered when I draw a schematic?</a></span></div></li>
@@ -63,7 +69,7 @@
 <li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#how_can_i_get_color_postscript_png_output" class="toc">How can I get color postscript/PNG output?</a></span></div></li>
 <li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#how_can_i_get_black_and_white_postscript_png_output" class="toc">How can I get black and white postscript/PNG output?</a></span></div></li>
 <li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#how_can_i_insert_schematics_into_my_latex_document" class="toc">How can I insert schematics into my LaTex document?</a></span></div></li>
-<li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#how_can_i_split_postscript_output_over_multiple_pages" class="toc">How can I split postscript output over multiple pages?</a></span></div></li>
+<li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#how_can_i_split_postscript_output_over_multiple_pages" class="toc">How can I split Postscript output over multiple pages?</a></span></div></li>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#gschem_installation_run-time_problems" class="toc">Gschem installation/run-time problems</a></span></div>
@@ -78,11 +84,31 @@
+<h1><a name="general" id="general">General</a></h1>
+<div class="level1">
+<!-- SECTION "General" [1-24] -->
+<h2><a name="i_found_a_bug_what_can_i_do_about_it" id="i_found_a_bug_what_can_i_do_about_it">I found a bug! What can I do about it?</a></h2>
+<div class="level2">
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> See if you can reproduce the bug.</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Ask on the <a href="http://www.geda.seul.org/mailinglist/index.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.geda.seul.org/mailinglist/index.html";  rel="nofollow">geda-user mailing</a> list if there is a work around, or has been dealt with in the bleeding edge version of gEDA/gaf. Note, that you must subscribe to the geda-user e-mail list before you can post to this list.</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> See whether the issue is already in the <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=161080&atid=818426"; class="urlextern" title="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=161080&amp;atid=818426";  rel="nofollow">bug tracking system of geda/gaf</a>. If not, file a bug report. Make sure to give all information necessary to reproduce the bug and add the version of gEDA/gaf that contains the bug.</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Finally, as with all open source projects, you may flex your programming muscles and try to fix the bug yourself. Please file a patch of the changes you had to make to the BTS of geda/gaf. The patch will be gladly accepted to improve the next release of gEDA/gaf.</div>
+<!-- SECTION "I found a bug! What can I do about it?" [25-946] -->
 <h1><a name="gschem_usage" id="gschem_usage">Gschem usage</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
-<!-- SECTION "Gschem usage" [1-28] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Gschem usage" [947-974] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_move_a_component" id="how_do_i_move_a_component">How do I move a component?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -143,7 +169,16 @@ One:
-<!-- SECTION "How do I move a component?" [29-1598] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I move a component?" [975-2543] -->
+<h2><a name="how_do_i_move_components_without_dragging_a_tail_of_connectet_nets" id="how_do_i_move_components_without_dragging_a_tail_of_connectet_nets">How do I move components without dragging a tail of connectet nets?</a></h2>
+<div class="level2">
+Type [or] to toggle this behaviour. That is, the â??oâ?? key followed by the â??râ?? key. The status window will report if the toggle command was performed. The command can also be accessed via the Options menu.
+<!-- SECTION "How do I move components without dragging a tail of connectet nets?" [2544-2828] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_change_the_size_of_the_text_on_a_symbol" id="how_do_i_change_the_size_of_the_text_on_a_symbol">How do I change the size of the text on a symbol?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -172,16 +207,16 @@ One:
-<!-- SECTION "How do I change the size of the text on a symbol?" [1599-2389] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I change the size of the text on a symbol?" [2829-3619] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_unlock_a_locked_component" id="how_do_i_unlock_a_locked_component">How do I unlock a locked component</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
-When a component is locked it is unselectable using the middle mouse button however it is selectable using a window select. To window select a component click and hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse to create a rectangular region containing the component to be unlocked. Execute the command <strong><em>Edit</em></strong> <strong>â??</strong> <strong><em>unLock</em></strong> to unlock the component.
+When a component is locked it cannot be selected with the middle mouse button; however it is selectable using a window select. To window select a component, click and hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse to create a rectangular region containing the component to be unlocked. Execute the command <strong><em>Edit</em></strong> <strong>â??</strong> <strong><em>unLock</em></strong> to unlock the component.
-<!-- SECTION "How do I unlock a locked component" [2390-2799] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I unlock a locked component" [3620-4033] -->
 <h2><a name="how_can_i_get_refdes_automatically_numbered_when_i_draw_a_schematic" id="how_can_i_get_refdes_automatically_numbered_when_i_draw_a_schematic">How can I get refdes automatically numbered when I draw a schematic?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -199,7 +234,7 @@ Please substitute $YOUR_INSTALL_PATH by the path where geda is installed.
-<!-- SECTION "How can I get refdes automatically numbered when I draw a schematic?" [2800-3411] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How can I get refdes automatically numbered when I draw a schematic?" [4034-4645] -->
 <h2><a name="what_is_a_bus_and_how_do_i_use_it" id="what_is_a_bus_and_how_do_i_use_it">What is a Bus and how do I use it?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -212,16 +247,16 @@ Some users have found it helpful to organize their nets by incorporating a bus n
-<!-- SECTION "What is a Bus and how do I use it?" [3412-3967] -->
+<!-- SECTION "What is a Bus and how do I use it?" [4646-5201] -->
 <h2><a name="how_can_i_change_key_bindings_in_gschem" id="how_can_i_change_key_bindings_in_gschem">How can I change Key Bindings in gschem?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
-Key accels are determined by configuration files read on start-up. The default key bindings are set in the file system-gschemrc. If you want to chenge them, it is recommended to copy and modify the corresponding keymap section to a local config file ($HOME/.gEDA/gschemrc, or $PWD/gschemrc). The modified section will override the the definitions given in system-gschemrc.
+Key accels are determined by configuration files read on start-up. The default key bindings are set in the file system-gschemrc. If you want to change them, it is recommended to copy and modify the corresponding keymap section to a local config file ($HOME/.gEDA/gschemrc, or $PWD/gschemrc). The modified section will override the the definitions given in system-gschemrc.
-<!-- SECTION "How can I change Key Bindings in gschem?" [3968-4394] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How can I change Key Bindings in gschem?" [5202-5628] -->
 <h2><a name="what_are_the_mouse_bindings_in_gschem" id="what_are_the_mouse_bindings_in_gschem">What are the mouse bindings in gschem?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -229,7 +264,7 @@ Key accels are determined by configuration files read on start-up. The default k
 By default you get:
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Left mouse button is used for picking and drawing</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Left mouse button is used for picking and drawing.</div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> Middle mouse button is either move object (just hold down the middle button over an object and move the mouse) or copy object (ALT key held down while holding down the middle button over object and move the mouse).</div>
@@ -267,12 +302,12 @@ For more information on these options, please see the <code>${install_prefix}/sh
-<!-- SECTION "What are the mouse bindings in gschem?" [4395-5476] -->
+<!-- SECTION "What are the mouse bindings in gschem?" [5629-6711] -->
 <h2><a name="can_gschem_do_hierarchical_designs_with_sub_sheets" id="can_gschem_do_hierarchical_designs_with_sub_sheets">Can gschem do hierarchical designs with sub sheets?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
-Yes. Sub sheets are represented by special symbols on the top level schematic. You can find an example for a hierarchical design in the doc section of gschem (<code>geda-doc/examples/gTAG/gTAG.sch</code>).Currently, there is no way to automatically build a sub sheet symbol from an actual sub sheet. The sub sheet symbol has to be drawn manually. Any patches or external scripts that get the job done would be greatly appreciated.
+Yes. Sub sheets are represented by special symbols on the top level schematic. You can find an example for a hierarchical design in the doc section of gschem (<code>geda-doc/examples/gTAG/gTAG.sch</code>). Currently, there is no way to automatically build a sub sheet symbol from an actual sub sheet. The sub sheet symbol has to be drawn manually. Any patches or external scripts that get the job done would be greatly appreciated.
@@ -280,16 +315,16 @@ A source attribute attached to the sub sheet symbol gives the path to the sub sh
-To convert a hierarchy to a netlist just call gsch2pcb on the top level schematic. By default, net names and refdesâ??s of components are strictly local to the subsheet. They get the sub sheet symbol refdes as a prefix when inserted into the net list. You can even use multiple instances of a sub sheet symbol without undue short cuts. Whether or not net names and refdesâ??s are mangled and thus local to the sub sheet can be configured in a the config file gnetlistrc. Copy the corresponding lines from <code>system-gnetlistrc</code> to <code>gnetlistrc</code> in the current working directory or to <code>$HOME/.gEDA/gnetlistrc</code>. A convinient configuration is to make nets delivered by power symbols global while ordinary nets remain local to the sub sheet. This can be achieved with â??hierarchy-netattrib-mangleâ?? enabled. 
+To convert a hierarchy to a netlist just call gsch2pcb on the top level schematic. By default, net names and refdesâ??s of components are strictly local to the subsheet. They get the sub sheet symbol refdes as a prefix when inserted into the net list. You can even use multiple instances of a sub sheet symbol without undue short cuts. Whether or not net names and refdesâ??s are mangled and thus local to the sub sheet can be configured in the config file gnetlistrc. Copy the corresponding lines from <code>system-gnetlistrc</code> to <code>gnetlistrc</code> in the current working directory or to <code>$HOME/.gEDA/gnetlistrc</code>. A convenient configuration is to make nets delivered by power symbols global while ordinary nets remain local to the sub sheet. This can be achieved with â??hierarchy-netattrib-mangleâ?? enabled.
-<!-- SECTION "Can gschem do hierarchical designs with sub sheets?" [5477-7216] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Can gschem do hierarchical designs with sub sheets?" [6712-8449] -->
 <h1><a name="gschem_symbols" id="gschem_symbols">gschem symbols</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
-<!-- SECTION "gschem symbols" [7217-7246] -->
+<!-- SECTION "gschem symbols" [8450-8479] -->
 <h2><a name="what_s_this_business_about_heavy_vs._light_symbols" id="what_s_this_business_about_heavy_vs._light_symbols">What&#039;s this business about heavy vs. light symbols?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -298,7 +333,7 @@ This nomenclature arose from a discussion which frequently appears on the geda-u
-The debate between proponents of heavy and light symbols is very detailed and involved. In caricature, proponents of heavy symbols belive that they provide better integration between gschem and PCB since the important layout attributes (such as <a href="geda_pcb_tips.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:pcb_tips">footprint name</a>) are already built into the symbol. This is considered a good thing for new users (noobs) who just want to design a simple board and donâ??t appreciate or donâ??t care about the zillions of variations that even a simple resistor might have (e.g. different footprint, TCR, precision, material composition, etc). Proponents of light symbols prefer to deal with attributes at the schematic level because they believe it to be more flexible. They are quick to point out that a library of heavy symbols will quickly grow into the thousands of parts with grotesquely long names trying to distinguish between the different variations of the part. They also point out that the utility â??gattribâ?? is the preferred tool for dealing with attributes at the schematic level (i.e. in the .sch file).
+The debate between proponents of heavy and light symbols is very detailed and involved. Briefly, proponents of heavy symbols believe that they provide better integration between gschem and PCB since the important layout attributes (such as <a href="geda_pcb_tips.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:pcb_tips">footprint name</a>) are already built into the symbol. This is considered a good thing for new users (noobs) who just want to design a simple board and donâ??t appreciate or donâ??t care about the zillions of variations that even a simple resistor might have (e.g. different footprint, TCR, precision, material composition, etc). Proponents of light symbols prefer to deal with attributes at the schematic level because they believe it to be more flexible. They are quick to point out that a library of heavy symbols will quickly grow into the thousands of parts with grotesquely long names trying to distinguish between the different variations of the part. They also point out that the utility â??gattribâ?? is the preferred tool for dealing with attributes at the schematic level (i.e. in the .sch file).
@@ -314,12 +349,12 @@ GEDA/gaf, as default configured, uses light symbols, although it can be configur
-<!-- SECTION "What's this business about heavy vs. light symbols?" [7247-9378] -->
+<!-- SECTION "What's this business about heavy vs. light symbols?" [8480-10608] -->
 <h2><a name="i_am_using_a_symbol_out_of_the_library._how_come_it_s_not_aligned_to_the_grid" id="i_am_using_a_symbol_out_of_the_library._how_come_it_s_not_aligned_to_the_grid">I am using a symbol out of the library.  How come it&#039;s not aligned to the grid?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
-The symbols in the symbol library, like those available at the  <a href="http://www.gedasymbols.org/"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.gedasymbols.org";  rel="nofollow"> gedasymbols </a> website are contributed by users just like you.  Some people use different grid settings than other people (e.g. 50mil vs. 100mil).   If you discover a symbol which seems to be off the grid, try reducing your grid spacing, move the symbol so that it sits on <strong>your</strong> grid, then revert to your preferred grid settings.
+The symbols in the symbol library, like those available at the  <a href="http://www.gedasymbols.org/"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.gedasymbols.org";  rel="nofollow"> gedasymbols</a> website are contributed by users just like you. Some people use different grid settings than other people (e.g. 50mil vs. 100mil). If you discover a symbol which seems to be off the grid, try reducing your grid spacing, move the symbol so that it sits on <strong>your</strong> grid, then revert to your preferred grid settings.
@@ -327,7 +362,7 @@ Yes, the gEDA docs suggest that you use a 100mil grid spacing.  But everybody li
-<!-- SECTION "I am using a symbol out of the library.  How come it's not aligned to the grid?" [9379-10156] -->
+<!-- SECTION "I am using a symbol out of the library.  How come it's not aligned to the grid?" [10609-11382] -->
 <h2><a name="is_there_an_explicit_no_connect_symbol_that_i_can_should_place_in_the_schematic_to_prevent_gnetlist_from_thinking_i_ve_forgotten_a_connection" id="is_there_an_explicit_no_connect_symbol_that_i_can_should_place_in_the_schematic_to_prevent_gnetlist_from_thinking_i_ve_forgotten_a_connection">Is there an explicit &quot;no connect&quot; symbol that I can/should place in the schematic to prevent gnetlist from thinking I&#039;ve forgotten a connection?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -344,28 +379,28 @@ If you want an entire symbol to be graphical (no elec. connections) , add a â??g
-<!-- SECTION "Is there an explicit no connect symbol that I can/should place in the schematic to prevent gnetlist from thinking I've forgotten a connection?" [10157-10726] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Is there an explicit no connect symbol that I can/should place in the schematic to prevent gnetlist from thinking I've forgotten a connection?" [11383-11952] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_promote_an_invisible_symbol_attribute_into_the_schematic" id="how_do_i_promote_an_invisible_symbol_attribute_into_the_schematic">How do I promote an invisible symbol attribute into the schematic?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
 Most attributes living in the symbol do not get promoted to the schematic unless they are visible. To promote invisible symbol attributes, look for the following keywords in the system-gschemrc file: 
-<pre class="code">(attribute-promotion â??enabledâ??);
-(promote-invisible â??disabledâ??) ; â?? This one
-(keep-invisible â??enabledâ??)</pre>
+<pre class="code">(attribute-promotion &quot;enabled&quot;);
+(promote-invisible &quot;disabled&quot;) ; â?? This one
+(keep-invisible &quot;enabled&quot;)</pre>
 Add to your gschemrc file: 
-<pre class="code">(promote-invisible â??enabledâ??)</pre>
+<pre class="code">(promote-invisible &quot;enabled&quot;)</pre>
 and you will get all the attributes promoted. The â??keep-invisibleâ?? keyword will keep hidden those attributes that are hidden in the symbol file.
-<!-- SECTION "How do I promote an invisible symbol attribute into the schematic?" [10727-11362] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I promote an invisible symbol attribute into the schematic?" [11953-12572] -->
 <h2><a name="what_should_i_do_about_power_pins_on_my_symbolsmake_them_visible_explicit_or_invisible_implicit" id="what_should_i_do_about_power_pins_on_my_symbolsmake_them_visible_explicit_or_invisible_implicit">What should I do about power pins on my symbols: Make them visible (explicit) or invisible (implicit)?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -390,11 +425,11 @@ To paraphrase Nancy Reagan: Just say â??noâ?? to hidden power pins.
-That said, it may still be usefull to detach the power pins from the functional part of the symbol. To do so, define a seperate power symbol and give it the same <a href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:glossary"; class="wikilink1" title="geda:glossary">refdes</a> as the functional part. A run of gsch2pcb will treat the siblings properly as one single component. As neither gschem nor gsch2pcb explicitely know that the component is only complete with both symbols defined, you have to check yourself. With this workaround, you can draw all power related circuitry in one corner of the schematic where it does not interfere with the signal nets. In many cases this is advantageous with analog circuits.
+That said, it may still be useful to detach the power pins from the functional part of the symbol. To do so, define a seperate power symbol and give it the same <a href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:glossary"; class="wikilink1" title="geda:glossary">refdes</a> as the functional part. A run of gsch2pcb will treat the siblings properly as one single component. As neither gschem nor gsch2pcb explicitely know that the component is only complete with both symbols defined, you have to check yourself. With this workaround, you can draw all power related circuitry in one corner of the schematic where it does not interfere with the signal nets. In many cases this is advantageous with analog circuits.
-<!-- SECTION "What should I do about power pins on my symbols: Make them visible (explicit) or invisible (implicit)?" [11363-13620] -->
+<!-- SECTION "What should I do about power pins on my symbols: Make them visible (explicit) or invisible (implicit)?" [12573-14829] -->
 <h2><a name="is_there_a_specification_or_manual_for_creating_gschem_symbols_where_is_it" id="is_there_a_specification_or_manual_for_creating_gschem_symbols_where_is_it">Is there a specification or manual for creating gschem symbols? Where is it?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -403,7 +438,7 @@ Yes. It is the <a href="geda_scg.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:scg">Symbol
-<!-- SECTION "Is there a specification or manual for creating gschem symbols? Where is it?" [13621-13761] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Is there a specification or manual for creating gschem symbols? Where is it?" [14830-14970] -->
 <h1><a name="gschem_configuration_customization" id="gschem_configuration_customization">Gschem configuration/customization</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -412,7 +447,7 @@ Gschem is configurable in more ways than can be describe here. Look at â??system
-<!-- SECTION "Gschem configuration/customization" [13762-13939] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Gschem configuration/customization" [14971-15148] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_configure_my_local_gafrc_to_find_my_local_symbol_directory" id="how_do_i_configure_my_local_gafrc_to_find_my_local_symbol_directory">How do I configure my local gafrc to find my local symbol directory?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -448,7 +483,7 @@ gschem myschematic.sch</pre>
-<!-- SECTION "How do I configure my local gafrc to find my local symbol directory?" [13940-15193] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I configure my local gafrc to find my local symbol directory?" [15149-16402] -->
 <h2><a name="how_can_i_change_the_default_size_of_floating_text" id="how_can_i_change_the_default_size_of_floating_text">How can I change the default size of floating text?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -462,7 +497,7 @@ Put
-<!-- SECTION "How can I change the default size of floating text?" [15194-15352] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How can I change the default size of floating text?" [16403-16561] -->
 <h2><a name="how_can_i_have_a_different_background_color_other_than_black" id="how_can_i_have_a_different_background_color_other_than_black">How can I have a different background color other than black?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -492,7 +527,7 @@ A dark background is preferred by many users.
-<!-- SECTION "How can I have a different background color other than black?" [15353-16388] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How can I have a different background color other than black?" [16562-17597] -->
 <h2><a name="each_time_i_start_gschem_the_log_message_window_is_shown._can_i_disable_it" id="each_time_i_start_gschem_the_log_message_window_is_shown._can_i_disable_it">Each time I start gschem, the log message window is shown. Can I disable it?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -517,12 +552,12 @@ Comment out the <strong><code>startup</code></strong> line (with a ;) and commen
 <pre class="code">(log-window &quot;later&quot;)</pre>
-<!-- SECTION "Each time I start gschem, the log message window is shown. Can I disable it?" [16389-17051] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Each time I start gschem, the log message window is shown. Can I disable it?" [17598-18260] -->
 <h1><a name="printing_output" id="printing_output">Printing/Output</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
-<!-- SECTION "Printing/Output" [17052-17081] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Printing/Output" [18261-18290] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_print_schematics_from_the_command_line" id="how_do_i_print_schematics_from_the_command_line">How do I print schematics from the command line?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -536,7 +571,7 @@ The command line below creates a Postscript file from a schematic file (replace
 <pre class="code">gschem -p -oMY_SCH.ps -sGEDA_SCHEME_DIR/gschem-print.scm MY_SCH.sch</pre>
-The BASH script below, which I name <strong><code>gschem-print</code></strong>, creates a Postscript file for each schematic file that is specified on the command line and then outputs each Postscript file to the default printer: 
+The <code>bash</code> script below, which I name <strong><code>gschem-print</code></strong>, creates a Postscript file for each schematic file that is specified on the command line and then outputs each Postscript file to the default printer: 
 <pre class="code">#!/bin/bash
@@ -547,13 +582,13 @@ The BASH script below, which I name <strong><code>gschem-print</code></strong>,
 for name in $*
-gschem -p -o$base.ps -sGEDA_SCHEME_DIR/gschem-print.scm $base.sch
-lpr -P$PRINTER $base.ps
+    base=&quot;${name%.*}&quot;
+    gschem -p -o$base.ps -sGEDA_SCHEME_DIR/gschem-print.scm $base.sch
+    lpr -P$PRINTER $base.ps
-<!-- SECTION "How do I print schematics from the command line?" [17082-18067] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I print schematics from the command line?" [18291-19288] -->
 <h2><a name="how_can_i_get_color_postscript_png_output" id="how_can_i_get_color_postscript_png_output">How can I get color postscript/PNG output?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -569,7 +604,7 @@ To control the background of the PS output, change the following line in either
 <pre class="code">(output-color-background 16 &quot;black&quot; &quot;null&quot; &quot;0 0 0&quot; 0 0 0)</pre>
-The â??0 0 0��� is the RGB components (between 0..1) for the background color of the PS output.
+The â??0 0 0â?? is the RGB components (between 0..1) for the background color of the PS output.
@@ -582,7 +617,7 @@ The 255 255 255 are the RGB components for the background color of the <acronym
-<!-- SECTION "How can I get color postscript/PNG output?" [18068-19205] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How can I get color postscript/PNG output?" [19289-20420] -->
 <h2><a name="how_can_i_get_black_and_white_postscript_png_output" id="how_can_i_get_black_and_white_postscript_png_output">How can I get black and white postscript/PNG output?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -597,7 +632,7 @@ For black and white <acronym title="Portable Network Graphics">PNG</acronym> ima
 <pre class="code">(image-color &quot;disabled&quot;)       ; for monochromoe PNG output</pre>
-<!-- SECTION "How can I get black and white postscript/PNG output?" [19206-19571] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How can I get black and white postscript/PNG output?" [20421-20786] -->
 <h2><a name="how_can_i_insert_schematics_into_my_latex_document" id="how_can_i_insert_schematics_into_my_latex_document">How can I insert schematics into my LaTex document?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -605,7 +640,7 @@ For black and white <acronym title="Portable Network Graphics">PNG</acronym> ima
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> Convert the postscript file to epsi with the tool ps2epsi. This is a script from the ghostscript suite.</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Include usepackage{graphicx} to the preamble of your latex document. Use the comand includegraphics to place your schematic.</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Include usepackage{graphicx} to the preamble of your latex document. Use the command <strong>includegraphics</strong> to place your schematic.</div>
@@ -621,8 +656,8 @@ For black and white <acronym title="Portable Network Graphics">PNG</acronym> ima
-<!-- SECTION "How can I insert schematics into my LaTex document?" [19572-20135] -->
-<h2><a name="how_can_i_split_postscript_output_over_multiple_pages" id="how_can_i_split_postscript_output_over_multiple_pages">How can I split postscript output over multiple pages?</a></h2>
+<!-- SECTION "How can I insert schematics into my LaTex document?" [20787-21355] -->
+<h2><a name="how_can_i_split_postscript_output_over_multiple_pages" id="how_can_i_split_postscript_output_over_multiple_pages">How can I split Postscript output over multiple pages?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -630,12 +665,12 @@ gschem does not provide this functionality internally, however there is a progra
-<!-- SECTION "How can I split postscript output over multiple pages?" [20136-20479] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How can I split Postscript output over multiple pages?" [21356-21699] -->
 <h1><a name="gschem_installation_run-time_problems" id="gschem_installation_run-time_problems">Gschem installation/run-time problems</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
-<!-- SECTION "Gschem installation/run-time problems" [20480-20532] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Gschem installation/run-time problems" [21700-21752] -->
 <h2><a name="gschem_segfaults_when_i_delete_components_on_fc5_and_other_linux_distributions_is_there_a_work-around" id="gschem_segfaults_when_i_delete_components_on_fc5_and_other_linux_distributions_is_there_a_work-around">Gschem segfaults when I delete components on FC5 (and other Linux distributions)! Is there a work-around?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -658,7 +693,7 @@ csh:
 <pre class="code">setenv G_SLICE always-malloc</pre>
-<!-- SECTION "Gschem segfaults when I delete components on FC5 (and other Linux distributions)! Is there a work-around?" [20533-21187] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Gschem segfaults when I delete components on FC5 (and other Linux distributions)! Is there a work-around?" [21753-22407] -->
 <h2><a name="after_installation_gschem_does_not_work_what_could_be_wrong" id="after_installation_gschem_does_not_work_what_could_be_wrong">After installation gschem does not work!? What could be wrong?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -696,7 +731,7 @@ Also, some older releases of gEDA/gaf had some bugs when the rc files were insta
-<!-- SECTION "After installation gschem does not work!? What could be wrong?" [21188-23111] -->
+<!-- SECTION "After installation gschem does not work!? What could be wrong?" [22408-24331] -->
 <h2><a name="add_components_offers_no_symbols_what_can_i_do_about_it" id="add_components_offers_no_symbols_what_can_i_do_about_it">&quot;Add Components&quot; offers no symbols! What can I do about it?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -714,7 +749,7 @@ Make sure that at least one of your config files contains a valid path to a symb
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> user gschemrc file: <code>~/.gEDA/gschemrc</code></div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> local gschemrc file: <code>$PWD/gschemrc]</code></div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> local gschemrc file: <code>$PWD/gschemrc</code></div>
@@ -728,7 +763,7 @@ All of these config files may or may not append paths to the library search list
-<!-- SECTION "Add Components offers no symbols! What can I do about it?" [23112-23916] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Add Components offers no symbols! What can I do about it?" [24332-25135] -->
 <h2><a name="i_m_using_gschem_gaf_through_a_ssh_connection_and_i_get_an_error_likexlibextension_render_missing_on_display_localhost10.0" id="i_m_using_gschem_gaf_through_a_ssh_connection_and_i_get_an_error_likexlibextension_render_missing_on_display_localhost10.0">I&#039;m using gschem/gaf through a SSH connection and I get an error like: &#039;Xlib: extension &quot;RENDER&quot; missing on display &quot;localhost:10.0&quot;.&#039;</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -738,7 +773,7 @@ All of these config files may or may not append paths to the library search list
 <pre class="code">$ ssh -X your_username@your_remote_machine</pre>
-and afterwards you get the Xlib RENDER message, then try to get into by doing:
+and afterwards you get the Xlib RENDER message, then try using:
 <pre class="code">$ ssh -Y your_username@your_remote_machine</pre>
@@ -747,6 +782,6 @@ The latter enables trusted X11 forwarding.
-<!-- SECTION "I'm using gschem/gaf through a SSH connection and I get an error like: 'Xlib: extension RENDER missing on display localhost:10.0.'" [23917-] --></div>
+<!-- SECTION "I'm using gschem/gaf through a SSH connection and I get an error like: 'Xlib: extension RENDER missing on display localhost:10.0.'" [25136-] --></div>
diff --git a/docs/wiki/geda_faq-pcb.html b/docs/wiki/geda_faq-pcb.html
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@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ The gEDA project is working on producing a full <acronym title="GNU General Publ
-The originator of gEDA project is Ales Hvezda. The gEDA project has grown quite a bit, since the Spring of 1998. It is no longer one person producing tools. Instead, there are many people involved. A few people are contributing to the original tools, while others are doing their own development on their own tools. So, gEDA does not refer to the original tools anymore (those tools now stand on their own now), but instead it refers to all the projects which are free and are somehow associated with this webpage or the geda-dev/geda-user mailing lists. By associating with gEDA, free software authors do not give up any control over their tools, but they gain a community which cares about quality and free (as in freedom) EDA tools.
+The gEDA project was launched by Ales Hvezda in Spring 1998 and both the software and the community have grown considerably since then. A few people are contributing to the original tools, while others are doing their own development on their own tools. â??gEDAâ?? does not refer solely to the original tools anymore (those tools now stand on their own), but instead to all the projects which are free and are somehow associated with this webpage or the geda-dev/geda-user mailing lists. By associating with gEDA, free software authors do not give up any control over their tools, but they gain a community which cares about quality and free (as in freedom) EDA tools.
@@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ gEDA can be pronounced â??gee-daahhhâ?? (rhymes with cheetah) or â??g-dahhh (sho
-<!-- SECTION "What is the gEDA project?" [25-1420] -->
+<!-- SECTION "What is the gEDA project?" [25-1353] -->
 <h2><a name="what_is_geda_gaf_and_how_does_it_relate_to_geda" id="what_is_geda_gaf_and_how_does_it_relate_to_geda">What is gEDA/gaf and how does it relate to gEDA?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
-gaf stands for â??<em class="u">g</em>schem <em class="u">a</em>nd <em class="u">f</em>riendsâ??. It is a subset of the entire tool suite grouped together under the gEDA name. gEDA/gaf is a collection of tools which currently includes:
+<strong>gaf</strong> stands for â??<em class="u">g</em>schem <em class="u">a</em>nd <em class="u">f</em>riendsâ??. It is a subset of the entire tool suite grouped together under the gEDA name. gEDA/gaf is a collection of tools which currently includes:
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> gschem: A schematic capture program</div>
@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ gaf stands for â??<em class="u">g</em>schem <em class="u">a</em>nd <em class="u"
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> libgeda: Libraries for gschem gnetlist and gsymcheck</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> gsch2pcb: Forward annotation from your schematic to layout using <a href="geda_pcb.html" class="wikilink2" title="geda:pcb">PCB</a>.</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> gsch2pcb: A tool to forward annotation from your schematic to layout using <a href="geda_pcb.html" class="wikilink2" title="geda:pcb">PCB</a></div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> some minor utils</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> some minor utilities</div>
@@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ Even though gaf is very much a part of gEDA, the gEDA name does not necessarily
-For historical reasons, on <a href="http://freshmeat.net/"; class="urlextern" title="http://freshmeat.net/";  rel="nofollow">freshmeat</a> gaf is known as the package â??gEDAâ??.
+For historical reasons, on <a href="http://freshmeat.net/"; class="urlextern" title="http://freshmeat.net/";  rel="nofollow">freshmeat</a> gaf is known as the package â??gEDAâ??.
-<!-- SECTION "What is gEDA/gaf and how does it relate to gEDA?" [1421-2969] -->
+<!-- SECTION "What is gEDA/gaf and how does it relate to gEDA?" [1354-2919] -->
 <h2><a name="what_is_the_geda_suite" id="what_is_the_geda_suite">What is the gEDA suite?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ The gEDA suite is a CDROM image (.iso) created by Stuart Brorson to make it easi
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://geda.seul.org/tools/ngspice"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/tools/ngspice";  rel="nofollow">ngspice</a> â?? SPICE simulation</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://geda.seul.org/tools/gnucap"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/tools/gnucap";  rel="nofollow">gnucap</a> â?? Analog simulation</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://geda.seul.org/tools/gnucap"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/tools/gnucap";  rel="nofollow">gnucap</a> â?? analog simulation</div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://geda.seul.org/tools/gspiceui"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/tools/gspiceui";  rel="nofollow">gspiceui</a> â?? <acronym title="Graphical User Interface">GUI</acronym> front end for ngspice/gnucap</div>
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ The gEDA suite is a CDROM image (.iso) created by Stuart Brorson to make it easi
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://geda.seul.org/tools/icarus"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/tools/icarus";  rel="nofollow">Icarus Verilog</a> â?? Verilog simulator</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://geda.seul.org/tools/gtkwave"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/tools/gtkwave";  rel="nofollow">GTKWave</a> â?? Digitial waveform viewer</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://geda.seul.org/tools/gtkwave"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/tools/gtkwave";  rel="nofollow">GTKWave</a> â?? Digital waveform viewer</div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://wcalc.sourceforge.net/"; class="urlextern" title="http://wcalc.sourceforge.net/";  rel="nofollow">wcalc</a> â?? Transmission line and electromagnetic structure analysis</div>
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ The gEDA suite is a CDROM image (.iso) created by Stuart Brorson to make it easi
-<!-- SECTION "What is the gEDA suite?" [2970-4492] -->
+<!-- SECTION "What is the gEDA suite?" [2920-4441] -->
 <h2><a name="why_what_makes_geda_so_different_from_other_eda_tools" id="why_what_makes_geda_so_different_from_other_eda_tools">Why? What makes gEDA so different from other EDA tools?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -153,15 +153,15 @@ Tools in the gEDA suite and associated tools have the following characteristics:
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> Free in the monetary sense (no cost).</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> All the file formats and all the source codes are available via the <acronym title="GNU General Public License">GPL</acronym> license. This license grants specific rights to the authors and users of <acronym title="GNU General Public License">GPL</acronym>â??d software.</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> All the file formats and source code are available via the <acronym title="GNU General Public License">GPL</acronym> license. This license grants specific rights to the authors and users of <acronym title="GNU General Public License">GPL</acronym>â??d software.</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Independence from any one vendor. All gEDA tools come with full source. You can change, improve, port, and even distribute (if you follow the terms of the <acronym title="GNU General Public License">GPL</acronym>) the tools.</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Independence from any one vendor. All gEDA tools come with full source. You may freely redistribute, change, improve and port the tools. You may also distribute your changes, if you follow the terms of the <acronym title="GNU General Public License">GPL</acronym>.</div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> No mechanism is used to restrict the use of the tools (like making use of hard disk serial numbers or ethernet addresses to force the software to only run on one machine).</div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> No arbitrary, marketeering-driven limitations. Free versions of commercial tools usually include capricious limitations (i.e. limited design size, inability to print, inability to export netlists, etc.) which cripple the program, and force the serious user to buy the real tool. In contrast, the gEDA tools are fully-featured, and do not arbitrarily impose limits on design as a way of extracting money from you.</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Legacy design protection. Since the software will always run forever (because of above), gEDA tool design files will always be viewable/editable (with the right versions of the software).</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Legacy design protection. Since the software will always be available, and can always be updated to work with updated operating systems or libraries, gEDA tool design files will always be viewable and editable.</div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> Open design flow. This means that the tools talk to each other via known and documented means (files / APIs). It is easy to replace a tool or augment the tools with something else if you so desire.</div>
@@ -178,11 +178,11 @@ Tools in the gEDA suite and associated tools have the following characteristics:
- gEDA may not have all the latest cutting edge features found in other packages and may be viewed sometimes as being on the trailing edge of EDA technology, but the tools are becoming useful to a lot of people because the above mentioned reasons.
+ gEDA may not have all the latest cutting edge features found in other packages and may be viewed sometimes as being on the trailing edge of EDA technology, but the tools are becoming useful to a lot of people for the above mentioned reasons.
-<!-- SECTION "Why? What makes gEDA so different from other EDA tools?" [4493-6575] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Why? What makes gEDA so different from other EDA tools?" [4442-6574] -->
 <h2><a name="why_does_the_geda_suite_seem_like_a_collection_of_random_programs_and_not_a_single_integrated_application" id="why_does_the_geda_suite_seem_like_a_collection_of_random_programs_and_not_a_single_integrated_application">Why does the gEDA Suite seem like a collection of random programs, and not a single integrated application?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ In this way the gEDA suite came together. It is not shared code, or a common use
-<!-- SECTION "Why does the gEDA Suite seem like a collection of random programs, and not a single integrated application?" [6576-8346] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Why does the gEDA Suite seem like a collection of random programs, and not a single integrated application?" [6575-8345] -->
 <h2><a name="so_which_is_better_a_suite_i.e._confederacy_of_programs_or_an_integrated_application" id="so_which_is_better_a_suite_i.e._confederacy_of_programs_or_an_integrated_application">So which is better, a suite (i.e. confederacy) of programs or an integrated application?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -208,48 +208,48 @@ This is ultimately a matter of religion. Iâ??ll summarize some of the pros and c
-<!-- SECTION "So which is better, a suite (i.e. confederacy) of programs or an integrated application?" [8347-8571] -->
+<!-- SECTION "So which is better, a suite (i.e. confederacy) of programs or an integrated application?" [8346-8570] -->
 <h3><a name="suite_confederacy_pros" id="suite_confederacy_pros">Suite (confederacy) pros:</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> You can use â??best of breedâ?? applications for each part of the design flow. That is, you can use the standard gEDA flow gschem â?? gsch2pcb â?? pcb to create a PC Board. However, if you think that the open-source application â??pcbâ?? stinks, you can use the flow gschem â?? gnetlist â?? Protel (for example). Recall that gnetlist can output more than twenty different netlist formats! Moreover, if you donâ??t like one component of the flow, you can write another tool to replace it. Now at this time it is true that only a single application generally exists to perform a particular task. However, this situation will likely change with time â?? witness the forking of the â??pcbâ?? project, the contributed netlister <a href="http://www.viasic.com/opensource/"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.viasic.com/opensource/";  rel="nofollow">gnetman</a>, as well as the <a href="http://web.comhem.se/~u31829222/"; class="urlextern" title="http://web.comhem.se/~u31829222/";  rel="nofollow">HEC</a> project. As a general rule, the suite approach offers the greatest freedom to the user.</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> The design flow has a lot of natural breakpoints. These occur where one design tool completes its job and writes out a file (i.e. gschem writes out a .sch file, or gnetlist writes out a SPICE netlist). At this point, you can easily break into the flow and write scripts which process and/or munge the design data. For big, advanced designs, this is a real advantage to the â??design suiteâ?? approach. This advantage may appeal only to the â??power userâ??, but note itâ??s importance: professional-grade EDA suites (Synopsys, Xilinx) also work the same way.</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> The design flow has a lot of natural breakpoints. These occur where one design tool completes its job and writes out a file (i.e. gschem writes out a .sch file, or gnetlist writes out a SPICE netlist). At this point, you can easily break into the flow and write scripts which process and/or munge the design data. For big, advanced designs, this is a real advantage to the â??design suiteâ?? approach. This advantage may appeal only to the â??power userâ??, but note its importance: professional-grade EDA suites (Synopsys, Xilinx) also work the same way.</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Usage of an applications suite can be automated using a Makefile, or even a <acronym title="Practical Extraction and Report Language">Perl</acronym> script. ASIC designers do this all the time with their design and synthesis tools. Some gEDA users have publically disclosed (on the e-mail list) that they do this too, and point to it as an important feature of the gEDA suite.</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Usage of an applications suite can be automated using a Makefile, or even a <acronym title="Practical Extraction and Report Language">Perl</acronym> script. ASIC designers do this all the time with their design and synthesis tools. Some gEDA users have stated on the e-mail list that they do this too, and point to it as an important feature of the gEDA suite.</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Scalability: A monolithic application is almost always developed by a lone developer who has a single-minded vision for his program. This developer can enforce stylistic and UI standards throughout all his tools. The problem with this is that a single developer â?? even one who is uniquely gifted â?? can only write one (or a couple of) parts of an EDA application. Therefore, any open-source, monolithic EDA app will likely always be limited in scope &amp; features by the abilities of a single developer. (I would love to be proven wrong on this point. I welcome counter-examples, but none have come to my attention as of this writing.) On the other hand, a confederacy of developers working independently on their own apps â?? but meanwhile contributing to a greater whole â?? can create a very large and capable EDA environment indeed.</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Scalability: A monolithic application is almost always developed by a lone developer who has a single-minded vision for his program. This developer can enforce stylistic and UI standards throughout all his tools. The problem with this is that a single developer â?? even one who is uniquely gifted â?? can only write one or two parts of an EDA application. Therefore, any open-source, monolithic EDA app will likely always be limited in scope and features by the abilities of a single developer. (I would love to be proven wrong on this point. I welcome counter-examples, but none have come to my attention as of this writing.) On the other hand, a confederacy of developers working independently on their own apps â?? but meanwhile contributing to a greater whole â?? can create a very large and capable EDA environment indeed.</div>
-<!-- SECTION "Suite (confederacy) pros:" [8572-11243] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Suite (confederacy) pros:" [8571-11215] -->
 <h3><a name="suite_confederacy_cons" id="suite_confederacy_cons">Suite (confederacy) cons:</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> More confusing to newbies, since they donâ??t know the flow right off the bat. That is, they actually need to <acronym title="Read The Fine Manual">RTFM</acronym> to know what tool to run next. Good documentation helps (thatâ??s why youâ??re reading this), but documentation is always second choice behind developing an intuitive application interface.</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> More confusing to new users, since they donâ??t know the flow right off the bat. That is, they actually need to <acronym title="Read The Fine Manual">RTFM</acronym> to know what tool to run next. Good documentation helps (thatâ??s why youâ??re reading this), but documentation is always second choice behind developing an intuitive application interface.</div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> Different programs have different UI conventions (i.e. menu organization is different, keyboard or mouse bindings are different). This can be uncomfortable to those who arenâ??t familiar with the programs.</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Since no assumptions are made about the design flow, schematic symbols are necessarily <a href="geda_faq-gschem.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:faq-gschem">light</a>. This forces the user to spend more time attaching e.g. footprint attributes to his design. Moreover, the user must spend more time actually researching which footprints to use. However, a good suite (like the gEDA suite) will offer multiple methods to perform this task (e.g. gattrib, <acronym title="Practical Extraction and Report Language">Perl</acronym> scripts to populate footprints, etc.).</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Since no assumptions are made about the design flow, schematic symbols are necessarily <a href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:faq-gschem#what_s_this_business_about_heavy_vs._light_symbols"; class="wikilink1" title="geda:faq-gschem">light</a>. This forces the user to spend more time attaching e.g. footprint attributes to his design. Moreover, the user must spend more time actually researching which footprints to use. However, a good suite (like the gEDA suite) will offer multiple methods to perform this task (e.g. gattrib, <acronym title="Practical Extraction and Report Language">Perl</acronym> scripts to populate footprints, etc.).</div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> Some developers are more energetic than others, or have more free time. Therefore, some programs in a suite will be more developed (and less buggy) than others. Unfortunately, a single buggy program in a suite can unfairly taint a new userâ??s perception of the entire suite.</div>
-<!-- SECTION "Suite (confederacy) cons:" [11244-12577] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Suite (confederacy) cons:" [11216-12551] -->
 <h3><a name="monolithic_application_pros" id="monolithic_application_pros">Monolithic application pros:</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> A single, unified design environment is easier for newbies to grasp. UI conventions may be harmonized. The tool might be intuitive enough that it can be driven without needing to <acronym title="Read The Fine Manual">RTFM</acronym>.</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> A single, unified design environment is easier for new users to grasp. UI conventions may be harmonized. The tool might be intuitive enough that it can be driven without needing to <acronym title="Read The Fine Manual">RTFM</acronym>.</div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> Schematic capture symbols can be heavy, so less work is required in attaching attributes to each symbol in a schematic.</div>
-<!-- SECTION "Monolithic application pros:" [12578-12930] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Monolithic application pros:" [12552-12906] -->
 <h3><a name="monolithic_application_cons" id="monolithic_application_cons">Monolithic application cons:</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -257,12 +257,12 @@ This is ultimately a matter of religion. Iâ??ll summarize some of the pros and c
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> Lack of choice. If the developer doesnâ??t like your way of doing things, you have no choice. Even if you submit patches to enable your way of performing a task, there is a chance the main developer will ignore or reject your patches. This is probably not an issue for newbies, but for â??power usersâ?? it represents a problem.</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Risk. If the apps developer quits, the code becomes abandoned, and the users suffer. This effectively happened to the program <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/xtrkcad"; class="urlextern" title="http://sourceforge.net/projects/xtrkcad";  rel="nofollow">XTrkCAD</a>, a CAD program for designing model railroads. The author of this program quit developing it, but thankfully placed his stuff on Sourceforge so that the program wouldnâ??t simply disappear. Unfortunately, without the original developerâ??s involvement, the code languished. Patches contributed to the project went to /dev/null. Eventually, a coalition of concerned user/developers created a <a href="http://xtrkcad-fork.sourceforge.net/"; class="urlextern" title="http://xtrkcad-fork.sourceforge.net/";  rel="nofollow">fork</a> of the code to enable further development. However, work on the forked code has been piecemeal and sporadic. (Hopefully, this will change someday.) Meanwhile, for the ordinary user, the fact that the original developer quit represents a catastrophe.</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Risk. If the developer quits, the code becomes abandoned, and the users suffer. This effectively happened to the program <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/xtrkcad"; class="urlextern" title="http://sourceforge.net/projects/xtrkcad";  rel="nofollow">XTrkCAD</a>, a CAD program for designing model railroads. The author of this program quit developing it, but thankfully placed his stuff on Sourceforge so that the program wouldnâ??t simply disappear. Unfortunately, without the original developerâ??s involvement, the code languished. Patches contributed to the project went to /dev/null. Eventually, a coalition of concerned user/developers created a <a href="http://xtrkcad-fork.sourceforge.net/"; class="urlextern" title="http://xtrkcad-fork.sourceforge.net/";  rel="nofollow">fork</a> of the code to enable further development. However, work on the forked code has been piecemeal and sporadic. (Hopefully, this will change someday.) Meanwhile, for the ordinary user, the fact that the original developer quit represents a catastrophe.</div>
-<!-- SECTION "Monolithic application cons:" [12931-14378] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Monolithic application cons:" [12907-14349] -->
 <h2><a name="tool_xxx_is_missing_critical_feature_yyy_what_can_i_do" id="tool_xxx_is_missing_critical_feature_yyy_what_can_i_do">Tool XXX is missing critical feature YYY!  What can I do?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -278,21 +278,21 @@ If you need a new feature implemented in one of the gEDA tools, here are your op
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Ask politely on the gEDA e-mail lists.  If your feature request is simple, or of interest to one of the developers, itâ??s possible that somebody will implement your feature.  If itâ??s more complicated, its likely that the feature is already under discussion amongst the developers, but nobody has enough spare time to implement it.  (You can also submit feature requests via the <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=818429&group_id=161080&func=browse"; class="urlextern" title="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=818429&amp;group_id=161080&amp;func=browse";  rel="nofollow">SourceForge feature requests tracker.</a>)  Please donâ??t rant or flame on the e-mail lists, since you will likely be flamed right back and you wonâ??t get your feature either.  Why waste your time? </div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Ask politely on the gEDA e-mail lists. If your feature request is simple, or of interest to one of the developers, itâ??s possible that somebody will implement your feature.  If itâ??s more complicated, itâ??s likely that the feature is already under discussion amongst the developers, but nobody has enough spare time to implement it. (You can also submit feature requests via the <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=818429&group_id=161080&func=browse"; class="urlextern" title="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=818429&amp;group_id=161080&amp;func=browse";  rel="nofollow">SourceForge feature requests tracker.</a>) Please donâ??t rant or flame on the e-mail lists, since you will likely be flamed right back and you wonâ??t get your feature either. Why waste your time?</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> If the above possibilites donâ??t work for you, hire an open-source developer to write the feature for you!  Itâ??s amazing how often this possibility is ignored.  People willing to pay $25,000 &ndash; $100,000 for commercial EDA tools will balk at paying a teen-age programming whiz $10/hr to re-create the same features in the gEDA Suite.  Why?  If youâ??re an educator, consider hiring some students for a UROP project to work on gEDA.  If youâ??re a businessman, hire a teenager or somebody fresh out of school!  And if you want seasoned help, you can (soon) turn to some of the main gEDA developers who do consulting.  Find them at <a href="http://www.gedaconsulting.com/"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.gedaconsulting.com";  rel="nofollow">www.gedaconsulting.com</a>.  <img src="lib/images/smileys/fixme.gif" class="middle" alt="FIXME" />  </div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> If the above possibilities donâ??t work for you, hire an open-source developer to write the feature for you! Itâ??s amazing how often this possibility is ignored. People willing to pay $25,000 &ndash; $100,000 for commercial EDA tools will balk at paying a teen-age programming whiz $10/hr to re-create the same features in the gEDA Suite. Why? If youâ??re an educator, consider hiring some students for a UROP project to work on gEDA. If you run a business, hire a teenager or somebody fresh out of school! And if you want seasoned help, you can (soon) turn to some of the main gEDA developers who do consulting. Find them at <a href="http://www.gedaconsulting.com/"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.gedaconsulting.com";  rel="nofollow">www.gedaconsulting.com</a>. <img src="lib/images/smileys/fixme.gif" class="middle" alt="FIXME" /></div>
-<!-- SECTION "Tool XXX is missing critical feature YYY!  What can I do?" [14379-16702] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Tool XXX is missing critical feature YYY!  What can I do?" [14350-16658] -->
 <h2><a name="what_license_does_geda_use" id="what_license_does_geda_use">What license does gEDA use?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
-All of the tools and associated files in gEDA will be released under the GNU General Public License version 2 (<acronym title="GNU General Public License">GPL</acronym>), from Free Software Foundation
+All of the tools and associated files in gEDA will be released under the GNU General Public License version 2 (<acronym title="GNU General Public License">GPL</acronym>), from the Free Software Foundation.
@@ -300,56 +300,56 @@ From the license:
-When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+â??When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.&quot;
-This cannot be stressed enough: <strong>gEDA is GPLed software</strong>. Therefore nothing proprietary can be distributed with gEDA like part libraries from proprietary EDA products. Conversion program for proprietary libraries will be available, but any converted files which are part of a proprietary product must never find their way into gEDA. Contributed files must be GPLable (or be placed under another free license). Please keep this in mind if you wish to contribute something.
+This cannot be stressed enough: <strong>gEDA is GPLed software</strong>. Therefore nothing proprietary can be distributed with gEDA like part libraries from proprietary EDA products. Conversion programs for proprietary libraries will be available, but any converted files which are part of a proprietary product must never find their way into gEDA. Contributed files must be GPLable (or be placed under another free license). Please keep this in mind if you wish to contribute something.
-Even though the focus of gEDA is GPLed software, other software licenses are more than welcome to be mixed with the existing software, just as long as they are compatible with the <acronym title="GNU General Public License">GPL</acronym>.
+Even though the focus of gEDA is GPLed software, other software licenses are more than welcome to be mixed with the existing software, as long as they are compatible with the <acronym title="GNU General Public License">GPL</acronym>.
-<!-- SECTION "What license does gEDA use?" [16703-17981] -->
+<!-- SECTION "What license does gEDA use?" [16659-17940] -->
 <h2><a name="where_can_i_get_more_information_about_and_download_geda" id="where_can_i_get_more_information_about_and_download_geda">Where can I get more information about and download gEDA?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
-The official website is <a href="http://geda.seul.org/"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/";  rel="nofollow">gEDA Project</a> hosted by the <a href="http://www.seul.org/"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.seul.org/";  rel="nofollow">SEUL Project</a>. The European mirror is at <a href="http://ftp.sunet.se/geda/"; class="urlextern" title="http://ftp.sunet.se/geda/";  rel="nofollow">European gEDA Project mirror</a> hosted by Swedish University Network - Sweden, Nothern Europe.
+The official website is <a href="http://geda.seul.org/"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/";  rel="nofollow">gEDA Project</a> hosted by the <a href="http://www.seul.org/"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.seul.org/";  rel="nofollow">SEUL Project</a>. The European mirror is at <a href="http://ftp.sunet.se/geda/"; class="urlextern" title="http://ftp.sunet.se/geda/";  rel="nofollow">European gEDA Project mirror</a> hosted by Swedish University Network - Sweden, Northern Europe.
-There are several mailing lists. Please look at the mailing listâ??s <a href="http://geda.seul.org/mailinglist"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/mailinglist";  rel="nofollow">info page</a> for how to subscribe and post.
+There are several mailing lists. Please look at the mailing list <a href="http://geda.seul.org/mailinglist"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/mailinglist";  rel="nofollow">info page</a> for how to subscribe and post.
-You can download all the software, including the gEDA suite CDROM from the <a href="http://geda.seul.org/download.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/download.html";  rel="nofollow">download</a> page.
+You can download all the software, including the gEDA suite CDROM, from the <a href="http://geda.seul.org/download.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/download.html";  rel="nofollow">download</a> page.
-You can find the latest set of documentation on the toplevel <a href="http://geda.seul.org/docs/"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/docs/";  rel="nofollow">documentation</a> page.
+You can find the latest set of documentation on the top-level <a href="http://geda.seul.org/docs/"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/docs/";  rel="nofollow">documentation</a> page.
-Come to the Free EDA Users Group (Freedog) meeeting in Cambridge, MA. The meeting is at 7PM on the first Wednesday of each month at the <a href="http://www.starbucks.com/retail/locator/MapResults.aspx?a=1&StoreKey=93728&IC_O=42.3599350625432%3a-71.1021394862385%3a32%3a02139+(postal+code)%2c+Massachusetts%2c+United+States&GAD1_O=&GAD2_O=&GAD3_O=02139+(postal+code)%2c+Massachusetts%2c+United+States&GAD4_O=&radius=5&countryID=244&dataSource=MapPoint.NA" class="urlextern" title="http://www.starbucks.com/retail/locator/MapResults.aspx?a=1&amp;StoreKey=93728&amp;IC_O=42.3599350625432%3a-71.1021394862385%3a32%3a02139+(postal+code)%2c+Massachusetts%2c+United+States&amp;GAD1_O=&amp;GAD2_O=&amp;GAD3_O=02139+(postal+code)%2c+Massachusetts%2c+United+States&amp;GAD4_O=&amp;radius=5&amp;countryID=244&amp;dataSource=MapPoint.NA"  rel="nofollow">Kendal Square Starbucks</a>.
+Come to the Free EDA Users Group (Freedog) meeeting in Cambridge, MA. The meeting is at 7 PM on the first Wednesday of each month at the <a href="http://www.starbucks.com/retail/locator/MapResults.aspx?a=1&StoreKey=93728&IC_O=42.3599350625432%3a-71.1021394862385%3a32%3a02139+(postal+code)%2c+Massachusetts%2c+United+States&GAD1_O=&GAD2_O=&GAD3_O=02139+(postal+code)%2c+Massachusetts%2c+United+States&GAD4_O=&radius=5&countryID=244&dataSource=MapPoint.NA" class="urlextern" title="http://www.starbucks.com/retail/locator/MapResults.aspx?a=1&amp;StoreKey=93728&amp;IC_O=42.3599350625432%3a-71.1021394862385%3a32%3a02139+(postal+code)%2c+Massachusetts%2c+United+States&amp;GAD1_O=&amp;GAD2_O=&amp;GAD3_O=02139+(postal+code)%2c+Massachusetts%2c+United+States&amp;GAD4_O=&amp;radius=5&amp;countryID=244&amp;dataSource=MapPoint.NA"  rel="nofollow">Kendal Square Starbucks</a>.
-<!-- SECTION "Where can I get more information about and download gEDA?" [17982-19182] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Where can I get more information about and download gEDA?" [17941-19141] -->
 <h2><a name="okay_how_do_i_start_using_geda" id="okay_how_do_i_start_using_geda">Okay, how do I start using gEDA?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
-The most important thing to do is to read and understand Bill Wilsonâ??s excellent <a href="http://geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html";  rel="nofollow">gschem -&gt; gsch2pcb -&gt; PCB</a> tutorial. This should get you started.
+The most important thing to do is to read and understand Bill Wilsonâ??s excellent <a href="geda_gsch2pcb_tutorial.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:gsch2pcb_tutorial">gschem -&gt; gsch2pcb -&gt; PCB</a> tutorial. This should get you started.
-Also be sure to check out the other <a href="http://geda.seul.org/docs"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/docs";  rel="nofollow">gEDA documentation</a>. An installation guide is contained in this Wiki, as is some general information about how to use the tools. Spend some time browsing, download the gEDA Suite, and try it out for yourself! 
+Also be sure to check out the other <a href="http://geda.seul.org/docs"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/docs";  rel="nofollow">gEDA documentation</a>. An installation guide is contained in this Wiki, as is some general information about how to use the tools. Spend some time browsing, download the gEDA Suite, and try it out for yourself!
-<!-- SECTION "Okay, how do I start using gEDA?" [19183-] --></div>
+<!-- SECTION "Okay, how do I start using gEDA?" [19142-] --></div>
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@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ A schematic/symbol file for gEDA/gaf consists of:
-<!-- SECTION "Object types" [2241-3504] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Object types" [2241-3506] -->
 <h3><a name="version" id="version">version</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ Valid in: Schematic and Symbol files<br/>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> fileformat version is just an integer with no minor number.</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Valid versions include: 19990601, 19990610, 19990705, 19990829, 19990919, 19991011, 20000220, 20000704, 20001006, 20001217, 20010304, 20010708, 20010722, 20020209, 20020414, 20020527, 20020825, 20021103, 20030223, 20030525, 20030901, 20040111, 20040710, 20041228, 20050313, 20050820, 20060123, 20060824, 20060906, 20061020, 20070216</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Valid versions include: 19990601, 19990610, 19990705, 19990829, 19990919, 19991011, 20000220, 20000704, 20001006, 20001217, 20010304, 20010708, 20010722, 20020209, 20020414, 20020527, 20020825, 20021103, 20030223, 20030525, 20030901, 20040111, 20040710, 20041228, 20050313, 20050820, 20060123, 20060824, 20060906, 20061020, 20070216, 20070526, 20070626</div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <acronym title="Concurrent Versions System">CVS</acronym> or test versions (should not be used): 20030921, 20031004, 20031019, 20031231, 20050814</div>
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ Valid in: Schematic and Symbol files<br/>
 <pre class="code">v 20040111 1</pre>
-<!-- SECTION "version" [3505-5279] -->
+<!-- SECTION "version" [3507-5301] -->
 <h3><a name="line" id="line">line</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ A line segment from (23000, 69000) to (28000, 69000) with color index 3, 40 mils
-<!-- SECTION "line" [5280-6514] -->
+<!-- SECTION "line" [5302-6536] -->
 <h3><a name="picture" id="picture">picture</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ A picture object with the lower left corner at (16900, 35800). The width of the
-<!-- SECTION "picture" [6515-9308] -->
+<!-- SECTION "picture" [6537-9330] -->
 <h3><a name="box" id="box">box</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ A box with the lower left hand corner at (33000, 67300) and a width and height o
-<!-- SECTION "box" [9309-11515] -->
+<!-- SECTION "box" [9331-11537] -->
 <h3><a name="circle" id="circle">circle</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ A circle with the center at (38000, 67000) and a radius of 900 mils, color index
-<!-- SECTION "circle" [11516-13641] -->
+<!-- SECTION "circle" [11538-13663] -->
 <h3><a name="arc" id="arc">arc</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ dashlength dashspace</code></strong>
-<!-- SECTION "arc" [13642-15157] -->
+<!-- SECTION "arc" [13664-15179] -->
 <h3><a name="text" id="text">text</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ This is a similar text object as the above example, however here there are five
-<!-- SECTION "text" [15158-17811] -->
+<!-- SECTION "text" [15180-17833] -->
 <h3><a name="net" id="net">net</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ A net segment from (12700, 29400) to (32900, 29400) with color index 4.
-<!-- SECTION "net" [17812-18337] -->
+<!-- SECTION "net" [17834-18359] -->
 <h3><a name="bus" id="bus">bus</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ A bus segment from (27300, 37400) to (27300, 35300) with color index 3 and no ne
-<!-- SECTION "bus" [18338-19269] -->
+<!-- SECTION "bus" [18360-19291] -->
 <h3><a name="pin" id="pin">pin</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1055,7 +1055,7 @@ A pin from (0, 200) to (200, 200) with color index 1, a regular pin, and the fir
-<!-- SECTION "pin" [19270-20266] -->
+<!-- SECTION "pin" [19292-20288] -->
 <h3><a name="component" id="component">component</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1117,7 +1117,7 @@ A component whoâ??s origin is at (18600,19900), is selectable, not rotated, not
-<!-- SECTION "component" [20267-21270] -->
+<!-- SECTION "component" [20289-21292] -->
 <h3><a name="font" id="font">font</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ The above font definition is for the space character.
-<!-- SECTION "font" [21271-21791] -->
+<!-- SECTION "font" [21293-21813] -->
 <h2><a name="colors" id="colors">Colors</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -1229,7 +1229,7 @@ In the gEDA/gaf schematic and symbol file format colors are specified via an int
-<!-- SECTION "Colors" [21792-22663] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Colors" [21814-22685] -->
 <h2><a name="attributes" id="attributes">Attributes</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ The object is a pin which has an attribute pinnumber=3 and pinseq=3 (name=value)
-<!-- SECTION "Attributes" [22664-23651] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Attributes" [22686-23673] -->
 <h2><a name="embedded_components" id="embedded_components">Embedded Components</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -1270,7 +1270,7 @@ In the example above, <strong>555-1.sym</strong> is the component. The EMBEDDED
-<!-- SECTION "Embedded Components" [23652-24411] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Embedded Components" [23674-24433] -->
 <h2><a name="document_revision_history" id="document_revision_history">Document Revision History</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
 <table class="inline">
@@ -1289,6 +1289,6 @@ In the example above, <strong>555-1.sym</strong> is the component. The EMBEDDED
-<!-- SECTION "Document Revision History" [24412-] --></div>
+<!-- SECTION "Document Revision History" [24434-] --></div>
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@@ -179,17 +179,13 @@ output-name board
 <div class="level3">
- If you are using gschem for the first time, try stepping through this simple <a href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:gschem_warmup"; class="wikilink1" title="geda:gschem_warmup">gschem warmup</a>.
+ If you are using gschem for the first time, try stepping through this simple <a href="geda_gschem_warmup.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:gschem_warmup">gschem warmup</a>.
 <a href="_detail/geda_one-sch-1.html" class="media" title="geda:one-sch-1.png"><img src="_media/geda_one-sch-1.png" class="medialeft" title="one.sch" alt="one.sch" /></a> Run <strong>gschem one.sch</strong> and create this schematic (the second opamp is redundant, but this is just a tutorial):
-<li class="level1"><div class="li">  Add component <strong>title-B.sym</strong> from the <strong>titleblock</strong> library.  </div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Hit keys <strong>ve</strong> to zoom to the titleblock extents. Lock the titleblock with the menu <strong>Edit&rarr;Lock</strong>.  </div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> Add components:</div>
 <li class="level2"><div class="li"> From the <strong>analog</strong> library three <strong>resistor-1.sym</strong> and two <strong>dual-opamp-1.sym</strong>.</div>
@@ -206,8 +202,12 @@ output-name board
+ The large frame of the titleblock is a component too. It has been locked for convienience to prevent the mouse from catching it all the time. To unlock it, select it by dragging with left mouse button held down and press [e - shift-L]. You can find title blocks with different sizes in the default library. Remember, to lock the new title block with [el] while the tiotle block is selected.
-<!-- SECTION "Create schematic: one.sch" [8291-9278] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Create schematic: one.sch" [8291-9493] -->
 <h3><a name="edit_the_attributes_of_the_components_on_the_schematic" id="edit_the_attributes_of_the_components_on_the_schematic">Edit the attributes of the components on the schematic.</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ Anyway, weâ??re done for now with <strong>one.sch</strong>, so save it with the
-<!-- SECTION "Edit the attributes of the components on the schematic." [9279-11227] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Edit the attributes of the components on the schematic." [9494-11442] -->
 <h3><a name="create_schematictwo.sch" id="create_schematictwo.sch">Create schematic: two.sch</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ Now we are done with the schematics except for assigning <strong>refdes</strong>
-<!-- SECTION "Create schematic: two.sch" [11228-14830] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Create schematic: two.sch" [11443-15045] -->
 <h3><a name="generate_pcb_files_from_schematics" id="generate_pcb_files_from_schematics">Generate PCB Files from Schematics</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ We have to fix one thing in <strong>one.sch</strong> before we can proceed. Run
-<!-- SECTION "Generate PCB Files from Schematics" [14831-16445] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Generate PCB Files from Schematics" [15046-16660] -->
 <h3><a name="layout_pcb_files" id="layout_pcb_files">Layout PCB Files</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ You will want more information on using PCB and there is a set of html docs in t
-<!-- SECTION "Layout PCB Files" [16446-24084] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Layout PCB Files" [16661-24299] -->
 <h2><a name="modifying_schematics" id="modifying_schematics">Modifying Schematics</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ board.pcb is backed up as board.pcb.bak1.
-<!-- SECTION "Modifying Schematics" [24085-27889] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Modifying Schematics" [24300-28104] -->
 <h2><a name="custom_gschem_symbols" id="custom_gschem_symbols">Custom gschem Symbols</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ For complete details on making symbols, read through the Symbol Creation Documen
-<!-- SECTION "Custom gschem Symbols" [27890-32154] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Custom gschem Symbols" [28105-32369] -->
 <h2><a name="custom_file_elements" id="custom_file_elements">Custom //file elements//</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ Pin(0 0 70 20 70 42 &quot;&quot; &quot;1&quot; 0x00000101)
-<!-- SECTION "Custom //file elements//" [32155-38620] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Custom //file elements//" [32370-38835] -->
 <h2><a name="custom_m4_elements_requires_gsch2pcb_1.0" id="custom_m4_elements_requires_gsch2pcb_1.0">Custom //m4 elements// (Requires gsch2pcb &gt;= 1.0)</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ Mark(50 50)
-<!-- SECTION "Custom //m4 elements// (Requires gsch2pcb >= 1.0)" [38621-46312] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Custom //m4 elements// (Requires gsch2pcb >= 1.0)" [38836-46527] -->
 <h2><a name="multi-user_setup_requires_gsch2pcb_1.0" id="multi-user_setup_requires_gsch2pcb_1.0">Multi-user Setup (requires gsch2pcb &gt;= 1.0)</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ With the above, users will have access to site wide libraries and only need to p
-<!-- SECTION "Multi-user Setup (requires gsch2pcb >= 1.0)" [46313-47948] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Multi-user Setup (requires gsch2pcb >= 1.0)" [46528-48163] -->
 <h2><a name="pc_board_fabrication" id="pc_board_fabrication">PC Board Fabrication</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -842,6 +842,6 @@ The tutorial should cover pcb fabrication too.
-<!-- SECTION "PC Board Fabrication" [47949-] --></div>
+<!-- SECTION "PC Board Fabrication" [48164-] --></div>
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@@ -272,10 +272,7 @@ IBUF, NOT gates cannot be absorbed as in the OPAD case.
- $Log$
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- Updated wiki from the website.  Fixed wikifetch.sh to not download forever.
+ $Log: xnf.txt,v $
  Revision 1.16  2003/07/15 03:49:22  steve
   Spelling fixes.
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 <pre class="code">FPGA LOADABLE CODE GENERATOR FOR Icarus Verilog
   Copyright 2001 Stephen Williams
-  $Id$
+  $Id: fpga.txt,v 1.12 2005/09/19 21:45:36 steve Exp $
 The FPGA code generator supports a variety of FPGA devices, writing
 XNF or EDIF depending on the target. You can select the architecture
@@ -215,10 +215,7 @@ Compile a single-file design with command line tools like so:
 	% par -w map.ncd foo.ncd
-Revision 1.7  2007-05-26 02:35:20  ahvezda
-Updated wiki from the website.  Fixed wikifetch.sh to not download forever.
+$Log: fpga.txt,v $
 Revision 1.12  2005/09/19 21:45:36  steve
  Spelling patches from Larry.
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 <h1><a name="mcalc_readme" id="mcalc_readme">mcalc README</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
-<pre class="code">$Id$
+<pre class="code">$Id: README,v 1.1 2001/08/16 11:19:01 dan Exp $
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@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
 		<td class="centeralign">  m  		</td><td class="leftalign"> move to layer	</td><td class="leftalign"> move the object under the cursor to the current layer  </td>
-		<td class="centeralign">  shift-m  	</td><td class="leftalign"> move selection to layer	</td><td class="leftalign"> move selected objects to the current working layer (see <a href="geda_pcb_tips.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:pcb_tips">pcb tip</a>)  </td>
+		<td class="centeralign">  shift-m  	</td><td class="leftalign"> move selection to layer	</td><td class="leftalign"> move selected objects to the current working layer (see <a href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:pcb_tips#how_do_i_move_one_set_of_layer_tracks_to_another_layer"; class="wikilink1" title="geda:pcb_tips">pcb tip</a>)  </td>
 		<td class="centeralign">  ctrl-m	</td><td class="leftalign"> move origin	</td><td> set the origin to the current position of the mouse pointer </td>
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index 882a59d..7639db8 100644
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@@ -85,11 +85,15 @@
 <div class="level5">
- * You can share <a href="http://opencircuits.com/PCB_Footprints"; class="urlextern" title="http://opencircuits.com/PCB_Footprints";  rel="nofollow"> gEDA footprints at Open Circuits</a>.
+ * The place to share symbols and footprints is <a href="http://www.gedasymbols.org/"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.gedasymbols.org";  rel="nofollow"> gedasymbols.org</a>
-* The <a href="http://freelabs.com/~whitis/opensymbol/"; class="urlextern" title="http://freelabs.com/~whitis/opensymbol/";  rel="nofollow"> &quot;Open Symbol Project&quot; with Mark Whitis</a> has many footprints. (What can we do to help him?)
+* You can find many PCB footprints at <a href="http://www.luciani.org/geda/pcb/pcb-footprint-list.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.luciani.org/geda/pcb/pcb-footprint-list.html";  rel="nofollow">John Luciani&#039;s footprint page</a> 
+* You can share <a href="http://opencircuits.com/PCB_Footprints"; class="urlextern" title="http://opencircuits.com/PCB_Footprints";  rel="nofollow"> gEDA footprints at Open Circuits</a>.
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@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 <li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#how_do_i_route_a_connection_from_solder_to_component_side_and_back" class="toc">How do I route a connection from solder to component side and back?</a></span></div></li>
 <li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#how_do_i_change_the_routing_style" class="toc">How do I change the routing style?</a></span></div></li>
 <li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#i_got_stuck_how_do_i_go_back" class="toc">I got stuck! How do I go back?</a></span></div></li>
-<li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#how_do_i_move_one_set_of_layer_tracks_to_another_layer" class="toc">How do I move one set of layer tracks to another layer?</a></span></div></li>
+<li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#how_do_i_move_one_set_of_layer_tracks_to_a_different_layer" class="toc">How do I move one set of layer tracks to a different layer?</a></span></div></li>
 <li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#how_do_i_change_the_soldermask_clearance_around_a_hole_via" class="toc">How do I change the soldermask clearance around a hole/via?</a></span></div></li>
 <li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#how_do_i_change_the_size_of_my_tracks" class="toc">How do I change the size of my tracks?</a></span></div></li>
 <li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#how_do_i_drive_a_via_to_connect_a_track_to_a_ground_plane_on_a_different_layer" class="toc">How do I drive a via to connect a track to a ground plane on a different layer?</a></span></div></li>
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ The universal undo key [<strong><code>U</code></strong>] works even while in the
 <!-- SECTION "I got stuck! How do I go back?" [18892-19164] -->
-<h2><a name="how_do_i_move_one_set_of_layer_tracks_to_another_layer" id="how_do_i_move_one_set_of_layer_tracks_to_another_layer">How do I move one set of layer tracks to another layer?</a></h2>
+<h2><a name="how_do_i_move_one_set_of_layer_tracks_to_a_different_layer" id="how_do_i_move_one_set_of_layer_tracks_to_a_different_layer">How do I move one set of layer tracks to a different layer?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> Select the tracks. Itâ??s easiest to do this if you shut off everything but that layer first (i.e. silk, pins, other layers, etc).</div>
@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ The universal undo key [<strong><code>U</code></strong>] works even while in the
-<!-- SECTION "How do I move one set of layer tracks to another layer?" [19165-19601] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I move one set of layer tracks to a different layer?" [19165-19605] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_change_the_soldermask_clearance_around_a_hole_via" id="how_do_i_change_the_soldermask_clearance_around_a_hole_via">How do I change the soldermask clearance around a hole/via?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ You can increase the soldermask clearance from any hole/via by positioning the c
-<!-- SECTION "How do I change the soldermask clearance around a hole/via?" [19602-19877] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I change the soldermask clearance around a hole/via?" [19606-19881] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_change_the_size_of_my_tracks" id="how_do_i_change_the_size_of_my_tracks">How do I change the size of my tracks?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ There are a number of ways to change the size of already laid down tracks:
-<!-- SECTION "How do I change the size of my tracks?" [19878-20815] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I change the size of my tracks?" [19882-20819] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_drive_a_via_to_connect_a_track_to_a_ground_plane_on_a_different_layer" id="how_do_i_drive_a_via_to_connect_a_track_to_a_ground_plane_on_a_different_layer">How do I drive a via to connect a track to a ground plane on a different layer?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ There are a number of ways to change the size of already laid down tracks:
-<!-- SECTION "How do I drive a via to connect a track to a ground plane on a different layer?" [20816-21301] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I drive a via to connect a track to a ground plane on a different layer?" [20820-21305] -->
 <h2><a name="what_is_the_easiest_way_to_create_a_thermal_via" id="what_is_the_easiest_way_to_create_a_thermal_via">What is the easiest way to create a &quot;thermal via&quot;?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ Here are some suggestions:
-<!-- SECTION "What is the easiest way to create a thermal via?" [21302-22079] -->
+<!-- SECTION "What is the easiest way to create a thermal via?" [21306-22083] -->
 <h2><a name="i_want_to_draw_a_track_between_two_segments_on_the_same_net_but_pcb_won_t_let_me_why" id="i_want_to_draw_a_track_between_two_segments_on_the_same_net_but_pcb_won_t_let_me_why">I want to draw a track between two segments on the same net, but PCB won&#039;t let me! Why?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ You are likely drawing tracks with auto-DRC on. To connect the two segments, her
-<!-- SECTION "I want to draw a track between two segments on the same net, but PCB won't let me! Why?" [22080-23398] -->
+<!-- SECTION "I want to draw a track between two segments on the same net, but PCB won't let me! Why?" [22084-23402] -->
 <h2><a name="pcb_seems_to_munge_my_components_names_and_complains_that_it_can_t_find_proper_nets_for_the_pins_how_come" id="pcb_seems_to_munge_my_components_names_and_complains_that_it_can_t_find_proper_nets_for_the_pins_how_come">PCB seems to munge my components names and complains that it can&#039;t find proper nets for the pins! How come?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ Most likely you named them such that pcb believes they are one part. Lower case
-<!-- SECTION "PCB seems to munge my components names and complains that it can't find proper nets for the pins! How come?" [23399-24036] -->
+<!-- SECTION "PCB seems to munge my components names and complains that it can't find proper nets for the pins! How come?" [23403-24040] -->
 <h2><a name="how_can_i_set_color_and_thickness_of_the_rats_nests" id="how_can_i_set_color_and_thickness_of_the_rats_nests">How can I set color and thickness of the rats nests?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -686,12 +686,12 @@ There is currently no <acronym title="Graphical User Interface">GUI</acronym> wa
-<!-- SECTION "How can I set color and thickness of the rats nests?" [24037-24388] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How can I set color and thickness of the rats nests?" [24041-24392] -->
 <h1><a name="beyond_tracks_and_footprints" id="beyond_tracks_and_footprints">Beyond tracks and footprints</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
-<!-- SECTION "Beyond tracks and footprints" [24389-24431] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Beyond tracks and footprints" [24393-24435] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_trace_a_drawing_a_print_or_another_pcb" id="how_do_i_trace_a_drawing_a_print_or_another_pcb">How do I trace a drawing, a print, or another PCB?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ If you donâ??t like to use PCB confined to the area of the board, i.e. if you wa
-<!-- SECTION "How do I trace a drawing, a print, or another PCB?" [24432-25272] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I trace a drawing, a print, or another PCB?" [24436-25276] -->
 <h2><a name="i_can_t_copy_component_pads_in_a_layout._what_gives" id="i_can_t_copy_component_pads_in_a_layout._what_gives">I can&#039;t copy component pads in a layout.  What gives?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ Then I go to paste the copied area&hellip; and all that moves are a couple of tr
-<!-- SECTION "I can't copy component pads in a layout.  What gives?" [25273-25927] -->
+<!-- SECTION "I can't copy component pads in a layout.  What gives?" [25277-25931] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_fill_areas_with_copper" id="how_do_i_fill_areas_with_copper">How do I fill areas with copper?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ Use rectangles and polygon planes. These items will always avoid vias, pads and
-<!-- SECTION "How do I fill areas with copper?" [25928-26289] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I fill areas with copper?" [25932-26293] -->
 <h2><a name="the_polygons_are_shorting_my_tracks_what_can_i_do_about_it" id="the_polygons_are_shorting_my_tracks_what_can_i_do_about_it">The polygons are shorting my tracks! What can I do about it?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ You didnâ??t have â??Enable_new_lines_clear_polygonsâ?? checked in the settings
-<!-- SECTION "The polygons are shorting my tracks! What can I do about it?" [26290-26939] -->
+<!-- SECTION "The polygons are shorting my tracks! What can I do about it?" [26294-26943] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_change_polygon_clearance" id="how_do_i_change_polygon_clearance">How do I change polygon clearance?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ The amount of the increment can be configured in the dialog File/Preference/Incr
-<!-- SECTION "How do I change polygon clearance?" [26940-27440] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I change polygon clearance?" [26944-27444] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_hide_the_polygons_while_i_edit_the_layout" id="how_do_i_hide_the_polygons_while_i_edit_the_layout">How do I hide the polygons while I edit the layout?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ Put the polygons (and rectangles) on a separate layer. Use the preference to mak
-<!-- SECTION "How do I hide the polygons while I edit the layout?" [27441-27849] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I hide the polygons while I edit the layout?" [27445-27853] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_edit_polygons" id="how_do_i_edit_polygons">How do I edit polygons?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ There are four basic ways to edit polygon outlines. You can move and delete vert
-<!-- SECTION "How do I edit polygons?" [27850-29035] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I edit polygons?" [27854-29039] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_place_vias_that_connect_to_a_polygon_for_full_thermal_dissipation_or_full_shielding_integrity" id="how_do_i_place_vias_that_connect_to_a_polygon_for_full_thermal_dissipation_or_full_shielding_integrity">How do I place vias that connect to a polygon for full thermal dissipation or full shielding integrity?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ You can also add another polygon on-top of the polygon to which you want to conn
-<!-- SECTION "How do I place vias that connect to a polygon for full thermal dissipation or full shielding integrity?" [29036-30983] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I place vias that connect to a polygon for full thermal dissipation or full shielding integrity?" [29040-30987] -->
 <h2><a name="can_polygons_be_un-masked_can_a_polygon_be_made_bare-copper_with_no_solder_mask" id="can_polygons_be_un-masked_can_a_polygon_be_made_bare-copper_with_no_solder_mask">Can polygons be un-masked? (Can a polygon be made bare-copper with no solder mask?)</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ Currently this is not possible in PCB. The usual workaround (for example if you
-<!-- SECTION "Can polygons be un-masked? (Can a polygon be made bare-copper with no solder mask?)" [30984-31541] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Can polygons be un-masked? (Can a polygon be made bare-copper with no solder mask?)" [30988-31545] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_place_mounting_holes" id="how_do_i_place_mounting_holes">How do I place mounting holes?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ For footprint examples see <a href="http://www.luciani.org/geda/pcb/pcb-footprin
-<!-- SECTION "How do I place mounting holes?" [31542-32206] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I place mounting holes?" [31546-32210] -->
 <h2><a name="why_is_it_possible_to_make_a_thermal_for_pin_but_not_for_a_pad" id="why_is_it_possible_to_make_a_thermal_for_pin_but_not_for_a_pad">Why is it possible to make a thermal for pin, but not for a pad?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ The reason is that pins usually have sufficient spacing that the plane surroundi
-<!-- SECTION "Why is it possible to make a thermal for pin, but not for a pad?" [32207-32837] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Why is it possible to make a thermal for pin, but not for a pad?" [32211-32841] -->
 <h2><a name="can_pcb_be_used_to_make_single_layer_boards" id="can_pcb_be_used_to_make_single_layer_boards">Can PCB be used to make single layer boards?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ Yes. Just plot your gerbers and toss any layers that are not needed. You can jus
-<!-- SECTION "Can PCB be used to make single layer boards?" [32838-33635] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Can PCB be used to make single layer boards?" [32842-33639] -->
 <h2><a name="what_resources_exist_to_process_pcb_files_using_scripts" id="what_resources_exist_to_process_pcb_files_using_scripts">What resources exist to process PCB files using scripts?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ One of PCBâ??s great features is that it uses an easily understood <acronym titl
-<!-- SECTION "What resources exist to process PCB files using scripts?" [33636-34920] -->
+<!-- SECTION "What resources exist to process PCB files using scripts?" [33640-34924] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_import_external_vector_graphics" id="how_do_i_import_external_vector_graphics">How do I import external vector graphics?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ Import of external vector graphics is usefull if an irregular shape of the pcb i
-<!-- SECTION "How do I import external vector graphics?" [34921-35999] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I import external vector graphics?" [34925-36003] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_attach_a_name_to_my_layout" id="how_do_i_attach_a_name_to_my_layout">How Do I attach a name to my layout?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -914,12 +914,12 @@ You can set the name of the current pcb with <code>Menu Edit - Edit name of - la
-<!-- SECTION "How Do I attach a name to my layout?" [36000-36270] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How Do I attach a name to my layout?" [36004-36274] -->
 <h1><a name="auto_router" id="auto_router">Auto Router</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
-<!-- SECTION "Auto Router" [36271-36296] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Auto Router" [36275-36300] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_force_the_autorouter_to_only_put_traces_on_a_particular_layer" id="how_do_i_force_the_autorouter_to_only_put_traces_on_a_particular_layer">How do I force the autorouter to only put traces on a particular layer?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ Just unselect the layers you donâ??t want (usually green and blue) by clicking o
-<!-- SECTION "How do I force the autorouter to only put traces on a particular layer?" [36297-36508] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I force the autorouter to only put traces on a particular layer?" [36301-36512] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_force_the_autorouter_to_route_only_within_my_pcb_outline" id="how_do_i_force_the_autorouter_to_route_only_within_my_pcb_outline">How do I force the autorouter to route only within my pcb outline?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -937,7 +937,7 @@ You can have the autorouter work only within a given area by drawing a copper po
-<!-- SECTION "How do I force the autorouter to route only within my pcb outline?" [36509-36940] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I force the autorouter to route only within my pcb outline?" [36513-36944] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_route_power_and_ground_planes_with_the_autorouter" id="how_do_i_route_power_and_ground_planes_with_the_autorouter">How do I route power and ground planes with the autorouter?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ Connect the polygon that will become your power planes to a net and the autorout
-<!-- SECTION "How do I route power and ground planes with the autorouter?" [36941-37222] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I route power and ground planes with the autorouter?" [36945-37226] -->
 <h2><a name="the_layout_produced_by_the_autorouter_is_inefficient" id="the_layout_produced_by_the_autorouter_is_inefficient">The layout produced by the autorouter is inefficient!</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ This is a technological limitation of the current auto router. It is gridless an
-<!-- SECTION "The layout produced by the autorouter is inefficient!" [37223-37403] -->
+<!-- SECTION "The layout produced by the autorouter is inefficient!" [37227-37407] -->
 <h2><a name="the_layout_produced_by_the_autorouter_is_ugly" id="the_layout_produced_by_the_autorouter_is_ugly">The layout produced by the autorouter is ugly!</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -964,12 +964,12 @@ Have you tried the various clean-up tools under connects&ndash;&gt;optimize rout
-<!-- SECTION "The layout produced by the autorouter is ugly!" [37404-37546] -->
+<!-- SECTION "The layout produced by the autorouter is ugly!" [37408-37550] -->
 <h1><a name="gerber_generation_and_file_i_o_issues" id="gerber_generation_and_file_i_o_issues">Gerber generation and file I/O issues</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
-<!-- SECTION "Gerber generation and file I/O issues" [37547-37599] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Gerber generation and file I/O issues" [37551-37603] -->
 <h2><a name="how_do_i_make_a_board_outline_to_go_with_my_gerbers_to_the_board_maker" id="how_do_i_make_a_board_outline_to_go_with_my_gerbers_to_the_board_maker">How do I make a board outline to go with my gerbers to the board maker?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ Itâ??s also possible to edit the native .pcb file format of your layout. I usual
-<!-- SECTION "How do I make a board outline to go with my gerbers to the board maker?" [37600-38446] -->
+<!-- SECTION "How do I make a board outline to go with my gerbers to the board maker?" [37604-38450] -->
 <h2><a name="i_m_done_with_my_layout._how_should_i_check_my_design" id="i_m_done_with_my_layout._how_should_i_check_my_design">I&#039;m done with my layout. How should I check my design?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -1027,12 +1027,12 @@ Besides running the DRC checker, it is essential to check your Gerber files. The
-<!-- SECTION "I'm done with my layout. How should I check my design?" [38447-40666] -->
+<!-- SECTION "I'm done with my layout. How should I check my design?" [38451-40670] -->
 <h1><a name="exporting_other_formatsraster_and_ps_files" id="exporting_other_formatsraster_and_ps_files">Exporting Other Formats: Raster and PS Files</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
-<!-- SECTION "Exporting Other Formats: Raster and PS Files" [40667-40725] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Exporting Other Formats: Raster and PS Files" [40671-40729] -->
 <h2><a name="what_is_xy-max_in_the_png_export_dialog_box" id="what_is_xy-max_in_the_png_export_dialog_box">What is xy-max in the PNG export dialog box?</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -1041,7 +1041,7 @@ It limits the size of the image to NxN pixels, but maintains the aspect ratio.
-<!-- SECTION "What is xy-max in the PNG export dialog box?" [40726-40996] -->
+<!-- SECTION "What is xy-max in the PNG export dialog box?" [40730-41000] -->
 <h1><a name="you_didn_t_answer_my_question._what_other_resources_exist_for_pcb_information" id="you_didn_t_answer_my_question._what_other_resources_exist_for_pcb_information">You didn&#039;t answer my question. What other resources exist for PCB information?</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -1056,6 +1056,6 @@ You can get fast responses from the geda-user email list. If you havenâ??t found
-<!-- SECTION "You didn't answer my question. What other resources exist for PCB information?" [40997-] --></div>
+<!-- SECTION "You didn't answer my question. What other resources exist for PCB information?" [41001-] --></div>
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+<div class="dokuwiki export">
+<div class="toc">
+<div class="tocheader toctoggle" id="toc__header">Table of Contents</div>
+<div id="toc__inside">
+<ul class="toc">
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#geda_gaf_s_source_control_management" class="toc">gEDA/gaf&#039;s Source Control Management</a></span></div>
+<ul class="toc">
+<li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#installing_git_related_tools" class="toc">Installing git &amp; related tools</a></span></div>
+<ul class="toc">
+<li class="level3"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#debian-based" class="toc">Debian-based</a></span></div></li>
+<li class="level3"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#fedora_linux" class="toc">Fedora Linux</a></span></div></li>
+<li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#learning_to_use_git" class="toc">Learning to use git</a></span></div></li>
+<li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#accessing_the_repository" class="toc">Accessing the repository</a></span></div></li>
+<li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#making_and_committing_changes" class="toc">Making and committing changes</a></span></div>
+<ul class="toc">
+<li class="level3"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#setting_up_user_information" class="toc">Setting up user information</a></span></div></li>
+<li class="level3"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#committing_patches_from_other_contributors" class="toc">Committing patches from other contributors</a></span></div></li>
+<li class="level3"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#writing_good_commit_messages" class="toc">Writing good commit messages</a></span></div></li>
+<li class="level3"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#push_is_destructive" class="toc">Push is Destructive</a></span></div></li>
+<li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#how_do_i" class="toc">How Do I ... ?</a></span></div>
+<ul class="toc">
+<li class="level3"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#get_a_copy_of_geda_gaf_git_repository" class="toc">... get a copy of gEDA/gaf git repository?</a></span></div></li>
+<li class="level3"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#keep_my_local_copy_current" class="toc">... keep my local copy current?</a></span></div></li>
+<li class="level3"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#commit_my_changes_to_the_local_git_repository" class="toc">... commit my changes to the local git repository?</a></span></div></li>
+<li class="level3"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#undo_any_uncommitted_local_changes" class="toc">... undo any uncommitted local changes?</a></span></div></li>
+<li class="level3"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#fix_change_my_last_commit" class="toc">... fix/change my last commit?</a></span></div></li></ul>
+<h1><a name="geda_gaf_s_source_control_management" id="geda_gaf_s_source_control_management">gEDA/gaf&#039;s Source Control Management</a></h1>
+<div class="level1">
+ gEDA uses <strong>git</strong> for source code management.  git is a distributed version control system, where every user has his or her own full copy of the revision history. 
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://git.or.cz/"; class="urlextern" title="http://git.or.cz/";  rel="nofollow">Official git website</a></div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/";  rel="nofollow">git documentation online</a></div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)" class="urlextern" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)"  rel="nofollow">git Wikipedia page</a></div>
+ The web interface to the gEDA git repository is at <a href="http://git.gpleda.org/"; class="urlextern" title="http://git.gpleda.org/";  rel="nofollow">http://git.gpleda.org/</a>.
+<!-- SECTION "gEDA/gaf's Source Control Management" [1-493] -->
+<h2><a name="installing_git_related_tools" id="installing_git_related_tools">Installing git &amp; related tools</a></h2>
+<div class="level2">
+ The core git tools are of course required for using the repository, and the documentation is always useful.  However, other tools are often helpful for working with git: 
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> gitk, a visual history repository browser</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://git.or.cz/cogito/"; class="urlextern" title="http://git.or.cz/cogito/";  rel="nofollow">Cogito</a>, a more user-friendly front-end to git</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://www.procode.org/stgit/"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.procode.org/stgit/";  rel="nofollow">Stacked Git</a>, for working with patchsets</div>
+ Make sure that you install at least version 1.5.x of git if you are planning on pushing changes to the central git repository.  
+<!-- SECTION "Installing git & related tools" [494-1042] -->
+<h3><a name="debian-based" id="debian-based">Debian-based</a></h3>
+<div class="level3">
+<pre class="code">apt-get install git-core git-doc gitk cogito stgit</pre>
+ you may also want: 
+<pre class="code">apt-get install git-email git-completion</pre>
+ Note, as of 2007/06/25, Debian stable (etch) and Debian testing (lenny) have git version 1.4.x.  Debian unstable (sid) has
+<!-- SECTION "Debian-based" [1043-1317] -->
+<h3><a name="fedora_linux" id="fedora_linux">Fedora Linux</a></h3>
+<div class="level3">
+<pre class="code">yum install git cogito stgit</pre>
+<!-- SECTION "Fedora Linux" [1318-1375] -->
+<h2><a name="learning_to_use_git" id="learning_to_use_git">Learning to use git</a></h2>
+<div class="level2">
+ The toplevel documentation for git can be found at:
+<a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/";  rel="nofollow">Official git docs</a>
+The userâ??s manual for git can be found at:
+<a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/user-manual.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/user-manual.html";  rel="nofollow">git user manual</a>
+A current tutorial can be found at:
+<a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/core-tutorial.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/core-tutorial.html";  rel="nofollow">git core tutorial</a>
+Other nice tutorials/webpages: 
+<a href="http://wiki.sourcemage.org/Git_Guide"; class="urlextern" title="http://wiki.sourcemage.org/Git_Guide";  rel="nofollow">Git Guide</a><br/>
+ <a href="http://wiki.sourcemage.org/Cogito_Guide"; class="urlextern" title="http://wiki.sourcemage.org/Cogito_Guide";  rel="nofollow">Cogito Guide</a><br/>
+ <a href="http://git.or.cz/course/index.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://git.or.cz/course/index.html";  rel="nofollow">git Crash Courses</a><br/>
+ <a href="http://git.or.cz/course/cvs.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://git.or.cz/course/cvs.html";  rel="nofollow">Cogito for CVS Users</a><br/>
+ <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/tutorial.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/tutorial.html";  rel="nofollow">Git for Everyone</a><br/>
+Keep in mind that some of these tutorials are a little dated and may not cover current git syntax.
+<!-- SECTION "Learning to use git" [1376-2242] -->
+<h2><a name="accessing_the_repository" id="accessing_the_repository">Accessing the repository</a></h2>
+<div class="level2">
+ To clone the gaf.git repository using anonymous git access: 
+<pre class="code">git clone git://git.gpleda.org/gaf.git</pre>
+ For developer git access, you should contact Ales Hvezda to get an <acronym title="Secure Shell">SSH</acronym> public key installed and an account; having done so, the git <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym> to push to is: 
+<pre class="code">git clone ssh://&lt;username&gt;@git.gpleda.org/home/git/gaf.git</pre>
+ If you have ssh access you will also need to edit your ~/.ssh/config file (create it if it doesnâ??t exist) and put the following text into it: 
+<pre class="code">Host git.gpleda.org
+Port 5022</pre>
+ Finally, it is possible to access the repository using <acronym title="Concurrent Versions System">CVS</acronym>, as there is a git-cvsserver running.  This is read-only access. 
+<pre class="code"> export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/home/git/gaf.git
+ cvs co master    </pre>
+ You can only checkout exported heads (for example: master).
+<!-- SECTION "Accessing the repository" [2243-3053] -->
+<h2><a name="making_and_committing_changes" id="making_and_committing_changes">Making and committing changes</a></h2>
+<div class="level2">
+<!-- SECTION "Making and committing changes" [3054-3098] -->
+<h3><a name="setting_up_user_information" id="setting_up_user_information">Setting up user information</a></h3>
+<div class="level3">
+ You should make sure that your username &amp; e-mail address are set in your git configuration file. 
+<pre class="code">$ git config --global user.name &quot;Your Name Comes Here&quot;
+$ git config --global user.email you@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</pre>
+<!-- SECTION "Setting up user information" [3099-3356] -->
+<h3><a name="committing_patches_from_other_contributors" id="committing_patches_from_other_contributors">Committing patches from other contributors</a></h3>
+<div class="level3">
+ If you apply a patch from someone else (e.g. from a SourceForge patch record) there are a few things to consider. Git stores two different names and e-mail addresses for a given commit: the â??authorâ?? of the patch, and the â??committerâ?? of the patch, so these details must be set correctly when making the commit.
+First of all, check a few things:
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> You have the latest version of the patch.</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> The author of the patch is happy for it to be committed (and wasnâ??t still working on it)</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> That the youâ??re happy with the patch, and taking responsibility for committing those changes.</div>
+ For simplicity, start from an unmodified up-to date tree (git status shows no changes).
+Apply the patch as usual (as an example): 
+<pre class="code">$ patch -p1 &lt; example_changes.patch</pre>
+ If the patch needs any minor editing before it is committed (eg. white-space changes), please inform the author this was done. They may have other work based on their patch and will want to know if there were changes to the applied version.
+Note: <em>This is easy to miss accidentally if your editor introduces tabs. Please avoid letting it do so!</em>
+For every file changed, added or removed, you need to inform git before it will commit the changes. To see the modified files, run: 
+<pre class="code">$ git status</pre>
+ For speed, the command: 
+<pre class="code">$ git add -u</pre>
+ will update all files which git tracks, including any files which were deleted.
+For adding any new files the patch introduced, use the command 
+<pre class="code">$ git add new_file.c</pre>
+ Note: git add also takes wild-cards.
+Commit the patch, making sure that the Authorâ??s name and e-mail address are specified: 
+<pre class="code">$ git commit --author &quot;Author&#039;s Name Comes Here &lt;author@xxxxxxxxxxx&gt;&quot;</pre>
+ As an alternative, you can set the GIT_AUTHOR_NAME and GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL environment variables before issuing the normal commit command
+<!-- SECTION "Committing patches from other contributors" [3357-5208] -->
+<h3><a name="writing_good_commit_messages" id="writing_good_commit_messages">Writing good commit messages</a></h3>
+<div class="level3">
+ The commit message format is as follows: a *strictly* one-line summary of the patch, followed by a blank line, followed by a long description.  If you can fit the whole description of the patch on one line, thatâ??s fine; donâ??t bother with the long description.
+The one-line summary is used for generating e-mail subject lines, and for the gitk &amp; gitweb log displays.  Having a good one-line summary is really useful, because it means those tools can be used to quickly find a commit of interest.
+<strong>Do not</strong> put a list of files changed into commit messages.  This information can be trivially obtained using the git tools.
+<pre class="code">
+Added new GedaList class derived from GObject
+This abstracts a GList with API for write access. Its main use is in list
+change notification, as it emits a &quot;changed&quot; g_signal when modified.
+Read only access to the underlying GList is provided by an accessor,
+currenly implemented as a macro.
+<!-- SECTION "Writing good commit messages" [5209-6190] -->
+<h3><a name="push_is_destructive" id="push_is_destructive">Push is Destructive</a></h3>
+<div class="level3">
+ <strong>Warning: pushing changes to the remote repository is destructive</strong>
+Unlike <acronym title="Concurrent Versions System">CVS</acronym>, it is not the committing of changes which changes the master repository, but pushing changes using cg-push or git-push.  You should always double- (or triple-) check that the commits you are about to push are actually meant for the main repository.
+<!-- SECTION "Push is Destructive" [6191-6555] -->
+<h2><a name="how_do_i" id="how_do_i">How Do I ... ?</a></h2>
+<div class="level2">
+ For a more information please checkout the <a href="http://wiki.sourcemage.org/Git_Guide"; class="urlextern" title="http://wiki.sourcemage.org/Git_Guide";  rel="nofollow">Git Guide</a>.
+<!-- SECTION "How Do I ... ?" [6556-6679] -->
+<h3><a name="get_a_copy_of_geda_gaf_git_repository" id="get_a_copy_of_geda_gaf_git_repository">... get a copy of gEDA/gaf git repository?</a></h3>
+<div class="level3">
+ For anonymous read-only access: 
+<pre class="code">$ git clone git://git.gpleda.org/gaf</pre>
+ For developers with read/write access: 
+<pre class="code">$ git clone git://git.gpleda.org/home/git/gaf.git</pre>
+<!-- SECTION "... get a copy of gEDA/gaf git repository?" [6680-6899] -->
+<h3><a name="keep_my_local_copy_current" id="keep_my_local_copy_current">... keep my local copy current?</a></h3>
+<div class="level3">
+ For those who are are not merging changes back into the central git repository you can run: 
+<pre class="code">$ git pull</pre>
+ However, for those of you who are going to be pushing your changes back into the central git repository, using git pull will clutter up the history with merge messages (â??Merge branch â??masterâ??â??).  To avoid this you should run: 
+<pre class="code">$ git fetch
+$ git rebase origin</pre>
+<!-- SECTION "... keep my local copy current?" [6900-7314] -->
+<h3><a name="commit_my_changes_to_the_local_git_repository" id="commit_my_changes_to_the_local_git_repository">... commit my changes to the local git repository?</a></h3>
+<div class="level3">
+<pre class="code">$ git commit -a </pre>
+ This command will find all changed files that git knows about (added with git-add) and prompt you for a commit message.  Be sure to follow the above commit message convention if you plan on pushing your changes to the central repository.
+If you want to commit files in the current directory or want to explicitly commit only certain files, do not specify the -a flag and/or specify the individual filenames on the command line like: 
+<pre class="code">$ git commit filename1 filename2</pre>
+<!-- SECTION "... commit my changes to the local git repository?" [7315-7868] -->
+<h3><a name="undo_any_uncommitted_local_changes" id="undo_any_uncommitted_local_changes">... undo any uncommitted local changes?</a></h3>
+<div class="level3">
+<pre class="code">$ git checkout -f </pre>
+ Note this will discard any changes to any files that are being tracked by git.
+<!-- SECTION "... undo any uncommitted local changes?" [7869-8022] -->
+<h3><a name="fix_change_my_last_commit" id="fix_change_my_last_commit">... fix/change my last commit?</a></h3>
+<div class="level3">
+<pre class="code">$ Edit whatever files
+$ git commit --amend filename1..filenameN </pre>
+ This will pickup any changes you made and recommit them again with the previous commit message.
+<!-- SECTION "... fix/change my last commit?" [8023-] --></div>
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@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
 <li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#installing_packages_from_the_suse_build_service" class="toc">Installing Packages from the SuSE Build Service</a></span></div></li>
 <li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#distribution_specific_notes" class="toc">Distribution specific notes</a></span></div>
 <ul class="toc">
-<li class="level3"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#suse_9.3" class="toc">SuSE 9.3</a></span></div></li>
 <li class="level3"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#suse_10.0" class="toc">SuSE 10.0</a></span></div></li>
 <li class="level3"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#suse_10.1" class="toc">SuSE 10.1</a></span></div></li>
 <li class="level3"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#suse_10.2" class="toc">SuSE 10.2</a></span></div></li></ul>
@@ -52,23 +51,23 @@
 <h2><a name="available_rpm_packages" id="available_rpm_packages">Available rpm packages</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> libgeda (20070216)</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> libgeda (20070526)</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> geda-docs (20070216)</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> geda-docs (20070526)</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> geda-examples (20070216)</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> geda-examples (20070526)</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> geda-gattrib (20070216)</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> geda-gattrib (20070526)</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> geda-gnetlist (20070216)</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> geda-gnetlist (20070526)</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> geda-gschem (20070216)</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> geda-gschem (20070526)</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> geda-gsymcheck (20070216)</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> geda-gsymcheck (20070526)</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> geda-symbols (20070216)</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> geda-symbols (20070526)</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> geda-utils (20070216)</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> geda-utils (20070526)</div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> gerbv (1.0.2)</div>
@@ -82,7 +81,7 @@
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> gwave (20051222)</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> gtkwave (3.0.23)</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> gtkwave (3.0.28)</div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> dinotrace (9.3e)</div>
@@ -126,17 +125,6 @@
 <!-- SECTION "Distribution specific notes" [1194-1311] -->
-<h3><a name="suse_9.3" id="suse_9.3">SuSE 9.3</a></h3>
-<div class="level3">
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>YaST</strong> of SuSE 9.3 does not support yum repositories. Please use another installation utility like yum or smart instead.</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>gSpiceUI</strong> not build for SuSE9.3. wxwidget package is missing.</div>
-<!-- SECTION "SuSE 9.3" [1312-1528] -->
 <h3><a name="suse_10.0" id="suse_10.0">SuSE 10.0</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -145,7 +133,7 @@
-<!-- SECTION "SuSE 10.0" [1529-1553] -->
+<!-- SECTION "SuSE 10.0" [1312-1336] -->
 <h3><a name="suse_10.1" id="suse_10.1">SuSE 10.1</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -154,7 +142,7 @@
-<!-- SECTION "SuSE 10.1" [1554-1578] -->
+<!-- SECTION "SuSE 10.1" [1337-1361] -->
 <h3><a name="suse_10.2" id="suse_10.2">SuSE 10.2</a></h3>
 <div class="level3">
@@ -163,6 +151,6 @@
-<!-- SECTION "SuSE 10.2" [1579-] --></div>
+<!-- SECTION "SuSE 10.2" [1362-] --></div>
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@@ -22,6 +22,18 @@
 <div class="dokuwiki export">
+<div class="toc">
+<div class="tocheader toctoggle" id="toc__header">Table of Contents</div>
+<div id="toc__inside">
+<ul class="toc">
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#geda_tasks" class="toc">gEDA Tasks</a></span></div>
+<ul class="toc">
+<li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#important_tasks_for_normal_volunteers" class="toc">important tasks for normal volunteers</a></span></div></li>
+<li class="level2"><div class="li"><span class="li"><a href="#tasks_for_programmers" class="toc">tasks for programmers</a></span></div></li></ul>
@@ -29,15 +41,40 @@
 <div class="level1">
-gEDA is run by volunteers, so these are volunteer (read: unpaid) tasks. Please consider helping out. Thank you.
+gEDA is run by volunteers, so these are volunteer (read: unpaid) tasks. Please consider helping out. Thank you. 
+<!-- SECTION "gEDA Tasks" [1-137] -->
+<h2><a name="important_tasks_for_normal_volunteers" id="important_tasks_for_normal_volunteers">important tasks for normal volunteers</a></h2>
+<div class="level2">
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>Documentation Writers/Editors</strong><br/>
- Somebody is needed to act as an editor for the gEDA documentation effort. Basically this person would take whatever documentation already exists and/or is currently being written and formats it into something presentable. This individual does not write the actual documentation, but would instead perform editorial work. People who want to write the actual documentation are also needed.</div>
+ Somebody is needed to act as an editor for the gEDA documentation effort. Basically this person would take whatever documentation already exists and/or is currently being written and formats it into something presentable. This individual does not write the actual documentation, but would instead perform editorial work. People who want to write the actual documentation are also needed. (The <a href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/";  rel="nofollow"> start</a> page explains how to get started editing the documentation on the wiki).</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>PCB Publicity Manager</strong><br/>
+ Somebody is needed to do publicity for the gEDA project. This consists of posting release updates to the various PCB design websites (such as <a href="http://circuitcalculator.com/"; class="urlextern" title="http://CircuitCalculator.com/";  rel="nofollow">http://CircuitCalculator.com/</a> , <a href="http://www.olimex.com/pcb/dtools.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.olimex.com/pcb/dtools.html";  rel="nofollow"> Olimex</a>, <a href="http://www.4pcb.com/index.php?load=content&page_id=46"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.4pcb.com/index.php?load=content&amp;page_id=46";  rel="nofollow"> Advanced Circuits</a>, <a href="http://opencircuits.com/Techniques"; class="urlextern" title="http://opencircuits.com/Techniques";  rel="nofollow"> Open Circuits</a>, <a href="http://www.epanorama.net/"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.ePanorama.net/";  rel="nofollow">http://www.ePanorama.net/</a> , <a href="http://docwiki.gumstix.org/"; class="urlextern" title="http://docwiki.gumstix.org/";  rel="nofollow"> gumstix</a>, <a href="http://reprap.org/bin/view"; class="urlextern" title="http://reprap.org/bin/view";  rel="nofollow"> RepRap</a>, etc.)</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>Publicity Manager</strong><br/>
- Somebody is needed to do publicity for the gEDA project. This consists of posting release updates to the various Linux/Unix websites (like Freshmeat or LWN)</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>Linux Publicity Manager</strong><br/>
+ Somebody is needed to do publicity for the gEDA project. This consists of posting release updates to the various Linux/Unix websites (like Freshmeat or <a href="http://lwn.net/"; class="urlextern" title="http://LWN.net/";  rel="nofollow"> LWN</a> or <a href="http://linuxrobots.org/"; class="urlextern" title="http://LinuxRobots.org/";  rel="nofollow">http://LinuxRobots.org/</a> )</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>UNIX Port Testers</strong><br/>
+ People are always needed to test gEDA on different and new UNIX like operating systems. This person would basically download a new release and make sure it works on their platform of choice. Any problems found would be then submitted to the appropriate gEDA author.</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>Website/Mirror Hacker</strong><br/>
+ Somebody to watch over the mirrors and maybe do some <acronym title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</acronym> hacking is needed. There are currently three websites which need to be monitored and occasionally fixed. The person would also have influence in the changing/expansion of the gEDA website. Duties would be split among the current webmasters.</div>
+<!-- SECTION "important tasks for normal volunteers" [138-2110] -->
+<h2><a name="tasks_for_programmers" id="tasks_for_programmers">tasks for programmers</a></h2>
+<div class="level2">
+ <img src="lib/images/smileys/fixme.gif" class="middle" alt="FIXME" />: <code>should this list be combined with <a href="geda_todos.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:todos">todos</a> ?</code> 
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>Netlist Hacker</strong><br/>
  Somebody who is familiar with the generation/management of netlists is needed to help work on and improve gnetlist. Whether the existing gnetlist is used or if a total rewrite is needed is always an open option. Must be extremely familiar with UNIX/C/C++ programming.</div>
@@ -47,21 +84,15 @@ gEDA is run by volunteers, so these are volunteer (read: unpaid) tasks. Please c
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>geda <acronym title="Graphical User Interface">GUI</acronym> Hacker</strong><br/>
  Somebody who knows C, UNIX, and gtk+ programming is needed to work on the gEDA <acronym title="Graphical User Interface">GUI</acronym> (the program named geda). This program has been stalled for the past year due to the lack of manpower. Whether the existing geda is used or a total rewrite is needed is always an open option.</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>UNIX Port Testers</strong><br/>
- People are always needed to test gEDA on different and new UNIX like operating systems. This person would basically download a new release and make sure it works on their platform of choice. Any problems found would be then submitted to the appropriate gEDA author.</div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>Windows Port Hacker/Manager</strong><br/>
  Somebody with expertise building and testing gEDA on UNIX systems and familiarity with the <acronym title="Microsoft">MS</acronym> Windows 95/98/NT platform is needed to manage the gEDA Windows port. Testing, bug fixing, packaging, and releasing of gEDA on the Windows platform would be the primary responsibility of this person. This task requires a person who knows C, gtk+, UNIX, and <acronym title="Microsoft">MS</acronym> Windows programming. The Windows port will NOT move forward if this task is not filled.</div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>Release Hacker</strong><br/>
  Somebody who wants to create and manage releases is needed. Releases occur when the code is ready to be released, so thereâ??s no marketing pressure. This task requires gEDA building/testing familiarity as well perhaps some minor code hacking.</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>Website/Mirror Hacker</strong><br/>
- Somebody to watch over the mirrors and maybe do some <acronym title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</acronym> hacking is needed. There are currently three websites which need to be monitored and occasionally fixed. The person would also have influence in the changing/expansion of the gEDA website. Duties would be split among the current webmasters.</div>
+<!-- SECTION "tasks for programmers" [2111-] --></div>
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 <link rel="start" href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/"; />
@@ -45,8 +45,12 @@
 These lists are meant to provide developers a reminder of undone projects. It is also a wish list capturing userâ??s desires for new features. New developers can also look here for projects which they might be interested in working on.
+See <a href="http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:tasks"; class="wikilink1" title="geda:tasks">tasks</a> for non-programmer tasks.
-<!-- SECTION "ToDo" [1-256] -->
+<!-- SECTION "ToDo" [1-297] -->
 <h2><a name="things_to_be_done_before_the_next_release" id="things_to_be_done_before_the_next_release">Things to be done before the next release</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -55,7 +59,7 @@ These lists are meant to provide developers a reminder of undone projects. It is
-<!-- SECTION "Things to be done before the next release" [257-356] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Things to be done before the next release" [298-397] -->
 <h2><a name="longer_term_upgrades_desired_for_specific_tools" id="longer_term_upgrades_desired_for_specific_tools">Longer term upgrades desired for specific tools</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -116,7 +120,7 @@ These lists are meant to provide developers a reminder of undone projects. It is
-<!-- SECTION "Longer term upgrades desired for specific tools" [357-1877] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Longer term upgrades desired for specific tools" [398-1918] -->
 <h2><a name="ideas_for_new_tools_or_geda_suite-wide_enhancements" id="ideas_for_new_tools_or_geda_suite-wide_enhancements">Ideas for new tools or gEDA Suite-wide enhancements</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -129,6 +133,6 @@ These lists are meant to provide developers a reminder of undone projects. It is
-<!-- SECTION "Ideas for new tools or gEDA Suite-wide enhancements" [1878-] --></div>
+<!-- SECTION "Ideas for new tools or gEDA Suite-wide enhancements" [1919-] --></div>
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@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 <div class="level1">
-The first thing to do is to read and understand Bill Wilsonâ??s excellent <a href="http://geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html";  rel="nofollow">gschem -&gt; gsch2pcb -&gt; PCB</a> tutorial. This should get you started.
+The first thing to do is to read and understand Bill Wilsonâ??s excellent <a href="geda_gsch2pcb_tutorial.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:gsch2pcb_tutorial">gschem -&gt; gsch2pcb -&gt; PCB</a> tutorial. This should get you started.
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ Also be sure to check out the other <a href="http://geda.seul.org/docs"; class="u
-However, perhaps the best way to learn the gEDA Suite is to download it and try it out yourself! If you consult Bill Wilsonâ??s <a href="http://geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://geda.seul.org/docs/current/tutorials/gsch2pcb/tutorial.html";  rel="nofollow">tutorial</a> while trying the suite for yourself, you will become an expert in no time!
+However, the best way to learn the gEDA Suite is to download it and try it out yourself! If you consult Bill Wilsonâ??s tutorial while trying the suite for yourself, you will become an expert in no time!
-<!-- SECTION "What's the best way to learn to use gEDA?" [1-664] -->
+<!-- SECTION "What's the best way to learn to use gEDA?" [1-541] -->
 <h1><a name="what_does_the_design_flow_in_geda_look_like" id="what_does_the_design_flow_in_geda_look_like">What does the design flow in gEDA look like?</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ In words, the design flow for a simple PCB proceeds as follows:
-<!-- SECTION "What does the design flow in gEDA look like?" [665-2340] -->
+<!-- SECTION "What does the design flow in gEDA look like?" [542-2217] -->
 <h1><a name="what_limitations_exist_for_the_geda_tools" id="what_limitations_exist_for_the_geda_tools">What limitations exist for the gEDA tools?</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ The most important thing to keep in mind about gEDAâ??s limitations is this: GED
-<!-- SECTION "What limitations exist for the gEDA tools?" [2341-4237] -->
+<!-- SECTION "What limitations exist for the gEDA tools?" [2218-4114] -->
 <h1><a name="what_local_configuration_files_are_used_for_a_project" id="what_local_configuration_files_are_used_for_a_project">What local configuration files are used for a project?</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ A typical PCB design requires the following config files in your local directory
-<!-- SECTION "What local configuration files are used for a project?" [4238-5192] -->
+<!-- SECTION "What local configuration files are used for a project?" [4115-5069] -->
 <h1><a name="what_are_the_names_and_locations_of_the_rc_files_used_with_geda_gaf_applications" id="what_are_the_names_and_locations_of_the_rc_files_used_with_geda_gaf_applications">What are the names and locations of the RC files used with gEDA/gaf applications?</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ Finally, note that gEDA/gaf applications will look for up to six configuration f
-<!-- SECTION "What are the names and locations of the RC files used with gEDA/gaf applications?" [5193-8569] -->
+<!-- SECTION "What are the names and locations of the RC files used with gEDA/gaf applications?" [5070-8446] -->
 <h1><a name="what_about_a_project_manager" id="what_about_a_project_manager">What about a project manager?</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ Unfortunately, development of â??gedaâ?? has not kept up with the rest of gEDA/g
-<!-- SECTION "What about a project manager?" [8570-9605] -->
+<!-- SECTION "What about a project manager?" [8447-9482] -->
 <h1><a name="can_we_change_geda_to_use_an_xml_file_format" id="can_we_change_geda_to_use_an_xml_file_format">Can we change gEDA to use an XML file format?</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
@@ -269,6 +269,6 @@ Itâ??s unlikely the gEDA Project will ever switch to an <acronym title="Extensib
-<!-- SECTION "Can we change gEDA to use an XML file format?" [9606-] --></div>
+<!-- SECTION "Can we change gEDA to use an XML file format?" [9483-] --></div>
diff --git a/docs/wiki/geda_vams_netlister_readme.html b/docs/wiki/geda_vams_netlister_readme.html
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@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 <h1><a name="wcalc_readme" id="wcalc_readme">Wcalc README</a></h1>
 <div class="level1">
-<pre class="code">$Id$
+<pre class="code">$Id: README,v 1.2 2005/10/24 21:12:42 dan Exp $
 Wcalc is a tool for the analysis and synthesis of transmission line structures and 
 related components.  Wcalc provides the ability to analyze the electrical parameters
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@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ These are FAQs, HOWTOs, and tips/tricks to help you with the practical details o
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="geda_faq-gsch2pcb.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:faq-gsch2pcb">FAQ-gsch2pcb</a> : How to take your design to layout using PCB.</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="geda_faq-pcb.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:faq-pcb">FAQ-pcb</a> : questions about â??pcbâ??.</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="geda_faq-pcb.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:faq-pcb">FAQ-pcb</a> : Questions about the printed circuit board tool â??pcbâ??.</div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="geda_pcb-quick_reference.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:pcb-quick_reference">PCB-quick reference</a> : PCB Quick Reference Sheet.</div>
@@ -111,12 +111,12 @@ These are FAQs, HOWTOs, and tips/tricks to help you with the practical details o
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="geda_pcb_footprints.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:pcb_footprints">PCB footprints</a> : The ins and outs of using, creating, and sharing footprints.</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="geda_tasks.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:tasks">Tasks</a> : A toplevel jobs/tasks that need help. </div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="geda_tasks.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:tasks">Tasks</a> : Top-level list of jobs/tasks that need help.</div>
-<!-- SECTION "FAQs and Informal Project Documentation" [1461-2872] -->
+<!-- SECTION "FAQs and Informal Project Documentation" [1461-2909] -->
 <h2><a name="developer_documentation" id="developer_documentation">Developer Documentation</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -124,6 +124,10 @@ These are FAQs, HOWTOs, and tips/tricks to help you with the practical details o
 These are pages concerning the development of the gEDA suite. 
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="http://www.geda.seul.org/developer.html"; class="urlextern" title="http://www.geda.seul.org/developer.html";  rel="nofollow"> developer.html</a> : Where to submit bug reports, feature requests and contributions.  </div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="geda_scm.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:scm">scm</a> : Information on gEDA/gafâ??s source control management (SCM) system and process.</div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="geda_devel-tips.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:devel-tips">devel-tips</a> : For developers only: various tips and tricks when doing gEDA development.</div>
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="geda_todos.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:todos">ToDos</a> : For developers only: lists of pending project enhancements and to-dos.</div>
@@ -132,16 +136,16 @@ These are pages concerning the development of the gEDA suite.
 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="geda_circuit_simulation_improvements.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:circuit_simulation_improvements">Circuit Simulation Improvements</a> : For developers only: Discussion on how to better integrate circuit simulations, gschem and gnetlist.</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="geda_data_plotting_improvements.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:data_plotting_improvements">Data Plotting Improvements</a> : For developers only: Discussion on how to better plot simulation data</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="geda_data_plotting_improvements.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:data_plotting_improvements">Data Plotting Improvements</a> : For developers only: Discussion on how to better plot simulation data.</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="geda_design_flow_and_hierarchy_roadmap.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:design_flow_and_hierarchy_roadmap">Design Flow and Hierarchy Roadmap</a> : users and developers: Discussion of wants for circuit design, reusing modules in a hierarchy.</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="geda_design_flow_and_hierarchy_roadmap.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:design_flow_and_hierarchy_roadmap">Design Flow and Hierarchy Roadmap</a> : For users and developers: Discussion of wants for circuit design, reusing modules in a hierarchy.</div>
-<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="geda_version_control_migration.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:version_control_migration">Version Control Migration</a> : proposed schedule for migrating away from <acronym title="Concurrent Versions System">CVS</acronym> to another version control system</div>
+<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <a href="geda_version_control_migration.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda:version_control_migration">Version Control Migration</a> : Proposed schedule for migrating away from <acronym title="Concurrent Versions System">CVS</acronym> to another version control system.</div>
-<!-- SECTION "Developer Documentation" [2873-3802] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Developer Documentation" [2910-4079] -->
 <h2><a name="talks" id="talks">Talks</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -154,7 +158,7 @@ These are slides of presentations done about gEDA.  They provide a good top-leve
-<!-- SECTION "Talks" [3803-4042] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Talks" [4080-4319] -->
 <h2><a name="translations" id="translations">Translations</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -165,7 +169,7 @@ These are slides of presentations done about gEDA.  They provide a good top-leve
-<!-- SECTION "Translations" [4043-4158] -->
+<!-- SECTION "Translations" [4320-4435] -->
 <h2><a name="geda_users" id="geda_users">gEDA Users</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -178,7 +182,7 @@ The so-called â??Free Dogâ?? organization ( <a href="http://freeedaug.org/"; clas
-<!-- SECTION "gEDA Users" [4159-4528] -->
+<!-- SECTION "gEDA Users" [4436-4805] -->
 <h2><a name="about_this_wiki" id="about_this_wiki">About this Wiki</a></h2>
 <div class="level2">
@@ -187,10 +191,10 @@ This section of the gEDA website is dedicated to documentation that is contribut
-Anyone is welcome to contribute. Unlike wikipedia there is no button to create a login by yourself. This is because nobody at the gEDA site has the nerves to deal with anonymous vandalism. Consequently, you have to write an email to the site admin (ahvezda AT geda.seul.org) to gain access. He will gladly send you a login.  
+Anyone is welcome to contribute. Unlike wikipedia there is no button to create a login by yourself. This is because nobody at the gEDA site has the nerves to deal with anonymous vandalism. Consequently, you have to write an email to the site admin (ahvezda AT geda.seul.org) to gain access. He will gladly send you a login. 
-<!-- SECTION "About this Wiki" [4529-] --></div>
+<!-- SECTION "About this Wiki" [4806-] --></div>
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commit a680faf8e3121c2b999bc5168a2910fb83f11ffc
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Jul 5 00:57:07 2007 -0400

    Updated all pot/po files (via make update-po).  Added new menus to rcstrings.c.

diff --git a/gschem/po/de_DE.po b/gschem/po/de_DE.po
index 258a450..534b11e 100644
--- a/gschem/po/de_DE.po
+++ b/gschem/po/de_DE.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: de_DE\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-26 11:03-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-07-05 00:52-0400\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-06-26 22:19+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Werner Hoch <werner.ho@xxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: deutsch <de@xxxxxx>\n"
@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ msgstr "Datei"
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@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ msgstr "Seite schlieÃ?en"
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+#: src/rcstrings.c:8 src/x_pagesel.c:262
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@@ -53,19 +53,19 @@ msgstr "Speichern unter..."
 msgid "Save All"
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-#: src/rcstrings.c:11 src/x_print.c:317
+#: src/rcstrings.c:11 src/x_print.c:283
 msgid "Print..."
 msgstr "Drucken..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:12 src/x_image.c:496
+#: src/rcstrings.c:12 src/x_image.c:504
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 msgstr "Speichere Bild..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:13
+#: src/rcstrings.c:13 src/x_menus.c:520
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-#: src/rcstrings.c:14 src/x_script.c:49
+#: src/rcstrings.c:14 src/x_script.c:50
 msgid "Execute Script..."
 msgstr "Skript ausführen..."
@@ -77,19 +77,19 @@ msgstr "Fenster schlieÃ?en"
 msgid "Quit"
 msgstr "Beenden"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:18 src/i_callbacks.c:746
+#: src/rcstrings.c:18 src/i_callbacks.c:730
 msgid "Edit"
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-#: src/rcstrings.c:19 src/x_window.c:515
+#: src/rcstrings.c:19 src/x_window.c:511
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-#: src/rcstrings.c:20 src/x_window.c:522
+#: src/rcstrings.c:20 src/x_window.c:518
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-#: src/rcstrings.c:21 src/i_basic.c:94 src/x_window.c:686
+#: src/rcstrings.c:21 src/i_basic.c:81 src/x_window.c:682
 msgid "Select Mode"
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@@ -113,19 +113,19 @@ msgstr "Bearbeiten..."
 msgid "Edit Text..."
 msgstr "Text bearbeiten..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:27 src/i_basic.c:107
+#: src/rcstrings.c:27 src/i_basic.c:94
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-#: src/rcstrings.c:28 src/i_basic.c:162
+#: src/rcstrings.c:28 src/i_basic.c:149
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-#: src/rcstrings.c:29 src/i_basic.c:110
+#: src/rcstrings.c:29 src/i_basic.c:97
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 msgstr "Verschiebe Modus"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:30 src/i_callbacks.c:722 src/x_multiattrib.c:1193
+#: src/rcstrings.c:30 src/i_callbacks.c:706 src/x_multiattrib.c:1174
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 msgstr "Löschen"
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ msgstr "Löschen"
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-#: src/rcstrings.c:32 src/i_basic.c:114
+#: src/rcstrings.c:32 src/i_basic.c:101
 msgid "Mirror Mode"
 msgstr "Spiegel Modus"
@@ -145,11 +145,11 @@ msgstr "Slot..."
 msgid "Color..."
 msgstr "Farbe..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:35 src/i_callbacks.c:919
+#: src/rcstrings.c:35 src/i_callbacks.c:903
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-#: src/rcstrings.c:36 src/i_callbacks.c:937
+#: src/rcstrings.c:36 src/i_callbacks.c:921
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@@ -257,11 +257,11 @@ msgstr "Ansicht"
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-#: src/rcstrings.c:65 src/i_callbacks.c:1489 src/i_callbacks.c:1558
+#: src/rcstrings.c:65 src/i_callbacks.c:1471 src/i_callbacks.c:1540
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-#: src/rcstrings.c:66 src/i_basic.c:118
+#: src/rcstrings.c:66 src/i_basic.c:105
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@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ msgstr "Nächste"
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-#: src/rcstrings.c:76 src/x_window.c:493
+#: src/rcstrings.c:76 src/x_window.c:489
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@@ -321,12 +321,12 @@ msgstr "Einfügen"
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-#: src/rcstrings.c:83 src/i_callbacks.c:2313 src/i_callbacks.c:2336
+#: src/rcstrings.c:83 src/i_callbacks.c:2289 src/i_callbacks.c:2311
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-#: src/rcstrings.c:84 src/i_callbacks.c:2381 src/i_callbacks.c:2405
-#: src/x_window.c:551
+#: src/rcstrings.c:84 src/i_callbacks.c:2355 src/i_callbacks.c:2378
+#: src/x_window.c:547
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@@ -338,23 +338,23 @@ msgstr "Attribut..."
 msgid "Text..."
 msgstr "Text..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:87 src/i_callbacks.c:2487 src/i_callbacks.c:2507
+#: src/rcstrings.c:87 src/i_callbacks.c:2459 src/i_callbacks.c:2478
 msgid "Line"
 msgstr "Linie"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:88 src/i_callbacks.c:2530 src/i_callbacks.c:2550
+#: src/rcstrings.c:88 src/i_callbacks.c:2500 src/i_callbacks.c:2519
 msgid "Box"
 msgstr "Rechteck"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:89 src/i_callbacks.c:2607 src/i_callbacks.c:2628
+#: src/rcstrings.c:89 src/i_callbacks.c:2575 src/i_callbacks.c:2595
 msgid "Circle"
 msgstr "Kreis"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:90 src/i_callbacks.c:2651 src/i_callbacks.c:2671
+#: src/rcstrings.c:90 src/i_callbacks.c:2617 src/i_callbacks.c:2636
 msgid "Arc"
 msgstr "Bogen"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:91 src/i_callbacks.c:2694 src/i_callbacks.c:2714
+#: src/rcstrings.c:91 src/i_callbacks.c:2658 src/i_callbacks.c:2677
 msgid "Pin"
 msgstr "AnschluÃ?"
@@ -382,15 +382,15 @@ msgstr "Hinauf"
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "Dokumentation"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:100 src/x_multiattrib.c:1332
+#: src/rcstrings.c:100 src/x_multiattrib.c:1300
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "Attribut"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:101 src/i_callbacks.c:2974
+#: src/rcstrings.c:101 src/i_callbacks.c:2942
 msgid "Attach"
 msgstr "Anbringen"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:102 src/i_callbacks.c:3023
+#: src/rcstrings.c:102 src/i_callbacks.c:2991
 msgid "Detach"
 msgstr "Ablösen"
@@ -479,12 +479,13 @@ msgid "Manual"
 msgstr "Handbuch"
 #: src/rcstrings.c:126
-msgid "FAQ"
-msgstr "FAQ"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "gEDA Documentation"
+msgstr "Dokumentation"
 #: src/rcstrings.c:127
-msgid "gEDA Wiki"
-msgstr "gEDA Wiki"
+msgid "gschem FAQ"
+msgstr ""
 #: src/rcstrings.c:128
 msgid "Component Documentation"
@@ -494,155 +495,118 @@ msgstr "Bauteil Dokumentation"
 msgid "About gschem"
 msgstr "Ã?ber gschem"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:130 src/x_dialog.c:2501
+#: src/rcstrings.c:130 src/x_dialog.c:2517
 msgid "Hotkeys"
 msgstr "Tastenkürzel"
-#: src/a_zoom.c:224
+#: src/a_zoom.c:242
 msgid "Zoom too small!  Cannot zoom further.\n"
 msgstr "Bereich zu klein! Eine weitere Vergrö�erung ist nicht möglich.\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:341 src/i_callbacks.c:136
+#: src/g_funcs.c:342 src/i_callbacks.c:137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not fork\n"
 msgstr "fork fehlgeschlagen!\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:357 src/i_callbacks.c:146
+#: src/g_funcs.c:358 src/i_callbacks.c:147
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not invoke %s\n"
 msgstr "Konnte %s nicht aufrufen\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:363 src/i_callbacks.c:150
+#: src/g_funcs.c:364 src/i_callbacks.c:151
 msgid "Documentation commands not supported under MinGW.\n"
 msgstr "Die Funktion \"Dokumentation\" wird unter MinGW nicht unterstützt.\n"
-#: src/g_hook.c:87
+#: src/g_hook.c:88
 #, c-format
 msgid "Attribute failed ot find.\n"
 msgstr "Attribut wurde nicht gefunden.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:106
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Found a version [%s%s] gschemrc file:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Die Version der gschemrc Datei ist [%s%s].\n"
-"Dateiname: [%s]\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:109
-#, c-format
-msgid "While gschem is in ALPHA, please be sure that you have the latest rc file.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Solange gschem im ALPHA-Stadium ist, sollte unbedingt die neueste rc Datei \n"
-"verwendet werden.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:169
+#: src/g_rc.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid color [%s] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Eine ungültige Farbe [%s] wurde an %s übergeben.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:358
+#: src/g_rc.c:332
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Ein ungültiger Modus [%s] wurde an %s übergeben.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:536
+#: src/g_rc.c:510
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid zoomfactor [%d] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Ein ungültiger Vergrösserungsfaktor [%d] wurde an %s übergeben.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:574
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to scrollbar-update\n"
-msgstr "Ein ungültiger Modus [%s] wurde an scrollbar-update übergeben.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:655
+#: src/g_rc.c:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to text-size\n"
 msgstr "Eine ungültige Grö�e [%d] wurde an text-size übergeben.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:682
+#: src/g_rc.c:628
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%f] passed to postscript-font-scale\n"
 msgstr "Ein ungültiger Wert [%f] wurde an postscript-font-scale übergeben.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:725
+#: src/g_rc.c:671
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to snap-size\n"
 msgstr "Eine ungültige Grö�e [%d] wurde an snap-size übergeben.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:799 src/g_rc.c:802
-#, c-format
-msgid "Duplicate stroke definition passed to stroke! [%s]\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Eine doppelte Definition eines Tastenkürzels wurde an stroke übergeben! [%"
-#: src/g_rc.c:813
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"A stroke keyword has been found in an rc file, but gschem\n"
-"is not compiled to support strokes, please recompile gschem\n"
-"with LibStroke\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Ein Tastenkürzel wurde in einer rc Datei gefunden, aber gschem\n"
-"wurde ohne Tastenkürzelunterstützung kompiliert, bitte kompiliere\n"
-"gschem mit LibStroke.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1275
+#: src/g_rc.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid num levels [%d] passed to undo-levels\n"
 msgstr "Eine ungültige Ebenenanzahl [%d] wurde an undo-levels übergeben.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1500
+#: src/g_rc.c:1402
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to bus-ripper-size\n"
 msgstr "Eine ungültige Grö�e [%d] wurde an bus-ripper-size übergeben.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1575
+#: src/g_rc.c:1477
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid dot size [%d] passed to grid-dot-size\n"
 msgstr "An \"grid-dot-size\" wurde eine falsche Punktgrö�e [%d] übergeben.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1616
+#: src/g_rc.c:1518
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid pixel spacing [%d] passed to grid-fixed-threshold\n"
-msgstr "An \"grid-fixed-threshold\" wurde ein falscher Punktabstand [%d] übergeben.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"An \"grid-fixed-threshold\" wurde ein falscher Punktabstand [%d] übergeben.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1660
+#: src/g_rc.c:1562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid offset [%d] passed to add-attribute-offset\n"
 msgstr "Ein ungültiger Offset [%d] wurde an add-attribute-offset übergeben.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1684
+#: src/g_rc.c:1586
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid number of seconds [%d] passed to auto-save-interval\n"
 msgstr ""
 "An \"auto-save-interval\" wurde eine ungültige Sekundenanzahl [%d] "
-#: src/g_rc.c:1725
+#: src/g_rc.c:1627
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid gain [%d] passed to mousepan-gain\n"
 msgstr "Ein ungültiger Werte [%d] wurde an mousepan-gain übergeben.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1748
+#: src/g_rc.c:1650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid gain [%d] passed to keyboardpan-gain\n"
 msgstr "Ein ungültiger Wert [%d] wurde an keyboardpan-gain übergeben.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1794
+#: src/g_rc.c:1696
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid number of pixels [%d] passed to select-slack-pixels\n"
-msgstr "An \"select-slack-pixels\" wurde eine ungültige Pixelzahl [%d] übergeben\n"
+msgstr ""
+"An \"select-slack-pixels\" wurde eine ungültige Pixelzahl [%d] übergeben\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:140 src/gschem.c:150
+#: src/gschem.c:191 src/gschem.c:202
 #, c-format
-msgid "gEDA/gschem version %s%s\n"
-msgstr "gEDA/gschem Version %s%s\n"
+msgid "gEDA/gschem version %s%s.%s\n"
+msgstr "gEDA/gschem Version %s%s.%s\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:142 src/gschem.c:152
+#: src/gschem.c:194 src/gschem.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "gEDA/gschem comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more "
@@ -651,14 +615,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "gEDA/gschem kommt OHNE JEGLICHE GARANTIE. Bitte lies die Datei COPYING "
 "fürnähere Informationen.\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:144 src/gschem.c:154
+#: src/gschem.c:196 src/gschem.c:207
 #, c-format
-msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain\n"
+msgid ""
+"This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Dies ist Freie Software. Sie darf gerne weitergegeben werden. Bitte lies "
-#: src/gschem.c:146 src/gschem.c:156
+#: src/gschem.c:198 src/gschem.c:209
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.\n"
@@ -667,213 +632,214 @@ msgstr ""
 "Lizenzbestimmungen in der Datei COPYING für nähere Informationen.\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:160
+#: src/gschem.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the MINGW32 port.\n"
 msgstr "Dies ist die MINGW32 Portierung.\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:164
+#: src/gschem.c:217
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current locale settings: %s\n"
 msgstr "Aktuelle Spracheinstellungen: %s\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:177
+#: src/gschem.c:230
 #, c-format
 msgid "You must set the GEDADATA environment variable!\n"
 msgstr "Die Umgebungsvariable GEDADATA muÃ? gesetzt werden!\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:192
+#: src/gschem.c:245
 #, c-format
 msgid "Read init scm file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Lese init scm Datei [%s]\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:196 src/gschem.c:199
+#: src/gschem.c:249 src/gschem.c:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to read init scm file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Die Datei init scm [%s] konnte nicht gelesen werden.\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:259
+#: src/gschem.c:313
 #, c-format
 msgid "Scheme directory NOT set!\n"
 msgstr "Das scheme Verzeichnis wurde nicht definiert!\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:266 src/x_script.c:70
+#: src/gschem.c:320 src/x_script.c:71
 #, c-format
 msgid "Executing guile script [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Führe guile scipt aus [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_basic.c:97
+#: src/i_basic.c:84
 msgid "Attribute Mode"
 msgstr "Attribut Modus"
-#: src/i_basic.c:100
+#: src/i_basic.c:87
 msgid "Component Mode"
 msgstr "Bauteil Modus"
-#: src/i_basic.c:104
+#: src/i_basic.c:91
 msgid "Text Mode"
 msgstr "Text Modus"
-#: src/i_basic.c:112
+#: src/i_basic.c:99
 msgid "Rotate Mode"
 msgstr "Dreh Modus"
-#: src/i_basic.c:122
+#: src/i_basic.c:109
 msgid "Pan Mode"
 msgstr "Ausschnitt Modus"
-#: src/i_basic.c:126
+#: src/i_basic.c:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "Paste %d Mode"
 msgstr "Einfügen %d Modus"
-#: src/i_basic.c:131
+#: src/i_basic.c:118
 msgid "Net Mode"
 msgstr "Netz Modus"
-#: src/i_basic.c:135
+#: src/i_basic.c:122
 msgid "Bus Mode"
 msgstr "Bus Modus"
-#: src/i_basic.c:138
+#: src/i_basic.c:125
 msgid "Line Mode"
 msgstr "Linien Modus"
-#: src/i_basic.c:141
+#: src/i_basic.c:128
 msgid "Box Mode"
 msgstr "Rechteck Modus"
-#: src/i_basic.c:144
+#: src/i_basic.c:131
 msgid "Picture Mode"
 msgstr "Bild Modus"
-#: src/i_basic.c:147
+#: src/i_basic.c:134
 msgid "Circle Mode"
 msgstr "Kreis Modus"
-#: src/i_basic.c:150
+#: src/i_basic.c:137
 msgid "Arc Mode"
 msgstr "Bogen Modus"
-#: src/i_basic.c:153
+#: src/i_basic.c:140
 msgid "Pin Mode"
 msgstr "AnschluÃ? Modus"
-#: src/i_basic.c:155 src/i_callbacks.c:603 src/i_callbacks.c:622
+#: src/i_basic.c:142 src/i_callbacks.c:587 src/i_callbacks.c:606
 msgid "Copy"
 msgstr "Kopieren"
-#: src/i_basic.c:157 src/i_callbacks.c:683 src/i_callbacks.c:702
+#: src/i_basic.c:144 src/i_callbacks.c:667 src/i_callbacks.c:686
 msgid "Move"
 msgstr "Verschieben"
-#: src/i_basic.c:159 src/i_callbacks.c:643 src/i_callbacks.c:662
+#: src/i_basic.c:146 src/i_callbacks.c:627 src/i_callbacks.c:646
 msgid "Multiple Copy"
 msgstr "Mehrfaches Kopieren"
-#: src/i_basic.c:197
-msgid "Snap Off"
-msgstr "Am Raster ausrichten aus"
-#: src/i_basic.c:203
+#: src/i_basic.c:174
 msgid "Show Hidden"
 msgstr "Zeige Unsichbares"
-#: src/i_basic.c:291 src/x_window.c:660
+#: src/i_basic.c:177
+msgid "Snap Off"
+msgstr "Am Raster ausrichten aus"
+#: src/i_basic.c:259 src/x_window.c:656
 msgid "Action"
 msgstr "Aktion"
-#: src/i_basic.c:299 src/x_window.c:655
+#: src/i_basic.c:267 src/x_window.c:651
 msgid "Stroke"
 msgstr "Taste"
-#: src/i_basic.c:306 src/x_window.c:657
+#: src/i_basic.c:274 src/x_window.c:653
 msgid "none"
 msgstr "nichts"
-#: src/i_basic.c:313
+#: src/i_basic.c:281
 msgid "Repeat/"
 msgstr "Wiederhole/"
-#: src/i_basic.c:738 src/i_basic.c:743
+#: src/i_basic.c:570 src/i_basic.c:575
 msgid "OFF"
 msgstr "AUS"
-#: src/i_basic.c:747
+#: src/i_basic.c:579
 #, c-format
 msgid "Grid(%s, %s)"
 msgstr "Raster(%s, %s)"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:131
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:132
 #, c-format
 msgid "Documentation for [%s,%s,%s,%s]\n"
 msgstr "Dokumentation von [%s,%s,%s,%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:191 src/i_callbacks.c:1687
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:192 src/i_callbacks.c:1669
 #, c-format
 msgid "New page created [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Neue Seite erzeugt [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:226 src/x_menus.c:432
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:227 src/x_menus.c:491
 #, c-format
 msgid "New Window created [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Neues Fenster geöffnet [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:355
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:345
 msgid "Failed to Save All"
 msgstr "Alles speichern fehlgeschlagen"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:357
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:347
 msgid "Saved All"
 msgstr "Alles gespeichert"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:455
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:439
 msgid "Closing Window\n"
 msgstr "SchlieÃ?e Fenster\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:607 src/i_callbacks.c:647 src/i_callbacks.c:687
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:591 src/i_callbacks.c:631 src/i_callbacks.c:671
 msgid "Select objs first"
 msgstr "Wähle erst Objekte aus"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:762
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:746
 msgid "Edit Text"
 msgstr "Text bearbeiten"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:785
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:769
 msgid "Slot"
 msgstr "Slot"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:802
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:786
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "Farbe"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:820 src/i_callbacks.c:842
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:804 src/i_callbacks.c:826
 msgid "Rotate"
 msgstr "Drehen"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:869 src/i_callbacks.c:891
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:853 src/i_callbacks.c:875
 msgid "Mirror"
 msgstr "Spiegeln"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:955 src/x_dialog.c:1597
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:939 src/x_dialog.c:1604
 msgid "Translate"
 msgstr "Verschieben nach"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:958
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:942
 msgid "WARNING: Do not translate with snap off!\n"
-msgstr "ACHTUNG: Keine Transformation mit ausgeschalteter Ausrichtung am Raster!\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ACHTUNG: Keine Transformation mit ausgeschalteter Ausrichtung am Raster!\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:959
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:943
 msgid "WARNING: Turning snap on and continuing with translate.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "ACHTUNG:\"am Raster ausrichten\" wird aktiviert und mit der Transformation "
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:966
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:950
 msgid "WARNING: Snap grid size is not equal to 100!\n"
 msgstr "ACHTUNG: Das Raster ist ungleich 100!\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:968
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:952
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: If you are translating a symbol to the origin, the snap grid size "
 "should be set to 100\n"
@@ -881,131 +847,131 @@ msgstr ""
 "ACHTUNG: Wenn ein Symbol transformiert wird, sollte das Raster auf 100 "
 "gesetzt sein.\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:989
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:973
 msgid "Embed"
 msgstr "Einbetten"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1027
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1011
 msgid "Unembed"
 msgstr "Ausbetten"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1067
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1051
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Aktualisieren"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1125
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1109
 msgid "ShowHidden"
 msgstr "Zeige Unsichbares"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1148
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1132
 msgid "MakeVisible"
 msgstr "Sichbar Machen"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1264
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1248
 msgid "Edit Line Type"
 msgstr "Editiere Linienart"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1305 src/x_dialog.c:1256
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1289 src/x_dialog.c:1261
 msgid "Edit Fill Type"
 msgstr "Editiere Füllmuster"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1592
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1574
 msgid "Update Cues"
 msgstr "Ansicht aktualisieren (update cues)"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1731
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1713
 msgid "Really revert page?"
 msgstr "Seite wirklich wiederherstellen?"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1805
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1787
 msgid "Copy 1"
 msgstr "Kopie 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1824
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1806
 msgid "Copy 2"
 msgstr "Kopie 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1843
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1825
 msgid "Copy 3"
 msgstr "Kopie 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1862
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1844
 msgid "Copy 4"
 msgstr "Kopie 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1881
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1863
 msgid "Copy 5"
 msgstr "Kopie 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1900
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1882
 msgid "Cut 1"
 msgstr "Ausschneiden 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1919
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1901
 msgid "Cut 2"
 msgstr "Ausschneiden 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1938
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1920
 msgid "Cut 3"
 msgstr "Ausschneiden 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1957
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1939
 msgid "Cut 4"
 msgstr "Ausschneiden 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1976
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1958
 msgid "Cut 5"
 msgstr "Ausschneiden 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1992
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1974
 msgid "Paste 1"
 msgstr "Einfügen 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2001 src/i_callbacks.c:2025 src/i_callbacks.c:2049
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2073 src/i_callbacks.c:2097
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1983 src/i_callbacks.c:2007 src/i_callbacks.c:2031
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2055 src/i_callbacks.c:2079
 msgid "Empty buffer"
 msgstr "Leerer Zwischenspeicher"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2016
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1998
 msgid "Paste 2"
 msgstr "Einfügen 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2040
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2022
 msgid "Paste 3"
 msgstr "Einfügen 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2064
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2046
 msgid "Paste 4"
 msgstr "Einfügen 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2088
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2070
 msgid "Paste 5"
 msgstr "Einfügen 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2234 src/x_window.c:531
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2213 src/x_window.c:527
 msgid "Component"
 msgstr "Bauteil"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2271 src/i_callbacks.c:2291
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2249 src/i_callbacks.c:2268
 msgid "Attribute"
 msgstr "Attribut"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2773
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2735
 #, c-format
 msgid "Searching for source [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Suche nach der Quelle [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2797 src/i_callbacks.c:2798
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2759 src/i_callbacks.c:2760
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot find source [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Die Quelle [%s] konnte nicht gefunden werden.\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2869
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2827
 #, c-format
 msgid "Searching for symbol [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Suche nach dem Symbol [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2946
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2914
 msgid ""
 "This command retrieves the component documentation from the web, but there "
 "is no component selected"
@@ -1013,323 +979,316 @@ msgstr ""
 "Dieser Befehl sucht die Dokumentation eines Bauteils im Internet, aber es "
 "wurde kein Bauteil ausgewählt"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3063
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3031
 msgid "ShowN"
 msgstr "ShowN"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3094
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3062
 msgid "ShowV"
 msgstr "ShowV"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3125
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3093
 msgid "ShowB"
 msgstr "ShowB"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3157
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3125
 msgid "VisToggle"
 msgstr "VisToggle"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3179
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3147
 #, c-format
 msgid "Sorry but this is a non-functioning menu option\n"
 msgstr "Dieser Menupunkt funktioniert nicht. Sorry.\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3267
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3235
 msgid "Action feedback mode set to OUTLINE\n"
 msgstr "Aktions-Rückmelde-Modus wurde auf OUTLINE gesetzt.\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3270
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3238
 msgid "Action feedback mode set to BOUNDINGBOX\n"
 msgstr "Aktions-Rückmelde-Modus wurde auf BOUNDINGBOX gesetzt.\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3287
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3255
 msgid "Grid OFF\n"
 msgstr "Raster AUS\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3290
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3258
 msgid "Grid ON\n"
 msgstr "Raster EIN\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3307
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3275
 msgid "Snap OFF (CAUTION!)\n"
 msgstr "Freihandmodus (ACHTUNG! Ausrichten am Raster abgeschaltet)\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3310
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3278
 msgid "Snap ON\n"
 msgstr "Am Raster ausrichten\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3330
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3298
 msgid "Rubber band OFF \n"
 msgstr "Gummifäden AUS\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3333
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3301
 msgid "Rubber band ON\n"
 msgstr "Gummifäden EIN\n"
-#: src/o_arc.c:136
+#: src/o_arc.c:137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for arc (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Undefiniertes Ende des Kreisbogens (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_arc.c:177
+#: src/o_arc.c:178
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for arc !\n"
 msgstr "Undefinierter Typ für einen Kreisbogen\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:107
+#: src/o_attrib.c:108
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_attrib_toggle_visibility\n"
 msgstr "Erhielt NULL von o_attrib_toggle_visibility\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:172
+#: src/o_attrib.c:173
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_attrib_toggle_show_name_value\n"
 msgstr "Erhielt NULL von o_attrib_toggle_show_name_value\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:223
+#: src/o_attrib.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR! you can't get an attribute without an ='s\n"
 msgstr "FEHLER! Ein Attribut ohne '=' sind nicht möglich\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:140
+#: src/o_box.c:141
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for box (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Undefiniertes Ende für ein Rechteck (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:180
+#: src/o_box.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for box !\n"
 msgstr "Undefinierter Typ für das Rechteck!\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:270
+#: src/o_box.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for box (fill)!\n"
 msgstr "Undefinierter Typ für das Rechteck (Füllung)!\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:41
+#: src/o_buffer.c:42
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_copy]\n"
-msgstr "Eine ungültige Zwischenspeichernummer wurde übergeben [o_buffer_copy]\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Eine ungültige Zwischenspeichernummer wurde übergeben [o_buffer_copy]\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:79
+#: src/o_buffer.c:80
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_cut]\n"
 msgstr "Eine ungültige Zwischenspeichernummer wurde übergeben [o_buffer_cut]\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:120
+#: src/o_buffer.c:121
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_start]\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Eine ungültige Zwischenspeichernummer wurde übergeben "
-#: src/o_buffer.c:180
+#: src/o_buffer.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_end]\n"
-msgstr "Eine ungültige Zwischenspeichernummer wurde übergeben [o_buffer_paste_end]\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Eine ungültige Zwischenspeichernummer wurde übergeben [o_buffer_paste_end]\n"
-#: src/o_bus.c:219
+#: src/o_bus.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid which one in o_bus_draw_xor_single\n"
-msgstr "Ungültiger Wert in Variable whichone in der Funktion o_bus_draw_xor_single\n"
-#: src/o_bus.c:285 src/o_bus.c:319 src/o_net.c:333 src/o_net.c:367
-#, c-format
-msgid "selected a nonexistant object!\n"
-msgstr "Ein nicht existierende Objekt wurde ausgewählt.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ungültiger Wert in Variable whichone in der Funktion o_bus_draw_xor_single\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:135
+#: src/o_circle.c:136
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for circle\n"
 msgstr "Undefiniertes Ende eines Kreises\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:171
+#: src/o_circle.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for circle!\n"
 msgstr "Undefinierter Typ für einen Kreis\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:259
+#: src/o_circle.c:260
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for circle (fill)!\n"
 msgstr "Undefinierter Typ für einen Kreis (Füllung).\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:222
+#: src/o_complex.c:225
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find complex in new componet placement!\n"
-msgstr "Konnte complex während des Hinzufügens eines neuen Bauteils nicht finden.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Konnte complex während des Hinzufügens eines neuen Bauteils nicht finden.\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:600
+#: src/o_complex.c:578
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_complex_translate_display_selection\n"
 msgstr "Der Rückgabewert von o_complex_translate_display_selection war NULL.\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:668 src/o_complex.c:674
+#: src/o_complex.c:646 src/o_complex.c:652
 #, c-format
 msgid "Translating schematic [%d %d]\n"
 msgstr "Verschiebe Schaltplan [%d %d]\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:718
+#: src/o_complex.c:690
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_complex_translate_selection!\n"
 msgstr "Der Rückgabewert von o_complex_translate_selection war NULL.\n"
-#: src/o_copy.c:124 src/o_copy.c:395
+#: src/o_copy.c:125 src/o_copy.c:395
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_copy_end!\n"
 msgstr "FEHLER: NULL Objekt innerhalb von o_copy_end!\n"
-#: src/o_line.c:112
+#: src/o_line.c:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for line (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Undefiniertes Ende einer Linie (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_line.c:152
+#: src/o_line.c:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for line (%d) !\n"
 msgstr "Undefinierter Type der Linie (%d).\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:64
+#: src/o_misc.c:65
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an unexpected NULL in o_edit\n"
 msgstr "Der Rückgabewert von o_edit war unerwartet NULL\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:143
-msgid "Object alreadly locked\n"
+#: src/o_misc.c:144
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Object already locked\n"
 msgstr "Objekt ist schon gesperrt\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:181
-msgid "Object alreadly unlocked\n"
+#: src/o_misc.c:182
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Object already unlocked\n"
 msgstr "Objekt ist schon entsperrt\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:228 src/o_misc.c:471 src/o_misc.c:715
+#: src/o_misc.c:229 src/o_misc.c:472 src/o_misc.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_rotate_90!\n"
 msgstr "FEHLER: NULL Objekt innerhalb von o_rotate_90!\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:537
+#: src/o_misc.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_mirror!\n"
 msgstr "FEHLER: NULL Objekt innerhalb von o_mirror.\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:815
+#: src/o_misc.c:812
 msgid "Hidden text is now visible\n"
 msgstr "Verborgener Text ist jetzt sichtbar.\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:817
+#: src/o_misc.c:814
 msgid "Hidden text is now invisible\n"
 msgstr "Verborgener Text ist jetzt unsichbar.\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1076
-msgid "Could not unembedded component, could not find appropriate .sym file\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Konnte Bauteil nicht ausbetten. Es wurde keine passende .sym Datei "
-#: src/o_misc.c:1077
-msgid "Component still embedded and not updated\n"
-msgstr "Das Bauteil ist noch eingebettet und wurde nicht aktualisiert.\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1081
+#: src/o_misc.c:1058
 #, c-format
-msgid "More than one component found with name [%s]\n"
-msgstr "Es wurde mehr als ein Bauteil mit dem Namen [%s] gefunden.\n"
+msgid "Could not find symbol [%s] in library. Update failed.\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:1229
+#: src/o_misc.c:1198
 #, c-format
 msgid "o_autosave_backups: Can't get the real filename of %s."
 msgstr ""
 "o_autosave_backups: Konnte den tatsächlichen Dateinamen von %s nicht "
-#: src/o_misc.c:1273
+#: src/o_misc.c:1242
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT set previous backup file [%s] read-write\n"
-msgstr "Die vorherige Backup-Datei [%s] konnte nicht auf read-write gesetzt werden.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Die vorherige Backup-Datei [%s] konnte nicht auf read-write gesetzt werden.\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1291
+#: src/o_misc.c:1260
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT set backup file [%s] readonly\n"
 msgstr "Die Backup-Datei [%s] konnte nicht auf readonly gesetzt werden.\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1296
+#: src/o_misc.c:1265
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT save backup file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Die Backup-Datei [%s] konnte nicht gespeichert werden.\n"
-#: src/o_move.c:223
+#: src/o_move.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_move_end!\n"
 msgstr "FEHLER: NULL Objekt innerhalb von o_move_end.\n"
-#: src/o_move.c:331
+#: src/o_move.c:332
 #, c-format
 msgid "DOH! tried to find the whichone, but didn't find it!\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Versuchte vergebens das Objekt innerhalb von o_move_return_whichone zu "
-#: src/o_move.c:352
+#: src/o_move.c:353
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got a non line object in o_move_check_endpoint\n"
 msgstr "Da ist ein Objekt in o_move_check_endpoint, welches keine Linie ist.\n"
-#: src/o_net.c:264
+#: src/o_net.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid which one in o_net_draw_xor_single\n"
-msgstr "Ungültiger Wert der Variablen whichone innerhalb von o_net_draw_xor_single\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ungültiger Wert der Variablen whichone innerhalb von o_net_draw_xor_single\n"
-#: src/o_net.c:940 src/o_net.c:977 src/o_net.c:1048 src/o_net.c:1084
+#: src/o_net.c:812 src/o_net.c:849 src/o_net.c:920 src/o_net.c:956
 #, c-format
 msgid "Tried to add more than two bus rippers. Internal gschem error.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Interner gschem Fehler: Versuchte mehr als zwei Bus Abzweigungen "
-#: src/o_net.c:1155
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not find %s in any component-library\n"
+#: src/o_net.c:1029
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Bus ripper symbol [%s] was not found in any component library\n"
 msgstr "Konnte %s in keiner Bauteilbibliothek finden\n"
-#: src/o_picture.c:205 src/o_picture.c:746
+#: src/o_picture.c:206 src/o_picture.c:746
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to load picture: %s"
 msgstr "Das Bild [%s] konnte nicht geladen werden"
-#: src/o_picture.c:219
+#: src/o_picture.c:220
 msgid "Picture"
 msgstr "Bild"
-#: src/o_picture.c:658 src/x_attribedit.c:137
+#: src/o_picture.c:658 src/x_attribedit.c:139
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object!\n"
 msgstr "FEHLER: NULL Objekt!\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:127
+#: src/o_slot.c:128
 msgid "Slot attribute malformed\n"
 msgstr "Slot Attribut ist fehlerhaft.\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:145
+#: src/o_slot.c:146
 msgid "numslots attribute missing\n"
 msgstr "Das numslots Attribut fehlt\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:147
+#: src/o_slot.c:148
 msgid "Slotting not allowed for this component\n"
 msgstr "Bei diesem Bauteil ist nur ein slot erlaubt.\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:163
+#: src/o_slot.c:164
 msgid "New slot number out of range\n"
 msgstr "Neue slot Nummer au�erhalb des gültigen Wertebereichs\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:247
+#: src/o_slot.c:237
 #, c-format
 msgid "uggg! you tried to slot edit something that doesn't exist!\n"
 msgstr "Ups! Sie versuchen einen slot zu editieren, der nicht existiert.\n"
-#: src/o_undo.c:316
+#: src/o_undo.c:317
 msgid "Undo/Redo disabled in rc file\n"
 msgstr "Rückgängig/Wiederherstellen wurde in der rc Datei deaktiviert.\n"
-#: src/parsecmd.c:49
+#: src/parsecmd.c:50
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] schematic_filename1 ... schematic_filenameN\n"
@@ -1354,68 +1313,68 @@ msgstr ""
 "  -h            Hilfe (diese Ausgabe)\n"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:122
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:124
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got invalid show option; defaulting to show both\n"
 msgstr "Ungültige Anzeigeoption, zeige beide als Voreinstellung\n"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:325
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:327
 msgid "Single Attribute Editor"
 msgstr "Editor für ein Attribut"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:355
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:358
 msgid "<b>Edit Attribute</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Attribut bearbeiten</b>"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:357
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:360
 msgid "<b>Add Attribute</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Attribut hinzufügen</b>"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:373 src/x_multiattrib.c:1512
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:376 src/x_multiattrib.c:1480
 msgid "Name:"
 msgstr "Name:"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:389 src/x_multiattrib.c:1531
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:392 src/x_multiattrib.c:1499
 msgid "Value:"
 msgstr "Wert:"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:404 src/x_multiattrib.c:1559
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:408 src/x_multiattrib.c:1527
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "Sichtbar"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:424
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:428
 msgid "Show Value Only"
 msgstr "Nur Wert anzeigen"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:426
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:430
 msgid "Show Name Only"
 msgstr "Nur Name anzeigen"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:428 src/x_multiattrib.c:1162
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:432 src/x_multiattrib.c:1143
 msgid "Show Name & Value"
 msgstr "Zeige Name & Wert"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:435
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:439
 msgid "<b>Attach Options</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Optionen</b>"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:450
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:454
 msgid "All"
 msgstr "Alle"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:458 src/x_compselect.c:791
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:462 src/x_compselect.c:716 src/x_compselect.c:791
 msgid "Components"
 msgstr "Bauteile"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:466 src/x_window.c:541
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:470 src/x_window.c:537
 msgid "Nets"
 msgstr "Netz"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:474
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:478
 msgid "Replace existing attributes"
 msgstr "Vorhandene Attribute ersetzen"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:411
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:413
 msgid ""
 "slotted object without slot attribute may cause problems when autonumbering "
@@ -1423,155 +1382,164 @@ msgstr ""
 "Objekte mit \"numslot\" Attribut und ohne \"slot\" Attribut können beim "
 "automatischen Nummerieren von Bauteilen Probleme verursachen.\n"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:426
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:428
 #, c-format
-msgid "duplicate slot may cause problems: [symbolname=%s, number=%d, slot=%d]\n"
+msgid ""
+"duplicate slot may cause problems: [symbolname=%s, number=%d, slot=%d]\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Doppelt vergebener slot kann Probleme verursachen: [Symbolname=%s, Number=%"
 "d, slot=%d]\n"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:696
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:698
 msgid "No searchstring given in autonumber text.\n"
 msgstr "Es wurde kein Suchstring im Dialog eingegeben.\n"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:747
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:749
 msgid "No '*' or '?' given at the end of the autonumber text.\n"
 msgstr "Am Ende des Suchstrings fehlt ein '*' oder ein '?'.\n"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:880
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
 msgid "Diagonal"
 msgstr "Diagonal"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:881
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
 msgid "Top to bottom"
 msgstr "Von oben nach unten"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:881
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
 msgid "Bottom to top"
 msgstr "Von unten nach oben"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:884
 msgid "Left to right"
 msgstr "Von links nach rechts"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:884
 msgid "Right to left"
 msgstr "Von rechts nach links"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:885
 msgid "File order"
 msgstr "Dateireihenfolge"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1219
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1221
 msgid "Autonumber text"
 msgstr "Nummeriere Text automatisch"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1244
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1247
 msgid "<b>Scope</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Suchbereich</b>"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1266
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1269
 msgid "Search for:"
 msgstr "Suchen nach:"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1280
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1283
 msgid "Autonumber text in:"
 msgstr "Nummeriere Text in:"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1287
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1290
 msgid "Skip numbers found in:"
 msgstr "Ã?berspringe Nummern:"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1299 src/x_autonumber.c:1308
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1302 src/x_autonumber.c:1311
 msgid "Selected objects"
 msgstr "Ausgewählte Objekte"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1300 src/x_autonumber.c:1309
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1303 src/x_autonumber.c:1312
 msgid "Current page"
 msgstr "Aktuelle Seite"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1301 src/x_autonumber.c:1310
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1304 src/x_autonumber.c:1313
 msgid "Whole hierarchy"
 msgstr "Gesamte Hierarchie"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1312
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1315
 msgid "Overwrite existing numbers"
 msgstr "Vorhandene Nummern überschreiben"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1317
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1320
 msgid "<b>Options</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Optionen</b>"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1339
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1342
 msgid "Starting number:"
 msgstr "Startnummer:"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1346
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1349
 msgid "Sort order:"
 msgstr "Sortierung:"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1367
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1370
 msgid "Remove numbers"
 msgstr "Nummern entfernen"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1371
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1374
 msgid "Automatic slotting"
 msgstr "Automatische Nummerierung von Slots"
-#: src/x_color.c:59 src/x_color.c:96
+#: src/x_color.c:60 src/x_color.c:97
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find the color %s!\n"
 msgstr "Die Farbe %s wurde nicht gefunden.\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:62 src/x_color.c:99
+#: src/x_color.c:63 src/x_color.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Defaulting color to white\n"
 msgstr "Nehme als Voreinstellung die Farbe weiÃ?\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:69 src/x_color.c:106
+#: src/x_color.c:70 src/x_color.c:107
 #, c-format
 msgid "Ack! Cannot allocate white!\n"
 msgstr "Ups! Kann die Farbe weiÃ? nicht zuteilen.\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:80 src/x_color.c:128 src/x_window.c:176 src/x_window.c:185
+#: src/x_color.c:81 src/x_color.c:129 src/x_window.c:176 src/x_window.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not allocate the color %s!\n"
 msgstr "Konnte die Farbe %s nicht zuteilen!\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:147 src/x_color.c:163
+#: src/x_color.c:148 src/x_color.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "Tried to get an invalid color: %d\n"
 msgstr "Versuchte eine ungültige Farbe zuzuteilen: %d\n"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:615
+#: src/x_compselect.c:821
+msgid "Filter:"
+msgstr "Filter:"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:895
 msgid "Default behavior - reference component"
 msgstr "Bauteil referenzieren (Voreinstellung)"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:618
+#: src/x_compselect.c:898
 msgid "Embed component in schematic"
 msgstr "Bauteil in den Schaltplan einbetten"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:621
+#: src/x_compselect.c:901
 msgid "Include component as individual objects"
 msgstr "Bauteil als Einzelkomponenten einfügen"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:707
+#: src/x_compselect.c:982
 msgid "Select Component..."
 msgstr "Bauteil auswählen..."
-#: src/x_compselect.c:821
-msgid "Filter:"
-msgstr "Filter:"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1008
+msgid "In Use"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/x_compselect.c:885 src/x_fileselect.c:123
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1012
+msgid "Libraries"
+msgstr "Bibliotheken"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1024 src/x_fileselect.c:124
 msgid "Preview"
 msgstr "Vorschau"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:182
+#: src/x_dialog.c:184
 msgid "Text Entry..."
 msgstr "Text Eingabe..."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:214
+#: src/x_dialog.c:217
 msgid ""
 "Enter text, click apply,\n"
 "move cursor into window, click to place text.\n"
@@ -1581,168 +1549,168 @@ msgstr ""
 "bewege den Cursor ins Fenster, klicke um den Text zu plazieren.\n"
 "Mittlere Maustaste dreht während des Plazierens."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:303
+#: src/x_dialog.c:306
 msgid "Lower Left"
 msgstr "Unten Links"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:314
+#: src/x_dialog.c:317
 msgid "Middle Left"
 msgstr "Mitte Links"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:325
+#: src/x_dialog.c:328
 msgid "Upper Left"
 msgstr "Oben Links"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:336
+#: src/x_dialog.c:339
 msgid "Lower Middle"
 msgstr "Unten Mitte"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:347
+#: src/x_dialog.c:350
 msgid "Middle Middle"
 msgstr "Mitte Mitte"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:358
+#: src/x_dialog.c:361
 msgid "Upper Middle"
 msgstr "Oben Mitte"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:369
+#: src/x_dialog.c:372
 msgid "Lower Right"
 msgstr "Unten Rechts"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:380
+#: src/x_dialog.c:383
 msgid "Middle Right"
 msgstr "Mitte Rechts"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:391
+#: src/x_dialog.c:394
 msgid "Upper Right"
 msgstr "0ben Rechts"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:506
+#: src/x_dialog.c:509
 msgid "Edit Text Properties"
 msgstr "Text Eigenschaften bearbeiten"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:541
+#: src/x_dialog.c:545
 msgid "<b>Text Content</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Textinhalt</b>"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:573
+#: src/x_dialog.c:577
 msgid "<b>Text Properties</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Texteigenschaften</b>"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:588
+#: src/x_dialog.c:592
 msgid "Color:"
 msgstr "Farbe:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:598
+#: src/x_dialog.c:602
 msgid "Size:"
 msgstr "Grö�e:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:607
+#: src/x_dialog.c:611
 msgid "Alignment:"
 msgstr "Ausrichtung:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:661
+#: src/x_dialog.c:665
 msgid "Solid"
 msgstr "Durchgehend"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:662
+#: src/x_dialog.c:666
 msgid "Dotted"
 msgstr "Gepunktet"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:663
+#: src/x_dialog.c:667
 msgid "Dashed"
 msgstr "Gestrichelt"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:664
+#: src/x_dialog.c:668
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "StrichPunkt"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:665
+#: src/x_dialog.c:669
 msgid "Phantom"
 msgstr "StrichZweiPunkt"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:791 src/x_dialog.c:793 src/x_dialog.c:795 src/x_dialog.c:977
-#: src/x_dialog.c:978 src/x_dialog.c:979 src/x_dialog.c:987
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1170 src/x_dialog.c:1172 src/x_dialog.c:1174
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1176 src/x_dialog.c:1178 src/x_dialog.c:1382
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1383 src/x_dialog.c:1384 src/x_dialog.c:1385
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1386 src/x_dialog.c:1394
+#: src/x_dialog.c:795 src/x_dialog.c:797 src/x_dialog.c:799 src/x_dialog.c:982
+#: src/x_dialog.c:983 src/x_dialog.c:984 src/x_dialog.c:992
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1175 src/x_dialog.c:1177 src/x_dialog.c:1179
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1181 src/x_dialog.c:1183 src/x_dialog.c:1388
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1389 src/x_dialog.c:1390 src/x_dialog.c:1391
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1392 src/x_dialog.c:1400
 msgid "*unchanged*"
 msgstr "*unverändert*"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:870
+#: src/x_dialog.c:874
 msgid "Edit Line Width & Type"
 msgstr "Linieneigenschaften bearbeiten"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:910
+#: src/x_dialog.c:915
 msgid "Width:"
 msgstr "Breite:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:914 src/x_print.c:353
+#: src/x_dialog.c:919 src/x_print.c:314
 msgid "Type:"
 msgstr "Typ:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:918
+#: src/x_dialog.c:923
 msgid "Dash Length:"
 msgstr "Linienlänge:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:922
+#: src/x_dialog.c:927
 msgid "Dash Space:"
 msgstr "Linienlücke:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1027
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1032
 msgid "Hollow"
 msgstr "Leer"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1028
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1033
 msgid "Filled"
 msgstr "Gefüllt"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1034
 msgid "Mesh"
 msgstr "Gitter"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1030
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1035
 msgid "Hatch"
 msgstr "Schraffiert"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1295
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1301
 msgid "Fill Type:"
 msgstr "Füllmuster:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1299
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1305
 msgid "Line Width:"
 msgstr "Linienbreite:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1303
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1309
 msgid "Angle 1:"
 msgstr "Winkel 1:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1307
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1313
 msgid "Pitch 1:"
 msgstr "Abstand 1:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1311
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1317
 msgid "Angle 2:"
 msgstr "Winkel 2:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1321
 msgid "Pitch 2:"
 msgstr "Abstand 2:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1477
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1483
 msgid "Arc Params"
 msgstr "Bogen Parameter"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1518
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1525
 msgid "Start Angle:"
 msgstr "Start Winkel:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1528
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1535
 msgid "Degrees of Sweep:"
 msgstr "Ã?ffnungswinkel:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1628
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1636
 msgid ""
 "Offset to translate?\n"
 "(0 for origin)"
@@ -1750,47 +1718,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Wie weit soll verschoben werden?\n"
 "(0 verschiebt zum Ursprung)"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1704
 msgid "Text Size"
 msgstr "Text Grö�e"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1727
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1736
 msgid "Enter new text size:"
 msgstr "Neue Textgrö�e eingeben:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1802
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1811
 msgid "Snap Size"
 msgstr "Rasterabstand"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1833
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1843
 msgid "Enter new snap grid spacing:"
 msgstr "Neuen Rasterabstand eingeben"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1906
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1916
 msgid "Edit slot number"
 msgstr "Editiere slot Nummer"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1938
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1949
 msgid "Edit slot number:"
 msgstr "Editiere slot Nummer:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2000
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2011
 msgid "About..."
 msgstr "Ã?ber..."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2019
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2031
 msgid "<b>gEDA: GPL Electronic Design Automation</b>"
 msgstr "<b>gEDA : GPL Electronic Design Automation</b>"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2023
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2035
 #, c-format
-msgid "<b>gschem version %s%s</b>"
-msgstr "<b>gschem Version %s%s</b>"
+msgid "<b>gschem version %s%s.%s</b>"
+msgstr "<b>gschem Version %s%s.%s</b>"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2029
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2043
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Written by:\n"
-"Ales V. Hvezda\n"
+"Ales Hvezda\n"
 "And many others (See AUTHORS file)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1799,127 +1768,137 @@ msgstr ""
 "und vielen anderen (siehe Datei: AUTHORS)"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2093
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2107
 msgid "Coords"
 msgstr "Koordinaten"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2113
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2128
 msgid "Screen"
 msgstr "Bildschirm (Pixel)"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2122
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2137
 msgid "World"
 msgstr "Global (0.001\")"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2345
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2360
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in color_edit_dialog_apply!\n"
 msgstr "FEHLER: NULL Objekt innerhalb von color_edit_dialog_apply!\n"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2408
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2423
 msgid "Color Edit"
 msgstr "Farbe bearbeiten"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2440
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2456
 msgid "Object color:"
 msgstr "Objekt Farbe:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2564
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2581
 msgid "Function"
 msgstr "Funktion"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2571
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2588
 msgid "Keystroke(s)"
 msgstr "Tastenkürzel"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2925
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2920
 msgid "Find Text"
 msgstr "Suche Text"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2957
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2953
 msgid "Text to find:"
 msgstr "Zu suchender Text:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2967
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2963
 msgid "descend into hierarchy"
 msgstr "In der Hierachie hinabsteigen"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3031
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3027
 msgid "Hide Text"
 msgstr "Verberge Text"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3063
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3060
 msgid "Hide text starting with:"
 msgstr "Verberge Text, der beginnt mit:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3131
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3128
 msgid "Show Text"
 msgstr "Zeige Text"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3163
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3161
 msgid "Show text starting with:"
 msgstr "Zeige Text, der beginnt mit:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3608 src/x_multiattrib.c:1389
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3606 src/x_multiattrib.c:1357
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Name"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3630
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3628
 msgid "S_elect the schematics you want to save:"
 msgstr "_Wählen Sie die zu speichernden Seiten:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3724
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3722
 #, c-format
 msgid "Save the changes to schematic \"%s\" before closing?"
 msgstr ""
 "Sollen die Ã?nderungen am Schaltplan \"%s\" vor dem SchlieÃ?en gespeichert "
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3730
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3728
 #, c-format
-msgid "There is %d schematics with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid ""
+"There is %d schematics with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
 msgstr ""
 "Es gibt %d ungesicherte Schaltpläne. Sollen die �nderungen vor dem Schlie�en "
 "gespeichert werden?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3759
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3757
 msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be permanently lost."
 msgstr "Wenn Sie nicht speichern, werden Sie alle Ã?nderungen verlieren."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3779
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3777
 msgid "_Close without saving"
 msgstr "SchlieÃ?en _ohne Speichern"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:46
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:47
 msgid "Schematics"
 msgstr "Schaltpläne"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:51
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:52
 msgid "Symbols"
 msgstr "Symbole"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:56
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:57
 msgid "Schematics and symbols"
 msgstr "Schaltpläne und Symbole"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:62
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:63
 msgid "All files"
 msgstr "Alle Dateien"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:172
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:173
 msgid "Open..."
 msgstr "Ã?ffnen..."
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:233
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:234
 msgid "Save as..."
 msgstr "Speichern unter..."
-#: src/x_image.c:363
+#: src/x_image.c:180
+msgid "Encapsulated Postscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_image.c:298
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to write eps file %s.\n"
+msgstr "x_image_lowlevel: Konnte %s-Datei %s nicht schreiben.\n"
+#: src/x_image.c:380
 #, c-format
 msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to write %s file %s.\n"
 msgstr "x_image_lowlevel: Konnte %s-Datei %s nicht schreiben.\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:373
+#: src/x_image.c:390
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "There was the following error when saving image with type %s to filename:\n"
@@ -1932,234 +1911,244 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/x_image.c:392 src/x_image.c:423
+#: src/x_image.c:409
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wrote color image to [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
 msgstr "Farbiges Bild als [%s] gespeichert. Grö�e [%d x %d]\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:394 src/x_image.c:425
+#: src/x_image.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wrote black and white image to [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
 msgstr "Schwarz & wei� Bild als [%s] gespeichert. Grö�e [%d x %d]\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:404
+#: src/x_image.c:421
 msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to get pixbuf from gschem's window.\n"
 msgstr "x_image_lowlevel: konnte kein Bild vom gschem-Fenster bekommen.\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:459
+#: src/x_image.c:467
 msgid "Width x Height"
 msgstr "Breite x Höhe"
-#: src/x_image.c:475
+#: src/x_image.c:483
 msgid "Image type"
 msgstr "Bild Format"
-#: src/x_log.c:231
+#: src/x_log.c:236
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Status"
-#: src/x_menus.c:40
+#: src/x_menus.c:41
 msgid "/Add Net"
 msgstr "/Netz einfügen"
-#: src/x_menus.c:41
+#: src/x_menus.c:42
 msgid "/Add Attribute..."
 msgstr "/Attribut hinzufügen..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:42
+#: src/x_menus.c:43
 msgid "/Add Component..."
 msgstr "/Bauteil einfügen..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:43
+#: src/x_menus.c:44
 msgid "/Add Bus"
 msgstr "/Bus einfügen"
-#: src/x_menus.c:44
+#: src/x_menus.c:45
 msgid "/Add Text"
 msgstr "/Text einfügen"
-#: src/x_menus.c:46
+#: src/x_menus.c:47
 msgid "/Zoom In"
 msgstr "/Vergrö�ern"
-#: src/x_menus.c:47
+#: src/x_menus.c:48
 msgid "/Zoom Out"
 msgstr "/Verkleinern"
-#: src/x_menus.c:48
+#: src/x_menus.c:49
 msgid "/Zoom Box"
 msgstr "/Ausschnitt wählen"
-#: src/x_menus.c:49
+#: src/x_menus.c:50
 msgid "/Zoom Extents"
 msgstr "/Automatisch"
-#: src/x_menus.c:51
+#: src/x_menus.c:52
 msgid "/Select"
 msgstr "/Auswählen"
-#: src/x_menus.c:52
+#: src/x_menus.c:53
 msgid "/Edit..."
 msgstr "/Bearbeiten..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:53
+#: src/x_menus.c:54
 msgid "/Copy"
 msgstr "/Kopieren"
-#: src/x_menus.c:54
+#: src/x_menus.c:55
 msgid "/Move"
 msgstr "/Verschieben"
-#: src/x_menus.c:55
+#: src/x_menus.c:56
 msgid "/Delete"
 msgstr "/Löschen"
-#: src/x_menus.c:58
+#: src/x_menus.c:59
 msgid "/Down Schematic"
 msgstr "/zum Schaltplan hinab"
-#: src/x_menus.c:59
+#: src/x_menus.c:60
 msgid "/Down Symbol"
 msgstr "/zum Symbol hinab"
-#: src/x_menus.c:60
+#: src/x_menus.c:61
 msgid "/Up"
 msgstr "/Hinauf"
-#: src/x_menus.c:331
+#: src/x_menus.c:332
 msgid "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent menu item\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Es wurde versucht die Sensibilität für einen nichtexistierenden Menueintrag "
 "zu setzen\n"
-#: src/x_menus.c:355
+#: src/x_menus.c:356
 msgid "Popup_menu_item_factory doesn't exist!\n"
 msgstr "Popup_menu_item_factory existiert nicht\n"
-#: src/x_menus.c:368
+#: src/x_menus.c:369
 msgid "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent popup menu_item\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Es wurde versucht die Sensibilität für einen nichtexistierenden Menueintrag "
 "zu setzen\n"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:652
+#: src/x_menus.c:480
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't open file %s\n"
+msgstr "Konnte %s nicht aufrufen\n"
+#: src/x_menus.c:538
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "Entfernen"
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:656
 msgid "Attributes with empty name are not allowed. Please set a name."
-msgstr "Attribute mit leerem Namen sind nicht erlaubt. Gib bitte einen Namen ein."
+msgstr ""
+"Attribute mit leerem Namen sind nicht erlaubt. Gib bitte einen Namen ein."
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1164
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1145
 msgid "Show Value only"
 msgstr "Nur Wert anzeigen"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1166
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1147
 msgid "Show Name only"
 msgstr "Nur Name anzeigen"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1192
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1173
 msgid "Duplicate"
 msgstr "Duplizieren"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1309
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1284
 msgid "Edit Attributes"
 msgstr "Attribute bearbeiten"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1414
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1382
 msgid "Value"
 msgstr "Wert"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1436
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1404
 msgid "Vis?"
 msgstr "Sichtbar?"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1456
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1424
 msgid "N"
 msgstr "Name"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1476
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1444
 msgid "V"
 msgstr "Wert"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1497
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1465
 msgid "Add Attribute"
 msgstr "Attribut hinzufügen"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:272
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:264
 msgid "Discard Page"
 msgstr "Seite ablegen"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:381
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:361
 msgid "Page Manager"
 msgstr "Seiten Manager"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:437
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:417
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "Dateiname"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:453
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:433
 msgid "Changed"
 msgstr "Geändert"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:473
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:453
 msgid "Right click on the filename for more options..."
 msgstr "Rechtsklick auf den Dateinamen für mehr Optionen..."
-#: src/x_print.c:90
+#: src/x_print.c:89
 msgid "Select PostScript Filename..."
 msgstr "PostScript Dateinamen auswählen..."
-#: src/x_print.c:206
+#: src/x_print.c:171
 msgid "Extents with margins"
 msgstr "Alles mit Rand"
-#: src/x_print.c:212
+#: src/x_print.c:177
 msgid "Extents no margins"
 msgstr "Alles ohne Rand"
-#: src/x_print.c:218
+#: src/x_print.c:183
 msgid "Current Window"
 msgstr "Aktuelles Fenster"
-#: src/x_print.c:252
+#: src/x_print.c:217
 msgid "Landscape"
 msgstr "Querformat"
-#: src/x_print.c:258
+#: src/x_print.c:223
 msgid "Portrait"
 msgstr "Hochformat"
-#: src/x_print.c:330
+#: src/x_print.c:291
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "Einstellungen"
-#: src/x_print.c:342
+#: src/x_print.c:303
 msgid "Output paper size:"
 msgstr "Papiergrö�e:"
-#: src/x_print.c:364
+#: src/x_print.c:325
 msgid "Orientation:"
 msgstr "Ausrichtung:"
-#: src/x_print.c:376
+#: src/x_print.c:337
 msgid "Destination"
 msgstr "Ziel"
-#: src/x_print.c:389
+#: src/x_print.c:350
 msgid "File:"
 msgstr "Datei:"
-#: src/x_print.c:419
+#: src/x_print.c:380
 msgid "Command:"
 msgstr "Befehl:"
-#: src/x_print.c:785
+#: src/x_print.c:750
 msgid "No print destination specified\n"
 msgstr "Das Ziel für den Ausdruck fehlt\n"
-#: src/x_print.c:792
+#: src/x_print.c:757
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot print current schematic to [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Aktueller Schaltplan kann nicht in [%s] gedruckt werden.\n"
-#: src/x_print.c:801
+#: src/x_print.c:766
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Error printing to file '%s'\n"
@@ -2168,7 +2157,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Fehler beim Drucken in die Datei '%s'\n"
 "Nähere Informationen sind im Log-Fenster."
-#: src/x_print.c:808
+#: src/x_print.c:773
 #, c-format
 msgid "Printed current schematic to [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Aktueller Schalplan in [%s] ausgedruckt\n"
@@ -2206,35 +2195,35 @@ msgstr "Konnte bounding_xor_gc in x_window_setup_gc nicht zuweisen\n"
 msgid "Couldn't allocate bus_gc\n"
 msgstr "Konnte bus_gc in x_window_setup_gc nicht zuweisen\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:494
+#: src/x_window.c:490
 msgid "New file"
 msgstr "Neue Datei"
-#: src/x_window.c:500
+#: src/x_window.c:496
 msgid "Open"
 msgstr "Ã?ffnen"
-#: src/x_window.c:501
+#: src/x_window.c:497
 msgid "Open file..."
 msgstr "Datei öffnen..."
-#: src/x_window.c:507
+#: src/x_window.c:503
 msgid "Save"
 msgstr "Speichern"
-#: src/x_window.c:508
+#: src/x_window.c:504
 msgid "Save file"
 msgstr "Datei speichern"
-#: src/x_window.c:516
+#: src/x_window.c:512
 msgid "Undo last operation"
 msgstr "letzte Aktion rückgängig machen"
-#: src/x_window.c:523
+#: src/x_window.c:519
 msgid "Redo last undo"
 msgstr "letzte Aktion wiederherstellen"
-#: src/x_window.c:532
+#: src/x_window.c:528
 msgid ""
 "Add component...\n"
 "Select library and component from list, move the mouse into main window, "
@@ -2246,7 +2235,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "und klicke um es zu plazieren\n"
 "mit rechter Maustaste abbrechen"
-#: src/x_window.c:542
+#: src/x_window.c:538
 msgid ""
 "Add nets mode\n"
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
@@ -2254,7 +2243,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Netz einfügen\n"
 "mit rechter Maustaste abbrechen"
-#: src/x_window.c:552
+#: src/x_window.c:548
 msgid ""
 "Add buses mode\n"
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
@@ -2262,76 +2251,129 @@ msgstr ""
 "Bus einfügen\n"
 "mit rechter Maustaste abbrechen"
-#: src/x_window.c:559
+#: src/x_window.c:555
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "Text"
-#: src/x_window.c:560
+#: src/x_window.c:556
 msgid "Add Text..."
 msgstr "Text einfügen..."
-#: src/x_window.c:570
+#: src/x_window.c:566
 msgid "Select"
 msgstr "Auswählen"
-#: src/x_window.c:571
+#: src/x_window.c:567
 msgid "Select mode"
 msgstr "Auswahl Modus"
-#: src/x_window.c:646
+#: src/x_window.c:642
 msgid "Pick"
 msgstr "Auswählen"
-#: src/x_window.c:662
+#: src/x_window.c:658
 msgid "Repeat/none"
 msgstr "Wiederholen/nichts"
-#: src/x_window.c:672
+#: src/x_window.c:668
 msgid "Menu/Cancel"
 msgstr "Menu/Cancel"
-#: src/x_window.c:674
+#: src/x_window.c:670
 msgid "Pan/Cancel"
 msgstr "Ausschnitt/Cancel"
-#: src/x_window.c:932
+#: src/x_window.c:927
 #, c-format
 msgid "Loading schematic [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Lade Schaltplan [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1034
+#: src/x_window.c:1029
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT save page [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Die Seite [%s] konnte nicht gespeichert werden.\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1035
+#: src/x_window.c:1030
 msgid "Error while trying to save"
 msgstr "Fehler während des Speicherns"
-#: src/x_window.c:1044
+#: src/x_window.c:1039
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved as [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Gespeichert unter [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1046
+#: src/x_window.c:1041
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Gespeichert [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1048
+#: src/x_window.c:1043
 msgid "Saved"
 msgstr "Gespeichert"
-#: src/x_window.c:1109
+#: src/x_window.c:1104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Discarding page [%s]\n"
 msgstr "SchlieÃ?e Schaltplan [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1109
+#: src/x_window.c:1104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Closing [%s]\n"
 msgstr "SchlieÃ?e [%s]\n"
+#~ msgid "FAQ"
+#~ msgstr "FAQ"
+#~ msgid "gEDA Wiki"
+#~ msgstr "gEDA Wiki"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Found a version [%s%s] gschemrc file:\n"
+#~ "[%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Die Version der gschemrc Datei ist [%s%s].\n"
+#~ "Dateiname: [%s]\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While gschem is in ALPHA, please be sure that you have the latest rc "
+#~ "file.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Solange gschem im ALPHA-Stadium ist, sollte unbedingt die neueste rc "
+#~ "Datei \n"
+#~ "verwendet werden.\n"
+#~ msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to scrollbar-update\n"
+#~ msgstr "Ein ungültiger Modus [%s] wurde an scrollbar-update übergeben.\n"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate stroke definition passed to stroke! [%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Eine doppelte Definition eines Tastenkürzels wurde an stroke übergeben! [%"
+#~ "s]\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A stroke keyword has been found in an rc file, but gschem\n"
+#~ "is not compiled to support strokes, please recompile gschem\n"
+#~ "with LibStroke\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ein Tastenkürzel wurde in einer rc Datei gefunden, aber gschem\n"
+#~ "wurde ohne Tastenkürzelunterstützung kompiliert, bitte kompiliere\n"
+#~ "gschem mit LibStroke.\n"
+#~ msgid "selected a nonexistant object!\n"
+#~ msgstr "Ein nicht existierende Objekt wurde ausgewählt.\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not unembedded component, could not find appropriate .sym file\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Konnte Bauteil nicht ausbetten. Es wurde keine passende .sym Datei "
+#~ "gefunden.\n"
+#~ msgid "Component still embedded and not updated\n"
+#~ msgstr "Das Bauteil ist noch eingebettet und wurde nicht aktualisiert.\n"
+#~ msgid "More than one component found with name [%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr "Es wurde mehr als ein Bauteil mit dem Namen [%s] gefunden.\n"
 #~ msgid "Write PNG..."
 #~ msgstr "PNG exportieren..."
@@ -2498,9 +2540,6 @@ msgstr "SchlieÃ?e [%s]\n"
 #~ msgid "Directories"
 #~ msgstr "Verzeichnisse"
-#~ msgid "Libraries"
-#~ msgstr "Bibliotheken"
 #~ msgid "Files"
 #~ msgstr "Dateien"
@@ -2618,9 +2657,6 @@ msgstr "SchlieÃ?e [%s]\n"
 #~ msgid "Add/Edit"
 #~ msgstr "Bearbeiten/Hinzufügen"
-#~ msgid "Clear"
-#~ msgstr "Entfernen"
 #~ msgid "Open Page"
 #~ msgstr "Ã?ffne Seite"
@@ -2691,4 +2727,3 @@ msgstr "SchlieÃ?e [%s]\n"
 #~ msgid "Invalid path [%s] passed to font-directory\n"
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "Ein ungültiges Verzeichnis [%s] wurde an font-directory übergeben.\n"
diff --git a/gschem/po/es_ES.po b/gschem/po/es_ES.po
index edf5113..9824b48 100644
--- a/gschem/po/es_ES.po
+++ b/gschem/po/es_ES.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gschem VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-26 11:03-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-07-05 00:52-0400\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-04-27 19:30+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Carlos Nieves Ã?nega <cnieves@xxxxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: Spanish/Spain\n"
@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ msgstr "Archivo"
 msgid "New Window"
 msgstr "Nueva ventana"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:4 src/x_pagesel.c:267
+#: src/rcstrings.c:4 src/x_pagesel.c:259
 msgid "New Page"
 msgstr "Nueva página"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:5 src/x_pagesel.c:268
+#: src/rcstrings.c:5 src/x_pagesel.c:260
 msgid "Open Page..."
 msgstr "Abrir página"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:6 src/x_pagesel.c:271
+#: src/rcstrings.c:6 src/x_pagesel.c:263
 msgid "Close Page"
 msgstr "Cerrar página"
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ msgstr "Cerrar página"
 msgid "Revert Page"
 msgstr "Recargar página"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:8 src/x_pagesel.c:270
+#: src/rcstrings.c:8 src/x_pagesel.c:262
 msgid "Save Page"
 msgstr "Guardar página"
@@ -53,20 +53,20 @@ msgstr "Guardar página como..."
 msgid "Save All"
 msgstr "Guardar todo"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:11 src/x_print.c:317
+#: src/rcstrings.c:11 src/x_print.c:283
 msgid "Print..."
 msgstr "Imprimir..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:12 src/x_image.c:496
+#: src/rcstrings.c:12 src/x_image.c:504
 msgid "Write image..."
 msgstr "Guardar imagen..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:13
+#: src/rcstrings.c:13 src/x_menus.c:520
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Recent files"
 msgstr "Nuevo archivo"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:14 src/x_script.c:49
+#: src/rcstrings.c:14 src/x_script.c:50
 msgid "Execute Script..."
 msgstr "Ejecutar subprograma..."
@@ -78,19 +78,19 @@ msgstr "Cerrar ventana"
 msgid "Quit"
 msgstr "Salir"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:18 src/i_callbacks.c:746
+#: src/rcstrings.c:18 src/i_callbacks.c:730
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "Editar"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:19 src/x_window.c:515
+#: src/rcstrings.c:19 src/x_window.c:511
 msgid "Undo"
 msgstr "Deshacer"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:20 src/x_window.c:522
+#: src/rcstrings.c:20 src/x_window.c:518
 msgid "Redo"
 msgstr "Rehacer"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:21 src/i_basic.c:94 src/x_window.c:686
+#: src/rcstrings.c:21 src/i_basic.c:81 src/x_window.c:682
 msgid "Select Mode"
 msgstr "Seleccionar"
@@ -117,19 +117,19 @@ msgstr "Editar..."
 msgid "Edit Text..."
 msgstr "Editar texto..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:27 src/i_basic.c:107
+#: src/rcstrings.c:27 src/i_basic.c:94
 msgid "Copy Mode"
 msgstr "Copiar"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:28 src/i_basic.c:162
+#: src/rcstrings.c:28 src/i_basic.c:149
 msgid "Multiple Copy Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de copia múltiple"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:29 src/i_basic.c:110
+#: src/rcstrings.c:29 src/i_basic.c:97
 msgid "Move Mode"
 msgstr "Mover"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:30 src/i_callbacks.c:722 src/x_multiattrib.c:1193
+#: src/rcstrings.c:30 src/i_callbacks.c:706 src/x_multiattrib.c:1174
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "Borrar"
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ msgstr "Borrar"
 msgid "Rotate 90 Mode"
 msgstr "Rotar 90º"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:32 src/i_basic.c:114
+#: src/rcstrings.c:32 src/i_basic.c:101
 msgid "Mirror Mode"
 msgstr "Voltear"
@@ -149,11 +149,11 @@ msgstr "Elemento..."
 msgid "Color..."
 msgstr "Color..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:35 src/i_callbacks.c:919
+#: src/rcstrings.c:35 src/i_callbacks.c:903
 msgid "Lock"
 msgstr "Fijar"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:36 src/i_callbacks.c:937
+#: src/rcstrings.c:36 src/i_callbacks.c:921
 msgid "Unlock"
 msgstr "Desfijar"
@@ -261,11 +261,11 @@ msgstr "Ver"
 msgid "Redraw"
 msgstr "Redibujar"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:65 src/i_callbacks.c:1489 src/i_callbacks.c:1558
+#: src/rcstrings.c:65 src/i_callbacks.c:1471 src/i_callbacks.c:1540
 msgid "Pan"
 msgstr "Centrar respecto al cursor"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:66 src/i_basic.c:118
+#: src/rcstrings.c:66 src/i_basic.c:105
 msgid "Zoom Box"
 msgstr "Ampliar"
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ msgstr "Siguiente"
 msgid "Previous"
 msgstr "Anterior"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:76 src/x_window.c:493
+#: src/rcstrings.c:76 src/x_window.c:489
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Nuevo"
@@ -325,12 +325,12 @@ msgstr "Añadir"
 msgid "Component..."
 msgstr "Componente..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:83 src/i_callbacks.c:2313 src/i_callbacks.c:2336
+#: src/rcstrings.c:83 src/i_callbacks.c:2289 src/i_callbacks.c:2311
 msgid "Net"
 msgstr "Conexión"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:84 src/i_callbacks.c:2381 src/i_callbacks.c:2405
-#: src/x_window.c:551
+#: src/rcstrings.c:84 src/i_callbacks.c:2355 src/i_callbacks.c:2378
+#: src/x_window.c:547
 msgid "Bus"
 msgstr "Bus"
@@ -342,23 +342,23 @@ msgstr "Propiedad..."
 msgid "Text..."
 msgstr "Texto..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:87 src/i_callbacks.c:2487 src/i_callbacks.c:2507
+#: src/rcstrings.c:87 src/i_callbacks.c:2459 src/i_callbacks.c:2478
 msgid "Line"
 msgstr "Línea"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:88 src/i_callbacks.c:2530 src/i_callbacks.c:2550
+#: src/rcstrings.c:88 src/i_callbacks.c:2500 src/i_callbacks.c:2519
 msgid "Box"
 msgstr "Rectángulo"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:89 src/i_callbacks.c:2607 src/i_callbacks.c:2628
+#: src/rcstrings.c:89 src/i_callbacks.c:2575 src/i_callbacks.c:2595
 msgid "Circle"
 msgstr "Círculo"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:90 src/i_callbacks.c:2651 src/i_callbacks.c:2671
+#: src/rcstrings.c:90 src/i_callbacks.c:2617 src/i_callbacks.c:2636
 msgid "Arc"
 msgstr "Arco"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:91 src/i_callbacks.c:2694 src/i_callbacks.c:2714
+#: src/rcstrings.c:91 src/i_callbacks.c:2658 src/i_callbacks.c:2677
 msgid "Pin"
 msgstr "Pin"
@@ -386,15 +386,15 @@ msgstr "Arriba"
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "Documentación"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:100 src/x_multiattrib.c:1332
+#: src/rcstrings.c:100 src/x_multiattrib.c:1300
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "Propiedades"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:101 src/i_callbacks.c:2974
+#: src/rcstrings.c:101 src/i_callbacks.c:2942
 msgid "Attach"
 msgstr "Adjuntar"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:102 src/i_callbacks.c:3023
+#: src/rcstrings.c:102 src/i_callbacks.c:2991
 msgid "Detach"
 msgstr "No adjuntar"
@@ -486,11 +486,12 @@ msgid "Manual"
 msgstr "Manual..."
 #: src/rcstrings.c:126
-msgid "FAQ"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "gEDA Documentation"
+msgstr "Documentación"
 #: src/rcstrings.c:127
-msgid "gEDA Wiki"
+msgid "gschem FAQ"
 msgstr ""
 #: src/rcstrings.c:128
@@ -502,170 +503,129 @@ msgstr "Documentación"
 msgid "About gschem"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:130 src/x_dialog.c:2501
+#: src/rcstrings.c:130 src/x_dialog.c:2517
 msgid "Hotkeys"
 msgstr "Teclas rápidas"
-#: src/a_zoom.c:224
+#: src/a_zoom.c:242
 msgid "Zoom too small!  Cannot zoom further.\n"
 msgstr "¡Vista demasiado ampliada! No se puede ampliar más.\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:341 src/i_callbacks.c:136
+#: src/g_funcs.c:342 src/i_callbacks.c:137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not fork\n"
 msgstr "No se ha podido crear un proceso hijo\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:357 src/i_callbacks.c:146
+#: src/g_funcs.c:358 src/i_callbacks.c:147
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not invoke %s\n"
 msgstr "No se ha podido llamar a %s\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:363 src/i_callbacks.c:150
+#: src/g_funcs.c:364 src/i_callbacks.c:151
 msgid "Documentation commands not supported under MinGW.\n"
 msgstr "No se pueden utilizar los comandos de documentación bajo MinGW.\n"
-#: src/g_hook.c:87
+#: src/g_hook.c:88
 #, c-format
 msgid "Attribute failed ot find.\n"
 msgstr "Propiedad no encontrada.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:106
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Found a version [%s%s] gschemrc file:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Encontrada una versión [%s%s] del fichero gschemrc:\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:109
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"While gschem is in ALPHA, please be sure that you have the latest rc file.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Pero gschem es ALPHA. Por favor, asegúrese de que dispone de un fichero rc "
-#: src/g_rc.c:169
+#: src/g_rc.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid color [%s] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Se ha especificado un color no válido [%s] a la función %s\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:358
+#: src/g_rc.c:332
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Se ha especificado un modo no válido [%s] a la función %s\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:536
+#: src/g_rc.c:510
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid zoomfactor [%d] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha especificado un factor de ampliación no válido [%d] a la función %s\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:574
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to scrollbar-update\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha especificado un modo no válido [%s] a la función scrollbar-update\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:655
+#: src/g_rc.c:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to text-size\n"
 msgstr "Se ha especificado un tamaño no válido [%d] a la función text-size\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:682
+#: src/g_rc.c:628
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%f] passed to postscript-font-scale\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha especificado un tamaño no válido [%f] a la función postscript-font-"
-#: src/g_rc.c:725
+#: src/g_rc.c:671
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to snap-size\n"
 msgstr "Se ha especificado un tamaño no válido [%d] a la función snap-size\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:799 src/g_rc.c:802
-#, c-format
-msgid "Duplicate stroke definition passed to stroke! [%s]\n"
-msgstr ""
-"¡Se ha especificado una tecla rápida duplicada [%s] a la función stroke!\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:813
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"A stroke keyword has been found in an rc file, but gschem\n"
-"is not compiled to support strokes, please recompile gschem\n"
-"with LibStroke\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha encontrado una palabra clave de gestos en un fichero rc, pero gschem\n"
-"no ha sido compilado con soporte para gestos, por favor, vuelva a compilar "
-"con LibStroke\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1275
+#: src/g_rc.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid num levels [%d] passed to undo-levels\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Número de niveles [%d] no válidos especificados a la función undo-levels\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1500
+#: src/g_rc.c:1402
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to bus-ripper-size\n"
 msgstr "Tamaño no válido [%d] especificado a la función bus-ripper-size\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1575
+#: src/g_rc.c:1477
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid dot size [%d] passed to grid-dot-size\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Tamaño de punto no válido [%d] especificado a la función grid-dot-size\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1616
+#: src/g_rc.c:1518
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid pixel spacing [%d] passed to grid-fixed-threshold\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Espaciado de punto no válido [%d] especificado a la función grid-fixed-"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1660
+#: src/g_rc.c:1562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid offset [%d] passed to add-attribute-offset\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha especificado un desplazamiento no válido [%d] a la función add-"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1684
+#: src/g_rc.c:1586
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid number of seconds [%d] passed to auto-save-interval\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha especificado un número de segundos no válido [%d] a la función auto-"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1725
+#: src/g_rc.c:1627
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid gain [%d] passed to mousepan-gain\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha especificado un aumento no válido [%d] a la función mousepan-gain\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1748
+#: src/g_rc.c:1650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid gain [%d] passed to keyboardpan-gain\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha especificado un aumento no válido [%d] a la función keyboardpan-gain\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1794
+#: src/g_rc.c:1696
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid number of pixels [%d] passed to select-slack-pixels\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha especificado un número de pixels no válido [%d] a la función select-"
-#: src/gschem.c:140 src/gschem.c:150
+#: src/gschem.c:191 src/gschem.c:202
 #, c-format
-msgid "gEDA/gschem version %s%s\n"
-msgstr "Versión de gEDA/gschem %s%s\n"
+msgid "gEDA/gschem version %s%s.%s\n"
+msgstr "Versión de gEDA/gschem %s%s.%s\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:142 src/gschem.c:152
+#: src/gschem.c:194 src/gschem.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "gEDA/gschem comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more "
@@ -674,13 +634,13 @@ msgstr ""
 "gEDA/gschem no incluye NINGUNA GARANT�A; véase el fichero COPYING para más "
-#: src/gschem.c:144 src/gschem.c:154
+#: src/gschem.c:196 src/gschem.c:207
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain\n"
 msgstr "Esto es software libre, y puede redistribuirlo bajo ciertas\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:146 src/gschem.c:156
+#: src/gschem.c:198 src/gschem.c:209
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.\n"
@@ -689,214 +649,214 @@ msgstr ""
 "condiciones; por favor vea el fichero COPYING para más detalles.\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:160
+#: src/gschem.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the MINGW32 port.\n"
 msgstr "�sta es la adaptación MINGW32.\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:164
+#: src/gschem.c:217
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current locale settings: %s\n"
 msgstr "Entorno actual de locale: %s\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:177
+#: src/gschem.c:230
 #, c-format
 msgid "You must set the GEDADATA environment variable!\n"
 msgstr "¡Debe de especificar la variable de entorno GEDADATA!\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:192
+#: src/gschem.c:245
 #, c-format
 msgid "Read init scm file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Leído fichero de inicialización scm [%s]\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:196 src/gschem.c:199
+#: src/gschem.c:249 src/gschem.c:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to read init scm file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Fallo al leer fichero de inicialización scm [%s]\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:259
+#: src/gschem.c:313
 #, c-format
 msgid "Scheme directory NOT set!\n"
 msgstr "¡Directorio de Scheme no especificado!\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:266 src/x_script.c:70
+#: src/gschem.c:320 src/x_script.c:71
 #, c-format
 msgid "Executing guile script [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Ejecutando programa de guile [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_basic.c:97
+#: src/i_basic.c:84
 msgid "Attribute Mode"
 msgstr "Modo Propiedades"
-#: src/i_basic.c:100
+#: src/i_basic.c:87
 msgid "Component Mode"
 msgstr "Modo Componentes"
-#: src/i_basic.c:104
+#: src/i_basic.c:91
 msgid "Text Mode"
 msgstr "Modo Texto"
-#: src/i_basic.c:112
+#: src/i_basic.c:99
 msgid "Rotate Mode"
 msgstr "Rotar"
-#: src/i_basic.c:122
+#: src/i_basic.c:109
 msgid "Pan Mode"
 msgstr "Modo Centrar"
-#: src/i_basic.c:126
+#: src/i_basic.c:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "Paste %d Mode"
 msgstr "Modo Pegar %d"
-#: src/i_basic.c:131
+#: src/i_basic.c:118
 msgid "Net Mode"
 msgstr "Modo Conexión"
-#: src/i_basic.c:135
+#: src/i_basic.c:122
 msgid "Bus Mode"
 msgstr "Modo Bus"
-#: src/i_basic.c:138
+#: src/i_basic.c:125
 msgid "Line Mode"
 msgstr "Modo Línea"
-#: src/i_basic.c:141
+#: src/i_basic.c:128
 msgid "Box Mode"
 msgstr "Modo Rectángulo"
-#: src/i_basic.c:144
+#: src/i_basic.c:131
 msgid "Picture Mode"
 msgstr "Modo Imagen"
-#: src/i_basic.c:147
+#: src/i_basic.c:134
 msgid "Circle Mode"
 msgstr "Modo Círculo"
-#: src/i_basic.c:150
+#: src/i_basic.c:137
 msgid "Arc Mode"
 msgstr "Modo Arco"
-#: src/i_basic.c:153
+#: src/i_basic.c:140
 msgid "Pin Mode"
 msgstr "Modo Pin"
-#: src/i_basic.c:155 src/i_callbacks.c:603 src/i_callbacks.c:622
+#: src/i_basic.c:142 src/i_callbacks.c:587 src/i_callbacks.c:606
 msgid "Copy"
 msgstr "Copiar"
-#: src/i_basic.c:157 src/i_callbacks.c:683 src/i_callbacks.c:702
+#: src/i_basic.c:144 src/i_callbacks.c:667 src/i_callbacks.c:686
 msgid "Move"
 msgstr "Mover"
-#: src/i_basic.c:159 src/i_callbacks.c:643 src/i_callbacks.c:662
+#: src/i_basic.c:146 src/i_callbacks.c:627 src/i_callbacks.c:646
 msgid "Multiple Copy"
 msgstr "Copia múltiple"
-#: src/i_basic.c:197
-msgid "Snap Off"
-msgstr "Desactivado el ajuste a la rejilla"
-#: src/i_basic.c:203
+#: src/i_basic.c:174
 msgid "Show Hidden"
 msgstr "Mostrar ocultos"
-#: src/i_basic.c:291 src/x_window.c:660
+#: src/i_basic.c:177
+msgid "Snap Off"
+msgstr "Desactivado el ajuste a la rejilla"
+#: src/i_basic.c:259 src/x_window.c:656
 msgid "Action"
 msgstr "Acción"
-#: src/i_basic.c:299 src/x_window.c:655
+#: src/i_basic.c:267 src/x_window.c:651
 msgid "Stroke"
 msgstr "Gesto"
-#: src/i_basic.c:306 src/x_window.c:657
+#: src/i_basic.c:274 src/x_window.c:653
 msgid "none"
 msgstr "ninguno"
-#: src/i_basic.c:313
+#: src/i_basic.c:281
 msgid "Repeat/"
 msgstr "Repetir/"
-#: src/i_basic.c:738 src/i_basic.c:743
+#: src/i_basic.c:570 src/i_basic.c:575
 msgid "OFF"
 msgstr "NO"
-#: src/i_basic.c:747
+#: src/i_basic.c:579
 #, c-format
 msgid "Grid(%s, %s)"
 msgstr "Rejilla(%s, %s)"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:131
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:132
 #, c-format
 msgid "Documentation for [%s,%s,%s,%s]\n"
 msgstr "Documentación de [%s, %s, %s, %s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:191 src/i_callbacks.c:1687
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:192 src/i_callbacks.c:1669
 #, c-format
 msgid "New page created [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Se ha creado una página nueva [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:226 src/x_menus.c:432
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:227 src/x_menus.c:491
 #, c-format
 msgid "New Window created [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Se ha creado una nueva ventana [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:355
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:345
 msgid "Failed to Save All"
 msgstr "No se ha podido guardar todo"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:357
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:347
 msgid "Saved All"
 msgstr "Guardado todo"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:455
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:439
 msgid "Closing Window\n"
 msgstr "Cerrando ventana\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:607 src/i_callbacks.c:647 src/i_callbacks.c:687
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:591 src/i_callbacks.c:631 src/i_callbacks.c:671
 msgid "Select objs first"
 msgstr "Antes seleccione objetos"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:762
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:746
 msgid "Edit Text"
 msgstr "Editar texto"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:785
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:769
 msgid "Slot"
 msgstr "Elemento"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:802
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:786
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "Color"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:820 src/i_callbacks.c:842
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:804 src/i_callbacks.c:826
 msgid "Rotate"
 msgstr "Rotar"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:869 src/i_callbacks.c:891
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:853 src/i_callbacks.c:875
 msgid "Mirror"
 msgstr "Voltear"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:955 src/x_dialog.c:1597
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:939 src/x_dialog.c:1604
 msgid "Translate"
 msgstr "Mover"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:958
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:942
 msgid "WARNING: Do not translate with snap off!\n"
 msgstr ""
 "ADVERTENCIA: ¡No mueva objetos con el ajuste a la rejilla desactivado!\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:959
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:943
 msgid "WARNING: Turning snap on and continuing with translate.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "ADVERTENCIA: Activando el ajuste a la rejilla y continuando con el "
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:966
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:950
 msgid "WARNING: Snap grid size is not equal to 100!\n"
 msgstr "ADVERTENCIA: ¡El tamaño de la rejilla no es 100!\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:968
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:952
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: If you are translating a symbol to the origin, the snap grid size "
 "should be set to 100\n"
@@ -904,131 +864,131 @@ msgstr ""
 "ADVERTENCIA: Si está moviendo un símbolo al origen, el tamaño de la "
 "rejilladebe ser de 100\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:989
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:973
 msgid "Embed"
 msgstr "Incrustar"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1027
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1011
 msgid "Unembed"
 msgstr "Desincrustar"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1067
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1051
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Actualizar"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1125
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1109
 msgid "ShowHidden"
 msgstr "Mostrar ocultos"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1148
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1132
 msgid "MakeVisible"
 msgstr "Hacer visible"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1264
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1248
 msgid "Edit Line Type"
 msgstr "Editar tipo de línea"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1305 src/x_dialog.c:1256
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1289 src/x_dialog.c:1261
 msgid "Edit Fill Type"
 msgstr "Editar tipo de relleno"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1592
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1574
 msgid "Update Cues"
 msgstr "Actualizar entradas"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1731
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1713
 msgid "Really revert page?"
 msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere recargar la página?"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1805
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1787
 msgid "Copy 1"
 msgstr "Copiar 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1824
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1806
 msgid "Copy 2"
 msgstr "Copiar 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1843
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1825
 msgid "Copy 3"
 msgstr "Copiar 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1862
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1844
 msgid "Copy 4"
 msgstr "Copiar 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1881
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1863
 msgid "Copy 5"
 msgstr "Copiar 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1900
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1882
 msgid "Cut 1"
 msgstr "Cortar 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1919
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1901
 msgid "Cut 2"
 msgstr "Cortar 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1938
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1920
 msgid "Cut 3"
 msgstr "Cortar 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1957
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1939
 msgid "Cut 4"
 msgstr "Cortar 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1976
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1958
 msgid "Cut 5"
 msgstr "Cortar 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1992
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1974
 msgid "Paste 1"
 msgstr "Pegar 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2001 src/i_callbacks.c:2025 src/i_callbacks.c:2049
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2073 src/i_callbacks.c:2097
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1983 src/i_callbacks.c:2007 src/i_callbacks.c:2031
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2055 src/i_callbacks.c:2079
 msgid "Empty buffer"
 msgstr "Buffer vacío"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2016
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1998
 msgid "Paste 2"
 msgstr "Pegar 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2040
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2022
 msgid "Paste 3"
 msgstr "Pegar 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2064
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2046
 msgid "Paste 4"
 msgstr "Pegar 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2088
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2070
 msgid "Paste 5"
 msgstr "Pegar 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2234 src/x_window.c:531
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2213 src/x_window.c:527
 msgid "Component"
 msgstr "Componente"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2271 src/i_callbacks.c:2291
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2249 src/i_callbacks.c:2268
 msgid "Attribute"
 msgstr "Propiedad"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2773
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2735
 #, c-format
 msgid "Searching for source [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Buscando origen [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2797 src/i_callbacks.c:2798
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2759 src/i_callbacks.c:2760
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot find source [%s]\n"
 msgstr "No se ha podido encontrar la fuente [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2869
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2827
 #, c-format
 msgid "Searching for symbol [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Buscando símbolo [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2946
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2914
 msgid ""
 "This command retrieves the component documentation from the web, but there "
 "is no component selected"
@@ -1036,339 +996,326 @@ msgstr ""
 "Este comando consigue la información del componente de internet, pero no hay "
 "ningún componente seleccionado"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3063
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3031
 msgid "ShowN"
 msgstr "Mostrar nombre"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3094
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3062
 msgid "ShowV"
 msgstr "Mostrar valor"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3125
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3093
 msgid "ShowB"
 msgstr "Mostrar ambos"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3157
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3125
 msgid "VisToggle"
 msgstr "Cambiar visibilidad"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3179
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3147
 #, c-format
 msgid "Sorry but this is a non-functioning menu option\n"
 msgstr "Disculpe. Esta opción del menú no funciona\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3267
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3235
 msgid "Action feedback mode set to OUTLINE\n"
 msgstr "Modo de realimentación seleccionado: SILUETA\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3270
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3238
 msgid "Action feedback mode set to BOUNDINGBOX\n"
 msgstr "Modo de realimentación seleccionado: CONTENEDOR\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3287
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3255
 msgid "Grid OFF\n"
 msgstr "Rejilla DESACTIVADA\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3290
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3258
 msgid "Grid ON\n"
 msgstr "Rejilla ACTIVADA\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3307
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3275
 msgid "Snap OFF (CAUTION!)\n"
 msgstr "¡PRECAUCI�N!: Ajuste a la rejilla DESACTIVADO \n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3310
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3278
 msgid "Snap ON\n"
 msgstr "Ajuste a la rejilla ACTIVADO\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3330
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3298
 msgid "Rubber band OFF \n"
 msgstr "Goma de borrar DESACT\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3333
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3301
 msgid "Rubber band ON\n"
 msgstr "Goma de borrar ACT\n"
-#: src/o_arc.c:136
+#: src/o_arc.c:137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for arc (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Final de arco desconocido (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_arc.c:177
+#: src/o_arc.c:178
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for arc !\n"
 msgstr "¡Tipo de arco desconocido!\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:107
+#: src/o_attrib.c:108
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_attrib_toggle_visibility\n"
 msgstr "Se ha recibido NULL de la función o_attrib_toggle_visibility\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:172
+#: src/o_attrib.c:173
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_attrib_toggle_show_name_value\n"
 msgstr "Se ha recibido NULL de la función o_attrib_toggle_show_name_value\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:223
+#: src/o_attrib.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR! you can't get an attribute without an ='s\n"
 msgstr "¡ERROR! No puede tener una propiedad sin un signo '='\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:140
+#: src/o_box.c:141
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for box (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Final de rectángulo desconocido (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:180
+#: src/o_box.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for box !\n"
 msgstr "¡Tipo de rectángulo desconocido!\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:270
+#: src/o_box.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for box (fill)!\n"
 msgstr "¡Tipo de relleno de rectángulo desconocido!\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:41
+#: src/o_buffer.c:42
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_copy]\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha recibido un número de memoria intermedia no válida en la función "
-#: src/o_buffer.c:79
+#: src/o_buffer.c:80
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_cut]\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha recibido un número de memoria intermedia no válida en la función "
-#: src/o_buffer.c:120
+#: src/o_buffer.c:121
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_start]\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha recibido un número de memoria intermedia no válida en la función "
-#: src/o_buffer.c:180
+#: src/o_buffer.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_end]\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha recibido un número de memoria intermedia no válida en la función "
-#: src/o_bus.c:219
+#: src/o_bus.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid which one in o_bus_draw_xor_single\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha recibido un parámetro no válido (\"whichone\") en la función "
-#: src/o_bus.c:285 src/o_bus.c:319 src/o_net.c:333 src/o_net.c:367
-#, c-format
-msgid "selected a nonexistant object!\n"
-msgstr "¡Seleccionado un objeto que no existe!\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:135
+#: src/o_circle.c:136
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for circle\n"
 msgstr "Final de círculo desconocido\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:171
+#: src/o_circle.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for circle!\n"
 msgstr "¡Tipo de círculo desconocido!\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:259
+#: src/o_circle.c:260
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for circle (fill)!\n"
 msgstr "¡Tipo de relleno de círculo desconocido!\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:222
+#: src/o_complex.c:225
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find complex in new componet placement!\n"
 msgstr "¡No se ha podido encontrar el objeto al colocar el nuevo componente!\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:600
+#: src/o_complex.c:578
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_complex_translate_display_selection\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha recibido NULL en la función o_complex_translate_display_selection\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:668 src/o_complex.c:674
+#: src/o_complex.c:646 src/o_complex.c:652
 #, c-format
 msgid "Translating schematic [%d %d]\n"
 msgstr "Convirtiendo esquema [%d %d]\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:718
+#: src/o_complex.c:690
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_complex_translate_selection!\n"
 msgstr "¡Se ha recibido NULL en la función o_complex_translate_selection!\n"
-#: src/o_copy.c:124 src/o_copy.c:395
+#: src/o_copy.c:125 src/o_copy.c:395
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_copy_end!\n"
 msgstr "ERROR: en la función o_copy_end, ¡el objeto es NULL!\n"
-#: src/o_line.c:112
+#: src/o_line.c:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for line (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Final de línea desconocido (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_line.c:152
+#: src/o_line.c:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for line (%d) !\n"
 msgstr "Tipo de línea desconocido (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:64
+#: src/o_misc.c:65
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an unexpected NULL in o_edit\n"
 msgstr "Se ha recibido NULL (no esperado) en la función o_edit\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:143
-msgid "Object alreadly locked\n"
+#: src/o_misc.c:144
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Object already locked\n"
 msgstr "Objeto previamente fijado\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:181
-msgid "Object alreadly unlocked\n"
+#: src/o_misc.c:182
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Object already unlocked\n"
 msgstr "El objeto no estaba fijado\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:228 src/o_misc.c:471 src/o_misc.c:715
+#: src/o_misc.c:229 src/o_misc.c:472 src/o_misc.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_rotate_90!\n"
 msgstr "ERROR: en la función o_rotate_90, ¡el objeto es NULL!\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:537
+#: src/o_misc.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_mirror!\n"
 msgstr "ERROR: en la función o_mirror, ¡el objeto es NULL!\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:815
+#: src/o_misc.c:812
 msgid "Hidden text is now visible\n"
 msgstr "El texto oculto es ahora visible\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:817
+#: src/o_misc.c:814
 msgid "Hidden text is now invisible\n"
 msgstr "El texto oculto es ahora invisible\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1076
-msgid "Could not unembedded component, could not find appropriate .sym file\n"
-msgstr ""
-"No se puede desincrustar el componente, no se ha podido encontrar el "
-"fichero .sym correspondiente\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1077
-msgid "Component still embedded and not updated\n"
-msgstr "El componente todavía está incrustado y no actualizado\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1081
+#: src/o_misc.c:1058
 #, c-format
-msgid "More than one component found with name [%s]\n"
-msgstr "Se ha encontrado más de un componente con el nombre [%s]\n"
+msgid "Could not find symbol [%s] in library. Update failed.\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:1229
+#: src/o_misc.c:1198
 #, c-format
 msgid "o_autosave_backups: Can't get the real filename of %s."
 msgstr ""
 "o_autosave_backups: Imposible averiguar el nombre de fichero real de %s."
-#: src/o_misc.c:1273
+#: src/o_misc.c:1242
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT set previous backup file [%s] read-write\n"
 msgstr ""
 "NO se han podido cambiar los permisos de la copia de seguridad anterior [%s] "
 "a lectura-escritura\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1291
+#: src/o_misc.c:1260
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT set backup file [%s] readonly\n"
 msgstr ""
 "NO se han podido cambiar los permisos de la copia de seguridad anterior [%s] "
 "a sólo lectura\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1296
+#: src/o_misc.c:1265
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT save backup file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "NO se ha podido guardar la copia de seguridad [%s]\n"
-#: src/o_move.c:223
+#: src/o_move.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_move_end!\n"
 msgstr "ERROR: en la función o_move_end, ¡el objeto es NULL!\n"
-#: src/o_move.c:331
+#: src/o_move.c:332
 #, c-format
 msgid "DOH! tried to find the whichone, but didn't find it!\n"
 msgstr ""
 "¡Eh! Se ha intentado encontrar el parámetro \"whichone\", pero ¡no se ha "
-#: src/o_move.c:352
+#: src/o_move.c:353
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got a non line object in o_move_check_endpoint\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha recibido un objeto que no es una línea en la función "
-#: src/o_net.c:264
+#: src/o_net.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid which one in o_net_draw_xor_single\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha recibido un parámetro no válido (\"whichone\") en la función "
-#: src/o_net.c:940 src/o_net.c:977 src/o_net.c:1048 src/o_net.c:1084
+#: src/o_net.c:812 src/o_net.c:849 src/o_net.c:920 src/o_net.c:956
 #, c-format
 msgid "Tried to add more than two bus rippers. Internal gschem error.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha intentado añadir más de dos conexiones a bus. Error interno de "
-#: src/o_net.c:1155
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not find %s in any component-library\n"
+#: src/o_net.c:1029
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Bus ripper symbol [%s] was not found in any component library\n"
 msgstr "No se ha encontrado %s en ninguna librería de componentes\n"
-#: src/o_picture.c:205 src/o_picture.c:746
+#: src/o_picture.c:206 src/o_picture.c:746
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to load picture: %s"
 msgstr "Fallo al cargar la imagen: %s"
-#: src/o_picture.c:219
+#: src/o_picture.c:220
 msgid "Picture"
 msgstr "Imagen"
-#: src/o_picture.c:658 src/x_attribedit.c:137
+#: src/o_picture.c:658 src/x_attribedit.c:139
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object!\n"
 msgstr "ERROR: ¡objeto vacío (NULL)!\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:127
+#: src/o_slot.c:128
 msgid "Slot attribute malformed\n"
 msgstr "El atributo del elemento está mal especificado\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:145
+#: src/o_slot.c:146
 msgid "numslots attribute missing\n"
 msgstr "La propiedad \"numslots\" no está definida\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:147
+#: src/o_slot.c:148
 msgid "Slotting not allowed for this component\n"
 msgstr "No se permiten múltiples elementos para este componente\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:163
+#: src/o_slot.c:164
 msgid "New slot number out of range\n"
 msgstr "El nuevo número de elemento está fuera de rango\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:247
+#: src/o_slot.c:237
 #, c-format
 msgid "uggg! you tried to slot edit something that doesn't exist!\n"
 msgstr "¡¡Ufff!! ¡se ha intentado editar el elemento de algo que no existe!\n"
-#: src/o_undo.c:316
+#: src/o_undo.c:317
 msgid "Undo/Redo disabled in rc file\n"
 msgstr "¡Deshacer/Rehacer deshabilitado en el fichero rc!\n"
-#: src/parsecmd.c:49
+#: src/parsecmd.c:50
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] schematic_filename1 ... schematic_filenameN\n"
@@ -1392,69 +1339,69 @@ msgstr ""
 "  -h                Ayuda; éste mensaje\n"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:122
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:124
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got invalid show option; defaulting to show both\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha recibido una opción de mostrar no válida; mostrando ambos por defecto\n"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:325
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:327
 msgid "Single Attribute Editor"
 msgstr "Editor de una única propiedad"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:355
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:358
 msgid "<b>Edit Attribute</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Editar propiedades</b>"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:357
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:360
 msgid "<b>Add Attribute</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Añadir propiedad</b>"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:373 src/x_multiattrib.c:1512
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:376 src/x_multiattrib.c:1480
 msgid "Name:"
 msgstr "Nombre:"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:389 src/x_multiattrib.c:1531
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:392 src/x_multiattrib.c:1499
 msgid "Value:"
 msgstr "Valor:"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:404 src/x_multiattrib.c:1559
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:408 src/x_multiattrib.c:1527
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "Visible"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:424
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:428
 msgid "Show Value Only"
 msgstr "Mostrar sólo valor"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:426
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:430
 msgid "Show Name Only"
 msgstr "Mostrar sólo nombre"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:428 src/x_multiattrib.c:1162
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:432 src/x_multiattrib.c:1143
 msgid "Show Name & Value"
 msgstr "Mostrar nombre y valor"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:435
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:439
 msgid "<b>Attach Options</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Opciones de asociación</b>"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:450
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:454
 msgid "All"
 msgstr "Todo"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:458 src/x_compselect.c:791
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:462 src/x_compselect.c:716 src/x_compselect.c:791
 msgid "Components"
 msgstr "Componentes"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:466 src/x_window.c:541
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:470 src/x_window.c:537
 msgid "Nets"
 msgstr "Conexiones"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:474
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:478
 msgid "Replace existing attributes"
 msgstr "Reemplazar las propiedades existentes"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:411
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:413
 msgid ""
 "slotted object without slot attribute may cause problems when autonumbering "
@@ -1462,7 +1409,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Un componente con varios elementos sin la propiedad 'slot' puede causar "
 "problemas al autonumerar los números de elemento\n"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:426
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "duplicate slot may cause problems: [symbolname=%s, number=%d, slot=%d]\n"
@@ -1470,148 +1417,156 @@ msgstr ""
 "La duplicidad de la propiedad 'slot' puede causar problemas: [nombre del "
 "símbolo=%s, número=%d, slot=%d]\n"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:696
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:698
 msgid "No searchstring given in autonumber text.\n"
 msgstr "No se ha especificado una cadena de búsqueda para autonumerar texto.\n"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:747
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:749
 msgid "No '*' or '?' given at the end of the autonumber text.\n"
 msgstr "No se ha especificado '*' o '?' al final del texto a autonumerar.\n"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:880
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
 msgid "Diagonal"
 msgstr "Diagonal"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:881
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
 msgid "Top to bottom"
 msgstr "De arriba hacia abajo"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:881
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
 msgid "Bottom to top"
 msgstr "De abajo hacia arriba"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:884
 msgid "Left to right"
 msgstr "De izquierda hacia derecha"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:884
 msgid "Right to left"
 msgstr "De derecha hacia izquierda"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:885
 msgid "File order"
 msgstr "Orden de archivos:"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1219
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1221
 msgid "Autonumber text"
 msgstr "Autoenumerar texto"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1244
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1247
 msgid "<b>Scope</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Ã?mbito</b>"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1266
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1269
 msgid "Search for:"
 msgstr "Buscar:"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1280
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1283
 msgid "Autonumber text in:"
 msgstr "Autoenumerar texto en:"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1287
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1290
 msgid "Skip numbers found in:"
 msgstr "Ignorar números encontrados en:"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1299 src/x_autonumber.c:1308
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1302 src/x_autonumber.c:1311
 msgid "Selected objects"
 msgstr "Objetos seleccionados"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1300 src/x_autonumber.c:1309
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1303 src/x_autonumber.c:1312
 msgid "Current page"
 msgstr "Hoja actual"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1301 src/x_autonumber.c:1310
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1304 src/x_autonumber.c:1313
 msgid "Whole hierarchy"
 msgstr "Jerarquía completa"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1312
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1315
 msgid "Overwrite existing numbers"
 msgstr "Sobreescribir los números existentes"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1317
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1320
 msgid "<b>Options</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Opciones</b>"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1339
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1342
 msgid "Starting number:"
 msgstr "Número inicial:"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1346
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1349
 msgid "Sort order:"
 msgstr "Método de ordenación:"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1367
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1370
 msgid "Remove numbers"
 msgstr "Borrar los números"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1371
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1374
 msgid "Automatic slotting"
 msgstr "Asignar números de elemento automáticamente"
-#: src/x_color.c:59 src/x_color.c:96
+#: src/x_color.c:60 src/x_color.c:97
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find the color %s!\n"
 msgstr "¡No se ha podido encontrar el color %s!\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:62 src/x_color.c:99
+#: src/x_color.c:63 src/x_color.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Defaulting color to white\n"
 msgstr "Utilizando color blanco por defecto\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:69 src/x_color.c:106
+#: src/x_color.c:70 src/x_color.c:107
 #, c-format
 msgid "Ack! Cannot allocate white!\n"
 msgstr "¡Eh! ¡No se puede reservar memoria para el color blanco!\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:80 src/x_color.c:128 src/x_window.c:176 src/x_window.c:185
+#: src/x_color.c:81 src/x_color.c:129 src/x_window.c:176 src/x_window.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not allocate the color %s!\n"
 msgstr "¡No se puede reservar memoria para el color %s!\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:147 src/x_color.c:163
+#: src/x_color.c:148 src/x_color.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "Tried to get an invalid color: %d\n"
 msgstr "Se ha intentado obtener un color no válido: %d\n"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:615
+#: src/x_compselect.c:821
+msgid "Filter:"
+msgstr "Filtro:"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:895
 msgid "Default behavior - reference component"
 msgstr "Comportamiento por defecto - designar componente"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:618
+#: src/x_compselect.c:898
 msgid "Embed component in schematic"
 msgstr "Incrustar componente en el esquema"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:621
+#: src/x_compselect.c:901
 msgid "Include component as individual objects"
 msgstr "Incluir componentes como objetos individuales"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:707
+#: src/x_compselect.c:982
 msgid "Select Component..."
 msgstr "Seleccionar componente..."
-#: src/x_compselect.c:821
-msgid "Filter:"
-msgstr "Filtro:"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1008
+msgid "In Use"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/x_compselect.c:885 src/x_fileselect.c:123
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1012
+msgid "Libraries"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1024 src/x_fileselect.c:124
 msgid "Preview"
 msgstr "Vista preliminar"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:182
+#: src/x_dialog.c:184
 msgid "Text Entry..."
 msgstr "Introducción de texto..."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:214
+#: src/x_dialog.c:217
 msgid ""
 "Enter text, click apply,\n"
 "move cursor into window, click to place text.\n"
@@ -1622,168 +1577,168 @@ msgstr ""
 "para colocar el texto.\n"
 "Botón intermedio para rotar mientras está colocando el texto."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:303
+#: src/x_dialog.c:306
 msgid "Lower Left"
 msgstr "Abajo a la izquierda"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:314
+#: src/x_dialog.c:317
 msgid "Middle Left"
 msgstr "Centrado a la izquierda"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:325
+#: src/x_dialog.c:328
 msgid "Upper Left"
 msgstr "Arriba a la izquierda"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:336
+#: src/x_dialog.c:339
 msgid "Lower Middle"
 msgstr "Abajo centrado"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:347
+#: src/x_dialog.c:350
 msgid "Middle Middle"
 msgstr "Centrado Centrado"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:358
+#: src/x_dialog.c:361
 msgid "Upper Middle"
 msgstr "Arriba centrado"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:369
+#: src/x_dialog.c:372
 msgid "Lower Right"
 msgstr "Abajo a la derecha"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:380
+#: src/x_dialog.c:383
 msgid "Middle Right"
 msgstr "Centrado a la derecha"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:391
+#: src/x_dialog.c:394
 msgid "Upper Right"
 msgstr "Arriba a la derecha"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:506
+#: src/x_dialog.c:509
 msgid "Edit Text Properties"
 msgstr "Editar las propiedades del texto"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:541
+#: src/x_dialog.c:545
 msgid "<b>Text Content</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Contenido del texto</b>"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:573
+#: src/x_dialog.c:577
 msgid "<b>Text Properties</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Propiedades del texto</b>"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:588
+#: src/x_dialog.c:592
 msgid "Color:"
 msgstr "Color:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:598
+#: src/x_dialog.c:602
 msgid "Size:"
 msgstr "Tamaño:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:607
+#: src/x_dialog.c:611
 msgid "Alignment:"
 msgstr "Alineación:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:661
+#: src/x_dialog.c:665
 msgid "Solid"
 msgstr "Sólido"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:662
+#: src/x_dialog.c:666
 msgid "Dotted"
 msgstr "Punteado"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:663
+#: src/x_dialog.c:667
 msgid "Dashed"
 msgstr "Guión"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:664
+#: src/x_dialog.c:668
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "Centrar"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:665
+#: src/x_dialog.c:669
 msgid "Phantom"
 msgstr "Fantasma"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:791 src/x_dialog.c:793 src/x_dialog.c:795 src/x_dialog.c:977
-#: src/x_dialog.c:978 src/x_dialog.c:979 src/x_dialog.c:987
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1170 src/x_dialog.c:1172 src/x_dialog.c:1174
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1176 src/x_dialog.c:1178 src/x_dialog.c:1382
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1383 src/x_dialog.c:1384 src/x_dialog.c:1385
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1386 src/x_dialog.c:1394
+#: src/x_dialog.c:795 src/x_dialog.c:797 src/x_dialog.c:799 src/x_dialog.c:982
+#: src/x_dialog.c:983 src/x_dialog.c:984 src/x_dialog.c:992
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1175 src/x_dialog.c:1177 src/x_dialog.c:1179
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1181 src/x_dialog.c:1183 src/x_dialog.c:1388
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1389 src/x_dialog.c:1390 src/x_dialog.c:1391
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1392 src/x_dialog.c:1400
 msgid "*unchanged*"
 msgstr "*sin modificar*"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:870
+#: src/x_dialog.c:874
 msgid "Edit Line Width & Type"
 msgstr "Editar ancho y tipo de línea"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:910
+#: src/x_dialog.c:915
 msgid "Width:"
 msgstr "Ancho:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:914 src/x_print.c:353
+#: src/x_dialog.c:919 src/x_print.c:314
 msgid "Type:"
 msgstr "Tipo:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:918
+#: src/x_dialog.c:923
 msgid "Dash Length:"
 msgstr "Longitud de la línea en la discontinuidad:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:922
+#: src/x_dialog.c:927
 msgid "Dash Space:"
 msgstr "Espaciado de la discontinuidad:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1027
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1032
 msgid "Hollow"
 msgstr "Hueco"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1028
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1033
 msgid "Filled"
 msgstr "Relleno"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1034
 msgid "Mesh"
 msgstr "Malla"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1030
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1035
 msgid "Hatch"
 msgstr "Trama"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1295
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1301
 msgid "Fill Type:"
 msgstr "Tipo de relleno:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1299
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1305
 msgid "Line Width:"
 msgstr "Ancho de línea:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1303
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1309
 msgid "Angle 1:"
 msgstr "Ã?ngulo 1:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1307
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1313
 msgid "Pitch 1:"
 msgstr "Separación 1:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1311
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1317
 msgid "Angle 2:"
 msgstr "Ã?ngulo 2:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1321
 msgid "Pitch 2:"
 msgstr "Separación 2:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1477
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1483
 msgid "Arc Params"
 msgstr "Parámetros de arco"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1518
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1525
 msgid "Start Angle:"
 msgstr "Ã?ngulo de comienzo:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1528
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1535
 msgid "Degrees of Sweep:"
 msgstr "Grados de barrido:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1628
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1636
 msgid ""
 "Offset to translate?\n"
 "(0 for origin)"
@@ -1791,47 +1746,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "¿Desplazamiento del movimiento?\n"
 "(0 para el origen)"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1704
 msgid "Text Size"
 msgstr "Tamaño de texto"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1727
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1736
 msgid "Enter new text size:"
 msgstr "Introduzca nuevo tamaño de texto:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1802
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1811
 msgid "Snap Size"
 msgstr "Tamaño de la rejilla"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1833
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1843
 msgid "Enter new snap grid spacing:"
 msgstr "Introduzca el nuevo espaciado de la rejilla:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1906
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1916
 msgid "Edit slot number"
 msgstr "Editar número de elemento"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1938
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1949
 msgid "Edit slot number:"
 msgstr "Editar número de elemento:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2000
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2011
 msgid "About..."
 msgstr "Acerca de..."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2019
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2031
 msgid "<b>gEDA: GPL Electronic Design Automation</b>"
 msgstr "<b>gEDA: Automatización de Diseño Electrónico GPL</b>"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2023
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2035
 #, c-format
-msgid "<b>gschem version %s%s</b>"
-msgstr "<b>versión de gschem %s%s</b>"
+msgid "<b>gschem version %s%s.%s</b>"
+msgstr "<b>versión de gschem %s%s.%s</b>"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2029
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2043
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Written by:\n"
-"Ales V. Hvezda\n"
+"Ales Hvezda\n"
 "And many others (See AUTHORS file)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1840,125 +1796,134 @@ msgstr ""
 "Y muchos otros (Véase el archivo AUTHORS)"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2093
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2107
 msgid "Coords"
 msgstr "Coordenadas"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2113
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2128
 msgid "Screen"
 msgstr "Pantalla"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2122
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2137
 msgid "World"
 msgstr "Mundo"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2345
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2360
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in color_edit_dialog_apply!\n"
 msgstr "ERROR: ¡objeto vacío (NULL) en la función color_edit_dialog_apply!\n"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2408
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2423
 msgid "Color Edit"
 msgstr "Editar color"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2440
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2456
 msgid "Object color:"
 msgstr "Color del componente:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2564
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2581
 msgid "Function"
 msgstr "Función"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2571
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2588
 msgid "Keystroke(s)"
 msgstr "Pulsación(es)"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2925
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2920
 msgid "Find Text"
 msgstr "Encontrar texto:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2957
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2953
 msgid "Text to find:"
 msgstr "Texto a encontrar:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2967
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2963
 msgid "descend into hierarchy"
 msgstr "Descender en la jerarquía"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3031
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3027
 msgid "Hide Text"
 msgstr "Ocultar texto:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3063
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3060
 msgid "Hide text starting with:"
 msgstr "Ocultar texto que comienza por:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3131
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3128
 msgid "Show Text"
 msgstr "Mostrar texto"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3163
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3161
 msgid "Show text starting with:"
 msgstr "Mostrar texto que comienza por:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3608 src/x_multiattrib.c:1389
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3606 src/x_multiattrib.c:1357
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Nombre"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3630
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3628
 msgid "S_elect the schematics you want to save:"
 msgstr "S_eleccione los esquemas que quiere guardar:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3724
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3722
 #, c-format
 msgid "Save the changes to schematic \"%s\" before closing?"
 msgstr "¿Guardar cambios del esquema \"%s\" antes de salir?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3730
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3728
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "There is %d schematics with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
 msgstr ""
 "Hay %d esquemas con cambios sin guardar. ¿Guardar cambios antes de salir?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3759
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3757
 msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be permanently lost."
 msgstr "Si no los guarda, todos los cambios se perderán definitivamente."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3779
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3777
 msgid "_Close without saving"
 msgstr "_Cerrar sin guardar"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:46
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:47
 msgid "Schematics"
 msgstr "Esquemas"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:51
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:52
 msgid "Symbols"
 msgstr "Símbolos"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:56
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:57
 msgid "Schematics and symbols"
 msgstr "Esquemas y símbolos"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:62
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:63
 msgid "All files"
 msgstr "Todos los archivos"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:172
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:173
 msgid "Open..."
 msgstr "Abrir..."
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:233
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:234
 msgid "Save as..."
 msgstr "Guardar como..."
-#: src/x_image.c:363
+#: src/x_image.c:180
+msgid "Encapsulated Postscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_image.c:298
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to write eps file %s.\n"
+msgstr "x_image_lowlevel: Imposible escribir archivo %s: %s.\n"
+#: src/x_image.c:380
 #, c-format
 msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to write %s file %s.\n"
 msgstr "x_image_lowlevel: Imposible escribir archivo %s: %s.\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:373
+#: src/x_image.c:390
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "There was the following error when saving image with type %s to filename:\n"
@@ -1971,235 +1936,245 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/x_image.c:392 src/x_image.c:423
+#: src/x_image.c:409
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wrote color image to [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
 msgstr "Se ha guardado la imagen en color en [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:394 src/x_image.c:425
+#: src/x_image.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wrote black and white image to [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
 msgstr "Se ha guardado la imagen en blanco y negro en [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:404
+#: src/x_image.c:421
 msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to get pixbuf from gschem's window.\n"
 msgstr "x_image_lowlevel: Imposible obtener pixbuf de la ventana de gschem.\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:459
+#: src/x_image.c:467
 msgid "Width x Height"
 msgstr "Anchura x Altura"
-#: src/x_image.c:475
+#: src/x_image.c:483
 msgid "Image type"
 msgstr "Tipo de imagen"
-#: src/x_log.c:231
+#: src/x_log.c:236
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Estado"
-#: src/x_menus.c:40
+#: src/x_menus.c:41
 msgid "/Add Net"
 msgstr "/Añadir conexión..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:41
+#: src/x_menus.c:42
 msgid "/Add Attribute..."
 msgstr "/Añadir propiedad"
-#: src/x_menus.c:42
+#: src/x_menus.c:43
 msgid "/Add Component..."
 msgstr "/Añadir componente..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:43
+#: src/x_menus.c:44
 msgid "/Add Bus"
 msgstr "/Añadir bus"
-#: src/x_menus.c:44
+#: src/x_menus.c:45
 msgid "/Add Text"
 msgstr "/Añadir texto"
-#: src/x_menus.c:46
+#: src/x_menus.c:47
 msgid "/Zoom In"
 msgstr "/Aumentar ampliación"
-#: src/x_menus.c:47
+#: src/x_menus.c:48
 msgid "/Zoom Out"
 msgstr "/Disminuir ampliación"
-#: src/x_menus.c:48
+#: src/x_menus.c:49
 msgid "/Zoom Box"
 msgstr "/Ampliar zona"
-#: src/x_menus.c:49
+#: src/x_menus.c:50
 msgid "/Zoom Extents"
 msgstr "/Mostrar todo"
-#: src/x_menus.c:51
+#: src/x_menus.c:52
 msgid "/Select"
 msgstr "/Seleccionar"
-#: src/x_menus.c:52
+#: src/x_menus.c:53
 msgid "/Edit..."
 msgstr "/Editar..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:53
+#: src/x_menus.c:54
 msgid "/Copy"
 msgstr "/Copiar"
-#: src/x_menus.c:54
+#: src/x_menus.c:55
 msgid "/Move"
 msgstr "/Mover"
-#: src/x_menus.c:55
+#: src/x_menus.c:56
 msgid "/Delete"
 msgstr "/Borrar"
-#: src/x_menus.c:58
+#: src/x_menus.c:59
 msgid "/Down Schematic"
 msgstr "/Descender en esquema"
-#: src/x_menus.c:59
+#: src/x_menus.c:60
 msgid "/Down Symbol"
 msgstr "/Descender en símbolo"
-#: src/x_menus.c:60
+#: src/x_menus.c:61
 msgid "/Up"
 msgstr "/Arriba"
-#: src/x_menus.c:331
+#: src/x_menus.c:332
 msgid "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent menu item\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha intentado modificar la sensibilidad de una opción de menú que no "
-#: src/x_menus.c:355
+#: src/x_menus.c:356
 msgid "Popup_menu_item_factory doesn't exist!\n"
 msgstr "¡No existen menúes contextuales!\n"
-#: src/x_menus.c:368
+#: src/x_menus.c:369
 msgid "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent popup menu_item\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha intentado modificar la sensibilidad de una opción de menú que no "
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:652
+#: src/x_menus.c:480
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't open file %s\n"
+msgstr "No se ha podido llamar a %s\n"
+#: src/x_menus.c:538
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "Cerrar"
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:656
 msgid "Attributes with empty name are not allowed. Please set a name."
 msgstr ""
 "No se permiten las propiedades sin nombre. Por favor, introduzca un nombre."
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1164
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1145
 msgid "Show Value only"
 msgstr "Mostrar sólo valor"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1166
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1147
 msgid "Show Name only"
 msgstr "Mostrar sólo nombre"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1192
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1173
 msgid "Duplicate"
 msgstr "Duplicar"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1309
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1284
 msgid "Edit Attributes"
 msgstr "Editar propiedades"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1414
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1382
 msgid "Value"
 msgstr "Valor"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1436
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1404
 msgid "Vis?"
 msgstr "Visible?"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1456
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1424
 msgid "N"
 msgstr "N"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1476
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1444
 msgid "V"
 msgstr "V"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1497
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1465
 msgid "Add Attribute"
 msgstr "Añadir propiedad"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:272
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:264
 msgid "Discard Page"
 msgstr "Descartar página"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:381
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:361
 msgid "Page Manager"
 msgstr "Administrador de páginas"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:437
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:417
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "Nombre de archivo"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:453
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:433
 msgid "Changed"
 msgstr "Modificado"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:473
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:453
 msgid "Right click on the filename for more options..."
 msgstr "Pulse con el botón derecho para ver más opciones..."
-#: src/x_print.c:90
+#: src/x_print.c:89
 msgid "Select PostScript Filename..."
 msgstr "Seleccionar archivo PostScript..."
-#: src/x_print.c:206
+#: src/x_print.c:171
 msgid "Extents with margins"
 msgstr "Completo con márgenes"
-#: src/x_print.c:212
+#: src/x_print.c:177
 msgid "Extents no margins"
 msgstr "Completo sin márgenes"
-#: src/x_print.c:218
+#: src/x_print.c:183
 msgid "Current Window"
 msgstr "Ventana actual"
-#: src/x_print.c:252
+#: src/x_print.c:217
 msgid "Landscape"
 msgstr "Apaisado"
-#: src/x_print.c:258
+#: src/x_print.c:223
 msgid "Portrait"
 msgstr "Vertical"
-#: src/x_print.c:330
+#: src/x_print.c:291
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "Opciones"
-#: src/x_print.c:342
+#: src/x_print.c:303
 msgid "Output paper size:"
 msgstr "Tamaño de papel:"
-#: src/x_print.c:364
+#: src/x_print.c:325
 msgid "Orientation:"
 msgstr "Orientación:"
-#: src/x_print.c:376
+#: src/x_print.c:337
 msgid "Destination"
 msgstr "Destino"
-#: src/x_print.c:389
+#: src/x_print.c:350
 msgid "File:"
 msgstr "Archivo:"
-#: src/x_print.c:419
+#: src/x_print.c:380
 msgid "Command:"
 msgstr "Comando:"
-#: src/x_print.c:785
+#: src/x_print.c:750
 msgid "No print destination specified\n"
 msgstr "No se ha especificado el destino de impresión\n"
-#: src/x_print.c:792
+#: src/x_print.c:757
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot print current schematic to [%s]\n"
 msgstr "No se puede imprimir el esquema actual a [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_print.c:801
+#: src/x_print.c:766
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Error printing to file '%s'\n"
@@ -2208,7 +2183,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Error al imprimir al fichero '%s'\n"
 "Vea la ventana de registro para más información"
-#: src/x_print.c:808
+#: src/x_print.c:773
 #, c-format
 msgid "Printed current schematic to [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Se ha imprimido el esquema actual a [%s]\n"
@@ -2246,35 +2221,35 @@ msgstr "No se ha podido reservar memoria para la variable bounding_xor_gc\n"
 msgid "Couldn't allocate bus_gc\n"
 msgstr "No se ha podido reservar memoria para la variable bus_gc\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:494
+#: src/x_window.c:490
 msgid "New file"
 msgstr "Nuevo archivo"
-#: src/x_window.c:500
+#: src/x_window.c:496
 msgid "Open"
 msgstr "Abrir"
-#: src/x_window.c:501
+#: src/x_window.c:497
 msgid "Open file..."
 msgstr "Abrir archivo"
-#: src/x_window.c:507
+#: src/x_window.c:503
 msgid "Save"
 msgstr "Guardar"
-#: src/x_window.c:508
+#: src/x_window.c:504
 msgid "Save file"
 msgstr "Guardar archivo"
-#: src/x_window.c:516
+#: src/x_window.c:512
 msgid "Undo last operation"
 msgstr "Deshacer última operación"
-#: src/x_window.c:523
+#: src/x_window.c:519
 msgid "Redo last undo"
 msgstr "Rehacer el último deshacer"
-#: src/x_window.c:532
+#: src/x_window.c:528
 msgid ""
 "Add component...\n"
 "Select library and component from list, move the mouse into main window, "
@@ -2286,7 +2261,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "ventana principal, y presione el botón izq. del ratón para colocarlo.\n"
 "Botón derecho del ratón para cancelar"
-#: src/x_window.c:542
+#: src/x_window.c:538
 msgid ""
 "Add nets mode\n"
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
@@ -2294,7 +2269,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Añadir conexión\n"
 "Botón derecho del ratón para cancelar"
-#: src/x_window.c:552
+#: src/x_window.c:548
 msgid ""
 "Add buses mode\n"
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
@@ -2302,76 +2277,124 @@ msgstr ""
 "Añadir bus\n"
 "Botón derecho del ratón para cancelar"
-#: src/x_window.c:559
+#: src/x_window.c:555
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "Texto"
-#: src/x_window.c:560
+#: src/x_window.c:556
 msgid "Add Text..."
 msgstr "Añadir texto..."
-#: src/x_window.c:570
+#: src/x_window.c:566
 msgid "Select"
 msgstr "Seleccionar"
-#: src/x_window.c:571
+#: src/x_window.c:567
 msgid "Select mode"
 msgstr "Seleccionar"
-#: src/x_window.c:646
+#: src/x_window.c:642
 msgid "Pick"
 msgstr "Coger"
-#: src/x_window.c:662
+#: src/x_window.c:658
 msgid "Repeat/none"
 msgstr "Repetir/ninguno"
-#: src/x_window.c:672
+#: src/x_window.c:668
 msgid "Menu/Cancel"
 msgstr "Menú/Cancelar"
-#: src/x_window.c:674
+#: src/x_window.c:670
 msgid "Pan/Cancel"
 msgstr "Panorámica/Cancelar"
-#: src/x_window.c:932
+#: src/x_window.c:927
 #, c-format
 msgid "Loading schematic [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Cargando esquema [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1034
+#: src/x_window.c:1029
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT save page [%s]\n"
 msgstr "NO se ha podido guardar la página [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1035
+#: src/x_window.c:1030
 msgid "Error while trying to save"
 msgstr "Error al intentar guardar"
-#: src/x_window.c:1044
+#: src/x_window.c:1039
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved as [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Guardado como [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1046
+#: src/x_window.c:1041
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Guardado [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1048
+#: src/x_window.c:1043
 msgid "Saved"
 msgstr "Guardado"
-#: src/x_window.c:1109
+#: src/x_window.c:1104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Discarding page [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Descartando página [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1109
+#: src/x_window.c:1104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Closing [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Cerrando [%s]\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Found a version [%s%s] gschemrc file:\n"
+#~ "[%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Encontrada una versión [%s%s] del fichero gschemrc:\n"
+#~ "[%s]\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While gschem is in ALPHA, please be sure that you have the latest rc "
+#~ "file.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Pero gschem es ALPHA. Por favor, asegúrese de que dispone de un fichero "
+#~ "rc actualizado.\n"
+#~ msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to scrollbar-update\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se ha especificado un modo no válido [%s] a la función scrollbar-update\n"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate stroke definition passed to stroke! [%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "¡Se ha especificado una tecla rápida duplicada [%s] a la función stroke!\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A stroke keyword has been found in an rc file, but gschem\n"
+#~ "is not compiled to support strokes, please recompile gschem\n"
+#~ "with LibStroke\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se ha encontrado una palabra clave de gestos en un fichero rc, pero "
+#~ "gschem\n"
+#~ "no ha sido compilado con soporte para gestos, por favor, vuelva a "
+#~ "compilar gschem\n"
+#~ "con LibStroke\n"
+#~ msgid "selected a nonexistant object!\n"
+#~ msgstr "¡Seleccionado un objeto que no existe!\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not unembedded component, could not find appropriate .sym file\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No se puede desincrustar el componente, no se ha podido encontrar el "
+#~ "fichero .sym correspondiente\n"
+#~ msgid "Component still embedded and not updated\n"
+#~ msgstr "El componente todavía está incrustado y no actualizado\n"
+#~ msgid "More than one component found with name [%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr "Se ha encontrado más de un componente con el nombre [%s]\n"
 #~ msgid "Write PNG..."
 #~ msgstr "Guardar imagen PNG..."
diff --git a/gschem/po/fr_FR.po b/gschem/po/fr_FR.po
index 18078a3..d59f17f 100644
--- a/gschem/po/fr_FR.po
+++ b/gschem/po/fr_FR.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: fr_FR\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-26 11:03-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-07-05 00:52-0400\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-16 14:08+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Patrick Bernaud <b-patrick@xxxxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: French\n"
@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ msgstr "Fichier"
 msgid "New Window"
 msgstr "Nouvelle fenêtre"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:4 src/x_pagesel.c:267
+#: src/rcstrings.c:4 src/x_pagesel.c:259
 msgid "New Page"
 msgstr "Nouvelle page"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:5 src/x_pagesel.c:268
+#: src/rcstrings.c:5 src/x_pagesel.c:260
 msgid "Open Page..."
 msgstr "Ouvrir une page..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:6 src/x_pagesel.c:271
+#: src/rcstrings.c:6 src/x_pagesel.c:263
 msgid "Close Page"
 msgstr "Fermer la page"
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ msgstr "Fermer la page"
 msgid "Revert Page"
 msgstr "Annuler les modifications"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:8 src/x_pagesel.c:270
+#: src/rcstrings.c:8 src/x_pagesel.c:262
 msgid "Save Page"
 msgstr "Enregistrer la page"
@@ -53,21 +53,21 @@ msgstr "Enregistrer la page sous..."
 msgid "Save All"
 msgstr "Enregistrer toutes les pages"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:11 src/x_print.c:317
+#: src/rcstrings.c:11 src/x_print.c:283
 msgid "Print..."
 msgstr "Imprimer..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:12 src/x_image.c:496
+#: src/rcstrings.c:12 src/x_image.c:504
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Write image..."
 msgstr "Exporter l'image..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:13
+#: src/rcstrings.c:13 src/x_menus.c:520
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Recent files"
 msgstr "Nouveau fichier"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:14 src/x_script.c:49
+#: src/rcstrings.c:14 src/x_script.c:50
 msgid "Execute Script..."
 msgstr "Exécuter le script..."
@@ -79,19 +79,19 @@ msgstr "Fermer la fenêtre"
 msgid "Quit"
 msgstr "Quitter"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:18 src/i_callbacks.c:746
+#: src/rcstrings.c:18 src/i_callbacks.c:730
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "Ã?dition"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:19 src/x_window.c:515
+#: src/rcstrings.c:19 src/x_window.c:511
 msgid "Undo"
 msgstr "Défaire"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:20 src/x_window.c:522
+#: src/rcstrings.c:20 src/x_window.c:518
 msgid "Redo"
 msgstr "Refaire"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:21 src/i_basic.c:94 src/x_window.c:686
+#: src/rcstrings.c:21 src/i_basic.c:81 src/x_window.c:682
 msgid "Select Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Sélection"
@@ -118,19 +118,19 @@ msgstr "Ã?diter"
 msgid "Edit Text..."
 msgstr "Ã?diter le texte..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:27 src/i_basic.c:107
+#: src/rcstrings.c:27 src/i_basic.c:94
 msgid "Copy Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Copie"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:28 src/i_basic.c:162
+#: src/rcstrings.c:28 src/i_basic.c:149
 msgid "Multiple Copy Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Copie Multiple"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:29 src/i_basic.c:110
+#: src/rcstrings.c:29 src/i_basic.c:97
 msgid "Move Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Déplacement"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:30 src/i_callbacks.c:722 src/x_multiattrib.c:1193
+#: src/rcstrings.c:30 src/i_callbacks.c:706 src/x_multiattrib.c:1174
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "Supprimer"
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ msgstr "Supprimer"
 msgid "Rotate 90 Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Rotation 90"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:32 src/i_basic.c:114
+#: src/rcstrings.c:32 src/i_basic.c:101
 msgid "Mirror Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Miroir"
@@ -150,11 +150,11 @@ msgstr "Slot..."
 msgid "Color..."
 msgstr "Couleur..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:35 src/i_callbacks.c:919
+#: src/rcstrings.c:35 src/i_callbacks.c:903
 msgid "Lock"
 msgstr "Verrouiller"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:36 src/i_callbacks.c:937
+#: src/rcstrings.c:36 src/i_callbacks.c:921
 msgid "Unlock"
 msgstr "Déverrouiller"
@@ -262,11 +262,11 @@ msgstr "Affichage"
 msgid "Redraw"
 msgstr "Redessiner"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:65 src/i_callbacks.c:1489 src/i_callbacks.c:1558
+#: src/rcstrings.c:65 src/i_callbacks.c:1471 src/i_callbacks.c:1540
 msgid "Pan"
 msgstr "Panoramique"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:66 src/i_basic.c:118
+#: src/rcstrings.c:66 src/i_basic.c:105
 msgid "Zoom Box"
 msgstr "Zoom boîte"
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ msgstr "Suivante"
 msgid "Previous"
 msgstr "Précédente"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:76 src/x_window.c:493
+#: src/rcstrings.c:76 src/x_window.c:489
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Nouvelle"
@@ -326,12 +326,12 @@ msgstr "Ajouter"
 msgid "Component..."
 msgstr "Composant..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:83 src/i_callbacks.c:2313 src/i_callbacks.c:2336
+#: src/rcstrings.c:83 src/i_callbacks.c:2289 src/i_callbacks.c:2311
 msgid "Net"
 msgstr "Piste"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:84 src/i_callbacks.c:2381 src/i_callbacks.c:2405
-#: src/x_window.c:551
+#: src/rcstrings.c:84 src/i_callbacks.c:2355 src/i_callbacks.c:2378
+#: src/x_window.c:547
 msgid "Bus"
 msgstr "Bus"
@@ -343,23 +343,23 @@ msgstr "Attribut..."
 msgid "Text..."
 msgstr "Texte..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:87 src/i_callbacks.c:2487 src/i_callbacks.c:2507
+#: src/rcstrings.c:87 src/i_callbacks.c:2459 src/i_callbacks.c:2478
 msgid "Line"
 msgstr "Ligne"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:88 src/i_callbacks.c:2530 src/i_callbacks.c:2550
+#: src/rcstrings.c:88 src/i_callbacks.c:2500 src/i_callbacks.c:2519
 msgid "Box"
 msgstr "Boîte"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:89 src/i_callbacks.c:2607 src/i_callbacks.c:2628
+#: src/rcstrings.c:89 src/i_callbacks.c:2575 src/i_callbacks.c:2595
 msgid "Circle"
 msgstr "Cercle"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:90 src/i_callbacks.c:2651 src/i_callbacks.c:2671
+#: src/rcstrings.c:90 src/i_callbacks.c:2617 src/i_callbacks.c:2636
 msgid "Arc"
 msgstr "Arc"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:91 src/i_callbacks.c:2694 src/i_callbacks.c:2714
+#: src/rcstrings.c:91 src/i_callbacks.c:2658 src/i_callbacks.c:2677
 msgid "Pin"
 msgstr "Broche"
@@ -387,15 +387,15 @@ msgstr "Remonter"
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "Documentation"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:100 src/x_multiattrib.c:1332
+#: src/rcstrings.c:100 src/x_multiattrib.c:1300
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "Attributs"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:101 src/i_callbacks.c:2974
+#: src/rcstrings.c:101 src/i_callbacks.c:2942
 msgid "Attach"
 msgstr "Attacher"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:102 src/i_callbacks.c:3023
+#: src/rcstrings.c:102 src/i_callbacks.c:2991
 msgid "Detach"
 msgstr "Détacher"
@@ -487,11 +487,12 @@ msgid "Manual"
 msgstr "Manuel..."
 #: src/rcstrings.c:126
-msgid "FAQ"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "gEDA Documentation"
+msgstr "Documentation"
 #: src/rcstrings.c:127
-msgid "gEDA Wiki"
+msgid "gschem FAQ"
 msgstr ""
 #: src/rcstrings.c:128
@@ -503,157 +504,122 @@ msgstr "Documentation"
 msgid "About gschem"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:130 src/x_dialog.c:2501
+#: src/rcstrings.c:130 src/x_dialog.c:2517
 msgid "Hotkeys"
 msgstr "Raccourcis"
-#: src/a_zoom.c:224
+#: src/a_zoom.c:242
 msgid "Zoom too small!  Cannot zoom further.\n"
 msgstr "Agrandissement maximum ! Impossible d'agrandir plus.\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:341 src/i_callbacks.c:136
+#: src/g_funcs.c:342 src/i_callbacks.c:137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not fork\n"
 msgstr "Impossible de créer un processus fils\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:357 src/i_callbacks.c:146
+#: src/g_funcs.c:358 src/i_callbacks.c:147
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not invoke %s\n"
 msgstr "Impossible de lancer %s\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:363 src/i_callbacks.c:150
+#: src/g_funcs.c:364 src/i_callbacks.c:151
 msgid "Documentation commands not supported under MinGW.\n"
 msgstr "Commandes de documentation non supportées sous MinGW.\n"
-#: src/g_hook.c:87
+#: src/g_hook.c:88
 #, c-format
 msgid "Attribute failed ot find.\n"
 msgstr "Impossible de trouver l'attribut.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:106
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Found a version [%s%s] gschemrc file:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Fichier gschemrc trouvé de version [%s%s] :\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:109
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"While gschem is in ALPHA, please be sure that you have the latest rc file.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Tant que gschem en est au stade ALPHA, assurez-vous que votre fichier rc est "
-#: src/g_rc.c:169
+#: src/g_rc.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid color [%s] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Couleur [%s] passée à %s invalide\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:358
+#: src/g_rc.c:332
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Mode [%s] passé à %s invalide\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:536
+#: src/g_rc.c:510
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid zoomfactor [%d] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Agrandissement [%d] passé à %s invalide\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:574
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to scrollbar-update\n"
-msgstr "Mode [%s] passé à scrollbar-update invalide\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:655
+#: src/g_rc.c:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to text-size\n"
 msgstr "Taille [%d] passée à text-size invalide\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:682
+#: src/g_rc.c:628
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%f] passed to postscript-font-scale\n"
 msgstr "Taille [%f] passée à postscript-font-scale invalide\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:725
+#: src/g_rc.c:671
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to snap-size\n"
 msgstr "Taille [%d] passée à snap-size invalide\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:799 src/g_rc.c:802
-#, c-format
-msgid "Duplicate stroke definition passed to stroke! [%s]\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:813
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"A stroke keyword has been found in an rc file, but gschem\n"
-"is not compiled to support strokes, please recompile gschem\n"
-"with LibStroke\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:1275
+#: src/g_rc.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid num levels [%d] passed to undo-levels\n"
 msgstr "Nombre de niveaux [%d] passé à undo-levels invalide\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1500
+#: src/g_rc.c:1402
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to bus-ripper-size\n"
 msgstr "Taille [%d] passée à bus-ripper-size invalide\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1575
+#: src/g_rc.c:1477
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid dot size [%d] passed to grid-dot-size\n"
 msgstr "Taille de point [%d] passée à grid-dot-size invalide\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1616
+#: src/g_rc.c:1518
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid pixel spacing [%d] passed to grid-fixed-threshold\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Seuil d'affichage de grille [%d] passé à grid-fixed-threshold invalide\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1660
+#: src/g_rc.c:1562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid offset [%d] passed to add-attribute-offset\n"
 msgstr "Offset [%d] passé à add-attribute-offset invalide\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1684
+#: src/g_rc.c:1586
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid number of seconds [%d] passed to auto-save-interval\n"
 msgstr "Nombre de secondes [%d] passé  auto-save-interval invalide\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1725
+#: src/g_rc.c:1627
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid gain [%d] passed to mousepan-gain\n"
 msgstr "Gain [%d] passé à mousepan-gain invalide\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1748
+#: src/g_rc.c:1650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid gain [%d] passed to keyboardpan-gain\n"
 msgstr "Gain [%d] passé à keyboardpan-gain invalide\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1794
+#: src/g_rc.c:1696
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid number of pixels [%d] passed to select-slack-pixels\n"
 msgstr "Nombre de secondes [%d] passé  auto-save-interval invalide\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:140 src/gschem.c:150
+#: src/gschem.c:191 src/gschem.c:202
 #, c-format
-msgid "gEDA/gschem version %s%s\n"
-msgstr "gEDA/gschem version %s%s\n"
+msgid "gEDA/gschem version %s%s.%s\n"
+msgstr "gEDA/gschem version %s%s.%s\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:142 src/gschem.c:152
+#: src/gschem.c:194 src/gschem.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "gEDA/gschem comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more "
 msgstr "gEDA/gschem n'est accompagné d'ABSOLUMENT AUCUNE GARANTIE.\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:144 src/gschem.c:154
+#: src/gschem.c:196 src/gschem.c:207
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain\n"
@@ -661,7 +627,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ceci est un logiciel libre et vous êtes invité à le redistribuer en "
-#: src/gschem.c:146 src/gschem.c:156
+#: src/gschem.c:198 src/gschem.c:209
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.\n"
@@ -671,211 +637,211 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/gschem.c:160
+#: src/gschem.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the MINGW32 port.\n"
 msgstr "Ceci est le portage sous MINGW32\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:164
+#: src/gschem.c:217
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current locale settings: %s\n"
 msgstr "Locale en cours : %s\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:177
+#: src/gschem.c:230
 #, c-format
 msgid "You must set the GEDADATA environment variable!\n"
 msgstr "Vous devez positionner la variable d'environnement GEDADATA !\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:192
+#: src/gschem.c:245
 #, c-format
 msgid "Read init scm file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Lecture du fichier scm de démarrage [%s]\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:196 src/gschem.c:199
+#: src/gschem.c:249 src/gschem.c:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to read init scm file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "�chec de la lecture du fichier scm de démarrage [%s]\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:259
+#: src/gschem.c:313
 #, c-format
 msgid "Scheme directory NOT set!\n"
 msgstr "Répertoire Scheme NON initialisé !\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:266 src/x_script.c:70
+#: src/gschem.c:320 src/x_script.c:71
 #, c-format
 msgid "Executing guile script [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Exécution du script guile [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_basic.c:97
+#: src/i_basic.c:84
 msgid "Attribute Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Attribut"
-#: src/i_basic.c:100
+#: src/i_basic.c:87
 msgid "Component Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Composant"
-#: src/i_basic.c:104
+#: src/i_basic.c:91
 msgid "Text Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Texte"
-#: src/i_basic.c:112
+#: src/i_basic.c:99
 msgid "Rotate Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Rotation"
-#: src/i_basic.c:122
+#: src/i_basic.c:109
 msgid "Pan Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Panoramique"
-#: src/i_basic.c:126
+#: src/i_basic.c:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "Paste %d Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Coller %d"
-#: src/i_basic.c:131
+#: src/i_basic.c:118
 msgid "Net Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Lien"
-#: src/i_basic.c:135
+#: src/i_basic.c:122
 msgid "Bus Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Bus"
-#: src/i_basic.c:138
+#: src/i_basic.c:125
 msgid "Line Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Ligne"
-#: src/i_basic.c:141
+#: src/i_basic.c:128
 msgid "Box Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Boîte"
-#: src/i_basic.c:144
+#: src/i_basic.c:131
 msgid "Picture Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Image"
-#: src/i_basic.c:147
+#: src/i_basic.c:134
 msgid "Circle Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Cercle"
-#: src/i_basic.c:150
+#: src/i_basic.c:137
 msgid "Arc Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Arc"
-#: src/i_basic.c:153
+#: src/i_basic.c:140
 msgid "Pin Mode"
 msgstr "Mode Broche"
-#: src/i_basic.c:155 src/i_callbacks.c:603 src/i_callbacks.c:622
+#: src/i_basic.c:142 src/i_callbacks.c:587 src/i_callbacks.c:606
 msgid "Copy"
 msgstr "Copier"
-#: src/i_basic.c:157 src/i_callbacks.c:683 src/i_callbacks.c:702
+#: src/i_basic.c:144 src/i_callbacks.c:667 src/i_callbacks.c:686
 msgid "Move"
 msgstr "Déplacer"
-#: src/i_basic.c:159 src/i_callbacks.c:643 src/i_callbacks.c:662
+#: src/i_basic.c:146 src/i_callbacks.c:627 src/i_callbacks.c:646
 msgid "Multiple Copy"
 msgstr "Copie Multiple"
-#: src/i_basic.c:197
-msgid "Snap Off"
-msgstr "Snap Off"
-#: src/i_basic.c:203
+#: src/i_basic.c:174
 msgid "Show Hidden"
 msgstr "Montrer caché"
-#: src/i_basic.c:291 src/x_window.c:660
+#: src/i_basic.c:177
+msgid "Snap Off"
+msgstr "Snap Off"
+#: src/i_basic.c:259 src/x_window.c:656
 msgid "Action"
 msgstr "Action"
-#: src/i_basic.c:299 src/x_window.c:655
+#: src/i_basic.c:267 src/x_window.c:651
 msgid "Stroke"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:306 src/x_window.c:657
+#: src/i_basic.c:274 src/x_window.c:653
 msgid "none"
 msgstr "aucun"
-#: src/i_basic.c:313
+#: src/i_basic.c:281
 msgid "Repeat/"
 msgstr "Répéter"
-#: src/i_basic.c:738 src/i_basic.c:743
+#: src/i_basic.c:570 src/i_basic.c:575
 msgid "OFF"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:747
+#: src/i_basic.c:579
 #, c-format
 msgid "Grid(%s, %s)"
 msgstr "Grille(%s,%s)"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:131
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:132
 #, c-format
 msgid "Documentation for [%s,%s,%s,%s]\n"
 msgstr "Documentation pour [%s,%s,%s,%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:191 src/i_callbacks.c:1687
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:192 src/i_callbacks.c:1669
 #, c-format
 msgid "New page created [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Nouvelle page [%s] créée\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:226 src/x_menus.c:432
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:227 src/x_menus.c:491
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "New Window created [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Nouvelle fenêtre créée\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:355
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:345
 msgid "Failed to Save All"
 msgstr "Ã?chec de la sauvegarde de toutes les pages"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:357
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:347
 msgid "Saved All"
 msgstr "Toutes les pages enregistrées"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:455
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:439
 msgid "Closing Window\n"
 msgstr "Fermeture de la fenêtre\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:607 src/i_callbacks.c:647 src/i_callbacks.c:687
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:591 src/i_callbacks.c:631 src/i_callbacks.c:671
 msgid "Select objs first"
 msgstr "Sélectionnez d'abord des objets"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:762
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:746
 msgid "Edit Text"
 msgstr "Ã?diter le texte"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:785
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:769
 msgid "Slot"
 msgstr "Slot"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:802
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:786
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "Couleur"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:820 src/i_callbacks.c:842
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:804 src/i_callbacks.c:826
 msgid "Rotate"
 msgstr "Pivoter"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:869 src/i_callbacks.c:891
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:853 src/i_callbacks.c:875
 msgid "Mirror"
 msgstr "Miroir"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:955 src/x_dialog.c:1597
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:939 src/x_dialog.c:1604
 msgid "Translate"
 msgstr "Translater"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:958
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:942
 msgid "WARNING: Do not translate with snap off!\n"
 msgstr "ATTENTION : ne translatez pas quand le snap est désactivé !\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:959
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:943
 msgid "WARNING: Turning snap on and continuing with translate.\n"
 msgstr "ATTENTION : activation du snap et poursuite de la translation.\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:966
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:950
 msgid "WARNING: Snap grid size is not equal to 100!\n"
 msgstr "ATTENTION : la taille du snap sur la grille n'est pas égale à 100 !\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:968
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:952
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: If you are translating a symbol to the origin, the snap grid size "
 "should be set to 100\n"
@@ -883,451 +849,438 @@ msgstr ""
 "ATTENTION : si vous déplacez un symbole à l'origine, la taille de snap de la "
 "grille devrait être de 100 !\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:989
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:973
 msgid "Embed"
 msgstr "Embarquer"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1027
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1011
 msgid "Unembed"
 msgstr "Débarquer"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1067
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1051
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Mettre à jour"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1125
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1109
 msgid "ShowHidden"
 msgstr "AfficheCaché"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1148
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1132
 msgid "MakeVisible"
 msgstr "RendVisible"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1264
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1248
 msgid "Edit Line Type"
 msgstr "Ã?diter le type de ligne"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1305 src/x_dialog.c:1256
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1289 src/x_dialog.c:1261
 msgid "Edit Fill Type"
 msgstr "Ã?diter le type de remplissage"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1592
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1574
 msgid "Update Cues"
 msgstr "Met à jour les extrémités"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1731
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1713
 msgid "Really revert page?"
 msgstr "Abandonner les modifications ?"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1805
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1787
 msgid "Copy 1"
 msgstr "Copier 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1824
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1806
 msgid "Copy 2"
 msgstr "Copier 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1843
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1825
 msgid "Copy 3"
 msgstr "Copier 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1862
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1844
 msgid "Copy 4"
 msgstr "Copier 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1881
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1863
 msgid "Copy 5"
 msgstr "Copier 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1900
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1882
 msgid "Cut 1"
 msgstr "Couper 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1919
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1901
 msgid "Cut 2"
 msgstr "Couper 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1938
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1920
 msgid "Cut 3"
 msgstr "Couper 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1957
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1939
 msgid "Cut 4"
 msgstr "Couper 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1976
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1958
 msgid "Cut 5"
 msgstr "Couper 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1992
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1974
 msgid "Paste 1"
 msgstr "Coller 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2001 src/i_callbacks.c:2025 src/i_callbacks.c:2049
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2073 src/i_callbacks.c:2097
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1983 src/i_callbacks.c:2007 src/i_callbacks.c:2031
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2055 src/i_callbacks.c:2079
 msgid "Empty buffer"
 msgstr "Tampon vide"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2016
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1998
 msgid "Paste 2"
 msgstr "Coller 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2040
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2022
 msgid "Paste 3"
 msgstr "Coller 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2064
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2046
 msgid "Paste 4"
 msgstr "Coller 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2088
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2070
 msgid "Paste 5"
 msgstr "Coller 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2234 src/x_window.c:531
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2213 src/x_window.c:527
 msgid "Component"
 msgstr "Composant"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2271 src/i_callbacks.c:2291
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2249 src/i_callbacks.c:2268
 msgid "Attribute"
 msgstr "Attribut"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2773
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2735
 #, c-format
 msgid "Searching for source [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Recherche de source [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2797 src/i_callbacks.c:2798
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2759 src/i_callbacks.c:2760
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot find source [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Impossible de trouver source [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2869
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2827
 #, c-format
 msgid "Searching for symbol [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Recherche du symbole [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2946
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2914
 msgid ""
 "This command retrieves the component documentation from the web, but there "
 "is no component selected"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3063
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3031
 msgid "ShowN"
 msgstr "MontrerN"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3094
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3062
 msgid "ShowV"
 msgstr "MontrerV"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3125
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3093
 msgid "ShowB"
 msgstr "MontrerNV"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3157
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3125
 msgid "VisToggle"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3179
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3147
 #, c-format
 msgid "Sorry but this is a non-functioning menu option\n"
 msgstr "Désolé mais c'est une option de menu non fonctionnelle\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3267
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3235
 msgid "Action feedback mode set to OUTLINE\n"
 msgstr "Mode de retour utilisateur positionné à OUTLINE\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3270
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3238
 msgid "Action feedback mode set to BOUNDINGBOX\n"
 msgstr "Mode de retour utilisateur positionné à BOUNDINGBOX\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3287
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3255
 msgid "Grid OFF\n"
 msgstr "Grille OFF\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3290
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3258
 msgid "Grid ON\n"
 msgstr "Grille ON\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3307
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3275
 msgid "Snap OFF (CAUTION!)\n"
 msgstr "Snap OFF (ATTENTION)\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3310
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3278
 msgid "Snap ON\n"
 msgstr "Snap ON\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3330
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3298
 msgid "Rubber band OFF \n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3333
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3301
 msgid "Rubber band ON\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_arc.c:136
+#: src/o_arc.c:137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for arc (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Extrémité d'arc inconnue (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_arc.c:177
+#: src/o_arc.c:178
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for arc !\n"
 msgstr "Type pour arc inconnu !\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:107
+#: src/o_attrib.c:108
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_attrib_toggle_visibility\n"
 msgstr "object==NULL dans o_attrib_toggle_visibility()\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:172
+#: src/o_attrib.c:173
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_attrib_toggle_show_name_value\n"
 msgstr "object==NULL dans o_attrib_toggle_show_name_value()\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:223
+#: src/o_attrib.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR! you can't get an attribute without an ='s\n"
 msgstr "ERREUR : un attribut doit comporter un caractère '='\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:140
+#: src/o_box.c:141
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for box (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Type d'extrémité de boîte inconnue (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:180
+#: src/o_box.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for box !\n"
 msgstr "Type de ligne inconnu pour boîte !\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:270
+#: src/o_box.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for box (fill)!\n"
 msgstr "Type de remplissage de boîte inconnu !\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:41
+#: src/o_buffer.c:42
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_copy]\n"
 msgstr "Valeur de buffer_number incorrecte [o_buffer_copy]\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:79
+#: src/o_buffer.c:80
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_cut]\n"
 msgstr "Valeur de buffer_number incorrecte [o_buffer_cut]\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:120
+#: src/o_buffer.c:121
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_start]\n"
 msgstr "Valeur de buffer_number incorrecte [o_buffer_paste_start]\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:180
+#: src/o_buffer.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_end]\n"
 msgstr "Valeur de buffer_number incorrecte [o_buffer_paste_end]\n"
-#: src/o_bus.c:219
+#: src/o_bus.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid which one in o_bus_draw_xor_single\n"
 msgstr "Valeur de whichone incorrecte dans o_bus_draw_xor_single\n"
-#: src/o_bus.c:285 src/o_bus.c:319 src/o_net.c:333 src/o_net.c:367
-#, c-format
-msgid "selected a nonexistant object!\n"
-msgstr "sélection d'un objet inexistant !\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:135
+#: src/o_circle.c:136
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for circle\n"
 msgstr "Extrémité de cercle inconnue\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:171
+#: src/o_circle.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for circle!\n"
 msgstr "Type de ligne pour cercle inconnu !\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:259
+#: src/o_circle.c:260
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for circle (fill)!\n"
 msgstr "Type de remplissage pour cercle inconnu !\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:222
+#: src/o_complex.c:225
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find complex in new componet placement!\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Complex introuvable dans la liste de placement des nouveaux composants !\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:600
+#: src/o_complex.c:578
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_complex_translate_display_selection\n"
 msgstr "o_current==NULL dans o_complex_translate_display_selection()\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:668 src/o_complex.c:674
+#: src/o_complex.c:646 src/o_complex.c:652
 #, c-format
 msgid "Translating schematic [%d %d]\n"
 msgstr "Translation du schéma [%d %d]\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:718
+#: src/o_complex.c:690
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_complex_translate_selection!\n"
 msgstr "head==NULL dans o_complex_translate_selection()\n"
-#: src/o_copy.c:124 src/o_copy.c:395
+#: src/o_copy.c:125 src/o_copy.c:395
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_copy_end!\n"
 msgstr "ERREUR : object==NULL dans o_copy_end !\n"
-#: src/o_line.c:112
+#: src/o_line.c:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for line (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Extrémité de ligne inconnue (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_line.c:152
+#: src/o_line.c:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for line (%d) !\n"
 msgstr "Type de ligne pour ligne inconnu (%d) !\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:64
+#: src/o_misc.c:65
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an unexpected NULL in o_edit\n"
 msgstr "o_current==NULL dans o_edit()\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:143
-msgid "Object alreadly locked\n"
+#: src/o_misc.c:144
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Object already locked\n"
 msgstr "Objet déjà verrouillé\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:181
-msgid "Object alreadly unlocked\n"
+#: src/o_misc.c:182
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Object already unlocked\n"
 msgstr "Objet déjà déverrouillé\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:228 src/o_misc.c:471 src/o_misc.c:715
+#: src/o_misc.c:229 src/o_misc.c:472 src/o_misc.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_rotate_90!\n"
 msgstr "ERREUR : object==NULL dans o_rotate_90 !\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:537
+#: src/o_misc.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_mirror!\n"
 msgstr "ERREUR : object==NULL dans o_mirror !\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:815
+#: src/o_misc.c:812
 msgid "Hidden text is now visible\n"
 msgstr "Le texte normalement caché est maintenant visible\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:817
+#: src/o_misc.c:814
 msgid "Hidden text is now invisible\n"
 msgstr "Le texte normalement caché est maintenant invisible\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1076
-msgid "Could not unembedded component, could not find appropriate .sym file\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Impossible de débarquer le composant, fichier .sym correspondant "
-#: src/o_misc.c:1077
-msgid "Component still embedded and not updated\n"
-msgstr "Composant toujours embarqué et non mis à jour\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1081
+#: src/o_misc.c:1058
 #, c-format
-msgid "More than one component found with name [%s]\n"
-msgstr "Plusieurs composants trouvés avec le même nom [%s]\n"
+msgid "Could not find symbol [%s] in library. Update failed.\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:1229
+#: src/o_misc.c:1198
 #, c-format
 msgid "o_autosave_backups: Can't get the real filename of %s."
 msgstr ""
 "o_autosave_backups() : Impossible de récupérer le véritable nom du fichier %s"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1273
+#: src/o_misc.c:1242
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT set previous backup file [%s] read-write\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Impossible de passer le fichier copie de sauvegarde [%s] en lecture/"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1291
+#: src/o_misc.c:1260
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT set backup file [%s] readonly\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Impossible de passer le fichier copie de sauvegarde [%s] en lecture seule\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1296
+#: src/o_misc.c:1265
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT save backup file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "�chec lors de la création de la copie de sauvegarde [%s]\n"
-#: src/o_move.c:223
+#: src/o_move.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_move_end!\n"
 msgstr "ERREUR : object==NULL dans o_move_end !\n"
-#: src/o_move.c:331
+#: src/o_move.c:332
 #, c-format
 msgid "DOH! tried to find the whichone, but didn't find it!\n"
 msgstr "Incapable de déterminer le whichone de l'object !\n"
-#: src/o_move.c:352
+#: src/o_move.c:353
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got a non line object in o_move_check_endpoint\n"
 msgstr "L'objet passé n'est pas une ligne dans o_move_check_endpoint\n"
-#: src/o_net.c:264
+#: src/o_net.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid which one in o_net_draw_xor_single\n"
 msgstr "Valeur de whichone incorrecte dans o_net_draw_xor_single\n"
-#: src/o_net.c:940 src/o_net.c:977 src/o_net.c:1048 src/o_net.c:1084
+#: src/o_net.c:812 src/o_net.c:849 src/o_net.c:920 src/o_net.c:956
 #, c-format
 msgid "Tried to add more than two bus rippers. Internal gschem error.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Tentative d'ajout de plus de deux jonctions de bus. Erreur interne gschem.\n"
-#: src/o_net.c:1155
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not find %s in any component-library\n"
+#: src/o_net.c:1029
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Bus ripper symbol [%s] was not found in any component library\n"
 msgstr "Impossible de trouver %s dans toutes les bibliothèques de composants\n"
-#: src/o_picture.c:205 src/o_picture.c:746
+#: src/o_picture.c:206 src/o_picture.c:746
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to load picture: %s"
 msgstr "Ã?chec lors du chargement de l'image : %s"
-#: src/o_picture.c:219
+#: src/o_picture.c:220
 msgid "Picture"
 msgstr "Image"
-#: src/o_picture.c:658 src/x_attribedit.c:137
+#: src/o_picture.c:658 src/x_attribedit.c:139
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object!\n"
 msgstr "ERREUR : object==NULL !\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:127
+#: src/o_slot.c:128
 msgid "Slot attribute malformed\n"
 msgstr "Attribut slot mal formé\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:145
+#: src/o_slot.c:146
 msgid "numslots attribute missing\n"
 msgstr "attribut numslots manquant\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:147
+#: src/o_slot.c:148
 msgid "Slotting not allowed for this component\n"
 msgstr "Le slotting n'est pas supporté par ce composant\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:163
+#: src/o_slot.c:164
 msgid "New slot number out of range\n"
 msgstr "Nouvelle valeur de slot hors plage\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:247
+#: src/o_slot.c:237
 #, c-format
 msgid "uggg! you tried to slot edit something that doesn't exist!\n"
 msgstr "Tentative d'édition de slot sur un objet inexistant !\n"
-#: src/o_undo.c:316
+#: src/o_undo.c:317
 msgid "Undo/Redo disabled in rc file\n"
 msgstr "Opérations Défaire/Refaire désactivées dans fichier rc\n"
-#: src/parsecmd.c:49
+#: src/parsecmd.c:50
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] schematic_filename1 ... schematic_filenameN\n"
@@ -1352,70 +1305,70 @@ msgstr ""
 "  -h            Aide, affichage de ce message\n"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:122
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:124
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got invalid show option; defaulting to show both\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Option d'affichage invalide ; changement pour affichage du nom et de la "
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:325
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:327
 msgid "Single Attribute Editor"
 msgstr "Ã?diteur d'attribut"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:355
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:358
 msgid "<b>Edit Attribute</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Ã?diter un attribut</b>"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:357
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:360
 msgid "<b>Add Attribute</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Ajouter un attribut</b>"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:373 src/x_multiattrib.c:1512
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:376 src/x_multiattrib.c:1480
 msgid "Name:"
 msgstr "Nom :"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:389 src/x_multiattrib.c:1531
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:392 src/x_multiattrib.c:1499
 msgid "Value:"
 msgstr "Valeur :"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:404 src/x_multiattrib.c:1559
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:408 src/x_multiattrib.c:1527
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "Visible"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:424
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:428
 msgid "Show Value Only"
 msgstr "Montrer seulement la valeur"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:426
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:430
 msgid "Show Name Only"
 msgstr "Montrer seulement le nom"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:428 src/x_multiattrib.c:1162
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:432 src/x_multiattrib.c:1143
 msgid "Show Name & Value"
 msgstr "Montrer le nom et la valeur"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:435
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:439
 msgid "<b>Attach Options</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Options d'attache</b>"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:450
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:454
 msgid "All"
 msgstr "Tous"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:458 src/x_compselect.c:791
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:462 src/x_compselect.c:716 src/x_compselect.c:791
 msgid "Components"
 msgstr "Composants"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:466 src/x_window.c:541
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:470 src/x_window.c:537
 msgid "Nets"
 msgstr "Pistes"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:474
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:478
 msgid "Replace existing attributes"
 msgstr "Remplacer les attributs existants"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:411
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:413
 msgid ""
 "slotted object without slot attribute may cause problems when autonumbering "
@@ -1423,7 +1376,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Les objets à slots sans attribut de slot sont susceptibles de créer des "
 "problèmes durant l'annotation automatique\n"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:426
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "duplicate slot may cause problems: [symbolname=%s, number=%d, slot=%d]\n"
@@ -1431,150 +1384,158 @@ msgstr ""
 "Les slots dupliqués sont susceptibles de créer des problèmes : [symbolname=%"
 "s, number=%d, slot=%d]\n"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:696
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:698
 msgid "No searchstring given in autonumber text.\n"
 msgstr "Pas de motif de recherche fourni pour l'annotation automatique.\n"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:747
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:749
 msgid "No '*' or '?' given at the end of the autonumber text.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Pas de caractère '*' ou '?' à la fin du motif de recherche pour annotation "
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:880
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
 msgid "Diagonal"
 msgstr "en diagonal"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:881
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
 msgid "Top to bottom"
 msgstr "de haut en bas"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:881
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
 msgid "Bottom to top"
 msgstr "de bas en haut"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:884
 msgid "Left to right"
 msgstr "de gauche à droite"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:884
 msgid "Right to left"
 msgstr "de droite à gauche"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:885
 msgid "File order"
 msgstr "dans ordre des éléments du fichier"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1219
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1221
 msgid "Autonumber text"
 msgstr "Annotation automatique"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1244
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1247
 msgid "<b>Scope</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Portée</b>"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1266
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1269
 msgid "Search for:"
 msgstr "Motif de recherche :"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1280
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1283
 msgid "Autonumber text in:"
 msgstr "Annoter automatiquement :"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1287
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1290
 msgid "Skip numbers found in:"
 msgstr "Passer les nombres trouvés dans :"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1299 src/x_autonumber.c:1308
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1302 src/x_autonumber.c:1311
 msgid "Selected objects"
 msgstr "les objets sélectionnés"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1300 src/x_autonumber.c:1309
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1303 src/x_autonumber.c:1312
 msgid "Current page"
 msgstr "la page en cours"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1301 src/x_autonumber.c:1310
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1304 src/x_autonumber.c:1313
 msgid "Whole hierarchy"
 msgstr "la hiérarchie complète"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1312
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1315
 msgid "Overwrite existing numbers"
 msgstr "Remplacer les annotations existantes"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1317
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1320
 msgid "<b>Options</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Options</b>"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1339
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1342
 msgid "Starting number:"
 msgstr "Indice de départ :"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1346
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1349
 msgid "Sort order:"
 msgstr "Ordre :"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1367
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1370
 msgid "Remove numbers"
 msgstr "Supprimer les annotations"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1371
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1374
 msgid "Automatic slotting"
 msgstr "Slotting automatique"
-#: src/x_color.c:59 src/x_color.c:96
+#: src/x_color.c:60 src/x_color.c:97
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find the color %s!\n"
 msgstr "Impossible de trouver la couleur %s !\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:62 src/x_color.c:99
+#: src/x_color.c:63 src/x_color.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Defaulting color to white\n"
 msgstr "Repli sur la couleur par défaut, blanc\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:69 src/x_color.c:106
+#: src/x_color.c:70 src/x_color.c:107
 #, c-format
 msgid "Ack! Cannot allocate white!\n"
 msgstr "Hum ! allocation de 'white' impossible !\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:80 src/x_color.c:128 src/x_window.c:176 src/x_window.c:185
+#: src/x_color.c:81 src/x_color.c:129 src/x_window.c:176 src/x_window.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not allocate the color %s!\n"
 msgstr "Impossible d'allouer la couleur %s !\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:147 src/x_color.c:163
+#: src/x_color.c:148 src/x_color.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "Tried to get an invalid color: %d\n"
 msgstr "Tentative d'obtention d'une couleur invalide : %d\n"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:615
+#: src/x_compselect.c:821
+msgid "Filter:"
+msgstr "Filtre:"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:895
 msgid "Default behavior - reference component"
 msgstr "Comportement par défaut - référencer le composant"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:618
+#: src/x_compselect.c:898
 msgid "Embed component in schematic"
 msgstr "Embarquer le composant dans le schéma"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:621
+#: src/x_compselect.c:901
 msgid "Include component as individual objects"
 msgstr "Ã?clater le composant en objets individuels"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:707
+#: src/x_compselect.c:982
 msgid "Select Component..."
 msgstr "Sélecteur de composant..."
-#: src/x_compselect.c:821
-msgid "Filter:"
-msgstr "Filtre:"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1008
+msgid "In Use"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1012
+msgid "Libraries"
+msgstr "Bibliothèques"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:885 src/x_fileselect.c:123
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1024 src/x_fileselect.c:124
 msgid "Preview"
 msgstr "Prévisualisation"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:182
+#: src/x_dialog.c:184
 msgid "Text Entry..."
 msgstr "Ajout de texte..."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:214
+#: src/x_dialog.c:217
 msgid ""
 "Enter text, click apply,\n"
 "move cursor into window, click to place text.\n"
@@ -1584,168 +1545,168 @@ msgstr ""
 "déplacez le curseur dans la fenêtre, cliquez pour placer le texte.\n"
 "Bouton du milieu pour pivoter le texte avant placement."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:303
+#: src/x_dialog.c:306
 msgid "Lower Left"
 msgstr "En bas à gauche"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:314
+#: src/x_dialog.c:317
 msgid "Middle Left"
 msgstr "Au milieu à gauche"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:325
+#: src/x_dialog.c:328
 msgid "Upper Left"
 msgstr "En haut à gauche"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:336
+#: src/x_dialog.c:339
 msgid "Lower Middle"
 msgstr "En bas au milieu"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:347
+#: src/x_dialog.c:350
 msgid "Middle Middle"
 msgstr "Au centre"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:358
+#: src/x_dialog.c:361
 msgid "Upper Middle"
 msgstr "En haut au milieu"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:369
+#: src/x_dialog.c:372
 msgid "Lower Right"
 msgstr "En bas à droite"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:380
+#: src/x_dialog.c:383
 msgid "Middle Right"
 msgstr "Au milieu à droite"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:391
+#: src/x_dialog.c:394
 msgid "Upper Right"
 msgstr "En haut à droite"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:506
+#: src/x_dialog.c:509
 msgid "Edit Text Properties"
 msgstr "Editer les propriétés du texte"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:541
+#: src/x_dialog.c:545
 msgid "<b>Text Content</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Texte</b>"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:573
+#: src/x_dialog.c:577
 msgid "<b>Text Properties</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Propriétés du texte</b>"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:588
+#: src/x_dialog.c:592
 msgid "Color:"
 msgstr "Couleur :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:598
+#: src/x_dialog.c:602
 msgid "Size:"
 msgstr "Taille :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:607
+#: src/x_dialog.c:611
 msgid "Alignment:"
 msgstr "Alignement du texte :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:661
+#: src/x_dialog.c:665
 msgid "Solid"
 msgstr "Continu"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:662
+#: src/x_dialog.c:666
 msgid "Dotted"
 msgstr "Pointillés"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:663
+#: src/x_dialog.c:667
 msgid "Dashed"
 msgstr "Tirets"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:664
+#: src/x_dialog.c:668
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "Centré"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:665
+#: src/x_dialog.c:669
 msgid "Phantom"
 msgstr "Fantôme"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:791 src/x_dialog.c:793 src/x_dialog.c:795 src/x_dialog.c:977
-#: src/x_dialog.c:978 src/x_dialog.c:979 src/x_dialog.c:987
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1170 src/x_dialog.c:1172 src/x_dialog.c:1174
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1176 src/x_dialog.c:1178 src/x_dialog.c:1382
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1383 src/x_dialog.c:1384 src/x_dialog.c:1385
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1386 src/x_dialog.c:1394
+#: src/x_dialog.c:795 src/x_dialog.c:797 src/x_dialog.c:799 src/x_dialog.c:982
+#: src/x_dialog.c:983 src/x_dialog.c:984 src/x_dialog.c:992
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1175 src/x_dialog.c:1177 src/x_dialog.c:1179
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1181 src/x_dialog.c:1183 src/x_dialog.c:1388
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1389 src/x_dialog.c:1390 src/x_dialog.c:1391
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1392 src/x_dialog.c:1400
 msgid "*unchanged*"
 msgstr "*inchangé*"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:870
+#: src/x_dialog.c:874
 msgid "Edit Line Width & Type"
 msgstr "Ã?paisseur et type de ligne"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:910
+#: src/x_dialog.c:915
 msgid "Width:"
 msgstr "Largeur :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:914 src/x_print.c:353
+#: src/x_dialog.c:919 src/x_print.c:314
 msgid "Type:"
 msgstr "Type :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:918
+#: src/x_dialog.c:923
 msgid "Dash Length:"
 msgstr "Longueur du tiret :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:922
+#: src/x_dialog.c:927
 msgid "Dash Space:"
 msgstr "Espace entre tirets :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1027
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1032
 msgid "Hollow"
 msgstr "Vide"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1028
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1033
 msgid "Filled"
 msgstr "Plein"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1034
 msgid "Mesh"
 msgstr "Quadrillage"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1030
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1035
 msgid "Hatch"
 msgstr "Rayures"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1295
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1301
 msgid "Fill Type:"
 msgstr "Type de remplissage :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1299
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1305
 msgid "Line Width:"
 msgstr "Ã?paisseur :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1303
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1309
 msgid "Angle 1:"
 msgstr "Angle1 :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1307
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1313
 msgid "Pitch 1:"
 msgstr "Ã?cart1 :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1311
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1317
 msgid "Angle 2:"
 msgstr "Angle2 :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1321
 msgid "Pitch 2:"
 msgstr "Ã?cart2 :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1477
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1483
 msgid "Arc Params"
 msgstr "Paramètres d'arc"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1518
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1525
 msgid "Start Angle:"
 msgstr "Angle de départ :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1528
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1535
 msgid "Degrees of Sweep:"
 msgstr "Balayage :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1628
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1636
 msgid ""
 "Offset to translate?\n"
 "(0 for origin)"
@@ -1753,47 +1714,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Cible pour translation ?\n"
 "(0 pour translation à l'origine)"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1704
 msgid "Text Size"
 msgstr "Taille de texte :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1727
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1736
 msgid "Enter new text size:"
 msgstr "Entrez la nouvelle taille de texte :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1802
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1811
 msgid "Snap Size"
 msgstr "Grille de snap"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1833
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1843
 msgid "Enter new snap grid spacing:"
 msgstr "Entrez le nouvel espacement de la grille de snap :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1906
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1916
 msgid "Edit slot number"
 msgstr "Numéro de slot"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1938
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1949
 msgid "Edit slot number:"
 msgstr "Numéro de slot :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2000
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2011
 msgid "About..."
 msgstr "Ã? propos..."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2019
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2031
 msgid "<b>gEDA: GPL Electronic Design Automation</b>"
 msgstr "<b>gEDA : GPL Electronic Design Automation</b>"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2023
-#, c-format
-msgid "<b>gschem version %s%s</b>"
-msgstr "<b>gschem version %s%s</b>"
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2035
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "<b>gschem version %s%s.%s</b>"
+msgstr "<b>gschem version %s%s.$s</b>"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2029
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2043
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Written by:\n"
-"Ales V. Hvezda\n"
+"Ales Hvezda\n"
 "And many others (See AUTHORS file)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1802,85 +1764,85 @@ msgstr ""
 "Et bien d'autres (consultez le fichier AUTHORS)"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2093
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2107
 msgid "Coords"
 msgstr "Coords"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2113
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2128
 msgid "Screen"
 msgstr "Ã?cran"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2122
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2137
 msgid "World"
 msgstr "Monde"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2345
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2360
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in color_edit_dialog_apply!\n"
 msgstr "ERREUR : object==NULL dans color_edit_dialog_apply !\n"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2408
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2423
 msgid "Color Edit"
 msgstr "Sélecteur de couleur"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2440
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2456
 msgid "Object color:"
 msgstr "Couleur de l'objet :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2564
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2581
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Function"
 msgstr "Action"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2571
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2588
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Keystroke(s)"
 msgstr "Action : raccourci(s)"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2925
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2920
 msgid "Find Text"
 msgstr "Recherche de texte"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2957
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2953
 msgid "Text to find:"
 msgstr "Texte à rechercher :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2967
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2963
 msgid "descend into hierarchy"
 msgstr "descendre dans la hiérarchie"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3031
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3027
 msgid "Hide Text"
 msgstr "Cacher le texte"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3063
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3060
 msgid "Hide text starting with:"
 msgstr "Cacher le texte commençant par :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3131
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3128
 msgid "Show Text"
 msgstr "Montrer le texte"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3163
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3161
 msgid "Show text starting with:"
 msgstr "Montrer le texte commençant par :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3608 src/x_multiattrib.c:1389
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3606 src/x_multiattrib.c:1357
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Nom"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3630
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3628
 msgid "S_elect the schematics you want to save:"
 msgstr "_Sélectionnez les schémas que vous souhaitez enregistrer :"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3724
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3722
 #, c-format
 msgid "Save the changes to schematic \"%s\" before closing?"
 msgstr ""
 "Voulez-vous enregistrer les modifications dans le schéma \"%s\" avant de le "
 "fermer ?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3730
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3728
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "There is %d schematics with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
@@ -1888,46 +1850,55 @@ msgstr ""
 "Il y a %d schémas avec des modifications non enregistrées. Voulez-vous "
 "enregistrer les modifications avant de fermer ?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3759
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3757
 msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be permanently lost."
 msgstr ""
 "Si vous n'enregistrez pas, les modifications effectuées seront "
 "définitivement perdues."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3779
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3777
 msgid "_Close without saving"
 msgstr "Fermer sans sa_uvegarder"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:46
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:47
 msgid "Schematics"
 msgstr "sch - Schémas"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:51
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:52
 msgid "Symbols"
 msgstr "sym - Symboles"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:56
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:57
 msgid "Schematics and symbols"
 msgstr "sym/sch - Schémas et symboles"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:62
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:63
 msgid "All files"
 msgstr "* - Tous fichiers"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:172
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:173
 msgid "Open..."
 msgstr "Ouvrir..."
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:233
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:234
 msgid "Save as..."
 msgstr "Enregistrer sous..."
-#: src/x_image.c:363
+#: src/x_image.c:180
+msgid "Encapsulated Postscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_image.c:298
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to write eps file %s.\n"
+msgstr "x_image_lowlevel(): Impossible d'écrire le fichier PNG.\n"
+#: src/x_image.c:380
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to write %s file %s.\n"
 msgstr "x_image_lowlevel(): Impossible d'écrire le fichier PNG.\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:373
+#: src/x_image.c:390
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "There was the following error when saving image with type %s to filename:\n"
@@ -1936,235 +1907,244 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_image.c:392 src/x_image.c:423
+#: src/x_image.c:409
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wrote color image to [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
 msgstr "Image couleur exportée dans fichier [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:394 src/x_image.c:425
+#: src/x_image.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wrote black and white image to [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
 msgstr "Image noire et blanche exportée dans fichier [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:404
+#: src/x_image.c:421
 msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to get pixbuf from gschem's window.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "x_image_lowlevel(): Impossible de récupérer le pixbuf depuis la fenêtre de "
-#: src/x_image.c:459
+#: src/x_image.c:467
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Width x Height"
 msgstr "Largeur x Hauteur :"
-#: src/x_image.c:475
+#: src/x_image.c:483
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Image type"
 msgstr "Image"
-#: src/x_log.c:231
+#: src/x_log.c:236
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Messages"
-#: src/x_menus.c:40
+#: src/x_menus.c:41
 msgid "/Add Net"
 msgstr "/Ajouter une piste"
-#: src/x_menus.c:41
+#: src/x_menus.c:42
 msgid "/Add Attribute..."
 msgstr "/Ajouter un attribut..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:42
+#: src/x_menus.c:43
 msgid "/Add Component..."
 msgstr "/Ajouter un composant..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:43
+#: src/x_menus.c:44
 msgid "/Add Bus"
 msgstr "/Ajouter un bus"
-#: src/x_menus.c:44
+#: src/x_menus.c:45
 msgid "/Add Text"
 msgstr "/Ajouter du texte"
-#: src/x_menus.c:46
+#: src/x_menus.c:47
 msgid "/Zoom In"
 msgstr "/Agrandir"
-#: src/x_menus.c:47
+#: src/x_menus.c:48
 msgid "/Zoom Out"
 msgstr "/Réduire"
-#: src/x_menus.c:48
+#: src/x_menus.c:49
 msgid "/Zoom Box"
 msgstr "/Zoom boîte"
-#: src/x_menus.c:49
+#: src/x_menus.c:50
 msgid "/Zoom Extents"
 msgstr "/Agrandissement auto"
-#: src/x_menus.c:51
+#: src/x_menus.c:52
 msgid "/Select"
 msgstr "/Sélectionner"
-#: src/x_menus.c:52
+#: src/x_menus.c:53
 msgid "/Edit..."
 msgstr "/Ã?diter..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:53
+#: src/x_menus.c:54
 msgid "/Copy"
 msgstr "/Copier"
-#: src/x_menus.c:54
+#: src/x_menus.c:55
 msgid "/Move"
 msgstr "/Déplacer"
-#: src/x_menus.c:55
+#: src/x_menus.c:56
 msgid "/Delete"
 msgstr "/Supprimer"
-#: src/x_menus.c:58
+#: src/x_menus.c:59
 msgid "/Down Schematic"
 msgstr "/Descendre dans le schéma"
-#: src/x_menus.c:59
+#: src/x_menus.c:60
 msgid "/Down Symbol"
 msgstr "/Descendre dans le symbole"
-#: src/x_menus.c:60
+#: src/x_menus.c:61
 msgid "/Up"
 msgstr "/Remonter"
-#: src/x_menus.c:331
+#: src/x_menus.c:332
 msgid "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent menu item\n"
 msgstr "Tentative de rendre sensible un élément de menu inexistant\n"
-#: src/x_menus.c:355
+#: src/x_menus.c:356
 msgid "Popup_menu_item_factory doesn't exist!\n"
 msgstr "Popup_menu_item_factory n'existe pas !\n"
-#: src/x_menus.c:368
+#: src/x_menus.c:369
 msgid "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent popup menu_item\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Tentative de rendre sensible un élément de menu contextuel inexistant\n"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:652
+#: src/x_menus.c:480
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't open file %s\n"
+msgstr "Impossible de lancer %s\n"
+#: src/x_menus.c:538
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "Effacer"
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:656
 msgid "Attributes with empty name are not allowed. Please set a name."
 msgstr "Les attributs sans nom sont interdits. Donnez un nom."
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1164
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1145
 msgid "Show Value only"
 msgstr "Montrer seulement la valeur"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1166
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1147
 msgid "Show Name only"
 msgstr "Montrer seulement le nom"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1192
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1173
 msgid "Duplicate"
 msgstr "Cloner"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1309
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1284
 msgid "Edit Attributes"
 msgstr "Ã?diteur d'attributs"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1414
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1382
 msgid "Value"
 msgstr "Valeur"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1436
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1404
 msgid "Vis?"
 msgstr "Vis?"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1456
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1424
 msgid "N"
 msgstr "N"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1476
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1444
 msgid "V"
 msgstr "V"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1497
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1465
 msgid "Add Attribute"
 msgstr "Ajouter un attribut"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:272
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:264
 msgid "Discard Page"
 msgstr "Abandonner la page"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:381
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:361
 msgid "Page Manager"
 msgstr "Gestionnaire de pages"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:437
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:417
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "Nom de fichier"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:453
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:433
 msgid "Changed"
 msgstr "Modifié"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:473
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:453
 msgid "Right click on the filename for more options..."
 msgstr "Utilisez le clic droit sur le nom de fichier pour plus d'options..."
-#: src/x_print.c:90
+#: src/x_print.c:89
 msgid "Select PostScript Filename..."
 msgstr "Enregistrer en PostScript sous..."
-#: src/x_print.c:206
+#: src/x_print.c:171
 msgid "Extents with margins"
 msgstr "Totalité avec marges"
-#: src/x_print.c:212
+#: src/x_print.c:177
 msgid "Extents no margins"
 msgstr "Totalité sans marge"
-#: src/x_print.c:218
+#: src/x_print.c:183
 msgid "Current Window"
 msgstr "Vue en cours"
-#: src/x_print.c:252
+#: src/x_print.c:217
 msgid "Landscape"
 msgstr "Paysage"
-#: src/x_print.c:258
+#: src/x_print.c:223
 msgid "Portrait"
 msgstr "Portrait"
-#: src/x_print.c:330
+#: src/x_print.c:291
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "Configuration"
-#: src/x_print.c:342
+#: src/x_print.c:303
 msgid "Output paper size:"
 msgstr "Taille de papier :"
-#: src/x_print.c:364
+#: src/x_print.c:325
 msgid "Orientation:"
 msgstr "Orientation :"
-#: src/x_print.c:376
+#: src/x_print.c:337
 msgid "Destination"
 msgstr "Destination"
-#: src/x_print.c:389
+#: src/x_print.c:350
 msgid "File:"
 msgstr "Fichier :"
-#: src/x_print.c:419
+#: src/x_print.c:380
 msgid "Command:"
 msgstr "Commande :"
-#: src/x_print.c:785
+#: src/x_print.c:750
 msgid "No print destination specified\n"
 msgstr "Destination pour l'impression non spécifiée\n"
-#: src/x_print.c:792
+#: src/x_print.c:757
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot print current schematic to [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Impossible d'imprimer le schéma en cours dans [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_print.c:801
+#: src/x_print.c:766
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Error printing to file '%s'\n"
@@ -2173,7 +2153,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Erreur pendant l'impression du fichier '%s'\n"
 "Reportez-vous à la fenêtre des messages pour plus de détails"
-#: src/x_print.c:808
+#: src/x_print.c:773
 #, c-format
 msgid "Printed current schematic to [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Schéma en cours imprimé dans fichier [%s]\n"
@@ -2211,35 +2191,35 @@ msgstr "Allocation bounding_xor_gc impossible\n"
 msgid "Couldn't allocate bus_gc\n"
 msgstr "Allocation bus_gc impossible\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:494
+#: src/x_window.c:490
 msgid "New file"
 msgstr "Nouveau fichier"
-#: src/x_window.c:500
+#: src/x_window.c:496
 msgid "Open"
 msgstr "Ouvrir"
-#: src/x_window.c:501
+#: src/x_window.c:497
 msgid "Open file..."
 msgstr "Ouvrir fichier..."
-#: src/x_window.c:507
+#: src/x_window.c:503
 msgid "Save"
 msgstr "Enregistrer"
-#: src/x_window.c:508
+#: src/x_window.c:504
 msgid "Save file"
 msgstr "Sauvegarder le fichier"
-#: src/x_window.c:516
+#: src/x_window.c:512
 msgid "Undo last operation"
 msgstr "Défaire la dernière opération"
-#: src/x_window.c:523
+#: src/x_window.c:519
 msgid "Redo last undo"
 msgstr "Refaire le dernier défait"
-#: src/x_window.c:532
+#: src/x_window.c:528
 msgid ""
 "Add component...\n"
 "Select library and component from list, move the mouse into main window, "
@@ -2251,7 +2231,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "pointeur dans la fenêtre principale.\n"
 "Clic gauche pour placer, clic droit pour annuler."
-#: src/x_window.c:542
+#: src/x_window.c:538
 msgid ""
 "Add nets mode\n"
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
@@ -2259,7 +2239,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Mode ajout de piste\n"
 "Clic droit pour annuler"
-#: src/x_window.c:552
+#: src/x_window.c:548
 msgid ""
 "Add buses mode\n"
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
@@ -2267,76 +2247,108 @@ msgstr ""
 "Mode ajout de bus\n"
 "Clic droit pour annuler"
-#: src/x_window.c:559
+#: src/x_window.c:555
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "Texte"
-#: src/x_window.c:560
+#: src/x_window.c:556
 msgid "Add Text..."
 msgstr "Ajouter du texte..."
-#: src/x_window.c:570
+#: src/x_window.c:566
 msgid "Select"
 msgstr "Sélectionner"
-#: src/x_window.c:571
+#: src/x_window.c:567
 msgid "Select mode"
 msgstr "Mode sélection"
-#: src/x_window.c:646
+#: src/x_window.c:642
 msgid "Pick"
 msgstr "Prendre"
-#: src/x_window.c:662
+#: src/x_window.c:658
 msgid "Repeat/none"
 msgstr "Répéter/aucun"
-#: src/x_window.c:672
+#: src/x_window.c:668
 msgid "Menu/Cancel"
 msgstr "Menu/Annuler"
-#: src/x_window.c:674
+#: src/x_window.c:670
 msgid "Pan/Cancel"
 msgstr "Panoramique/Annuler"
-#: src/x_window.c:932
+#: src/x_window.c:927
 #, c-format
 msgid "Loading schematic [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Chargement du schéma [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1034
+#: src/x_window.c:1029
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT save page [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Ã?chec sauvegarde de la page [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1035
+#: src/x_window.c:1030
 msgid "Error while trying to save"
 msgstr "Erreur lors de la tentative de sauvegarde"
-#: src/x_window.c:1044
+#: src/x_window.c:1039
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved as [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Enregistré sous [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1046
+#: src/x_window.c:1041
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Sauvegarder [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1048
+#: src/x_window.c:1043
 msgid "Saved"
 msgstr "Sauvegarder"
-#: src/x_window.c:1109
+#: src/x_window.c:1104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Discarding page [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Abandonne page [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1109
+#: src/x_window.c:1104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Closing [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Ferme [%s]\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Found a version [%s%s] gschemrc file:\n"
+#~ "[%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fichier gschemrc trouvé de version [%s%s] :\n"
+#~ "[%s]\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While gschem is in ALPHA, please be sure that you have the latest rc "
+#~ "file.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Tant que gschem en est au stade ALPHA, assurez-vous que votre fichier rc "
+#~ "est récent.\n"
+#~ msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to scrollbar-update\n"
+#~ msgstr "Mode [%s] passé à scrollbar-update invalide\n"
+#~ msgid "selected a nonexistant object!\n"
+#~ msgstr "sélection d'un objet inexistant !\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not unembedded component, could not find appropriate .sym file\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Impossible de débarquer le composant, fichier .sym correspondant "
+#~ "introuvable\n"
+#~ msgid "Component still embedded and not updated\n"
+#~ msgstr "Composant toujours embarqué et non mis à jour\n"
+#~ msgid "More than one component found with name [%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr "Plusieurs composants trouvés avec le même nom [%s]\n"
 #~ msgid "Write PNG..."
 #~ msgstr "Exporter en PNG..."
@@ -2503,9 +2515,6 @@ msgstr "Ferme [%s]\n"
 #~ msgid "Directories"
 #~ msgstr "Répertoires"
-#~ msgid "Libraries"
-#~ msgstr "Bibliothèques"
 #~ msgid "Files"
 #~ msgstr "Fichiers"
@@ -2612,9 +2621,6 @@ msgstr "Ferme [%s]\n"
 #~ msgid "Add/Edit"
 #~ msgstr "Ajouter/Ã?diter"
-#~ msgid "Clear"
-#~ msgstr "Effacer"
 #~ msgid "Open Page"
 #~ msgstr "Ouvrir la Page"
diff --git a/gschem/po/geda-gschem.pot b/gschem/po/geda-gschem.pot
index f5c1c76..d6ca601 100644
--- a/gschem/po/geda-gschem.pot
+++ b/gschem/po/geda-gschem.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-26 11:03-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-07-05 00:52-0400\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@xxxxxx>\n"
@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "New Window"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:4 src/x_pagesel.c:267
+#: src/rcstrings.c:4 src/x_pagesel.c:259
 msgid "New Page"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:5 src/x_pagesel.c:268
+#: src/rcstrings.c:5 src/x_pagesel.c:260
 msgid "Open Page..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:6 src/x_pagesel.c:271
+#: src/rcstrings.c:6 src/x_pagesel.c:263
 msgid "Close Page"
 msgstr ""
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Revert Page"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:8 src/x_pagesel.c:270
+#: src/rcstrings.c:8 src/x_pagesel.c:262
 msgid "Save Page"
 msgstr ""
@@ -52,19 +52,19 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Save All"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:11 src/x_print.c:317
+#: src/rcstrings.c:11 src/x_print.c:283
 msgid "Print..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:12 src/x_image.c:496
+#: src/rcstrings.c:12 src/x_image.c:504
 msgid "Write image..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:13
+#: src/rcstrings.c:13 src/x_menus.c:520
 msgid "Recent files"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:14 src/x_script.c:49
+#: src/rcstrings.c:14 src/x_script.c:50
 msgid "Execute Script..."
 msgstr ""
@@ -76,19 +76,19 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Quit"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:18 src/i_callbacks.c:746
+#: src/rcstrings.c:18 src/i_callbacks.c:730
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:19 src/x_window.c:515
+#: src/rcstrings.c:19 src/x_window.c:511
 msgid "Undo"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:20 src/x_window.c:522
+#: src/rcstrings.c:20 src/x_window.c:518
 msgid "Redo"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:21 src/i_basic.c:94 src/x_window.c:686
+#: src/rcstrings.c:21 src/i_basic.c:81 src/x_window.c:682
 msgid "Select Mode"
 msgstr ""
@@ -112,19 +112,19 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Edit Text..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:27 src/i_basic.c:107
+#: src/rcstrings.c:27 src/i_basic.c:94
 msgid "Copy Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:28 src/i_basic.c:162
+#: src/rcstrings.c:28 src/i_basic.c:149
 msgid "Multiple Copy Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:29 src/i_basic.c:110
+#: src/rcstrings.c:29 src/i_basic.c:97
 msgid "Move Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:30 src/i_callbacks.c:722 src/x_multiattrib.c:1193
+#: src/rcstrings.c:30 src/i_callbacks.c:706 src/x_multiattrib.c:1174
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr ""
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Rotate 90 Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:32 src/i_basic.c:114
+#: src/rcstrings.c:32 src/i_basic.c:101
 msgid "Mirror Mode"
 msgstr ""
@@ -144,11 +144,11 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Color..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:35 src/i_callbacks.c:919
+#: src/rcstrings.c:35 src/i_callbacks.c:903
 msgid "Lock"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:36 src/i_callbacks.c:937
+#: src/rcstrings.c:36 src/i_callbacks.c:921
 msgid "Unlock"
 msgstr ""
@@ -256,11 +256,11 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Redraw"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:65 src/i_callbacks.c:1489 src/i_callbacks.c:1558
+#: src/rcstrings.c:65 src/i_callbacks.c:1471 src/i_callbacks.c:1540
 msgid "Pan"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:66 src/i_basic.c:118
+#: src/rcstrings.c:66 src/i_basic.c:105
 msgid "Zoom Box"
 msgstr ""
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Previous"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:76 src/x_window.c:493
+#: src/rcstrings.c:76 src/x_window.c:489
 msgid "New"
 msgstr ""
@@ -320,12 +320,12 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Component..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:83 src/i_callbacks.c:2313 src/i_callbacks.c:2336
+#: src/rcstrings.c:83 src/i_callbacks.c:2289 src/i_callbacks.c:2311
 msgid "Net"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:84 src/i_callbacks.c:2381 src/i_callbacks.c:2405
-#: src/x_window.c:551
+#: src/rcstrings.c:84 src/i_callbacks.c:2355 src/i_callbacks.c:2378
+#: src/x_window.c:547
 msgid "Bus"
 msgstr ""
@@ -337,23 +337,23 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Text..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:87 src/i_callbacks.c:2487 src/i_callbacks.c:2507
+#: src/rcstrings.c:87 src/i_callbacks.c:2459 src/i_callbacks.c:2478
 msgid "Line"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:88 src/i_callbacks.c:2530 src/i_callbacks.c:2550
+#: src/rcstrings.c:88 src/i_callbacks.c:2500 src/i_callbacks.c:2519
 msgid "Box"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:89 src/i_callbacks.c:2607 src/i_callbacks.c:2628
+#: src/rcstrings.c:89 src/i_callbacks.c:2575 src/i_callbacks.c:2595
 msgid "Circle"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:90 src/i_callbacks.c:2651 src/i_callbacks.c:2671
+#: src/rcstrings.c:90 src/i_callbacks.c:2617 src/i_callbacks.c:2636
 msgid "Arc"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:91 src/i_callbacks.c:2694 src/i_callbacks.c:2714
+#: src/rcstrings.c:91 src/i_callbacks.c:2658 src/i_callbacks.c:2677
 msgid "Pin"
 msgstr ""
@@ -381,15 +381,15 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:100 src/x_multiattrib.c:1332
+#: src/rcstrings.c:100 src/x_multiattrib.c:1300
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:101 src/i_callbacks.c:2974
+#: src/rcstrings.c:101 src/i_callbacks.c:2942
 msgid "Attach"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:102 src/i_callbacks.c:3023
+#: src/rcstrings.c:102 src/i_callbacks.c:2991
 msgid "Detach"
 msgstr ""
@@ -478,11 +478,11 @@ msgid "Manual"
 msgstr ""
 #: src/rcstrings.c:126
-msgid "FAQ"
+msgid "gEDA Documentation"
 msgstr ""
 #: src/rcstrings.c:127
-msgid "gEDA Wiki"
+msgid "gschem FAQ"
 msgstr ""
 #: src/rcstrings.c:128
@@ -493,811 +493,767 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "About gschem"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:130 src/x_dialog.c:2501
+#: src/rcstrings.c:130 src/x_dialog.c:2517
 msgid "Hotkeys"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/a_zoom.c:224
+#: src/a_zoom.c:242
 msgid "Zoom too small!  Cannot zoom further.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_funcs.c:341 src/i_callbacks.c:136
+#: src/g_funcs.c:342 src/i_callbacks.c:137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not fork\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_funcs.c:357 src/i_callbacks.c:146
+#: src/g_funcs.c:358 src/i_callbacks.c:147
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not invoke %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_funcs.c:363 src/i_callbacks.c:150
+#: src/g_funcs.c:364 src/i_callbacks.c:151
 msgid "Documentation commands not supported under MinGW.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_hook.c:87
+#: src/g_hook.c:88
 #, c-format
 msgid "Attribute failed ot find.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:106
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Found a version [%s%s] gschemrc file:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:109
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"While gschem is in ALPHA, please be sure that you have the latest rc file.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:169
+#: src/g_rc.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid color [%s] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:358
+#: src/g_rc.c:332
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:536
+#: src/g_rc.c:510
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid zoomfactor [%d] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:574
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to scrollbar-update\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:655
+#: src/g_rc.c:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to text-size\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:682
+#: src/g_rc.c:628
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%f] passed to postscript-font-scale\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:725
+#: src/g_rc.c:671
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to snap-size\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:799 src/g_rc.c:802
-#, c-format
-msgid "Duplicate stroke definition passed to stroke! [%s]\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:813
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"A stroke keyword has been found in an rc file, but gschem\n"
-"is not compiled to support strokes, please recompile gschem\n"
-"with LibStroke\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:1275
+#: src/g_rc.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid num levels [%d] passed to undo-levels\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:1500
+#: src/g_rc.c:1402
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to bus-ripper-size\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:1575
+#: src/g_rc.c:1477
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid dot size [%d] passed to grid-dot-size\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:1616
+#: src/g_rc.c:1518
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid pixel spacing [%d] passed to grid-fixed-threshold\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:1660
+#: src/g_rc.c:1562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid offset [%d] passed to add-attribute-offset\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:1684
+#: src/g_rc.c:1586
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid number of seconds [%d] passed to auto-save-interval\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:1725
+#: src/g_rc.c:1627
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid gain [%d] passed to mousepan-gain\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:1748
+#: src/g_rc.c:1650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid gain [%d] passed to keyboardpan-gain\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:1794
+#: src/g_rc.c:1696
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid number of pixels [%d] passed to select-slack-pixels\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gschem.c:140 src/gschem.c:150
+#: src/gschem.c:191 src/gschem.c:202
 #, c-format
-msgid "gEDA/gschem version %s%s\n"
+msgid "gEDA/gschem version %s%s.%s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gschem.c:142 src/gschem.c:152
+#: src/gschem.c:194 src/gschem.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "gEDA/gschem comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more "
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gschem.c:144 src/gschem.c:154
+#: src/gschem.c:196 src/gschem.c:207
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gschem.c:146 src/gschem.c:156
+#: src/gschem.c:198 src/gschem.c:209
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gschem.c:160
+#: src/gschem.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the MINGW32 port.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gschem.c:164
+#: src/gschem.c:217
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current locale settings: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gschem.c:177
+#: src/gschem.c:230
 #, c-format
 msgid "You must set the GEDADATA environment variable!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gschem.c:192
+#: src/gschem.c:245
 #, c-format
 msgid "Read init scm file [%s]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gschem.c:196 src/gschem.c:199
+#: src/gschem.c:249 src/gschem.c:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to read init scm file [%s]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gschem.c:259
+#: src/gschem.c:313
 #, c-format
 msgid "Scheme directory NOT set!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gschem.c:266 src/x_script.c:70
+#: src/gschem.c:320 src/x_script.c:71
 #, c-format
 msgid "Executing guile script [%s]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:97
+#: src/i_basic.c:84
 msgid "Attribute Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:100
+#: src/i_basic.c:87
 msgid "Component Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:104
+#: src/i_basic.c:91
 msgid "Text Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:112
+#: src/i_basic.c:99
 msgid "Rotate Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:122
+#: src/i_basic.c:109
 msgid "Pan Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:126
+#: src/i_basic.c:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "Paste %d Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:131
+#: src/i_basic.c:118
 msgid "Net Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:135
+#: src/i_basic.c:122
 msgid "Bus Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:138
+#: src/i_basic.c:125
 msgid "Line Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:141
+#: src/i_basic.c:128
 msgid "Box Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:144
+#: src/i_basic.c:131
 msgid "Picture Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:147
+#: src/i_basic.c:134
 msgid "Circle Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:150
+#: src/i_basic.c:137
 msgid "Arc Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:153
+#: src/i_basic.c:140
 msgid "Pin Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:155 src/i_callbacks.c:603 src/i_callbacks.c:622
+#: src/i_basic.c:142 src/i_callbacks.c:587 src/i_callbacks.c:606
 msgid "Copy"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:157 src/i_callbacks.c:683 src/i_callbacks.c:702
+#: src/i_basic.c:144 src/i_callbacks.c:667 src/i_callbacks.c:686
 msgid "Move"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:159 src/i_callbacks.c:643 src/i_callbacks.c:662
+#: src/i_basic.c:146 src/i_callbacks.c:627 src/i_callbacks.c:646
 msgid "Multiple Copy"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:197
-msgid "Snap Off"
+#: src/i_basic.c:174
+msgid "Show Hidden"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:203
-msgid "Show Hidden"
+#: src/i_basic.c:177
+msgid "Snap Off"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:291 src/x_window.c:660
+#: src/i_basic.c:259 src/x_window.c:656
 msgid "Action"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:299 src/x_window.c:655
+#: src/i_basic.c:267 src/x_window.c:651
 msgid "Stroke"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:306 src/x_window.c:657
+#: src/i_basic.c:274 src/x_window.c:653
 msgid "none"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:313
+#: src/i_basic.c:281
 msgid "Repeat/"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:738 src/i_basic.c:743
+#: src/i_basic.c:570 src/i_basic.c:575
 msgid "OFF"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:747
+#: src/i_basic.c:579
 #, c-format
 msgid "Grid(%s, %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:131
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:132
 #, c-format
 msgid "Documentation for [%s,%s,%s,%s]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:191 src/i_callbacks.c:1687
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:192 src/i_callbacks.c:1669
 #, c-format
 msgid "New page created [%s]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:226 src/x_menus.c:432
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:227 src/x_menus.c:491
 #, c-format
 msgid "New Window created [%s]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:355
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:345
 msgid "Failed to Save All"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:357
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:347
 msgid "Saved All"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:455
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:439
 msgid "Closing Window\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:607 src/i_callbacks.c:647 src/i_callbacks.c:687
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:591 src/i_callbacks.c:631 src/i_callbacks.c:671
 msgid "Select objs first"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:762
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:746
 msgid "Edit Text"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:785
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:769
 msgid "Slot"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:802
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:786
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:820 src/i_callbacks.c:842
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:804 src/i_callbacks.c:826
 msgid "Rotate"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:869 src/i_callbacks.c:891
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:853 src/i_callbacks.c:875
 msgid "Mirror"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:955 src/x_dialog.c:1597
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:939 src/x_dialog.c:1604
 msgid "Translate"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:958
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:942
 msgid "WARNING: Do not translate with snap off!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:959
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:943
 msgid "WARNING: Turning snap on and continuing with translate.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:966
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:950
 msgid "WARNING: Snap grid size is not equal to 100!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:968
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:952
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: If you are translating a symbol to the origin, the snap grid size "
 "should be set to 100\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:989
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:973
 msgid "Embed"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1027
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1011
 msgid "Unembed"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1067
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1051
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1125
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1109
 msgid "ShowHidden"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1148
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1132
 msgid "MakeVisible"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1264
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1248
 msgid "Edit Line Type"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1305 src/x_dialog.c:1256
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1289 src/x_dialog.c:1261
 msgid "Edit Fill Type"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1592
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1574
 msgid "Update Cues"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1731
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1713
 msgid "Really revert page?"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1805
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1787
 msgid "Copy 1"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1824
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1806
 msgid "Copy 2"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1843
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1825
 msgid "Copy 3"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1862
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1844
 msgid "Copy 4"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1881
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1863
 msgid "Copy 5"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1900
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1882
 msgid "Cut 1"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1919
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1901
 msgid "Cut 2"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1938
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1920
 msgid "Cut 3"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1957
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1939
 msgid "Cut 4"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1976
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1958
 msgid "Cut 5"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1992
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1974
 msgid "Paste 1"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2001 src/i_callbacks.c:2025 src/i_callbacks.c:2049
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2073 src/i_callbacks.c:2097
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1983 src/i_callbacks.c:2007 src/i_callbacks.c:2031
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2055 src/i_callbacks.c:2079
 msgid "Empty buffer"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2016
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1998
 msgid "Paste 2"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2040
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2022
 msgid "Paste 3"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2064
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2046
 msgid "Paste 4"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2088
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2070
 msgid "Paste 5"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2234 src/x_window.c:531
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2213 src/x_window.c:527
 msgid "Component"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2271 src/i_callbacks.c:2291
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2249 src/i_callbacks.c:2268
 msgid "Attribute"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2773
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2735
 #, c-format
 msgid "Searching for source [%s]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2797 src/i_callbacks.c:2798
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2759 src/i_callbacks.c:2760
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot find source [%s]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2869
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2827
 #, c-format
 msgid "Searching for symbol [%s]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2946
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2914
 msgid ""
 "This command retrieves the component documentation from the web, but there "
 "is no component selected"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3063
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3031
 msgid "ShowN"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3094
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3062
 msgid "ShowV"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3125
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3093
 msgid "ShowB"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3157
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3125
 msgid "VisToggle"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3179
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3147
 #, c-format
 msgid "Sorry but this is a non-functioning menu option\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3267
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3235
 msgid "Action feedback mode set to OUTLINE\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3270
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3238
 msgid "Action feedback mode set to BOUNDINGBOX\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3287
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3255
 msgid "Grid OFF\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3290
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3258
 msgid "Grid ON\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3307
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3275
 msgid "Snap OFF (CAUTION!)\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3310
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3278
 msgid "Snap ON\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3330
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3298
 msgid "Rubber band OFF \n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3333
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3301
 msgid "Rubber band ON\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_arc.c:136
+#: src/o_arc.c:137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for arc (%d)\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_arc.c:177
+#: src/o_arc.c:178
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for arc !\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_attrib.c:107
+#: src/o_attrib.c:108
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_attrib_toggle_visibility\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_attrib.c:172
+#: src/o_attrib.c:173
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_attrib_toggle_show_name_value\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_attrib.c:223
+#: src/o_attrib.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR! you can't get an attribute without an ='s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_box.c:140
+#: src/o_box.c:141
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for box (%d)\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_box.c:180
+#: src/o_box.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for box !\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_box.c:270
+#: src/o_box.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for box (fill)!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_buffer.c:41
+#: src/o_buffer.c:42
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_copy]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_buffer.c:79
+#: src/o_buffer.c:80
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_cut]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_buffer.c:120
+#: src/o_buffer.c:121
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_start]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_buffer.c:180
+#: src/o_buffer.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_end]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_bus.c:219
+#: src/o_bus.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid which one in o_bus_draw_xor_single\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_bus.c:285 src/o_bus.c:319 src/o_net.c:333 src/o_net.c:367
-#, c-format
-msgid "selected a nonexistant object!\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: src/o_circle.c:135
+#: src/o_circle.c:136
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for circle\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_circle.c:171
+#: src/o_circle.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for circle!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_circle.c:259
+#: src/o_circle.c:260
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for circle (fill)!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_complex.c:222
+#: src/o_complex.c:225
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find complex in new componet placement!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_complex.c:600
+#: src/o_complex.c:578
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_complex_translate_display_selection\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_complex.c:668 src/o_complex.c:674
+#: src/o_complex.c:646 src/o_complex.c:652
 #, c-format
 msgid "Translating schematic [%d %d]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_complex.c:718
+#: src/o_complex.c:690
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_complex_translate_selection!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_copy.c:124 src/o_copy.c:395
+#: src/o_copy.c:125 src/o_copy.c:395
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_copy_end!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_line.c:112
+#: src/o_line.c:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for line (%d)\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_line.c:152
+#: src/o_line.c:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for line (%d) !\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:64
+#: src/o_misc.c:65
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an unexpected NULL in o_edit\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:143
-msgid "Object alreadly locked\n"
+#: src/o_misc.c:144
+msgid "Object already locked\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:181
-msgid "Object alreadly unlocked\n"
+#: src/o_misc.c:182
+msgid "Object already unlocked\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:228 src/o_misc.c:471 src/o_misc.c:715
+#: src/o_misc.c:229 src/o_misc.c:472 src/o_misc.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_rotate_90!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:537
+#: src/o_misc.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_mirror!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:815
+#: src/o_misc.c:812
 msgid "Hidden text is now visible\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:817
+#: src/o_misc.c:814
 msgid "Hidden text is now invisible\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:1076
-msgid "Could not unembedded component, could not find appropriate .sym file\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:1077
-msgid "Component still embedded and not updated\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:1081
+#: src/o_misc.c:1058
 #, c-format
-msgid "More than one component found with name [%s]\n"
+msgid "Could not find symbol [%s] in library. Update failed.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:1229
+#: src/o_misc.c:1198
 #, c-format
 msgid "o_autosave_backups: Can't get the real filename of %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:1273
+#: src/o_misc.c:1242
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT set previous backup file [%s] read-write\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:1291
+#: src/o_misc.c:1260
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT set backup file [%s] readonly\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:1296
+#: src/o_misc.c:1265
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT save backup file [%s]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_move.c:223
+#: src/o_move.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_move_end!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_move.c:331
+#: src/o_move.c:332
 #, c-format
 msgid "DOH! tried to find the whichone, but didn't find it!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_move.c:352
+#: src/o_move.c:353
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got a non line object in o_move_check_endpoint\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_net.c:264
+#: src/o_net.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid which one in o_net_draw_xor_single\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_net.c:940 src/o_net.c:977 src/o_net.c:1048 src/o_net.c:1084
+#: src/o_net.c:812 src/o_net.c:849 src/o_net.c:920 src/o_net.c:956
 #, c-format
 msgid "Tried to add more than two bus rippers. Internal gschem error.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_net.c:1155
+#: src/o_net.c:1029
 #, c-format
-msgid "Could not find %s in any component-library\n"
+msgid "Bus ripper symbol [%s] was not found in any component library\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_picture.c:205 src/o_picture.c:746
+#: src/o_picture.c:206 src/o_picture.c:746
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to load picture: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_picture.c:219
+#: src/o_picture.c:220
 msgid "Picture"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_picture.c:658 src/x_attribedit.c:137
+#: src/o_picture.c:658 src/x_attribedit.c:139
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_slot.c:127
+#: src/o_slot.c:128
 msgid "Slot attribute malformed\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_slot.c:145
+#: src/o_slot.c:146
 msgid "numslots attribute missing\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_slot.c:147
+#: src/o_slot.c:148
 msgid "Slotting not allowed for this component\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_slot.c:163
+#: src/o_slot.c:164
 msgid "New slot number out of range\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_slot.c:247
+#: src/o_slot.c:237
 #, c-format
 msgid "uggg! you tried to slot edit something that doesn't exist!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_undo.c:316
+#: src/o_undo.c:317
 msgid "Undo/Redo disabled in rc file\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/parsecmd.c:49
+#: src/parsecmd.c:50
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] schematic_filename1 ... schematic_filenameN\n"
@@ -1312,557 +1268,574 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:122
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:124
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got invalid show option; defaulting to show both\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:325
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:327
 msgid "Single Attribute Editor"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:355
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:358
 msgid "<b>Edit Attribute</b>"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:357
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:360
 msgid "<b>Add Attribute</b>"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:373 src/x_multiattrib.c:1512
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:376 src/x_multiattrib.c:1480
 msgid "Name:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:389 src/x_multiattrib.c:1531
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:392 src/x_multiattrib.c:1499
 msgid "Value:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:404 src/x_multiattrib.c:1559
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:408 src/x_multiattrib.c:1527
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:424
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:428
 msgid "Show Value Only"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:426
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:430
 msgid "Show Name Only"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:428 src/x_multiattrib.c:1162
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:432 src/x_multiattrib.c:1143
 msgid "Show Name & Value"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:435
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:439
 msgid "<b>Attach Options</b>"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:450
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:454
 msgid "All"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:458 src/x_compselect.c:791
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:462 src/x_compselect.c:716 src/x_compselect.c:791
 msgid "Components"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:466 src/x_window.c:541
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:470 src/x_window.c:537
 msgid "Nets"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:474
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:478
 msgid "Replace existing attributes"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:411
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:413
 msgid ""
 "slotted object without slot attribute may cause problems when autonumbering "
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:426
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "duplicate slot may cause problems: [symbolname=%s, number=%d, slot=%d]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:696
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:698
 msgid "No searchstring given in autonumber text.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:747
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:749
 msgid "No '*' or '?' given at the end of the autonumber text.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:880
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
 msgid "Diagonal"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:881
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
 msgid "Top to bottom"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:881
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
 msgid "Bottom to top"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:884
 msgid "Left to right"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:884
 msgid "Right to left"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:885
 msgid "File order"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1219
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1221
 msgid "Autonumber text"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1244
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1247
 msgid "<b>Scope</b>"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1266
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1269
 msgid "Search for:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1280
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1283
 msgid "Autonumber text in:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1287
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1290
 msgid "Skip numbers found in:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1299 src/x_autonumber.c:1308
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1302 src/x_autonumber.c:1311
 msgid "Selected objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1300 src/x_autonumber.c:1309
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1303 src/x_autonumber.c:1312
 msgid "Current page"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1301 src/x_autonumber.c:1310
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1304 src/x_autonumber.c:1313
 msgid "Whole hierarchy"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1312
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1315
 msgid "Overwrite existing numbers"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1317
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1320
 msgid "<b>Options</b>"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1339
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1342
 msgid "Starting number:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1346
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1349
 msgid "Sort order:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1367
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1370
 msgid "Remove numbers"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1371
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1374
 msgid "Automatic slotting"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_color.c:59 src/x_color.c:96
+#: src/x_color.c:60 src/x_color.c:97
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find the color %s!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_color.c:62 src/x_color.c:99
+#: src/x_color.c:63 src/x_color.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Defaulting color to white\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_color.c:69 src/x_color.c:106
+#: src/x_color.c:70 src/x_color.c:107
 #, c-format
 msgid "Ack! Cannot allocate white!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_color.c:80 src/x_color.c:128 src/x_window.c:176 src/x_window.c:185
+#: src/x_color.c:81 src/x_color.c:129 src/x_window.c:176 src/x_window.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not allocate the color %s!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_color.c:147 src/x_color.c:163
+#: src/x_color.c:148 src/x_color.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "Tried to get an invalid color: %d\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_compselect.c:615
+#: src/x_compselect.c:821
+msgid "Filter:"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_compselect.c:895
 msgid "Default behavior - reference component"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_compselect.c:618
+#: src/x_compselect.c:898
 msgid "Embed component in schematic"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_compselect.c:621
+#: src/x_compselect.c:901
 msgid "Include component as individual objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_compselect.c:707
+#: src/x_compselect.c:982
 msgid "Select Component..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_compselect.c:821
-msgid "Filter:"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1008
+msgid "In Use"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1012
+msgid "Libraries"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_compselect.c:885 src/x_fileselect.c:123
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1024 src/x_fileselect.c:124
 msgid "Preview"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:182
+#: src/x_dialog.c:184
 msgid "Text Entry..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:214
+#: src/x_dialog.c:217
 msgid ""
 "Enter text, click apply,\n"
 "move cursor into window, click to place text.\n"
 "Middle button to rotate while placing."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:303
+#: src/x_dialog.c:306
 msgid "Lower Left"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:314
+#: src/x_dialog.c:317
 msgid "Middle Left"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:325
+#: src/x_dialog.c:328
 msgid "Upper Left"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:336
+#: src/x_dialog.c:339
 msgid "Lower Middle"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:347
+#: src/x_dialog.c:350
 msgid "Middle Middle"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:358
+#: src/x_dialog.c:361
 msgid "Upper Middle"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:369
+#: src/x_dialog.c:372
 msgid "Lower Right"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:380
+#: src/x_dialog.c:383
 msgid "Middle Right"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:391
+#: src/x_dialog.c:394
 msgid "Upper Right"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:506
+#: src/x_dialog.c:509
 msgid "Edit Text Properties"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:541
+#: src/x_dialog.c:545
 msgid "<b>Text Content</b>"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:573
+#: src/x_dialog.c:577
 msgid "<b>Text Properties</b>"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:588
+#: src/x_dialog.c:592
 msgid "Color:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:598
+#: src/x_dialog.c:602
 msgid "Size:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:607
+#: src/x_dialog.c:611
 msgid "Alignment:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:661
+#: src/x_dialog.c:665
 msgid "Solid"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:662
+#: src/x_dialog.c:666
 msgid "Dotted"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:663
+#: src/x_dialog.c:667
 msgid "Dashed"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:664
+#: src/x_dialog.c:668
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:665
+#: src/x_dialog.c:669
 msgid "Phantom"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:791 src/x_dialog.c:793 src/x_dialog.c:795 src/x_dialog.c:977
-#: src/x_dialog.c:978 src/x_dialog.c:979 src/x_dialog.c:987
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1170 src/x_dialog.c:1172 src/x_dialog.c:1174
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1176 src/x_dialog.c:1178 src/x_dialog.c:1382
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1383 src/x_dialog.c:1384 src/x_dialog.c:1385
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1386 src/x_dialog.c:1394
+#: src/x_dialog.c:795 src/x_dialog.c:797 src/x_dialog.c:799 src/x_dialog.c:982
+#: src/x_dialog.c:983 src/x_dialog.c:984 src/x_dialog.c:992
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1175 src/x_dialog.c:1177 src/x_dialog.c:1179
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1181 src/x_dialog.c:1183 src/x_dialog.c:1388
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1389 src/x_dialog.c:1390 src/x_dialog.c:1391
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1392 src/x_dialog.c:1400
 msgid "*unchanged*"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:870
+#: src/x_dialog.c:874
 msgid "Edit Line Width & Type"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:910
+#: src/x_dialog.c:915
 msgid "Width:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:914 src/x_print.c:353
+#: src/x_dialog.c:919 src/x_print.c:314
 msgid "Type:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:918
+#: src/x_dialog.c:923
 msgid "Dash Length:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:922
+#: src/x_dialog.c:927
 msgid "Dash Space:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1027
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1032
 msgid "Hollow"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1028
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1033
 msgid "Filled"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1034
 msgid "Mesh"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1030
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1035
 msgid "Hatch"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1295
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1301
 msgid "Fill Type:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1299
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1305
 msgid "Line Width:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1303
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1309
 msgid "Angle 1:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1307
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1313
 msgid "Pitch 1:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1311
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1317
 msgid "Angle 2:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1321
 msgid "Pitch 2:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1477
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1483
 msgid "Arc Params"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1518
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1525
 msgid "Start Angle:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1528
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1535
 msgid "Degrees of Sweep:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1628
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1636
 msgid ""
 "Offset to translate?\n"
 "(0 for origin)"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1704
 msgid "Text Size"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1727
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1736
 msgid "Enter new text size:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1802
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1811
 msgid "Snap Size"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1833
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1843
 msgid "Enter new snap grid spacing:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1906
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1916
 msgid "Edit slot number"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1938
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1949
 msgid "Edit slot number:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2000
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2011
 msgid "About..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2019
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2031
 msgid "<b>gEDA: GPL Electronic Design Automation</b>"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2023
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2035
 #, c-format
-msgid "<b>gschem version %s%s</b>"
+msgid "<b>gschem version %s%s.%s</b>"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2029
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2043
 msgid ""
 "Written by:\n"
-"Ales V. Hvezda\n"
+"Ales Hvezda\n"
 "And many others (See AUTHORS file)"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2093
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2107
 msgid "Coords"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2113
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2128
 msgid "Screen"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2122
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2137
 msgid "World"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2345
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2360
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in color_edit_dialog_apply!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2408
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2423
 msgid "Color Edit"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2440
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2456
 msgid "Object color:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2564
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2581
 msgid "Function"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2571
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2588
 msgid "Keystroke(s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2925
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2920
 msgid "Find Text"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2957
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2953
 msgid "Text to find:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2967
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2963
 msgid "descend into hierarchy"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3031
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3027
 msgid "Hide Text"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3063
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3060
 msgid "Hide text starting with:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3131
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3128
 msgid "Show Text"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3163
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3161
 msgid "Show text starting with:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3608 src/x_multiattrib.c:1389
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3606 src/x_multiattrib.c:1357
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3630
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3628
 msgid "S_elect the schematics you want to save:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3724
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3722
 #, c-format
 msgid "Save the changes to schematic \"%s\" before closing?"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3730
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3728
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "There is %d schematics with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3759
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3757
 msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be permanently lost."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3779
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3777
 msgid "_Close without saving"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:46
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:47
 msgid "Schematics"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:51
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:52
 msgid "Symbols"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:56
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:57
 msgid "Schematics and symbols"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:62
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:63
 msgid "All files"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:172
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:173
 msgid "Open..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:233
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:234
 msgid "Save as..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_image.c:363
+#: src/x_image.c:180
+msgid "Encapsulated Postscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_image.c:298
+#, c-format
+msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to write eps file %s.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_image.c:380
 #, c-format
 msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to write %s file %s.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_image.c:373
+#: src/x_image.c:390
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "There was the following error when saving image with type %s to filename:\n"
@@ -1871,237 +1844,246 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_image.c:392 src/x_image.c:423
+#: src/x_image.c:409
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wrote color image to [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_image.c:394 src/x_image.c:425
+#: src/x_image.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wrote black and white image to [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_image.c:404
+#: src/x_image.c:421
 msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to get pixbuf from gschem's window.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_image.c:459
+#: src/x_image.c:467
 msgid "Width x Height"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_image.c:475
+#: src/x_image.c:483
 msgid "Image type"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_log.c:231
+#: src/x_log.c:236
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:40
+#: src/x_menus.c:41
 msgid "/Add Net"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:41
+#: src/x_menus.c:42
 msgid "/Add Attribute..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:42
+#: src/x_menus.c:43
 msgid "/Add Component..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:43
+#: src/x_menus.c:44
 msgid "/Add Bus"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:44
+#: src/x_menus.c:45
 msgid "/Add Text"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:46
+#: src/x_menus.c:47
 msgid "/Zoom In"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:47
+#: src/x_menus.c:48
 msgid "/Zoom Out"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:48
+#: src/x_menus.c:49
 msgid "/Zoom Box"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:49
+#: src/x_menus.c:50
 msgid "/Zoom Extents"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:51
+#: src/x_menus.c:52
 msgid "/Select"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:52
+#: src/x_menus.c:53
 msgid "/Edit..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:53
+#: src/x_menus.c:54
 msgid "/Copy"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:54
+#: src/x_menus.c:55
 msgid "/Move"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:55
+#: src/x_menus.c:56
 msgid "/Delete"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:58
+#: src/x_menus.c:59
 msgid "/Down Schematic"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:59
+#: src/x_menus.c:60
 msgid "/Down Symbol"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:60
+#: src/x_menus.c:61
 msgid "/Up"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:331
+#: src/x_menus.c:332
 msgid "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent menu item\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:355
+#: src/x_menus.c:356
 msgid "Popup_menu_item_factory doesn't exist!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:368
+#: src/x_menus.c:369
 msgid "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent popup menu_item\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:652
+#: src/x_menus.c:480
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't open file %s\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_menus.c:538
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:656
 msgid "Attributes with empty name are not allowed. Please set a name."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1164
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1145
 msgid "Show Value only"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1166
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1147
 msgid "Show Name only"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1192
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1173
 msgid "Duplicate"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1309
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1284
 msgid "Edit Attributes"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1414
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1382
 msgid "Value"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1436
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1404
 msgid "Vis?"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1456
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1424
 msgid "N"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1476
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1444
 msgid "V"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1497
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1465
 msgid "Add Attribute"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:272
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:264
 msgid "Discard Page"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:381
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:361
 msgid "Page Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:437
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:417
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:453
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:433
 msgid "Changed"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:473
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:453
 msgid "Right click on the filename for more options..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:90
+#: src/x_print.c:89
 msgid "Select PostScript Filename..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:206
+#: src/x_print.c:171
 msgid "Extents with margins"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:212
+#: src/x_print.c:177
 msgid "Extents no margins"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:218
+#: src/x_print.c:183
 msgid "Current Window"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:252
+#: src/x_print.c:217
 msgid "Landscape"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:258
+#: src/x_print.c:223
 msgid "Portrait"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:330
+#: src/x_print.c:291
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:342
+#: src/x_print.c:303
 msgid "Output paper size:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:364
+#: src/x_print.c:325
 msgid "Orientation:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:376
+#: src/x_print.c:337
 msgid "Destination"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:389
+#: src/x_print.c:350
 msgid "File:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:419
+#: src/x_print.c:380
 msgid "Command:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:785
+#: src/x_print.c:750
 msgid "No print destination specified\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:792
+#: src/x_print.c:757
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot print current schematic to [%s]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:801
+#: src/x_print.c:766
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Error printing to file '%s'\n"
 "Check the log window for more information"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:808
+#: src/x_print.c:773
 #, c-format
 msgid "Printed current schematic to [%s]\n"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2139,35 +2121,35 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Couldn't allocate bus_gc\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:494
+#: src/x_window.c:490
 msgid "New file"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:500
+#: src/x_window.c:496
 msgid "Open"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:501
+#: src/x_window.c:497
 msgid "Open file..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:507
+#: src/x_window.c:503
 msgid "Save"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:508
+#: src/x_window.c:504
 msgid "Save file"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:516
+#: src/x_window.c:512
 msgid "Undo last operation"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:523
+#: src/x_window.c:519
 msgid "Redo last undo"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:532
+#: src/x_window.c:528
 msgid ""
 "Add component...\n"
 "Select library and component from list, move the mouse into main window, "
@@ -2175,84 +2157,84 @@ msgid ""
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:542
+#: src/x_window.c:538
 msgid ""
 "Add nets mode\n"
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:552
+#: src/x_window.c:548
 msgid ""
 "Add buses mode\n"
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:559
+#: src/x_window.c:555
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:560
+#: src/x_window.c:556
 msgid "Add Text..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:570
+#: src/x_window.c:566
 msgid "Select"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:571
+#: src/x_window.c:567
 msgid "Select mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:646
+#: src/x_window.c:642
 msgid "Pick"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:662
+#: src/x_window.c:658
 msgid "Repeat/none"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:672
+#: src/x_window.c:668
 msgid "Menu/Cancel"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:674
+#: src/x_window.c:670
 msgid "Pan/Cancel"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:932
+#: src/x_window.c:927
 #, c-format
 msgid "Loading schematic [%s]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:1034
+#: src/x_window.c:1029
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT save page [%s]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:1035
+#: src/x_window.c:1030
 msgid "Error while trying to save"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:1044
+#: src/x_window.c:1039
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved as [%s]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:1046
+#: src/x_window.c:1041
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved [%s]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:1048
+#: src/x_window.c:1043
 msgid "Saved"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:1109
+#: src/x_window.c:1104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Discarding page [%s]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:1109
+#: src/x_window.c:1104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Closing [%s]\n"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/gschem/po/it_IT.po b/gschem/po/it_IT.po
index 4efa05a..bd014ef 100644
--- a/gschem/po/it_IT.po
+++ b/gschem/po/it_IT.po
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: it_IT\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-26 11:03-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-07-05 00:52-0400\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-05-03 21:37+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Michele Petrecca <michelinux@xxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: Italiano\n"
@@ -27,15 +27,15 @@ msgstr "File"
 msgid "New Window"
 msgstr "Nuova Finestra"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:4 src/x_pagesel.c:267
+#: src/rcstrings.c:4 src/x_pagesel.c:259
 msgid "New Page"
 msgstr "Nuova Pagina"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:5 src/x_pagesel.c:268
+#: src/rcstrings.c:5 src/x_pagesel.c:260
 msgid "Open Page..."
 msgstr "Apri Pagina..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:6 src/x_pagesel.c:271
+#: src/rcstrings.c:6 src/x_pagesel.c:263
 msgid "Close Page"
 msgstr "Chiudi Pagina"
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ msgstr "Chiudi Pagina"
 msgid "Revert Page"
 msgstr "Centra la Pagina"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:8 src/x_pagesel.c:270
+#: src/rcstrings.c:8 src/x_pagesel.c:262
 msgid "Save Page"
 msgstr "Salva Pagina"
@@ -55,20 +55,20 @@ msgstr "Salva Pagina Con Nome..."
 msgid "Save All"
 msgstr "Salva Tutto"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:11 src/x_print.c:317
+#: src/rcstrings.c:11 src/x_print.c:283
 msgid "Print..."
 msgstr "Stampa..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:12 src/x_image.c:496
+#: src/rcstrings.c:12 src/x_image.c:504
 msgid "Write image..."
 msgstr "Scrivi immagine..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:13
+#: src/rcstrings.c:13 src/x_menus.c:520
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Recent files"
 msgstr "Nuovo file"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:14 src/x_script.c:49
+#: src/rcstrings.c:14 src/x_script.c:50
 msgid "Execute Script..."
 msgstr "Esegui Script..."
@@ -80,19 +80,19 @@ msgstr "Chiudi Finestra"
 msgid "Quit"
 msgstr "Esci"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:18 src/i_callbacks.c:746
+#: src/rcstrings.c:18 src/i_callbacks.c:730
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "Modifica"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:19 src/x_window.c:515
+#: src/rcstrings.c:19 src/x_window.c:511
 msgid "Undo"
 msgstr "Annulla"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:20 src/x_window.c:522
+#: src/rcstrings.c:20 src/x_window.c:518
 msgid "Redo"
 msgstr "Ripristina"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:21 src/i_basic.c:94 src/x_window.c:686
+#: src/rcstrings.c:21 src/i_basic.c:81 src/x_window.c:682
 msgid "Select Mode"
 msgstr "Modalità Selezione"
@@ -119,19 +119,19 @@ msgstr "Modifica..."
 msgid "Edit Text..."
 msgstr "Modifica il Testo..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:27 src/i_basic.c:107
+#: src/rcstrings.c:27 src/i_basic.c:94
 msgid "Copy Mode"
 msgstr "Modalità Copia"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:28 src/i_basic.c:162
+#: src/rcstrings.c:28 src/i_basic.c:149
 msgid "Multiple Copy Mode"
 msgstr "Modalità di Copiatura Multipla"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:29 src/i_basic.c:110
+#: src/rcstrings.c:29 src/i_basic.c:97
 msgid "Move Mode"
 msgstr "Modalità Spostamento"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:30 src/i_callbacks.c:722 src/x_multiattrib.c:1193
+#: src/rcstrings.c:30 src/i_callbacks.c:706 src/x_multiattrib.c:1174
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "Cancella"
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ msgstr "Cancella"
 msgid "Rotate 90 Mode"
 msgstr "Ruota di 90 gradi"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:32 src/i_basic.c:114
+#: src/rcstrings.c:32 src/i_basic.c:101
 msgid "Mirror Mode"
 msgstr "Modalità Specchio"
@@ -151,11 +151,11 @@ msgstr "Slot..."
 msgid "Color..."
 msgstr "Colore..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:35 src/i_callbacks.c:919
+#: src/rcstrings.c:35 src/i_callbacks.c:903
 msgid "Lock"
 msgstr "Blocca"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:36 src/i_callbacks.c:937
+#: src/rcstrings.c:36 src/i_callbacks.c:921
 msgid "Unlock"
 msgstr "Sblocca"
@@ -263,11 +263,11 @@ msgstr "Vista"
 msgid "Redraw"
 msgstr "Aggiorna"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:65 src/i_callbacks.c:1489 src/i_callbacks.c:1558
+#: src/rcstrings.c:65 src/i_callbacks.c:1471 src/i_callbacks.c:1540
 msgid "Pan"
 msgstr "Pan"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:66 src/i_basic.c:118
+#: src/rcstrings.c:66 src/i_basic.c:105
 msgid "Zoom Box"
 msgstr "Ingrandisci Riquadro"
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ msgstr "Successiva"
 msgid "Previous"
 msgstr "Precedente"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:76 src/x_window.c:493
+#: src/rcstrings.c:76 src/x_window.c:489
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Nuovo"
@@ -327,12 +327,12 @@ msgstr "Aggiungi"
 msgid "Component..."
 msgstr "Componente..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:83 src/i_callbacks.c:2313 src/i_callbacks.c:2336
+#: src/rcstrings.c:83 src/i_callbacks.c:2289 src/i_callbacks.c:2311
 msgid "Net"
 msgstr "Collegamento"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:84 src/i_callbacks.c:2381 src/i_callbacks.c:2405
-#: src/x_window.c:551
+#: src/rcstrings.c:84 src/i_callbacks.c:2355 src/i_callbacks.c:2378
+#: src/x_window.c:547
 msgid "Bus"
 msgstr "Bus"
@@ -344,23 +344,23 @@ msgstr "Caratteristica..."
 msgid "Text..."
 msgstr "Testo..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:87 src/i_callbacks.c:2487 src/i_callbacks.c:2507
+#: src/rcstrings.c:87 src/i_callbacks.c:2459 src/i_callbacks.c:2478
 msgid "Line"
 msgstr "Linea"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:88 src/i_callbacks.c:2530 src/i_callbacks.c:2550
+#: src/rcstrings.c:88 src/i_callbacks.c:2500 src/i_callbacks.c:2519
 msgid "Box"
 msgstr "Box"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:89 src/i_callbacks.c:2607 src/i_callbacks.c:2628
+#: src/rcstrings.c:89 src/i_callbacks.c:2575 src/i_callbacks.c:2595
 msgid "Circle"
 msgstr "Cerchio"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:90 src/i_callbacks.c:2651 src/i_callbacks.c:2671
+#: src/rcstrings.c:90 src/i_callbacks.c:2617 src/i_callbacks.c:2636
 msgid "Arc"
 msgstr "Arco"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:91 src/i_callbacks.c:2694 src/i_callbacks.c:2714
+#: src/rcstrings.c:91 src/i_callbacks.c:2658 src/i_callbacks.c:2677
 msgid "Pin"
 msgstr "Pin"
@@ -388,15 +388,15 @@ msgstr "Sopra"
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "Documentazione"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:100 src/x_multiattrib.c:1332
+#: src/rcstrings.c:100 src/x_multiattrib.c:1300
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "Caratteristiche"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:101 src/i_callbacks.c:2974
+#: src/rcstrings.c:101 src/i_callbacks.c:2942
 msgid "Attach"
 msgstr "Collega"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:102 src/i_callbacks.c:3023
+#: src/rcstrings.c:102 src/i_callbacks.c:2991
 msgid "Detach"
 msgstr "Scollega"
@@ -488,11 +488,12 @@ msgid "Manual"
 msgstr "Manuale..."
 #: src/rcstrings.c:126
-msgid "FAQ"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "gEDA Documentation"
+msgstr "Documentazione"
 #: src/rcstrings.c:127
-msgid "gEDA Wiki"
+msgid "gschem FAQ"
 msgstr ""
 #: src/rcstrings.c:128
@@ -504,153 +505,118 @@ msgstr "Documentazione"
 msgid "About gschem"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:130 src/x_dialog.c:2501
+#: src/rcstrings.c:130 src/x_dialog.c:2517
 msgid "Hotkeys"
 msgstr "Hotkeys"
-#: src/a_zoom.c:224
+#: src/a_zoom.c:242
 msgid "Zoom too small!  Cannot zoom further.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Eccessiva riduzione dell'immagine!  Non è possibile ridurla ulteriormente.\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:341 src/i_callbacks.c:136
+#: src/g_funcs.c:342 src/i_callbacks.c:137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not fork\n"
 msgstr "Impossibile creare un nuovo processo\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:357 src/i_callbacks.c:146
+#: src/g_funcs.c:358 src/i_callbacks.c:147
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not invoke %s\n"
 msgstr "Non è possibile invocare %s\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:363 src/i_callbacks.c:150
+#: src/g_funcs.c:364 src/i_callbacks.c:151
 msgid "Documentation commands not supported under MinGW.\n"
 msgstr "Comandi documentazione non supportati sotto MinGW.\n"
-#: src/g_hook.c:87
+#: src/g_hook.c:88
 #, c-format
 msgid "Attribute failed ot find.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:106
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Found a version [%s%s] gschemrc file:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Trovata la versione [%s%s] del file gschemrc:\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:109
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"While gschem is in ALPHA, please be sure that you have the latest rc file.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Assicurati di avere sempre l'ultima versione del file rc; gschem si trova "
-"ancora in uno stato di sviluppo alfa.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:169
+#: src/g_rc.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid color [%s] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Colore [%s] non valido passato a %s\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:358
+#: src/g_rc.c:332
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Modo [%s] non valido passato a %s\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:536
+#: src/g_rc.c:510
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid zoomfactor [%d] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Fattore di ingrandimento [%d] passato a %s non valido.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:574
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to scrollbar-update\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:655
+#: src/g_rc.c:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to text-size\n"
 msgstr "Grandezza [%d] passata alla dimensione del testo, non valida\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:682
+#: src/g_rc.c:628
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%f] passed to postscript-font-scale\n"
 msgstr "L'ampiezza [%f] passata al postscript-font-scale non è valida\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:725
+#: src/g_rc.c:671
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to snap-size\n"
 msgstr "L'ampiezza [%d] , assegnata alla snap size, non è corretta\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:799 src/g_rc.c:802
-#, c-format
-msgid "Duplicate stroke definition passed to stroke! [%s]\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:813
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"A stroke keyword has been found in an rc file, but gschem\n"
-"is not compiled to support strokes, please recompile gschem\n"
-"with LibStroke\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:1275
+#: src/g_rc.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid num levels [%d] passed to undo-levels\n"
 msgstr "Il numero di livelli [%d] assegnato ai livelli Cancella non è valido\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1500
+#: src/g_rc.c:1402
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to bus-ripper-size\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:1575
+#: src/g_rc.c:1477
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid dot size [%d] passed to grid-dot-size\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Il valore [%d] dell'ampiezza dei punti passata alla griglia non è valida\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1616
+#: src/g_rc.c:1518
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid pixel spacing [%d] passed to grid-fixed-threshold\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:1660
+#: src/g_rc.c:1562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid offset [%d] passed to add-attribute-offset\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:1684
+#: src/g_rc.c:1586
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid number of seconds [%d] passed to auto-save-interval\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Il numero di secondi indicati [%d] non è valido ai fini dell'intervallo di "
 "auto salvataggio\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1725
+#: src/g_rc.c:1627
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid gain [%d] passed to mousepan-gain\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:1748
+#: src/g_rc.c:1650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid gain [%d] passed to keyboardpan-gain\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:1794
+#: src/g_rc.c:1696
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid number of pixels [%d] passed to select-slack-pixels\n"
 msgstr "Il numero [%d] di pixel indicati non è valido\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:140 src/gschem.c:150
+#: src/gschem.c:191 src/gschem.c:202
 #, c-format
-msgid "gEDA/gschem version %s%s\n"
-msgstr "gEDA/gschem versione %s%s\n"
+msgid "gEDA/gschem version %s%s.%s\n"
+msgstr "gEDA/gschem versione %s%s.%s\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:142 src/gschem.c:152
+#: src/gschem.c:194 src/gschem.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "gEDA/gschem comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more "
@@ -659,7 +625,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "IN FASE ALFA; leggere il file COPYING per ulteriori informazioni.\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:144 src/gschem.c:154
+#: src/gschem.c:196 src/gschem.c:207
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain\n"
@@ -667,220 +633,220 @@ msgstr ""
 "Questo software è rilasciato sotto licenza GPL e può essere ridistribuito "
 "sotto determinate\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:146 src/gschem.c:156
+#: src/gschem.c:198 src/gschem.c:209
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.\n"
 msgstr "condizioni; per favore leggi il file COPYNG per ulteriori dettagli.\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:160
+#: src/gschem.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the MINGW32 port.\n"
 msgstr "Port per MINGW32.\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:164
+#: src/gschem.c:217
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current locale settings: %s\n"
 msgstr "Impostazioni locali correnti: %s\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:177
+#: src/gschem.c:230
 #, c-format
 msgid "You must set the GEDADATA environment variable!\n"
 msgstr "Devi impostare la variabile d'ambiente GEDADATA!\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:192
+#: src/gschem.c:245
 #, c-format
 msgid "Read init scm file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Lettura del file init scm [%s]\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:196 src/gschem.c:199
+#: src/gschem.c:249 src/gschem.c:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to read init scm file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Fallita la lettura del file init scm [%s]\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:259
+#: src/gschem.c:313
 #, c-format
 msgid "Scheme directory NOT set!\n"
 msgstr "Cartelle degli schemi non impostata!\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:266 src/x_script.c:70
+#: src/gschem.c:320 src/x_script.c:71
 #, c-format
 msgid "Executing guile script [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Esecuzione dello script guile [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_basic.c:97
+#: src/i_basic.c:84
 msgid "Attribute Mode"
 msgstr "Modalità Caratteristica"
-#: src/i_basic.c:100
+#: src/i_basic.c:87
 msgid "Component Mode"
 msgstr "Scelta Componente"
-#: src/i_basic.c:104
+#: src/i_basic.c:91
 msgid "Text Mode"
 msgstr "Modalità Testo"
-#: src/i_basic.c:112
+#: src/i_basic.c:99
 msgid "Rotate Mode"
 msgstr "Modalità Rotazione"
-#: src/i_basic.c:122
+#: src/i_basic.c:109
 msgid "Pan Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:126
+#: src/i_basic.c:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "Paste %d Mode"
 msgstr "Modalità %d Incolla"
-#: src/i_basic.c:131
+#: src/i_basic.c:118
 msgid "Net Mode"
 msgstr "Modalità Collegamento"
-#: src/i_basic.c:135
+#: src/i_basic.c:122
 msgid "Bus Mode"
 msgstr "Modalità Bus"
-#: src/i_basic.c:138
+#: src/i_basic.c:125
 msgid "Line Mode"
 msgstr "Modalità Linea"
-#: src/i_basic.c:141
+#: src/i_basic.c:128
 msgid "Box Mode"
 msgstr "Modalità Riquadro"
-#: src/i_basic.c:144
+#: src/i_basic.c:131
 msgid "Picture Mode"
 msgstr "Modalità Immagine"
-#: src/i_basic.c:147
+#: src/i_basic.c:134
 msgid "Circle Mode"
 msgstr "Modalità Cerchio"
-#: src/i_basic.c:150
+#: src/i_basic.c:137
 msgid "Arc Mode"
 msgstr "Modalità Arco"
-#: src/i_basic.c:153
+#: src/i_basic.c:140
 msgid "Pin Mode"
 msgstr "Modalità Pin"
-#: src/i_basic.c:155 src/i_callbacks.c:603 src/i_callbacks.c:622
+#: src/i_basic.c:142 src/i_callbacks.c:587 src/i_callbacks.c:606
 msgid "Copy"
 msgstr "Copia"
-#: src/i_basic.c:157 src/i_callbacks.c:683 src/i_callbacks.c:702
+#: src/i_basic.c:144 src/i_callbacks.c:667 src/i_callbacks.c:686
 msgid "Move"
 msgstr "Sposta"
-#: src/i_basic.c:159 src/i_callbacks.c:643 src/i_callbacks.c:662
+#: src/i_basic.c:146 src/i_callbacks.c:627 src/i_callbacks.c:646
 msgid "Multiple Copy"
 msgstr "Copia Multipla"
-#: src/i_basic.c:197
-msgid "Snap Off"
-msgstr "Snap Off"
-#: src/i_basic.c:203
+#: src/i_basic.c:174
 msgid "Show Hidden"
 msgstr "Mostra Nascosto"
-#: src/i_basic.c:291 src/x_window.c:660
+#: src/i_basic.c:177
+msgid "Snap Off"
+msgstr "Snap Off"
+#: src/i_basic.c:259 src/x_window.c:656
 msgid "Action"
 msgstr "Azione"
-#: src/i_basic.c:299 src/x_window.c:655
+#: src/i_basic.c:267 src/x_window.c:651
 msgid "Stroke"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:306 src/x_window.c:657
+#: src/i_basic.c:274 src/x_window.c:653
 msgid "none"
 msgstr "none"
-#: src/i_basic.c:313
+#: src/i_basic.c:281
 msgid "Repeat/"
 msgstr "Ripeti/"
-#: src/i_basic.c:738 src/i_basic.c:743
+#: src/i_basic.c:570 src/i_basic.c:575
 msgid "OFF"
 msgstr "OFF"
-#: src/i_basic.c:747
+#: src/i_basic.c:579
 #, c-format
 msgid "Grid(%s, %s)"
 msgstr "Griglia(%s, %s)"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:131
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:132
 #, c-format
 msgid "Documentation for [%s,%s,%s,%s]\n"
 msgstr "Documentazione per [%s,%s,%s,%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:191 src/i_callbacks.c:1687
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:192 src/i_callbacks.c:1669
 #, c-format
 msgid "New page created [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Nuova Pagina Creata [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:226 src/x_menus.c:432
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:227 src/x_menus.c:491
 #, c-format
 msgid "New Window created [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Creata Nuova Finestra [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:355
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:345
 msgid "Failed to Save All"
 msgstr "Salvataggio Fallito"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:357
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:347
 msgid "Saved All"
 msgstr "Salvato Tutto"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:455
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:439
 msgid "Closing Window\n"
 msgstr "Chiusura Finestra\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:607 src/i_callbacks.c:647 src/i_callbacks.c:687
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:591 src/i_callbacks.c:631 src/i_callbacks.c:671
 msgid "Select objs first"
 msgstr "Seleziona prima un oggetto"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:762
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:746
 msgid "Edit Text"
 msgstr "Modifica Testo"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:785
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:769
 msgid "Slot"
 msgstr "Slot"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:802
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:786
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "Colore"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:820 src/i_callbacks.c:842
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:804 src/i_callbacks.c:826
 msgid "Rotate"
 msgstr "Ruota"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:869 src/i_callbacks.c:891
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:853 src/i_callbacks.c:875
 msgid "Mirror"
 msgstr "Specchio"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:955 src/x_dialog.c:1597
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:939 src/x_dialog.c:1604
 msgid "Translate"
 msgstr "Converti"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:958
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:942
 msgid "WARNING: Do not translate with snap off!\n"
 msgstr "ATTENZIONE: Non effettuare la conversione in modalità snap off!\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:959
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:943
 msgid "WARNING: Turning snap on and continuing with translate.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "ATTENZIONE: Sei in modalità snap off; passa prima in modalità snap on e poi "
 "continua con la conversione.\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:966
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:950
 msgid "WARNING: Snap grid size is not equal to 100!\n"
 msgstr "ATTENZIONE: L'ampiezza snap gride non è uguale a 100!\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:968
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:952
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: If you are translating a symbol to the origin, the snap grid size "
 "should be set to 100\n"
@@ -888,131 +854,131 @@ msgstr ""
 "ATTENZIONE: se stai convertendo un simbolo dalla sua origine, è opportuno "
 "che l'ampiezza snap gride venga impostata a 100\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:989
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:973
 msgid "Embed"
 msgstr "Posizionato"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1027
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1011
 msgid "Unembed"
 msgstr "Non posizionato"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1067
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1051
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Aggiorna"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1125
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1109
 msgid "ShowHidden"
 msgstr "Mostra Nascosto"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1148
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1132
 msgid "MakeVisible"
 msgstr "Rendi Visibile"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1264
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1248
 msgid "Edit Line Type"
 msgstr "Modifica il Tipo di Linea"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1305 src/x_dialog.c:1256
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1289 src/x_dialog.c:1261
 msgid "Edit Fill Type"
 msgstr "Modifica il Tipo di Riempimento"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1592
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1574
 msgid "Update Cues"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1731
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1713
 msgid "Really revert page?"
 msgstr "Vuoi veramente ritornare alla pagina precedente?"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1805
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1787
 msgid "Copy 1"
 msgstr "Copia 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1824
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1806
 msgid "Copy 2"
 msgstr "Copia 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1843
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1825
 msgid "Copy 3"
 msgstr "Copia 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1862
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1844
 msgid "Copy 4"
 msgstr "Copia 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1881
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1863
 msgid "Copy 5"
 msgstr "Copia 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1900
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1882
 msgid "Cut 1"
 msgstr "Taglia 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1919
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1901
 msgid "Cut 2"
 msgstr "Taglia 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1938
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1920
 msgid "Cut 3"
 msgstr "Taglia 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1957
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1939
 msgid "Cut 4"
 msgstr "Taglia 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1976
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1958
 msgid "Cut 5"
 msgstr "Taglia 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1992
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1974
 msgid "Paste 1"
 msgstr "Incolla 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2001 src/i_callbacks.c:2025 src/i_callbacks.c:2049
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2073 src/i_callbacks.c:2097
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1983 src/i_callbacks.c:2007 src/i_callbacks.c:2031
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2055 src/i_callbacks.c:2079
 msgid "Empty buffer"
 msgstr "Buffer vuoto"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2016
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1998
 msgid "Paste 2"
 msgstr "Incolla 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2040
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2022
 msgid "Paste 3"
 msgstr "Incolla 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2064
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2046
 msgid "Paste 4"
 msgstr "Incolla 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2088
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2070
 msgid "Paste 5"
 msgstr "Incolla 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2234 src/x_window.c:531
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2213 src/x_window.c:527
 msgid "Component"
 msgstr "Componente"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2271 src/i_callbacks.c:2291
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2249 src/i_callbacks.c:2268
 msgid "Attribute"
 msgstr "Caratteristica"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2773
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2735
 #, c-format
 msgid "Searching for source [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Ricerca del sorgente [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2797 src/i_callbacks.c:2798
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2759 src/i_callbacks.c:2760
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot find source [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Impossibile trovare il sorgente [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2869
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2827
 #, c-format
 msgid "Searching for symbol [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Ricerca del simbolo [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2946
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2914
 msgid ""
 "This command retrieves the component documentation from the web, but there "
 "is no component selected"
@@ -1020,317 +986,306 @@ msgstr ""
 "Questo comando reperisce la documentazione del componente da Internet, ma "
 "non hai selezionato nessun componente da cercare."
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3063
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3031
 msgid "ShowN"
 msgstr "MostraN"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3094
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3062
 msgid "ShowV"
 msgstr "MostraV"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3125
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3093
 msgid "ShowB"
 msgstr "MostraB"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3157
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3125
 msgid "VisToggle"
 msgstr "Visibilità Strumenti"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3179
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3147
 #, c-format
 msgid "Sorry but this is a non-functioning menu option\n"
 msgstr "Spiacente, ma questa non è una funzione del menù opzioni\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3267
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3235
 msgid "Action feedback mode set to OUTLINE\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3270
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3238
 msgid "Action feedback mode set to BOUNDINGBOX\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3287
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3255
 msgid "Grid OFF\n"
 msgstr "Griglia NON ATTIVA\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3290
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3258
 msgid "Grid ON\n"
 msgstr "Griglia ATTIVA\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3307
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3275
 msgid "Snap OFF (CAUTION!)\n"
 msgstr "Snap OFF (ATTENZIONE!)\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3310
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3278
 msgid "Snap ON\n"
 msgstr "Snap ON\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3330
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3298
 msgid "Rubber band OFF \n"
 msgstr "Rubber band OFF \n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3333
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3301
 msgid "Rubber band ON\n"
 msgstr "Rubber band ON\n"
-#: src/o_arc.c:136
+#: src/o_arc.c:137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for arc (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Non corretta terminazione per l'arco (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_arc.c:177
+#: src/o_arc.c:178
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for arc !\n"
 msgstr "Tipo sconosciuto per l'arco!\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:107
+#: src/o_attrib.c:108
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_attrib_toggle_visibility\n"
 msgstr "Ottenuto un NULLO in o_attrib_toggle_visibility\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:172
+#: src/o_attrib.c:173
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_attrib_toggle_show_name_value\n"
 msgstr "Ottenuto un NULLO in o_attrib_toggle_show_name_value\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:223
+#: src/o_attrib.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR! you can't get an attribute without an ='s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_box.c:140
+#: src/o_box.c:141
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for box (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Non corretta terminazione per il riquadro (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:180
+#: src/o_box.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for box !\n"
 msgstr "Sconosciuto tipo per il riquadro!\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:270
+#: src/o_box.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for box (fill)!\n"
 msgstr "Sconosciuto tipo per il riquadro (riempimento)!\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:41
+#: src/o_buffer.c:42
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_copy]\n"
 msgstr "Ottenuto un non valido buffer_number [o_buffer_copy]\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:79
+#: src/o_buffer.c:80
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_cut]\n"
 msgstr "Ottenuto un non valido buffer_number [o_buffer_cut]\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:120
+#: src/o_buffer.c:121
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_start]\n"
 msgstr "Ottenuto un non valido buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_start]\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:180
+#: src/o_buffer.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_end]\n"
 msgstr "Ottenuto un non valido buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_end]\n"
-#: src/o_bus.c:219
+#: src/o_bus.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid which one in o_bus_draw_xor_single\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_bus.c:285 src/o_bus.c:319 src/o_net.c:333 src/o_net.c:367
-#, c-format
-msgid "selected a nonexistant object!\n"
-msgstr "selezionato un oggetto non esistente!\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:135
+#: src/o_circle.c:136
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for circle\n"
 msgstr "Non corretta terminazione per il cerchio\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:171
+#: src/o_circle.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for circle!\n"
 msgstr "Tipo sconosciuto per il cerchio!\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:259
+#: src/o_circle.c:260
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for circle (fill)!\n"
 msgstr "Tipo sconosciuto per il cerchio (riempimento)!\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:222
+#: src/o_complex.c:225
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find complex in new componet placement!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_complex.c:600
+#: src/o_complex.c:578
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_complex_translate_display_selection\n"
 msgstr "Ottenuto un NULLO in o_complex_translate_display_selection\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:668 src/o_complex.c:674
+#: src/o_complex.c:646 src/o_complex.c:652
 #, c-format
 msgid "Translating schematic [%d %d]\n"
 msgstr "Spostamento schema [%d %d]\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:718
+#: src/o_complex.c:690
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_complex_translate_selection!\n"
 msgstr "Ottenuto un NULLO in o_complex_translate_selection!\n"
-#: src/o_copy.c:124 src/o_copy.c:395
+#: src/o_copy.c:125 src/o_copy.c:395
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_copy_end!\n"
 msgstr "ERRORE: oggetto NULLO in o_copy_end!\n"
-#: src/o_line.c:112
+#: src/o_line.c:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for line (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Non corretta terminazione per la linea (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_line.c:152
+#: src/o_line.c:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for line (%d) !\n"
 msgstr "Tipo di linea sconosciuta per (%d) !\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:64
+#: src/o_misc.c:65
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an unexpected NULL in o_edit\n"
 msgstr "Ottenuto un NULLO inaspettato in o_edit\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:143
-msgid "Object alreadly locked\n"
+#: src/o_misc.c:144
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Object already locked\n"
 msgstr "Oggetto già bloccato\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:181
-msgid "Object alreadly unlocked\n"
+#: src/o_misc.c:182
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Object already unlocked\n"
 msgstr "Oggetto già sbloccato\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:228 src/o_misc.c:471 src/o_misc.c:715
+#: src/o_misc.c:229 src/o_misc.c:472 src/o_misc.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_rotate_90!\n"
 msgstr "ERRORE: oggetto NULLO in o_rotate_90!\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:537
+#: src/o_misc.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_mirror!\n"
 msgstr "ERRORE: oggetto NULLO in o_mirror!\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:815
+#: src/o_misc.c:812
 msgid "Hidden text is now visible\n"
 msgstr "Il testo nascosto è ora visibile\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:817
+#: src/o_misc.c:814
 msgid "Hidden text is now invisible\n"
 msgstr "Il testo ora è non visibile\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1076
-msgid "Could not unembedded component, could not find appropriate .sym file\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:1077
-msgid "Component still embedded and not updated\n"
-msgstr "Componente ancora fissato e/o non aggiornato\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1081
+#: src/o_misc.c:1058
 #, c-format
-msgid "More than one component found with name [%s]\n"
-msgstr "Più di un componente è stato trovato con il nome [%s]\n"
+msgid "Could not find symbol [%s] in library. Update failed.\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:1229
+#: src/o_misc.c:1198
 #, c-format
 msgid "o_autosave_backups: Can't get the real filename of %s."
 msgstr "o_autosave_backups: Non è possibile ottenere il vero nome del file %s."
-#: src/o_misc.c:1273
+#: src/o_misc.c:1242
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT set previous backup file [%s] read-write\n"
 msgstr ""
 "NOn è possibile impostare il precedente file di ripristino [%s] in lettura-"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1291
+#: src/o_misc.c:1260
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT set backup file [%s] readonly\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Non è possibile impostare il precedente file di ripristino [%s] in sola "
-#: src/o_misc.c:1296
+#: src/o_misc.c:1265
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT save backup file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Non è possibile salvare il file di ripristino [%s]\n"
-#: src/o_move.c:223
+#: src/o_move.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_move_end!\n"
 msgstr "ERRORE: oggetto NULLO in o_move_end!\n"
-#: src/o_move.c:331
+#: src/o_move.c:332
 #, c-format
 msgid "DOH! tried to find the whichone, but didn't find it!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_move.c:352
+#: src/o_move.c:353
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got a non line object in o_move_check_endpoint\n"
 msgstr "Ottenuto un oggetto non in linea in o_move_check_endpoint\n"
-#: src/o_net.c:264
+#: src/o_net.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid which one in o_net_draw_xor_single\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_net.c:940 src/o_net.c:977 src/o_net.c:1048 src/o_net.c:1084
+#: src/o_net.c:812 src/o_net.c:849 src/o_net.c:920 src/o_net.c:956
 #, c-format
 msgid "Tried to add more than two bus rippers. Internal gschem error.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_net.c:1155
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not find %s in any component-library\n"
+#: src/o_net.c:1029
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Bus ripper symbol [%s] was not found in any component library\n"
 msgstr "Non è possibile trovare %s in nessuna libreria di componenti\n"
-#: src/o_picture.c:205 src/o_picture.c:746
+#: src/o_picture.c:206 src/o_picture.c:746
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to load picture: %s"
 msgstr "Fallito il caricamento dell'immagine: [%s]"
-#: src/o_picture.c:219
+#: src/o_picture.c:220
 msgid "Picture"
 msgstr "Immagine"
-#: src/o_picture.c:658 src/x_attribedit.c:137
+#: src/o_picture.c:658 src/x_attribedit.c:139
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object!\n"
 msgstr "ERRORE: oggetto NULLO!\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:127
+#: src/o_slot.c:128
 msgid "Slot attribute malformed\n"
 msgstr "Attributo dello slot malposto\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:145
+#: src/o_slot.c:146
 msgid "numslots attribute missing\n"
 msgstr "attributo del numero dello slot mancante\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:147
+#: src/o_slot.c:148
 msgid "Slotting not allowed for this component\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_slot.c:163
+#: src/o_slot.c:164
 msgid "New slot number out of range\n"
 msgstr "Numero del nuovo slot fuori dal limite\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:247
+#: src/o_slot.c:237
 #, c-format
 msgid "uggg! you tried to slot edit something that doesn't exist!\n"
 msgstr "Hai provato a editare qualcosa che non esiste!\n"
-#: src/o_undo.c:316
+#: src/o_undo.c:317
 msgid "Undo/Redo disabled in rc file\n"
 msgstr "Cancella/Ripristina disabilitato nel file rc\n"
-#: src/parsecmd.c:49
+#: src/parsecmd.c:50
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] schematic_filename1 ... schematic_filenameN\n"
@@ -1355,221 +1310,229 @@ msgstr ""
 "  -h            Help; this message\n"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:122
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:124
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got invalid show option; defaulting to show both\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:325
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:327
 msgid "Single Attribute Editor"
 msgstr "Editor Singola Caratteristica"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:355
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:358
 msgid "<b>Edit Attribute</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Modifica Caratteristiche</b>"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:357
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:360
 msgid "<b>Add Attribute</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Aggiungi Caratteristiche</b>"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:373 src/x_multiattrib.c:1512
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:376 src/x_multiattrib.c:1480
 msgid "Name:"
 msgstr "Nome:"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:389 src/x_multiattrib.c:1531
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:392 src/x_multiattrib.c:1499
 msgid "Value:"
 msgstr "Valore:"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:404 src/x_multiattrib.c:1559
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:408 src/x_multiattrib.c:1527
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "Visibile"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:424
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:428
 msgid "Show Value Only"
 msgstr "Mostra Solo il Valore"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:426
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:430
 msgid "Show Name Only"
 msgstr "Mostra Solo il Nome"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:428 src/x_multiattrib.c:1162
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:432 src/x_multiattrib.c:1143
 msgid "Show Name & Value"
 msgstr "Mostra Nome & Valore"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:435
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:439
 msgid "<b>Attach Options</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Aggiungi Opzioni</b>"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:450
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:454
 msgid "All"
 msgstr "Tutto"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:458 src/x_compselect.c:791
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:462 src/x_compselect.c:716 src/x_compselect.c:791
 msgid "Components"
 msgstr "Componenti"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:466 src/x_window.c:541
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:470 src/x_window.c:537
 msgid "Nets"
 msgstr "Collegamenti"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:474
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:478
 msgid "Replace existing attributes"
 msgstr "Ridefinisci le caratteristiche esistenti"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:411
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:413
 msgid ""
 "slotted object without slot attribute may cause problems when autonumbering "
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:426
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "duplicate slot may cause problems: [symbolname=%s, number=%d, slot=%d]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:696
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:698
 msgid "No searchstring given in autonumber text.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:747
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:749
 msgid "No '*' or '?' given at the end of the autonumber text.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:880
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
 msgid "Diagonal"
 msgstr "Diagonale"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:881
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
 msgid "Top to bottom"
 msgstr "Dall'alto verso il basso"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:881
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
 msgid "Bottom to top"
 msgstr "Dal basso verso l'alto"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:884
 msgid "Left to right"
 msgstr "Da sinistra a destra"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:884
 msgid "Right to left"
 msgstr "Da destra a sinistra"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:885
 msgid "File order"
 msgstr "Sequenza dei file"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1219
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1221
 msgid "Autonumber text"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1244
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1247
 msgid "<b>Scope</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Visibilità</b>"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1266
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1269
 msgid "Search for:"
 msgstr "Ricerca di:"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1280
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1283
 msgid "Autonumber text in:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1287
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1290
 msgid "Skip numbers found in:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1299 src/x_autonumber.c:1308
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1302 src/x_autonumber.c:1311
 msgid "Selected objects"
 msgstr "Oggetti selezionati"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1300 src/x_autonumber.c:1309
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1303 src/x_autonumber.c:1312
 msgid "Current page"
 msgstr "Pagina corrente"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1301 src/x_autonumber.c:1310
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1304 src/x_autonumber.c:1313
 msgid "Whole hierarchy"
 msgstr "Intera gerarchia"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1312
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1315
 msgid "Overwrite existing numbers"
 msgstr "Sovrascrivi i numeri esistenti"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1317
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1320
 msgid "<b>Options</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Opzioni</b>"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1339
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1342
 msgid "Starting number:"
 msgstr "Numero iniziale:"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1346
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1349
 msgid "Sort order:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1367
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1370
 msgid "Remove numbers"
 msgstr "Rimuovi numeri"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1371
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1374
 msgid "Automatic slotting"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_color.c:59 src/x_color.c:96
+#: src/x_color.c:60 src/x_color.c:97
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find the color %s!\n"
 msgstr "Non è possibile trovare il colore %s!\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:62 src/x_color.c:99
+#: src/x_color.c:63 src/x_color.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Defaulting color to white\n"
 msgstr "Colore predefinito; il bianco\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:69 src/x_color.c:106
+#: src/x_color.c:70 src/x_color.c:107
 #, c-format
 msgid "Ack! Cannot allocate white!\n"
 msgstr "Non è possibile inserire il bianco!\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:80 src/x_color.c:128 src/x_window.c:176 src/x_window.c:185
+#: src/x_color.c:81 src/x_color.c:129 src/x_window.c:176 src/x_window.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not allocate the color %s!\n"
 msgstr "Non è possibile inserire il colore %s!\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:147 src/x_color.c:163
+#: src/x_color.c:148 src/x_color.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "Tried to get an invalid color: %d\n"
 msgstr "Provato a ottenere un colore non valido: %d\n"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:615
+#: src/x_compselect.c:821
+msgid "Filter:"
+msgstr "Filtro:"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:895
 msgid "Default behavior - reference component"
 msgstr "Comportamento predefinito - Consultazione componente"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:618
+#: src/x_compselect.c:898
 msgid "Embed component in schematic"
 msgstr "Fissa il componente nello schema"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:621
+#: src/x_compselect.c:901
 msgid "Include component as individual objects"
 msgstr "Includi componente come oggetto individuale"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:707
+#: src/x_compselect.c:982
 msgid "Select Component..."
 msgstr "Seleziona Componente..."
-#: src/x_compselect.c:821
-msgid "Filter:"
-msgstr "Filtro:"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1008
+msgid "In Use"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/x_compselect.c:885 src/x_fileselect.c:123
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1012
+msgid "Libraries"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1024 src/x_fileselect.c:124
 msgid "Preview"
 msgstr "Anteprima"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:182
+#: src/x_dialog.c:184
 msgid "Text Entry..."
 msgstr "Inserisci Testo..."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:214
+#: src/x_dialog.c:217
 msgid ""
 "Enter text, click apply,\n"
 "move cursor into window, click to place text.\n"
@@ -1580,214 +1543,215 @@ msgstr ""
 "e clicca con il tasto sinistro per rilasciare il testo.\n"
 "Il pulsante centrale del mouse ruota il testo."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:303
+#: src/x_dialog.c:306
 msgid "Lower Left"
 msgstr "In basso a sinistra"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:314
+#: src/x_dialog.c:317
 msgid "Middle Left"
 msgstr "Regione centrale a sinistra"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:325
+#: src/x_dialog.c:328
 msgid "Upper Left"
 msgstr "In alto a sinistra"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:336
+#: src/x_dialog.c:339
 msgid "Lower Middle"
 msgstr "Regione centrale in basso"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:347
+#: src/x_dialog.c:350
 msgid "Middle Middle"
 msgstr "Centro della regione centrale"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:358
+#: src/x_dialog.c:361
 msgid "Upper Middle"
 msgstr "Regione centrale in alto"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:369
+#: src/x_dialog.c:372
 msgid "Lower Right"
 msgstr "In basso a destra"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:380
+#: src/x_dialog.c:383
 msgid "Middle Right"
 msgstr "Zona centrale a destra"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:391
+#: src/x_dialog.c:394
 msgid "Upper Right"
 msgstr "In alto a destra"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:506
+#: src/x_dialog.c:509
 msgid "Edit Text Properties"
 msgstr "Modifica proprietà del testo"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:541
+#: src/x_dialog.c:545
 msgid "<b>Text Content</b>"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:573
+#: src/x_dialog.c:577
 msgid "<b>Text Properties</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Proprietà del testo</b>"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:588
+#: src/x_dialog.c:592
 msgid "Color:"
 msgstr "Colore:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:598
+#: src/x_dialog.c:602
 msgid "Size:"
 msgstr "Ampiezza:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:607
+#: src/x_dialog.c:611
 msgid "Alignment:"
 msgstr "Allineamento:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:661
+#: src/x_dialog.c:665
 msgid "Solid"
 msgstr "Continua"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:662
+#: src/x_dialog.c:666
 msgid "Dotted"
 msgstr "Punteggiata"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:663
+#: src/x_dialog.c:667
 msgid "Dashed"
 msgstr "Tratteggiata"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:664
+#: src/x_dialog.c:668
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "Centro"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:665
+#: src/x_dialog.c:669
 msgid "Phantom"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:791 src/x_dialog.c:793 src/x_dialog.c:795 src/x_dialog.c:977
-#: src/x_dialog.c:978 src/x_dialog.c:979 src/x_dialog.c:987
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1170 src/x_dialog.c:1172 src/x_dialog.c:1174
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1176 src/x_dialog.c:1178 src/x_dialog.c:1382
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1383 src/x_dialog.c:1384 src/x_dialog.c:1385
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1386 src/x_dialog.c:1394
+#: src/x_dialog.c:795 src/x_dialog.c:797 src/x_dialog.c:799 src/x_dialog.c:982
+#: src/x_dialog.c:983 src/x_dialog.c:984 src/x_dialog.c:992
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1175 src/x_dialog.c:1177 src/x_dialog.c:1179
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1181 src/x_dialog.c:1183 src/x_dialog.c:1388
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1389 src/x_dialog.c:1390 src/x_dialog.c:1391
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1392 src/x_dialog.c:1400
 msgid "*unchanged*"
 msgstr "*non cambiato*"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:870
+#: src/x_dialog.c:874
 msgid "Edit Line Width & Type"
 msgstr "Modifica Larghezza & Tipo di Linea"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:910
+#: src/x_dialog.c:915
 msgid "Width:"
 msgstr "Larghezza:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:914 src/x_print.c:353
+#: src/x_dialog.c:919 src/x_print.c:314
 msgid "Type:"
 msgstr "Tipo:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:918
+#: src/x_dialog.c:923
 msgid "Dash Length:"
 msgstr "Lunghezza linea tratteggiata:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:922
+#: src/x_dialog.c:927
 msgid "Dash Space:"
 msgstr "Spazio linea tratteggiata:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1027
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1032
 msgid "Hollow"
 msgstr "Vuoto"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1028
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1033
 msgid "Filled"
 msgstr "Riempito"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1034
 msgid "Mesh"
 msgstr "Rete"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1030
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1035
 msgid "Hatch"
 msgstr "Tratteggio"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1295
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1301
 msgid "Fill Type:"
 msgstr "Tipo di riempimento:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1299
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1305
 msgid "Line Width:"
 msgstr "Larghezza linea:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1303
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1309
 msgid "Angle 1:"
 msgstr "Angolo 1:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1307
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1313
 msgid "Pitch 1:"
 msgstr "Livello 1:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1311
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1317
 msgid "Angle 2:"
 msgstr "Angolo 2:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1321
 msgid "Pitch 2:"
 msgstr "Livello 2:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1477
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1483
 msgid "Arc Params"
 msgstr "Parametri Arco"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1518
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1525
 msgid "Start Angle:"
 msgstr "Angolo di Attacco:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1528
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1535
 msgid "Degrees of Sweep:"
 msgstr "Gradi di sviluppo dell'arco:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1628
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1636
 msgid ""
 "Offset to translate?\n"
 "(0 for origin)"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1704
 msgid "Text Size"
 msgstr "Dimensione Testo"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1727
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1736
 msgid "Enter new text size:"
 msgstr "Inserisci nuova ampiezza del testo:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1802
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1811
 msgid "Snap Size"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1833
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1843
 msgid "Enter new snap grid spacing:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1906
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1916
 msgid "Edit slot number"
 msgstr "Modifica numero slot"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1938
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1949
 msgid "Edit slot number:"
 msgstr "Modifica numero slot:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2000
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2011
 msgid "About..."
 msgstr "Altro..."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2019
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2031
 msgid "<b>gEDA: GPL Electronic Design Automation</b>"
 msgstr "<b>gEDA: GPL Electronic Design Automation</b>"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2023
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2035
 #, c-format
-msgid "<b>gschem version %s%s</b>"
-msgstr "<b>versione di gschem %s%s</b>"
+msgid "<b>gschem version %s%s.%s</b>"
+msgstr "<b>versione di gschem %s%s.%s</b>"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2029
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2043
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Written by:\n"
-"Ales V. Hvezda\n"
+"Ales Hvezda\n"
 "And many others (See AUTHORS file)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1796,81 +1760,81 @@ msgstr ""
 "...e molti altri (leggere il file AUTHORS)"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2093
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2107
 msgid "Coords"
 msgstr "Coordinate"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2113
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2128
 msgid "Screen"
 msgstr "Schermo"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2122
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2137
 msgid "World"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2345
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2360
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in color_edit_dialog_apply!\n"
 msgstr "ERRORE: oggetto NULLO in color_edit_dialog_apply!\n"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2408
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2423
 msgid "Color Edit"
 msgstr "Modifica Colore"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2440
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2456
 msgid "Object color:"
 msgstr "Colore dell'oggetto:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2564
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2581
 msgid "Function"
 msgstr "Funzione"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2571
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2588
 msgid "Keystroke(s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2925
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2920
 msgid "Find Text"
 msgstr "Trova testo"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2957
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2953
 msgid "Text to find:"
 msgstr "Testo da cercare:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2967
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2963
 msgid "descend into hierarchy"
 msgstr "discende nella gerarchia"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3031
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3027
 msgid "Hide Text"
 msgstr "Nascondi testo"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3063
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3060
 msgid "Hide text starting with:"
 msgstr "Nascondi il testo iniziando con:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3131
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3128
 msgid "Show Text"
 msgstr "Mostra testo"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3163
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3161
 msgid "Show text starting with:"
 msgstr "Mostra il testo iniziando con:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3608 src/x_multiattrib.c:1389
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3606 src/x_multiattrib.c:1357
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Nome"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3630
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3628
 msgid "S_elect the schematics you want to save:"
 msgstr "S_eleziona lo schematico che vuoi salvare:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3724
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3722
 #, c-format
 msgid "Save the changes to schematic \"%s\" before closing?"
 msgstr "Salvare i cambi allo schematico \"%s\" prima di chiudere?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3730
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3728
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "There is %d schematics with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
@@ -1878,46 +1842,57 @@ msgstr ""
 "C'è lo schematico %d che presenta cambi non salvati. Salvare i cambi prima "
 "di chiudere?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3759
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3757
 msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be permanently lost."
 msgstr ""
 "Se non effettui un salvataggio dei cambi, essi verranno definitivamente "
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3779
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3777
 msgid "_Close without saving"
 msgstr "_Chiudi senza salvare"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:46
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:47
 msgid "Schematics"
 msgstr "Schematici"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:51
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:52
 msgid "Symbols"
 msgstr "Simboli"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:56
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:57
 msgid "Schematics and symbols"
 msgstr "Schematici e Simboli"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:62
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:63
 msgid "All files"
 msgstr "Tutti i File"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:172
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:173
 msgid "Open..."
 msgstr "Apri..."
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:233
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:234
 msgid "Save as..."
 msgstr "Salva con nome..."
-#: src/x_image.c:363
+#: src/x_image.c:180
+msgid "Encapsulated Postscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_image.c:298
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to write eps file %s.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"x_image_lowlevel: incapace ad ottenere immagine pixbuf dalla finestra di "
+#: src/x_image.c:380
 #, c-format
 msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to write %s file %s.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_image.c:373
+#: src/x_image.c:390
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "There was the following error when saving image with type %s to filename:\n"
@@ -1926,236 +1901,246 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_image.c:392 src/x_image.c:423
+#: src/x_image.c:409
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wrote color image to [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
 msgstr "Scritta immagine a colori per [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:394 src/x_image.c:425
+#: src/x_image.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wrote black and white image to [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
 msgstr "Scritta immagine in bianco e nero per [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:404
+#: src/x_image.c:421
 msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to get pixbuf from gschem's window.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "x_image_lowlevel: incapace ad ottenere immagine pixbuf dalla finestra di "
-#: src/x_image.c:459
+#: src/x_image.c:467
 msgid "Width x Height"
 msgstr "Larghezza x Altezza"
-#: src/x_image.c:475
+#: src/x_image.c:483
 msgid "Image type"
 msgstr "Tipo di immagine"
-#: src/x_log.c:231
+#: src/x_log.c:236
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Stato"
-#: src/x_menus.c:40
+#: src/x_menus.c:41
 msgid "/Add Net"
 msgstr "/Aggiungi Net"
-#: src/x_menus.c:41
+#: src/x_menus.c:42
 msgid "/Add Attribute..."
 msgstr "/Aggiungi Attributo..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:42
+#: src/x_menus.c:43
 msgid "/Add Component..."
 msgstr "/Aggiungi Componente..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:43
+#: src/x_menus.c:44
 msgid "/Add Bus"
 msgstr "/Aggiungi Bus"
-#: src/x_menus.c:44
+#: src/x_menus.c:45
 msgid "/Add Text"
 msgstr "/Aggiungi Testo"
-#: src/x_menus.c:46
+#: src/x_menus.c:47
 msgid "/Zoom In"
 msgstr "/Ingrandisci"
-#: src/x_menus.c:47
+#: src/x_menus.c:48
 msgid "/Zoom Out"
 msgstr "/Riduci"
-#: src/x_menus.c:48
+#: src/x_menus.c:49
 msgid "/Zoom Box"
 msgstr "/Ingrandisci Riquadro"
-#: src/x_menus.c:49
+#: src/x_menus.c:50
 msgid "/Zoom Extents"
 msgstr "/Adatta alla pagina"
-#: src/x_menus.c:51
+#: src/x_menus.c:52
 msgid "/Select"
 msgstr "/Seleziona"
-#: src/x_menus.c:52
+#: src/x_menus.c:53
 msgid "/Edit..."
 msgstr "/Modifica..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:53
+#: src/x_menus.c:54
 msgid "/Copy"
 msgstr "/Copia"
-#: src/x_menus.c:54
+#: src/x_menus.c:55
 msgid "/Move"
 msgstr "/Sposta"
-#: src/x_menus.c:55
+#: src/x_menus.c:56
 msgid "/Delete"
 msgstr "/Cancella"
-#: src/x_menus.c:58
+#: src/x_menus.c:59
 msgid "/Down Schematic"
 msgstr "/Rilascia schematico"
-#: src/x_menus.c:59
+#: src/x_menus.c:60
 msgid "/Down Symbol"
 msgstr "/Rilascia simbolo"
-#: src/x_menus.c:60
+#: src/x_menus.c:61
 msgid "/Up"
 msgstr "/Sopra"
-#: src/x_menus.c:331
+#: src/x_menus.c:332
 msgid "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent menu item\n"
 msgstr "Provato a impostare la sensibilità  su un menù di voci non esistenti\n"
-#: src/x_menus.c:355
+#: src/x_menus.c:356
 msgid "Popup_menu_item_factory doesn't exist!\n"
 msgstr "La voce Popup_menu_item_factory non esiste!\n"
-#: src/x_menus.c:368
+#: src/x_menus.c:369
 msgid "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent popup menu_item\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Provato a impostare la sensibilità su una finestra di popup menu_itemi\n"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:652
+#: src/x_menus.c:480
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't open file %s\n"
+msgstr "Non è possibile invocare %s\n"
+#: src/x_menus.c:538
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "Chiudi"
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:656
 msgid "Attributes with empty name are not allowed. Please set a name."
 msgstr ""
 "Attributi con il nome vuoto non sono permessi. Per favore inserisci un nome."
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1164
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1145
 msgid "Show Value only"
 msgstr "Mostra solo il Valore"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1166
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1147
 msgid "Show Name only"
 msgstr "Mostra solo il Nome"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1192
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1173
 msgid "Duplicate"
 msgstr "Duplicare"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1309
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1284
 msgid "Edit Attributes"
 msgstr "Modifica Caratteristiche"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1414
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1382
 msgid "Value"
 msgstr "Valore"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1436
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1404
 msgid "Vis?"
 msgstr "Vis?"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1456
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1424
 msgid "N"
 msgstr "N"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1476
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1444
 msgid "V"
 msgstr "V"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1497
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1465
 msgid "Add Attribute"
 msgstr "Aggiungi Attributo"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:272
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:264
 msgid "Discard Page"
 msgstr "Abbandona la pagina"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:381
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:361
 msgid "Page Manager"
 msgstr "Gestore Pagina"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:437
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:417
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "Nome file"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:453
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:433
 msgid "Changed"
 msgstr "Cambiato"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:473
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:453
 msgid "Right click on the filename for more options..."
 msgstr ""
 "Clicca con il tasto destro del mouse sul nome del file per ulteriori "
-#: src/x_print.c:90
+#: src/x_print.c:89
 msgid "Select PostScript Filename..."
 msgstr "Seleziona il nome del file Psotscript..."
-#: src/x_print.c:206
+#: src/x_print.c:171
 msgid "Extents with margins"
 msgstr "Estensioni con margini"
-#: src/x_print.c:212
+#: src/x_print.c:177
 msgid "Extents no margins"
 msgstr "Estensioni senza margini"
-#: src/x_print.c:218
+#: src/x_print.c:183
 msgid "Current Window"
 msgstr "Finestra Corrente"
-#: src/x_print.c:252
+#: src/x_print.c:217
 msgid "Landscape"
 msgstr "Landscape"
-#: src/x_print.c:258
+#: src/x_print.c:223
 msgid "Portrait"
 msgstr "Portrait"
-#: src/x_print.c:330
+#: src/x_print.c:291
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "Impostazioni"
-#: src/x_print.c:342
+#: src/x_print.c:303
 msgid "Output paper size:"
 msgstr "Ampiezza del foglio:"
-#: src/x_print.c:364
+#: src/x_print.c:325
 msgid "Orientation:"
 msgstr "Orientazione:"
-#: src/x_print.c:376
+#: src/x_print.c:337
 msgid "Destination"
 msgstr "Destinazione"
-#: src/x_print.c:389
+#: src/x_print.c:350
 msgid "File:"
 msgstr "File:"
-#: src/x_print.c:419
+#: src/x_print.c:380
 msgid "Command:"
 msgstr "Comando:"
-#: src/x_print.c:785
+#: src/x_print.c:750
 msgid "No print destination specified\n"
 msgstr "Non è stata specificata nessuna stampante\n"
-#: src/x_print.c:792
+#: src/x_print.c:757
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot print current schematic to [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Non è possibile stampare lo schema corrente in [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_print.c:801
+#: src/x_print.c:766
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Error printing to file '%s'\n"
@@ -2164,7 +2149,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Errore nella stampa del file '%s'\n"
 "Verifica la finestra di stato per maggiori informazioni"
-#: src/x_print.c:808
+#: src/x_print.c:773
 #, c-format
 msgid "Printed current schematic to [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Lo schema corrente è stato stampato in [%s]\n"
@@ -2202,35 +2187,35 @@ msgstr "Impossibile l'allocazione di bounding_xor_gc\n"
 msgid "Couldn't allocate bus_gc\n"
 msgstr "Impossibile l'allocazione di bus_gc\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:494
+#: src/x_window.c:490
 msgid "New file"
 msgstr "Nuovo file"
-#: src/x_window.c:500
+#: src/x_window.c:496
 msgid "Open"
 msgstr "Apri"
-#: src/x_window.c:501
+#: src/x_window.c:497
 msgid "Open file..."
 msgstr "Apri file..."
-#: src/x_window.c:507
+#: src/x_window.c:503
 msgid "Save"
 msgstr "Salva"
-#: src/x_window.c:508
+#: src/x_window.c:504
 msgid "Save file"
 msgstr "Salva file"
-#: src/x_window.c:516
+#: src/x_window.c:512
 msgid "Undo last operation"
 msgstr "Annulla l'ultima operazione"
-#: src/x_window.c:523
+#: src/x_window.c:519
 msgid "Redo last undo"
 msgstr "Ripristina ultima operazione annullata"
-#: src/x_window.c:532
+#: src/x_window.c:528
 msgid ""
 "Add component...\n"
 "Select library and component from list, move the mouse into main window, "
@@ -2244,7 +2229,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Il tasto destro del mouse serve ad abbandonare il componente al fine di "
 "sceglierne un altro."
-#: src/x_window.c:542
+#: src/x_window.c:538
 msgid ""
 "Add nets mode\n"
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
@@ -2253,7 +2238,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Tasto destro del mouse per\n"
 "cancellare il collegamento"
-#: src/x_window.c:552
+#: src/x_window.c:548
 msgid ""
 "Add buses mode\n"
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
@@ -2262,76 +2247,99 @@ msgstr ""
 "Tasto destro del mouse per\n"
 "cancellare il collegamento"
-#: src/x_window.c:559
+#: src/x_window.c:555
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "Testo"
-#: src/x_window.c:560
+#: src/x_window.c:556
 msgid "Add Text..."
 msgstr "Aggiungi Testo..."
-#: src/x_window.c:570
+#: src/x_window.c:566
 msgid "Select"
 msgstr "Seleziona"
-#: src/x_window.c:571
+#: src/x_window.c:567
 msgid "Select mode"
 msgstr "Modalità Selezione"
-#: src/x_window.c:646
+#: src/x_window.c:642
 msgid "Pick"
 msgstr "Prendi"
-#: src/x_window.c:662
+#: src/x_window.c:658
 msgid "Repeat/none"
 msgstr "Ripeti/Niente"
-#: src/x_window.c:672
+#: src/x_window.c:668
 msgid "Menu/Cancel"
 msgstr "Menù/Cancella"
-#: src/x_window.c:674
+#: src/x_window.c:670
 msgid "Pan/Cancel"
 msgstr "Pan/Cancella"
-#: src/x_window.c:932
+#: src/x_window.c:927
 #, c-format
 msgid "Loading schematic [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Caricamento schema [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1034
+#: src/x_window.c:1029
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT save page [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Non è possibile salvare la pagina [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1035
+#: src/x_window.c:1030
 msgid "Error while trying to save"
 msgstr "Errore durante il salvataggio"
-#: src/x_window.c:1044
+#: src/x_window.c:1039
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved as [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Salvato con il nome [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1046
+#: src/x_window.c:1041
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Salvato [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1048
+#: src/x_window.c:1043
 msgid "Saved"
 msgstr "Salvato"
-#: src/x_window.c:1109
+#: src/x_window.c:1104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Discarding page [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Annulla pagina [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1109
+#: src/x_window.c:1104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Closing [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Chiusura [%s]\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Found a version [%s%s] gschemrc file:\n"
+#~ "[%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Trovata la versione [%s%s] del file gschemrc:\n"
+#~ "[%s]\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While gschem is in ALPHA, please be sure that you have the latest rc "
+#~ "file.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Assicurati di avere sempre l'ultima versione del file rc; gschem si trova "
+#~ "ancora in uno stato di sviluppo alfa.\n"
+#~ msgid "selected a nonexistant object!\n"
+#~ msgstr "selezionato un oggetto non esistente!\n"
+#~ msgid "Component still embedded and not updated\n"
+#~ msgstr "Componente ancora fissato e/o non aggiornato\n"
+#~ msgid "More than one component found with name [%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr "Più di un componente è stato trovato con il nome [%s]\n"
 #~ msgid "Write PNG..."
 #~ msgstr "Stampa File .png..."
diff --git a/gschem/po/ja_JP.po b/gschem/po/ja_JP.po
index d9394b1..fd868ce 100644
--- a/gschem/po/ja_JP.po
+++ b/gschem/po/ja_JP.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: geda-gschem-CVS-2002-09-26\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-26 11:03-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-07-05 00:52-0400\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-10-05 20:00+0900\n"
 "Last-Translator: MIYAMOTO Takanori <pnms@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: japanese <ja@xxxxxx>\n"
@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë"
 msgid "New Window"
 msgstr "¿·µ¬¥¦¥£¥ó¥É¥¦"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:4 src/x_pagesel.c:267
+#: src/rcstrings.c:4 src/x_pagesel.c:259
 msgid "New Page"
 msgstr "¿·µ¬¥Ú¡¼¥¸"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:5 src/x_pagesel.c:268
+#: src/rcstrings.c:5 src/x_pagesel.c:260
 msgid "Open Page..."
 msgstr "³«¤¯..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:6 src/x_pagesel.c:271
+#: src/rcstrings.c:6 src/x_pagesel.c:263
 msgid "Close Page"
 msgstr "ÊĤ¸¤ë"
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ msgstr "ÊĤ¸¤ë"
 msgid "Revert Page"
 msgstr "Ì᤹"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:8 src/x_pagesel.c:270
+#: src/rcstrings.c:8 src/x_pagesel.c:262
 msgid "Save Page"
 msgstr "Êݸ"
@@ -51,21 +51,21 @@ msgstr "̾Á°¤òÉÕ¤±¤ÆÊݸ..."
 msgid "Save All"
 msgstr "¤¹¤Ù¤ÆÊݸ"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:11 src/x_print.c:317
+#: src/rcstrings.c:11 src/x_print.c:283
 msgid "Print..."
 msgstr "°õºþ..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:12 src/x_image.c:496
+#: src/rcstrings.c:12 src/x_image.c:504
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Write image..."
 msgstr "¥¤¥á¡¼¥¸½ÐÎÏ..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:13
+#: src/rcstrings.c:13 src/x_menus.c:520
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Recent files"
 msgstr "¿·µ¬¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:14 src/x_script.c:49
+#: src/rcstrings.c:14 src/x_script.c:50
 msgid "Execute Script..."
 msgstr "¥¹¥¯¥ê¥×¥È¼Â¹Ô..."
@@ -77,19 +77,19 @@ msgstr "¥¦¥£¥ó¥É¥¦¤òÊĤ¸¤ë"
 msgid "Quit"
 msgstr "½ªÎ»"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:18 src/i_callbacks.c:746
+#: src/rcstrings.c:18 src/i_callbacks.c:730
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "ÊÔ½¸"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:19 src/x_window.c:515
+#: src/rcstrings.c:19 src/x_window.c:511
 msgid "Undo"
 msgstr "¥¢¥ó¥É¥¥"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:20 src/x_window.c:522
+#: src/rcstrings.c:20 src/x_window.c:518
 msgid "Redo"
 msgstr "¥ê¥É¥¥"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:21 src/i_basic.c:94 src/x_window.c:686
+#: src/rcstrings.c:21 src/i_basic.c:81 src/x_window.c:682
 msgid "Select Mode"
 msgstr "ÁªÂò¥â¡¼¥É"
@@ -116,20 +116,20 @@ msgstr "ÊÔ½¸..."
 msgid "Edit Text..."
 msgstr "¥Æ¥­¥¹¥ÈÊÔ½¸..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:27 src/i_basic.c:107
+#: src/rcstrings.c:27 src/i_basic.c:94
 msgid "Copy Mode"
 msgstr "¥³¥Ô¡¼¥â¡¼¥É"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:28 src/i_basic.c:162
+#: src/rcstrings.c:28 src/i_basic.c:149
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Multiple Copy Mode"
 msgstr "¥³¥Ô¡¼¥â¡¼¥É"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:29 src/i_basic.c:110
+#: src/rcstrings.c:29 src/i_basic.c:97
 msgid "Move Mode"
 msgstr "°ÜÆ°¥â¡¼¥É"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:30 src/i_callbacks.c:722 src/x_multiattrib.c:1193
+#: src/rcstrings.c:30 src/i_callbacks.c:706 src/x_multiattrib.c:1174
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "ºï½ü"
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ msgstr "ºï½ü"
 msgid "Rotate 90 Mode"
 msgstr "90ÅÙ²óž¥â¡¼¥É"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:32 src/i_basic.c:114
+#: src/rcstrings.c:32 src/i_basic.c:101
 msgid "Mirror Mode"
 msgstr "ȿž¥â¡¼¥É"
@@ -149,11 +149,11 @@ msgstr "¥¹¥í¥Ã¥È..."
 msgid "Color..."
 msgstr "¿§..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:35 src/i_callbacks.c:919
+#: src/rcstrings.c:35 src/i_callbacks.c:903
 msgid "Lock"
 msgstr "¥í¥Ã¥¯"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:36 src/i_callbacks.c:937
+#: src/rcstrings.c:36 src/i_callbacks.c:921
 msgid "Unlock"
 msgstr "¥í¥Ã¥¯²ò½ü"
@@ -263,11 +263,11 @@ msgstr "ɽ¼¨"
 msgid "Redraw"
 msgstr "²èÌ̹¹¿·"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:65 src/i_callbacks.c:1489 src/i_callbacks.c:1558
+#: src/rcstrings.c:65 src/i_callbacks.c:1471 src/i_callbacks.c:1540
 msgid "Pan"
 msgstr "¥Ñ¥ó"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:66 src/i_basic.c:118
+#: src/rcstrings.c:66 src/i_basic.c:105
 msgid "Zoom Box"
 msgstr "³ÈÂç"
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ msgstr "¼¡"
 msgid "Previous"
 msgstr "Á°"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:76 src/x_window.c:493
+#: src/rcstrings.c:76 src/x_window.c:489
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "¿·µ¬"
@@ -327,12 +327,12 @@ msgstr "ÄɲÃ"
 msgid "Component..."
 msgstr "ÉôÉÊ..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:83 src/i_callbacks.c:2313 src/i_callbacks.c:2336
+#: src/rcstrings.c:83 src/i_callbacks.c:2289 src/i_callbacks.c:2311
 msgid "Net"
 msgstr "¥Í¥Ã¥È"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:84 src/i_callbacks.c:2381 src/i_callbacks.c:2405
-#: src/x_window.c:551
+#: src/rcstrings.c:84 src/i_callbacks.c:2355 src/i_callbacks.c:2378
+#: src/x_window.c:547
 msgid "Bus"
 msgstr "¥Ð¥¹"
@@ -344,23 +344,23 @@ msgstr "¥¢¥È¥ê¥Ó¥å¡¼¥È..."
 msgid "Text..."
 msgstr "¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:87 src/i_callbacks.c:2487 src/i_callbacks.c:2507
+#: src/rcstrings.c:87 src/i_callbacks.c:2459 src/i_callbacks.c:2478
 msgid "Line"
 msgstr "Àþ"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:88 src/i_callbacks.c:2530 src/i_callbacks.c:2550
+#: src/rcstrings.c:88 src/i_callbacks.c:2500 src/i_callbacks.c:2519
 msgid "Box"
 msgstr "¥Ü¥Ã¥¯¥¹"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:89 src/i_callbacks.c:2607 src/i_callbacks.c:2628
+#: src/rcstrings.c:89 src/i_callbacks.c:2575 src/i_callbacks.c:2595
 msgid "Circle"
 msgstr "±ß"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:90 src/i_callbacks.c:2651 src/i_callbacks.c:2671
+#: src/rcstrings.c:90 src/i_callbacks.c:2617 src/i_callbacks.c:2636
 msgid "Arc"
 msgstr "±ß¸Ì"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:91 src/i_callbacks.c:2694 src/i_callbacks.c:2714
+#: src/rcstrings.c:91 src/i_callbacks.c:2658 src/i_callbacks.c:2677
 msgid "Pin"
 msgstr "¥Ô¥ó"
@@ -389,15 +389,15 @@ msgstr "¾å¤Ø"
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "¥É¥­¥å¥á¥ó¥Èɽ¼¨/¸¡º÷"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:100 src/x_multiattrib.c:1332
+#: src/rcstrings.c:100 src/x_multiattrib.c:1300
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "¥¢¥È¥ê¥Ó¥å¡¼¥È"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:101 src/i_callbacks.c:2974
+#: src/rcstrings.c:101 src/i_callbacks.c:2942
 msgid "Attach"
 msgstr "¥¢¥¿¥Ã¥Á"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:102 src/i_callbacks.c:3023
+#: src/rcstrings.c:102 src/i_callbacks.c:2991
 msgid "Detach"
 msgstr "¥¢¥¿¥Ã¥Á²ò½ü"
@@ -489,11 +489,12 @@ msgid "Manual"
 msgstr "¥Þ¥Ë¥å¥¢¥ë..."
 #: src/rcstrings.c:126
-msgid "FAQ"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "gEDA Documentation"
+msgstr "¥É¥­¥å¥á¥ó¥Èɽ¼¨/¸¡º÷"
 #: src/rcstrings.c:127
-msgid "gEDA Wiki"
+msgid "gschem FAQ"
 msgstr ""
 #: src/rcstrings.c:128
@@ -505,151 +506,115 @@ msgstr "¥É¥­¥å¥á¥ó¥Èɽ¼¨/¸¡º÷"
 msgid "About gschem"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:130 src/x_dialog.c:2501
+#: src/rcstrings.c:130 src/x_dialog.c:2517
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Hotkeys"
 msgstr "¥Û¥Ã¥È¥­¡¼..."
-#: src/a_zoom.c:224
+#: src/a_zoom.c:242
 msgid "Zoom too small!  Cannot zoom further.\n"
 msgstr "¤³¤ì°Ê¾å¥º¡¼¥à¤Ç¤­¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:341 src/i_callbacks.c:136
+#: src/g_funcs.c:342 src/i_callbacks.c:137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not fork\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_funcs.c:357 src/i_callbacks.c:146
+#: src/g_funcs.c:358 src/i_callbacks.c:147
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not invoke %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_funcs.c:363 src/i_callbacks.c:150
+#: src/g_funcs.c:364 src/i_callbacks.c:151
 msgid "Documentation commands not supported under MinGW.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_hook.c:87
+#: src/g_hook.c:88
 #, c-format
 msgid "Attribute failed ot find.\n"
 msgstr "¥¢¥È¥ê¥Ó¥å¡¼¥È¤¬¸«ÉÕ¤«¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:106
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Found a version [%s%s] gschemrc file:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"¥Ð¡¼¥¸¥ç¥ó [%s] ¤Îgschemrc¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤¬¸«ÉÕ¤«¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£: \n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:109
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"While gschem is in ALPHA, please be sure that you have the latest rc file.\n"
-msgstr "gschem¤Ï¥¢¥ë¥Õ¥¡¥Ð¡¼¥¸¥ç¥ó¤Ç¤¹¡£ºÇ¿·¤Îrc¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò»È¤Ã¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤¡£\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:169
+#: src/g_rc.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid color [%s] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "̵¸ú¤Ê¿§[%s]¤¬%s¤Ë»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:358
+#: src/g_rc.c:332
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "̵¸ú¤Ê¥â¡¼¥É[%s]¤¬%s¤Ë»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:536
+#: src/g_rc.c:510
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid zoomfactor [%d] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "̵¸ú¤Ê³ÈÂçΨ[%d]¤¬%s¤Ë»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:574
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to scrollbar-update\n"
-msgstr "̵¸ú¤Ê¥â¡¼¥É[%s]¤¬scrollbar-update¤Ë»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:655
+#: src/g_rc.c:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to text-size\n"
 msgstr "̵¸ú¤Ê¥µ¥¤¥º[%d]¤¬text-size¤Ë»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:682
+#: src/g_rc.c:628
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%f] passed to postscript-font-scale\n"
 msgstr "̵¸ú¤Ê¥µ¥¤¥º[%d]¤¬text-size¤Ë»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:725
+#: src/g_rc.c:671
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to snap-size\n"
 msgstr "̵¸ú¤Ê¥µ¥¤¥º[%d]¤¬snap-size¤Ë»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:799 src/g_rc.c:802
-#, c-format
-msgid "Duplicate stroke definition passed to stroke! [%s]\n"
-msgstr "¥¹¥È¥í¡¼¥¯¤ÎÄêµÁ¤¬½ÅÊ£¤·¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹![%s]\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:813
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"A stroke keyword has been found in an rc file, but gschem\n"
-"is not compiled to support strokes, please recompile gschem\n"
-"with LibStroke\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: src/g_rc.c:1275
+#: src/g_rc.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid num levels [%d] passed to undo-levels\n"
 msgstr "̵¸ú¤Ê¥¢¥ó¥É¥¥¥ì¥Ù¥ë[%d]¤¬undo-levels¤Ë»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1500
+#: src/g_rc.c:1402
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to bus-ripper-size\n"
 msgstr "̵¸ú¤Ê¥µ¥¤¥º[%d]¤¬bus-ripper¤Ë»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1575
+#: src/g_rc.c:1477
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid dot size [%d] passed to grid-dot-size\n"
 msgstr "̵¸ú¤Ê¥µ¥¤¥º[%d]¤¬text-size¤Ë»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1616
+#: src/g_rc.c:1518
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid pixel spacing [%d] passed to grid-fixed-threshold\n"
 msgstr "̵¸ú¤Ê¥µ¥¤¥º[%d]¤¬text-size¤Ë»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1660
+#: src/g_rc.c:1562
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid offset [%d] passed to add-attribute-offset\n"
 msgstr "̵¸ú¤Ê¥µ¥¤¥º[%d]¤¬text-size¤Ë»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1684
+#: src/g_rc.c:1586
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid number of seconds [%d] passed to auto-save-interval\n"
 msgstr "̵¸ú¤Ê¥¢¥ó¥É¥¥¥ì¥Ù¥ë[%d]¤¬undo-levels¤Ë»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1725
+#: src/g_rc.c:1627
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid gain [%d] passed to mousepan-gain\n"
 msgstr "̵¸ú¤Ê¥µ¥¤¥º[%d]¤¬snap-size¤Ë»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1748
+#: src/g_rc.c:1650
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid gain [%d] passed to keyboardpan-gain\n"
 msgstr "̵¸ú¤Ê¥µ¥¤¥º[%d]¤¬snap-size¤Ë»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1794
+#: src/g_rc.c:1696
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid number of pixels [%d] passed to select-slack-pixels\n"
 msgstr "̵¸ú¤Ê¥¢¥ó¥É¥¥¥ì¥Ù¥ë[%d]¤¬undo-levels¤Ë»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:140 src/gschem.c:150
+#: src/gschem.c:191 src/gschem.c:202
 #, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "gEDA/gschem version %s%s\n"
-msgstr "gEDA/gschem¥Ð¡¼¥¸¥ç¥ó%s\n"
+msgid "gEDA/gschem version %s%s.%s\n"
+msgstr "gEDA/gschem¥Ð¡¼¥¸¥ç¥ó%s%s.%s\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:142 src/gschem.c:152
+#: src/gschem.c:194 src/gschem.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "gEDA/gschem comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more "
@@ -658,7 +623,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/gschem.c:144 src/gschem.c:154
+#: src/gschem.c:196 src/gschem.c:207
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain\n"
@@ -666,7 +631,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/gschem.c:146 src/gschem.c:156
+#: src/gschem.c:198 src/gschem.c:209
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.\n"
@@ -675,214 +640,214 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/gschem.c:160
+#: src/gschem.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the MINGW32 port.\n"
 msgstr "MIGW32ÈǤǤ¹¡£\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:164
+#: src/gschem.c:217
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current locale settings: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gschem.c:177
+#: src/gschem.c:230
 #, c-format
 msgid "You must set the GEDADATA environment variable!\n"
 msgstr "´Ä¶­ÊÑ¿ôGEDADATA¤òÀßÄꤷ¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤!\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:192
+#: src/gschem.c:245
 #, c-format
 msgid "Read init scm file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "½é´ü²½scm¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤òÆɤ߹þ¤ó¤Ç¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£[%s]\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:196 src/gschem.c:199
+#: src/gschem.c:249 src/gschem.c:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to read init scm file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "½é´ü²½scm¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ÎÆɤ߹þ¤ß¤Ë¼ºÇÔ¡£[%s]\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:259
+#: src/gschem.c:313
 #, c-format
 msgid "Scheme directory NOT set!\n"
 msgstr "scheme¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤¬ÀßÄꤵ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó!\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:266 src/x_script.c:70
+#: src/gschem.c:320 src/x_script.c:71
 #, c-format
 msgid "Executing guile script [%s]\n"
 msgstr "guile¥¹¥¯¥ê¥×¥È¤ò¼Â¹Ô¤·¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£[%s]\n"
-#: src/i_basic.c:97
+#: src/i_basic.c:84
 msgid "Attribute Mode"
 msgstr "¥¢¥È¥ê¥Ó¥å¡¼¥È¥â¡¼¥É"
-#: src/i_basic.c:100
+#: src/i_basic.c:87
 msgid "Component Mode"
 msgstr "ÉôÉʥ⡼¥É"
-#: src/i_basic.c:104
+#: src/i_basic.c:91
 msgid "Text Mode"
 msgstr "¥Í¥Ã¥È¥â¡¼¥É"
-#: src/i_basic.c:112
+#: src/i_basic.c:99
 msgid "Rotate Mode"
 msgstr "²óž¥â¡¼¥É"
-#: src/i_basic.c:122
+#: src/i_basic.c:109
 msgid "Pan Mode"
 msgstr "¥Ñ¥ó¥â¡¼¥É"
-#: src/i_basic.c:126
+#: src/i_basic.c:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "Paste %d Mode"
 msgstr "¥Ú¡¼¥¹¥È%d¥â¡¼¥É"
-#: src/i_basic.c:131
+#: src/i_basic.c:118
 msgid "Net Mode"
 msgstr "¥Í¥Ã¥È¥â¡¼¥É"
-#: src/i_basic.c:135
+#: src/i_basic.c:122
 msgid "Bus Mode"
 msgstr "¥Ð¥¹¥â¡¼¥É"
-#: src/i_basic.c:138
+#: src/i_basic.c:125
 msgid "Line Mode"
 msgstr "Àþ¥â¡¼¥É"
-#: src/i_basic.c:141
+#: src/i_basic.c:128
 msgid "Box Mode"
 msgstr "¥Ü¥Ã¥¯¥¹¥â¡¼¥É"
-#: src/i_basic.c:144
+#: src/i_basic.c:131
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Picture Mode"
 msgstr "¥Ô¥ó¥â¡¼¥É"
-#: src/i_basic.c:147
+#: src/i_basic.c:134
 msgid "Circle Mode"
 msgstr "±ß¥â¡¼¥É"
-#: src/i_basic.c:150
+#: src/i_basic.c:137
 msgid "Arc Mode"
 msgstr "±ß¸Ì¥â¡¼¥É"
-#: src/i_basic.c:153
+#: src/i_basic.c:140
 msgid "Pin Mode"
 msgstr "¥Ô¥ó¥â¡¼¥É"
-#: src/i_basic.c:155 src/i_callbacks.c:603 src/i_callbacks.c:622
+#: src/i_basic.c:142 src/i_callbacks.c:587 src/i_callbacks.c:606
 msgid "Copy"
 msgstr "¥³¥Ô¡¼"
-#: src/i_basic.c:157 src/i_callbacks.c:683 src/i_callbacks.c:702
+#: src/i_basic.c:144 src/i_callbacks.c:667 src/i_callbacks.c:686
 msgid "Move"
 msgstr "°ÜÆ°"
-#: src/i_basic.c:159 src/i_callbacks.c:643 src/i_callbacks.c:662
+#: src/i_basic.c:146 src/i_callbacks.c:627 src/i_callbacks.c:646
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Multiple Copy"
 msgstr "¿½Å¥¢¥¿¥Ã¥Á"
-#: src/i_basic.c:197
-msgid "Snap Off"
-msgstr "¥¹¥Ê¥Ã¥×¡¦¥ª¥Õ"
-#: src/i_basic.c:203
+#: src/i_basic.c:174
 msgid "Show Hidden"
 msgstr "±£¤·¥Æ¥­¥¹¥Èɽ¼¨"
-#: src/i_basic.c:291 src/x_window.c:660
+#: src/i_basic.c:177
+msgid "Snap Off"
+msgstr "¥¹¥Ê¥Ã¥×¡¦¥ª¥Õ"
+#: src/i_basic.c:259 src/x_window.c:656
 msgid "Action"
 msgstr "¥¢¥¯¥·¥ç¥ó"
-#: src/i_basic.c:299 src/x_window.c:655
+#: src/i_basic.c:267 src/x_window.c:651
 msgid "Stroke"
 msgstr "¥¹¥È¥í¡¼¥¯"
-#: src/i_basic.c:306 src/x_window.c:657
+#: src/i_basic.c:274 src/x_window.c:653
 msgid "none"
 msgstr "¤Ê¤·"
-#: src/i_basic.c:313
+#: src/i_basic.c:281
 msgid "Repeat/"
 msgstr "·«¤êÊÖ¤·/"
-#: src/i_basic.c:738 src/i_basic.c:743
+#: src/i_basic.c:570 src/i_basic.c:575
 msgid "OFF"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:747
+#: src/i_basic.c:579
 #, c-format
 msgid "Grid(%s, %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:131
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:132
 #, c-format
 msgid "Documentation for [%s,%s,%s,%s]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:191 src/i_callbacks.c:1687
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:192 src/i_callbacks.c:1669
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "New page created [%s]\n"
 msgstr "¿·µ¬¥Ú¡¼¥¸¤òºîÀ®¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£[%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:226 src/x_menus.c:432
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:227 src/x_menus.c:491
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "New Window created [%s]\n"
 msgstr "¿·µ¬¥¦¥£¥ó¥É¥¦¤òºîÀ®¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:355
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:345
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Failed to Save All"
 msgstr "¤¹¤Ù¤ÆÊݸ"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:357
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:347
 msgid "Saved All"
 msgstr "¤¹¤Ù¤ÆÊݸ"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:455
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:439
 msgid "Closing Window\n"
 msgstr "¥¦¥£¥ó¥É¥¦¤òÊĤ¸¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:607 src/i_callbacks.c:647 src/i_callbacks.c:687
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:591 src/i_callbacks.c:631 src/i_callbacks.c:671
 msgid "Select objs first"
 msgstr "¤Þ¤º¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¤òÁªÂò¤·¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤¡£"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:762
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:746
 msgid "Edit Text"
 msgstr "¥Æ¥­¥¹¥ÈÊÔ½¸"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:785
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:769
 msgid "Slot"
 msgstr "¥¹¥í¥Ã¥È"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:802
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:786
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "¿§"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:820 src/i_callbacks.c:842
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:804 src/i_callbacks.c:826
 msgid "Rotate"
 msgstr "²óž"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:869 src/i_callbacks.c:891
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:853 src/i_callbacks.c:875
 msgid "Mirror"
 msgstr "ȿž"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:955 src/x_dialog.c:1597
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:939 src/x_dialog.c:1604
 msgid "Translate"
 msgstr "žÁ÷"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:958
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:942
 msgid "WARNING: Do not translate with snap off!\n"
 msgstr "·Ù¹ð:¥¹¥Ê¥Ã¥×¡¦¥ª¥Õ¤ÇžÁ÷¤·¤Ê¤¤¤Ç¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤!\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:959
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:943
 msgid "WARNING: Turning snap on and continuing with translate.\n"
 msgstr "·Ù¹ð:¥¹¥Ê¥Ã¥×¤ò¥ª¥ó¤·¤Æ¤«¤éžÁ÷¤·¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤¡£\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:966
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:950
 msgid "WARNING: Snap grid size is not equal to 100!\n"
 msgstr "·Ù¹ð:¥°¥ê¥Ã¥É¥µ¥¤¥º¤¬100¤Ç¤Ï¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó!\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:968
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:952
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: If you are translating a symbol to the origin, the snap grid size "
 "should be set to 100\n"
@@ -890,445 +855,433 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:989
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:973
 msgid "Embed"
 msgstr "ÁȤ߹þ¤ß"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1027
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1011
 msgid "Unembed"
 msgstr "ÁȤ߹þ¤ß²ò½ü"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1067
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1051
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "¹¹¿·"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1125
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1109
 msgid "ShowHidden"
 msgstr "±£¤·¥Æ¥­¥¹¥Èɽ¼¨"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1148
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1132
 msgid "MakeVisible"
 msgstr "ɽ¼¨¤¹¤ë"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1264
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1248
 msgid "Edit Line Type"
 msgstr "Àþ¼ï¤òÊÔ½¸"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1305 src/x_dialog.c:1256
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1289 src/x_dialog.c:1261
 msgid "Edit Fill Type"
 msgstr "Åɤê¤Ä¤Ö¤·¤òÊÔ½¸"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1592
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1574
 msgid "Update Cues"
 msgstr "¥­¥å¡¼¹¹¿·"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1731
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1713
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Really revert page?"
 msgstr "Ì᤹"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1805
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1787
 msgid "Copy 1"
 msgstr "¥³¥Ô¡¼1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1824
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1806
 msgid "Copy 2"
 msgstr "¥³¥Ô¡¼2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1843
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1825
 msgid "Copy 3"
 msgstr "¥³¥Ô¡¼3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1862
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1844
 msgid "Copy 4"
 msgstr "¥³¥Ô¡¼4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1881
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1863
 msgid "Copy 5"
 msgstr "¥³¥Ô¡¼5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1900
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1882
 msgid "Cut 1"
 msgstr "¥«¥Ã¥È1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1919
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1901
 msgid "Cut 2"
 msgstr "¥«¥Ã¥È2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1938
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1920
 msgid "Cut 3"
 msgstr "¥«¥Ã¥È3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1957
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1939
 msgid "Cut 4"
 msgstr "¥«¥Ã¥È4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1976
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1958
 msgid "Cut 5"
 msgstr "¥«¥Ã¥È5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1992
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1974
 msgid "Paste 1"
 msgstr "¥Ú¡¼¥¹¥È1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2001 src/i_callbacks.c:2025 src/i_callbacks.c:2049
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2073 src/i_callbacks.c:2097
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1983 src/i_callbacks.c:2007 src/i_callbacks.c:2031
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2055 src/i_callbacks.c:2079
 msgid "Empty buffer"
 msgstr "¥Ð¥Ã¥Õ¥¡¤¬¶õ¤Ç¤¹¡£"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2016
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1998
 msgid "Paste 2"
 msgstr "¥Ú¡¼¥¹¥È 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2040
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2022
 msgid "Paste 3"
 msgstr "¥Ú¡¼¥¹¥È 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2064
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2046
 msgid "Paste 4"
 msgstr "¥Ú¡¼¥¹¥È 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2088
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2070
 msgid "Paste 5"
 msgstr "¥Ú¡¼¥¹¥È 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2234 src/x_window.c:531
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2213 src/x_window.c:527
 msgid "Component"
 msgstr "ÉôÉÊ"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2271 src/i_callbacks.c:2291
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2249 src/i_callbacks.c:2268
 msgid "Attribute"
 msgstr "¥¢¥È¥ê¥Ó¥å¡¼¥È"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2773
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2735
 #, c-format
 msgid "Searching for source [%s]\n"
 msgstr "¥½¡¼¥¹¸¡º÷Ãæ[%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2797 src/i_callbacks.c:2798
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2759 src/i_callbacks.c:2760
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot find source [%s]\n"
 msgstr "¥½¡¼¥¹¤¬¸«ÉÕ¤«¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£[%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2869
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2827
 #, c-format
 msgid "Searching for symbol [%s]\n"
 msgstr "¥·¥ó¥Ü¥ë¸¡º÷Ãæ[%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2946
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2914
 msgid ""
 "This command retrieves the component documentation from the web, but there "
 "is no component selected"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3063
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3031
 msgid "ShowN"
 msgstr "Nɽ¼¨"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3094
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3062
 msgid "ShowV"
 msgstr "ɽ¼¨V"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3125
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3093
 msgid "ShowB"
 msgstr "ɽ¼¨B"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3157
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3125
 msgid "VisToggle"
 msgstr "ɽ¼¨ÀÚÂؤ¨"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3179
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3147
 #, c-format
 msgid "Sorry but this is a non-functioning menu option\n"
 msgstr "µ¡Ç½¤·¤Ê¤¤¥á¥Ë¥å¡¼¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó¤Ç¤¹¡£\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3267
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3235
 msgid "Action feedback mode set to OUTLINE\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3270
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3238
 msgid "Action feedback mode set to BOUNDINGBOX\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3287
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3255
 msgid "Grid OFF\n"
 msgstr "¥°¥ê¥Ã¥É¡¦¥ª¥Õ\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3290
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3258
 msgid "Grid ON\n"
 msgstr "¥°¥ê¥Ã¥É¡¦¥ª¥ó\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3307
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3275
 msgid "Snap OFF (CAUTION!)\n"
 msgstr "¥¹¥Ê¥Ã¥×¡¦¥ª¥Õ(Ãí°Õ!)\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3310
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3278
 msgid "Snap ON\n"
 msgstr "¥¹¥Ê¥Ã¥×¡¦¥ª¥ó\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3330
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3298
 msgid "Rubber band OFF \n"
 msgstr "¥é¥Ð¡¼¥Ð¥ó¥É¡¦¥ª¥Õ\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3333
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3301
 msgid "Rubber band ON\n"
 msgstr "¥é¥Ð¡¼¥Ð¥ó¥É¡¦¥ª¥ó\n"
-#: src/o_arc.c:136
+#: src/o_arc.c:137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for arc (%d)\n"
 msgstr "ÉÔÌÀ¤Ê±ß¸Ì¤ÎÀèü(%d)\n"
-#: src/o_arc.c:177
+#: src/o_arc.c:178
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for arc !\n"
 msgstr "ÉÔÌÀ¤Ê±ß¸Ì¤Î¼ïÎà!\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:107
+#: src/o_attrib.c:108
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_attrib_toggle_visibility\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_attrib.c:172
+#: src/o_attrib.c:173
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_attrib_toggle_show_name_value\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_attrib.c:223
+#: src/o_attrib.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR! you can't get an attribute without an ='s\n"
 msgstr "¥¨¥é¡¼!¥¢¥È¥ê¥Ó¥å¡¼¥È¤Ë¤Ï'='¤¬É¬ÍפǤ¹¡£\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:140
+#: src/o_box.c:141
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for box (%d)\n"
 msgstr "ÉÔÌÀ¤Ê¥Ü¥Ã¥¯¥¹¤ÎÀèü(%d)\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:180
+#: src/o_box.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for box !\n"
 msgstr "ÉÔÌÀ¤Ê¥Ü¥Ã¥¯¥¹¤Î¼ïÎà!\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:270
+#: src/o_box.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for box (fill)!\n"
 msgstr "ÉÔÌÀ¤Ê¥Ü¥Ã¥¯¥¹¤Î¼ïÎà(Åɤê¤Ä¤Ö¤·)!\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:41
+#: src/o_buffer.c:42
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_copy]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_buffer.c:79
+#: src/o_buffer.c:80
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_cut]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_buffer.c:120
+#: src/o_buffer.c:121
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_start]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_buffer.c:180
+#: src/o_buffer.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_end]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_bus.c:219
+#: src/o_bus.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid which one in o_bus_draw_xor_single\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_bus.c:285 src/o_bus.c:319 src/o_net.c:333 src/o_net.c:367
-#, c-format
-msgid "selected a nonexistant object!\n"
-msgstr "¸ºß¤·¤Ê¤¤¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¤¬ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿!\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:135
+#: src/o_circle.c:136
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for circle\n"
 msgstr "ÉÔÌÀ¤Ê±ß¤ÎÀèü\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:171
+#: src/o_circle.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for circle!\n"
 msgstr "ÉÔÌÀ¤Ê±ß¤Î¼ïÎà!\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:259
+#: src/o_circle.c:260
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for circle (fill)!\n"
 msgstr "ÉÔÌÀ¤Ê±ß¤Î¼ïÎà(Åɤê¤Ä¤Ö¤·)!\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:222
+#: src/o_complex.c:225
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find complex in new componet placement!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_complex.c:600
+#: src/o_complex.c:578
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_complex_translate_display_selection\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_complex.c:668 src/o_complex.c:674
+#: src/o_complex.c:646 src/o_complex.c:652
 #, c-format
 msgid "Translating schematic [%d %d]\n"
 msgstr "¥¹¥±¥Þ¥Á¥Ã¥¯¤òžÁ÷¤·¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£[%d %d]\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:718
+#: src/o_complex.c:690
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_complex_translate_selection!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_copy.c:124 src/o_copy.c:395
+#: src/o_copy.c:125 src/o_copy.c:395
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_copy_end!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_line.c:112
+#: src/o_line.c:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for line (%d)\n"
 msgstr "ÉÔÌÀ¤ÊÀþ¤ÎÀèü(%d)\n"
-#: src/o_line.c:152
+#: src/o_line.c:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for line (%d) !\n"
 msgstr "ÉÔÌÀ¤ÊÀþ¤Î¼ïÎà(%d)!\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:64
+#: src/o_misc.c:65
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an unexpected NULL in o_edit\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:143
-msgid "Object alreadly locked\n"
+#: src/o_misc.c:144
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Object already locked\n"
 msgstr "¤³¤Î¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¤Ï¤¹¤Ç¤Ë¥í¥Ã¥¯¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:181
-msgid "Object alreadly unlocked\n"
+#: src/o_misc.c:182
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Object already unlocked\n"
 msgstr "¤³¤Î¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¤Ï¤¹¤Ç¤Ë¥í¥Ã¥¯²ò½ü¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:228 src/o_misc.c:471 src/o_misc.c:715
+#: src/o_misc.c:229 src/o_misc.c:472 src/o_misc.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_rotate_90!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:537
+#: src/o_misc.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_mirror!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:815
+#: src/o_misc.c:812
 msgid "Hidden text is now visible\n"
 msgstr "±£¤·¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¤¬É½¼¨¤µ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:817
+#: src/o_misc.c:814
 msgid "Hidden text is now invisible\n"
 msgstr "±£¤·¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¤¬Èóɽ¼¨¤Ë¤Ê¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1076
-msgid "Could not unembedded component, could not find appropriate .sym file\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:1077
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Component still embedded and not updated\n"
-msgstr "¤³¤ÎÉôÉʤϤ¹¤Ç¤ËÁȤ߹þ¤Þ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1081
+#: src/o_misc.c:1058
 #, c-format
-msgid "More than one component found with name [%s]\n"
+msgid "Could not find symbol [%s] in library. Update failed.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:1229
+#: src/o_misc.c:1198
 #, c-format
 msgid "o_autosave_backups: Can't get the real filename of %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:1273
+#: src/o_misc.c:1242
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT set previous backup file [%s] read-write\n"
 msgstr "Êݸ¤Ç¤­¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£[%s]\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1291
+#: src/o_misc.c:1260
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT set backup file [%s] readonly\n"
 msgstr "Êݸ¤Ç¤­¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£[%s]\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1296
+#: src/o_misc.c:1265
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT save backup file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Êݸ¤Ç¤­¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£[%s]\n"
-#: src/o_move.c:223
+#: src/o_move.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_move_end!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_move.c:331
+#: src/o_move.c:332
 #, c-format
 msgid "DOH! tried to find the whichone, but didn't find it!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_move.c:352
+#: src/o_move.c:353
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got a non line object in o_move_check_endpoint\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_net.c:264
+#: src/o_net.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid which one in o_net_draw_xor_single\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_net.c:940 src/o_net.c:977 src/o_net.c:1048 src/o_net.c:1084
+#: src/o_net.c:812 src/o_net.c:849 src/o_net.c:920 src/o_net.c:956
 #, c-format
 msgid "Tried to add more than two bus rippers. Internal gschem error.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_net.c:1155
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not find %s in any component-library\n"
+#: src/o_net.c:1029
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Bus ripper symbol [%s] was not found in any component library\n"
 msgstr "̵¸ú¤Ê¥Ñ¥¹[%s]¤¬component-library¤Ë»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/o_picture.c:205 src/o_picture.c:746
+#: src/o_picture.c:206 src/o_picture.c:746
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Failed to load picture: %s"
 msgstr "½é´ü²½scm¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ÎÆɤ߹þ¤ß¤Ë¼ºÇÔ¡£[%s]\n"
-#: src/o_picture.c:219
+#: src/o_picture.c:220
 msgid "Picture"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_picture.c:658 src/x_attribedit.c:137
+#: src/o_picture.c:658 src/x_attribedit.c:139
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_slot.c:127
+#: src/o_slot.c:128
 msgid "Slot attribute malformed\n"
 msgstr "¥¹¥í¥Ã¥È¥¢¥È¥ê¥Ó¥å¡¼¥È¤¬ÊѤǤ¹¡£\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:145
+#: src/o_slot.c:146
 msgid "numslots attribute missing\n"
 msgstr "¥¹¥í¥Ã¥ÈÈֹ椬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:147
+#: src/o_slot.c:148
 msgid "Slotting not allowed for this component\n"
 msgstr "¤³¤ÎÉôÉʤ˥¹¥í¥Ã¥È¤Ïµö²Ä¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:163
+#: src/o_slot.c:164
 msgid "New slot number out of range\n"
 msgstr "¥¹¥í¥Ã¥ÈÈֹ椬ÈϰϤò±Û¤¨¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:247
+#: src/o_slot.c:237
 #, c-format
 msgid "uggg! you tried to slot edit something that doesn't exist!\n"
 msgstr "¤ª¤Ã¤È! ¸ºß¤·¤Ê¤¤¥¹¥í¥Ã¥È¤òÊÔ½¸¤·¤è¤¦¤È¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿!\n"
-#: src/o_undo.c:316
+#: src/o_undo.c:317
 msgid "Undo/Redo disabled in rc file\n"
 msgstr "¥¢¥ó¥É¥¥/¥ê¥É¥¥¤Ïrc¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ç̵¸ú¤ËÀßÄꤵ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£\n"
-#: src/parsecmd.c:49
+#: src/parsecmd.c:50
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] schematic_filename1 ... schematic_filenameN\n"
@@ -1343,234 +1296,242 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:122
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:124
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got invalid show option; defaulting to show both\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:325
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:327
 msgid "Single Attribute Editor"
 msgstr "¥·¥ó¥°¥ë¥¢¥È¥ë¥Ó¥å¡¼¥È¥¨¥Ç¥£¥¿"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:355
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:358
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Edit Attribute</b>"
 msgstr "¥¢¥È¥ê¥Ó¥å¡¼¥ÈÊÔ½¸"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:357
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:360
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Add Attribute</b>"
 msgstr "¥¢¥È¥ê¥Ó¥å¡¼¥ÈÄɲÃ/ÊÔ½¸"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:373 src/x_multiattrib.c:1512
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:376 src/x_multiattrib.c:1480
 msgid "Name:"
 msgstr "̾Á°:"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:389 src/x_multiattrib.c:1531
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:392 src/x_multiattrib.c:1499
 msgid "Value:"
 msgstr "ÃÍ:"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:404 src/x_multiattrib.c:1559
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:408 src/x_multiattrib.c:1527
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "ɽ¼¨"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:424
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:428
 msgid "Show Value Only"
 msgstr "ÃͤΤßɽ¼¨"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:426
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:430
 msgid "Show Name Only"
 msgstr "̾Á°¤Î¤ßɽ¼¨"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:428 src/x_multiattrib.c:1162
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:432 src/x_multiattrib.c:1143
 msgid "Show Name & Value"
 msgstr "̾Á°¤ÈÃͤòɽ¼¨"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:435
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:439
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Attach Options</b>"
 msgstr "¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:450
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:454
 msgid "All"
 msgstr "¤¹¤Ù¤Æ"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:458 src/x_compselect.c:791
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:462 src/x_compselect.c:716 src/x_compselect.c:791
 msgid "Components"
 msgstr "ÉôÉÊ"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:466 src/x_window.c:541
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:470 src/x_window.c:537
 msgid "Nets"
 msgstr "¥Í¥Ã¥È"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:474
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:478
 msgid "Replace existing attributes"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:411
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:413
 msgid ""
 "slotted object without slot attribute may cause problems when autonumbering "
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:426
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "duplicate slot may cause problems: [symbolname=%s, number=%d, slot=%d]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:696
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:698
 msgid "No searchstring given in autonumber text.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:747
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:749
 msgid "No '*' or '?' given at the end of the autonumber text.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:880
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
 msgid "Diagonal"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:881
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
 msgid "Top to bottom"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:881
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
 msgid "Bottom to top"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:884
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Left to right"
 msgstr "Ãæ±û ±¦"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:884
 msgid "Right to left"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:885
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "File order"
 msgstr "±ß¥â¡¼¥É"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1219
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1221
 msgid "Autonumber text"
 msgstr "¥ª¡¼¥È¥Ê¥ó¥Ð¡¼¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1244
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1247
 msgid "<b>Scope</b>"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1266
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1269
 msgid "Search for:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1280
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1283
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Autonumber text in:"
 msgstr "¥ª¡¼¥È¥Ê¥ó¥Ð¡¼¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1287
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1290
 msgid "Skip numbers found in:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1299 src/x_autonumber.c:1308
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1302 src/x_autonumber.c:1311
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Selected objects"
 msgstr "¸ºß¤·¤Ê¤¤¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¤¬ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿!\n"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1300 src/x_autonumber.c:1309
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1303 src/x_autonumber.c:1312
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Current page"
 msgstr "¥Æ¥¹¥È¥·¡¼¥È"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1301 src/x_autonumber.c:1310
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1304 src/x_autonumber.c:1313
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Whole hierarchy"
 msgstr "³¬ÁØ"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1312
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1315
 msgid "Overwrite existing numbers"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1317
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1320
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Options</b>"
 msgstr "¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1339
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1342
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Starting number:"
 msgstr "¥¹¥í¥Ã¥ÈÈÖ¹æÊÔ½¸"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1346
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1349
 msgid "Sort order:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1367
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1370
 msgid "Remove numbers"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1371
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1374
 msgid "Automatic slotting"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_color.c:59 src/x_color.c:96
+#: src/x_color.c:60 src/x_color.c:97
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find the color %s!\n"
 msgstr "¿§%s¤¬¸«ÉÕ¤«¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó!\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:62 src/x_color.c:99
+#: src/x_color.c:63 src/x_color.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Defaulting color to white\n"
 msgstr "¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Î¿§¤òÇò¤Ë¤·¤Þ¤¹¡£\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:69 src/x_color.c:106
+#: src/x_color.c:70 src/x_color.c:107
 #, c-format
 msgid "Ack! Cannot allocate white!\n"
 msgstr "¤¢¤Ã! Çò¤ò»ØÄê¤Ç¤­¤Þ¤»¤ó!\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:80 src/x_color.c:128 src/x_window.c:176 src/x_window.c:185
+#: src/x_color.c:81 src/x_color.c:129 src/x_window.c:176 src/x_window.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not allocate the color %s!\n"
 msgstr "»ØÄê¤Ç¤­¤Ê¤¤¿§[%s]¤Ç¤¹!\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:147 src/x_color.c:163
+#: src/x_color.c:148 src/x_color.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "Tried to get an invalid color: %d\n"
 msgstr "̵¸ú¤Ê¿§¤Î»ØÄê¤Ç¤¹¡£ : %d\n"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:615
+#: src/x_compselect.c:821
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Filter:"
+msgstr "¥Õ¥£¥ë¥¿"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:895
 msgid "Default behavior - reference component"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_compselect.c:618
+#: src/x_compselect.c:898
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Embed component in schematic"
 msgstr "ÁȤ߹þ¤à"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:621
+#: src/x_compselect.c:901
 msgid "Include component as individual objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_compselect.c:707
+#: src/x_compselect.c:982
 msgid "Select Component..."
 msgstr "ÉôÉÊÁªÂò..."
-#: src/x_compselect.c:821
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Filter:"
-msgstr "¥Õ¥£¥ë¥¿"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1008
+msgid "In Use"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1012
+msgid "Libraries"
+msgstr "¥é¥¤¥Ö¥é¥ê"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:885 src/x_fileselect.c:123
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1024 src/x_fileselect.c:124
 msgid "Preview"
 msgstr "¥×¥ì¥Ó¥å¡¼"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:182
+#: src/x_dialog.c:184
 msgid "Text Entry..."
 msgstr "¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È..."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:214
+#: src/x_dialog.c:217
 msgid ""
 "Enter text, click apply,\n"
 "move cursor into window, click to place text.\n"
@@ -1580,185 +1541,185 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:303
+#: src/x_dialog.c:306
 msgid "Lower Left"
 msgstr "²¼ º¸"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:314
+#: src/x_dialog.c:317
 msgid "Middle Left"
 msgstr "Ãæ±û º¸"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:325
+#: src/x_dialog.c:328
 msgid "Upper Left"
 msgstr "¾å º¸"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:336
+#: src/x_dialog.c:339
 msgid "Lower Middle"
 msgstr "²¼ Ãæ±û"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:347
+#: src/x_dialog.c:350
 msgid "Middle Middle"
 msgstr "Ãæ±û Ãæ±û"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:358
+#: src/x_dialog.c:361
 msgid "Upper Middle"
 msgstr "¾å Ãæ±û"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:369
+#: src/x_dialog.c:372
 msgid "Lower Right"
 msgstr "²¼ ±¦"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:380
+#: src/x_dialog.c:383
 msgid "Middle Right"
 msgstr "Ãæ±û ±¦"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:391
+#: src/x_dialog.c:394
 msgid "Upper Right"
 msgstr "¾å ±¦"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:506
+#: src/x_dialog.c:509
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Edit Text Properties"
 msgstr "¥µ¥¤¥º"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:541
+#: src/x_dialog.c:545
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Text Content</b>"
 msgstr "¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:573
+#: src/x_dialog.c:577
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Text Properties</b>"
 msgstr "¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:588
+#: src/x_dialog.c:592
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Color:"
 msgstr "¿§"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:598
+#: src/x_dialog.c:602
 msgid "Size:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:607
+#: src/x_dialog.c:611
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Alignment:"
 msgstr "ÇÛÃÖ"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:661
+#: src/x_dialog.c:665
 msgid "Solid"
 msgstr "¼ÂÀþ"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:662
+#: src/x_dialog.c:666
 msgid "Dotted"
 msgstr "ÅÀÀþ"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:663
+#: src/x_dialog.c:667
 msgid "Dashed"
 msgstr "ÇËÀþ"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:664
+#: src/x_dialog.c:668
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "Ãæ±û"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:665
+#: src/x_dialog.c:669
 msgid "Phantom"
 msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥ó¥È¥à"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:791 src/x_dialog.c:793 src/x_dialog.c:795 src/x_dialog.c:977
-#: src/x_dialog.c:978 src/x_dialog.c:979 src/x_dialog.c:987
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1170 src/x_dialog.c:1172 src/x_dialog.c:1174
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1176 src/x_dialog.c:1178 src/x_dialog.c:1382
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1383 src/x_dialog.c:1384 src/x_dialog.c:1385
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1386 src/x_dialog.c:1394
+#: src/x_dialog.c:795 src/x_dialog.c:797 src/x_dialog.c:799 src/x_dialog.c:982
+#: src/x_dialog.c:983 src/x_dialog.c:984 src/x_dialog.c:992
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1175 src/x_dialog.c:1177 src/x_dialog.c:1179
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1181 src/x_dialog.c:1183 src/x_dialog.c:1388
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1389 src/x_dialog.c:1390 src/x_dialog.c:1391
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1392 src/x_dialog.c:1400
 msgid "*unchanged*"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:870
+#: src/x_dialog.c:874
 msgid "Edit Line Width & Type"
 msgstr "Àþ¼ï¤ÈÉýÊÔ½¸"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:910
+#: src/x_dialog.c:915
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Width:"
 msgstr "Éý"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:914 src/x_print.c:353
+#: src/x_dialog.c:919 src/x_print.c:314
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Type:"
 msgstr "¼ïÎà"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:918
+#: src/x_dialog.c:923
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Dash Length:"
 msgstr "ÇËÀþ¤ÎŤµ"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:922
+#: src/x_dialog.c:927
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Dash Space:"
 msgstr "ÇËÀþ¤Î´Ö³Ö"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1027
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1032
 msgid "Hollow"
 msgstr "¶õƶ"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1028
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1033
 msgid "Filled"
 msgstr "Åɤê¤Ä¤Ö¤·"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1034
 msgid "Mesh"
 msgstr "¥á¥Ã¥·¥å"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1030
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1035
 msgid "Hatch"
 msgstr "¥Ï¥Ã¥Á"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1295
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1301
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Fill Type:"
 msgstr "Åɤê¤Ä¤Ö¤·¼ïÎà"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1299
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1305
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Line Width:"
 msgstr "Àþ¤ÎÉý"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1303
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1309
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Angle 1:"
 msgstr "³ÑÅÙ1"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1307
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1313
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Pitch 1:"
 msgstr "¥Ô¥Ã¥Á1"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1311
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1317
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Angle 2:"
 msgstr "³ÑÅÙ2"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1321
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Pitch 2:"
 msgstr "¥Ô¥Ã¥Á2"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1477
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1483
 msgid "Arc Params"
 msgstr "±ß¸Ì¥Ñ¥é¥á¡¼¥¿"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1518
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1525
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Start Angle:"
 msgstr "³«»Ï³Ñ"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1528
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1535
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Degrees of Sweep:"
 msgstr "¥¹¥¤¡¼¥×³Ñ"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1628
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1636
 msgid ""
 "Offset to translate?\n"
 "(0 for origin)"
@@ -1766,52 +1727,53 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1704
 msgid "Text Size"
 msgstr "¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¥µ¥¤¥º"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1727
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1736
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Enter new text size:"
 msgstr "¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¥µ¥¤¥º¤òÆþÎϤ·¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1802
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1811
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Snap Size"
 msgstr "¥¹¥Ê¥Ã¥×¥°¥ê¥Ã¥É"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1833
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1843
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Enter new snap grid spacing:"
 msgstr "¥°¥ê¥Ã¥É¥µ¥¤¥º¤òÆþÎϤ·¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1906
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1916
 msgid "Edit slot number"
 msgstr "¥¹¥í¥Ã¥ÈÈÖ¹æÊÔ½¸"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1938
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1949
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Edit slot number:"
 msgstr "¥¹¥í¥Ã¥ÈÈÖ¹æÊÔ½¸"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2000
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2011
 msgid "About..."
 msgstr "gschem¤Ë¤Ä¤¤¤Æ..."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2019
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2031
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>gEDA: GPL Electronic Design Automation</b>"
 msgstr "gEDA : GPL Electronic Design Automation"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2023
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2035
 #, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "<b>gschem version %s%s</b>"
-msgstr "gschem¥Ð¡¼¥¸¥ç¥ó%s"
+msgid "<b>gschem version %s%s.%s</b>"
+msgstr "gschem¥Ð¡¼¥¸¥ç¥ó%s%s.%s"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2029
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2043
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Written by:\n"
-"Ales V. Hvezda\n"
+"Ales Hvezda\n"
 "And many others (See AUTHORS file)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1820,134 +1782,143 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2093
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2107
 msgid "Coords"
 msgstr "ºÂɸ"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2113
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2128
 msgid "Screen"
 msgstr "¥¹¥¯¥ê¡¼¥ó"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2122
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2137
 msgid "World"
 msgstr "¥ï¡¼¥ë¥É"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2345
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2360
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in color_edit_dialog_apply!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2408
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2423
 msgid "Color Edit"
 msgstr "¿§ÊÔ½¸"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2440
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2456
 msgid "Object color:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2564
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2581
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Function"
 msgstr "¥¢¥¯¥·¥ç¥ó"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2571
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2588
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Keystroke(s)"
 msgstr "´Ø¿ô : ¥­¡¼¥¹¥È¥í¡¼¥¯"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2925
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2920
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Find Text"
 msgstr "¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¸¡º÷"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2957
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2953
 msgid "Text to find:"
 msgstr "¸¡º÷¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2967
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2963
 msgid "descend into hierarchy"
 msgstr "²¼¤Î³¬Áؤ⸡º÷"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3031
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3027
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Hide Text"
 msgstr "¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¤ò±£¤¹"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3063
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3060
 msgid "Hide text starting with:"
 msgstr "±£¤·¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3131
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3128
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Show Text"
 msgstr "¥Æ¥­¥¹¥Èɽ¼¨"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3163
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3161
 msgid "Show text starting with:"
 msgstr "¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3608 src/x_multiattrib.c:1389
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3606 src/x_multiattrib.c:1357
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "̾Á°"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3630
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3628
 msgid "S_elect the schematics you want to save:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3724
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3722
 #, c-format
 msgid "Save the changes to schematic \"%s\" before closing?"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3730
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3728
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "There is %d schematics with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3759
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3757
 msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be permanently lost."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3779
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3777
 msgid "_Close without saving"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:46
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:47
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Schematics"
 msgstr "sch - ¥¹¥±¥Þ¥Á¥Ã¥¯"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:51
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:52
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Symbols"
 msgstr "sym - ¥·¥ó¥Ü¥ë"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:56
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:57
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Schematics and symbols"
 msgstr "sym/sch - ¥¹¥±¥Þ¥Á¥Ã¥¯¤È¥·¥ó¥Ü¥ë"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:62
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:63
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "All files"
 msgstr "* - ¤¹¤Ù¤Æ¤Î¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:172
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:173
 msgid "Open..."
 msgstr "³«¤¯..."
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:233
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:234
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Save as..."
 msgstr "ÊÌ̾¤ÇÊݸ..."
-#: src/x_image.c:363
+#: src/x_image.c:180
+msgid "Encapsulated Postscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_image.c:298
+#, c-format
+msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to write eps file %s.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_image.c:380
 #, c-format
 msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to write %s file %s.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_image.c:373
+#: src/x_image.c:390
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "There was the following error when saving image with type %s to filename:\n"
@@ -1956,263 +1927,272 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_image.c:392 src/x_image.c:423
+#: src/x_image.c:409
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wrote color image to [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
 msgstr "¥«¥é¡¼¥¤¥á¡¼¥¸¤ò½ÐÎϤ·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£[%s] [%d x %d]\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:394 src/x_image.c:425
+#: src/x_image.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wrote black and white image to [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
 msgstr "Çò¹õ¥¤¥á¡¼¥¸¤ò½ÐÎϤ·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£[%s] [%d x %d]\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:404
+#: src/x_image.c:421
 msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to get pixbuf from gschem's window.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_image.c:459
+#: src/x_image.c:467
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Width x Height"
 msgstr "Éý x ¹â¤µ"
-#: src/x_image.c:475
+#: src/x_image.c:483
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Image type"
 msgstr "¥Ú¡¼¥¸"
-#: src/x_log.c:231
+#: src/x_log.c:236
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "¥¹¥Æ¡¼¥¿¥¹"
-#: src/x_menus.c:40
+#: src/x_menus.c:41
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Add Net"
 msgstr "¥Æ¥­¥¹¥ÈÄɲÃ..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:41
+#: src/x_menus.c:42
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Add Attribute..."
 msgstr "¥¢¥È¥ê¥Ó¥å¡¼¥ÈÄɲÃ/ÊÔ½¸"
-#: src/x_menus.c:42
+#: src/x_menus.c:43
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Add Component..."
 msgstr "ÉôÉÊ..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:43
+#: src/x_menus.c:44
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Add Bus"
 msgstr "¥Æ¥­¥¹¥ÈÄɲÃ..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:44
+#: src/x_menus.c:45
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Add Text"
 msgstr "¥Æ¥­¥¹¥ÈÄɲÃ..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:46
+#: src/x_menus.c:47
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Zoom In"
 msgstr "³ÈÂç"
-#: src/x_menus.c:47
+#: src/x_menus.c:48
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Zoom Out"
 msgstr "½Ì¾®"
-#: src/x_menus.c:48
+#: src/x_menus.c:49
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Zoom Box"
 msgstr "³ÈÂç"
-#: src/x_menus.c:49
+#: src/x_menus.c:50
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Zoom Extents"
 msgstr "³ÈÂçÈÏ°Ï"
-#: src/x_menus.c:51
+#: src/x_menus.c:52
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Select"
 msgstr "ÁªÂò"
-#: src/x_menus.c:52
+#: src/x_menus.c:53
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Edit..."
 msgstr "ÊÔ½¸..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:53
+#: src/x_menus.c:54
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Copy"
 msgstr "¥³¥Ô¡¼"
-#: src/x_menus.c:54
+#: src/x_menus.c:55
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Move"
 msgstr "°ÜÆ°"
-#: src/x_menus.c:55
+#: src/x_menus.c:56
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Delete"
 msgstr "ºï½ü"
-#: src/x_menus.c:58
+#: src/x_menus.c:59
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Down Schematic"
 msgstr "¥¹¥±¥Þ¥Á¥Ã¥¯¤Ø"
-#: src/x_menus.c:59
+#: src/x_menus.c:60
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Down Symbol"
 msgstr "¥·¥ó¥Ü¥ë¤Ø"
-#: src/x_menus.c:60
+#: src/x_menus.c:61
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Up"
 msgstr "¾å¤Ø"
-#: src/x_menus.c:331
+#: src/x_menus.c:332
 msgid "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent menu item\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:355
+#: src/x_menus.c:356
 msgid "Popup_menu_item_factory doesn't exist!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:368
+#: src/x_menus.c:369
 msgid "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent popup menu_item\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:652
+#: src/x_menus.c:480
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't open file %s\n"
+msgstr "¤ª¤Ã¤È¡¢¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤¬³«¤±¤Þ¤»¤ó: %s\n"
+#: src/x_menus.c:538
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "¥¯¥ê¥¢"
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:656
 msgid "Attributes with empty name are not allowed. Please set a name."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1164
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1145
 msgid "Show Value only"
 msgstr "ÃͤΤßɽ¼¨"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1166
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1147
 msgid "Show Name only"
 msgstr "̾Á°¤Î¤ßɽ¼¨"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1192
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1173
 msgid "Duplicate"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1309
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1284
 msgid "Edit Attributes"
 msgstr "¥¢¥È¥ê¥Ó¥å¡¼¥ÈÊÔ½¸"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1414
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1382
 msgid "Value"
 msgstr "ÃÍ"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1436
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1404
 msgid "Vis?"
 msgstr "ɽ¼¨"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1456
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1424
 msgid "N"
 msgstr "̾Á°"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1476
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1444
 msgid "V"
 msgstr "ÃÍ"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1497
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1465
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Add Attribute"
 msgstr "¥¢¥È¥ê¥Ó¥å¡¼¥ÈÄɲÃ/ÊÔ½¸"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:272
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:264
 msgid "Discard Page"
 msgstr "ÇË´þ"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:381
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:361
 msgid "Page Manager"
 msgstr "¥Ú¡¼¥¸¥Þ¥Í¡¼¥¸¥ã"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:437
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:417
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:453
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:433
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Changed"
 msgstr "Êѹ¹"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:473
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:453
 msgid "Right click on the filename for more options..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:90
+#: src/x_print.c:89
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Select PostScript Filename..."
 msgstr "̾Á°¤òÉÕ¤±¤ÆÊݸ..."
-#: src/x_print.c:206
+#: src/x_print.c:171
 msgid "Extents with margins"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:212
+#: src/x_print.c:177
 msgid "Extents no margins"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:218
+#: src/x_print.c:183
 msgid "Current Window"
 msgstr "¸½ºß¤Î¥¦¥£¥ó¥É¥¦"
-#: src/x_print.c:252
+#: src/x_print.c:217
 msgid "Landscape"
 msgstr "¥é¥ó¥É¥¹¥±¡¼¥×"
-#: src/x_print.c:258
+#: src/x_print.c:223
 msgid "Portrait"
 msgstr "¥Ý¡¼¥È¥ì¥¤¥È"
-#: src/x_print.c:330
+#: src/x_print.c:291
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:342
+#: src/x_print.c:303
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Output paper size:"
 msgstr "½ÐÎÏÍѻ極¥¤¥º"
-#: src/x_print.c:364
+#: src/x_print.c:325
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Orientation:"
 msgstr "¥ª¥ê¥¨¥ó¥Æ¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó"
-#: src/x_print.c:376
+#: src/x_print.c:337
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Destination"
 msgstr "¥É¥­¥å¥á¥ó¥Èɽ¼¨/¸¡º÷"
-#: src/x_print.c:389
+#: src/x_print.c:350
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "File:"
 msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë"
-#: src/x_print.c:419
+#: src/x_print.c:380
 msgid "Command:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:785
+#: src/x_print.c:750
 msgid "No print destination specified\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:792
+#: src/x_print.c:757
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot print current schematic to [%s]\n"
 msgstr "¸½ºß¤Î¥¹¥±¥Þ¥Á¥Ã¥¯¤ò°õºþ¤Ç¤­¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£[%s]\n"
-#: src/x_print.c:801
+#: src/x_print.c:766
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Error printing to file '%s'\n"
 "Check the log window for more information"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:808
+#: src/x_print.c:773
 #, c-format
 msgid "Printed current schematic to [%s]\n"
 msgstr "¸½ºß¤Î¥¹¥±¥Þ¥Á¥Ã¥¯¤ò°õºþ¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£[%s]\n"
@@ -2250,35 +2230,35 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Couldn't allocate bus_gc\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:494
+#: src/x_window.c:490
 msgid "New file"
 msgstr "¿·µ¬¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë"
-#: src/x_window.c:500
+#: src/x_window.c:496
 msgid "Open"
 msgstr "³«¤¯"
-#: src/x_window.c:501
+#: src/x_window.c:497
 msgid "Open file..."
 msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò³«¤¯..."
-#: src/x_window.c:507
+#: src/x_window.c:503
 msgid "Save"
 msgstr "Êݸ"
-#: src/x_window.c:508
+#: src/x_window.c:504
 msgid "Save file"
 msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤òÊݸ"
-#: src/x_window.c:516
+#: src/x_window.c:512
 msgid "Undo last operation"
 msgstr "¥¢¥ó¥É¥¥"
-#: src/x_window.c:523
+#: src/x_window.c:519
 msgid "Redo last undo"
 msgstr "¥ê¥É¥¥"
-#: src/x_window.c:532
+#: src/x_window.c:528
 msgid ""
 "Add component...\n"
 "Select library and component from list, move the mouse into main window, "
@@ -2290,7 +2270,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:542
+#: src/x_window.c:538
 msgid ""
 "Add nets mode\n"
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
@@ -2298,7 +2278,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:552
+#: src/x_window.c:548
 msgid ""
 "Add buses mode\n"
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
@@ -2306,76 +2286,112 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:559
+#: src/x_window.c:555
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È"
-#: src/x_window.c:560
+#: src/x_window.c:556
 msgid "Add Text..."
 msgstr "¥Æ¥­¥¹¥ÈÄɲÃ..."
-#: src/x_window.c:570
+#: src/x_window.c:566
 msgid "Select"
 msgstr "ÁªÂò"
-#: src/x_window.c:571
+#: src/x_window.c:567
 msgid "Select mode"
 msgstr "ÁªÂò¥â¡¼¥É"
-#: src/x_window.c:646
+#: src/x_window.c:642
 msgid "Pick"
 msgstr "¥Ô¥Ã¥¯"
-#: src/x_window.c:662
+#: src/x_window.c:658
 msgid "Repeat/none"
 msgstr "·«¤êÊÖ¤·/¤Ê¤·"
-#: src/x_window.c:672
+#: src/x_window.c:668
 msgid "Menu/Cancel"
 msgstr "¥á¥Ë¥å¡¼/¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ë"
-#: src/x_window.c:674
+#: src/x_window.c:670
 msgid "Pan/Cancel"
 msgstr "¥Ñ¥ó/¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ë"
-#: src/x_window.c:932
+#: src/x_window.c:927
 #, c-format
 msgid "Loading schematic [%s]\n"
 msgstr "¥¹¥±¥Þ¥Á¥Ã¥¯¤òÆɤ߹þ¤ó¤Ç¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£[%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1034
+#: src/x_window.c:1029
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT save page [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Êݸ¤Ç¤­¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£[%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1035
+#: src/x_window.c:1030
 msgid "Error while trying to save"
 msgstr "ÊݸÃæ¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼È¯À¸"
-#: src/x_window.c:1044
+#: src/x_window.c:1039
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Saved as [%s]\n"
 msgstr "[%s]¤È¤·¤ÆÊݸ¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1046
+#: src/x_window.c:1041
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Êݸ¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£[%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1048
+#: src/x_window.c:1043
 msgid "Saved"
 msgstr "Êݸ¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£"
-#: src/x_window.c:1109
+#: src/x_window.c:1104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Discarding page [%s]\n"
 msgstr "¥Ú¡¼¥¸¤òÇË´þ¤·¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£[%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1109
+#: src/x_window.c:1104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Closing [%s]\n"
 msgstr "ÊĤ¸¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£[%s]\n"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Found a version [%s%s] gschemrc file:\n"
+#~ "[%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "¥Ð¡¼¥¸¥ç¥ó [%s] ¤Îgschemrc¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤¬¸«ÉÕ¤«¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£: \n"
+#~ "[%s]\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While gschem is in ALPHA, please be sure that you have the latest rc "
+#~ "file.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "gschem¤Ï¥¢¥ë¥Õ¥¡¥Ð¡¼¥¸¥ç¥ó¤Ç¤¹¡£ºÇ¿·¤Îrc¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò»È¤Ã¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤¡£\n"
+#~ msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to scrollbar-update\n"
+#~ msgstr "̵¸ú¤Ê¥â¡¼¥É[%s]¤¬scrollbar-update¤Ë»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£\n"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate stroke definition passed to stroke! [%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr "¥¹¥È¥í¡¼¥¯¤ÎÄêµÁ¤¬½ÅÊ£¤·¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹![%s]\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A stroke keyword has been found in an rc file, but gschem\n"
+#~ "is not compiled to support strokes, please recompile gschem\n"
+#~ "with LibStroke\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "rc¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ëÆâ¤Ë¥¹¥È¥í¡¼¥¯¤ÎÄêµÁ¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤¹¤¬¡¢gschem¤Ï\n"
+#~ "¥¹¥È¥í¡¼¥¯¤Î¥µ¥Ý¡¼¥È¤Ê¤·¤Ç¥³¥ó¥Ñ¥¤¥ë¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£LibStroke¤È\n"
+#~ "¶¦¤Ëgschem¤òºÆ¥³¥ó¥Ñ¥¤¥ë¤·¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤¡£\n"
+#~ msgid "selected a nonexistant object!\n"
+#~ msgstr "¸ºß¤·¤Ê¤¤¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¤¬ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿!\n"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Component still embedded and not updated\n"
+#~ msgstr "¤³¤ÎÉôÉʤϤ¹¤Ç¤ËÁȤ߹þ¤Þ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£\n"
 #~ msgid "Write PNG..."
 #~ msgstr "PNG½ÐÎÏ"
@@ -2488,10 +2504,6 @@ msgstr "ÊĤ¸¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£[%s]\n"
 #~ "¤è¤í¤·¤¤¤Ç¤¹¤«?\n"
 #~ "'λ²ò'¤Ç¤¹¤Ù¤Æ¤ÎÊѹ¹¤òÇË´þ¤·¤Þ¤¹!"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Agg, could not open directory: %s\n"
-#~ msgstr "¤ª¤Ã¤È¡¢¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤¬³«¤±¤Þ¤»¤ó: %s\n"
 #~ msgid "Too many directories! Increase MAX_DIRS\n"
 #~ msgstr "¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤¬Â¿¤¹¤®¤Þ¤¹! MAX_DIRS¤òÁý¤ä¤·¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤¡£\n"
@@ -2528,9 +2540,6 @@ msgstr "ÊĤ¸¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£[%s]\n"
 #~ msgid "Directories"
 #~ msgstr "¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê"
-#~ msgid "Libraries"
-#~ msgstr "¥é¥¤¥Ö¥é¥ê"
 #~ msgid "Files"
 #~ msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë"
@@ -2626,9 +2635,6 @@ msgstr "ÊĤ¸¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£[%s]\n"
 #~ msgid "Add/Edit"
 #~ msgstr "ÄɲÃ/ÊÔ½¸"
-#~ msgid "Clear"
-#~ msgstr "¥¯¥ê¥¢"
 #~ msgid "Open Page"
 #~ msgstr "³«¤¯"
diff --git a/gschem/po/nl_NL.po b/gschem/po/nl_NL.po
index 89b44c4..dcf4b23 100644
--- a/gschem/po/nl_NL.po
+++ b/gschem/po/nl_NL.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: geda-schem-CVS-2002-06-12\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-26 11:03-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-07-05 00:52-0400\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-06-23 23:19+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Bert Timmerman <bert.timmerman@xxxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: geda-dev@xxxxxxxx\n"
@@ -24,19 +24,16 @@ msgstr "Bestand"
 msgid "New Window"
 msgstr "Nieuw venster"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:4
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:267
+#: src/rcstrings.c:4 src/x_pagesel.c:259
 msgid "New Page"
 msgstr "Nieuwe pagina"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:5
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:268
+#: src/rcstrings.c:5 src/x_pagesel.c:260
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Open Page..."
 msgstr "Open pagina..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:6
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:271
+#: src/rcstrings.c:6 src/x_pagesel.c:263
 msgid "Close Page"
 msgstr "Sluit pagina"
@@ -45,8 +42,7 @@ msgstr "Sluit pagina"
 msgid "Revert Page"
 msgstr "Terughalen pagina"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:8
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:270
+#: src/rcstrings.c:8 src/x_pagesel.c:262
 msgid "Save Page"
 msgstr "Opslaan pagina"
@@ -60,24 +56,21 @@ msgstr "Opslaan Pagina Als..."
 msgid "Save All"
 msgstr "Alles Opslaan"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:11
-#: src/x_print.c:317
+#: src/rcstrings.c:11 src/x_print.c:283
 msgid "Print..."
 msgstr "Afdrukken..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:12
-#: src/x_image.c:496
+#: src/rcstrings.c:12 src/x_image.c:504
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Write image..."
 msgstr "Schrijf Afbeelding..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:13
+#: src/rcstrings.c:13 src/x_menus.c:520
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Recent files"
 msgstr "Nieuw bestand"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:14
-#: src/x_script.c:49
+#: src/rcstrings.c:14 src/x_script.c:50
 msgid "Execute Script..."
 msgstr "Uitvoeren Script..."
@@ -90,24 +83,19 @@ msgstr "Sluit venster"
 msgid "Quit"
 msgstr "Afsluiten"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:18
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:746
+#: src/rcstrings.c:18 src/i_callbacks.c:730
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "Bewerk"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:19
-#: src/x_window.c:515
+#: src/rcstrings.c:19 src/x_window.c:511
 msgid "Undo"
 msgstr "Ongedaan maken"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:20
-#: src/x_window.c:522
+#: src/rcstrings.c:20 src/x_window.c:518
 msgid "Redo"
 msgstr "Herstel"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:21
-#: src/i_basic.c:94
-#: src/x_window.c:686
+#: src/rcstrings.c:21 src/i_basic.c:81 src/x_window.c:682
 msgid "Select Mode"
 msgstr "Selectie Mode"
@@ -133,25 +121,20 @@ msgstr "Bewerk..."
 msgid "Edit Text..."
 msgstr "Bewerk Tekst..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:27
-#: src/i_basic.c:107
+#: src/rcstrings.c:27 src/i_basic.c:94
 msgid "Copy Mode"
 msgstr "Kopieer Mode"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:28
-#: src/i_basic.c:162
+#: src/rcstrings.c:28 src/i_basic.c:149
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Multiple Copy Mode"
 msgstr "Meervoudige Kopieer Mode"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:29
-#: src/i_basic.c:110
+#: src/rcstrings.c:29 src/i_basic.c:97
 msgid "Move Mode"
 msgstr "Verplaats Mode"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:30
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:722
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1193
+#: src/rcstrings.c:30 src/i_callbacks.c:706 src/x_multiattrib.c:1174
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "Verwijder"
@@ -160,8 +143,7 @@ msgstr "Verwijder"
 msgid "Rotate 90 Mode"
 msgstr "Rotatie 90 Mode"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:32
-#: src/i_basic.c:114
+#: src/rcstrings.c:32 src/i_basic.c:101
 msgid "Mirror Mode"
 msgstr "Spiegel Mode"
@@ -176,13 +158,11 @@ msgstr "Slot..."
 msgid "Color..."
 msgstr "Kleur..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:35
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:919
+#: src/rcstrings.c:35 src/i_callbacks.c:903
 msgid "Lock"
 msgstr "Vergrendel"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:36
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:937
+#: src/rcstrings.c:36 src/i_callbacks.c:921
 msgid "Unlock"
 msgstr "Ontgrendel"
@@ -313,14 +293,11 @@ msgstr "Toon"
 msgid "Redraw"
 msgstr "Hertekenen"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:65
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1489
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1558
+#: src/rcstrings.c:65 src/i_callbacks.c:1471 src/i_callbacks.c:1540
 msgid "Pan"
 msgstr "Schuif"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:66
-#: src/i_basic.c:118
+#: src/rcstrings.c:66 src/i_basic.c:105
 msgid "Zoom Box"
 msgstr "Vergroot Venster"
@@ -363,8 +340,7 @@ msgstr "Volgende"
 msgid "Previous"
 msgstr "Vorige"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:76
-#: src/x_window.c:493
+#: src/rcstrings.c:76 src/x_window.c:489
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Nieuw"
@@ -391,16 +367,12 @@ msgstr "Toevoegen"
 msgid "Component..."
 msgstr "Component..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:83
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2313
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2336
+#: src/rcstrings.c:83 src/i_callbacks.c:2289 src/i_callbacks.c:2311
 msgid "Net"
 msgstr "Draad"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:84
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2381
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2405
-#: src/x_window.c:551
+#: src/rcstrings.c:84 src/i_callbacks.c:2355 src/i_callbacks.c:2378
+#: src/x_window.c:547
 msgid "Bus"
 msgstr "Bus"
@@ -414,33 +386,23 @@ msgstr "Attribuut..."
 msgid "Text..."
 msgstr "Tekst..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:87
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2487
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2507
+#: src/rcstrings.c:87 src/i_callbacks.c:2459 src/i_callbacks.c:2478
 msgid "Line"
 msgstr "Lijn"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:88
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2530
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2550
+#: src/rcstrings.c:88 src/i_callbacks.c:2500 src/i_callbacks.c:2519
 msgid "Box"
 msgstr "Rechthoek"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:89
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2607
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2628
+#: src/rcstrings.c:89 src/i_callbacks.c:2575 src/i_callbacks.c:2595
 msgid "Circle"
 msgstr "Cirkel"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:90
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2651
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2671
+#: src/rcstrings.c:90 src/i_callbacks.c:2617 src/i_callbacks.c:2636
 msgid "Arc"
 msgstr "Boog"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:91
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2694
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2714
+#: src/rcstrings.c:91 src/i_callbacks.c:2658 src/i_callbacks.c:2677
 msgid "Pin"
 msgstr "Pin"
@@ -469,19 +431,16 @@ msgstr "Omhoog"
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "Documentatie"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:100
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1332
+#: src/rcstrings.c:100 src/x_multiattrib.c:1300
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "Attributen"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:101
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2974
+#: src/rcstrings.c:101 src/i_callbacks.c:2942
 msgid "Attach"
 msgstr "Vastmaken"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:102
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3023
+#: src/rcstrings.c:102 src/i_callbacks.c:2991
 msgid "Detach"
 msgstr "Losmaken"
@@ -574,12 +533,13 @@ msgid "Manual"
 msgstr "Handleiding"
 #: src/rcstrings.c:126
-msgid "FAQ"
-msgstr "Vaak Gestelde Vragen"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "gEDA Documentation"
+msgstr "Documentatie"
 #: src/rcstrings.c:127
-msgid "gEDA Wiki"
-msgstr "gEDA Wiki"
+msgid "gschem FAQ"
+msgstr ""
 #: src/rcstrings.c:128
 msgid "Component Documentation"
@@ -589,168 +549,132 @@ msgstr "CXomponent Documentatie"
 msgid "About gschem"
 msgstr "Over gschem"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:130
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2501
+#: src/rcstrings.c:130 src/x_dialog.c:2517
 msgid "Hotkeys"
 msgstr "Snel-toets"
-#: src/a_zoom.c:224
+#: src/a_zoom.c:242
 msgid "Zoom too small!  Cannot zoom further.\n"
 msgstr "Vergroting te klein! Kan niet verder vergroten.\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:341
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:136
+#: src/g_funcs.c:342 src/i_callbacks.c:137
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Could not fork\n"
 msgstr "Kan niet afsplitsen\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:357
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:146
+#: src/g_funcs.c:358 src/i_callbacks.c:147
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not invoke %s\n"
 msgstr "Kan %s niet aanroepen\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:363
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:150
+#: src/g_funcs.c:364 src/i_callbacks.c:151
 msgid "Documentation commands not supported under MinGW.\n"
 msgstr "Documentatie opdrachten niet ondersteund bij MinGW.\n"
-#: src/g_hook.c:87
+#: src/g_hook.c:88
 #, c-format
 msgid "Attribute failed ot find.\n"
 msgstr "Attribuut weigert of niet gevonden.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:106
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Found a version [%s%s] gschemrc file:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Een versie [%s%s] gschemrc bestand gevonden:\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:109
-#, c-format
-msgid "While gschem is in ALPHA, please be sure that you have the latest rc file.\n"
-msgstr "Verzeker je ervan dat je het laatste rc bestand gebruikt zolang gschem in het ALPHA stadium is.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:169
+#: src/g_rc.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid color [%s] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Ongeldige kleur [%s] overgedragen aan %s\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:358
+#: src/g_rc.c:332
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Ongeldige mode [%s] overgedragen aan %s\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:536
+#: src/g_rc.c:510
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid zoomfactor [%d] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Ongeldige vergrotingsfactor [%d] overgedragen aan %s\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:574
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to scrollbar-update\n"
-msgstr "Ongeldige mode [%s] overgedragen aan scrollbar-update\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:655
+#: src/g_rc.c:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to text-size\n"
 msgstr "Ongeldige waarde [%d] overgedragen aan text-size\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:682
+#: src/g_rc.c:628
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%f] passed to postscript-font-scale\n"
 msgstr "Ongeldige waarde [%f] overgedragen aan postscript-font-scale\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:725
+#: src/g_rc.c:671
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to snap-size\n"
 msgstr "Ongeldige waarde [%d] overgedragen aan snap-size\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:799
-#: src/g_rc.c:802
-#, c-format
-msgid "Duplicate stroke definition passed to stroke! [%s]\n"
-msgstr "Duplikaat stroke definitie overgedragen aan stroke! [%s]\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:813
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"A stroke keyword has been found in an rc file, but gschem\n"
-"is not compiled to support strokes, please recompile gschem\n"
-"with LibStroke\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Een 'stroke' sleutelwoord is in een rc bestand gevonden,\n"
-"maar gschem is gecompileerd om stroke te ondersteunen,\n"
-"kompileer gschem opnieuw met LibStroke\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1275
+#: src/g_rc.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid num levels [%d] passed to undo-levels\n"
 msgstr "Ongeldige num niveaus [%d] overgedragen naar undo-levels\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1500
+#: src/g_rc.c:1402
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to bus-ripper-size\n"
 msgstr "Ongeldige afmeting [%d] overgedragen aan bus-ripper-size\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1575
+#: src/g_rc.c:1477
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid dot size [%d] passed to grid-dot-size\n"
 msgstr "Ongeldige beeldpunt afmeting [%d] overgedragen aan grid-dot-size\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1616
+#: src/g_rc.c:1518
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid pixel spacing [%d] passed to grid-fixed-threshold\n"
 msgstr "Ongeldige beeldpunt ruimte [%d] overgedragen aan grid-dot-size\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1660
+#: src/g_rc.c:1562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid offset [%d] passed to add-attribute-offset\n"
 msgstr "Ongeldige waarde [%d] overgedragen aan add-attribute-offset\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1684
+#: src/g_rc.c:1586
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid number of seconds [%d] passed to auto-save-interval\n"
 msgstr "Ongeldig aantal seconden [%d] overgedragen naar auto-save-interval\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1725
+#: src/g_rc.c:1627
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid gain [%d] passed to mousepan-gain\n"
 msgstr "Ongeldige versterking [%d] overgedragen aan mousepan-gain\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1748
+#: src/g_rc.c:1650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid gain [%d] passed to keyboardpan-gain\n"
 msgstr "Ongeldige versterking [%d] overgedragen aan keyboardpan-gain\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1794
+#: src/g_rc.c:1696
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid number of pixels [%d] passed to select-slack-pixels\n"
-msgstr "Ongeldig aantal beeldpunten [%d] overgedragen aan select-slack-pixels\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ongeldig aantal beeldpunten [%d] overgedragen aan select-slack-pixels\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:140
-#: src/gschem.c:150
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "gEDA/gschem version %s%s\n"
-msgstr "gEDA/gschem versie %s\n"
+#: src/gschem.c:191 src/gschem.c:202
+#, c-format
+msgid "gEDA/gschem version %s%s.%s\n"
+msgstr "gEDA/gschem versie %s%s.%s\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:142
-#: src/gschem.c:152
+#: src/gschem.c:194 src/gschem.c:205
 #, c-format
-msgid "gEDA/gschem comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.\n"
-msgstr "gEDA/gschem komt ABSOLUUT ZONDER GARANTIE; zie het COPYING bestand voor meer informatie.\n"
+msgid ""
+"gEDA/gschem comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more "
+msgstr ""
+"gEDA/gschem komt ABSOLUUT ZONDER GARANTIE; zie het COPYING bestand voor meer "
-#: src/gschem.c:144
-#: src/gschem.c:154
+#: src/gschem.c:196 src/gschem.c:207
 #, c-format
-msgid "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain\n"
-msgstr "Dit is vrije software, en je wordt aangemoedigt dit te herdistribueren onder bepaalde\n"
+msgid ""
+"This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Dit is vrije software, en je wordt aangemoedigt dit te herdistribueren onder "
-#: src/gschem.c:146
-#: src/gschem.c:156
+#: src/gschem.c:198 src/gschem.c:209
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.\n"
@@ -759,700 +683,659 @@ msgstr ""
 "condities; zie het COPYING bestand voor meer informatie.\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:160
+#: src/gschem.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the MINGW32 port.\n"
 msgstr "Dit is de MINGW32 versie.\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:164
+#: src/gschem.c:217
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current locale settings: %s\n"
 msgstr "Huidige locale instellingen: %s\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:177
+#: src/gschem.c:230
 #, c-format
 msgid "You must set the GEDADATA environment variable!\n"
 msgstr "Je moet de GEDADATA variabele instellen!\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:192
+#: src/gschem.c:245
 #, c-format
 msgid "Read init scm file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Lees init scm bestand [%s]\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:196
-#: src/gschem.c:199
+#: src/gschem.c:249 src/gschem.c:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to read init scm file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Fout bij het lezen van het init scm bestand [%s]\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:259
+#: src/gschem.c:313
 #, c-format
 msgid "Scheme directory NOT set!\n"
 msgstr "Scheme map is NIET ingesteld!\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:266
-#: src/x_script.c:70
+#: src/gschem.c:320 src/x_script.c:71
 #, c-format
 msgid "Executing guile script [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Bezig met uitvoeren van guile script [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_basic.c:97
+#: src/i_basic.c:84
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Attribute Mode"
 msgstr "Attribuut Mode"
-#: src/i_basic.c:100
+#: src/i_basic.c:87
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Component Mode"
 msgstr "Component Mode"
-#: src/i_basic.c:104
+#: src/i_basic.c:91
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Text Mode"
 msgstr "Tekst Mode"
-#: src/i_basic.c:112
+#: src/i_basic.c:99
 msgid "Rotate Mode"
 msgstr "Rotatie Mode"
-#: src/i_basic.c:122
+#: src/i_basic.c:109
 msgid "Pan Mode"
 msgstr "Schuif Mode"
-#: src/i_basic.c:126
+#: src/i_basic.c:113
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Paste %d Mode"
 msgstr "Plak %d Mode"
-#: src/i_basic.c:131
+#: src/i_basic.c:118
 msgid "Net Mode"
 msgstr "Net Mode"
-#: src/i_basic.c:135
+#: src/i_basic.c:122
 msgid "Bus Mode"
 msgstr "Bus Mode"
-#: src/i_basic.c:138
+#: src/i_basic.c:125
 msgid "Line Mode"
 msgstr "Lijn Mode"
-#: src/i_basic.c:141
+#: src/i_basic.c:128
 msgid "Box Mode"
 msgstr "Rechthoek Mode"
-#: src/i_basic.c:144
+#: src/i_basic.c:131
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Picture Mode"
 msgstr "Afbeelding Mode"
-#: src/i_basic.c:147
+#: src/i_basic.c:134
 msgid "Circle Mode"
 msgstr "Cirkel Mode"
-#: src/i_basic.c:150
+#: src/i_basic.c:137
 msgid "Arc Mode"
 msgstr "Boog Mode"
-#: src/i_basic.c:153
+#: src/i_basic.c:140
 msgid "Pin Mode"
 msgstr "Pin Mode"
-#: src/i_basic.c:155
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:603
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:622
+#: src/i_basic.c:142 src/i_callbacks.c:587 src/i_callbacks.c:606
 msgid "Copy"
 msgstr "Kopieer"
-#: src/i_basic.c:157
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:683
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:702
+#: src/i_basic.c:144 src/i_callbacks.c:667 src/i_callbacks.c:686
 msgid "Move"
 msgstr "Verplaats"
-#: src/i_basic.c:159
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:643
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:662
+#: src/i_basic.c:146 src/i_callbacks.c:627 src/i_callbacks.c:646
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Multiple Copy"
 msgstr "Meervoudig Kopieren"
-#: src/i_basic.c:197
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Snap Off"
-msgstr "Snap Aan"
-#: src/i_basic.c:203
+#: src/i_basic.c:174
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Show Hidden"
 msgstr "Zichtbaar Verborgen"
-#: src/i_basic.c:291
-#: src/x_window.c:660
+#: src/i_basic.c:177
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Snap Off"
+msgstr "Snap Aan"
+#: src/i_basic.c:259 src/x_window.c:656
 msgid "Action"
 msgstr "Aktie"
-#: src/i_basic.c:299
-#: src/x_window.c:655
+#: src/i_basic.c:267 src/x_window.c:651
 msgid "Stroke"
 msgstr "Stroke"
-#: src/i_basic.c:306
-#: src/x_window.c:657
+#: src/i_basic.c:274 src/x_window.c:653
 msgid "none"
 msgstr "geen"
-#: src/i_basic.c:313
+#: src/i_basic.c:281
 msgid "Repeat/"
 msgstr "Herhaal/"
-#: src/i_basic.c:738
-#: src/i_basic.c:743
+#: src/i_basic.c:570 src/i_basic.c:575
 msgid "OFF"
 msgstr "UIT"
-#: src/i_basic.c:747
+#: src/i_basic.c:579
 #, c-format
 msgid "Grid(%s, %s)"
 msgstr "Raster(%s, %s)"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:131
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:132
 #, c-format
 msgid "Documentation for [%s,%s,%s,%s]\n"
 msgstr "Documentatie voor [%s,%s,%s,%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:191
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1687
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:192 src/i_callbacks.c:1669
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "New page created [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Nieuwe pagina gemaakt [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:226
-#: src/x_menus.c:432
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:227 src/x_menus.c:491
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "New Window created [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Nieuw venster gemaakt\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:355
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:345
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Failed to Save All"
 msgstr "Fout tijdens Alles Opslaan"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:357
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:347
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Saved All"
 msgstr "Alles Opgeslagen"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:455
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:439
 msgid "Closing Window\n"
 msgstr "Sluit Venster\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:607
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:647
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:687
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:591 src/i_callbacks.c:631 src/i_callbacks.c:671
 msgid "Select objs first"
 msgstr "Selecteer voorwerpen eerst"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:762
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:746
 msgid "Edit Text"
 msgstr "Bewerk Tekst"
 # fuzzy
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:785
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:769
 msgid "Slot"
 msgstr "Slot"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:802
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:786
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "Kleur"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:820
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:842
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:804 src/i_callbacks.c:826
 msgid "Rotate"
 msgstr "Roteer"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:869
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:891
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:853 src/i_callbacks.c:875
 msgid "Mirror"
 msgstr "Spiegel"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:955
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1597
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:939 src/x_dialog.c:1604
 msgid "Translate"
 msgstr "Verplaats"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:958
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:942
 msgid "WARNING: Do not translate with snap off!\n"
 msgstr "ATTENTIE: Niet verplaatsen met snap uit!\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:959
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:943
 msgid "WARNING: Turning snap on and continuing with translate.\n"
 msgstr "ATTENTIE: Zet snap aan en vervolg de verplaatsing.\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:966
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:950
 msgid "WARNING: Snap grid size is not equal to 100!\n"
 msgstr "ATTENTIE: Snap grid waarde is niet gelijk aan 100!\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:968
-msgid "WARNING: If you are translating a symbol to the origin, the snap grid size should be set to 100\n"
-msgstr "ATTENTIE: Als je een symbool naar de oorsprong verschuift, dan moet de snap grip waarde op 100 gezet worden\n"
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:952
+msgid ""
+"WARNING: If you are translating a symbol to the origin, the snap grid size "
+"should be set to 100\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ATTENTIE: Als je een symbool naar de oorsprong verschuift, dan moet de snap "
+"grip waarde op 100 gezet worden\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:989
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:973
 msgid "Embed"
 msgstr "Insluiten"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1027
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1011
 msgid "Unembed"
 msgstr "Uitsluiten"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1067
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1051
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Vernieuw"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1125
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1109
 msgid "ShowHidden"
 msgstr "ZichtbaarVerborgen"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1148
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1132
 msgid "MakeVisible"
 msgstr "MaakZichtbaar"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1264
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1248
 msgid "Edit Line Type"
 msgstr "Bewerk Lijn Type"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1305
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1256
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1289 src/x_dialog.c:1261
 msgid "Edit Fill Type"
 msgstr "Bewerk Arcering Type"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1592
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1574
 msgid "Update Cues"
 msgstr "Vernieuw aanwijzing"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1731
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1713
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Really revert page?"
 msgstr "Echt Terughalen pagina?"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1805
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1787
 msgid "Copy 1"
 msgstr "Kopieer 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1824
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1806
 msgid "Copy 2"
 msgstr "Kopieer 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1843
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1825
 msgid "Copy 3"
 msgstr "Kopieer 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1862
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1844
 msgid "Copy 4"
 msgstr "Kopieer 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1881
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1863
 msgid "Copy 5"
 msgstr "Kopieer 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1900
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1882
 msgid "Cut 1"
 msgstr "Knip 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1919
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1901
 msgid "Cut 2"
 msgstr "Knip 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1938
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1920
 msgid "Cut 3"
 msgstr "Knip 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1957
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1939
 msgid "Cut 4"
 msgstr "Knip 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1976
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1958
 msgid "Cut 5"
 msgstr "Knip 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1992
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1974
 msgid "Paste 1"
 msgstr "Plak 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2001
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2025
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2049
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2073
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2097
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1983 src/i_callbacks.c:2007 src/i_callbacks.c:2031
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2055 src/i_callbacks.c:2079
 msgid "Empty buffer"
 msgstr "Maak buffer leeg"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2016
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1998
 msgid "Paste 2"
 msgstr "Plak 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2040
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2022
 msgid "Paste 3"
 msgstr "Plak 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2064
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2046
 msgid "Paste 4"
 msgstr "Plak 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2088
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2070
 msgid "Paste 5"
 msgstr "Plak 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2234
-#: src/x_window.c:531
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2213 src/x_window.c:527
 msgid "Component"
 msgstr "Component"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2271
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2291
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2249 src/i_callbacks.c:2268
 msgid "Attribute"
 msgstr "Attribuut"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2773
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2735
 #, c-format
 msgid "Searching for source [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Zoek naar bron [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2797
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2798
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2759 src/i_callbacks.c:2760
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot find source [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Kan bron [%s] niet vinden\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2869
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2827
 #, c-format
 msgid "Searching for symbol [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Zoek naar symbool [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2946
-msgid "This command retrieves the component documentation from the web, but there is no component selected"
-msgstr "Dit commando haalt de component documentatie van het web, maar er is geen component geselecteerd"
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2914
+msgid ""
+"This command retrieves the component documentation from the web, but there "
+"is no component selected"
+msgstr ""
+"Dit commando haalt de component documentatie van het web, maar er is geen "
+"component geselecteerd"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3063
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3031
 msgid "ShowN"
 msgstr "ToonN"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3094
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3062
 msgid "ShowV"
 msgstr "ToonV"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3125
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3093
 msgid "ShowB"
 msgstr "ToonB"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3157
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3125
 msgid "VisToggle"
 msgstr "SchakelZichtbaarheid"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3179
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3147
 #, c-format
 msgid "Sorry but this is a non-functioning menu option\n"
 msgstr "Sorry, maar dit is een niet werkende menu optie\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3267
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3235
 msgid "Action feedback mode set to OUTLINE\n"
 msgstr "Aktie terugkoppel mode is ingesteld op OUTLINE\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3270
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3238
 msgid "Action feedback mode set to BOUNDINGBOX\n"
 msgstr "Aktie terugkoppel mode is ingesteld op BOUNDINGBOX.\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3287
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3255
 msgid "Grid OFF\n"
 msgstr "Grid UIT\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3290
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3258
 msgid "Grid ON\n"
 msgstr "Grid AAN\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3307
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3275
 msgid "Snap OFF (CAUTION!)\n"
 msgstr "Snap UIT (PAS OP!)\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3310
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3278
 msgid "Snap ON\n"
 msgstr "Snap AAN\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3330
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3298
 msgid "Rubber band OFF \n"
 msgstr "Elastiek band UIT\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3333
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3301
 msgid "Rubber band ON\n"
 msgstr "Elastiek band AAN\n"
-#: src/o_arc.c:136
+#: src/o_arc.c:137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for arc (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Onbekend einde van boog (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_arc.c:177
+#: src/o_arc.c:178
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for arc !\n"
 msgstr "Onbekend type van boog !\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:107
+#: src/o_attrib.c:108
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_attrib_toggle_visibility\n"
 msgstr "Ontving NULL in o_attrib_toggle_visibility\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:172
+#: src/o_attrib.c:173
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_attrib_toggle_show_name_value\n"
 msgstr "Ontving NUL in o_attrib_toggle_show_name_value\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:223
+#: src/o_attrib.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR! you can't get an attribute without an ='s\n"
 msgstr "FOUT! je kunt geen attribuut zonder een ='s krijgen\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:140
+#: src/o_box.c:141
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for box (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Onbekend einde voor rechthoek (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:180
+#: src/o_box.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for box !\n"
 msgstr "Onbekend type voor rechthoek !\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:270
+#: src/o_box.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for box (fill)!\n"
 msgstr "Onbekend type voor rechthoek (arcering)!\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:41
+#: src/o_buffer.c:42
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_copy]\n"
 msgstr "Ontving een ongeldig buffernummer [o_buffer_copy]\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:79
+#: src/o_buffer.c:80
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_cut]\n"
 msgstr "Ontving een ongeldig buffernummer [o_buffer_cut]\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:120
+#: src/o_buffer.c:121
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_start]\n"
 msgstr "Ontving een ongeldig buffernummer [o_buffer_paste_start]\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:180
+#: src/o_buffer.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_end]\n"
 msgstr "Ontving een ongeldig buffernummer [o_buffer_paste_end]\n"
-#: src/o_bus.c:219
+#: src/o_bus.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid which one in o_bus_draw_xor_single\n"
 msgstr "Ontving ereen die ongeldig is in [o_bus_draw_xor_single]\n"
-#: src/o_bus.c:285
-#: src/o_bus.c:319
-#: src/o_net.c:333
-#: src/o_net.c:367
-#, c-format
-msgid "selected a nonexistant object!\n"
-msgstr "Een niet bestaand voorwerp geselecteerd!.\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:135
+#: src/o_circle.c:136
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for circle\n"
 msgstr "Onbekend einde van cirkel\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:171
+#: src/o_circle.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for circle!\n"
 msgstr "Onbekend type voor cirkel!\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:259
+#: src/o_circle.c:260
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for circle (fill)!\n"
 msgstr "Onbekend type voor cirkel (arcering)!\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:222
+#: src/o_complex.c:225
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find complex in new componet placement!\n"
 msgstr "Kan complex niet vinden bij het plaatsen van een nieuwe component!\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:600
+#: src/o_complex.c:578
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_complex_translate_display_selection\n"
 msgstr "Ontving NULL in o_complex_translate_display_selection\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:668
-#: src/o_complex.c:674
+#: src/o_complex.c:646 src/o_complex.c:652
 #, c-format
 msgid "Translating schematic [%d %d]\n"
 msgstr "Vertaal schema [%d %d]\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:718
+#: src/o_complex.c:690
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_complex_translate_selection!\n"
 msgstr "Ontving NULL in o_complex_translate_selection\n"
-#: src/o_copy.c:124
-#: src/o_copy.c:395
+#: src/o_copy.c:125 src/o_copy.c:395
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_copy_end!\n"
 msgstr "FOUT: NULL object in o_copy_end!\n"
-#: src/o_line.c:112
+#: src/o_line.c:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for line (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Onbekend einde voor lijn (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_line.c:152
+#: src/o_line.c:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for line (%d) !\n"
 msgstr "Onbekend type voor lijn (%d)!\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:64
+#: src/o_misc.c:65
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an unexpected NULL in o_edit\n"
 msgstr "Ontving een onverwachte NULL in o_edit\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:143
-msgid "Object alreadly locked\n"
+#: src/o_misc.c:144
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Object already locked\n"
 msgstr "Object reeds vergrendeld\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:181
-msgid "Object alreadly unlocked\n"
+#: src/o_misc.c:182
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Object already unlocked\n"
 msgstr "Object reeds ontgrendeld\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:228
-#: src/o_misc.c:471
-#: src/o_misc.c:715
+#: src/o_misc.c:229 src/o_misc.c:472 src/o_misc.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_rotate_90!\n"
 msgstr "FOUT: NULL object in o_rotate 90!\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:537
+#: src/o_misc.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_mirror!\n"
 msgstr "FOUT: NULL object in o_mirror!\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:815
+#: src/o_misc.c:812
 msgid "Hidden text is now visible\n"
 msgstr "Verborgen tekst is nu zichtbaar\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:817
+#: src/o_misc.c:814
 msgid "Hidden text is now invisible\n"
 msgstr "Verborgen tekst is nu onzichtbaar\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1076
-msgid "Could not unembedded component, could not find appropriate .sym file\n"
-msgstr "Kan component niet uitsluiten, kan juiste .sym file niet vinden\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1077
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Component still embedded and not updated\n"
-msgstr "Component is nog steeds ingesloten en niet vernieuwd\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1081
+#: src/o_misc.c:1058
 #, c-format
-msgid "More than one component found with name [%s]\n"
-msgstr "Meer dan een component gevonden met de naam [%s]\n"
+msgid "Could not find symbol [%s] in library. Update failed.\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:1229
+#: src/o_misc.c:1198
 #, c-format
 msgid "o_autosave_backups: Can't get the real filename of %s."
 msgstr "o_autosave_backups: Kan de echte bestandsnaam van %s niet krijgen."
-#: src/o_misc.c:1273
+#: src/o_misc.c:1242
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT set previous backup file [%s] read-write\n"
 msgstr "[%s] kan niet opgeslagen worden\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1291
+#: src/o_misc.c:1260
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT set backup file [%s] readonly\n"
 msgstr "[%s] kan niet opgeslagen worden\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1296
+#: src/o_misc.c:1265
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT save backup file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "[%s] kan niet opgeslagen worden\n"
-#: src/o_move.c:223
+#: src/o_move.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_move_end!\n"
 msgstr "FOUT: NULL object in o_move_end!\n"
-#: src/o_move.c:331
+#: src/o_move.c:332
 #, c-format
 msgid "DOH! tried to find the whichone, but didn't find it!\n"
 msgstr "OH! probeerde er een te vinden, maar heb 'em niet gevonden!\n"
-#: src/o_move.c:352
+#: src/o_move.c:353
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got a non line object in o_move_check_endpoint\n"
 msgstr "Ontving een niet lijn object in o_move_check_endpoint\n"
-#: src/o_net.c:264
+#: src/o_net.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid which one in o_net_draw_xor_single\n"
 msgstr "Ontving er een die ongeldig is in o_net_draw_xor_single\n"
-#: src/o_net.c:940
-#: src/o_net.c:977
-#: src/o_net.c:1048
-#: src/o_net.c:1084
+#: src/o_net.c:812 src/o_net.c:849 src/o_net.c:920 src/o_net.c:956
 #, c-format
 msgid "Tried to add more than two bus rippers. Internal gschem error.\n"
-msgstr "Probeerde meer dan twee busrippers toe te voegen. Interne gschem fout.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Probeerde meer dan twee busrippers toe te voegen. Interne gschem fout.\n"
-#: src/o_net.c:1155
+#: src/o_net.c:1029
 #, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Could not find %s in any component-library\n"
+msgid "Bus ripper symbol [%s] was not found in any component library\n"
 msgstr "Kan %s niet vinden in een van de component-library\n"
-#: src/o_picture.c:205
-#: src/o_picture.c:746
+#: src/o_picture.c:206 src/o_picture.c:746
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Failed to load picture: %s"
 msgstr "Fout bij het lezen van het init scm bestand %s\n"
-#: src/o_picture.c:219
+#: src/o_picture.c:220
 msgid "Picture"
 msgstr "Afbeelding"
-#: src/o_picture.c:658
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:137
+#: src/o_picture.c:658 src/x_attribedit.c:139
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object!\n"
 msgstr "FOUT: NULL object!\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:127
+#: src/o_slot.c:128
 msgid "Slot attribute malformed\n"
 msgstr "Slot attribuut misvormd\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:145
+#: src/o_slot.c:146
 msgid "numslots attribute missing\n"
 msgstr "numslots attribuut ontbreekt\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:147
+#: src/o_slot.c:148
 msgid "Slotting not allowed for this component\n"
 msgstr "Slots niet toegestaan voor deze component\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:163
+#: src/o_slot.c:164
 msgid "New slot number out of range\n"
 msgstr "Nieuw slotnummer overschrijdt de limiet\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:247
+#: src/o_slot.c:237
 #, c-format
 msgid "uggg! you tried to slot edit something that doesn't exist!\n"
 msgstr "Hmmm, je probeerde een slot te bewerken op iets dat niet bestaat!\n"
-#: src/o_undo.c:316
+#: src/o_undo.c:317
 msgid "Undo/Redo disabled in rc file\n"
 msgstr "Ongedaan/Opnieuw doen uitgeschakeld in rc bestand\n"
-#: src/parsecmd.c:49
+#: src/parsecmd.c:50
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] schematic_filename1 ... schematic_filenameN\n"
@@ -1476,255 +1359,252 @@ msgstr ""
 "  -h            Help; deze mededeling\n"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:122
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:124
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got invalid show option; defaulting to show both\n"
 msgstr "Kreeg ongeldige toon optie; standaardwaarde is toon beide\n"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:325
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:327
 msgid "Single Attribute Editor"
 msgstr "Enkelvoudige Attribuur Bewerker"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:355
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:358
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Edit Attribute</b>"
 msgstr "Berwerk Attribuut"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:357
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:360
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Add Attribute</b>"
 msgstr "Plaats Attribuut"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:373
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1512
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:376 src/x_multiattrib.c:1480
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Name:"
 msgstr "Naam:"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:389
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1531
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:392 src/x_multiattrib.c:1499
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Value:"
 msgstr "Waarde:"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:404
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1559
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:408 src/x_multiattrib.c:1527
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "Zichtbaar"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:424
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:428
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Show Value Only"
 msgstr "Toon Alleen Waarde"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:426
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:430
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Show Name Only"
 msgstr "Toon Alleen Naam"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:428
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1162
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:432 src/x_multiattrib.c:1143
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Show Name & Value"
 msgstr "Toon Naam & Waarde"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:435
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:439
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Attach Options</b>"
 msgstr "Akties"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:450
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:454
 msgid "All"
 msgstr "Alle"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:458
-#: src/x_compselect.c:791
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:462 src/x_compselect.c:716 src/x_compselect.c:791
 msgid "Components"
 msgstr "Componenten"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:466
-#: src/x_window.c:541
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:470 src/x_window.c:537
 msgid "Nets"
 msgstr "Draden"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:474
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:478
 msgid "Replace existing attributes"
 msgstr "Vervang bestaande attributen"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:411
-msgid "slotted object without slot attribute may cause problems when autonumbering slots\n"
-msgstr "Geslotte objecten zonder slot attribuut kunnen een probleem geven bij het automatisch nummeren van slots\n"
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:413
+msgid ""
+"slotted object without slot attribute may cause problems when autonumbering "
+msgstr ""
+"Geslotte objecten zonder slot attribuut kunnen een probleem geven bij het "
+"automatisch nummeren van slots\n"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:426
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:428
 #, c-format
-msgid "duplicate slot may cause problems: [symbolname=%s, number=%d, slot=%d]\n"
-msgstr "Een dubbel slot kan een probleem geven: [symbolnaam=%s, nummer=%d, slot=%d]\n"
+msgid ""
+"duplicate slot may cause problems: [symbolname=%s, number=%d, slot=%d]\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Een dubbel slot kan een probleem geven: [symbolnaam=%s, nummer=%d, slot=%d]\n"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:696
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:698
 msgid "No searchstring given in autonumber text.\n"
 msgstr "Geen zoektekst gegeven in autonumber text.\n"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:747
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:749
 msgid "No '*' or '?' given at the end of the autonumber text.\n"
 msgstr "Geen '*' of '?' gegeven aan het einden van de autonummer tekst.\n"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:880
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Diagonal"
 msgstr "Diagonaal"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:881
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
 msgid "Top to bottom"
 msgstr "Van boven naar beneden"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:881
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
 msgid "Bottom to top"
 msgstr "Van beneden naar boven"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:884
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Left to right"
 msgstr "Van links naar rechts"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:884
 msgid "Right to left"
 msgstr "Van rechts naar links"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:885
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "File order"
 msgstr "Bestand volgorde"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1219
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1221
 msgid "Autonumber text"
 msgstr "Automatisch tekst nummeren"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1244
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1247
 msgid "<b>Scope</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Omvang</b>"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1266
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1269
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Search for:"
 msgstr "Zoek naar:"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1280
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1283
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Autonumber text in:"
 msgstr "Automatisch tekst nummeren in:"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1287
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1290
 msgid "Skip numbers found in:"
 msgstr "Sla nummers over gevonden in:"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1299
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1308
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1302 src/x_autonumber.c:1311
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Selected objects"
 msgstr "Geselecteerde objecten"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1300
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1309
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1303 src/x_autonumber.c:1312
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Current page"
 msgstr "Huidig blad"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1301
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1310
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1304 src/x_autonumber.c:1313
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Whole hierarchy"
 msgstr "Hierarchie"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1312
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1315
 msgid "Overwrite existing numbers"
 msgstr "Overschrijven van bestaande nummers"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1317
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1320
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Options</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Akties</b>"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1339
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1342
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Starting number:"
 msgstr "Start nummer:"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1346
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1349
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Sort order:"
 msgstr "Sorteer volgorde:"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1367
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1370
 msgid "Remove numbers"
 msgstr "Verwijder nummers"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1371
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1374
 msgid "Automatic slotting"
 msgstr "Automatisch slotten"
-#: src/x_color.c:59
-#: src/x_color.c:96
+#: src/x_color.c:60 src/x_color.c:97
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find the color %s!\n"
 msgstr "Kan kleur %s niet vinden!\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:62
-#: src/x_color.c:99
+#: src/x_color.c:63 src/x_color.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Defaulting color to white\n"
 msgstr "Kleur naar standaardwaarde wit teruggezet\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:69
-#: src/x_color.c:106
+#: src/x_color.c:70 src/x_color.c:107
 #, c-format
 msgid "Ack! Cannot allocate white!\n"
 msgstr "Jakkie! Kan geen wit toewijzen!\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:80
-#: src/x_color.c:128
-#: src/x_window.c:176
-#: src/x_window.c:185
+#: src/x_color.c:81 src/x_color.c:129 src/x_window.c:176 src/x_window.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not allocate the color %s!\n"
 msgstr "Kan de kleur %s niet toewijzen!\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:147
-#: src/x_color.c:163
+#: src/x_color.c:148 src/x_color.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "Tried to get an invalid color: %d\n"
 msgstr "Probeerde een ongeldige kleur te verkrijgen: %d\n"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:615
+#: src/x_compselect.c:821
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Filter:"
+msgstr "Filter"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:895
 msgid "Default behavior - reference component"
 msgstr "Normaal gedrag - referentie component"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:618
+#: src/x_compselect.c:898
 msgid "Embed component in schematic"
 msgstr "Component insluiten in schema"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:621
+#: src/x_compselect.c:901
 msgid "Include component as individual objects"
 msgstr "Invoegen component als individuele objecten"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:707
+#: src/x_compselect.c:982
 msgid "Select Component..."
 msgstr "Selecteer Component..."
-#: src/x_compselect.c:821
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Filter:"
-msgstr "Filter"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1008
+msgid "In Use"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1012
+msgid "Libraries"
+msgstr "Bibliotheken"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:885
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:123
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1024 src/x_fileselect.c:124
 msgid "Preview"
 msgstr "Vooraf zien"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:182
+#: src/x_dialog.c:184
 msgid "Text Entry..."
 msgstr "Tekst Ingeven..."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:214
+#: src/x_dialog.c:217
 msgid ""
 "Enter text, click apply,\n"
 "move cursor into window, click to place text.\n"
@@ -1734,199 +1614,186 @@ msgstr ""
 "verplaats cursor in het venster, klik om tekst te plaatsen.\n"
 "Middelste muisknop gebruiken om te plaatsen"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:303
+#: src/x_dialog.c:306
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Lower Left"
 msgstr "Boven Links"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:314
+#: src/x_dialog.c:317
 msgid "Middle Left"
 msgstr "Midden Links"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:325
+#: src/x_dialog.c:328
 msgid "Upper Left"
 msgstr "Boven Links"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:336
+#: src/x_dialog.c:339
 msgid "Lower Middle"
 msgstr "Onder Midden"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:347
+#: src/x_dialog.c:350
 msgid "Middle Middle"
 msgstr "Midden Midden"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:358
+#: src/x_dialog.c:361
 msgid "Upper Middle"
 msgstr "Boven Midden"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:369
+#: src/x_dialog.c:372
 msgid "Lower Right"
 msgstr "Onder Rechts"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:380
+#: src/x_dialog.c:383
 msgid "Middle Right"
 msgstr "Midden Rechts"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:391
+#: src/x_dialog.c:394
 msgid "Upper Right"
 msgstr "Boven Rechts"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:506
+#: src/x_dialog.c:509
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Edit Text Properties"
 msgstr "Bewerk Tekst Hoogte"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:541
+#: src/x_dialog.c:545
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Text Content</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Tekst Inhoud</b>"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:573
+#: src/x_dialog.c:577
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Text Properties</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Tekst Eigenschappen"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:588
+#: src/x_dialog.c:592
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Color:"
 msgstr "Kleur:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:598
+#: src/x_dialog.c:602
 msgid "Size:"
 msgstr "Grootte:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:607
+#: src/x_dialog.c:611
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Alignment:"
 msgstr "Uitlijning:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:661
+#: src/x_dialog.c:665
 msgid "Solid"
 msgstr "Getrokken lijn"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:662
+#: src/x_dialog.c:666
 msgid "Dotted"
 msgstr "Stippel lijn"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:663
+#: src/x_dialog.c:667
 msgid "Dashed"
 msgstr "Gestreepte lijn"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:664
+#: src/x_dialog.c:668
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "Hartlijn"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:665
+#: src/x_dialog.c:669
 msgid "Phantom"
 msgstr "Begrenzingslijn"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:791
-#: src/x_dialog.c:793
-#: src/x_dialog.c:795
-#: src/x_dialog.c:977
-#: src/x_dialog.c:978
-#: src/x_dialog.c:979
-#: src/x_dialog.c:987
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1170
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1172
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1174
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1176
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1178
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1382
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1383
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1384
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1385
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1386
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1394
+#: src/x_dialog.c:795 src/x_dialog.c:797 src/x_dialog.c:799 src/x_dialog.c:982
+#: src/x_dialog.c:983 src/x_dialog.c:984 src/x_dialog.c:992
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1175 src/x_dialog.c:1177 src/x_dialog.c:1179
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1181 src/x_dialog.c:1183 src/x_dialog.c:1388
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1389 src/x_dialog.c:1390 src/x_dialog.c:1391
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1392 src/x_dialog.c:1400
 msgid "*unchanged*"
 msgstr "*onveranderd*"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:870
+#: src/x_dialog.c:874
 msgid "Edit Line Width & Type"
 msgstr "Bewerk Lijn Dikte & Type"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:910
+#: src/x_dialog.c:915
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Width:"
 msgstr "Breedte:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:914
-#: src/x_print.c:353
+#: src/x_dialog.c:919 src/x_print.c:314
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Type:"
 msgstr "Type:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:918
+#: src/x_dialog.c:923
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Dash Length:"
 msgstr "Lijn Streep Lengte:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:922
+#: src/x_dialog.c:927
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Dash Space:"
 msgstr "Lijn Tussen Ruimte:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1027
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1032
 msgid "Hollow"
 msgstr "Hol"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1028
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1033
 msgid "Filled"
 msgstr "Gevuld"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1034
 msgid "Mesh"
 msgstr "Maas"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1030
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1035
 msgid "Hatch"
 msgstr "Arcering"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1295
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1301
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Fill Type:"
 msgstr "Arcering Type:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1299
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1305
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Line Width:"
 msgstr "Lijn Dikte:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1303
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1309
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Angle 1:"
 msgstr "Hoek 1:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1307
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1313
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Pitch 1:"
 msgstr "Steek 1:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1311
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1317
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Angle 2:"
 msgstr "Hoek 2:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1321
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Pitch 2:"
 msgstr "Steek 2:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1477
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1483
 msgid "Arc Params"
 msgstr "Boog parameters"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1518
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1525
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Start Angle:"
 msgstr "Start Hoek:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1528
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1535
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Degrees of Sweep:"
 msgstr "Doorlopen Hoek:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1628
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1636
 msgid ""
 "Offset to translate?\n"
 "(0 for origin)"
@@ -1934,53 +1801,53 @@ msgstr ""
 "OffSet van de verplaatsing?\n"
 "(0 voor oorsprong)"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1704
 msgid "Text Size"
 msgstr "Tekst Hoogte"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1727
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1736
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Enter new text size:"
 msgstr "Voer nieuwe tekst grootte in:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1802
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1811
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Snap Size"
 msgstr "Snap Grootte"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1833
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1843
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Enter new snap grid spacing:"
 msgstr "Voer nieuwe snap grid waarde in:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1906
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1916
 msgid "Edit slot number"
 msgstr "Bewerk slot nummer"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1938
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1949
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Edit slot number:"
 msgstr "Bewerk slot nummer:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2000
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2011
 msgid "About..."
 msgstr "Omtrent..."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2019
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2031
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>gEDA: GPL Electronic Design Automation</b>"
 msgstr "<b>gEDA : GPL Elektronische Ontwerp Automatisering</b>"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2023
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "<b>gschem version %s%s</b>"
-msgstr "<b>gschem versie %s</b>"
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2035
+#, c-format
+msgid "<b>gschem version %s%s.%s</b>"
+msgstr "<b>gschem versie %s%s.%s</b>"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2029
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2043
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Written by:\n"
-"Ales V. Hvezda\n"
+"Ales Hvezda\n"
 "And many others (See AUTHORS file)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1989,134 +1856,144 @@ msgstr ""
 "En vele anderen (zie het AUTHORS bestand)\n"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2093
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2107
 msgid "Coords"
 msgstr "Coordinaten"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2113
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2128
 msgid "Screen"
 msgstr "Scherm"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2122
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2137
 msgid "World"
 msgstr "Wereld"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2345
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2360
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in color_edit_dialog_apply!\n"
 msgstr "FOUT: NULL object in color_edit_dialog_apply!\n"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2408
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2423
 msgid "Color Edit"
 msgstr "Kleur Bewerken"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2440
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2456
 msgid "Object color:"
 msgstr "Objekt kleur:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2564
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2581
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Function"
 msgstr "Aktie"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2571
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2588
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Keystroke(s)"
 msgstr "Funktie : toetsaanslag(s)"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2925
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2920
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Find Text"
 msgstr "Vind tekst"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2957
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2953
 msgid "Text to find:"
 msgstr "Te vinden tekst:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2967
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2963
 msgid "descend into hierarchy"
 msgstr "afdalen in hierarchie"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3031
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3027
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Hide Text"
 msgstr "Verberg tekst"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3063
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3060
 msgid "Hide text starting with:"
 msgstr "Verberg tekst beginnend met:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3131
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3128
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Show Text"
 msgstr "Toon tekst"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3163
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3161
 msgid "Show text starting with:"
 msgstr "Toon tekst beginnend met:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3608
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1389
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3606 src/x_multiattrib.c:1357
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Naam"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3630
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3628
 msgid "S_elect the schematics you want to save:"
 msgstr "S_electeer de schema's die je op wil slaan:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3724
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3722
 #, c-format
 msgid "Save the changes to schematic \"%s\" before closing?"
 msgstr "Wijzigingen in schema \"%s\" opslaan voor het afsluiten?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3730
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3728
 #, c-format
-msgid "There is %d schematics with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
-msgstr "Er zijn %d schema's met wijzigingen. Wijzigingen opslaan voor het afsluiten?"
+msgid ""
+"There is %d schematics with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr ""
+"Er zijn %d schema's met wijzigingen. Wijzigingen opslaan voor het afsluiten?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3759
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3757
 msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be permanently lost."
 msgstr "Als je niet opslaat, verlies je de wijzigingen definitief."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3779
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3777
 msgid "_Close without saving"
 msgstr "Afsluiten zonder opslaan"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:46
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:47
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Schematics"
 msgstr "Schema's"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:51
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:52
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Symbols"
 msgstr "Symbolen"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:56
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:57
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Schematics and symbols"
 msgstr "Schema's en symbolen"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:62
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:63
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "All files"
 msgstr "Alle bestanden"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:172
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:173
 msgid "Open..."
 msgstr "Open..."
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:233
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:234
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Save as..."
 msgstr "Opslaan Als..."
-#: src/x_image.c:363
+#: src/x_image.c:180
+msgid "Encapsulated Postscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_image.c:298
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to write eps file %s.\n"
+msgstr "x_image_lowlevel: Kan niet schrijven naar PNG bestand.\n"
+#: src/x_image.c:380
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to write %s file %s.\n"
 msgstr "x_image_lowlevel: Kan niet schrijven naar PNG bestand.\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:373
+#: src/x_image.c:390
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "There was the following error when saving image with type %s to filename:\n"
@@ -2124,266 +2001,277 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"De volgende fout ontstond tijdens het opslaan van afbeelding met type %s naar bestandnaam:\n"
+"De volgende fout ontstond tijdens het opslaan van afbeelding met type %s "
+"naar bestandnaam:\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:392
-#: src/x_image.c:423
+#: src/x_image.c:409
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wrote color image to [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
 msgstr "Schreef kleuren afbeelding naar [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:394
-#: src/x_image.c:425
+#: src/x_image.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wrote black and white image to [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
 msgstr "Schreef zwart/wit afbeelding naar [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:404
+#: src/x_image.c:421
 msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to get pixbuf from gschem's window.\n"
 msgstr "x_image_lowlevel: Kan geen pixbuf krijgen van gschem's venster.\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:459
+#: src/x_image.c:467
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Width x Height"
 msgstr "Breedte x Hoogte"
-#: src/x_image.c:475
+#: src/x_image.c:483
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Image type"
 msgstr "Afbeelding"
-#: src/x_log.c:231
+#: src/x_log.c:236
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Status"
-#: src/x_menus.c:40
+#: src/x_menus.c:41
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Add Net"
 msgstr "/Plaats net"
-#: src/x_menus.c:41
+#: src/x_menus.c:42
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Add Attribute..."
 msgstr "/Plaats Attribuut..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:42
+#: src/x_menus.c:43
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Add Component..."
 msgstr "/Plaats Component..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:43
+#: src/x_menus.c:44
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Add Bus"
 msgstr "/Plaats bus"
-#: src/x_menus.c:44
+#: src/x_menus.c:45
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Add Text"
 msgstr "/Plaats tekst..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:46
+#: src/x_menus.c:47
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Zoom In"
 msgstr "/Vergroot"
-#: src/x_menus.c:47
+#: src/x_menus.c:48
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Zoom Out"
 msgstr "Verklein"
-#: src/x_menus.c:48
+#: src/x_menus.c:49
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Zoom Box"
 msgstr "/Vergroot Venster"
-#: src/x_menus.c:49
+#: src/x_menus.c:50
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Zoom Extents"
 msgstr "/Toon Alles"
-#: src/x_menus.c:51
+#: src/x_menus.c:52
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Select"
 msgstr "/Selecteer"
-#: src/x_menus.c:52
+#: src/x_menus.c:53
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Edit..."
 msgstr "/Bewerk..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:53
+#: src/x_menus.c:54
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Copy"
 msgstr "/Kopieer"
-#: src/x_menus.c:54
+#: src/x_menus.c:55
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Move"
 msgstr "/Verplaats"
-#: src/x_menus.c:55
+#: src/x_menus.c:56
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Delete"
 msgstr "/Verwijder"
-#: src/x_menus.c:58
+#: src/x_menus.c:59
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Down Schematic"
 msgstr "/Naar Schema"
-#: src/x_menus.c:59
+#: src/x_menus.c:60
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Down Symbol"
 msgstr "/Naar Symbool"
-#: src/x_menus.c:60
+#: src/x_menus.c:61
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Up"
 msgstr "/Omhoog"
-#: src/x_menus.c:331
+#: src/x_menus.c:332
 msgid "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent menu item\n"
-msgstr "Probeerde de gevoeligheid in te stellen op een niet bestaand menu_item\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Probeerde de gevoeligheid in te stellen op een niet bestaand menu_item\n"
-#: src/x_menus.c:355
+#: src/x_menus.c:356
 msgid "Popup_menu_item_factory doesn't exist!\n"
 msgstr "Popup_menu_item_factory bestaat niet!\n"
-#: src/x_menus.c:368
+#: src/x_menus.c:369
 msgid "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent popup menu_item\n"
-msgstr "Probeerde de gevoeligheid in te stellen op een niet bestaand popup menu_item\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Probeerde de gevoeligheid in te stellen op een niet bestaand popup "
+#: src/x_menus.c:480
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't open file %s\n"
+msgstr "Kan %s niet aanroepen\n"
+#: src/x_menus.c:538
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "Wis"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:652
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:656
 msgid "Attributes with empty name are not allowed. Please set a name."
 msgstr "Attributen met een lege naam zijn niet toegestaan. Geef een naam."
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1164
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1145
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Show Value only"
 msgstr "Toon alleen Waarde"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1166
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1147
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Show Name only"
 msgstr "Toon alleen Naam"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1192
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1173
 msgid "Duplicate"
 msgstr "Dupliceer"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1309
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1284
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Edit Attributes"
 msgstr "Berwerk Attribuut"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1414
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1382
 msgid "Value"
 msgstr "Waarde"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1436
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1404
 msgid "Vis?"
 msgstr "Zichtbaar?"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1456
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1424
 msgid "N"
 msgstr "N"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1476
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1444
 msgid "V"
 msgstr "V"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1497
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1465
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Add Attribute"
 msgstr "Plaats Attribuut"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:272
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:264
 msgid "Discard Page"
 msgstr "Pagina Wegdoen"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:381
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:361
 msgid "Page Manager"
 msgstr "Pagina Manager"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:437
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:417
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "Bestandsnaam"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:453
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:433
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Changed"
 msgstr "Veranderd"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:473
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:453
 msgid "Right click on the filename for more options..."
 msgstr "Klik met rechts op de bestandnaam voor meer opties..."
-#: src/x_print.c:90
+#: src/x_print.c:89
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Select PostScript Filename..."
 msgstr "Opslaan Pagina Als..."
-#: src/x_print.c:206
+#: src/x_print.c:171
 msgid "Extents with margins"
 msgstr "Alles met kantlijnen"
-#: src/x_print.c:212
+#: src/x_print.c:177
 msgid "Extents no margins"
 msgstr "Alles zonder kantlijnen"
-#: src/x_print.c:218
+#: src/x_print.c:183
 msgid "Current Window"
 msgstr "Huidige Venster"
-#: src/x_print.c:252
+#: src/x_print.c:217
 msgid "Landscape"
 msgstr "Liggend"
-#: src/x_print.c:258
+#: src/x_print.c:223
 msgid "Portrait"
 msgstr "Staand"
-#: src/x_print.c:330
+#: src/x_print.c:291
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "Instellingen"
-#: src/x_print.c:342
+#: src/x_print.c:303
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Output paper size:"
 msgstr "Uitvoer papier afmeting:"
-#: src/x_print.c:364
+#: src/x_print.c:325
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Orientation:"
 msgstr "Orientatie:"
-#: src/x_print.c:376
+#: src/x_print.c:337
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Destination"
 msgstr "Bestemming"
-#: src/x_print.c:389
+#: src/x_print.c:350
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "File:"
 msgstr "Bestand:"
-#: src/x_print.c:419
+#: src/x_print.c:380
 msgid "Command:"
 msgstr "Commando:"
-#: src/x_print.c:785
+#: src/x_print.c:750
 msgid "No print destination specified\n"
 msgstr "Geen afdruk bestemming opgegeven\n"
-#: src/x_print.c:792
+#: src/x_print.c:757
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot print current schematic to [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Kan huidige schema niet afdrukken op [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_print.c:801
+#: src/x_print.c:766
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Error printing to file '%s'\n"
@@ -2392,7 +2280,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Fout bij afdrukken naar bestand '%s'\n"
 "Controleer het log venster voor meer informatie"
-#: src/x_print.c:808
+#: src/x_print.c:773
 #, c-format
 msgid "Printed current schematic to [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Huidig schema afgedrukt op [%s]\n"
@@ -2430,45 +2318,47 @@ msgstr "Kan bounding_xor_gc niet toewijzen\n"
 msgid "Couldn't allocate bus_gc\n"
 msgstr "Kan bus_gc niet toewijzen\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:494
+#: src/x_window.c:490
 msgid "New file"
 msgstr "Nieuw bestand"
-#: src/x_window.c:500
+#: src/x_window.c:496
 msgid "Open"
 msgstr "Open"
-#: src/x_window.c:501
+#: src/x_window.c:497
 msgid "Open file..."
 msgstr "Open bestand..."
-#: src/x_window.c:507
+#: src/x_window.c:503
 msgid "Save"
 msgstr "Opslaan"
-#: src/x_window.c:508
+#: src/x_window.c:504
 msgid "Save file"
 msgstr "Opslaan bestand"
-#: src/x_window.c:516
+#: src/x_window.c:512
 msgid "Undo last operation"
 msgstr "Maak laatste bewerking ongedaan"
-#: src/x_window.c:523
+#: src/x_window.c:519
 msgid "Redo last undo"
 msgstr "Herstel de laatste ongedaanmaking"
-#: src/x_window.c:532
+#: src/x_window.c:528
 msgid ""
 "Add component...\n"
-"Select library and component from list, move the mouse into main window, click to place\n"
+"Select library and component from list, move the mouse into main window, "
+"click to place\n"
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
 msgstr ""
 "Voeg een component toe...\n"
-"Selecteer een bibliotheek en component uit delijst, verplaats de muisindicator in het hoofdvensterklik om component te plaatsen\n"
+"Selecteer een bibliotheek en component uit delijst, verplaats de "
+"muisindicator in het hoofdvensterklik om component te plaatsen\n"
 "Rechter muisknop om af te breken"
-#: src/x_window.c:542
+#: src/x_window.c:538
 msgid ""
 "Add nets mode\n"
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
@@ -2476,7 +2366,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plaats draden\n"
 "Rechter muisknop om af te breken"
-#: src/x_window.c:552
+#: src/x_window.c:548
 msgid ""
 "Add buses mode\n"
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
@@ -2484,83 +2374,134 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plaats bussen\n"
 "Rechter muisknop om af te breken"
-#: src/x_window.c:559
+#: src/x_window.c:555
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "Tekst"
-#: src/x_window.c:560
+#: src/x_window.c:556
 msgid "Add Text..."
 msgstr "Plaats een tekst..."
-#: src/x_window.c:570
+#: src/x_window.c:566
 msgid "Select"
 msgstr "Selecteer"
-#: src/x_window.c:571
+#: src/x_window.c:567
 msgid "Select mode"
 msgstr "Selectie mode"
-#: src/x_window.c:646
+#: src/x_window.c:642
 msgid "Pick"
 msgstr "Pak"
-#: src/x_window.c:662
+#: src/x_window.c:658
 msgid "Repeat/none"
 msgstr "Herhaal/geen"
-#: src/x_window.c:672
+#: src/x_window.c:668
 msgid "Menu/Cancel"
 msgstr "Menu/Afbreken"
-#: src/x_window.c:674
+#: src/x_window.c:670
 msgid "Pan/Cancel"
 msgstr "Schuif/Afbreken"
-#: src/x_window.c:932
+#: src/x_window.c:927
 #, c-format
 msgid "Loading schematic [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Bezig met laden van schema [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1034
+#: src/x_window.c:1029
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT save page [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Pagina [%s] kan niet opgeslagen worden\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1035
+#: src/x_window.c:1030
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Error while trying to save"
 msgstr "Fout tijdens het opslaan"
-#: src/x_window.c:1044
+#: src/x_window.c:1039
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Saved as [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Opgeslagen Als [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1046
+#: src/x_window.c:1041
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Opgeslagen [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1048
+#: src/x_window.c:1043
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Saved"
 msgstr "Opgeslagen"
-#: src/x_window.c:1109
+#: src/x_window.c:1104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Discarding page [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Pagina [%s] wegdoen\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1109
+#: src/x_window.c:1104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Closing [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Sluiten [%s]\n"
+#~ msgid "FAQ"
+#~ msgstr "Vaak Gestelde Vragen"
+#~ msgid "gEDA Wiki"
+#~ msgstr "gEDA Wiki"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Found a version [%s%s] gschemrc file:\n"
+#~ "[%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Een versie [%s%s] gschemrc bestand gevonden:\n"
+#~ "[%s]\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While gschem is in ALPHA, please be sure that you have the latest rc "
+#~ "file.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Verzeker je ervan dat je het laatste rc bestand gebruikt zolang gschem in "
+#~ "het ALPHA stadium is.\n"
+#~ msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to scrollbar-update\n"
+#~ msgstr "Ongeldige mode [%s] overgedragen aan scrollbar-update\n"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate stroke definition passed to stroke! [%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr "Duplikaat stroke definitie overgedragen aan stroke! [%s]\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A stroke keyword has been found in an rc file, but gschem\n"
+#~ "is not compiled to support strokes, please recompile gschem\n"
+#~ "with LibStroke\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Een 'stroke' sleutelwoord is in een rc bestand gevonden,\n"
+#~ "maar gschem is gecompileerd om stroke te ondersteunen,\n"
+#~ "kompileer gschem opnieuw met LibStroke\n"
+#~ msgid "selected a nonexistant object!\n"
+#~ msgstr "Een niet bestaand voorwerp geselecteerd!.\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not unembedded component, could not find appropriate .sym file\n"
+#~ msgstr "Kan component niet uitsluiten, kan juiste .sym file niet vinden\n"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Component still embedded and not updated\n"
+#~ msgstr "Component is nog steeds ingesloten en niet vernieuwd\n"
+#~ msgid "More than one component found with name [%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr "Meer dan een component gevonden met de naam [%s]\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Write PNG..."
 #~ msgstr "Schrijf PNG..."
 #~ msgid "Hotkeys..."
 #~ msgstr "Snel-toets..."
 #~ msgid "Ack! something got fouled up with the keymappings!\n"
 #~ msgstr "Jakkie! iets heeft een zooitje van de keymappings gemaakt!\n"
@@ -2573,8 +2514,10 @@ msgstr "Sluiten [%s]\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Tried to render text with an invalid angle: %d\n"
 #~ msgstr "Probeerde een ongeldige kleur te verkrijgen: %d\n"
 #~ msgid "Generic String"
 #~ msgstr "Algemene Tekst"
 #~ msgid "Enter new string."
 #~ msgstr "Voer nieuwe tekst in."
@@ -2589,10 +2532,13 @@ msgstr "Sluiten [%s]\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Add/Edit Attribute"
 #~ msgstr "Plaats/Bewerk Attribuut"
 #~ msgid "Multiple Attach"
 #~ msgstr "Meervoudig Toevoegen"
 #~ msgid "Replace"
 #~ msgstr "Vervangen"
 #~ msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_delete_end!\n"
 #~ msgstr "FOUT: NULL object in o_delete_end!\n"
@@ -2623,16 +2569,22 @@ msgstr "Sluiten [%s]\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Edit Text Color"
 #~ msgstr "Bewerk Tekst Kleur"
 #~ msgid "Line Type"
 #~ msgstr "Lijn Type"
 #~ msgid "String too long... hack!\n"
 #~ msgstr "Tekst te lang... aanpassen!\n"
 #~ msgid "Ran out of space in the hotkey buffer...\n"
 #~ msgstr "Tekort aan ruimte in de Snel-toets buffer...\n"
 #~ msgid "Height"
 #~ msgstr "Hoogte"
 #~ msgid "Script Execute..."
 #~ msgstr "Uitvoering Script..."
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "Warning: negative numbers not allowed in the autonumber_text dialog\n"
 #~ msgstr ""
@@ -2646,20 +2598,24 @@ msgstr "Sluiten [%s]\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "search text"
 #~ msgstr "zoek tekst"
 #~ msgid "hierarchical sheets"
 #~ msgstr "hierarchische bladen"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "unnumbered"
 #~ msgstr "ongenummerd"
 #~ msgid "all"
 #~ msgstr "alle"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "options"
 #~ msgstr "aktie"
 #~ msgid "top down"
 #~ msgstr "boven onder"
 #~ msgid "New Page created [%s]\n"
 #~ msgstr "Nieuwe pagina gemaakt [%s]\n"
@@ -2678,68 +2634,93 @@ msgstr "Sluiten [%s]\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Agg, could not open directory: %s\n"
 #~ msgstr "Aarg, kan map: %s niet openen\n"
 #~ msgid "Too many directories! Increase MAX_DIRS\n"
 #~ msgstr "Teveel mappen! Verhoog MAX_DIRS\n"
 #~ msgid "Too many files! Increase MAX_FILES\n"
 #~ msgstr "Teveel bestanden! verhoog MAX_FILES\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "sch - Schematics"
 #~ msgstr "sch - Schema's"
 #~ msgid "sym - Symbols "
 #~ msgstr "sym - Symbolen"
 #~ msgid "sym/sch - Schematics and Symbols"
 #~ msgstr "sym/sch - Symbolen en Schema's"
 #~ msgid "* - All Files"
 #~ msgstr "* - Alle bestanden"
 #~ msgid "x_fileselect_preview_checkbox: Oops got a null f_current!\n"
 #~ msgstr "x_fileselect_preview_checkbox: Oops, ontving een null f_current!\n"
 #~ msgid "Search in Files"
 #~ msgstr "Zoek in Bestanden"
 #~ msgid "Search in Files - End of list"
 #~ msgstr "Zoek in Bestanden - Einde van de lijst"
 #~ msgid "Search in Components"
 #~ msgstr "Zoek in Componenten"
 #~ msgid "Search in Components - Found library only"
 #~ msgstr "Zoek in Componenten - Alleen bibliotheek gevonden"
 #~ msgid "Search in Components - End of list"
 #~ msgstr "Zoek in Componenten - Einde van de lijst"
 #~ msgid "Directories"
 #~ msgstr "Mappen"
-#~ msgid "Libraries"
-#~ msgstr "Bibliotheken"
 #~ msgid "Files"
 #~ msgstr "Bestanden"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Discard changes"
 #~ msgstr "Veranderingen Wegdoen?"
 #~ msgid "OK"
 #~ msgstr "OK"
 #~ msgid "Cancel"
 #~ msgstr "Afbreken"
 #~ msgid "Apply"
 #~ msgstr "Toepassen"
 #~ msgid "Find"
 #~ msgstr "Vind"
 #~ msgid "Done"
 #~ msgstr "Klaar"
 #~ msgid "SaveAs"
 #~ msgstr "OpslaanAls"
 #~ msgid "Write"
 #~ msgstr "Schrijf"
 #~ msgid "Print"
 #~ msgstr "Afdrukken"
 #~ msgid "Edit mode"
 #~ msgstr "Bewerk mode"
 #~ msgid "Move mode"
 #~ msgstr "Verplaats mode"
 #~ msgid "Copy mode"
 #~ msgstr "Kopieer mode"
 #~ msgid "Delete mode"
 #~ msgstr "Verwijder mode"
 #~ msgid "Rotate mode"
 #~ msgstr "Rotatie mode"
 #~ msgid "Mirror mode"
 #~ msgstr "Spiegel mode"
@@ -2751,112 +2732,150 @@ msgstr "Sluiten [%s]\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Comps"
 #~ msgstr "Componenten"
 #~ msgid "Both"
 #~ msgstr "Beide"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Deattach"
 #~ msgstr "Losmaken"
 #~ msgid "refdes=C"
 #~ msgstr "refdes=C"
 #~ msgid "refdes=Q"
 #~ msgstr "refdes=Q"
 #~ msgid "refdes=R"
 #~ msgstr "refdes=R"
 #~ msgid "refdes=X"
 #~ msgstr "refdes=X"
 #~ msgid "%s requires a string as a parameter\n"
 #~ msgstr "%s vereist een text als parameter.\n"
 #~ msgid "Invalid parameters to paper-sizes\n"
 #~ msgstr "Ongeldige waarde voor paper-sizes.\n"
 #~ msgid "Cannot obtain the current directory!\n"
 #~ msgstr "Kan de huidige map niet verkrijgen!.\n"
 #~ msgid "Cannot get cwd!\n"
 #~ msgstr "Kan geen cwd verkrijgen!.\n"
 #~ msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_embed!\n"
 #~ msgstr "FOUT: NULL object in o_embed!\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Warning: two components with same refdes: %d\n"
 #~ msgstr "Attentie: twee componenten hebben hetzelfde refdes attribuut: %d\n"
 #~ msgid "Got an unexpected NULL in o_update_component\n"
 #~ msgstr "Ontving een onverwachte NULL in o_update_component\n"
 #~ msgid "Invalid space specified, setting to 100\n"
 #~ msgstr "Ongeldig gebied gespecificeerd, instellen op 100\n"
 #~ msgid "Invalid length specified, setting to 100\n"
 #~ msgstr "Ongeldige lengte gespecificeerd, instellen op 100\n"
 #~ msgid "Autonumber text starting with:"
 #~ msgstr "Automatisch tekst nummeren startend met:"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Add/Edit"
 #~ msgstr "Toevoegen/Bewerk"
-#~ msgid "Clear"
-#~ msgstr "Wis"
 #~ msgid "Open Page"
 #~ msgstr "Open pagina"
 #~ msgid "Update Manager"
 #~ msgstr "Vernieuw Manager"
 #~ msgid "Close Manager"
 #~ msgstr "Sluit Manager"
 #~ msgid "Read system-gschemrc file [%s]\n"
 #~ msgstr "Lees het system-gschemrc [%s] bestand\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Did not find required system-gschemrc file [%s]\n"
 #~ msgstr "Kan het system-gschemrc [%s] niet vinden\n"
 #~ msgid "Read ~/.gEDA/gschemrc file [%s]\n"
 #~ msgstr "Lees het ~/.gEDA/gschemrc [%s] bestand.\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Did not find optional ~/.gEDA/gschemrc file [%s]\n"
 #~ msgstr "Bestand ~/.gEDA/gschemrc [%s] niet gevonden\n"
 #~ msgid "Read local gschemrc file [%s]\n"
 #~ msgstr "Lees het lokale gschemrc [%s] bestand\n"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Did not find optional local gschemrc file [%s]\n"
 #~ msgstr "Kan het lokale gschemrc [%s] bestand niet vinden.\n"
 #~ msgid "Read specified rc file [%s]\n"
 #~ msgstr "Lees het gespecificeerde rc [%s] bestand\n"
 #~ msgid "Did not find specified gschemrc file [%s]\n"
 #~ msgstr "Kan het gespecificeerde rc [%s] bestand niet vinden\n"
 #~ msgid "Could not find any gschemrc file!\n"
 #~ msgstr "Kan geen enkel gschmrc bestand vinden!\n"
 #~ msgid "Could not find a gschemrc file\n"
 #~ msgstr "Kan geen gschmrc bestand vinden!\n"
 #~ msgid "Invalid path [%s] passed to component-library\n"
 #~ msgstr "Ongeldige waarde [%s] overgedragen aan component-library\n"
 #~ msgid "Invalid path [%s] passed to component-library-search\n"
 #~ msgstr "Ongeldig pad [%s] overgedragen aan component-library-search\n"
 #~ msgid "Invalid path [%s] passed to %s\n"
 #~ msgstr "Ongeldig pad [%s] overgedragen aan %s\n"
 #~ msgid "Invalid path [%s] passed to source-library-search\n"
 #~ msgstr "Ongeldig pad [%s] overgedragen aan source-library-search\n"
 #~ msgid "Invalid path [%s] passed to scheme-directory\n"
 #~ msgstr "Ongeldig pad [%s] overgedragen aan scheme-directory\n"
 #~ msgid "Invalid path [%s] passed to bitmap-directory\n"
 #~ msgstr "Ongeldig pad [%s] overgedragen aan bitmap-directory\n"
 #~ msgid "Invalid path [%s] passed to font-directory\n"
 #~ msgstr "Ongeldig pad [%s] overgedragen aan font-directory\n"
 #~ msgid "Ok"
 #~ msgstr "Ok"
 #~ msgid "Edit Component"
 #~ msgstr "Bewerk Component"
 #~ msgid "Limits"
 #~ msgstr "Limieten"
 #~ msgid "Saved - Select Mode"
 #~ msgstr "Opgeslagen - Selectie Mode"
 #~ msgid "Saved All - Select"
 #~ msgstr "Alles opgeslagen - Selectie"
 #~ msgid "Paste 1 Mode "
 #~ msgstr "Plak 1 Mode "
 #~ msgid "Paste 2 Mode "
 #~ msgstr "Plak 2 Mode "
 #~ msgid "Paste 3 Mode "
 #~ msgstr "Plak 3 Mode "
 #~ msgid "Paste 4 Mode "
 #~ msgstr "Plak 4 Mode "
 #~ msgid "Invisible"
 #~ msgstr "Onzichtbaar"
diff --git a/gschem/po/pt_BR.po b/gschem/po/pt_BR.po
index 9f07b50..a81c3f7 100644
--- a/gschem/po/pt_BR.po
+++ b/gschem/po/pt_BR.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: pt_BR\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-26 11:03-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-07-05 00:52-0400\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-07-27 01:34-0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: \n"
 "Language-Team:  <pt@xxxxxx>\n"
@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ msgstr "Arquivo"
 msgid "New Window"
 msgstr "Nova Janela"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:4 src/x_pagesel.c:267
+#: src/rcstrings.c:4 src/x_pagesel.c:259
 msgid "New Page"
 msgstr "Nova Página"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:5 src/x_pagesel.c:268
+#: src/rcstrings.c:5 src/x_pagesel.c:260
 msgid "Open Page..."
 msgstr "Abrir Página..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:6 src/x_pagesel.c:271
+#: src/rcstrings.c:6 src/x_pagesel.c:263
 msgid "Close Page"
 msgstr "Fechar Página"
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ msgstr "Fechar Página"
 msgid "Revert Page"
 msgstr "Reverter Página"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:8 src/x_pagesel.c:270
+#: src/rcstrings.c:8 src/x_pagesel.c:262
 msgid "Save Page"
 msgstr "Salvar"
@@ -53,21 +53,21 @@ msgstr "Salvar Como..."
 msgid "Save All"
 msgstr "Salvar Tudo"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:11 src/x_print.c:317
+#: src/rcstrings.c:11 src/x_print.c:283
 msgid "Print..."
 msgstr "Imprimir..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:12 src/x_image.c:496
+#: src/rcstrings.c:12 src/x_image.c:504
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Write image..."
 msgstr "Salvar Imagem..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:13
+#: src/rcstrings.c:13 src/x_menus.c:520
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Recent files"
 msgstr "Novo arquivo"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:14 src/x_script.c:49
+#: src/rcstrings.c:14 src/x_script.c:50
 msgid "Execute Script..."
 msgstr "Script..."
@@ -79,19 +79,19 @@ msgstr "Fechando Janela"
 msgid "Quit"
 msgstr "Sair"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:18 src/i_callbacks.c:746
+#: src/rcstrings.c:18 src/i_callbacks.c:730
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "Editar"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:19 src/x_window.c:515
+#: src/rcstrings.c:19 src/x_window.c:511
 msgid "Undo"
 msgstr "Desfazer"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:20 src/x_window.c:522
+#: src/rcstrings.c:20 src/x_window.c:518
 msgid "Redo"
 msgstr "Refazer"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:21 src/i_basic.c:94 src/x_window.c:686
+#: src/rcstrings.c:21 src/i_basic.c:81 src/x_window.c:682
 msgid "Select Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de Seleção"
@@ -118,19 +118,19 @@ msgstr "Editar..."
 msgid "Edit Text..."
 msgstr "Editar Texto..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:27 src/i_basic.c:107
+#: src/rcstrings.c:27 src/i_basic.c:94
 msgid "Copy Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de Cópia"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:28 src/i_basic.c:162
+#: src/rcstrings.c:28 src/i_basic.c:149
 msgid "Multiple Copy Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de Múltipla Cópia"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:29 src/i_basic.c:110
+#: src/rcstrings.c:29 src/i_basic.c:97
 msgid "Move Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de Movimentação"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:30 src/i_callbacks.c:722 src/x_multiattrib.c:1193
+#: src/rcstrings.c:30 src/i_callbacks.c:706 src/x_multiattrib.c:1174
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "Apagar"
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ msgstr "Apagar"
 msgid "Rotate 90 Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de Rotação"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:32 src/i_basic.c:114
+#: src/rcstrings.c:32 src/i_basic.c:101
 msgid "Mirror Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de espelho"
@@ -150,11 +150,11 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Color..."
 msgstr "Cor..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:35 src/i_callbacks.c:919
+#: src/rcstrings.c:35 src/i_callbacks.c:903
 msgid "Lock"
 msgstr "Bloquear"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:36 src/i_callbacks.c:937
+#: src/rcstrings.c:36 src/i_callbacks.c:921
 msgid "Unlock"
 msgstr "Desbloquear"
@@ -262,11 +262,11 @@ msgstr "Exibir"
 msgid "Redraw"
 msgstr "Redesenhar"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:65 src/i_callbacks.c:1489 src/i_callbacks.c:1558
+#: src/rcstrings.c:65 src/i_callbacks.c:1471 src/i_callbacks.c:1540
 msgid "Pan"
 msgstr "Pan"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:66 src/i_basic.c:118
+#: src/rcstrings.c:66 src/i_basic.c:105
 msgid "Zoom Box"
 msgstr "Caixa de Zoom"
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ msgstr "Próxima"
 msgid "Previous"
 msgstr "Anterior"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:76 src/x_window.c:493
+#: src/rcstrings.c:76 src/x_window.c:489
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Novo"
@@ -326,12 +326,12 @@ msgstr "Adicionar"
 msgid "Component..."
 msgstr "Componente..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:83 src/i_callbacks.c:2313 src/i_callbacks.c:2336
+#: src/rcstrings.c:83 src/i_callbacks.c:2289 src/i_callbacks.c:2311
 msgid "Net"
 msgstr "Conexão"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:84 src/i_callbacks.c:2381 src/i_callbacks.c:2405
-#: src/x_window.c:551
+#: src/rcstrings.c:84 src/i_callbacks.c:2355 src/i_callbacks.c:2378
+#: src/x_window.c:547
 msgid "Bus"
 msgstr "Barramento"
@@ -343,23 +343,23 @@ msgstr "Atributo..."
 msgid "Text..."
 msgstr "Texto..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:87 src/i_callbacks.c:2487 src/i_callbacks.c:2507
+#: src/rcstrings.c:87 src/i_callbacks.c:2459 src/i_callbacks.c:2478
 msgid "Line"
 msgstr "Linha"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:88 src/i_callbacks.c:2530 src/i_callbacks.c:2550
+#: src/rcstrings.c:88 src/i_callbacks.c:2500 src/i_callbacks.c:2519
 msgid "Box"
 msgstr "Caixa"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:89 src/i_callbacks.c:2607 src/i_callbacks.c:2628
+#: src/rcstrings.c:89 src/i_callbacks.c:2575 src/i_callbacks.c:2595
 msgid "Circle"
 msgstr "Círculo"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:90 src/i_callbacks.c:2651 src/i_callbacks.c:2671
+#: src/rcstrings.c:90 src/i_callbacks.c:2617 src/i_callbacks.c:2636
 msgid "Arc"
 msgstr "Arco"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:91 src/i_callbacks.c:2694 src/i_callbacks.c:2714
+#: src/rcstrings.c:91 src/i_callbacks.c:2658 src/i_callbacks.c:2677
 msgid "Pin"
 msgstr "Pino"
@@ -387,15 +387,15 @@ msgstr "Subir"
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "Documentação"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:100 src/x_multiattrib.c:1332
+#: src/rcstrings.c:100 src/x_multiattrib.c:1300
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "Atributos"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:101 src/i_callbacks.c:2974
+#: src/rcstrings.c:101 src/i_callbacks.c:2942
 msgid "Attach"
 msgstr "Anexar"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:102 src/i_callbacks.c:3023
+#: src/rcstrings.c:102 src/i_callbacks.c:2991
 msgid "Detach"
 msgstr "Desanexar"
@@ -487,11 +487,12 @@ msgid "Manual"
 msgstr "Manual..."
 #: src/rcstrings.c:126
-msgid "FAQ"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "gEDA Documentation"
+msgstr "Documentação"
 #: src/rcstrings.c:127
-msgid "gEDA Wiki"
+msgid "gschem FAQ"
 msgstr ""
 #: src/rcstrings.c:128
@@ -503,156 +504,118 @@ msgstr "Documentação"
 msgid "About gschem"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:130 src/x_dialog.c:2501
+#: src/rcstrings.c:130 src/x_dialog.c:2517
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Hotkeys"
 msgstr "Atalhos..."
-#: src/a_zoom.c:224
+#: src/a_zoom.c:242
 msgid "Zoom too small!  Cannot zoom further.\n"
 msgstr "Zoom muito pequeno! Não posso diminuir. \n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:341 src/i_callbacks.c:136
+#: src/g_funcs.c:342 src/i_callbacks.c:137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not fork\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_funcs.c:357 src/i_callbacks.c:146
+#: src/g_funcs.c:358 src/i_callbacks.c:147
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not invoke %s\n"
 msgstr "Impossível invocar %s!\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:363 src/i_callbacks.c:150
+#: src/g_funcs.c:364 src/i_callbacks.c:151
 msgid "Documentation commands not supported under MinGW.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/g_hook.c:87
+#: src/g_hook.c:88
 #, c-format
 msgid "Attribute failed ot find.\n"
 msgstr "Atributo não encontrado\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:106
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Found a version [%s%s] gschemrc file:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Encontrado um arquivo gschemrc versão [%s]:\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:109
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"While gschem is in ALPHA, please be sure that you have the latest rc file.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Enquanto o gschem for versão ALPHA, assegure que você tem a última versão de "
-"arquivo rc.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:169
+#: src/g_rc.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid color [%s] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Cor [%s] inválida passada para %s\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:358
+#: src/g_rc.c:332
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Modo [%s] inválido passado para %s\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:536
+#: src/g_rc.c:510
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid zoomfactor [%d] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Fator de Zoom [%d] inválido passado para %s\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:574
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to scrollbar-update\n"
-msgstr "Modo [%s] inválido passado para scrollbar-update\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:655
+#: src/g_rc.c:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to text-size\n"
 msgstr "Tamanho [%d] inválido (text-size)\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:682
+#: src/g_rc.c:628
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%f] passed to postscript-font-scale\n"
 msgstr "Tamanho [%d] inválido (text-size)\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:725
+#: src/g_rc.c:671
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to snap-size\n"
 msgstr "Tamanho [%d] inválido passado tamanho de grade\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:799 src/g_rc.c:802
-#, c-format
-msgid "Duplicate stroke definition passed to stroke! [%s]\n"
-msgstr "Definição stroke duplicada passada para stroke! [%s]\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:813
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"A stroke keyword has been found in an rc file, but gschem\n"
-"is not compiled to support strokes, please recompile gschem\n"
-"with LibStroke\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Uma palavra-chave stroke foi encontrada num arquivo rc,\n"
-"mas o gschem não está com suporte a strokes, recompile\n"
-"o gschem com a biblioteca LibStroke\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1275
+#: src/g_rc.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid num levels [%d] passed to undo-levels\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Número de níveis [%d] inválido para função desfaz passado para undo-level\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1500
+#: src/g_rc.c:1402
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to bus-ripper-size\n"
 msgstr "Tamanho [%d] inválido passado tamanho de grade\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1575
+#: src/g_rc.c:1477
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid dot size [%d] passed to grid-dot-size\n"
 msgstr "Tamanho [%d] inválido (text-size)\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1616
+#: src/g_rc.c:1518
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid pixel spacing [%d] passed to grid-fixed-threshold\n"
 msgstr "Tamanho [%d] inválido (text-size)\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1660
+#: src/g_rc.c:1562
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid offset [%d] passed to add-attribute-offset\n"
 msgstr "Tamanho [%d] inválido (text-size)\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1684
+#: src/g_rc.c:1586
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid number of seconds [%d] passed to auto-save-interval\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Número de níveis [%d] inválido para função desfaz passado para undo-level\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1725
+#: src/g_rc.c:1627
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid gain [%d] passed to mousepan-gain\n"
 msgstr "Tamanho [%d] inválido passado tamanho de grade\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1748
+#: src/g_rc.c:1650
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid gain [%d] passed to keyboardpan-gain\n"
 msgstr "Tamanho [%d] inválido passado tamanho de grade\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1794
+#: src/g_rc.c:1696
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid number of pixels [%d] passed to select-slack-pixels\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Número de níveis [%d] inválido para função desfaz passado para undo-level\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:140 src/gschem.c:150
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "gEDA/gschem version %s%s\n"
-msgstr "gEDA/gschem versão %s\n"
+#: src/gschem.c:191 src/gschem.c:202
+#, c-format
+msgid "gEDA/gschem version %s%s.%s\n"
+msgstr "gEDA/gschem versão %s%s.%s\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:142 src/gschem.c:152
+#: src/gschem.c:194 src/gschem.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "gEDA/gschem comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more "
@@ -661,7 +624,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "gEDA/gschem vem com ABSOLUTAMENTE NENHUMA GARANTIA; leia o arquivo COPYING "
 "para maiores detalhes.\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:144 src/gschem.c:154
+#: src/gschem.c:196 src/gschem.c:207
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain\n"
@@ -669,663 +632,650 @@ msgstr ""
 "Este programa é um software livre, e você é convidado a redistribui-lo sob "
-#: src/gschem.c:146 src/gschem.c:156
+#: src/gschem.c:198 src/gschem.c:209
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.\n"
 msgstr "condições; Leia o arquivo COPYING para maiores detalhes.\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:160
+#: src/gschem.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the MINGW32 port.\n"
 msgstr "Esta é a versão portada para MINGW32.\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:164
+#: src/gschem.c:217
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current locale settings: %s\n"
 msgstr "Configuração para Localização: %s\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:177
+#: src/gschem.c:230
 #, c-format
 msgid "You must set the GEDADATA environment variable!\n"
 msgstr "Você precisa acertar a variável de ambiente GEDADATA.\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:192
+#: src/gschem.c:245
 #, c-format
 msgid "Read init scm file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Lendo o arquivo scm [%s]\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:196 src/gschem.c:199
+#: src/gschem.c:249 src/gschem.c:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to read init scm file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Falhou ao ler o arquivo scm [%s]\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:259
+#: src/gschem.c:313
 #, c-format
 msgid "Scheme directory NOT set!\n"
 msgstr "Diretório Scheme N�O ajustado!\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:266 src/x_script.c:70
+#: src/gschem.c:320 src/x_script.c:71
 #, c-format
 msgid "Executing guile script [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Executando script guile [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_basic.c:97
+#: src/i_basic.c:84
 msgid "Attribute Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de Atributo"
-#: src/i_basic.c:100
+#: src/i_basic.c:87
 msgid "Component Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de Componente"
-#: src/i_basic.c:104
+#: src/i_basic.c:91
 msgid "Text Mode"
 msgstr "Modo Texto"
-#: src/i_basic.c:112
+#: src/i_basic.c:99
 msgid "Rotate Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de Rotação"
-#: src/i_basic.c:122
+#: src/i_basic.c:109
 msgid "Pan Mode"
 msgstr "Modo Pan"
-#: src/i_basic.c:126
+#: src/i_basic.c:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "Paste %d Mode"
 msgstr "Modo Colar de %d"
-#: src/i_basic.c:131
+#: src/i_basic.c:118
 msgid "Net Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de Conexão (NET)"
-#: src/i_basic.c:135
+#: src/i_basic.c:122
 msgid "Bus Mode"
 msgstr "Modo Barramento (BUS)"
-#: src/i_basic.c:138
+#: src/i_basic.c:125
 msgid "Line Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de Linha"
-#: src/i_basic.c:141
+#: src/i_basic.c:128
 msgid "Box Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de Caixa"
-#: src/i_basic.c:144
+#: src/i_basic.c:131
 msgid "Picture Mode"
 msgstr "Modo Imagem"
-#: src/i_basic.c:147
+#: src/i_basic.c:134
 msgid "Circle Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de Círculo"
-#: src/i_basic.c:150
+#: src/i_basic.c:137
 msgid "Arc Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de Arco"
-#: src/i_basic.c:153
+#: src/i_basic.c:140
 msgid "Pin Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de Pino"
-#: src/i_basic.c:155 src/i_callbacks.c:603 src/i_callbacks.c:622
+#: src/i_basic.c:142 src/i_callbacks.c:587 src/i_callbacks.c:606
 msgid "Copy"
 msgstr "Copiar"
-#: src/i_basic.c:157 src/i_callbacks.c:683 src/i_callbacks.c:702
+#: src/i_basic.c:144 src/i_callbacks.c:667 src/i_callbacks.c:686
 msgid "Move"
 msgstr "Mover"
-#: src/i_basic.c:159 src/i_callbacks.c:643 src/i_callbacks.c:662
+#: src/i_basic.c:146 src/i_callbacks.c:627 src/i_callbacks.c:646
 msgid "Multiple Copy"
 msgstr "Multipla Cópia"
-#: src/i_basic.c:197
-msgid "Snap Off"
-msgstr "Agarre desligado"
-#: src/i_basic.c:203
+#: src/i_basic.c:174
 msgid "Show Hidden"
 msgstr "Mostrar Oculto"
-#: src/i_basic.c:291 src/x_window.c:660
+#: src/i_basic.c:177
+msgid "Snap Off"
+msgstr "Agarre desligado"
+#: src/i_basic.c:259 src/x_window.c:656
 msgid "Action"
 msgstr "Ação"
-#: src/i_basic.c:299 src/x_window.c:655
+#: src/i_basic.c:267 src/x_window.c:651
 msgid "Stroke"
 msgstr "Stroke"
-#: src/i_basic.c:306 src/x_window.c:657
+#: src/i_basic.c:274 src/x_window.c:653
 msgid "none"
 msgstr "nenhum"
-#: src/i_basic.c:313
+#: src/i_basic.c:281
 msgid "Repeat/"
 msgstr "Repetir/"
-#: src/i_basic.c:738 src/i_basic.c:743
+#: src/i_basic.c:570 src/i_basic.c:575
 msgid "OFF"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:747
+#: src/i_basic.c:579
 #, c-format
 msgid "Grid(%s, %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:131
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:132
 #, c-format
 msgid "Documentation for [%s,%s,%s,%s]\n"
 msgstr "Documentação para [%s,%s,%s,%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:191 src/i_callbacks.c:1687
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:192 src/i_callbacks.c:1669
 #, c-format
 msgid "New page created [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Criada Nova Página [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:226 src/x_menus.c:432
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:227 src/x_menus.c:491
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "New Window created [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Nova janela criada\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:355
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:345
 msgid "Failed to Save All"
 msgstr "Falha ao salvar tudo"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:357
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:347
 msgid "Saved All"
 msgstr "Salvar Tudo"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:455
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:439
 msgid "Closing Window\n"
 msgstr "Fechando Janela\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:607 src/i_callbacks.c:647 src/i_callbacks.c:687
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:591 src/i_callbacks.c:631 src/i_callbacks.c:671
 msgid "Select objs first"
 msgstr "Selecione objetos antes"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:762
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:746
 msgid "Edit Text"
 msgstr "Editar Texto"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:785
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:769
 msgid "Slot"
 msgstr "Slot"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:802
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:786
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "Cor"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:820 src/i_callbacks.c:842
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:804 src/i_callbacks.c:826
 msgid "Rotate"
 msgstr "Rotacionar"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:869 src/i_callbacks.c:891
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:853 src/i_callbacks.c:875
 msgid "Mirror"
 msgstr "Espelhar"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:955 src/x_dialog.c:1597
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:939 src/x_dialog.c:1604
 msgid "Translate"
 msgstr "Transladar"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:958
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:942
 msgid "WARNING: Do not translate with snap off!\n"
 msgstr "ATEN��O: Não translade com o agarre (snap) desligado!\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:959
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:943
 msgid "WARNING: Turning snap on and continuing with translate.\n"
 msgstr "ATENÃ?Ã?O: Ligando o agarre e continuando o translado.\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:966
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:950
 msgid "WARNING: Snap grid size is not equal to 100!\n"
 msgstr "ATEN��O: A grade de agarre não está em 100!\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:968
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:952
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: If you are translating a symbol to the origin, the snap grid size "
 "should be set to 100\n"
 msgstr ""
 "ATEN��O: Se transladar um símbolo para origem, a grade deve estar em 100\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:989
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:973
 msgid "Embed"
 msgstr "Embutir"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1027
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1011
 msgid "Unembed"
 msgstr "Desembutir"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1067
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1051
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Atualizar"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1125
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1109
 msgid "ShowHidden"
 msgstr "Mostrar Oculto"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1148
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1132
 msgid "MakeVisible"
 msgstr "Deixar Visível"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1264
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1248
 msgid "Edit Line Type"
 msgstr "Editar Tipo de Linha"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1305 src/x_dialog.c:1256
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1289 src/x_dialog.c:1261
 msgid "Edit Fill Type"
 msgstr "Editar Preenchimento"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1592
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1574
 msgid "Update Cues"
 msgstr "Atualiza dicas"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1731
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1713
 msgid "Really revert page?"
 msgstr "Reverter Página?"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1805
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1787
 msgid "Copy 1"
 msgstr "Copiar para 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1824
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1806
 msgid "Copy 2"
 msgstr "Copiar para 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1843
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1825
 msgid "Copy 3"
 msgstr "Copiar para 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1862
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1844
 msgid "Copy 4"
 msgstr "Copiar para 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1881
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1863
 msgid "Copy 5"
 msgstr "Copiar para 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1900
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1882
 msgid "Cut 1"
 msgstr "Cortar para 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1919
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1901
 msgid "Cut 2"
 msgstr "Cortar para 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1938
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1920
 msgid "Cut 3"
 msgstr "Cortar para 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1957
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1939
 msgid "Cut 4"
 msgstr "Cortar para 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1976
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1958
 msgid "Cut 5"
 msgstr "Cortar para 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1992
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1974
 msgid "Paste 1"
 msgstr "Colar de 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2001 src/i_callbacks.c:2025 src/i_callbacks.c:2049
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2073 src/i_callbacks.c:2097
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1983 src/i_callbacks.c:2007 src/i_callbacks.c:2031
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2055 src/i_callbacks.c:2079
 msgid "Empty buffer"
 msgstr "Buffer vazio"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2016
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1998
 msgid "Paste 2"
 msgstr "Colar de 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2040
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2022
 msgid "Paste 3"
 msgstr "Colar de 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2064
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2046
 msgid "Paste 4"
 msgstr "Colar de 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2088
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2070
 msgid "Paste 5"
 msgstr "Colar de 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2234 src/x_window.c:531
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2213 src/x_window.c:527
 msgid "Component"
 msgstr "Componente"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2271 src/i_callbacks.c:2291
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2249 src/i_callbacks.c:2268
 msgid "Attribute"
 msgstr "Atributo"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2773
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2735
 #, c-format
 msgid "Searching for source [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Procurando por origem [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2797 src/i_callbacks.c:2798
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2759 src/i_callbacks.c:2760
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot find source [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Impossível encontrar origem [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2869
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2827
 #, c-format
 msgid "Searching for symbol [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Procurando por símbolo [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2946
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2914
 msgid ""
 "This command retrieves the component documentation from the web, but there "
 "is no component selected"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3063
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3031
 msgid "ShowN"
 msgstr "Mostrar N"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3094
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3062
 msgid "ShowV"
 msgstr "Mostrar V"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3125
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3093
 msgid "ShowB"
 msgstr "Mostrar T"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3157
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3125
 msgid "VisToggle"
 msgstr "Comuta Visibilidade"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3179
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3147
 #, c-format
 msgid "Sorry but this is a non-functioning menu option\n"
 msgstr "Desculpe, mas esta é uma opção de menu sem função\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3267
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3235
 msgid "Action feedback mode set to OUTLINE\n"
 msgstr "Retorno de ação ajustado para silhueta\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3270
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3238
 msgid "Action feedback mode set to BOUNDINGBOX\n"
 msgstr "Retorno de ação ajustado para caixa completa\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3287
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3255
 msgid "Grid OFF\n"
 msgstr "Grade DESLIGADA\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3290
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3258
 msgid "Grid ON\n"
 msgstr "Grade LIGADA\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3307
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3275
 msgid "Snap OFF (CAUTION!)\n"
 msgstr "Agarre desligado (CUIDADO!)\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3310
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3278
 msgid "Snap ON\n"
 msgstr "Agarre ligado\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3330
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3298
 msgid "Rubber band OFF \n"
 msgstr "Elástico desligado\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3333
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3301
 msgid "Rubber band ON\n"
 msgstr "Elástico ligado\n"
-#: src/o_arc.c:136
+#: src/o_arc.c:137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for arc (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Fim de arco desconhecido:(%d)\n"
-#: src/o_arc.c:177
+#: src/o_arc.c:178
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for arc !\n"
 msgstr "Tipo para arco desconhecido!\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:107
+#: src/o_attrib.c:108
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_attrib_toggle_visibility\n"
 msgstr "tem NULO em o_attrib_toggle_visibility\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:172
+#: src/o_attrib.c:173
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_attrib_toggle_show_name_value\n"
 msgstr "Tem NULO em o_attrib_toggle_show_name_value\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:223
+#: src/o_attrib.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR! you can't get an attribute without an ='s\n"
 msgstr "ERRO! Você não tem atributo sem um sinal = (igual)\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:140
+#: src/o_box.c:141
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for box (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Fim desconhecido para caixa (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:180
+#: src/o_box.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for box !\n"
 msgstr "Tipo desconhecido para caixa!\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:270
+#: src/o_box.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for box (fill)!\n"
 msgstr "Tipo desconhecido para enchimento da caixa!\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:41
+#: src/o_buffer.c:42
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_copy]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_buffer.c:79
+#: src/o_buffer.c:80
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_cut]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_buffer.c:120
+#: src/o_buffer.c:121
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_start]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_buffer.c:180
+#: src/o_buffer.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_end]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_bus.c:219
+#: src/o_bus.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid which one in o_bus_draw_xor_single\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_bus.c:285 src/o_bus.c:319 src/o_net.c:333 src/o_net.c:367
-#, c-format
-msgid "selected a nonexistant object!\n"
-msgstr "Selecionado um objeto inexistente!\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:135
+#: src/o_circle.c:136
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for circle\n"
 msgstr "Fim para arco desconhecido\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:171
+#: src/o_circle.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for circle!\n"
 msgstr "Tipo para arco desconhecido!\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:259
+#: src/o_circle.c:260
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for circle (fill)!\n"
 msgstr "Tipo desconhecido para enchimento de arco!\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:222
+#: src/o_complex.c:225
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find complex in new componet placement!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_complex.c:600
+#: src/o_complex.c:578
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_complex_translate_display_selection\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_complex.c:668 src/o_complex.c:674
+#: src/o_complex.c:646 src/o_complex.c:652
 #, c-format
 msgid "Translating schematic [%d %d]\n"
 msgstr "Transladando diagrama [%d %d]\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:718
+#: src/o_complex.c:690
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_complex_translate_selection!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_copy.c:124 src/o_copy.c:395
+#: src/o_copy.c:125 src/o_copy.c:395
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_copy_end!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_line.c:112
+#: src/o_line.c:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for line (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Fim desconhecido para linha (%d)!\n"
-#: src/o_line.c:152
+#: src/o_line.c:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for line (%d) !\n"
 msgstr "Tipo desconhecido para linha (%d)!\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:64
+#: src/o_misc.c:65
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an unexpected NULL in o_edit\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:143
-msgid "Object alreadly locked\n"
+#: src/o_misc.c:144
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Object already locked\n"
 msgstr "Objeto já bloqueado\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:181
-msgid "Object alreadly unlocked\n"
+#: src/o_misc.c:182
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Object already unlocked\n"
 msgstr "Objeto já desbloqueado\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:228 src/o_misc.c:471 src/o_misc.c:715
+#: src/o_misc.c:229 src/o_misc.c:472 src/o_misc.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_rotate_90!\n"
 msgstr "ERRO: NENHUM objeto na rotação 90!\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:537
+#: src/o_misc.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_mirror!\n"
 msgstr "ERRO: NENHUM objeto ao espelhar!\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:815
+#: src/o_misc.c:812
 msgid "Hidden text is now visible\n"
 msgstr "Texto oculto agora está visível\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:817
+#: src/o_misc.c:814
 msgid "Hidden text is now invisible\n"
 msgstr "Texto oculto agora está invisível\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1076
-msgid "Could not unembedded component, could not find appropriate .sym file\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Impossivel desembutir componente, arquivo .sym apropriado não pode ser "
-#: src/o_misc.c:1077
-msgid "Component still embedded and not updated\n"
-msgstr "O componente ainda está embutido e não atualizado\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1081
+#: src/o_misc.c:1058
 #, c-format
-msgid "More than one component found with name [%s]\n"
-msgstr "Mais de um componente encontrado com o nome [%s]\n"
+msgid "Could not find symbol [%s] in library. Update failed.\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:1229
+#: src/o_misc.c:1198
 #, c-format
 msgid "o_autosave_backups: Can't get the real filename of %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:1273
+#: src/o_misc.c:1242
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT set previous backup file [%s] read-write\n"
 msgstr "N�O foi possível deixar arquivo backup [%s] como leitura e gravação\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1291
+#: src/o_misc.c:1260
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT set backup file [%s] readonly\n"
 msgstr "N�O foi possível deixar arquivo backup [%s] apenas leitura!\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1296
+#: src/o_misc.c:1265
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT save backup file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "N�O foi possível salvar  arquivo backup [%s] !\n"
-#: src/o_move.c:223
+#: src/o_move.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_move_end!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_move.c:331
+#: src/o_move.c:332
 #, c-format
 msgid "DOH! tried to find the whichone, but didn't find it!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_move.c:352
+#: src/o_move.c:353
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got a non line object in o_move_check_endpoint\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_net.c:264
+#: src/o_net.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid which one in o_net_draw_xor_single\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_net.c:940 src/o_net.c:977 src/o_net.c:1048 src/o_net.c:1084
+#: src/o_net.c:812 src/o_net.c:849 src/o_net.c:920 src/o_net.c:956
 #, c-format
 msgid "Tried to add more than two bus rippers. Internal gschem error.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_net.c:1155
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not find %s in any component-library\n"
+#: src/o_net.c:1029
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Bus ripper symbol [%s] was not found in any component library\n"
 msgstr "Não consigo encontrar %s em nenhuma biblioteca\n"
-#: src/o_picture.c:205 src/o_picture.c:746
+#: src/o_picture.c:206 src/o_picture.c:746
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to load picture: %s"
 msgstr "Falhou ao ler imagem: %s"
-#: src/o_picture.c:219
+#: src/o_picture.c:220
 msgid "Picture"
 msgstr "Imagem"
-#: src/o_picture.c:658 src/x_attribedit.c:137
+#: src/o_picture.c:658 src/x_attribedit.c:139
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object!\n"
 msgstr "ERRO: NENHUM objeto!\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:127
+#: src/o_slot.c:128
 msgid "Slot attribute malformed\n"
 msgstr "Atributo Slot mau feito\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:145
+#: src/o_slot.c:146
 msgid "numslots attribute missing\n"
 msgstr "Sem atributo NUMSLOTS\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:147
+#: src/o_slot.c:148
 msgid "Slotting not allowed for this component\n"
 msgstr "Slots não disponível para este componente\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:163
+#: src/o_slot.c:164
 msgid "New slot number out of range\n"
 msgstr "Número de slot fora dos limites\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:247
+#: src/o_slot.c:237
 #, c-format
 msgid "uggg! you tried to slot edit something that doesn't exist!\n"
 msgstr "Você tentou editar o slot de algo que não existe!\n"
-#: src/o_undo.c:316
+#: src/o_undo.c:317
 msgid "Undo/Redo disabled in rc file\n"
 msgstr "Desfaz e Refaz desabilitado no arquivo rc\n"
-#: src/parsecmd.c:49
+#: src/parsecmd.c:50
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] schematic_filename1 ... schematic_filenameN\n"
@@ -1350,236 +1300,244 @@ msgstr ""
 "  -h            Ajuda; esta mensagem\n"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:122
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:124
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got invalid show option; defaulting to show both\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:325
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:327
 msgid "Single Attribute Editor"
 msgstr "Editor de um atributo"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:355
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:358
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Edit Attribute</b>"
 msgstr "Editar Atributos"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:357
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:360
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Add Attribute</b>"
 msgstr "Inserir Atributo"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:373 src/x_multiattrib.c:1512
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:376 src/x_multiattrib.c:1480
 msgid "Name:"
 msgstr "Nome:"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:389 src/x_multiattrib.c:1531
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:392 src/x_multiattrib.c:1499
 msgid "Value:"
 msgstr "Valor:"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:404 src/x_multiattrib.c:1559
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:408 src/x_multiattrib.c:1527
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "Visível"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:424
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:428
 msgid "Show Value Only"
 msgstr "Mostra apenas Valor"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:426
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:430
 msgid "Show Name Only"
 msgstr "Mostra apenas Nome"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:428 src/x_multiattrib.c:1162
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:432 src/x_multiattrib.c:1143
 msgid "Show Name & Value"
 msgstr "Mostra Nome e Valor"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:435
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:439
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Attach Options</b>"
 msgstr "Opções"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:450
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:454
 msgid "All"
 msgstr "Todos"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:458 src/x_compselect.c:791
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:462 src/x_compselect.c:716 src/x_compselect.c:791
 msgid "Components"
 msgstr "Componentes"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:466 src/x_window.c:541
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:470 src/x_window.c:537
 msgid "Nets"
 msgstr "Conexões"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:474
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:478
 msgid "Replace existing attributes"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:411
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:413
 msgid ""
 "slotted object without slot attribute may cause problems when autonumbering "
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:426
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "duplicate slot may cause problems: [symbolname=%s, number=%d, slot=%d]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:696
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:698
 msgid "No searchstring given in autonumber text.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:747
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:749
 msgid "No '*' or '?' given at the end of the autonumber text.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:880
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Diagonal"
 msgstr "diagonal"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:881
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
 msgid "Top to bottom"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:881
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
 msgid "Bottom to top"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:884
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Left to right"
 msgstr "Esq Dir"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:884
 msgid "Right to left"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:885
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "File order"
 msgstr "Ordena em arquivos"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1219
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1221
 msgid "Autonumber text"
 msgstr "Autonumerar texto"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1244
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1247
 msgid "<b>Scope</b>"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1266
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1269
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Search for:"
 msgstr "foco de procura"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1280
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1283
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Autonumber text in:"
 msgstr "Autonumerar texto"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1287
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1290
 msgid "Skip numbers found in:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1299 src/x_autonumber.c:1308
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1302 src/x_autonumber.c:1311
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Selected objects"
 msgstr "Objetos selecionados"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1300 src/x_autonumber.c:1309
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1303 src/x_autonumber.c:1312
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Current page"
 msgstr "Folha corrente"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1301 src/x_autonumber.c:1310
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1304 src/x_autonumber.c:1313
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Whole hierarchy"
 msgstr "Hierarquia"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1312
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1315
 msgid "Overwrite existing numbers"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1317
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1320
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Options</b>"
 msgstr "Opções"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1339
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1342
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Starting number:"
 msgstr "Número inicial"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1346
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1349
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Sort order:"
 msgstr "Ordenação"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1367
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1370
 msgid "Remove numbers"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1371
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1374
 msgid "Automatic slotting"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_color.c:59 src/x_color.c:96
+#: src/x_color.c:60 src/x_color.c:97
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find the color %s!\n"
 msgstr "Impossível encontrar a cor %s!\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:62 src/x_color.c:99
+#: src/x_color.c:63 src/x_color.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Defaulting color to white\n"
 msgstr "Cor padrão para branco\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:69 src/x_color.c:106
+#: src/x_color.c:70 src/x_color.c:107
 #, c-format
 msgid "Ack! Cannot allocate white!\n"
 msgstr "Ih! Não consigo alocar o branco!\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:80 src/x_color.c:128 src/x_window.c:176 src/x_window.c:185
+#: src/x_color.c:81 src/x_color.c:129 src/x_window.c:176 src/x_window.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not allocate the color %s!\n"
 msgstr "Impossível alocar a cor %s!\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:147 src/x_color.c:163
+#: src/x_color.c:148 src/x_color.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "Tried to get an invalid color: %d\n"
 msgstr "Tentou ter cor inválida: %d\n"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:615
+#: src/x_compselect.c:821
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Filter:"
+msgstr "Filtro"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:895
 msgid "Default behavior - reference component"
 msgstr "Uso normal - referenciar componente"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:618
+#: src/x_compselect.c:898
 msgid "Embed component in schematic"
 msgstr "Embutir componente no diagrama"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:621
+#: src/x_compselect.c:901
 msgid "Include component as individual objects"
 msgstr "Incluir como objetos individuais"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:707
+#: src/x_compselect.c:982
 msgid "Select Component..."
 msgstr "Selecionar Componente"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:821
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Filter:"
-msgstr "Filtro"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1008
+msgid "In Use"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/x_compselect.c:885 src/x_fileselect.c:123
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1012
+msgid "Libraries"
+msgstr "Bibliotecas"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1024 src/x_fileselect.c:124
 msgid "Preview"
 msgstr "Prévia"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:182
+#: src/x_dialog.c:184
 msgid "Text Entry..."
 msgstr "Entrada de texto..."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:214
+#: src/x_dialog.c:217
 msgid ""
 "Enter text, click apply,\n"
 "move cursor into window, click to place text.\n"
@@ -1589,185 +1547,185 @@ msgstr ""
 "cursor na janela, clique para deixar o texto.\n"
 "Use botão do meio para rotacionar enquanto posiciona"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:303
+#: src/x_dialog.c:306
 msgid "Lower Left"
 msgstr "Esq Baixo"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:314
+#: src/x_dialog.c:317
 msgid "Middle Left"
 msgstr "Esq Centro"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:325
+#: src/x_dialog.c:328
 msgid "Upper Left"
 msgstr "Esq Alto"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:336
+#: src/x_dialog.c:339
 msgid "Lower Middle"
 msgstr "Centro Baixo"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:347
+#: src/x_dialog.c:350
 msgid "Middle Middle"
 msgstr "Centro Centro"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:358
+#: src/x_dialog.c:361
 msgid "Upper Middle"
 msgstr "Centro Alto"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:369
+#: src/x_dialog.c:372
 msgid "Lower Right"
 msgstr "Dir Baixo"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:380
+#: src/x_dialog.c:383
 msgid "Middle Right"
 msgstr "Dir Centro"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:391
+#: src/x_dialog.c:394
 msgid "Upper Right"
 msgstr "Dir Alto"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:506
+#: src/x_dialog.c:509
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Edit Text Properties"
 msgstr "Editar Tamanho do Texto"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:541
+#: src/x_dialog.c:545
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Text Content</b>"
 msgstr "Opções"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:573
+#: src/x_dialog.c:577
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Text Properties</b>"
 msgstr "Opções"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:588
+#: src/x_dialog.c:592
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Color:"
 msgstr "Cor"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:598
+#: src/x_dialog.c:602
 msgid "Size:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:607
+#: src/x_dialog.c:611
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Alignment:"
 msgstr "Editar Alinhamento do Texto"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:661
+#: src/x_dialog.c:665
 msgid "Solid"
 msgstr "Solido"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:662
+#: src/x_dialog.c:666
 msgid "Dotted"
 msgstr "Pontilhado"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:663
+#: src/x_dialog.c:667
 msgid "Dashed"
 msgstr "Tracejado"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:664
+#: src/x_dialog.c:668
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "Centro"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:665
+#: src/x_dialog.c:669
 msgid "Phantom"
 msgstr "Fantasma"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:791 src/x_dialog.c:793 src/x_dialog.c:795 src/x_dialog.c:977
-#: src/x_dialog.c:978 src/x_dialog.c:979 src/x_dialog.c:987
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1170 src/x_dialog.c:1172 src/x_dialog.c:1174
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1176 src/x_dialog.c:1178 src/x_dialog.c:1382
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1383 src/x_dialog.c:1384 src/x_dialog.c:1385
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1386 src/x_dialog.c:1394
+#: src/x_dialog.c:795 src/x_dialog.c:797 src/x_dialog.c:799 src/x_dialog.c:982
+#: src/x_dialog.c:983 src/x_dialog.c:984 src/x_dialog.c:992
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1175 src/x_dialog.c:1177 src/x_dialog.c:1179
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1181 src/x_dialog.c:1183 src/x_dialog.c:1388
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1389 src/x_dialog.c:1390 src/x_dialog.c:1391
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1392 src/x_dialog.c:1400
 msgid "*unchanged*"
 msgstr "*inalterado*"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:870
+#: src/x_dialog.c:874
 msgid "Edit Line Width & Type"
 msgstr "Editar Largura e Tipo de Linha"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:910
+#: src/x_dialog.c:915
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Width:"
 msgstr "Largura"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:914 src/x_print.c:353
+#: src/x_dialog.c:919 src/x_print.c:314
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Type:"
 msgstr "Origem da Imagem"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:918
+#: src/x_dialog.c:923
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Dash Length:"
 msgstr "Comprimento dos traços"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:922
+#: src/x_dialog.c:927
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Dash Space:"
 msgstr "Comprimento dos espaços"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1027
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1032
 msgid "Hollow"
 msgstr "Vazio"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1028
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1033
 msgid "Filled"
 msgstr "Preenchida"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1034
 msgid "Mesh"
 msgstr "Malha"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1030
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1035
 msgid "Hatch"
 msgstr "Linhas"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1295
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1301
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Fill Type:"
 msgstr "Tipo de Preenchimento"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1299
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1305
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Line Width:"
 msgstr "Largura da Linha"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1303
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1309
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Angle 1:"
 msgstr "Ã?ngulo1"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1307
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1313
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Pitch 1:"
 msgstr "Passo1"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1311
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1317
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Angle 2:"
 msgstr "Ã?ngulo2"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1321
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Pitch 2:"
 msgstr "Passo2"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1477
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1483
 msgid "Arc Params"
 msgstr "Parametros do Arco"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1518
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1525
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Start Angle:"
 msgstr "Ã?ngulo Inicial"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1528
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1535
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Degrees of Sweep:"
 msgstr "Graus de comprimento"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1628
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1636
 msgid ""
 "Offset to translate?\n"
 "(0 for origin)"
@@ -1775,52 +1733,53 @@ msgstr ""
 "Valor a transladar?\n"
 "(0 para origem)"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1704
 msgid "Text Size"
 msgstr "Tamanho do Texto"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1727
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1736
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Enter new text size:"
 msgstr "Entre com novo tamanho de texto"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1802
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1811
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Snap Size"
 msgstr "Grade de agarre"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1833
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1843
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Enter new snap grid spacing:"
 msgstr "Entre com novo tamanho de grade"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1906
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1916
 msgid "Edit slot number"
 msgstr "Editar número de SLOT"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1938
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1949
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Edit slot number:"
 msgstr "Editar número de SLOT"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2000
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2011
 msgid "About..."
 msgstr "Sobre..."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2019
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2031
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>gEDA: GPL Electronic Design Automation</b>"
 msgstr "gEDA : GPL Electronic Design Automation"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2023
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "<b>gschem version %s%s</b>"
-msgstr "gschem versão %s"
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2035
+#, c-format
+msgid "<b>gschem version %s%s.%s</b>"
+msgstr "gschem versão %s%s.%s"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2029
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2043
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Written by:\n"
-"Ales V. Hvezda\n"
+"Ales Hvezda\n"
 "And many others (See AUTHORS file)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1829,131 +1788,140 @@ msgstr ""
 "e outros autores (ver arquivo AUTHORS)"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2093
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2107
 msgid "Coords"
 msgstr "Coordenadas"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2113
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2128
 msgid "Screen"
 msgstr "Janela"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2122
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2137
 msgid "World"
 msgstr "Universo"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2345
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2360
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in color_edit_dialog_apply!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2408
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2423
 msgid "Color Edit"
 msgstr "Edição de Cor"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2440
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2456
 msgid "Object color:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2564
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2581
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Function"
 msgstr "Ação"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2571
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2588
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Keystroke(s)"
 msgstr "Função : atalho(s)"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2925
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2920
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Find Text"
 msgstr "Localizar"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2957
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2953
 msgid "Text to find:"
 msgstr "Loc. Texto:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2967
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2963
 msgid "descend into hierarchy"
 msgstr "Desce à hierarquia"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3031
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3027
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Hide Text"
 msgstr "Ocultar texto"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3063
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3060
 msgid "Hide text starting with:"
 msgstr "Ocultar texto iniciado com:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3131
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3128
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Show Text"
 msgstr "Mostrar Texto"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3163
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3161
 msgid "Show text starting with:"
 msgstr "Mostrar texto iniciado com:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3608 src/x_multiattrib.c:1389
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3606 src/x_multiattrib.c:1357
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Nome"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3630
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3628
 msgid "S_elect the schematics you want to save:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3724
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3722
 #, c-format
 msgid "Save the changes to schematic \"%s\" before closing?"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3730
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3728
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "There is %d schematics with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3759
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3757
 msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be permanently lost."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3779
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3777
 msgid "_Close without saving"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:46
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:47
 msgid "Schematics"
 msgstr "Diagramas"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:51
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:52
 msgid "Symbols"
 msgstr "Símbolos"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:56
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:57
 msgid "Schematics and symbols"
 msgstr "Diagramas e Símbolos"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:62
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:63
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "All files"
 msgstr "Todos arquivos"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:172
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:173
 msgid "Open..."
 msgstr "Abrir..."
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:233
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:234
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Save as..."
 msgstr "Salvar Como..."
-#: src/x_image.c:363
+#: src/x_image.c:180
+msgid "Encapsulated Postscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_image.c:298
+#, c-format
+msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to write eps file %s.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_image.c:380
 #, c-format
 msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to write %s file %s.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_image.c:373
+#: src/x_image.c:390
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "There was the following error when saving image with type %s to filename:\n"
@@ -1962,243 +1930,253 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_image.c:392 src/x_image.c:423
+#: src/x_image.c:409
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wrote color image to [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
 msgstr "Salva imagem colorida [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:394 src/x_image.c:425
+#: src/x_image.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wrote black and white image to [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
 msgstr "Salva imagem em Preto e branco [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:404
+#: src/x_image.c:421
 msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to get pixbuf from gschem's window.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_image.c:459
+#: src/x_image.c:467
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Width x Height"
 msgstr "Largura x Altura"
-#: src/x_image.c:475
+#: src/x_image.c:483
 msgid "Image type"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_log.c:231
+#: src/x_log.c:236
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Status"
-#: src/x_menus.c:40
+#: src/x_menus.c:41
 msgid "/Add Net"
 msgstr "/Inserir Net"
-#: src/x_menus.c:41
+#: src/x_menus.c:42
 msgid "/Add Attribute..."
 msgstr "/Inserir Atributo..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:42
+#: src/x_menus.c:43
 msgid "/Add Component..."
 msgstr "/Inserir Componente..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:43
+#: src/x_menus.c:44
 msgid "/Add Bus"
 msgstr "/Inserir Bus"
-#: src/x_menus.c:44
+#: src/x_menus.c:45
 msgid "/Add Text"
 msgstr "/Inserir Texto"
-#: src/x_menus.c:46
+#: src/x_menus.c:47
 msgid "/Zoom In"
 msgstr "/Zoom maior"
-#: src/x_menus.c:47
+#: src/x_menus.c:48
 msgid "/Zoom Out"
 msgstr "/Zoom menor"
-#: src/x_menus.c:48
+#: src/x_menus.c:49
 msgid "/Zoom Box"
 msgstr "/Caixa de Zoom"
-#: src/x_menus.c:49
+#: src/x_menus.c:50
 msgid "/Zoom Extents"
 msgstr "/Zoom desenho"
-#: src/x_menus.c:51
+#: src/x_menus.c:52
 msgid "/Select"
 msgstr "/Selecionar"
-#: src/x_menus.c:52
+#: src/x_menus.c:53
 msgid "/Edit..."
 msgstr "/Editar..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:53
+#: src/x_menus.c:54
 msgid "/Copy"
 msgstr "/Copiar"
-#: src/x_menus.c:54
+#: src/x_menus.c:55
 msgid "/Move"
 msgstr "/Mover"
-#: src/x_menus.c:55
+#: src/x_menus.c:56
 msgid "/Delete"
 msgstr "/Apagar"
-#: src/x_menus.c:58
+#: src/x_menus.c:59
 msgid "/Down Schematic"
 msgstr "/Descer ao Esquemático"
-#: src/x_menus.c:59
+#: src/x_menus.c:60
 msgid "/Down Symbol"
 msgstr "/Descer ao Símbolo"
-#: src/x_menus.c:60
+#: src/x_menus.c:61
 msgid "/Up"
 msgstr "/Subir"
-#: src/x_menus.c:331
+#: src/x_menus.c:332
 msgid "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent menu item\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:355
+#: src/x_menus.c:356
 msgid "Popup_menu_item_factory doesn't exist!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_menus.c:368
+#: src/x_menus.c:369
 msgid "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent popup menu_item\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:652
+#: src/x_menus.c:480
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't open file %s\n"
+msgstr "Impossível invocar %s!\n"
+#: src/x_menus.c:538
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "Fechar"
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:656
 msgid "Attributes with empty name are not allowed. Please set a name."
 msgstr "Atributos com nome vazio não permitidos. Defina um nome."
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1164
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1145
 msgid "Show Value only"
 msgstr "Mostra apenas Valor"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1166
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1147
 msgid "Show Name only"
 msgstr "Mostra apenas Nome"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1192
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1173
 msgid "Duplicate"
 msgstr "Duplicar"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1309
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1284
 msgid "Edit Attributes"
 msgstr "Editar Atributos"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1414
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1382
 msgid "Value"
 msgstr "Valor"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1436
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1404
 msgid "Vis?"
 msgstr "Vis?"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1456
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1424
 msgid "N"
 msgstr "N"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1476
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1444
 msgid "V"
 msgstr "V"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1497
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1465
 msgid "Add Attribute"
 msgstr "Inserir Atributo"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:272
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:264
 msgid "Discard Page"
 msgstr "Descartar"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:381
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:361
 msgid "Page Manager"
 msgstr "Gerenciador de Páginas"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:437
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:417
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "Nome do arquivo"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:453
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:433
 msgid "Changed"
 msgstr "Alterado"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:473
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:453
 msgid "Right click on the filename for more options..."
 msgstr "Clique direito no arquivo para opções..."
-#: src/x_print.c:90
+#: src/x_print.c:89
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Select PostScript Filename..."
 msgstr "Salvar Como..."
-#: src/x_print.c:206
+#: src/x_print.c:171
 msgid "Extents with margins"
 msgstr "Extensão com margens"
-#: src/x_print.c:212
+#: src/x_print.c:177
 msgid "Extents no margins"
 msgstr "Extensão sem margens"
-#: src/x_print.c:218
+#: src/x_print.c:183
 msgid "Current Window"
 msgstr "Janela Atual"
-#: src/x_print.c:252
+#: src/x_print.c:217
 msgid "Landscape"
 msgstr "Paisagem"
-#: src/x_print.c:258
+#: src/x_print.c:223
 msgid "Portrait"
 msgstr "Retrato"
-#: src/x_print.c:330
+#: src/x_print.c:291
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:342
+#: src/x_print.c:303
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Output paper size:"
 msgstr "Tamanho do papel"
-#: src/x_print.c:364
+#: src/x_print.c:325
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Orientation:"
 msgstr "Orientação"
-#: src/x_print.c:376
+#: src/x_print.c:337
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Destination"
 msgstr "Documentação"
-#: src/x_print.c:389
+#: src/x_print.c:350
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "File:"
 msgstr "Arquivo"
-#: src/x_print.c:419
+#: src/x_print.c:380
 msgid "Command:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:785
+#: src/x_print.c:750
 msgid "No print destination specified\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:792
+#: src/x_print.c:757
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot print current schematic to [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Não consigo imprimir para arquivo [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_print.c:801
+#: src/x_print.c:766
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Error printing to file '%s'\n"
 "Check the log window for more information"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:808
+#: src/x_print.c:773
 #, c-format
 msgid "Printed current schematic to [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Diagrama atual impresso para [%s]\n"
@@ -2236,35 +2214,35 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Couldn't allocate bus_gc\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:494
+#: src/x_window.c:490
 msgid "New file"
 msgstr "Novo arquivo"
-#: src/x_window.c:500
+#: src/x_window.c:496
 msgid "Open"
 msgstr "Abrir"
-#: src/x_window.c:501
+#: src/x_window.c:497
 msgid "Open file..."
 msgstr "Abrir arquivo..."
-#: src/x_window.c:507
+#: src/x_window.c:503
 msgid "Save"
 msgstr "Salvar"
-#: src/x_window.c:508
+#: src/x_window.c:504
 msgid "Save file"
 msgstr "Salvar arquivo"
-#: src/x_window.c:516
+#: src/x_window.c:512
 msgid "Undo last operation"
 msgstr "Desfazer última operação"
-#: src/x_window.c:523
+#: src/x_window.c:519
 msgid "Redo last undo"
 msgstr "Refaz o último Desfaz"
-#: src/x_window.c:532
+#: src/x_window.c:528
 msgid ""
 "Add component...\n"
 "Select library and component from list, move the mouse into main window, "
@@ -2276,7 +2254,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "para colocar o componente\n"
 "Botão Direito para cancelar"
-#: src/x_window.c:542
+#: src/x_window.c:538
 msgid ""
 "Add nets mode\n"
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
@@ -2284,7 +2262,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Modo de conexões\n"
 "Botão Direito para cancelar"
-#: src/x_window.c:552
+#: src/x_window.c:548
 msgid ""
 "Add buses mode\n"
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
@@ -2292,76 +2270,121 @@ msgstr ""
 "Modo de Barramentos\n"
 "Botão Direito do mouse para cancelar"
-#: src/x_window.c:559
+#: src/x_window.c:555
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "Texto"
-#: src/x_window.c:560
+#: src/x_window.c:556
 msgid "Add Text..."
 msgstr "Adicionar Texto..."
-#: src/x_window.c:570
+#: src/x_window.c:566
 msgid "Select"
 msgstr "Selecionar"
-#: src/x_window.c:571
+#: src/x_window.c:567
 msgid "Select mode"
 msgstr "Modo de Seleção"
-#: src/x_window.c:646
+#: src/x_window.c:642
 msgid "Pick"
 msgstr "Pegar"
-#: src/x_window.c:662
+#: src/x_window.c:658
 msgid "Repeat/none"
 msgstr "Repetir/nenhum"
-#: src/x_window.c:672
+#: src/x_window.c:668
 msgid "Menu/Cancel"
 msgstr "Menu/Cancelar"
-#: src/x_window.c:674
+#: src/x_window.c:670
 msgid "Pan/Cancel"
 msgstr "Pan/Cancelar"
-#: src/x_window.c:932
+#: src/x_window.c:927
 #, c-format
 msgid "Loading schematic [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Carregando o diagrama [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1034
+#: src/x_window.c:1029
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT save page [%s]\n"
 msgstr "N�O foi possível salvar [%s] !\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1035
+#: src/x_window.c:1030
 msgid "Error while trying to save"
 msgstr "Erro tentando salvar"
-#: src/x_window.c:1044
+#: src/x_window.c:1039
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Saved as [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Salvo Como [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1046
+#: src/x_window.c:1041
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Salvo [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1048
+#: src/x_window.c:1043
 msgid "Saved"
 msgstr "Salvo"
-#: src/x_window.c:1109
+#: src/x_window.c:1104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Discarding page [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Descartando página [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1109
+#: src/x_window.c:1104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Closing [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Fechando [%s]\n"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Found a version [%s%s] gschemrc file:\n"
+#~ "[%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Encontrado um arquivo gschemrc versão [%s]:\n"
+#~ "[%s]\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While gschem is in ALPHA, please be sure that you have the latest rc "
+#~ "file.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Enquanto o gschem for versão ALPHA, assegure que você tem a última versão "
+#~ "de arquivo rc.\n"
+#~ msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to scrollbar-update\n"
+#~ msgstr "Modo [%s] inválido passado para scrollbar-update\n"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate stroke definition passed to stroke! [%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr "Definição stroke duplicada passada para stroke! [%s]\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A stroke keyword has been found in an rc file, but gschem\n"
+#~ "is not compiled to support strokes, please recompile gschem\n"
+#~ "with LibStroke\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Uma palavra-chave stroke foi encontrada num arquivo rc,\n"
+#~ "mas o gschem não está com suporte a strokes, recompile\n"
+#~ "o gschem com a biblioteca LibStroke\n"
+#~ msgid "selected a nonexistant object!\n"
+#~ msgstr "Selecionado um objeto inexistente!\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not unembedded component, could not find appropriate .sym file\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Impossivel desembutir componente, arquivo .sym apropriado não pode ser "
+#~ "encontrado\n"
+#~ msgid "Component still embedded and not updated\n"
+#~ msgstr "O componente ainda está embutido e não atualizado\n"
+#~ msgid "More than one component found with name [%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr "Mais de um componente encontrado com o nome [%s]\n"
 #~ msgid "Write PNG..."
 #~ msgstr "Salvar PNG..."
@@ -2514,9 +2537,6 @@ msgstr "Fechando [%s]\n"
 #~ msgid "Directories"
 #~ msgstr "Diretórios"
-#~ msgid "Libraries"
-#~ msgstr "Bibliotecas"
 #~ msgid "Files"
 #~ msgstr "Arquivos"
diff --git a/gschem/po/ru.po b/gschem/po/ru.po
index a29fb48..3694153 100644
--- a/gschem/po/ru.po
+++ b/gschem/po/ru.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: ru\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-26 11:03-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-07-05 00:52-0400\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-09-13 16:59+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Andy Shevchenko <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: Russian <ru@xxxxxx>\n"
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ msgstr "Файл"
 msgid "New Window"
 msgstr "Ð?овое окно"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:4 src/x_pagesel.c:267
+#: src/rcstrings.c:4 src/x_pagesel.c:259
 msgid "New Page"
 msgstr "Ð?оваÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?а"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:5 src/x_pagesel.c:268
+#: src/rcstrings.c:5 src/x_pagesel.c:260
 msgid "Open Page..."
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ?..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:6 src/x_pagesel.c:271
+#: src/rcstrings.c:6 src/x_pagesel.c:263
 msgid "Close Page"
 msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ?"
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ?"
 msgid "Revert Page"
 msgstr "Ð?озвÑ?аÑ?иÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:8 src/x_pagesel.c:270
+#: src/rcstrings.c:8 src/x_pagesel.c:262
 msgid "Save Page"
 msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ?"
@@ -54,21 +54,21 @@ msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? как..."
 msgid "Save All"
 msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? вÑ?е"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:11 src/x_print.c:317
+#: src/rcstrings.c:11 src/x_print.c:283
 msgid "Print..."
 msgstr "Ð?еÑ?аÑ?Ñ?..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:12 src/x_image.c:496
+#: src/rcstrings.c:12 src/x_image.c:504
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Write image..."
 msgstr "Ð?апиÑ?аÑ?Ñ? изобÑ?ажение..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:13
+#: src/rcstrings.c:13 src/x_menus.c:520
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Recent files"
 msgstr "Ð?овÑ?й Ñ?айл"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:14 src/x_script.c:49
+#: src/rcstrings.c:14 src/x_script.c:50
 msgid "Execute Script..."
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?полниÑ?Ñ? Ñ?кÑ?ипÑ?..."
@@ -80,19 +80,19 @@ msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? окно"
 msgid "Quit"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?йÑ?и"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:18 src/i_callbacks.c:746
+#: src/rcstrings.c:18 src/i_callbacks.c:730
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авка"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:19 src/x_window.c:515
+#: src/rcstrings.c:19 src/x_window.c:511
 msgid "Undo"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?мениÑ?Ñ? дейÑ?Ñ?вие"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:20 src/x_window.c:522
+#: src/rcstrings.c:20 src/x_window.c:518
 msgid "Redo"
 msgstr "Ð?овÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ? дейÑ?Ñ?вие"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:21 src/i_basic.c:94 src/x_window.c:686
+#: src/rcstrings.c:21 src/i_basic.c:81 src/x_window.c:682
 msgid "Select Mode"
 msgstr "Режим вÑ?боÑ?ки"
@@ -119,19 +119,19 @@ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авка..."
 msgid "Edit Text..."
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авка Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?а..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:27 src/i_basic.c:107
+#: src/rcstrings.c:27 src/i_basic.c:94
 msgid "Copy Mode"
 msgstr "Режим копиÑ?ованиÑ?"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:28 src/i_basic.c:162
+#: src/rcstrings.c:28 src/i_basic.c:149
 msgid "Multiple Copy Mode"
 msgstr "Режим множеÑ?Ñ?венного копиÑ?ованиÑ?"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:29 src/i_basic.c:110
+#: src/rcstrings.c:29 src/i_basic.c:97
 msgid "Move Mode"
 msgstr "Режим пеÑ?емеÑ?ениÑ?"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:30 src/i_callbacks.c:722 src/x_multiattrib.c:1193
+#: src/rcstrings.c:30 src/i_callbacks.c:706 src/x_multiattrib.c:1174
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "УдалиÑ?Ñ?"
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ msgstr "УдалиÑ?Ñ?"
 msgid "Rotate 90 Mode"
 msgstr "Режим вÑ?аÑ?ениÑ? на 90"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:32 src/i_basic.c:114
+#: src/rcstrings.c:32 src/i_basic.c:101
 msgid "Mirror Mode"
 msgstr "Режим зеÑ?калиÑ?ованиÑ?"
@@ -151,11 +151,11 @@ msgstr "СлоÑ?..."
 msgid "Color..."
 msgstr "ЦвеÑ?..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:35 src/i_callbacks.c:919
+#: src/rcstrings.c:35 src/i_callbacks.c:903
 msgid "Lock"
 msgstr "Ð?локиÑ?оваÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:36 src/i_callbacks.c:937
+#: src/rcstrings.c:36 src/i_callbacks.c:921
 msgid "Unlock"
 msgstr "РазблокиÑ?оваÑ?Ñ?"
@@ -263,11 +263,11 @@ msgstr "Ð?ид"
 msgid "Redraw"
 msgstr "Ð?еÑ?еÑ?иÑ?оваÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:65 src/i_callbacks.c:1489 src/i_callbacks.c:1558
+#: src/rcstrings.c:65 src/i_callbacks.c:1471 src/i_callbacks.c:1540
 msgid "Pan"
 msgstr "ЦенÑ?Ñ?иÑ?оваÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:66 src/i_basic.c:118
+#: src/rcstrings.c:66 src/i_basic.c:105
 msgid "Zoom Box"
 msgstr "Ð?блаÑ?Ñ?Ñ? длÑ? маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?абиÑ?ованиÑ?"
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ msgstr "СледÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?"
 msgid "Previous"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?дÑ?Ñ?аÑ?"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:76 src/x_window.c:493
+#: src/rcstrings.c:76 src/x_window.c:489
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Ð?оваÑ?"
@@ -327,12 +327,12 @@ msgstr "Ð?обавиÑ?Ñ?"
 msgid "Component..."
 msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ?..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:83 src/i_callbacks.c:2313 src/i_callbacks.c:2336
+#: src/rcstrings.c:83 src/i_callbacks.c:2289 src/i_callbacks.c:2311
 msgid "Net"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оводник"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:84 src/i_callbacks.c:2381 src/i_callbacks.c:2405
-#: src/x_window.c:551
+#: src/rcstrings.c:84 src/i_callbacks.c:2355 src/i_callbacks.c:2378
+#: src/x_window.c:547
 msgid "Bus"
 msgstr "Шина"
@@ -344,23 +344,23 @@ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?ибÑ?Ñ?..."
 msgid "Text..."
 msgstr "ТекÑ?Ñ?..."
-#: src/rcstrings.c:87 src/i_callbacks.c:2487 src/i_callbacks.c:2507
+#: src/rcstrings.c:87 src/i_callbacks.c:2459 src/i_callbacks.c:2478
 msgid "Line"
 msgstr "Ð?иниÑ?"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:88 src/i_callbacks.c:2530 src/i_callbacks.c:2550
+#: src/rcstrings.c:88 src/i_callbacks.c:2500 src/i_callbacks.c:2519
 msgid "Box"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?моÑ?голÑ?ник"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:89 src/i_callbacks.c:2607 src/i_callbacks.c:2628
+#: src/rcstrings.c:89 src/i_callbacks.c:2575 src/i_callbacks.c:2595
 msgid "Circle"
 msgstr "Ð?кÑ?Ñ?жноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:90 src/i_callbacks.c:2651 src/i_callbacks.c:2671
+#: src/rcstrings.c:90 src/i_callbacks.c:2617 src/i_callbacks.c:2636
 msgid "Arc"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?га"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:91 src/i_callbacks.c:2694 src/i_callbacks.c:2714
+#: src/rcstrings.c:91 src/i_callbacks.c:2658 src/i_callbacks.c:2677
 msgid "Pin"
 msgstr "Ð?онÑ?акÑ?"
@@ -388,15 +388,15 @@ msgstr "Ð?авеÑ?Ñ?"
 msgid "Documentation"
 msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?аÑ?иÑ?"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:100 src/x_multiattrib.c:1332
+#: src/rcstrings.c:100 src/x_multiattrib.c:1300
 msgid "Attributes"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?ибÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:101 src/i_callbacks.c:2974
+#: src/rcstrings.c:101 src/i_callbacks.c:2942
 msgid "Attach"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?епиÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/rcstrings.c:102 src/i_callbacks.c:3023
+#: src/rcstrings.c:102 src/i_callbacks.c:2991
 msgid "Detach"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?епиÑ?Ñ?"
@@ -488,11 +488,12 @@ msgid "Manual"
 msgstr "РÑ?ководÑ?Ñ?во..."
 #: src/rcstrings.c:126
-msgid "FAQ"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "gEDA Documentation"
+msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?аÑ?иÑ?"
 #: src/rcstrings.c:127
-msgid "gEDA Wiki"
+msgid "gschem FAQ"
 msgstr ""
 #: src/rcstrings.c:128
@@ -504,153 +505,115 @@ msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?аÑ?иÑ?"
 msgid "About gschem"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/rcstrings.c:130 src/x_dialog.c:2501
+#: src/rcstrings.c:130 src/x_dialog.c:2517
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Hotkeys"
 msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ие клавиÑ?и..."
-#: src/a_zoom.c:224
+#: src/a_zoom.c:242
 msgid "Zoom too small!  Cannot zoom further.\n"
 msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аб оÑ?енÑ? мал! Ð?евозможно далÑ?нейÑ?ее изменение.\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:341 src/i_callbacks.c:136
+#: src/g_funcs.c:342 src/i_callbacks.c:137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not fork\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евозможно Ñ?азвеÑ?влиÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:357 src/i_callbacks.c:146
+#: src/g_funcs.c:358 src/i_callbacks.c:147
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not invoke %s\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евозможно вÑ?зваÑ?Ñ? %s\n"
-#: src/g_funcs.c:363 src/i_callbacks.c:150
+#: src/g_funcs.c:364 src/i_callbacks.c:151
 msgid "Documentation commands not supported under MinGW.\n"
 msgstr "Ð?омандÑ? докÑ?менÑ?аÑ?ии не поддеÑ?живаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? в MinGW.\n"
-#: src/g_hook.c:87
+#: src/g_hook.c:88
 #, c-format
 msgid "Attribute failed ot find.\n"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ибка поиÑ?ка аÑ?Ñ?ибÑ?Ñ?а.\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:106
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Found a version [%s%s] gschemrc file:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Ð?айдена веÑ?Ñ?иÑ? [%s%s] Ñ?айла gschemrc:\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:109
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"While gschem is in ALPHA, please be sure that you have the latest rc file.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"gschem наÑ?одиÑ?Ñ?Ñ? в Ñ?Ñ?адии ALPHA, пÑ?овеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?е налиÑ?ие поÑ?ледней веÑ?Ñ?ии rc-"
-#: src/g_rc.c:169
+#: src/g_rc.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid color [%s] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евеÑ?нÑ?й Ñ?веÑ? [%s] пÑ?и обÑ?абоÑ?ке %s\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:358
+#: src/g_rc.c:332
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евеÑ?нÑ?й Ñ?ежим [%s] пÑ?и обÑ?абоÑ?ке %s\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:536
+#: src/g_rc.c:510
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid zoomfactor [%d] passed to %s\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евеÑ?нÑ?й маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аб [%d] пÑ?и обÑ?абоÑ?ке %s\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:574
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to scrollbar-update\n"
-msgstr "Ð?евеÑ?нÑ?й Ñ?ежим [%s] пÑ?и обÑ?абоÑ?ке scrollbar-update\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:655
+#: src/g_rc.c:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to text-size\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евеÑ?нÑ?й Ñ?азмеÑ? [%d] пÑ?и обÑ?абоÑ?ке text-size\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:682
+#: src/g_rc.c:628
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%f] passed to postscript-font-scale\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евеÑ?нÑ?й Ñ?азмеÑ? [%d] пÑ?и обÑ?абоÑ?ке text-size\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:725
+#: src/g_rc.c:671
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to snap-size\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евеÑ?нÑ?й Ñ?азмеÑ? [%d] пÑ?и обÑ?абоÑ?ке snap-size\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:799 src/g_rc.c:802
-#, c-format
-msgid "Duplicate stroke definition passed to stroke! [%s]\n"
-msgstr "Ð?Ñ?блиÑ?ование опÑ?еделениÑ? stroke пÑ?и обÑ?абоÑ?ке stroke! [%s]\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:813
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"A stroke keyword has been found in an rc file, but gschem\n"
-"is not compiled to support strokes, please recompile gschem\n"
-"with LibStroke\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Ð?лÑ?Ñ?евое Ñ?лово stroke-Ñ?ипа найдено в rc-Ñ?айле, но gschem\n"
-"Ñ?компилиÑ?ован без поддеÑ?жки stroke-Ñ?ипов, Ñ?Ñ?ебÑ?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ? пеÑ?екомпилÑ?Ñ?иÑ? gschem\n"
-"Ñ? библиоÑ?екой LibStroke\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1275
+#: src/g_rc.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid num levels [%d] passed to undo-levels\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евеÑ?ное колиÑ?еÑ?Ñ?во Ñ?Ñ?овней [%d] пÑ?и обÑ?абоÑ?ке undo-levels\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1500
+#: src/g_rc.c:1402
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid size [%d] passed to bus-ripper-size\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евеÑ?нÑ?й Ñ?азмеÑ? [%d] пÑ?и обÑ?абоÑ?ке bus-ripper-size\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1575
+#: src/g_rc.c:1477
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid dot size [%d] passed to grid-dot-size\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евеÑ?нÑ?й Ñ?азмеÑ? Ñ?оÑ?ки [%d] пÑ?и обÑ?абоÑ?ке grid-dot-size\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1616
+#: src/g_rc.c:1518
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid pixel spacing [%d] passed to grid-fixed-threshold\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евеÑ?нÑ?е оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?пÑ? [%d] пÑ?и обÑ?абоÑ?ке grid-fixed-threshold\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1660
+#: src/g_rc.c:1562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid offset [%d] passed to add-attribute-offset\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евеÑ?ное Ñ?меÑ?ение [%d] пÑ?и обÑ?абоÑ?ке add-attribute-offset\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1684
+#: src/g_rc.c:1586
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid number of seconds [%d] passed to auto-save-interval\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евеÑ?ное Ñ?иÑ?ло Ñ?екÑ?нд [%d] пÑ?и обÑ?абоÑ?ке auto-save-interval\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1725
+#: src/g_rc.c:1627
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid gain [%d] passed to mousepan-gain\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евеÑ?ное Ñ?Ñ?коÑ?ение [%d] пÑ?и обÑ?абоÑ?ке mousepan-gain\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1748
+#: src/g_rc.c:1650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid gain [%d] passed to keyboardpan-gain\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евеÑ?ное Ñ?Ñ?коÑ?ение [%d] пÑ?и обÑ?абоÑ?ке keyboardpan-gain\n"
-#: src/g_rc.c:1794
+#: src/g_rc.c:1696
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid number of pixels [%d] passed to select-slack-pixels\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евеÑ?ное Ñ?иÑ?ло Ñ?екÑ?нд [%d] пÑ?и обÑ?абоÑ?ке auto-save-interval\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:140 src/gschem.c:150
+#: src/gschem.c:191 src/gschem.c:202
 #, c-format
-msgid "gEDA/gschem version %s%s\n"
-msgstr "Ð?еÑ?Ñ?иÑ? gEDA/gschem %s%s\n"
+msgid "gEDA/gschem version %s%s.%s\n"
+msgstr "Ð?еÑ?Ñ?иÑ? gEDA/gschem %s%s.%s\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:142 src/gschem.c:152
+#: src/gschem.c:194 src/gschem.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "gEDA/gschem comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more "
@@ -658,7 +621,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "gEDA/gschem поÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ð?Ð?Ð? Ð?Ð?РÐ?Ð?ТÐ?Ð?; Ñ?моÑ?Ñ?иÑ?е COPYING длÑ? подÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?ей.\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:144 src/gschem.c:154
+#: src/gschem.c:196 src/gschem.c:207
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain\n"
@@ -666,7 +629,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "ЭÑ?о Ñ?вободное пÑ?огÑ?аммное обеÑ?пеÑ?ение, и его можно Ñ?аÑ?пÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?анÑ?Ñ?Ñ? пÑ?и "
-#: src/gschem.c:146 src/gschem.c:156
+#: src/gschem.c:198 src/gschem.c:209
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.\n"
@@ -675,211 +638,211 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ñ?Ñ?ловиÑ?Ñ?; пожалÑ?йÑ?Ñ?а, Ñ?моÑ?Ñ?иÑ?е Ñ?айл COPYING длÑ? полÑ?Ñ?ениÑ? подÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?ей.\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:160
+#: src/gschem.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the MINGW32 port.\n"
 msgstr "ЭÑ?о MINGW32 веÑ?Ñ?иÑ?.\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:164
+#: src/gschem.c:217
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current locale settings: %s\n"
 msgstr "ТекÑ?Ñ?ие Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановки локализаÑ?ии: %s\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:177
+#: src/gschem.c:230
 #, c-format
 msgid "You must set the GEDADATA environment variable!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ? должнÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановиÑ?Ñ? пеÑ?еменнÑ?Ñ? окÑ?Ñ?жениÑ? GEDADATA!\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:192
+#: src/gschem.c:245
 #, c-format
 msgid "Read init scm file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "ЧÑ?ение наÑ?алÑ?ного scm-Ñ?айла [%s]\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:196 src/gschem.c:199
+#: src/gschem.c:249 src/gschem.c:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to read init scm file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евозможно пÑ?оÑ?иÑ?аÑ?Ñ? наÑ?алÑ?нÑ?й scm-Ñ?айл [%s]\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:259
+#: src/gschem.c:313
 #, c-format
 msgid "Scheme directory NOT set!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?аÑ?алог Ñ?Ñ?ем Ð?Ð? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановлен!\n"
-#: src/gschem.c:266 src/x_script.c:70
+#: src/gschem.c:320 src/x_script.c:71
 #, c-format
 msgid "Executing guile script [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?апÑ?Ñ?каеÑ?Ñ?Ñ? guile-Ñ?кÑ?ипÑ? [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_basic.c:97
+#: src/i_basic.c:84
 msgid "Attribute Mode"
 msgstr "Режим аÑ?Ñ?ибÑ?Ñ?ов"
-#: src/i_basic.c:100
+#: src/i_basic.c:87
 msgid "Component Mode"
 msgstr "Режим компоненÑ?ов"
-#: src/i_basic.c:104
+#: src/i_basic.c:91
 msgid "Text Mode"
 msgstr "Режим Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?а"
-#: src/i_basic.c:112
+#: src/i_basic.c:99
 msgid "Rotate Mode"
 msgstr "Режим вÑ?аÑ?ениÑ?"
-#: src/i_basic.c:122
+#: src/i_basic.c:109
 msgid "Pan Mode"
 msgstr "Режим Ñ?енÑ?Ñ?иÑ?ованиÑ?"
-#: src/i_basic.c:126
+#: src/i_basic.c:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "Paste %d Mode"
 msgstr "Режим вÑ?Ñ?авки %d"
-#: src/i_basic.c:131
+#: src/i_basic.c:118
 msgid "Net Mode"
 msgstr "Режим пÑ?оводника"
-#: src/i_basic.c:135
+#: src/i_basic.c:122
 msgid "Bus Mode"
 msgstr "Режим Ñ?инÑ?"
-#: src/i_basic.c:138
+#: src/i_basic.c:125
 msgid "Line Mode"
 msgstr "Режим линии"
-#: src/i_basic.c:141
+#: src/i_basic.c:128
 msgid "Box Mode"
 msgstr "Режим пÑ?Ñ?моÑ?голÑ?ника"
-#: src/i_basic.c:144
+#: src/i_basic.c:131
 msgid "Picture Mode"
 msgstr "Режим изобÑ?ажениÑ?"
-#: src/i_basic.c:147
+#: src/i_basic.c:134
 msgid "Circle Mode"
 msgstr "Режим окÑ?Ñ?жноÑ?Ñ?и"
-#: src/i_basic.c:150
+#: src/i_basic.c:137
 msgid "Arc Mode"
 msgstr "Режим дÑ?ги"
-#: src/i_basic.c:153
+#: src/i_basic.c:140
 msgid "Pin Mode"
 msgstr "Режим конÑ?акÑ?ов"
-#: src/i_basic.c:155 src/i_callbacks.c:603 src/i_callbacks.c:622
+#: src/i_basic.c:142 src/i_callbacks.c:587 src/i_callbacks.c:606
 msgid "Copy"
 msgstr "Ð?опиÑ?оваÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/i_basic.c:157 src/i_callbacks.c:683 src/i_callbacks.c:702
+#: src/i_basic.c:144 src/i_callbacks.c:667 src/i_callbacks.c:686
 msgid "Move"
 msgstr "Ð?еÑ?емеÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/i_basic.c:159 src/i_callbacks.c:643 src/i_callbacks.c:662
+#: src/i_basic.c:146 src/i_callbacks.c:627 src/i_callbacks.c:646
 msgid "Multiple Copy"
 msgstr "Ð?ножеÑ?Ñ?венное копиÑ?ование"
-#: src/i_basic.c:197
-msgid "Snap Off"
-msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ивÑ?зка вÑ?клÑ?Ñ?ена"
-#: src/i_basic.c:203
+#: src/i_basic.c:174
 msgid "Show Hidden"
 msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?е"
-#: src/i_basic.c:291 src/x_window.c:660
+#: src/i_basic.c:177
+msgid "Snap Off"
+msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ивÑ?зка вÑ?клÑ?Ñ?ена"
+#: src/i_basic.c:259 src/x_window.c:656
 msgid "Action"
 msgstr "Ð?ейÑ?Ñ?вие"
-#: src/i_basic.c:299 src/x_window.c:655
+#: src/i_basic.c:267 src/x_window.c:651
 msgid "Stroke"
 msgstr "ШÑ?Ñ?иÑ?"
-#: src/i_basic.c:306 src/x_window.c:657
+#: src/i_basic.c:274 src/x_window.c:653
 msgid "none"
 msgstr "пÑ?Ñ?Ñ?о"
-#: src/i_basic.c:313
+#: src/i_basic.c:281
 msgid "Repeat/"
 msgstr "Ð?овÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?/"
-#: src/i_basic.c:738 src/i_basic.c:743
+#: src/i_basic.c:570 src/i_basic.c:575
 msgid "OFF"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_basic.c:747
+#: src/i_basic.c:579
 #, c-format
 msgid "Grid(%s, %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:131
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:132
 #, c-format
 msgid "Documentation for [%s,%s,%s,%s]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?аÑ?иÑ? длÑ? [%s, %s, %s, %s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:191 src/i_callbacks.c:1687
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:192 src/i_callbacks.c:1669
 #, c-format
 msgid "New page created [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Создана новаÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?а [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:226 src/x_menus.c:432
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:227 src/x_menus.c:491
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "New Window created [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Создано новое окно\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:355
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:345
 msgid "Failed to Save All"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ибка пÑ?и Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?анении вÑ?его"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:357
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:347
 msgid "Saved All"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?е Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?анено"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:455
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:439
 msgid "Closing Window\n"
 msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ие окна\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:607 src/i_callbacks.c:647 src/i_callbacks.c:687
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:591 src/i_callbacks.c:631 src/i_callbacks.c:671
 msgid "Select objs first"
 msgstr "ТÑ?ебÑ?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вÑ?боÑ? обÑ?екÑ?ов"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:762
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:746
 msgid "Edit Text"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авка Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?а"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:785
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:769
 msgid "Slot"
 msgstr "СлоÑ?"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:802
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:786
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "ЦвеÑ?"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:820 src/i_callbacks.c:842
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:804 src/i_callbacks.c:826
 msgid "Rotate"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?аÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:869 src/i_callbacks.c:891
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:853 src/i_callbacks.c:875
 msgid "Mirror"
 msgstr "Ð?еÑ?калиÑ?ование"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:955 src/x_dialog.c:1597
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:939 src/x_dialog.c:1604
 msgid "Translate"
 msgstr "Ð?еÑ?евод"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:958
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:942
 msgid "WARNING: Do not translate with snap off!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?пÑ?еждение: не пеÑ?еводиÑ?е c вÑ?клÑ?Ñ?енной пÑ?ивÑ?зкой!\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:959
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:943
 msgid "WARNING: Turning snap on and continuing with translate.\n"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?пÑ?еждение: Ð?клÑ?Ñ?иÑ?е пÑ?ивÑ?зкÑ? пÑ?одолжиÑ?е Ñ?Ñ?анÑ?лÑ?Ñ?иÑ?.\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:966
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:950
 msgid "WARNING: Snap grid size is not equal to 100!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?пÑ?еждение: Ñ?азмеÑ? Ñ?еÑ?ки пÑ?ивÑ?зки не Ñ?авен 100!\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:968
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:952
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: If you are translating a symbol to the origin, the snap grid size "
 "should be set to 100\n"
@@ -887,446 +850,434 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?пÑ?еждение: Ð?Ñ?ли оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?влÑ?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ? пеÑ?евод Ñ?имвола к наÑ?алÑ? оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?а, Ñ?азмеÑ? "
 "Ñ?еÑ?ки пÑ?ивÑ?зки должен бÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановлен в 100\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:989
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:973
 msgid "Embed"
 msgstr "Ð?недÑ?иÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1027
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1011
 msgid "Unembed"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?клÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1067
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1051
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Ð?бновиÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1125
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1109
 msgid "ShowHidden"
 msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?е"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1148
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1132
 msgid "MakeVisible"
 msgstr "СделаÑ?Ñ? видимÑ?м"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1264
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1248
 msgid "Edit Line Type"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авка Ñ?ипа линии"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1305 src/x_dialog.c:1256
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1289 src/x_dialog.c:1261
 msgid "Edit Fill Type"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авка Ñ?ипа заливки"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1592
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1574
 msgid "Update Cues"
 msgstr "Ð?бновиÑ?Ñ? Ñ?игналÑ?"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1731
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1713
 msgid "Really revert page?"
 msgstr "Ð?ейÑ?Ñ?виÑ?елÑ?но возвÑ?аÑ?иÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ??"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1805
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1787
 msgid "Copy 1"
 msgstr "Ð?опиÑ?ование 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1824
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1806
 msgid "Copy 2"
 msgstr "Ð?опиÑ?ование 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1843
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1825
 msgid "Copy 3"
 msgstr "Ð?опиÑ?ование 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1862
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1844
 msgid "Copy 4"
 msgstr "Ð?опиÑ?ование 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1881
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1863
 msgid "Copy 5"
 msgstr "Ð?опиÑ?ование 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1900
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1882
 msgid "Cut 1"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?езка 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1919
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1901
 msgid "Cut 2"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?езка 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1938
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1920
 msgid "Cut 3"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?езка 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1957
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1939
 msgid "Cut 4"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?езка 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1976
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1958
 msgid "Cut 5"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?езка 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:1992
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1974
 msgid "Paste 1"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?авка 1"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2001 src/i_callbacks.c:2025 src/i_callbacks.c:2049
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2073 src/i_callbacks.c:2097
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1983 src/i_callbacks.c:2007 src/i_callbacks.c:2031
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2055 src/i_callbacks.c:2079
 msgid "Empty buffer"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ой бÑ?Ñ?еÑ?"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2016
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:1998
 msgid "Paste 2"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?авка 2"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2040
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2022
 msgid "Paste 3"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?авка 3"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2064
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2046
 msgid "Paste 4"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?авка 4"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2088
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2070
 msgid "Paste 5"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?авка 5"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2234 src/x_window.c:531
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2213 src/x_window.c:527
 msgid "Component"
 msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ?"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2271 src/i_callbacks.c:2291
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2249 src/i_callbacks.c:2268
 msgid "Attribute"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?ибÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2773
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2735
 #, c-format
 msgid "Searching for source [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?оиÑ?к иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2797 src/i_callbacks.c:2798
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2759 src/i_callbacks.c:2760
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot find source [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евозможно найÑ?и иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2869
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2827
 #, c-format
 msgid "Searching for symbol [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?оиÑ?к Ñ?имвола [%s]\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:2946
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:2914
 msgid ""
 "This command retrieves the component documentation from the web, but there "
 "is no component selected"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3063
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3031
 msgid "ShowN"
 msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? N"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3094
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3062
 msgid "ShowV"
 msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? V"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3125
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3093
 msgid "ShowB"
 msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? B"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3157
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3125
 msgid "VisToggle"
 msgstr "Ð?еÑ?екл. видимоÑ?Ñ?и"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3179
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3147
 #, c-format
 msgid "Sorry but this is a non-functioning menu option\n"
 msgstr "Ð?звиниÑ?е6 но Ñ?Ñ?о опÑ?иÑ? не Ñ?Ñ?нкÑ?ионалÑ?ного менÑ?\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3267
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3235
 msgid "Action feedback mode set to OUTLINE\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3270
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3238
 msgid "Action feedback mode set to BOUNDINGBOX\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3287
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3255
 msgid "Grid OFF\n"
 msgstr "СеÑ?ка вÑ?кл.\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3290
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3258
 msgid "Grid ON\n"
 msgstr "СеÑ?ка вкл.\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3307
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3275
 msgid "Snap OFF (CAUTION!)\n"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ивÑ?зка Ð?ЫÐ?Ð?ЮЧÐ?Ð?Ð? (Ð?нимание!)\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3310
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3278
 msgid "Snap ON\n"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ивÑ?зка Ð?Ð?Ð?ЮЧÐ?Ð?Ð?\n"
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3330
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3298
 msgid "Rubber band OFF \n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/i_callbacks.c:3333
+#: src/i_callbacks.c:3301
 msgid "Rubber band ON\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/o_arc.c:136
+#: src/o_arc.c:137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for arc (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Ð?еизвеÑ?Ñ?нÑ?й конеÑ? длÑ? дÑ?ги (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_arc.c:177
+#: src/o_arc.c:178
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for arc !\n"
 msgstr "Ð?еизвеÑ?Ñ?нÑ?й Ñ?ип длÑ? дÑ?ги !\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:107
+#: src/o_attrib.c:108
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_attrib_toggle_visibility\n"
 msgstr "Ð?олÑ?Ñ?ен NULL в o_attrib_toggle_visibility\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:172
+#: src/o_attrib.c:173
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_attrib_toggle_show_name_value\n"
 msgstr "Ð?олÑ?Ñ?ен NULL в o_attrib_toggle_show_name_value\n"
-#: src/o_attrib.c:223
+#: src/o_attrib.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR! you can't get an attribute without an ='s\n"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ибка! Ð?Ñ? не можеÑ?е полÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? аÑ?Ñ?ибÑ?Ñ? без знака '='\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:140
+#: src/o_box.c:141
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for box (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Ð?еизвеÑ?Ñ?нÑ?й конеÑ? длÑ? пÑ?Ñ?моÑ?голÑ?ника (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:180
+#: src/o_box.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for box !\n"
 msgstr "Ð?еизвеÑ?Ñ?нÑ?й Ñ?ип длÑ? пÑ?Ñ?моÑ?голÑ?ника !\n"
-#: src/o_box.c:270
+#: src/o_box.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for box (fill)!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?еизвеÑ?Ñ?нÑ?й Ñ?ип длÑ? пÑ?Ñ?моÑ?голÑ?ника (Ñ? заливкой)!\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:41
+#: src/o_buffer.c:42
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_copy]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?олÑ?Ñ?ен невеÑ?нÑ?й buffer_number [o_buffer_copy]\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:79
+#: src/o_buffer.c:80
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_cut]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?олÑ?Ñ?ен невеÑ?нÑ?й buffer_number [o_buffer_cut]\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:120
+#: src/o_buffer.c:121
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_start]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?олÑ?Ñ?ен невеÑ?нÑ?й buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_start]\n"
-#: src/o_buffer.c:180
+#: src/o_buffer.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_end]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?олÑ?Ñ?ен невеÑ?нÑ?й buffer_number [o_buffer_paste_end]\n"
-#: src/o_bus.c:219
+#: src/o_bus.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid which one in o_bus_draw_xor_single\n"
 msgstr "Ð?олÑ?Ñ?ен невеÑ?нÑ?й паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ? в o_bus_draw_xor_single\n"
-#: src/o_bus.c:285 src/o_bus.c:319 src/o_net.c:333 src/o_net.c:367
-#, c-format
-msgid "selected a nonexistant object!\n"
-msgstr "вÑ?бÑ?ан неÑ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ий обÑ?екÑ?!\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:135
+#: src/o_circle.c:136
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for circle\n"
 msgstr "Ð?еизвеÑ?Ñ?нÑ?й конеÑ? длÑ? окÑ?Ñ?жноÑ?Ñ?и\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:171
+#: src/o_circle.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for circle!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?еизвеÑ?Ñ?нÑ?й Ñ?ип длÑ? окÑ?Ñ?жноÑ?Ñ?и!\n"
-#: src/o_circle.c:259
+#: src/o_circle.c:260
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for circle (fill)!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?еизвеÑ?Ñ?нÑ?й Ñ?ип длÑ? окÑ?Ñ?жноÑ?Ñ?и (Ñ? заливкой)!\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:222
+#: src/o_complex.c:225
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find complex in new componet placement!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евозможно найÑ?и комплекÑ? в новом Ñ?аÑ?положении компоненÑ?а!\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:600
+#: src/o_complex.c:578
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_complex_translate_display_selection\n"
 msgstr "Ð?олÑ?Ñ?ен NULL в o_complex_translate_display_selection\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:668 src/o_complex.c:674
+#: src/o_complex.c:646 src/o_complex.c:652
 #, c-format
 msgid "Translating schematic [%d %d]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?еÑ?евод Ñ?Ñ?емÑ? [%d %d]\n"
-#: src/o_complex.c:718
+#: src/o_complex.c:690
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got NULL in o_complex_translate_selection!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?олÑ?Ñ?ен NULL в in o_complex_translate_selection!\n"
-#: src/o_copy.c:124 src/o_copy.c:395
+#: src/o_copy.c:125 src/o_copy.c:395
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_copy_end!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ибка: обÑ?екÑ? NULL в o_copy_end!\n"
-#: src/o_line.c:112
+#: src/o_line.c:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown end for line (%d)\n"
 msgstr "Ð?еизвеÑ?Ñ?нÑ?й конеÑ? длÑ? линии (%d)\n"
-#: src/o_line.c:152
+#: src/o_line.c:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type for line (%d) !\n"
 msgstr "Ð?еизвеÑ?Ñ?нÑ?й Ñ?ип длÑ? линии (%d) !\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:64
+#: src/o_misc.c:65
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an unexpected NULL in o_edit\n"
 msgstr "Ð?еожиданнÑ?й NULL в o_edit\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:143
-msgid "Object alreadly locked\n"
+#: src/o_misc.c:144
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Object already locked\n"
 msgstr "Ð?бÑ?екÑ? Ñ?же заблокиÑ?ован\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:181
-msgid "Object alreadly unlocked\n"
+#: src/o_misc.c:182
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Object already unlocked\n"
 msgstr "Ð?бÑ?екÑ? Ñ?же Ñ?азблокиÑ?ован\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:228 src/o_misc.c:471 src/o_misc.c:715
+#: src/o_misc.c:229 src/o_misc.c:472 src/o_misc.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_rotate_90!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ибка: обÑ?екÑ? NULL в o_rotate_90!\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:537
+#: src/o_misc.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_mirror!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ибка: обÑ?екÑ? NULL в o_mirror!\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:815
+#: src/o_misc.c:812
 msgid "Hidden text is now visible\n"
 msgstr "СкÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?й Ñ?екÑ?Ñ? Ñ?ейÑ?аÑ? видим\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:817
+#: src/o_misc.c:814
 msgid "Hidden text is now invisible\n"
 msgstr "СкÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?й Ñ?еÑ?кÑ? Ñ?ейÑ?аÑ? невидим\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1076
-msgid "Could not unembedded component, could not find appropriate .sym file\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Ð?евозможно иÑ?клÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? компоненÑ?, невозможно найÑ?и Ñ?ооÑ?веÑ?Ñ?Ñ?вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ий .sym-Ñ?айл\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1077
-msgid "Component still embedded and not updated\n"
-msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ? вÑ?Ñ? еÑ?Ñ? внедÑ?ен и не обновлÑ?н\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1081
+#: src/o_misc.c:1058
 #, c-format
-msgid "More than one component found with name [%s]\n"
-msgstr "Ð?айдено более одного компоненÑ?а Ñ? именем [%s]\n"
+msgid "Could not find symbol [%s] in library. Update failed.\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/o_misc.c:1229
+#: src/o_misc.c:1198
 #, c-format
 msgid "o_autosave_backups: Can't get the real filename of %s."
 msgstr "o_autosave_backups: невозможно полÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? Ñ?еалÑ?но имÑ? Ñ?айла длÑ? %s."
-#: src/o_misc.c:1273
+#: src/o_misc.c:1242
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT set previous backup file [%s] read-write\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Ð?евозможно Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановиÑ?Ñ? Ñ?ежим Ñ?Ñ?ениÑ?-запиÑ?и длÑ? пÑ?едÑ?дÑ?Ñ?ей Ñ?езеÑ?вной копии "
 "Ñ?айла [%s]\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1291
+#: src/o_misc.c:1260
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT set backup file [%s] readonly\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евозможно Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановиÑ?Ñ? Ñ?ежим Ñ?олÑ?ко Ñ?Ñ?ениÑ? длÑ? Ñ?езеÑ?вного Ñ?айла [%s]\n"
-#: src/o_misc.c:1296
+#: src/o_misc.c:1265
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT save backup file [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евозможно Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? Ñ?езеÑ?внÑ?й Ñ?айл [%s]\n"
-#: src/o_move.c:223
+#: src/o_move.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in o_move_end!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ибка: обÑ?екÑ? NULL в o_move_end!\n"
-#: src/o_move.c:331
+#: src/o_move.c:332
 #, c-format
 msgid "DOH! tried to find the whichone, but didn't find it!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?! Ð?опÑ?Ñ?ка найÑ?и Ñ?Ñ?о-либо, но ниÑ?его не полÑ?Ñ?аеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?!\n"
-#: src/o_move.c:352
+#: src/o_move.c:353
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got a non line object in o_move_check_endpoint\n"
 msgstr "Ð?олÑ?Ñ?ен обÑ?екÑ? не линиÑ? в o_move_check_endpoint\n"
-#: src/o_net.c:264
+#: src/o_net.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got an invalid which one in o_net_draw_xor_single\n"
 msgstr "Ð?олÑ?Ñ?ен невеÑ?нÑ?й паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ? в o_net_draw_xor_single\n"
-#: src/o_net.c:940 src/o_net.c:977 src/o_net.c:1048 src/o_net.c:1084
+#: src/o_net.c:812 src/o_net.c:849 src/o_net.c:920 src/o_net.c:956
 #, c-format
 msgid "Tried to add more than two bus rippers. Internal gschem error.\n"
 msgstr "Ð?опÑ?Ñ?ка добавиÑ?Ñ? более двÑ?Ñ? Ñ?азÑ?Ñ?вов Ñ?инÑ?. Ð?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ?еннÑ?Ñ? оÑ?ибка gschem.\n"
-#: src/o_net.c:1155
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not find %s in any component-library\n"
+#: src/o_net.c:1029
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Bus ripper symbol [%s] was not found in any component library\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евозможно найÑ?и %s ни в одной из библиоÑ?ек компоненÑ?ов\n"
-#: src/o_picture.c:205 src/o_picture.c:746
+#: src/o_picture.c:206 src/o_picture.c:746
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to load picture: %s"
 msgstr "Ð?евозможно загÑ?зиÑ?аÑ?Ñ? изобÑ?ажение: [%s]"
-#: src/o_picture.c:219
+#: src/o_picture.c:220
 msgid "Picture"
 msgstr "Ð?зобÑ?ажение"
-#: src/o_picture.c:658 src/x_attribedit.c:137
+#: src/o_picture.c:658 src/x_attribedit.c:139
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ибка: обÑ?екÑ? NULL!\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:127
+#: src/o_slot.c:128
 msgid "Slot attribute malformed\n"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?ибÑ?Ñ? Ñ?лоÑ?а иÑ?поÑ?Ñ?ен\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:145
+#: src/o_slot.c:146
 msgid "numslots attribute missing\n"
 msgstr "оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?вÑ?еÑ? аÑ?Ñ?ибÑ?Ñ? numslots\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:147
+#: src/o_slot.c:148
 msgid "Slotting not allowed for this component\n"
 msgstr "СлоÑ?иÑ?ование не допÑ?Ñ?Ñ?имо длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ого компоненÑ?а\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:163
+#: src/o_slot.c:164
 msgid "New slot number out of range\n"
 msgstr "Ð?омеÑ? нового Ñ?лоÑ?а вÑ?Ñ?одиÑ? за пÑ?еделÑ?\n"
-#: src/o_slot.c:247
+#: src/o_slot.c:237
 #, c-format
 msgid "uggg! you tried to slot edit something that doesn't exist!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ? пÑ?Ñ?аеÑ?еÑ?Ñ? пÑ?авиÑ?Ñ? Ñ?лоÑ? Ñ?его-Ñ?о неÑ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?его!\n"
-#: src/o_undo.c:316
+#: src/o_undo.c:317
 msgid "Undo/Redo disabled in rc file\n"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?мена/Ð?овÑ?оÑ?  вÑ?клÑ?Ñ?енÑ? в rc-Ñ?айле\n"
-#: src/parsecmd.c:49
+#: src/parsecmd.c:50
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] schematic_filename1 ... schematic_filenameN\n"
@@ -1351,236 +1302,244 @@ msgstr ""
 "  -h            Ð?омоÑ?Ñ?; Ñ?Ñ?о Ñ?ообÑ?ение\n"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:122
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:124
 #, c-format
 msgid "Got invalid show option; defaulting to show both\n"
 msgstr "Ð?олÑ?Ñ?ена невеÑ?наÑ? опÑ?иÑ? пÑ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ?а, Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?анавливаеÑ?Ñ?Ñ? пÑ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ? обоиÑ?\n"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:325
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:327
 msgid "Single Attribute Editor"
 msgstr "РедакÑ?оÑ? одного аÑ?Ñ?ибÑ?Ñ?а"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:355
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:358
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Edit Attribute</b>"
 msgstr "РедакÑ?иÑ?оваÑ?Ñ? аÑ?Ñ?ибÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:357
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:360
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Add Attribute</b>"
 msgstr "Ð?обавиÑ?Ñ? аÑ?Ñ?ибÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:373 src/x_multiattrib.c:1512
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:376 src/x_multiattrib.c:1480
 msgid "Name:"
 msgstr "Ð?мÑ?:"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:389 src/x_multiattrib.c:1531
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:392 src/x_multiattrib.c:1499
 msgid "Value:"
 msgstr "Ð?наÑ?ение:"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:404 src/x_multiattrib.c:1559
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:408 src/x_multiattrib.c:1527
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "Ð?идимÑ?й"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:424
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:428
 msgid "Show Value Only"
 msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?олÑ?ко знаÑ?ение"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:426
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:430
 msgid "Show Name Only"
 msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?олÑ?ко имÑ?"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:428 src/x_multiattrib.c:1162
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:432 src/x_multiattrib.c:1143
 msgid "Show Name & Value"
 msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? имÑ? и знаÑ?ение"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:435
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:439
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Attach Options</b>"
 msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ойки"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:450
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:454
 msgid "All"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?е"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:458 src/x_compselect.c:791
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:462 src/x_compselect.c:716 src/x_compselect.c:791
 msgid "Components"
 msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:466 src/x_window.c:541
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:470 src/x_window.c:537
 msgid "Nets"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оводники"
-#: src/x_attribedit.c:474
+#: src/x_attribedit.c:478
 msgid "Replace existing attributes"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:411
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:413
 msgid ""
 "slotted object without slot attribute may cause problems when autonumbering "
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:426
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "duplicate slot may cause problems: [symbolname=%s, number=%d, slot=%d]\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:696
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:698
 msgid "No searchstring given in autonumber text.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:747
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:749
 msgid "No '*' or '?' given at the end of the autonumber text.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:880
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Diagonal"
 msgstr "диагоналÑ?нÑ?й"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:881
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
 msgid "Top to bottom"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:881
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
 msgid "Bottom to top"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:884
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Left to right"
 msgstr "левÑ?й пÑ?авÑ?й"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:882
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:884
 msgid "Right to left"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:883
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:885
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "File order"
 msgstr "поÑ?Ñ?док Ñ?айлов"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1219
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1221
 msgid "Autonumber text"
 msgstr "Ð?вÑ?онÑ?меÑ?оваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1244
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1247
 msgid "<b>Scope</b>"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1266
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1269
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Search for:"
 msgstr "поиÑ?к Ñ?окÑ?Ñ?а"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1280
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1283
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Autonumber text in:"
 msgstr "Ð?вÑ?онÑ?меÑ?оваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1287
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1290
 msgid "Skip numbers found in:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1299 src/x_autonumber.c:1308
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1302 src/x_autonumber.c:1311
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Selected objects"
 msgstr "вÑ?бÑ?анÑ? обÑ?екÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1300 src/x_autonumber.c:1309
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1303 src/x_autonumber.c:1312
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Current page"
 msgstr "Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?ий лиÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1301 src/x_autonumber.c:1310
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1304 src/x_autonumber.c:1313
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Whole hierarchy"
 msgstr "Ð?еÑ?аÑ?Ñ?иÑ?"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1312
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1315
 msgid "Overwrite existing numbers"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1317
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1320
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Options</b>"
 msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ойки"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1339
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1342
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Starting number:"
 msgstr "Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?овÑ?й номеÑ?"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1346
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1349
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Sort order:"
 msgstr "поÑ?Ñ?док Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?иÑ?овки"
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1367
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1370
 msgid "Remove numbers"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_autonumber.c:1371
+#: src/x_autonumber.c:1374
 msgid "Automatic slotting"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_color.c:59 src/x_color.c:96
+#: src/x_color.c:60 src/x_color.c:97
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find the color %s!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евозможно найÑ?и Ñ?веÑ? %s!\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:62 src/x_color.c:99
+#: src/x_color.c:63 src/x_color.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Defaulting color to white\n"
 msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?ановка белого Ñ?веÑ?а по Ñ?молÑ?аниÑ?\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:69 src/x_color.c:106
+#: src/x_color.c:70 src/x_color.c:107
 #, c-format
 msgid "Ack! Cannot allocate white!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евозможно назнаÑ?иÑ?Ñ? белÑ?й!\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:80 src/x_color.c:128 src/x_window.c:176 src/x_window.c:185
+#: src/x_color.c:81 src/x_color.c:129 src/x_window.c:176 src/x_window.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not allocate the color %s!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евозможно назнаÑ?иÑ?Ñ? Ñ?веÑ? %s!\n"
-#: src/x_color.c:147 src/x_color.c:163
+#: src/x_color.c:148 src/x_color.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "Tried to get an invalid color: %d\n"
 msgstr "Ð?опÑ?Ñ?ка полÑ?Ñ?ениÑ? невеÑ?ного Ñ?веÑ?а: %d\n"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:615
+#: src/x_compselect.c:821
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Filter:"
+msgstr "ФилÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:895
 msgid "Default behavior - reference component"
 msgstr "Ð?оÑ?малÑ?ное поведение - Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?лка на компоненÑ?"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:618
+#: src/x_compselect.c:898
 msgid "Embed component in schematic"
 msgstr "Ð?недÑ?иÑ?Ñ? компоненÑ? в Ñ?Ñ?емÑ?"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:621
+#: src/x_compselect.c:901
 msgid "Include component as individual objects"
 msgstr "Ð?клÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? компоненÑ? как индивидÑ?алÑ?нÑ?й обÑ?екÑ?"
-#: src/x_compselect.c:707
+#: src/x_compselect.c:982
 msgid "Select Component..."
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? компоненÑ?..."
-#: src/x_compselect.c:821
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Filter:"
-msgstr "ФилÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1008
+msgid "In Use"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/x_compselect.c:885 src/x_fileselect.c:123
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1012
+msgid "Libraries"
+msgstr "Ð?иблиоÑ?еки"
+#: src/x_compselect.c:1024 src/x_fileselect.c:124
 msgid "Preview"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едваÑ?иÑ?елÑ?нÑ?й пÑ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:182
+#: src/x_dialog.c:184
 msgid "Text Entry..."
 msgstr "ТекÑ?Ñ?овое вÑ?ождение..."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:214
+#: src/x_dialog.c:217
 msgid ""
 "Enter text, click apply,\n"
 "move cursor into window, click to place text.\n"
@@ -1590,185 +1549,185 @@ msgstr ""
 "пеÑ?емеÑ?Ñ?иÑ?е кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ? в окно, Ñ?елкниÑ?е длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановки Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?а.\n"
 "СÑ?еднÑ?Ñ? кнопка пÑ?едназнаÑ?ена длÑ? вÑ?аÑ?ениÑ? во вÑ?емÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановки."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:303
+#: src/x_dialog.c:306
 msgid "Lower Left"
 msgstr "Ð?ижний левÑ?й"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:314
+#: src/x_dialog.c:317
 msgid "Middle Left"
 msgstr "СÑ?едний левÑ?й"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:325
+#: src/x_dialog.c:328
 msgid "Upper Left"
 msgstr "Ð?еÑ?Ñ?ний левÑ?й"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:336
+#: src/x_dialog.c:339
 msgid "Lower Middle"
 msgstr "Ð?ижний Ñ?Ñ?едний"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:347
+#: src/x_dialog.c:350
 msgid "Middle Middle"
 msgstr "СÑ?едний Ñ?Ñ?едний"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:358
+#: src/x_dialog.c:361
 msgid "Upper Middle"
 msgstr "Ð?еÑ?Ñ?ний Ñ?Ñ?едний"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:369
+#: src/x_dialog.c:372
 msgid "Lower Right"
 msgstr "Ð?ижний пÑ?авÑ?й"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:380
+#: src/x_dialog.c:383
 msgid "Middle Right"
 msgstr "СÑ?едний пÑ?авÑ?й"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:391
+#: src/x_dialog.c:394
 msgid "Upper Right"
 msgstr "Ð?еÑ?Ñ?ний пÑ?авÑ?й"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:506
+#: src/x_dialog.c:509
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Edit Text Properties"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авка Ñ?азмеÑ?а Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?а"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:541
+#: src/x_dialog.c:545
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Text Content</b>"
 msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ойки"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:573
+#: src/x_dialog.c:577
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Text Properties</b>"
 msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ойки"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:588
+#: src/x_dialog.c:592
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Color:"
 msgstr "ЦвеÑ?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:598
+#: src/x_dialog.c:602
 msgid "Size:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:607
+#: src/x_dialog.c:611
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Alignment:"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авка вÑ?Ñ?авниваниÑ? Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?а"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:661
+#: src/x_dialog.c:665
 msgid "Solid"
 msgstr "СплоÑ?ной"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:662
+#: src/x_dialog.c:666
 msgid "Dotted"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?нкÑ?иÑ? Ñ? Ñ?оÑ?кой"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:663
+#: src/x_dialog.c:667
 msgid "Dashed"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?нкÑ?иÑ? Ñ? деÑ?иÑ?ом"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:664
+#: src/x_dialog.c:668
 msgid "Center"
 msgstr "ЦенÑ?Ñ?иÑ?ованнÑ?й"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:665
+#: src/x_dialog.c:669
 msgid "Phantom"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?веннÑ?й"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:791 src/x_dialog.c:793 src/x_dialog.c:795 src/x_dialog.c:977
-#: src/x_dialog.c:978 src/x_dialog.c:979 src/x_dialog.c:987
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1170 src/x_dialog.c:1172 src/x_dialog.c:1174
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1176 src/x_dialog.c:1178 src/x_dialog.c:1382
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1383 src/x_dialog.c:1384 src/x_dialog.c:1385
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1386 src/x_dialog.c:1394
+#: src/x_dialog.c:795 src/x_dialog.c:797 src/x_dialog.c:799 src/x_dialog.c:982
+#: src/x_dialog.c:983 src/x_dialog.c:984 src/x_dialog.c:992
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1175 src/x_dialog.c:1177 src/x_dialog.c:1179
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1181 src/x_dialog.c:1183 src/x_dialog.c:1388
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1389 src/x_dialog.c:1390 src/x_dialog.c:1391
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1392 src/x_dialog.c:1400
 msgid "*unchanged*"
 msgstr "*неизменено*"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:870
+#: src/x_dialog.c:874
 msgid "Edit Line Width & Type"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авка Ñ?иÑ?инÑ? и Ñ?ипа линии"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:910
+#: src/x_dialog.c:915
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Width:"
 msgstr "ШиÑ?ина"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:914 src/x_print.c:353
+#: src/x_dialog.c:919 src/x_print.c:314
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Type:"
 msgstr "Тип"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:918
+#: src/x_dialog.c:923
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Dash Length:"
 msgstr "Ð?лина деÑ?иÑ?а линии"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:922
+#: src/x_dialog.c:927
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Dash Space:"
 msgstr "Ð?еÑ?иÑ?нÑ?й пÑ?обел линии"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1027
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1032
 msgid "Hollow"
 msgstr "Ð?огнÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1028
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1033
 msgid "Filled"
 msgstr "Ð?аполнено"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1034
 msgid "Mesh"
 msgstr "ЯÑ?ейка"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1030
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1035
 msgid "Hatch"
 msgstr "ШÑ?Ñ?иÑ?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1295
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1301
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Fill Type:"
 msgstr "Тип заливки"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1299
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1305
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Line Width:"
 msgstr "ШиÑ?ина линии"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1303
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1309
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Angle 1:"
 msgstr "Угол1"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1307
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1313
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Pitch 1:"
 msgstr "Ð?аклон1"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1311
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1317
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Angle 2:"
 msgstr "Угол2"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1321
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Pitch 2:"
 msgstr "Ð?аклон2"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1477
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1483
 msgid "Arc Params"
 msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?Ñ? дÑ?ги"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1518
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1525
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Start Angle:"
 msgstr "Ð?аÑ?ало Ñ?гла"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1528
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1535
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Degrees of Sweep:"
 msgstr "Угол Ñ?азвеÑ?Ñ?ки в гÑ?адÑ?Ñ?аÑ?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1628
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1636
 msgid ""
 "Offset to translate?\n"
 "(0 for origin)"
@@ -1776,53 +1735,54 @@ msgstr ""
 "СмеÑ?ение длÑ? пеÑ?евода?\n"
 "(о длÑ? наÑ?ала оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?а)"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1704
 msgid "Text Size"
 msgstr "РазмеÑ? Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?а"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1727
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1736
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Enter new text size:"
 msgstr "Ð?ведиÑ?е новÑ?й Ñ?азмеÑ? Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?а"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1802
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1811
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Snap Size"
 msgstr "СеÑ?ка пÑ?ивÑ?зки"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1833
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1843
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Enter new snap grid spacing:"
 msgstr "Ð?ведиÑ?е новÑ?й Ñ?аг Ñ?еÑ?ки пÑ?ивÑ?зки"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1906
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1916
 msgid "Edit slot number"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авка номеÑ?а Ñ?лоÑ?а"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:1938
+#: src/x_dialog.c:1949
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Edit slot number:"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авка номеÑ?а Ñ?лоÑ?а"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2000
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2011
 msgid "About..."
 msgstr "Ð?..."
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2019
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2031
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>gEDA: GPL Electronic Design Automation</b>"
 msgstr ""
 "gEDA: СиÑ?Ñ?ема Ð?вÑ?омаÑ?изиÑ?ованного Ð?РоекÑ?иÑ?ованиÑ? Ñ?лекÑ?Ñ?оннÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?ем (GPL)"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2023
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2035
 #, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "<b>gschem version %s%s</b>"
-msgstr "веÑ?Ñ?иÑ? gschem %s%s"
+msgid "<b>gschem version %s%s.%s</b>"
+msgstr "веÑ?Ñ?иÑ? gschem %s%s.%s"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2029
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2043
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Written by:\n"
-"Ales V. Hvezda\n"
+"Ales Hvezda\n"
 "And many others (See AUTHORS file)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1832,130 +1792,139 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ð? многими дÑ?Ñ?гими (Ñ?моÑ?Ñ?иÑ?е Ñ?айл AUTHORS) \n"
 "Ð?еÑ?евод: Andy Shevchenko <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2093
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2107
 msgid "Coords"
 msgstr "Ð?ооÑ?динаÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2113
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2128
 msgid "Screen"
 msgstr "ЭкÑ?ан"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2122
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2137
 msgid "World"
 msgstr "Ð?иÑ?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2345
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2360
 #, c-format
 msgid "ERROR: NULL object in color_edit_dialog_apply!\n"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ибка: обÑ?екÑ? NULL в color_edit_dialog_apply!\n"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2408
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2423
 msgid "Color Edit"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авка Ñ?веÑ?а"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2440
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2456
 msgid "Object color:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2564
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2581
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Function"
 msgstr "Ð?ейÑ?Ñ?вие"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2571
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2588
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Keystroke(s)"
 msgstr "ФÑ?нкÑ?иÑ? : комбинаÑ?иÑ? клавиÑ?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2925
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2920
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Find Text"
 msgstr "Ð?айÑ?и Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2957
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2953
 msgid "Text to find:"
 msgstr "ТекÑ?Ñ? длÑ? поиÑ?ка:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:2967
+#: src/x_dialog.c:2963
 msgid "descend into hierarchy"
 msgstr "СпÑ?Ñ?к по иеÑ?аÑ?Ñ?ии"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3031
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3027
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Hide Text"
 msgstr "СкÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3063
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3060
 msgid "Hide text starting with:"
 msgstr "СкÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?, наÑ?инаÑ?Ñ?ийÑ?Ñ? Ñ?:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3131
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3128
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Show Text"
 msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3163
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3161
 msgid "Show text starting with:"
 msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?, наÑ?инаÑ?Ñ?ийÑ?Ñ? Ñ?:"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3608 src/x_multiattrib.c:1389
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3606 src/x_multiattrib.c:1357
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Ð?мÑ?"
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3630
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3628
 msgid "S_elect the schematics you want to save:"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3724
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3722
 #, c-format
 msgid "Save the changes to schematic \"%s\" before closing?"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3730
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3728
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "There is %d schematics with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3759
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3757
 msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be permanently lost."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_dialog.c:3779
+#: src/x_dialog.c:3777
 msgid "_Close without saving"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:46
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:47
 msgid "Schematics"
 msgstr "СÑ?емÑ?"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:51
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:52
 msgid "Symbols"
 msgstr "СимволÑ?"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:56
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:57
 msgid "Schematics and symbols"
 msgstr "СÑ?емÑ? и Ñ?имволÑ?"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:62
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:63
 msgid "All files"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?е Ñ?айлÑ?"
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:172
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:173
 msgid "Open..."
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?..."
-#: src/x_fileselect.c:233
+#: src/x_fileselect.c:234
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Save as..."
 msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? как..."
-#: src/x_image.c:363
+#: src/x_image.c:180
+msgid "Encapsulated Postscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/x_image.c:298
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to write eps file %s.\n"
+msgstr "x_image_lowlevel: невозможно запиÑ?аÑ?Ñ? PNG-Ñ?айл.\n"
+#: src/x_image.c:380
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to write %s file %s.\n"
 msgstr "x_image_lowlevel: невозможно запиÑ?аÑ?Ñ? PNG-Ñ?айл.\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:373
+#: src/x_image.c:390
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "There was the following error when saving image with type %s to filename:\n"
@@ -1964,247 +1933,257 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_image.c:392 src/x_image.c:423
+#: src/x_image.c:409
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wrote color image to [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?апиÑ?ано Ñ?веÑ?ное изобÑ?ажение в [%s] [%d-x%d]\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:394 src/x_image.c:425
+#: src/x_image.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wrote black and white image to [%s] [%d x %d]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?апиÑ?ано Ñ?еÑ?но-белое изобÑ?ажение в [%s] [%d-x-%d]\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:404
+#: src/x_image.c:421
 msgid "x_image_lowlevel: Unable to get pixbuf from gschem's window.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "x_image_lowlevel: невозможно полÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? бÑ?Ñ?еÑ? изобÑ?ажениÑ? из окна gschem.\n"
-#: src/x_image.c:459
+#: src/x_image.c:467
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Width x Height"
 msgstr "ШиÑ?ина-x-Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?а"
-#: src/x_image.c:475
+#: src/x_image.c:483
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Image type"
 msgstr "Ð?зобÑ?ажение"
-#: src/x_log.c:231
+#: src/x_log.c:236
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "СÑ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_menus.c:40
+#: src/x_menus.c:41
 msgid "/Add Net"
 msgstr "/Ð?обавиÑ?Ñ? Ñ?оединение"
-#: src/x_menus.c:41
+#: src/x_menus.c:42
 msgid "/Add Attribute..."
 msgstr "/Ð?обавиÑ?Ñ? аÑ?Ñ?ибÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_menus.c:42
+#: src/x_menus.c:43
 msgid "/Add Component..."
 msgstr "/Ð?обавиÑ?Ñ? компоненÑ?..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:43
+#: src/x_menus.c:44
 msgid "/Add Bus"
 msgstr "/Ð?обавиÑ?Ñ? Ñ?инÑ?"
-#: src/x_menus.c:44
+#: src/x_menus.c:45
 msgid "/Add Text"
 msgstr "/Ð?обавиÑ?Ñ? Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_menus.c:46
+#: src/x_menus.c:47
 msgid "/Zoom In"
 msgstr "/УвелиÑ?иÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_menus.c:47
+#: src/x_menus.c:48
 msgid "/Zoom Out"
 msgstr "/УменÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_menus.c:48
+#: src/x_menus.c:49
 msgid "/Zoom Box"
 msgstr "/Ð?блаÑ?Ñ?Ñ? длÑ? маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?абиÑ?ованиÑ?"
-#: src/x_menus.c:49
+#: src/x_menus.c:50
 msgid "/Zoom Extents"
 msgstr "/Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аб на Ñ?кÑ?ан"
-#: src/x_menus.c:51
+#: src/x_menus.c:52
 msgid "/Select"
 msgstr "/Ð?Ñ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_menus.c:52
+#: src/x_menus.c:53
 msgid "/Edit..."
 msgstr "/Ð?Ñ?авка..."
-#: src/x_menus.c:53
+#: src/x_menus.c:54
 msgid "/Copy"
 msgstr "/Ð?опиÑ?оваÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_menus.c:54
+#: src/x_menus.c:55
 msgid "/Move"
 msgstr "/Ð?еÑ?емеÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_menus.c:55
+#: src/x_menus.c:56
 msgid "/Delete"
 msgstr "/УдалиÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_menus.c:58
+#: src/x_menus.c:59
 msgid "/Down Schematic"
 msgstr "/Ð?глÑ?бÑ? Ñ?Ñ?емÑ?"
-#: src/x_menus.c:59
+#: src/x_menus.c:60
 msgid "/Down Symbol"
 msgstr "/Ð?глÑ?бÑ? Ñ?имвола"
-#: src/x_menus.c:60
+#: src/x_menus.c:61
 msgid "/Up"
 msgstr "/Ð?авеÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_menus.c:331
+#: src/x_menus.c:332
 msgid "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent menu item\n"
 msgstr "Ð?опÑ?Ñ?ка Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановки Ñ?Ñ?вÑ?Ñ?виÑ?елÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?и длÑ? неÑ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?его пÑ?нкÑ?а менÑ?\n"
-#: src/x_menus.c:355
+#: src/x_menus.c:356
 msgid "Popup_menu_item_factory doesn't exist!\n"
 msgstr "Popup_menu_item_factory не Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?вÑ?еÑ?!\n"
-#: src/x_menus.c:368
+#: src/x_menus.c:369
 msgid "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent popup menu_item\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Ð?опÑ?Ñ?ка Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановки Ñ?Ñ?вÑ?Ñ?виÑ?елÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?и длÑ? неÑ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?его вÑ?Ñ?какиваÑ?Ñ?его "
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:652
+#: src/x_menus.c:480
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't open file %s\n"
+msgstr "Ð?евозможно вÑ?зваÑ?Ñ? %s\n"
+#: src/x_menus.c:538
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:656
 msgid "Attributes with empty name are not allowed. Please set a name."
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?ибÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ? пÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?м именем недопÑ?Ñ?Ñ?имÑ?. Ð?ожалÑ?йÑ?Ñ?а, Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановиÑ?е имÑ?."
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1164
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1145
 msgid "Show Value only"
 msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?олÑ?ко знаÑ?ение"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1166
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1147
 msgid "Show Name only"
 msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?олÑ?ко имÑ?"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1192
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1173
 msgid "Duplicate"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?блиÑ?оваÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1309
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1284
 msgid "Edit Attributes"
 msgstr "РедакÑ?иÑ?оваÑ?Ñ? аÑ?Ñ?ибÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1414
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1382
 msgid "Value"
 msgstr "Ð?наÑ?ение"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1436
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1404
 msgid "Vis?"
 msgstr "Ð?идим?"
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1456
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1424
 msgid "N"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1476
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1444
 msgid "V"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1497
+#: src/x_multiattrib.c:1465
 msgid "Add Attribute"
 msgstr "Ð?обавиÑ?Ñ? аÑ?Ñ?ибÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:272
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:264
 msgid "Discard Page"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?веÑ?гнÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:381
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:361
 msgid "Page Manager"
 msgstr "Ð?енеджеÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:437
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:417
 msgid "Filename"
 msgstr "Ð?мÑ? Ñ?айла"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:453
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:433
 msgid "Changed"
 msgstr "Ð?зменено"
-#: src/x_pagesel.c:473
+#: src/x_pagesel.c:453
 msgid "Right click on the filename for more options..."
 msgstr "ЩелкниÑ?е пÑ?авой кнопкой на имени Ñ?айла длÑ? дополниÑ?елÑ?нÑ?Ñ? опÑ?ий..."
-#: src/x_print.c:90
+#: src/x_print.c:89
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Select PostScript Filename..."
 msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? PostScript как..."
-#: src/x_print.c:206
+#: src/x_print.c:171
 msgid "Extents with margins"
 msgstr "РаÑ?Ñ?иÑ?иÑ?Ñ? Ñ? полÑ?ми"
-#: src/x_print.c:212
+#: src/x_print.c:177
 msgid "Extents no margins"
 msgstr "РаÑ?Ñ?иÑ?иÑ?Ñ? без полей"
-#: src/x_print.c:218
+#: src/x_print.c:183
 msgid "Current Window"
 msgstr "ТекÑ?Ñ?ее окно"
-#: src/x_print.c:252
+#: src/x_print.c:217
 msgid "Landscape"
 msgstr "Ð?лÑ?бом"
-#: src/x_print.c:258
+#: src/x_print.c:223
 msgid "Portrait"
 msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?"
-#: src/x_print.c:330
+#: src/x_print.c:291
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?ановки"
-#: src/x_print.c:342
+#: src/x_print.c:303
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Output paper size:"
 msgstr "РазмеÑ? бÑ?маги длÑ? пеÑ?аÑ?и"
-#: src/x_print.c:364
+#: src/x_print.c:325
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Orientation:"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иенÑ?аÑ?иÑ?"
-#: src/x_print.c:376
+#: src/x_print.c:337
 msgid "Destination"
 msgstr "Ð?азнаÑ?ение"
-#: src/x_print.c:389
+#: src/x_print.c:350
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "File:"
 msgstr "Файл"
-#: src/x_print.c:419
+#: src/x_print.c:380
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Command:"
 msgstr "Ð?оманда"
-#: src/x_print.c:785
+#: src/x_print.c:750
 msgid "No print destination specified\n"
 msgstr "Ð?е Ñ?казано назнаÑ?ение длÑ? пеÑ?аÑ?и\n"
-#: src/x_print.c:792
+#: src/x_print.c:757
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot print current schematic to [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евозможно Ñ?аÑ?пеÑ?аÑ?аÑ?Ñ? Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?емÑ? на [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_print.c:801
+#: src/x_print.c:766
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Error printing to file '%s'\n"
 "Check the log window for more information"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_print.c:808
+#: src/x_print.c:773
 #, c-format
 msgid "Printed current schematic to [%s]\n"
 msgstr "ТекÑ?Ñ?аÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ема Ñ?аÑ?пеÑ?аÑ?ана на [%s]\n"
@@ -2242,35 +2221,35 @@ msgstr "Ð?евозможно назнаÑ?иÑ?Ñ? bounding_xor_gc\n"
 msgid "Couldn't allocate bus_gc\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евозможно назнаÑ?иÑ?Ñ? bus_gc\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:494
+#: src/x_window.c:490
 msgid "New file"
 msgstr "Ð?овÑ?й Ñ?айл"
-#: src/x_window.c:500
+#: src/x_window.c:496
 msgid "Open"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_window.c:501
+#: src/x_window.c:497
 msgid "Open file..."
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?айл..."
-#: src/x_window.c:507
+#: src/x_window.c:503
 msgid "Save"
 msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_window.c:508
+#: src/x_window.c:504
 msgid "Save file"
 msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? Ñ?айл"
-#: src/x_window.c:516
+#: src/x_window.c:512
 msgid "Undo last operation"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?мениÑ?Ñ? поÑ?леднее дейÑ?Ñ?вие"
-#: src/x_window.c:523
+#: src/x_window.c:519
 msgid "Redo last undo"
 msgstr "Ð?овÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ? оÑ?мененное дейÑ?Ñ?вие"
-#: src/x_window.c:532
+#: src/x_window.c:528
 msgid ""
 "Add component...\n"
 "Select library and component from list, move the mouse into main window, "
@@ -2282,7 +2261,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ñ?елкниÑ?е длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановки\n"
 "Ð?Ñ?аваÑ? кнопка мÑ?Ñ?и длÑ? оÑ?менÑ?"
-#: src/x_window.c:542
+#: src/x_window.c:538
 msgid ""
 "Add nets mode\n"
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
@@ -2290,7 +2269,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ð?обавиÑ?Ñ? пÑ?оводники\n"
 "Ð?Ñ?аваÑ? кнопка мÑ?Ñ?и длÑ? оÑ?менÑ?"
-#: src/x_window.c:552
+#: src/x_window.c:548
 msgid ""
 "Add buses mode\n"
 "Right mouse button to cancel"
@@ -2298,76 +2277,121 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ð?обавиÑ?Ñ? Ñ?инÑ?\n"
 "Ð?Ñ?аваÑ? кнопка мÑ?Ñ?и длÑ? оÑ?менÑ?"
-#: src/x_window.c:559
+#: src/x_window.c:555
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "ТекÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_window.c:560
+#: src/x_window.c:556
 msgid "Add Text..."
 msgstr "Ð?обавиÑ?Ñ? Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?..."
-#: src/x_window.c:570
+#: src/x_window.c:566
 msgid "Select"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ?"
-#: src/x_window.c:571
+#: src/x_window.c:567
 msgid "Select mode"
 msgstr "Режим вÑ?боÑ?ки"
-#: src/x_window.c:646
+#: src/x_window.c:642
 msgid "Pick"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/x_window.c:662
+#: src/x_window.c:658
 msgid "Repeat/none"
 msgstr "Ð?овÑ?оÑ?/пÑ?Ñ?Ñ?о"
-#: src/x_window.c:672
+#: src/x_window.c:668
 msgid "Menu/Cancel"
 msgstr "Ð?енÑ?/Ð?Ñ?мена"
-#: src/x_window.c:674
+#: src/x_window.c:670
 msgid "Pan/Cancel"
 msgstr "ЦенÑ?Ñ?/Ð?Ñ?мена"
-#: src/x_window.c:932
+#: src/x_window.c:927
 #, c-format
 msgid "Loading schematic [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?агÑ?Ñ?жаеÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?ема [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1034
+#: src/x_window.c:1029
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Could NOT save page [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?евозможно Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1035
+#: src/x_window.c:1030
 msgid "Error while trying to save"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ибка пÑ?и попÑ?Ñ?ке Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?анениÑ?"
-#: src/x_window.c:1044
+#: src/x_window.c:1039
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Saved as [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?апиÑ?ано как [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1046
+#: src/x_window.c:1041
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved [%s]\n"
 msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?анено [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1048
+#: src/x_window.c:1043
 msgid "Saved"
 msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?анено"
-#: src/x_window.c:1109
+#: src/x_window.c:1104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Discarding page [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?Ñ?веÑ?жение Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? [%s]\n"
-#: src/x_window.c:1109
+#: src/x_window.c:1104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Closing [%s]\n"
 msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ие [%s]\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Found a version [%s%s] gschemrc file:\n"
+#~ "[%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ð?айдена веÑ?Ñ?иÑ? [%s%s] Ñ?айла gschemrc:\n"
+#~ "[%s]\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While gschem is in ALPHA, please be sure that you have the latest rc "
+#~ "file.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "gschem наÑ?одиÑ?Ñ?Ñ? в Ñ?Ñ?адии ALPHA, пÑ?овеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?е налиÑ?ие поÑ?ледней веÑ?Ñ?ии rc-"
+#~ "Ñ?айла.\n"
+#~ msgid "Invalid mode [%s] passed to scrollbar-update\n"
+#~ msgstr "Ð?евеÑ?нÑ?й Ñ?ежим [%s] пÑ?и обÑ?абоÑ?ке scrollbar-update\n"
+#~ msgid "Duplicate stroke definition passed to stroke! [%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?блиÑ?ование опÑ?еделениÑ? stroke пÑ?и обÑ?абоÑ?ке stroke! [%s]\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A stroke keyword has been found in an rc file, but gschem\n"
+#~ "is not compiled to support strokes, please recompile gschem\n"
+#~ "with LibStroke\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ð?лÑ?Ñ?евое Ñ?лово stroke-Ñ?ипа найдено в rc-Ñ?айле, но gschem\n"
+#~ "Ñ?компилиÑ?ован без поддеÑ?жки stroke-Ñ?ипов, Ñ?Ñ?ебÑ?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ? пеÑ?екомпилÑ?Ñ?иÑ? "
+#~ "gschem\n"
+#~ "Ñ? библиоÑ?екой LibStroke\n"
+#~ msgid "selected a nonexistant object!\n"
+#~ msgstr "вÑ?бÑ?ан неÑ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ий обÑ?екÑ?!\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not unembedded component, could not find appropriate .sym file\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ð?евозможно иÑ?клÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? компоненÑ?, невозможно найÑ?и Ñ?ооÑ?веÑ?Ñ?Ñ?вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ий .sym-"
+#~ "Ñ?айл\n"
+#~ msgid "Component still embedded and not updated\n"
+#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ? вÑ?Ñ? еÑ?Ñ? внедÑ?ен и не обновлÑ?н\n"
+#~ msgid "More than one component found with name [%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr "Ð?айдено более одного компоненÑ?а Ñ? именем [%s]\n"
 #~ msgid "Write PNG..."
 #~ msgstr "Ð?апиÑ?аÑ?Ñ? PNG..."
@@ -2533,9 +2557,6 @@ msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ие [%s]\n"
 #~ msgid "Directories"
 #~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?алоги"
-#~ msgid "Libraries"
-#~ msgstr "Ð?иблиоÑ?еки"
 #~ msgid "Files"
 #~ msgstr "ФайлÑ?"
diff --git a/gschem/src/rcstrings.c b/gschem/src/rcstrings.c
index d03f855..d797c2b 100644
--- a/gschem/src/rcstrings.c
+++ b/gschem/src/rcstrings.c
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ _("Show Coord Window...")
-_("gEDA Wiki")
+_("gEDA Documentation")
+_("gschem FAQ")
 _("Component Documentation")
 _("About gschem")

commit 0484a4d7c925af33d18f5d9bfdeca240b735a9bb
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Jul 5 00:18:27 2007 -0400

    Oops, incorrectly specified libgeda's shared library version.
    The format for this version is X:Y:Z and for the most part the major
    number just increments every release if there aren't any changes to
    any interfaces.  For detailed information on how to change this number

diff --git a/libgeda/configure.ac b/libgeda/configure.ac
index d02ea3b..25e8e50 100644
--- a/libgeda/configure.ac
+++ b/libgeda/configure.ac
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ AC_PREREQ(2.54)
 echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
 # Init automake

commit 099c49e5689afda4b8a5221dde73f9fdf1972ce7
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Jul 5 00:11:45 2007 -0400

    Updated all version strings to 1.1.0 and 20070705

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 63a99e3..94625b0 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 # can be accomplished by running ./update-versions.sh with the correct
 # arguments.
 # Use this when you are building the repository version
diff --git a/docs/configure.ac b/docs/configure.ac
index 0f149d6..452f50f 100644
--- a/docs/configure.ac
+++ b/docs/configure.ac
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ AC_INIT
 echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
diff --git a/examples/configure.ac b/examples/configure.ac
index a79fa70..0e5220c 100644
--- a/examples/configure.ac
+++ b/examples/configure.ac
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([gTAG/gTAG.sch])
 echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
 # Initialize automake 
diff --git a/gattrib/configure.ac b/gattrib/configure.ac
index a4e1e6c..1a4f80b 100644
--- a/gattrib/configure.ac
+++ b/gattrib/configure.ac
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/gattrib.c])
 echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
 # Initialize automake
diff --git a/gnetlist/configure.ac b/gnetlist/configure.ac
index 44a1cf7..3290bd5 100644
--- a/gnetlist/configure.ac
+++ b/gnetlist/configure.ac
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/gnetlist.c])
 echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
 # Initialize automake 
diff --git a/gschem/configure.ac.in b/gschem/configure.ac.in
index 2e2233b..12e73f9 100644
--- a/gschem/configure.ac.in
+++ b/gschem/configure.ac.in
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/gschem.c])
 echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
 # Initialize automake 
diff --git a/gsymcheck/configure.ac b/gsymcheck/configure.ac
index 94b22a1..b32f342 100644
--- a/gsymcheck/configure.ac
+++ b/gsymcheck/configure.ac
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/gsymcheck.c])
 echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
 # Initialize automake 
diff --git a/libgeda/configure.ac b/libgeda/configure.ac
index 9e668d0..d02ea3b 100644
--- a/libgeda/configure.ac
+++ b/libgeda/configure.ac
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([include/libgeda.h])
 echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
 # Init automake
diff --git a/symbols/configure.ac b/symbols/configure.ac
index 2fc558d..486c6c8 100644
--- a/symbols/configure.ac
+++ b/symbols/configure.ac
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([74/7400-1.sym])
 echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
 # Initialize automake stuff
diff --git a/utils/configure.ac b/utils/configure.ac
index a57b6af..d0ca0ce 100644
--- a/utils/configure.ac
+++ b/utils/configure.ac
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/gmk_sym.c])
 echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
 # Initialize automake 

commit 87731dda219b0986fed0d1a7789e17678dd79d8c
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Jul 4 23:55:07 2007 -0400

    Removed AM_MAINTAINER_MODE from all configure.ac[.in] files.
    Maintainer mode is no longer needed or desired now that we are no longer
    using CVS.  Hopefully this will prevent some of the odd problems that were
    observed during the last release when the Makefile's didn't get auto

diff --git a/gattrib/configure.ac b/gattrib/configure.ac
index d87d9f8..a4e1e6c 100644
--- a/gattrib/configure.ac
+++ b/gattrib/configure.ac
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@ echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
-# Initialize maintainer mode
 # Create option to debug
 [ --enable-debug  Sets the DEBUG flag which causes lots of debug spew to be generated],
diff --git a/gnetlist/configure.ac b/gnetlist/configure.ac
index d326ac2..44a1cf7 100644
--- a/gnetlist/configure.ac
+++ b/gnetlist/configure.ac
@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
-# Initialize maintainer mode
 # Command line flags start
diff --git a/gschem/configure.ac.in b/gschem/configure.ac.in
index e61b5d0..2e2233b 100644
--- a/gschem/configure.ac.in
+++ b/gschem/configure.ac.in
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@ echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
-# Initialize maintainer mode
 # Call this to make autoconf and friends happy
diff --git a/gsymcheck/configure.ac b/gsymcheck/configure.ac
index 14f46b3..94b22a1 100644
--- a/gsymcheck/configure.ac
+++ b/gsymcheck/configure.ac
@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
-# Initialize maintainer mode
 # Command line flags start
diff --git a/libgeda/configure.ac b/libgeda/configure.ac
index 149d840..9e668d0 100644
--- a/libgeda/configure.ac
+++ b/libgeda/configure.ac
@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@ AM_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h])
 # Init libtool
-# Init maintainer mode
 # Command line flags start
diff --git a/symbols/configure.ac b/symbols/configure.ac
index c149ff5..2fc558d 100644
--- a/symbols/configure.ac
+++ b/symbols/configure.ac
@@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
 # Initialize automake stuff
-# Init maintainer mode
 # Command line flags start
diff --git a/utils/configure.ac b/utils/configure.ac
index efdf2c2..a57b6af 100644
--- a/utils/configure.ac
+++ b/utils/configure.ac
@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
-# Initialize maintainer mode
 # Command line flags start

commit e4e105b3309dcbc0b598318e1b24591dec39422a
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Jul 4 23:52:58 2007 -0400

    Provided an alternative implementation to glib 2.12.x only function

diff --git a/libgeda/src/s_clib.c b/libgeda/src/s_clib.c
index 14b486e..33add0d 100644
--- a/libgeda/src/s_clib.c
+++ b/libgeda/src/s_clib.c
@@ -1180,6 +1180,16 @@ GList *s_clib_search (const gchar *pattern, const CLibSearchMode mode)
+#if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,12,0)
+/*! \brief g_hash_table_foreach_remove foreach function
+ */
+static gboolean remove_entry(gpointer key, gpointer val, gpointer data)
+   return TRUE;
 /*! \brief Flush the symbol name lookup cache.
  *  \par Function Description
  *  Clears the hashtable which caches the results of s_clib_search().
@@ -1188,7 +1198,11 @@ GList *s_clib_search (const gchar *pattern, const CLibSearchMode mode)
 void s_clib_flush_cache ()
-  g_hash_table_remove_all (clib_cache);
+  g_hash_table_remove_all (clib_cache);  /* Introduced in glib 2.12 */
+  g_hash_table_foreach_remove(clib_cache, remove_entry, NULL);
 /*! \brief Get symbol structure for a given symbol name.

commit dc7b8c53f4bc94626634887e46167a367a91f707
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Jul 4 23:32:15 2007 -0400

    Changed gEDA/gaf's version mechanism to use new dotted X.Y.Z convention
    Added DOTTED_VERSION and DATE_VERSION variables to all configure.ac[.in]
    files.  Changed all version related output to be DOTTED_VERSION.DATE_VERSION.
    Updated the configure.ac[.in] files to have consistent top sections.
    Updated code and various scheme files to use the new DOTTED_VERSION
    and DATE_VERSION variables available via config.h.  Stopped using
    PREPEND_VERSION_STRING as the mechanism for doing the dotted versions
    (not intended for that use).  Updated update-versions.sh script to set the
    version in all the configure.ac[.in] files and the toplevel Makefile.
    Went through all the g_rc.c files and make the handling of rc file
    mismatch handling consistent.

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index a437878..63a99e3 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -3,12 +3,17 @@
-# Change this to the real version of the distribution
+# These variables hold the the master version of gEDA/gaf.
+# Change this to the real version of the distribution.   However
+# you still need to update all the configure.ac[.in] scripts; this
+# can be accomplished by running ./update-versions.sh with the correct
+# arguments.
-# Use this when you are building the CVS version
+# Use this when you are building the repository version
@@ -16,7 +21,7 @@ DIR_PREFIX=
 # Use this when you are building the Released version (comment out above)
diff --git a/docs/configure.ac b/docs/configure.ac
index 7a13a73..0f149d6 100644
--- a/docs/configure.ac
+++ b/docs/configure.ac
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
 # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
-echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $VERSION
+echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
 # Init automake
 # Check for programs.
@@ -39,6 +42,8 @@ expandgedadocdir=`echo $gedadocdir`
@@ -83,7 +88,7 @@ AC_OUTPUT
 expandedGEDADOCDIR=`eval "echo $GEDADOCDIR"`
-** Configuration summary for $PACKAGE $VERSION:
+** Configuration summary for $PACKAGE $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION:
    documentation directory:          $expandedGEDADOCDIR
diff --git a/examples/configure.ac b/examples/configure.ac
index 1f702ed..a79fa70 100644
--- a/examples/configure.ac
+++ b/examples/configure.ac
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
 # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
-echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $VERSION
+echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
 # Initialize automake 
 # Expand the prefix variable
@@ -26,6 +29,8 @@ expandgedadocdir=`echo $gedadocdir`
@@ -42,6 +47,6 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([
-** Configuration complete for $PACKAGE $VERSION
+** Configuration complete for $PACKAGE $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
diff --git a/gattrib/configure.ac b/gattrib/configure.ac
index 9d56cd5..d87d9f8 100644
--- a/gattrib/configure.ac
+++ b/gattrib/configure.ac
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
-dr Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
+# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
-echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $VERSION
+echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
-# Initialize automake -- use base gEDA version here
+# Initialize automake
 # Initialize maintainer mode
@@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ AM_CONDITIONAL(GTK24_SOURCE, test "$GLIB24" = "yes")
 # Check for libgeda start
 if test "$LIBGEDA" = "yes" 
@@ -311,7 +312,9 @@ expandgedadatadir=`echo $gedatopdir`
 # this has to be expanded ( no ${prefix} ) --
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GEDADATADIR, "$gedatopdir", [gEDA/gaf's data directory])
-AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(VERSION, "$VERSION", [Currently running version of gEDA/gaf])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DATE_VERSION, "$DATE_VERSION", [Currently running date version of gEDA/gaf])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DOTTED_VERSION, "$DOTTED_VERSION", [Currently running dotted version of gEDA/gaf])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE, "$PACKAGE", [Name of this program's package])
 # gEDA/gaf specify things which need to setup
 # Makefile.in variable substitution
@@ -345,9 +350,8 @@ expandedGEDADATADIR=`eval "echo $GEDADATADIR"`
 expandedGEDARCDIR=`eval "echo $GEDARCDIR"`
-***** Configuration summary for $PACKAGE VERSION *****
+***** Configuration summary for $PACKAGE $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION *****
-== base gEDA version:                $VERSION
 == libgeda library version:          $LIBGEDA_VERSION
 == data directory:                   $expandedGEDADATADIR
 == rc directory:                     $expandedGEDARCDIR
diff --git a/gattrib/lib/system-gattribrc.in b/gattrib/lib/system-gattribrc.in
index b78a62d..852af6a 100644
--- a/gattrib/lib/system-gattribrc.in
+++ b/gattrib/lib/system-gattribrc.in
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 ; that the rc file is compatible with the version of gschem that is 
 ; being run. The end user should *not* change this value.
-(gattrib-version "@VERSION@")
+(gattrib-version "@DATE_VERSION@")
 ; Setup data path variables.
diff --git a/gattrib/src/g_rc.c b/gattrib/src/g_rc.c
index 95c9728..b8a5a57 100644
--- a/gattrib/src/g_rc.c
+++ b/gattrib/src/g_rc.c
@@ -68,15 +68,15 @@ SCM g_rc_gattrib_version(SCM version)
   SCM_ASSERT (scm_is_string (version), version,
 	      SCM_ARG1, "gattrib-version");
-  if (g_strcasecmp (SCM_STRING_CHARS (version), VERSION) != 0) {
+  if (g_strcasecmp (SCM_STRING_CHARS (version), DATE_VERSION) != 0) {
-	    "You are running gEDA version [%s%s],\n", PREPEND_VERSION_STRING,
-            VERSION);
+            "You are running gEDA/gaf version [%s%s.%s],\n",
-	    "but you have a version [%s] gattribrc file:\n[%s]\n",
-	    SCM_STRING_CHARS (version), rc_filename);
+            "but you have a version [%s] gattribrc file:\n[%s]\n",
+            SCM_STRING_CHARS (version), rc_filename);
-	    "Please run a version of gattrib compatible with your gEDA installation.\n");
+            "Please be sure that you have the latest rc file.\n");
     return SCM_BOOL_F;
diff --git a/gattrib/src/gattrib.c b/gattrib/src/gattrib.c
index 2e95db4..9d295d0 100644
--- a/gattrib/src/gattrib.c
+++ b/gattrib/src/gattrib.c
@@ -152,7 +152,8 @@ void gattrib_main(void *closure, int argc, char *argv[])
   g_free (logfile);
-    ("gEDA/gattrib version %s%s\n", PREPEND_VERSION_STRING, VERSION);
+    ("gEDA/gattrib version %s%s.%s\n", PREPEND_VERSION_STRING, 
     ("gEDA/gattrib comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.\n");
@@ -164,7 +165,8 @@ void gattrib_main(void *closure, int argc, char *argv[])
-	    "gEDA/gattrib version %s%s\n", PREPEND_VERSION_STRING, VERSION);
+	    "gEDA/gattrib version %s%s.%s\n", PREPEND_VERSION_STRING, 
 	    "gEDA/gattrib comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.\n");
diff --git a/gattrib/src/x_dialog.c b/gattrib/src/x_dialog.c
index 67ad1b6..204e27e 100644
--- a/gattrib/src/x_dialog.c
+++ b/gattrib/src/x_dialog.c
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ void x_dialog_about_dialog()
   GtkWidget *dialog;
   const char *string = "gEDA : GPL Electronic Design Automation\n\n"
                        "This is gattrib -- gEDA's attribute editor\n\n"
-                       "Gattrib version: %s%s\n\n"
+                       "Gattrib version: %s%s.%s\n\n"
                        "Gattrib is written by: Stuart Brorson (sdb@xxxxxxxxxx)\n"
                        "with generous helpings of code from gschem, gnetlist, \n"
                        "and gtkextra, as well as support from the gEDA community.";
@@ -347,9 +347,10 @@ void x_dialog_about_dialog()
   /* Create the dialog */
   dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (NULL, GTK_DIALOG_MODAL,
-                                  GTK_MESSAGE_INFO,
-                                  GTK_BUTTONS_OK,
-                                  string, PREPEND_VERSION_STRING, VERSION);
+                                   GTK_MESSAGE_INFO,
+                                   GTK_BUTTONS_OK,
+                                   string, PREPEND_VERSION_STRING, 
+                                   DOTTED_VERSION, DATE_VERSION);
   gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), "About...");
diff --git a/gnetlist/configure.ac b/gnetlist/configure.ac
index af1b0c8..d326ac2 100644
--- a/gnetlist/configure.ac
+++ b/gnetlist/configure.ac
@@ -4,11 +4,12 @@ AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/gnetlist.c])
-echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $VERSION
+echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
 # Initialize automake 
 # Initialize maintainer mode
@@ -202,7 +203,7 @@ fi
 # Check for libgeda start
 if test "$LIBGEDA" = "yes" 
@@ -351,7 +352,9 @@ AC_SUBST(GEDADOCDIR)
 # this has to be expanded ( no ${prefix} ) --
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GEDADATADIR, "$gedatopdir", [gEDA/gaf's data directory])
-AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(VERSION, "$VERSION", [Currently running version of gEDA/gaf])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DATE_VERSION, "$DATE_VERSION", [Currently running date version of gEDA/gaf])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DOTTED_VERSION, "$DOTTED_VERSION", [Currently running dotted version of gEDA/gaf])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE, "$PACKAGE", [Name of this program's package])
 # gEDA/gaf specify things which need to setup
 # Makefile.in variable substitution
@@ -407,7 +412,7 @@ expandedGEDADOCDIR=`eval "echo $GEDADOCDIR"`
 expandedPCBM4DIR=`eval "echo $PCBM4DIR"`
-** Configuration summary for $PACKAGE $VERSION:
+** Configuration summary for $PACKAGE $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION:
    GTK+ library version:             $GTK_VERSION
    libgeda library version:          $LIBGEDA_VERSION
diff --git a/gnetlist/lib/system-gnetlistrc.in b/gnetlist/lib/system-gnetlistrc.in
index 96f550d..f92cb40 100644
--- a/gnetlist/lib/system-gnetlistrc.in
+++ b/gnetlist/lib/system-gnetlistrc.in
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 ; that the rc file is compatible with the version of gschem that is 
 ; being run. The end user should *not* change this value.
-(gnetlist-version "@VERSION@")
+(gnetlist-version "@DATE_VERSION@")
 ; Setup data path variables.  
diff --git a/gnetlist/src/g_rc.c b/gnetlist/src/g_rc.c
index d3d1fb3..471ca61 100644
--- a/gnetlist/src/g_rc.c
+++ b/gnetlist/src/g_rc.c
@@ -115,15 +115,19 @@ SCM g_rc_gnetlist_version(SCM version)
   SCM_ASSERT (scm_is_string (version), version,
               SCM_ARG1, "gnetlist-version");
-  if (strcmp (SCM_STRING_CHARS (version), VERSION) != 0) {
+  if (strcmp (SCM_STRING_CHARS (version), DATE_VERSION) != 0) {
-            "Found a version [%s] gnetlist file:\n[%s]\n",
-            SCM_STRING_CHARS (version), rc_filename);
+	    "You are running gEDA/gaf version [%s%s.%s],\n", 
-            "While gnetlist is in ALPHA, please be sure that you have the latest rc file.\n");
+	    "but you have a version [%s] gnetlistrc file:\n[%s]\n",
+	    SCM_STRING_CHARS (version), rc_filename);
+    fprintf(stderr,
+	    "Please be sure that you have the latest rc file.\n");
+    return SCM_BOOL_F;
-  return scm_from_int (0);
+  return SCM_BOOL_T;
diff --git a/gnetlist/src/gnetlist.c b/gnetlist/src/gnetlist.c
index abdd10b..77fc97a 100644
--- a/gnetlist/src/gnetlist.c
+++ b/gnetlist/src/gnetlist.c
@@ -155,7 +155,8 @@ void main_prog(void *closure, int argc, char *argv[])
     s_log_init (logfile);
     g_free (logfile);
-    s_log_message("gEDA/gnetlist version %s%s\n", PREPEND_VERSION_STRING, VERSION);
+    s_log_message("gEDA/gnetlist version %s%s.%s\n", PREPEND_VERSION_STRING, 
+                  DOTTED_VERSION, DATE_VERSION);
 	("gEDA/gnetlist comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.\n");
@@ -164,7 +165,8 @@ void main_prog(void *closure, int argc, char *argv[])
 	("conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.\n\n");
     if (!quiet_mode) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "gEDA/gnetlist version %s%s\n", PREPEND_VERSION_STRING, VERSION);
+	fprintf(stderr, "gEDA/gnetlist version %s%s.%s\n", 
 		"gEDA/gnetlist comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.\n");
diff --git a/gschem/configure.ac.in b/gschem/configure.ac.in
index 8cb5fc4..e61b5d0 100644
--- a/gschem/configure.ac.in
+++ b/gschem/configure.ac.in
@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
-# $Id$
 # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
-echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $VERSION
+echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
 # Initialize automake 
 # Initialize maintainer mode
@@ -228,7 +227,7 @@ fi
 # Check for libgeda start
 if test "$LIBGEDA" = "yes" 
@@ -473,7 +472,9 @@ AC_SUBST(GEDADOCDIR)
 # this has to be expanded ( no ${prefix} ) --
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GEDADATADIR, "$gedatopdir", [gEDA/gaf's data directory])
-AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(VERSION, "$VERSION", [Currently running version of gEDA/gaf])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DATE_VERSION, "$DATE_VERSION", [Currently running date version of gEDA/gaf])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DOTTED_VERSION, "$DOTTED_VERSION", [Currently running dotted version of gEDA/gaf])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE, "$PACKAGE", [Name of this program's package])
 # gEDA/gaf specify things which need to setup
 # Makefile.in variable substitution
@@ -522,7 +525,7 @@ expandedGEDARCDIR=`eval "echo $GEDARCDIR"`
 expandedGEDADOCDIR=`eval "echo $GEDADOCDIR"`
-** Configuration summary for $PACKAGE $VERSION:
+** Configuration summary for $PACKAGE $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION:
    GTK+ library version:             $GTK_VERSION
    GUILE library version:            $GUILE_VERSION
diff --git a/gschem/lib/system-gschemrc.in b/gschem/lib/system-gschemrc.in
index 2098a24..0fb6132 100644
--- a/gschem/lib/system-gschemrc.in
+++ b/gschem/lib/system-gschemrc.in
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 ; that the rc file is compatible with the version of gschem that is 
 ; being run. The end user should *not* change this value.
-(gschem-version "@VERSION@")
+(gschem-version "@DATE_VERSION@")
 ; Start of color section 
diff --git a/gschem/src/g_rc.c b/gschem/src/g_rc.c
index 63c98dd..9c30e89 100644
--- a/gschem/src/g_rc.c
+++ b/gschem/src/g_rc.c
@@ -102,14 +102,15 @@ SCM g_rc_gschem_version(SCM version)
   SCM_ASSERT (scm_is_string (version), version,
               SCM_ARG1, "gschem-version");
-  if (g_strcasecmp (SCM_STRING_CHARS (version), VERSION) != 0) {
+  if (g_strcasecmp (SCM_STRING_CHARS (version), DATE_VERSION) != 0) {
-            _("Found a version [%s%s] gschemrc file:\n[%s]\n"),
-            rc_filename);
+            "You are running gEDA/gaf version [%s%s.%s],\n",
-            _("While gschem is in ALPHA, "
-            "please be sure that you have the latest rc file.\n"));
+            "but you have a version [%s] gschemrc file:\n[%s]\n",
+            SCM_STRING_CHARS (version), rc_filename);
+    fprintf(stderr,
+            "Please be sure that you have the latest rc file.\n");
     ret = SCM_BOOL_F;
   } else {
     ret = SCM_BOOL_T;
diff --git a/gschem/src/gschem.c b/gschem/src/gschem.c
index e109eba..015b3f8 100644
--- a/gschem/src/gschem.c
+++ b/gschem/src/gschem.c
@@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ void main_prog(void *closure, int argc, char *argv[])
-                _("gEDA/gschem version %s%s\n"), PREPEND_VERSION_STRING,
-                VERSION);
+                _("gEDA/gschem version %s%s.%s\n"), PREPEND_VERSION_STRING,
                 _("gEDA/gschem comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.\n"));
@@ -199,7 +199,8 @@ void main_prog(void *closure, int argc, char *argv[])
   if (!quiet_mode) {
-            _("gEDA/gschem version %s%s\n"), PREPEND_VERSION_STRING, VERSION);
+            _("gEDA/gschem version %s%s.%s\n"), PREPEND_VERSION_STRING, 
             _("gEDA/gschem comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.\n"));
diff --git a/gschem/src/x_dialog.c b/gschem/src/x_dialog.c
index ed0ed50..44bf763 100644
--- a/gschem/src/x_dialog.c
+++ b/gschem/src/x_dialog.c
@@ -2032,8 +2032,9 @@ void about_dialog (TOPLEVEL *w_current)
     gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL(label), TRUE);
     gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), label, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
-    string = g_strdup_printf(_("<b>gschem version %s%s</b>"),
-                             PREPEND_VERSION_STRING, VERSION);
+    string = g_strdup_printf(_("<b>gschem version %s%s.%s</b>"),
+                             PREPEND_VERSION_STRING, DOTTED_VERSION,
+                             DATE_VERSION);
     label = gtk_label_new (string);
     gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL(label), TRUE);
diff --git a/gsymcheck/configure.ac b/gsymcheck/configure.ac
index 11b8cb1..14f46b3 100644
--- a/gsymcheck/configure.ac
+++ b/gsymcheck/configure.ac
@@ -4,11 +4,12 @@ AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/gsymcheck.c])
-echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $VERSION
+echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
 # Initialize automake 
 # Initialize maintainer mode
@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ fi
 # Check for libgeda start
 if test "$LIBGEDA" = "yes" 
@@ -215,7 +216,9 @@ AC_SUBST(GEDADOCDIR)
 # this has to be expanded ( no ${prefix} ) --
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GEDADATADIR, "$gedatopdir", [gEDA/gaf's data directory])
-AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(VERSION, "$VERSION", [Currently running version of gEDA/gaf])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DATE_VERSION, "$DATE_VERSION", [Currently running date version of gEDA/gaf])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DOTTED_VERSION, "$DOTTED_VERSION", [Currently running dotted version of gEDA/gaf])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE, "$PACKAGE", [Name of this program's package])
 # gEDA/gaf specify things which need to setup
 # Makefile.in variable substitution
@@ -252,7 +257,7 @@ expandedGEDARCDIR=`eval "echo $GEDARCDIR"`
 expandedGEDADOCDIR=`eval "echo $GEDADOCDIR"`
-** Configuration summary for $PACKAGE $VERSION:
+** Configuration summary for $PACKAGE $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION:
    GTK+ library version:             $GTK_VERSION
    libgeda library version:          $LIBGEDA_VERSION
diff --git a/gsymcheck/lib/system-gsymcheckrc.in b/gsymcheck/lib/system-gsymcheckrc.in
index a121e74..d4b78ae 100644
--- a/gsymcheck/lib/system-gsymcheckrc.in
+++ b/gsymcheck/lib/system-gsymcheckrc.in
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 ; that the rc file is compatible with the version of gschem that is 
 ; being run. The end user should *not* change this value.
-(gsymcheck-version "@VERSION@")
+(gsymcheck-version "@DATE_VERSION@")
 ; Setup data path variables.
diff --git a/gsymcheck/src/g_rc.c b/gsymcheck/src/g_rc.c
index c9bee24..0ffc601 100644
--- a/gsymcheck/src/g_rc.c
+++ b/gsymcheck/src/g_rc.c
@@ -115,17 +115,17 @@ SCM g_rc_gsymcheck_version(SCM version)
   SCM_ASSERT (scm_is_string (version), version,
 	      SCM_ARG1, "gsymcheck-version");
-  if (g_strcasecmp (SCM_STRING_CHARS (version), VERSION) != 0) {
+  if (g_strcasecmp (SCM_STRING_CHARS (version), DATE_VERSION) != 0) {
-	    "You are running gEDA version [%s%s],\n", PREPEND_VERSION_STRING,
-            VERSION);
+            "You are running gEDA/gaf version [%s%s.%s],\n",
-	    "but you have a version [%s] gsymcheck file:\n[%s]\n",
-	    SCM_STRING_CHARS (version), rc_filename);
+            "but you have a version [%s] gsymcheckrc file:\n[%s]\n",
+            SCM_STRING_CHARS (version), rc_filename);
-	    "While gsymcheck is in ALPHA, "
-	    "please be sure that you have the latest rc file.\n");
+            "Please be sure that you have the latest rc file.\n");
     return SCM_BOOL_F;
   return SCM_BOOL_T;
diff --git a/gsymcheck/src/gsymcheck.c b/gsymcheck/src/gsymcheck.c
index 3c3fde7..12601a4 100644
--- a/gsymcheck/src/gsymcheck.c
+++ b/gsymcheck/src/gsymcheck.c
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ main_prog(void *closure, int argc, char *argv[])
   if (!quiet_mode)
-                  "gEDA/gsymcheck version %s%s\n", PREPEND_VERSION_STRING,
-                  VERSION);
+                  "gEDA/gsymcheck version %s%s.%s\n", PREPEND_VERSION_STRING,
+                  DOTTED_VERSION, DATE_VERSION);
                   "gEDA/symcheck comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.\n");
diff --git a/libgeda/configure.ac b/libgeda/configure.ac
index 498edc6..149d840 100644
--- a/libgeda/configure.ac
+++ b/libgeda/configure.ac
@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
-# $Id$
 # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
-echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $VERSION
+echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
 # Init automake
 # Init libtool
@@ -388,7 +387,9 @@ expandgedadatadir=`echo $gedatopdir`
 # this has to be expanded ( no ${prefix} ) --
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GEDADATADIR, "$gedatopdir", [gEDA/gaf's data directory])
-AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(VERSION, "$VERSION", [Currently running version of gEDA/gaf])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DATE_VERSION, "$DATE_VERSION", [Currently running date version of gEDA/gaf])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DOTTED_VERSION, "$DOTTED_VERSION", [Currently running dotted version of gEDA/gaf])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE, "$PACKAGE", [Name of this program's package])
 # gEDA/gaf specify things which need to setup
 # Makefile.in variable substitution
@@ -429,7 +431,7 @@ expandedGEDADATADIR=`eval "echo $GEDADATADIR"`
 expandedGEDARCDIR=`eval "echo $GEDARCDIR"`
-** Configuration summary for $PACKAGE $VERSION:
+** Configuration summary for $PACKAGE $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
    GLIB library version:             $GLIB_VERSION
    GTK+ library version:             $GTK_VERSION
diff --git a/libgeda/include/defines.h b/libgeda/include/defines.h
index c42f613..e521bc4 100644
--- a/libgeda/include/defines.h
+++ b/libgeda/include/defines.h
@@ -35,13 +35,11 @@
 /* Set this string to something interesting to create a custom */
 /* version of gEDA/gaf.  This string is prepended to all messages that */
-/* output the program's VERSION.  You would set this if you are creating a */
-/* specific custom version of gEDA/gaf.  This string is also used to */
-/* distinguish between stable and development versions of gEDA/gaf. */
-/* For example, if you set this string  to "1.0-", the resulting output is: */
-/* 1.0-20060906. */
+/* output the program's version output.  You would set this if you are */
+/* creating a specific custom version of gEDA/gaf.  */
+/* For example, if you set this string to "FIX-", the resulting output is:  */
+/* FIX- */
 /* for color mechanism used in gschem */
 #define MAX_COLORS 25
diff --git a/libgeda/libgeda.pc.in b/libgeda/libgeda.pc.in
index 92b6f3a..4626651 100644
--- a/libgeda/libgeda.pc.in
+++ b/libgeda/libgeda.pc.in
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ includedir=@includedir@
 Name: libgeda
 Description: gEDA/gaf's core library 
-Version: @VERSION@
+Version: @DATE_VERSION@
 Libs: -L${libdir} -lgeda @LIBGEDA_LDFLAGS@ 
 Cflags: -I${includedir} @LIBGEDA_CFLAGS@
diff --git a/libgeda/src/a_basic.c b/libgeda/src/a_basic.c
index 9bda5b9..af8c46f 100644
--- a/libgeda/src/a_basic.c
+++ b/libgeda/src/a_basic.c
@@ -151,14 +151,14 @@ void o_save_embedded(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *object_list, FILE *fp)
 /*! \brief Write libgeda file header
  *  \par Function Description
- *  This function simply prints the VERSION and FILEFORMAT_VERSION
+ *  This function simply prints the DATE_VERSION and FILEFORMAT_VERSION
  *  definitions to the file.
  *  \param [in] fp  The file to write the header to.
 void o_save_write_header(FILE *fp)
-  fprintf(fp, "v %s %u\n", VERSION, FILEFORMAT_VERSION);
+  fprintf(fp, "v %s %u\n", DATE_VERSION, FILEFORMAT_VERSION);
 /*! \brief Save a file
diff --git a/libgeda/src/f_print.c b/libgeda/src/f_print.c
index 087fbc1..7c6e061 100644
--- a/libgeda/src/f_print.c
+++ b/libgeda/src/f_print.c
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ int f_print_header(TOPLEVEL *w_current, FILE *fp,
 	  "%%%%Pages: 1\n"
diff --git a/symbols/configure.ac b/symbols/configure.ac
index 3101c2d..c149ff5 100644
--- a/symbols/configure.ac
+++ b/symbols/configure.ac
@@ -4,11 +4,12 @@ AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([74/7400-1.sym])
-echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $VERSION
+echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
 # Initialize automake stuff
 # Init maintainer mode
@@ -174,7 +175,8 @@ GEDADOCDIR=$expandgedadocdir
 # gEDA/gaf specify setup end
@@ -240,7 +242,7 @@ expandedGEDARCDIR=`eval "echo $GEDARCDIR"`
 expandedGEDADOCDIR=`eval "echo $GEDADOCDIR"`
-** Configuration summary for $PACKAGE $VERSION:
+** Configuration summary for $PACKAGE $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION: 
    data directory:                   $expandedGEDADATADIR
    rc directory:                     $expandedGEDARCDIR
diff --git a/update-versions.sh b/update-versions.sh
index 21ffa51..45aa63e 100755
--- a/update-versions.sh
+++ b/update-versions.sh
@@ -35,30 +35,28 @@ then
-old_dottedversion=`cat libgeda/include/defines.h | \
-	grep "#define PREPEND_VERSION_STRING" | awk '{print $3}'`
+old_dottedversion=`grep ^DOTTED_VERSION= Makefile | \
+	awk -F= '{print $2}'`
-old_date=`grep ^VERSION= libgeda/configure.ac | \
+old_date=`grep ^DATE_VERSION= Makefile | \
 	awk -F= '{print $2}'`
 old_sharedlibversion=`grep ^SHARED_LIBRARY_VERSION libgeda/configure.ac | \
 	awk -F= '{print $2}'`
-# Update dotted version
-echo Updating $old_dottedversion to \"$new_dottedversion-\" in $libgeda_defines
-mv -f $libgeda_defines $libgeda_defines.orig 
-cat $libgeda_defines.orig | sed "s/#define PREPEND_VERSION_STRING $old_dottedversion/#define PREPEND_VERSION_STRING \"$new_dottedversion-\"/" > $libgeda_defines
-rm -f $libgeda_defines.orig 
+echo Existing version info: $old_dottedversion $old_date $old_sharedlibversion
+echo ""
-# Update dates 
-date_files="docs/configure.ac examples/configure.ac gattrib/configure.ac gnetlist/configure.ac gsymcheck/configure.ac libgeda/configure.ac symbols/configure.ac utils/configure.ac gschem/configure.ac.in"
+# Update dates and dotted version in the configure scripts
+tbd_files="docs/configure.ac examples/configure.ac gattrib/configure.ac gnetlist/configure.ac gsymcheck/configure.ac libgeda/configure.ac symbols/configure.ac utils/configure.ac gschem/configure.ac.in Makefile"
-for i in $date_files
+for i in $tbd_files
-	echo Updating $old_date to $new_date in $i
+	echo Updating $old_date / $old_dottedversion to $new_date / $new_dottedversion in $i
 	mv -f $i $i.orig
-	cat $i.orig | sed "s/^VERSION=$old_date/VERSION=$new_date/" > $i
+	cat $i.orig | \
+	    sed "s/^DATE_VERSION=$old_date/DATE_VERSION=$new_date/" | \
+	    sed "s/^DOTTED_VERSION=$old_dottedversion/DOTTED_VERSION=$new_dottedversion/" > $i
 	rm -f $i.orig
@@ -70,3 +68,12 @@ cat $libgeda_conf.orig2 | \
 	sed "s/^SHARED_LIBRARY_VERSION=$old_sharedlibversion/SHARED_LIBRARY_VERSION=$new_sharedlibversion/" > $libgeda_conf
 rm -f $libgeda_conf.orig2
+echo ""
+# Verification step needed here.
+for i in $tbd_files
+	echo Verify $i
+	grep ^DOTTED_VERSION= $i
+	grep ^DATE_VERSION= $i
diff --git a/utils/configure.ac b/utils/configure.ac
index cb7e99b..efdf2c2 100644
--- a/utils/configure.ac
+++ b/utils/configure.ac
@@ -4,11 +4,12 @@ AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/gmk_sym.c])
-echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $VERSION
+echo Configuring $PACKAGE version $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION
 # Initialize automake 
 # Initialize maintainer mode
@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ AC_CHECK_LIB(dl, dlopen, DL_LIB="-ldl", DL_LIB="")
 # Check for libgeda start
 if test "$LIBGEDA" = "yes" 
@@ -375,7 +376,9 @@ GEDADOCDIR=$expandgedadocdir
 # this has to be expanded ( no ${prefix} ) --
 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GEDADATADIR, "$gedatopdir", [gEDA/gaf's data directory])
-AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(VERSION, "$VERSION", [Currently running version of gEDA/gaf])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DATE_VERSION, "$DATE_VERSION", [Currently running date version of gEDA/gaf])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DOTTED_VERSION, "$DOTTED_VERSION", [Currently running dotted version of gEDA/gaf])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE, "$PACKAGE", [Name of this program's package])
 # gEDA/gaf specify things which need to setup
@@ -390,6 +393,8 @@ GRENUM_CFLAGS="$LIBGEDA_CFLAGS"
 # Makefile.in variable substitution
@@ -432,7 +437,7 @@ expandedGEDADOCDIR=`eval "echo $GEDADOCDIR"`
 expandedPCBLIBPATH=`eval "echo $PCBLIBPATH"`
-** Configuration summary for $PACKAGE $VERSION:
+** Configuration summary for $PACKAGE $DOTTED_VERSION.$DATE_VERSION:
    GTK+ library version:             $GTK_VERSION
    GLIB library version:             $GLIB_VERSION
diff --git a/utils/gschlas/g_rc.c b/utils/gschlas/g_rc.c
index cec9313..a11a10a 100644
--- a/utils/gschlas/g_rc.c
+++ b/utils/gschlas/g_rc.c
@@ -115,13 +115,16 @@ SCM g_rc_gschlas_version(SCM version)
 		SCM_ARG1, "gschlas-version");
-    if (g_strcasecmp (SCM_STRING_CHARS (version), VERSION) != 0) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Found a version [%s%s] gschlas file:\n[%s]\n",
-                rc_filename ? rc_filename : "unknown");
-	fprintf(stderr,
-		"While gschlas is in ALPHA, please be sure that you have the latest rc file.\n");
-	return SCM_BOOL_F;
+    if (g_strcasecmp (SCM_STRING_CHARS (version), DATE_VERSION) != 0) {
+      fprintf(stderr,
+              "You are running gEDA/gaf version [%s%s.%s],\n",
+      fprintf(stderr,
+              "but you have a version [%s] gschlasrc file:\n[%s]\n",
+              SCM_STRING_CHARS (version), rc_filename);
+      fprintf(stderr,
+              "Please be sure that you have the latest rc file.\n");
+      return SCM_BOOL_F;
     return SCM_BOOL_T;
diff --git a/utils/gschlas/gschlas.c b/utils/gschlas/gschlas.c
index c4443c9..11a8b25 100644
--- a/utils/gschlas/gschlas.c
+++ b/utils/gschlas/gschlas.c
@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ main_prog(void *closure, int argc, char *argv[])
   if (!quiet_mode)
-                  "gEDA/gschlas version %s%s\n", PREPEND_VERSION_STRING, VERSION);
+                  "gEDA/gschlas version %s%s.%s\n", PREPEND_VERSION_STRING, 
+                  DOTTED_VERSION, DATE_VERSION);
                   "gEDA/gschlas comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.\n");
diff --git a/utils/lib/system-gschlasrc.in b/utils/lib/system-gschlasrc.in
index b1a2e20..1f26c34 100644
--- a/utils/lib/system-gschlasrc.in
+++ b/utils/lib/system-gschlasrc.in
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 ; that the rc file is compatible with the version of gschem that is 
 ; being run. The end user should *not* change this value.
-(gschlas-version "@VERSION@")
+(gschlas-version "@DATE_VERSION@")
 ; Setup data path variables.
diff --git a/utils/src/grenum.c b/utils/src/grenum.c
index f2401f6..73c888a 100644
--- a/utils/src/grenum.c
+++ b/utils/src/grenum.c
@@ -391,6 +391,7 @@ void printhelp()
 void printver()
 	printf("This is grenum, an advanced refdes renumber utility for gEDA's gschem.\n");
-	printf("Version %s.  gEDA/gaf version %s\n",GRVERSION, VERSION);
+	printf("Version %s.  gEDA/gaf version %s.%s\n",GRVERSION, 
 	printf("Compiled on %s at %s\n",COMP_DATE,COMP_TIME);

commit 5237ea395af0ac1c4cecd18ea2a28291e3d48a90
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Jul 4 23:22:14 2007 -0400

    Updated spice-sdb golden file to pass make check.

diff --git a/gnetlist/tests/spice-sdb/outputs/JD_nomunge_longopt-output.net b/gnetlist/tests/spice-sdb/outputs/JD_nomunge_longopt-output.net
index e1bb285..9c1c1d8 100644
--- a/gnetlist/tests/spice-sdb/outputs/JD_nomunge_longopt-output.net
+++ b/gnetlist/tests/spice-sdb/outputs/JD_nomunge_longopt-output.net
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-* ../../../src/gnetlist -g spice-sdb LVDfoo.sch
+* ../../../src/gnetlist -g spice-sdb --nomunge LVDfoo.sch
 * Spice file generated by gnetlist                      *
 * spice-sdb version 4.28.2007 by SDB --                 *
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ V1 i 0 pulse 3.3 0 1u 10p 10p 1.25u 2.5u
 Cm m 0 20p  
 Rt p m 1k  
 M1 LVH LVH Vdd1 Vdd1 pch  l=3u w=3u m=36
-UX1 i 0 LVH m p Vdd1 0 unknown_LVD
+X1 i 0 LVH m p Vdd1 0 unknown_LVD
 Rlp p Vdd1 1meg  
 Vdd Vdd1 0 DC 3.3V
 Rlm m 0 500k  

commit dbf600e34e2284fe1ec59242d541334bc27d3d49
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Jul 4 16:51:32 2007 -0400

    Implemented the ability to change the color of junctions (code for #1746675).
    The filled circles (at the junction of nets) and filled boxes (at the
    end of unconnected nets) were the same color and it was hard to tell the
    difference from a distance.  This patch addes (junction-color ...) rc
    keyword and allows the user to change the junction color.  The default
    color for the dark color scheme is yellow and the default color for the
    light color scheme is purple.

diff --git a/gschem/include/i_vars.h b/gschem/include/i_vars.h
index 31f4f38..71711cb 100644
--- a/gschem/include/i_vars.h
+++ b/gschem/include/i_vars.h
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ extern int default_override_bus_color;
 extern int default_override_pin_color;
 extern int default_net_endpoint_mode;
 extern int default_net_midpoint_mode;
+extern int default_junction_color;
 extern int default_pin_color;
 extern int default_line_style;
 extern int default_pin_style;
diff --git a/gschem/include/prototype.h b/gschem/include/prototype.h
index efdbe77..5750dae 100644
--- a/gschem/include/prototype.h
+++ b/gschem/include/prototype.h
@@ -200,6 +200,7 @@ SCM g_rc_select_color(SCM index, SCM color, SCM outline_color, SCM ps_color, SCM
 SCM g_rc_boundingbox_color(SCM index, SCM color, SCM outline_color, SCM ps_color, SCM ir, SCM ig, SCM ib);
 SCM g_rc_zoom_box_color(SCM index, SCM color, SCM outline_color, SCM ps_color, SCM ir, SCM ig, SCM ib);
 SCM g_rc_net_endpoint_color(SCM index, SCM color, SCM outline_color, SCM ps_color, SCM ir, SCM ig, SCM ib);
+SCM g_rc_junction_color(SCM index, SCM color, SCM outline_color, SCM ps_color, SCM ir, SCM ig, SCM ib);
 SCM g_rc_logic_bubble_color(SCM index, SCM color, SCM outline_color, SCM ps_color, SCM ir, SCM ig, SCM ib);
 SCM g_rc_lock_color(SCM index, SCM color, SCM outline_color, SCM ps_color, SCM ir, SCM ig, SCM ib);
 SCM g_rc_output_color_background(SCM index, SCM color, SCM outline_color, SCM ps_color, SCM ir, SCM ig, SCM ib);
diff --git a/gschem/lib/gschem-darkbg b/gschem/lib/gschem-darkbg
index d62bb85..84efaac 100644
--- a/gschem/lib/gschem-darkbg
+++ b/gschem/lib/gschem-darkbg
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 ; LOCK_COLOR    	          15
 ; Freestyle colors		  17-20
+; JUNCTION_COLOR                  21
 ; OVERRIDE_NET_COLOR              4
 ; OVERRIDE_PIN_COLOR              1
@@ -227,6 +228,13 @@
 ;(freestyle-color 19 "color_name" "dark_color_name" "0.0 0.0 0.0" 0 0 0)
 ;(freestyle-color 20 "color_name" "dark_color_name" "0.0 0.0 0.0" 0 0 0)
+; junction-color index color_name outline_color ps_color_string 
+;                    int_red int_green int_blue 
+; Set the default junction color.  
+; DO NOT change the value of the index (first number)
+(junction-color 21 "yellow" "yellow3" "1 1 0" 255 255 0)   ; dark background	
 ; End of color related keywords
diff --git a/gschem/lib/gschem-lightbg b/gschem/lib/gschem-lightbg
index 361d2f8..6043cc4 100644
--- a/gschem/lib/gschem-lightbg
+++ b/gschem/lib/gschem-lightbg
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 ; LOCK_COLOR    	          15
 ; Freestyle colors		  17-20
+; JUNCTION_COLOR                  21
 ; OVERRIDE_NET_COLOR              4
 ; OVERRIDE_PIN_COLOR              1
@@ -226,6 +227,14 @@
 ;(freestyle-color 19 "color_name" "dark_color_name" "0.0 0.0 0.0" 0 0 0)
 ;(freestyle-color 20 "color_name" "dark_color_name" "0.0 0.0 0.0" 0 0 0)
+; junction-color index color_name outline_color ps_color_string 
+;                    int_red int_green int_blue 
+; Set the default junction color.  
+; DO NOT change the value of the index (first number)
+(junction-color 21 "purple" "purple3" ".627 .125 .941" 160 32 240) 
+; light background
 ; End of color related keywords
diff --git a/gschem/src/g_rc.c b/gschem/src/g_rc.c
index 427bb5f..63c98dd 100644
--- a/gschem/src/g_rc.c
+++ b/gschem/src/g_rc.c
@@ -252,6 +252,10 @@ DEFINE_G_RC_COLOR(g_rc_net_endpoint_color,
+		  "junction-color",
+		  default_junction_color)
diff --git a/gschem/src/g_register.c b/gschem/src/g_register.c
index c9cad7d..b694dfe 100644
--- a/gschem/src/g_register.c
+++ b/gschem/src/g_register.c
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ static struct gsubr_t gschem_funcs[] = {
   { "select-color",             7, 0, 0, g_rc_select_color },
   { "boundingbox-color",        7, 0, 0, g_rc_boundingbox_color },
   { "net-endpoint-color",       7, 0, 0, g_rc_net_endpoint_color },
+  { "junction-color",           7, 0, 0, g_rc_junction_color },
   { "stroke-color",             7, 0, 0, g_rc_stroke_color },
   { "output-color-background",  7, 0, 0, g_rc_output_color_background },
   { "freestyle-color",          7, 0, 0, g_rc_freestyle_color },
diff --git a/gschem/src/i_vars.c b/gschem/src/i_vars.c
index 29cff01..b75ea8e 100644
--- a/gschem/src/i_vars.c
+++ b/gschem/src/i_vars.c
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ int   default_detachattr_color = DETACHED_ATTRIBUTE_COLOR;
 int   default_net_color = NET_COLOR;
 int   default_bus_color = BUS_COLOR;
 int   default_net_endpoint_color = NET_ENDPOINT_COLOR;
+int   default_junction_color = JUNCTION_COLOR;
 int   default_override_net_color = -1;
 int   default_override_bus_color = -1;
 int   default_override_pin_color = -1;
@@ -174,6 +175,8 @@ void i_vars_set(TOPLEVEL *w_current)
   w_current->net_midpoint_mode  = default_net_midpoint_mode;
   w_current->override_net_color = default_override_net_color;
+  w_current->junction_color = default_junction_color;
   w_current->bus_color          = default_bus_color;
   w_current->bus_style          = default_bus_style;
   w_current->override_bus_color = default_override_bus_color;
diff --git a/gschem/src/o_cue.c b/gschem/src/o_cue.c
index cb624c7..24ae595 100644
--- a/gschem/src/o_cue.c
+++ b/gschem/src/o_cue.c
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ void o_cue_draw_lowlevel_midpoints(TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *object)
   } else {
-                          x_get_color(w_current->net_endpoint_color));
+                          x_get_color(w_current->junction_color));
   cl_current = object->conn_list;
diff --git a/libgeda/include/colors.h b/libgeda/include/colors.h
index f455143..49223b3 100644
--- a/libgeda/include/colors.h
+++ b/libgeda/include/colors.h
@@ -20,10 +20,6 @@
 #ifndef _COLORS_H_INCL
 #define _COLORS_H_INCL
-/* this is a shared file */
-#define BLACK		0
-#define WHITE		1
 #define BACKGROUND_COLOR                0
 #define PIN_COLOR                       1
 #define NET_ENDPOINT_COLOR              2
@@ -41,13 +37,16 @@
 #define STROKE_COLOR                    14
 #define LOCK_COLOR 	                15
 #define OUTPUT_BACKGROUND_COLOR         16     
+#define FREESTYLE1_COLOR         	17     
+#define FREESTYLE2_COLOR         	18     
+#define FREESTYLE3_COLOR         	19     
+#define FREESTYLE4_COLOR         	20     
+#define JUNCTION_COLOR         		21     
 #define OVERRIDE_NET_COLOR              4
 #define OVERRIDE_PIN_COLOR              1
 #define OVERRIDE_BUS_COLOR              10
-#if 1 /* this will be eventually deleted */
 #define BLACK           0
 #define WHITE           1
 #define RED             2
@@ -59,6 +58,5 @@
 /* Internal colors, please don't use these in schematics */
 #define GREY90          8
diff --git a/libgeda/include/struct.h b/libgeda/include/struct.h
index c117110..de47c1e 100644
--- a/libgeda/include/struct.h
+++ b/libgeda/include/struct.h
@@ -641,6 +641,7 @@ struct st_toplevel {
   int bb_color;
   int lock_color;
   int net_endpoint_color;
+  int junction_color;
   int net_color;
   int bus_color;
   int override_net_color;
diff --git a/libgeda/src/s_cue.c b/libgeda/src/s_cue.c
index 6dc400f..a2650cb 100644
--- a/libgeda/src/s_cue.c
+++ b/libgeda/src/s_cue.c
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ void s_cue_postscript_fillcircle(TOPLEVEL * w_current, FILE * fp,
   if (w_current->print_color) {
-    f_print_set_color(fp, w_current->net_endpoint_color);
+    f_print_set_color(fp, w_current->junction_color);
   fprintf(fp, "newpath\n");
diff --git a/libgeda/src/s_toplevel.c b/libgeda/src/s_toplevel.c
index 16cd84a..8acadd7 100644
--- a/libgeda/src/s_toplevel.c
+++ b/libgeda/src/s_toplevel.c
@@ -287,6 +287,7 @@ TOPLEVEL *s_toplevel_new (void)
   toplevel->bb_color           = 0;
   toplevel->lock_color         = 0;
   toplevel->net_endpoint_color = 0;
+  toplevel->junction_color     = 0;
   toplevel->net_color          = 0;
   toplevel->bus_color          = 0;
   toplevel->override_net_color = -1;

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