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gEDA-cvs: pcb.git: branch: master updated (340d9546656b529c12fe8fecc4be950f5ff9bff8)
The branch, master has been updated
via 340d9546656b529c12fe8fecc4be950f5ff9bff8 (commit)
via 6081daa8966c8c83bb734789c38dd5c42dd97443 (commit)
from 2a406dec9df0eecf9923a19971363fa39b481e04 (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
src/toporouter.c | 386 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
1 files changed, 220 insertions(+), 166 deletions(-)
Commit Messages
commit 6081daa8966c8c83bb734789c38dd5c42dd97443
Author: anthonix <anthonix@anthonix-desktop.(none)>
Commit: anthonix <anthonix@anthonix-desktop.(none)>
Toporouter: line constraints
:100644 100644 f749d22... 50195d3... M src/toporouter.c
commit 6081daa8966c8c83bb734789c38dd5c42dd97443
Author: anthonix <anthonix@anthonix-desktop.(none)>
Commit: anthonix <anthonix@anthonix-desktop.(none)>
Toporouter: line constraints
diff --git a/src/toporouter.c b/src/toporouter.c
index f749d22..50195d3 100644
--- a/src/toporouter.c
+++ b/src/toporouter.c
@@ -2195,11 +2195,13 @@ read_lines(toporouter_t *r, toporouter_layer_t *l, LayerType *layer, int ln)
if(!(xs[0] == xs[1] && ys[0] == ys[1])) {
vlist = g_list_prepend(NULL, gts_vertex_new (vertex_class, xs[0], ys[0], l - r->layers));
vlist = g_list_prepend(vlist, gts_vertex_new (vertex_class, xs[1], ys[1], l - r->layers));
+ // TODO: replace this with surface version
bbox = toporouter_bbox_create_from_points(GetLayerGroupNumberByNumber(ln), vlist, LINE, line);
r->bboxes = g_slist_prepend(r->bboxes, bbox);
//insert_constraints_from_list(r, l, vlist, bbox);
+// bbox->point = GTS_POINT( insert_vertex(r, l, (xs[0]+xs[1])/2., (ys[0]+ys[1])/2., bbox) );
bbox->constraints = g_list_concat(bbox->constraints, insert_constraint_edge(r, l, xs[0], ys[0], 0, xs[1], ys[1], 0, bbox));
@@ -2296,7 +2298,26 @@ print_edge(toporouter_edge_t *e)
+static void pick_first_face (GtsFace * f, GtsFace ** first)
+ if (*first == NULL)
+ *first = f;
+unconstrain(toporouter_layer_t *l, toporouter_constraint_t *c)
+ toporouter_edge_t *e;
+ gts_allow_floating_vertices = TRUE;
+ e = TOPOROUTER_EDGE(gts_edge_new (GTS_EDGE_CLASS (toporouter_edge_class ()), GTS_SEGMENT(c)->v1, GTS_SEGMENT(c)->v2));
+ gts_edge_replace(GTS_EDGE(c), GTS_EDGE(e));
+ l->constraints = g_list_remove(l->constraints, c);
+ c->box->constraints = g_list_remove(c->box->constraints, c);
+ c->box = NULL;
+ gts_object_destroy (GTS_OBJECT (c));
+ gts_allow_floating_vertices = FALSE;
build_cdt(toporouter_t *r, toporouter_layer_t *l)
@@ -2307,16 +2328,14 @@ build_cdt(toporouter_t *r, toporouter_layer_t *l)
//GtsVertex *v;
GtsTriangle *t;
GtsVertex *v1, *v2, *v3;
- GtsFace *topface = NULL;
GSList *vertices_slist;
- guint rerun;
vertices_slist = list_to_slist(l->vertices);
- rerun =0;
- if(l->surface && topface) {
- gts_surface_traverse_destroy (gts_surface_traverse_new (l->surface, topface));
+ if(l->surface) {
+ GtsFace * first = NULL;
+ gts_surface_foreach_face (l->surface, (GtsFunc) pick_first_face, &first);
+ gts_surface_traverse_destroy(gts_surface_traverse_new (l->surface, first));
t = gts_triangle_enclosing (gts_triangle_class (), vertices_slist, 1000.0f);
@@ -2327,21 +2346,8 @@ build_cdt_continuation:
l->surface = gts_surface_new (gts_surface_class (), gts_face_class (),
GTS_EDGE_CLASS(toporouter_edge_class ()), GTS_VERTEX_CLASS(toporouter_vertex_class ()) );
- topface = gts_face_new (gts_face_class (), t->e1, t->e2, t->e3);
- gts_surface_add_face (l->surface, topface);
- i = l->vertices;
- while (i) {
- //v = i->data;
- // fprintf(stderr, "\tadding vertex %f,%f\n", v->p.x, v->p.y);
- toporouter_vertex_t *v = TOPOROUTER_VERTEX(gts_delaunay_add_vertex (l->surface, i->data, NULL));
- if(v) {
- printf("conflict: "); print_vertex(v);
- }
+ gts_surface_add_face (l->surface, gts_face_new (gts_face_class (), t->e1, t->e2, t->e3));
- i = i->next;
- }
// fprintf(stderr, "ADDED VERTICES\n");
@@ -2380,180 +2386,209 @@ build_cdt_continuation:
i = l->constraints;
- while (i) {
+ while (i) {
toporouter_constraint_t *c1 = TOPOROUTER_CONSTRAINT(i->data);
-/* fprintf(r->debug, "edge p1=%f,%f p2=%f,%f\n",
- temp->segment.v1->p.x,
- temp->segment.v1->p.y,
- temp->segment.v2->p.x,
- temp->segment.v2->p.y);
- GSList *conflicts = gts_delaunay_add_constraint (l->surface, i->data);
- GSList *j = conflicts;
+ GList *j = i->next;
+ // printf("adding cons: "); print_constraint(c1);
while(j) {
- toporouter_constraint_t *c2 = TOPOROUTER_CONSTRAINT(j->data);
- GList *temp, *newcons = NULL;
- printf("conflict: "); print_constraint(c2);
- printf("with: "); print_constraint(c1);
- gts_allow_floating_vertices = TRUE;
- l->constraints = g_list_remove(l->constraints, c1);
- l->constraints = g_list_remove(l->constraints, c2);
- c1->box->constraints = g_list_remove(c1->box->constraints, c1);
- c2->box->constraints = g_list_remove(c2->box->constraints, c2);
- if(gts_segments_are_intersecting(GTS_SEGMENT(c1), GTS_SEGMENT(c2)) == GTS_IN) {
- // proper intersection
- toporouter_vertex_t *v = TOPOROUTER_VERTEX(vertex_intersect(edge_v1(c1), edge_v2(c1), edge_v1(c2), edge_v2(c2)));
- // remove both constraints
- // replace with 4x constraints
- // insert new intersection vertex
- GTS_POINT(v)->z = vz(edge_v1(c1));
- l->vertices = g_list_prepend(l->vertices, v);
- v->bbox = c1->box;
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v1(c1)), vy(tedge_v1(c1)), 0, vx(v), vy(v), 0, c1->box);
- newcons = g_list_concat(newcons, g_list_copy(temp));
- c1->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1->box->constraints, temp);
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v2(c1)), vy(tedge_v2(c1)), 0, vx(v), vy(v), 0, c1->box);
- newcons = g_list_concat(newcons, g_list_copy(temp));
- c1->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1->box->constraints, temp);
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v1(c2)), vy(tedge_v1(c2)), 0, vx(v), vy(v), 0, c2->box);
- newcons = g_list_concat(newcons, g_list_copy(temp));
- c2->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2->box->constraints, temp);
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v2(c2)), vy(tedge_v2(c2)), 0, vx(v), vy(v), 0, c2->box);
- newcons = g_list_concat(newcons, g_list_copy(temp));
- c2->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2->box->constraints, temp);
- }else if(!vertex_wind(edge_v1(c1), edge_v2(c1), edge_v1(c2)) && !vertex_wind(edge_v1(c1), edge_v2(c1), edge_v2(c2))) {
- printf("all colinear\n");
- exit(1);
- }else if(vertex_between(edge_v1(c2), edge_v2(c2), edge_v1(c1)) && vertex_between(edge_v1(c2), edge_v2(c2), edge_v2(c1))) {
+ toporouter_constraint_t *c2 = TOPOROUTER_CONSTRAINT(j->data);
+ guint rem = 0;
+ GList *temp;
+ // printf("\tconflict: "); print_constraint(c2);
+ toporouter_bbox_t *c1box = c1->box, *c2box = c2->box;
+ toporouter_vertex_t *c1v1 = tedge_v1(c1);
+ toporouter_vertex_t *c1v2 = tedge_v2(c1);
+ toporouter_vertex_t *c2v1 = tedge_v1(c2);
+ toporouter_vertex_t *c2v2 = tedge_v2(c2);
+ if(gts_segments_are_intersecting(GTS_SEGMENT(c1), GTS_SEGMENT(c2)) == GTS_IN) {
+ unconstrain(l, c1); unconstrain(l, c2);
+ rem = 1;
+ // proper intersection
+ toporouter_vertex_t *v = TOPOROUTER_VERTEX(vertex_intersect(
+ GTS_VERTEX(c1v1),
+ GTS_VERTEX(c1v2),
+ GTS_VERTEX(c2v1),
+ GTS_VERTEX(c2v2)));
+ // remove both constraints
+ // replace with 4x constraints
+ // insert new intersection vertex
+ GTS_POINT(v)->z = vz(c1v1);
+ l->vertices = g_list_prepend(l->vertices, v);
+// gts_delaunay_add_vertex (l->surface, GTS_VERTEX(v), NULL);
+ v->bbox = c1box;
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c1v1), vy(c1v1), 0, vx(v), vy(v), 0, c1box);
+ c1box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1box->constraints, temp);
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c1v2), vy(c1v2), 0, vx(v), vy(v), 0, c1box);
+ c1box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1box->constraints, temp);
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c2v1), vy(c2v1), 0, vx(v), vy(v), 0, c2box);
+ c2box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2box->constraints, temp);
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c2v2), vy(c2v2), 0, vx(v), vy(v), 0, c2box);
+ c2box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2box->constraints, temp);
+ }else if(gts_segments_are_intersecting(GTS_SEGMENT(c1), GTS_SEGMENT(c2)) == GTS_ON ||
+ gts_segments_are_intersecting(GTS_SEGMENT(c2), GTS_SEGMENT(c1)) == GTS_ON) {
+ if(vertex_between(edge_v1(c2), edge_v2(c2), edge_v1(c1)) && vertex_between(edge_v1(c2), edge_v2(c2), edge_v2(c1))) {
+ unconstrain(l, c1); unconstrain(l, c2);
+ rem = 1;
// remove c1
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v1(c2)), vy(tedge_v1(c2)), 0, vx(tedge_v2(c2)), vy(tedge_v2(c2)), 0, c2->box);
- newcons = g_list_concat(newcons, g_list_copy(temp));
- c2->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2->box->constraints, temp);
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c2v1), vy(c2v1), 0, vx(c2v2), vy(c2v2), 0, c2box);
+ c2box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2box->constraints, temp);
}else if(vertex_between(edge_v1(c1), edge_v2(c1), edge_v1(c2)) && vertex_between(edge_v1(c1), edge_v2(c1), edge_v2(c2))) {
+ unconstrain(l, c1); unconstrain(l, c2);
+ rem = 1;
// remove c2
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v1(c1)), vy(tedge_v1(c1)), 0, vx(tedge_v2(c1)), vy(tedge_v2(c1)), 0, c1->box);
- newcons = g_list_concat(newcons, g_list_copy(temp));
- c1->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1->box->constraints, temp);
- /*
- }else {
- exit(1);
- if(vertex_between(edge_v1(c1), edge_v2(c1), edge_v2(c2))) {
- toporouter_constraint_t *tempc = c1;
- c1 = c2;
- c2 = tempc;
- }
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v1(c1)), vy(tedge_v1(c1)), 0, vx(tedge_v2(c1)), vy(tedge_v2(c1)), 0, c1->box);
- c1->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1->box->constraints, temp);
- if(tvdistance2(edge_v1(c1), edge_v2(c2)) < tvdistance2(edge_v2(c1), edge_v2(c2))) {
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v1(c1)), vy(tedge_v1(c1)), 0, vx(tedge_v2(c2)), vy(tedge_v2(c2)), 0, c2->box);
- c2->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2->box->constraints, temp);
- }else{
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v2(c1)), vy(tedge_v2(c1)), 0, vx(tedge_v2(c2)), vy(tedge_v2(c2)), 0, c2->box);
- c2->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2->box->constraints, temp);
- }
- */
- }else if(vertex_between(edge_v1(c2), edge_v2(c2), edge_v1(c1))) {
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c1v1), vy(c1v1), 0, vx(c1v2), vy(c1v2), 0, c1box);
+ c1box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1box->constraints, temp);
+ //}else if(!vertex_wind(edge_v1(c1), edge_v2(c1), edge_v1(c2)) && !vertex_wind(edge_v1(c1), edge_v2(c1), edge_v2(c2))) {
+ /* }else if(vertex_between(edge_v1(c1), edge_v2(c1), edge_v1(c2)) || vertex_between(edge_v1(c1), edge_v2(c1), edge_v2(c2))) {
+ unconstrain(l, c1); unconstrain(l, c2);
+ rem = 1;
+ printf("all colinear\n");
+ // exit(1);
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c1v1), vy(c1v1), 0, vx(c1v2), vy(c1v2), 0, c1box);
+ c1box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1box->constraints, temp);
+ if(vertex_between(GTS_VERTEX(c1v1), GTS_VERTEX(c1v2), GTS_VERTEX(c2v2))) {
+ // v2 of c2 is inner
+ if(vertex_between(GTS_VERTEX(c2v1), GTS_VERTEX(c2v2), GTS_VERTEX(c1v2))) {
+ // v2 of c1 is inner
+ // c2 = c1.v2 -> c2.v1
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c1v2), vy(c1v2), 0, vx(c2v1), vy(c2v1), 0, c2box);
+ c2box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2box->constraints, temp);
+ }else{
+ // v1 of c1 is inner
+ // c2 = c1.v1 -> c2.v1
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c1v1), vy(c1v1), 0, vx(c2v1), vy(c2v1), 0, c2box);
+ c2box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2box->constraints, temp);
+ }
+ }else{
+ // v1 of c2 is inner
+ if(vertex_between(GTS_VERTEX(c2v1), GTS_VERTEX(c2v2), GTS_VERTEX(c1v2))) {
+ // v2 of c1 is inner
+ // c2 = c1.v2 -> c2.v2
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c1v2), vy(c1v2), 0, vx(c2v2), vy(c2v2), 0, c2box);
+ c2box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2box->constraints, temp);
+ }else{
+ // v1 of c1 is inner
+ // c2 = c1.v1 -> c2.v2
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c1v1), vy(c1v1), 0, vx(c2v2), vy(c2v2), 0, c2box);
+ c2box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2box->constraints, temp);
+ }
+ }*/
+ }else if(vertex_between(edge_v1(c2), edge_v2(c2), edge_v1(c1)) && c1v1 != c2v1 && c1v1 != c2v2) {
+ unconstrain(l, c1); unconstrain(l, c2);
+ rem = 1;
//v1 of c1 is on c2
printf("v1 of c1 on c2\n");
// replace with 2x constraints
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v1(c2)), vy(tedge_v1(c2)), 0, vx(tedge_v1(c1)), vy(tedge_v1(c1)), 0, c2->box);
- newcons = g_list_concat(newcons, g_list_copy(temp));
- c2->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2->box->constraints, temp);
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v2(c2)), vy(tedge_v2(c2)), 0, vx(tedge_v1(c1)), vy(tedge_v1(c1)), 0, c2->box);
- newcons = g_list_concat(newcons, g_list_copy(temp));
- c2->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2->box->constraints, temp);
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c2v1), vy(c2v1), 0, vx(c1v1), vy(c1v1), 0, c2box);
+ c2box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2box->constraints, temp);
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c2v2), vy(c2v2), 0, vx(c1v1), vy(c1v1), 0, c2box);
+ c2box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2box->constraints, temp);
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v1(c1)), vy(tedge_v1(c1)), 0, vx(tedge_v2(c1)), vy(tedge_v2(c1)), 0, c1->box);
- newcons = g_list_concat(newcons, g_list_copy(temp));
- c1->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1->box->constraints, temp);
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c1v1), vy(c1v1), 0, vx(c1v2), vy(c1v2), 0, c1box);
+ c1box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1box->constraints, temp);
// restore c1
//temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v2(c1)), vy(tedge_v2(c1)), 0, vx(tedge_v1(c1)), vy(tedge_v1(c1)), 0, c1->box);
//c2->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2->box->constraints, temp);
- }else if(vertex_between(edge_v1(c2), edge_v2(c2), edge_v2(c1))) {
+ }else if(vertex_between(edge_v1(c2), edge_v2(c2), edge_v2(c1)) && c1v2 != c2v1 && c1v2 != c2v2) {
+ unconstrain(l, c1); unconstrain(l, c2);
+ rem = 1;
//v2 of c1 is on c2
printf("v2 of c1 on c2\n");
// replace with 2x constraints
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v1(c2)), vy(tedge_v1(c2)), 0, vx(tedge_v2(c1)), vy(tedge_v2(c1)), 0, c2->box);
- newcons = g_list_concat(newcons, g_list_copy(temp));
- c2->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2->box->constraints, temp);
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v2(c2)), vy(tedge_v2(c2)), 0, vx(tedge_v2(c1)), vy(tedge_v2(c1)), 0, c2->box);
- newcons = g_list_concat(newcons, g_list_copy(temp));
- c2->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2->box->constraints, temp);
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v1(c1)), vy(tedge_v1(c1)), 0, vx(tedge_v2(c1)), vy(tedge_v2(c1)), 0, c1->box);
- newcons = g_list_concat(newcons, g_list_copy(temp));
- c1->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1->box->constraints, temp);
- }else if(vertex_between(edge_v1(c1), edge_v2(c1), edge_v1(c2))) {
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c2v1), vy(c2v1), 0, vx(c1v2), vy(c1v2), 0, c2box);
+ c2box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2box->constraints, temp);
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c2v2), vy(c2v2), 0, vx(c1v2), vy(c1v2), 0, c2box);
+ c2box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2box->constraints, temp);
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c1v1), vy(c1v1), 0, vx(c1v2), vy(c1v2), 0, c1box);
+ c1box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1box->constraints, temp);
+ }else if(vertex_between(edge_v1(c1), edge_v2(c1), edge_v1(c2)) && c2v1 != c1v1 && c2v1 != c1v2) {
+ unconstrain(l, c1); unconstrain(l, c2);
+ rem = 1;
//v1 of c2 is on c1
printf("v1 of c2 on c1\n");
// replace with 2x constraints
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v1(c1)), vy(tedge_v1(c1)), 0, vx(tedge_v1(c2)), vy(tedge_v1(c2)), 0, c1->box);
- newcons = g_list_concat(newcons, g_list_copy(temp));
- c1->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1->box->constraints, temp);
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v2(c1)), vy(tedge_v2(c1)), 0, vx(tedge_v1(c2)), vy(tedge_v1(c2)), 0, c1->box);
- newcons = g_list_concat(newcons, g_list_copy(temp));
- c1->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1->box->constraints, temp);
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v1(c2)), vy(tedge_v1(c2)), 0, vx(tedge_v2(c2)), vy(tedge_v2(c2)), 0, c2->box);
- newcons = g_list_concat(newcons, g_list_copy(temp));
- c2->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2->box->constraints, temp);
- }else if(vertex_between(edge_v1(c1), edge_v2(c1), edge_v2(c2))) {
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c1v1), vy(c1v1), 0, vx(c2v1), vy(c2v1), 0, c1box);
+ c1box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1box->constraints, temp);
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c1v2), vy(c1v2), 0, vx(c2v1), vy(c2v1), 0, c1box);
+ c1box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1box->constraints, temp);
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c2v1), vy(c2v1), 0, vx(c2v2), vy(c2v2), 0, c2box);
+ c2box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2box->constraints, temp);
+ }else if(vertex_between(edge_v1(c1), edge_v2(c1), edge_v2(c2)) && c2v2 != c1v1 && c2v2 != c1v2) {
+ unconstrain(l, c1); unconstrain(l, c2);
+ rem = 1;
//v2 of c2 is on c1
printf("v2 of c2 on c1\n");
// replace with 2x constraints
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v1(c1)), vy(tedge_v1(c1)), 0, vx(tedge_v2(c2)), vy(tedge_v2(c2)), 0, c1->box);
- newcons = g_list_concat(newcons, g_list_copy(temp));
- c1->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1->box->constraints, temp);
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v2(c1)), vy(tedge_v2(c1)), 0, vx(tedge_v2(c2)), vy(tedge_v2(c2)), 0, c1->box);
- newcons = g_list_concat(newcons, g_list_copy(temp));
- c1->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1->box->constraints, temp);
- temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(tedge_v1(c2)), vy(tedge_v1(c2)), 0, vx(tedge_v2(c2)), vy(tedge_v2(c2)), 0, c2->box);
- newcons = g_list_concat(newcons, g_list_copy(temp));
- c2->box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2->box->constraints, temp);
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c1v1), vy(c1v1), 0, vx(c2v2), vy(c2v2), 0, c1box);
+ c1box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1box->constraints, temp);
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c1v2), vy(c1v2), 0, vx(c2v2), vy(c2v2), 0, c1box);
+ c1box->constraints = g_list_concat(c1box->constraints, temp);
+ temp = insert_constraint_edge(r, l, vx(c2v1), vy(c2v1), 0, vx(c2v2), vy(c2v2), 0, c2box);
+ c2box->constraints = g_list_concat(c2box->constraints, temp);
- gts_object_destroy (GTS_OBJECT (c1));
- gts_object_destroy (GTS_OBJECT (c2));
+ }
+ if(rem) goto check_cons_continuation;
- gts_allow_floating_vertices = FALSE;
- {
- GList *k = newcons;
+ j = j->next;
+ }
- while(k) {
- if(gts_delaunay_add_constraint (l->surface, k->data) || gts_delaunay_add_constraint (l->surface, k->data)) {
- }
- k = k->next;
- }
- g_list_free(newcons);
- }
- goto build_cdt_continuation;
- // rerun = 1;
+ i = i->next;
+ }
+ i = l->vertices;
+ while (i) {
+ //v = i->data;
+ // fprintf(stderr, "\tadding vertex %f,%f\n", v->p.x, v->p.y);
+ toporouter_vertex_t *v = TOPOROUTER_VERTEX(gts_delaunay_add_vertex (l->surface, i->data, NULL));
+ if(v) {
+ printf("conflict: "); print_vertex(v);
+ }
+ i = i->next;
+ }
+ i = l->constraints;
+ while (i) {
+ toporouter_constraint_t *c1 = TOPOROUTER_CONSTRAINT(i->data);
+ // printf("adding cons: "); print_constraint(c1);
+ GSList *conflicts = gts_delaunay_add_constraint (l->surface, i->data);
+ GSList *j = conflicts;
+ while(j) {
+ toporouter_constraint_t *c2 = TOPOROUTER_CONSTRAINT(j->data);
+ printf("\tconflict: "); print_constraint(c2);
j = j->next;
@@ -2587,6 +2622,14 @@ build_cdt_continuation:
gts_surface_print_stats(l->surface, stderr);
+ {
+ char buffer[64];
+ sprintf(buffer, "surface%d.gts", l - r->layers);
+ FILE *fout2 = fopen(buffer, "w");
+ gts_surface_write(l->surface, fout2);
+ }
@@ -2940,7 +2983,7 @@ compare_segments(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
if(a < b) return -1;
return 1;
toporouter_cluster_t *
cluster_find(toporouter_t *r, gdouble x, gdouble y, gdouble z)
@@ -2965,9 +3008,19 @@ cluster_find(toporouter_t *r, gdouble x, gdouble y, gdouble z)
LineType *line = (LineType *)box->data;
gint linewind = coord_wind(line->Point1.X, line->Point1.Y, x, y, line->Point2.X, line->Point2.Y);
+ if(line->Point1.X > x - EPSILON && line->Point1.X < x + EPSILON &&
+ line->Point1.Y > y - EPSILON && line->Point1.Y < y + EPSILON) {
+ rval = box->cluster;
+ // break;
+ }
+ if(line->Point2.X > x - EPSILON && line->Point2.X < x + EPSILON &&
+ line->Point2.Y > y - EPSILON && line->Point2.Y < y + EPSILON) {
+ rval = box->cluster;
+ // break;
+ }
if(!linewind) {
rval = box->cluster;
- //break;
+ // break;
}else if(box->surface) {
@@ -7008,7 +7061,7 @@ netscore_create(toporouter_t *r, toporouter_route_t *routedata, guint n, guint i
printf("WARNING: !finite(detourscore)\n");
+ return NULL;
netscore->pairwise_nodetour = malloc(n * sizeof(guint));
@@ -7141,7 +7194,8 @@ order_nets_preroute_greedy(toporouter_t *r, GList *nets, GList **rnets)
guint failcount = 0;
while(nets) {
- g_ptr_array_add(netscores, netscore_create(r, TOPOROUTER_ROUTE(nets->data), len, failcount++));
+ toporouter_netscore_t *ns = netscore_create(r, TOPOROUTER_ROUTE(nets->data), len, failcount++);
+ if(ns) g_ptr_array_add(netscores, ns);
nets = nets->next;
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