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gEDA-cvs: branch: master updated (c74b7e295906271e24c649312b85f0a9ef4c70ed)
The branch, master has been updated
via c74b7e295906271e24c649312b85f0a9ef4c70ed (commit)
via 7a693aefc297a79a6ddc44e72aeb55ad88a4aa6f (commit)
from fbc79b7b00553675fbb6963f3a5cd19e8e039a98 (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
screenshots/gattrib-thumb.png | Bin 0 -> 34748 bytes
{tools/gattrib => screenshots}/gattrib.png | Bin 25961 -> 25961 bytes
sprints/irclog_sprint_20070609.txt | 1631 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
sprints/irclog_sprint_20070805.txt | 606 +++++++++++
4 files changed, 2237 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 screenshots/gattrib-thumb.png
copy {tools/gattrib => screenshots}/gattrib.png (100%)
create mode 100644 sprints/irclog_sprint_20070609.txt
create mode 100644 sprints/irclog_sprint_20070805.txt
Commit Messages
commit c74b7e295906271e24c649312b85f0a9ef4c70ed
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue Oct 9 19:22:39 2007 -0400
Added missing irc sprint logs
:000000 100644 0000000... 83c7a1f... A sprints/irclog_sprint_20070609.txt
:000000 100644 0000000... dade2af... A sprints/irclog_sprint_20070805.txt
commit 7a693aefc297a79a6ddc44e72aeb55ad88a4aa6f
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue Oct 9 19:22:17 2007 -0400
Added missing screenshots
:000000 100644 0000000... 46f6d8b... A screenshots/gattrib-thumb.png
:000000 100644 0000000... cca6286... A screenshots/gattrib.png
commit c74b7e295906271e24c649312b85f0a9ef4c70ed
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue Oct 9 19:22:39 2007 -0400
Added missing irc sprint logs
diff --git a/sprints/irclog_sprint_20070609.txt b/sprints/irclog_sprint_20070609.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83c7a1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sprints/irclog_sprint_20070609.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1631 @@
+--- Day changed Sat Jun 09 2007
+00:47 -!- Igor2 [~igor2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+01:26 -!- bert [~bert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+01:27 < Igor2> hi bert :)
+01:30 < Dan> it must be morning for you guys
+01:30 < Dan> time for me to pass out from lack of sleep....
+01:30 -!- Dan [~mcmahill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: ircII+tkirc2]
+01:49 < bert> Hi Igor :)
+03:12 -!- werner2101 [~Werner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+03:20 -!- ivan [~ivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+03:20 < ivan> hi all
+03:22 < Igor2> hi
+03:27 < werner2101> Good Morning everybody
+03:34 -!- peterbrett [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+03:39 -!- peterbrett [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
+03:39 -!- peterbrett [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+03:51 < bert> Good morning everyone :)
+03:52 < ivan> hi bert
+03:52 < bert> Hi Ivan, how are you ?
+03:53 < ivan> fine, I'm really excited about this code sprint
+03:53 < werner2101> hi all, what are your plans for today
+03:54 < bert> Me too, I hardly can't wait, so I started doing some coding on my projects
+03:55 < ivan> I plan to get my gschem_atexit patch merged and also fix recent files code and dialog pos. code to use that
+03:55 < bert> I want to add some doxygen comments to pcb, just like Stuart (I think it was) announced the last code sprint :)
+03:56 < ivan> I would also like if people tested the new visual feedback for keyboard commands feature
+03:57 < werner2101> I'm going to write an import filter for ngspice, written in python, using numpy and maybe pytables/hdf5
+04:01 < werner2101> This maybe a small step towards Draft4 in http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:data_plotting_improvements
+04:04 < bert> Due to family activities I will join in the afternoon/evening approx. 18.00 hours GMT ... ~ 12.00 hourst ET ??
+04:04 < Igor2> >peterbrett> tried to reproduce the gschem compilation problem but now as i didn't use the central configure/makefile but ran make distclean, ./configure, make, make install in libgeda and gschem, it worked
+04:04 < Igor2> i guess it's a typical heisenbug :)
+04:04 < peterbrett> Hi
+04:05 < Igor2> hi :)
+04:05 < bert> Hi PeterB :)
+04:05 < ivan> hi Peter
+04:05 < peterbrett> I'm going to have breakfast, then fix my website, then move Scheme files around for a while until Ales/PeterC arrive, then work on the git repo
+04:05 < peterbrett> bbiab
+04:16 < Igor2> ohh,and i forgot to set prefix to /usr\
+04:16 < Igor2> s/\\//
+04:17 * bert is away: I'm busy doing something
+04:46 < Igor2> finally, gschem works :)
+04:54 < bert> Hi Igor, what is a heisenbug ?
+04:55 < Igor2> !jargon heisenbug
+04:55 < jmp> >Igor2> heisenbug /hi:'zen-buhg/ n. [from Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle in quantum physics] A bug that disappears or alters its behavior when one attempts to probe or isolate it. (This usage is not even particularly fanciful; the use of a debugger sometimes alters a program's operating environment significantly enough that buggy code, such as that which relies on the values of uninitialized memory, behaves quite differently.) Antonym of {Bohr b
+04:55 < Igor2> this one :)
+04:55 < peterbrett> heh
+04:55 < peterbrett> good definition
+04:55 < Igor2> jargon file rulez :)
+04:57 < bert> Ahh, I see
+04:59 < bert> Ok, I just put together a doxygen config file for pcb, and it seems to work properly
+05:00 < bert> It generates docs for all funcs, vars and structs, that is a list without any comments since these are not yet in doxygen format
+05:01 < peterbrett> Igor2: Did you manage to find a version of git which supports git-clone --depth?
+05:01 < bert> It even generates a todo list and an alphabetical index list
+05:01 < peterbrett> And a bug list, if you use \bug commands
+05:02 < Igor2> >peterbrett> not yet :)
+05:02 < peterbrett> Hmm. I recommend removing the packaged version and installing a release from source.
+05:02 < Igor2> >peterbrett> i am not sure yet how i would solve it, since i don't want to upgrade my debian from stable to unstable and while i don't know enough git compiling it from source doesn't seem to be a good idea either :)
+05:03 < peterbrett> Um, it didn't even have a configure script last time I checked.
+05:03 < peterbrett> :) :P
+05:04 < Igor2> :)
+05:10 < bert> PeterB: where can I send a doxygen config file to contribute to pcb ? SF tracker ?
+05:11 < peterbrett> bert: Yep
+05:12 < peterbrett> bert: and/or e-mail to list with [PATCH] in subject, but I think tracker is preferred.
+05:12 < Igor2> hmm,nice traffic on the mailing list about git and trac :)
+05:12 < bert> Patch of Feature request ?
+05:12 * peterbrett not a huge trac fan
+05:12 < peterbrett> bert: Patch
+05:12 < Igor2> neither am i
+05:12 < Igor2> i like the basic idea
+05:12 < Igor2> but i dislike the following things:
+05:12 < peterbrett> it's a really good idea
+05:13 < peterbrett> brb
+05:13 < Igor2> - i don't believe everythink should be on web primary,so as long as web is a frontend to a sane backend, it's ok, but when there's only web frontend to a service, i tend to dislike it
+05:13 -!- peterbrett [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
+05:13 < Igor2> - i never liked wiki for many reasons and trac seems to be linked to wiki on several levels
+05:13 < Igor2> - i find the tracker comment-list uncomfortable to read :)
+05:14 < ivan> i find sf trackers hard to use and very inconvenient
+05:14 < ivan> the UI is a disaster
+05:15 < ivan> not to mention that it's slow
+05:15 < Igor2> yup
+05:15 < Igor2> and i think this is true for the whole sf, not just for trackers
+05:15 < Igor2> but this why i dislike something that has web-itnerface-only :)
+05:15 < ivan> me too
+05:16 < Igor2> i think it's reasonable to provide some computer-readable interface and web interface so windows users could use their ie and everyone else can develope/download/use sane clients ;)
+05:16 < ivan> lol
+05:21 < bert> PeterB: doxygen config file is ti SF tracker
+05:22 < bert> s/ti/in the/
+05:22 < bert> I will be away for a couple of hours, bye
+05:22 * bert is away: I'm busy doing something
+05:23 -!- peterbrett [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+05:23 < peterbrett> hi again
+05:23 < Igor2> wb :)
+05:23 < peterbrett> no sign of pcjc2, I suppose?
+05:23 < Igor2> haven't seen him today
+05:24 < Igor2> you are never online in the same time,hehe :)
+05:24 < peterbrett> lol
+05:24 < peterbrett> we are sometimes :)
+05:24 < Igor2> i know, i know! split personality! :)
+06:08 < ivan> regarding doxygen comments...
+06:09 < ivan> it doesn't look nice when i repeat the same description under the \brief and \par sections
+06:09 < peterbrett> Ah
+06:09 < peterbrett> Okay
+06:09 < peterbrett> Maybe I was wrong :-/
+06:10 < ivan> is there a way to tell doxygen to include \brief section automatically?
+06:10 < peterbrett> Not sure
+06:10 < peterbrett> I'm not that familiar with doxygen
+06:11 < ivan> hm... I'll take a look when I finish the patches ...
+06:56 < peterbrett> Gosh, it's really quiet around here today
+06:56 < peterbrett> And still no sign of PeterC
+06:56 * peterbrett wonders what's happened to him
+07:08 < Ales> morning folks
+07:08 < Igor2> hi ales :)
+07:08 < Ales> I just got up, so I am not in the right physical location. :)
+07:08 < Ales> hi Igor
+07:09 < Igor2> code sprint today?
+07:09 < Ales> yup
+07:11 < peterbrett> Hey Ales
+07:11 < peterbrett> I've been working on reshuffling Scheme files between symbols & libgeda
+07:12 < peterbrett> Also trying to get rid of configure substitutions from as many as possible
+07:12 < Ales> oh yeah the config.scm file
+07:12 < Ales> that'll be nice
+07:12 < peterbrett> pcjc2 is just getting out of bed ;)
+07:12 < Ales> ah
+07:12 < Ales> I have to take my gf to the airport and then I'll head up to DJs
+07:14 -!- pcjc2 [~pcjc2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+07:14 < pcjc2> morning everyone!
+07:14 < Igor2> hi
+07:17 < Ales> hi Peter3
+07:17 < Ales> oops... Peter2
+07:19 < peterbrett> lol
+07:19 < Ales> I don't know if I could handle another Peter. :)
+07:19 < peterbrett> Ales: Actually I'm Peter2, he's Peter1
+07:19 < Ales> whatever :)
+07:19 < peterbrett> I got a puncture... hopefully it's fixed now :/
+07:21 < Ales> in a tire I hope
+07:21 < peterbrett> Ales: Should Scheme libraries go in $GEDADATADIR/scheme, or $GEDARCDIR/scheme, or both?
+07:21 < peterbrett> Ales: In a tyre, yes :)
+07:22 < Ales> in whatever path gschem.scm or gnetlist.scm get installed
+07:22 < peterbrett> jawohl
+07:22 < Ales> I think it's the DATADIR
+07:22 < Ales> cause GEDARCDIR gets redirected to /etc for debian
+07:23 < peterbrett> okay
+07:23 -!- cnieves [~cnieves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+07:23 < cnieves> hi all
+07:23 < Igor2> hi :)
+07:23 < peterbrett> Hmm
+07:23 < peterbrett> Where should config.scm go ?
+07:25 < peterbrett> I'm leaning towards GEDADATADIR
+07:25 < peterbrett> the variables it defines can always be overridden in system-gafrc
+07:26 < Ales> yeah, DATADIR sounds right
+07:26 < Ales> okay, I'm going to eat breakfast and I'll be back around 10am EST
+07:26 < Ales> later
+07:27 < pcjc2> what time is it now EST?
+07:27 < Igor2> *** CTCP TIME reply from Ales: Sat Jun 9 07:27:19 2007
+07:27 < Igor2> in case EST is local time for him... :)
+07:27 < pcjc2> ok, thanks
+07:33 < peterbrett> Failure to fix puncture... second attempt in progress :(
+07:36 -!- Werner [~Werner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+07:45 -!- pcjc3 [~pcjc2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+07:45 < pcjc3> now I'm pcjc3 - changed my net connection!
+07:46 -!- werner2101 [~Werner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Ping timeout: 620 seconds]
+07:47 < peterbrett> pcjc3: Bike fixed, on my way
+07:47 < peterbrett> Speak later, all
+07:47 < pcjc3> cool, see you in a bit
+07:47 < cnieves> ok, see you!
+07:52 -!- pcjc2 [~pcjc2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Ping timeout: 608 seconds]
+07:53 < ivan> Ales, what do you intend to do with the gschem-atexit patch?
+07:53 < pcjc3> Ales went for breakfast
+07:53 < pcjc3> \nick pcjc2
+07:53 -!- pcjc3 is now known as pcjc2
+07:54 < ivan> ah...
+07:54 < ivan> ok, I'll wait until he gets back
+07:54 < pcjc2> Ivan: good to see you on IRC
+07:55 < ivan> pcjc2: well it's good to see people working together...
+07:55 < ivan> pcjc2: this one seems to be a bit quiet, though
+07:56 < pcjc2> it hasn't started yet
+07:56 < pcjc2> its about 8am in EST
+07:56 < pcjc2> Mostly us Europeans about
+07:56 < ivan> right, here is 2pm :)
+07:56 < pcjc2> 1pm here
+07:57 < ivan> pcjc2: what are your plans for today?
+07:57 < pcjc2> non descript
+07:57 < pcjc2> Ales may want help playing with the new git stuff
+07:58 -!- peterbrett [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Ping timeout: 608 seconds]
+07:58 < pcjc2> I'm just currently tinkering with a fix for initialising gthreads
+07:59 < ivan> what about your footprint selector and other goodies you mentioned on the dev list? I'm very interested in those things
+07:59 < pcjc2> well - I ran into a bit of a design block on those
+07:59 < pcjc2> but I could continue coding the GUI elements I guess
+08:00 < pcjc2> I'm a bit stuck what the format of the configuration will be - hence how to populate all the auto-complete drop downs and validators etc..
+08:00 < ivan> let me know if I can be of any help
+08:01 < pcjc2> The idea is to have it customisable, so various procedures / data can be used to define different "required" or "suggested" attributes etc... for different components / footprints
+08:02 < ivan> sounds cool
+08:02 < pcjc2> the practicalities are difficult
+08:02 < pcjc2> I thought it might fix things to refer to scheme code from the schematic
+08:02 < pcjc2> sorry - from the symbols
+08:02 < ivan> yes, I saw the post on the list
+08:02 < pcjc2> so, for example - a resistor symbol might refer to "resistor.scm" which has lots of resistor specific stuff in it
+08:03 < ivan> the idea is intriguing
+08:03 < pcjc2> but another way would be to embed data, to avoid it being too programmable
+08:03 < ivan> you could use it for other things as well
+08:03 < ivan> well, better to be careful wrt security
+08:04 < pcjc2> another option would be to "sign" the symbols some how, so it only executes code on ones we ship - without user approval
+08:04 < pcjc2> seems a bit heavyweight, but could be done
+08:04 < ivan> while reading the thread, I got an idea: how about using cryptographic signing of all symbols shipped with geda
+08:04 < pcjc2> snap!
+08:04 < ivan> hehe :)
+08:05 < ivan> this should solve the security problem
+08:06 < pcjc2> I'm not sure if there are still many / any export restrictions on Crypto from the US - we wouldn't want to introduce anything which many users can't get hold of
+08:06 < pcjc2> We could just restrict the search paths
+08:06 < pcjc2> forbid execution of any referenced .scm code which doesn't fall into our pre-defined paths
+08:06 < ivan> possible, but not very flexible
+08:07 < pcjc2> then if the user gets a symbol off someone, they explicitly have to copy the .scm file into the correct path for it to execute the code
+08:08 < ivan> yes, but that would require root in most cases which is not an option in many places
+08:08 < Igor2> or
+08:08 < Igor2> you would use a list of approved paths
+08:08 < Igor2> and the user could add new paths in the list
+08:09 < Igor2> anyway with paths, you need to take care about a few things
+08:09 < Igor2> like ..s in the path
+08:09 < Igor2> or symlinks
+08:09 < Igor2> maybe even the file owner
+08:11 < pcjc2> yep - I'm not a fan of paths, and don't know enough to beat the determined cracker
+08:12 < Igor2> signitures are not 100% safe either :)
+08:14 < Igor2> btw, why do we need to run code for symbols?
+08:18 < ivan> as pcjc2 said it: The idea is to have it customisable, so various procedures / data can be used to define different "required" or "suggested" attributes etc... for different components / footprints
+08:18 < Igor2> well
+08:18 < Igor2> if you want it really safe
+08:19 < Igor2> maybe you shouldn't use scheme
+08:19 < Igor2> maybe you should use an interpreter written for this task which knows only a very limited set of operations that can not be abused to crack the host comp
+08:20 < ivan> this would be an overkill, imho
+08:20 < Igor2> if it is really only about required and suggested languages
+08:20 -!- peterbrett [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+08:20 < Igor2> s/languages/attributes/
+08:20 < peterbrett> hello again
+08:20 < ivan> hello
+08:20 < Igor2> then the language would have only 4 or 5 commands... :)
+08:20 < pcjc2> The slight problem, is the flexibility is good
+08:20 < Igor2> (or i miss something important:)
+08:21 < pcjc2> what would be nicest is a sandbox
+08:21 < ivan> yes
+08:21 < Igor2> some language supports that, but...
+08:21 < Igor2> it reminds me on js
+08:21 < pcjc2> I've no idea if guile does
+08:21 < Igor2> for flexible client side whatevers for homepages
+08:21 < pcjc2> so we get back to being able to trust the code we execute
+08:21 < Igor2> people believed js was so safe that it couldn't be used to abuse the host computer trough the browser
+08:22 < Igor2> the first script i've seen that downloaded an exe and executed it without asking the user was less than 100 lines long ;)
+08:22 < pcjc2> hehe
+08:22 < pcjc2> so not properly sandboxed
+08:22 < Igor2> yup
+08:23 < Igor2> and here comes complexity
+08:23 < Igor2> the more flexibility you want, the more complex your language will grow
+08:23 < pcjc2> its difficult to ensure for a flexible language which doesn't support it properly
+08:23 < Igor2> and the less probable your sandbox willreally protect you
+08:23 < Igor2> and soon it will be as risky as trying to protect the path ;)
+08:23 < peterbrett> emacs users: http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/Git
+08:23 < Igor2> i've written an interpreter 2 summers ago
+08:24 < Igor2> and i made a sandbox stuff for it
+08:24 < Igor2> i found that the best was to turn off _all_ io operations :>
+08:24 < ivan> :)
+08:24 < Igor2> (and dynamic loading of new functions from .so files of course:)
+08:25 < pcjc2> Off to lunch for a bit - will be about though
+08:36 -!- peterbrett [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Ping timeout: 608 seconds]
+09:11 -!- peterbrett [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+09:11 -!- al [~al@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+09:11 < peterbrett> hey
+09:17 < pcjc2> Hi Carlos: thanks for applying that patch
+09:17 < pcjc2> I didn't have time to test it against guile 1.6
+09:17 < pcjc2> (the main reason I was holding off)
+09:18 < cnieves> hi Peter: thank you for providing it!
+09:18 < pcjc2> Do you have guile1.6 to test it against?
+09:18 < cnieves> it won't hurt guile 1.6
+09:18 < pcjc2> was the bug specific to 1.8?
+09:18 < cnieves> I think so
+09:19 < cnieves> nil was provided just for compatibility in guile
+09:19 < cnieves> it seems they removed nil in 1.8, and that's the reason guile 1.8 doesn't know about it.
+09:20 < cnieves> in fact, nil usage is not recommended at all. Use #f or () ,as you said
+09:20 < pcjc2> I got that of a mailing list archive somewhere
+09:20 < cnieves> peterbrett: I'm looking at patch [ 1733728 ] Fix for lack of permission-related file attributes on MinGW
+09:21 < cnieves> peterbrett: I remember one of your mails said you have some notes about compiling under windows. Do you agree with the mentioned patch?
+09:22 < pcjc2> It was probably me
+09:22 < cnieves> pcjc2: I remember I read it on some webpage some time ago.
+09:22 < peterbrett> cnieves: I haven't touched windows in months for anything other than gaming, haven't got a clue sorry :-/
+09:22 < peterbrett> cnieves: I think it was pcjc2
+09:23 < cnieves> ok, sorry!
+09:24 -!- peterbrett [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
+09:24 -!- peterbre` [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+09:24 -!- peterbre` is now known as peterbrett`
+09:24 < pcjc2> http://www2.eng.cam.ac.uk/~pcjc2/geda/fix_win32.diff
+09:24 < pcjc2> This is a summary of the _hacks_ needed to make windows work
+09:25 < pcjc2> Caesar was working up proper patches with feature based
+09:25 < pcjc2> #ifdef workarounds
+09:28 < cnieves> ok. you commented out everything about file permissions. I think Cesar's patch is better in this case.
+09:31 < pcjc2> yep - as I said, it was hacks to see what areas needed work to make it compile and run
+09:32 < pcjc2> There are some things which might be useful in my patch
+09:33 < pcjc2> in o_picture.c
+09:33 < pcjc2> -#include <guile/gh.h> +#include <libguile.h>
+09:33 < pcjc2> and the bits which avoid "basename"
+09:34 < peterbrett`> Argh, we shouldn't be using gh at all!
+09:41 -!- cnieves [~cnieves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Ping timeout: 620 seconds]
+09:49 < pcjc2> gah - thats the second time I've lost work on configure.ac
+09:49 < pcjc2> forgetting its actually configure.ac.in I should edit!! - DOH
+09:55 -!- Dan [~mcmahill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+09:56 < Dan> hello
+09:56 < pcjc2> hi
+09:56 < ivan> hi
+09:56 < Igor2> hi
+09:59 < ivan> does anyone know why git-send-email shortens Subject: lines?
+10:00 < peterbrett`> ivan: Probably to make you write short & succinct log message header lines?
+10:00 < peterbrett`> (I don't actually know)
+10:02 < ivan> hm... it seems it stops at the first newline
+10:02 < pcjc2> yep
+10:02 < peterbrett`> ivan: Yep
+10:02 < pcjc2> thats a known issue
+10:02 < peterbrett`> it's supposed to
+10:03 < pcjc2> Makes it really evil for rebasing stuff based on CVS, as it uses the email formatting programs to do it
+10:03 < pcjc2> and hence all the commit messages get munged. I've got a hacked version of a few of the git tools which avoid this when rebaseing
+10:03 < peterbrett`> All of the git tools -- ALL of them -- assume you write your log messages in the form <short one-line description> <gap> <long description>
+10:03 < peterbrett`> pcjc2: Or you could just write your log messages in the right format
+10:04 < pcjc2> Thats a bug IMHO, but I guess its defined
+10:05 < ivan> but sometimes the log message is exactly a bit longer than the short one-liner and too short for the long description
+10:05 < ivan> oh well...
+10:05 < peterbrett`> ivan: Just make it shorter then.
+10:05 < peterbrett`> "Fix Bug #24834438" is a perfectly valid patch summary, as long as you write a longer log message below
+10:08 < Ales> okay, I'm alive
+10:09 < ivan> hooray :)
+10:09 < Ales> now, I want to commit some stuff first
+10:10 < Ales> starting with the visual key thingy from Ivan
+10:11 < pcjc2> I've got a patch for the gthread initialisation - I'll pastebin it when its ready
+10:11 < Ales> cool, by all means checkin as much as possible
+10:11 < pcjc2> Just wanted to run it past people and see its ok
+10:12 < ivan> Ales, what about gschem-atexit patch?
+10:12 < Ales> I'll do that one next. :)
+10:12 < ivan> great
+10:12 < Ales> then I'll start working on git
+10:13 < peterbrett`> Ales: Using a separate config.scm isn't going to work :(
+10:13 < peterbrett`> Ales: the rc files can't find it without knowing its contents already
+10:13 < peterbrett`> It's a chicken & egg problem :)
+10:13 < Dan> Ales, you up in NH?
+10:15 < Dan> anyone know if the last geda snapshot works with guile-1.8.1 or if it is just the configure test which is broken?
+10:16 < pcjc2> http://www.pastebin.ca/552875
+10:16 < peterbrett`> Dan: Elaborate?
+10:16 < ivan> i've just sent 3 patches to the dev list
+10:17 < Dan> checking for guile-config... (cached) /usr/pkg/bin/guile-config
+10:17 < Dan> checking if scm_eval_x() takes a second module argument... no
+10:17 < Dan> checking for scm_make_smob_type in -lguile... no
+10:17 < Dan> configure: error: Upgrade Guile, At least version >= 1.3.2
+10:17 < Dan> *** Error code 1
+10:17 < Dan> I haven't dug further yet
+10:18 < Dan> I'm building all packages in NetBSD's pkgsrc which use guile so I can see which ones will have immediate build problems with 1.8.1 before I commit the new guile package
+10:18 < Ales> Dan: yes, I'm in NH at DJs place!
+10:20 < ivan> Ales, please check the mailing list
+10:20 < Ales> Dan: the latest geda snapshot should build/run fine with guile 1.8.x
+10:20 < Dan> ok. there may be a bug in my guile then
+10:20 < Dan> after this (very very long) build finishes I'll look into what happened
+10:20 < Dan> btw, that numbers.test failure has been fixed in guile cvs
+10:21 < Dan> and I've gotten some help in debugging the other failures
+10:21 < Ales> should I just apply all of them in the order they were sent?
+10:21 < ivan> yes
+10:21 < Ales> and I take it the middle one superceeds the previous gschem_atexit patch?
+10:21 < ivan> no, the middle one is on top of it
+10:22 < ivan> the first is the original gschem-atexit patch
+10:22 < Ales> okay, so this is the complete set
+10:22 < ivan> yes
+10:23 -!- dj-mon [~dj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+10:23 < pcjc2> Ales - do those g_therad_init calls look ok?
+10:23 -!- dj-mon is now known as dj
+10:24 < Ales> is there a patch for them somewhere?
+10:24 < pcjc2> http://www.pastebin.ca/552875
+10:26 < Dan> hi dj
+10:26 < dj> Hi folks!
+10:26 < Ales> what version of gtk+ required threading for the file selector?
+10:26 < Dan> want me to email you a .pcb file which shows the connection scanning bug?
+10:27 < pcjc2> I'll have a dig, but I believe its been like that for some time
+10:27 < peterbrett`> In my libgeda config.h: #define GEDARCDIR "none"
+10:27 < pcjc2> its just the verbose warning which was added recently
+10:27 < peterbrett`> I think this is the Wrong Thing?
+10:27 < dj> yes please
+10:29 < pcjc2> hmm - might not be GTK which is using threads - I get a feeling it might be GnomeVFS
+10:29 < Dan> sent
+10:29 < Ales> it's correct cause in g_rc.c it checked and if it isn't none something else happens
+10:29 < peterbrett`> Hmm
+10:29 -!- cnieves [~cnieves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+10:29 < Ales> my only concern with calling g_thread_init on systems where it isn't needed
+10:29 < cnieves> hi all (again)
+10:30 < peterbrett`> Ales: I want to get libgeda to define the appropriate Guile symbols in g_register
+10:30 < peterbrett`> How do you think I should do that?
+10:30 < Ales> I haven't ever thought about that.
+10:31 < pcjc2> Ales: http://www.nabble.com/bugs-regarding-late-g_thread_init()-calls-t2907988.html
+10:32 < peterbrett`> Okay, I'll define the Guile symbol rc-path to be the result of g_rc_parse_path().
+10:32 < Ales> peter: which rc vars do you want to remove from the .scm files?
+10:33 < peterbrett`> I want to be able to have data-path, rc-path & path-sep
+10:33 < peterbrett`> Defined as Guile symbols
+10:34 < peterbrett`> Anyway, I'll bbiab
+10:34 < Ales> some of those are set depending on ./configure or environment variables
+10:34 < peterbrett`> Yep
+10:34 < peterbrett`> Speak later (~20 min, hopefully)
+10:35 < peterbrett`> bye
+10:41 < Ales> peterC: yeah, go ahead and commit those threading patches
+10:41 < Ales> it's probably okay to call g_thread_init
+10:43 < pcjc2> ok, will just write up a changelog
+10:44 < Ales> Ivan: your key display patch has been applied
+10:44 < ivan> thanks
+10:44 < pcjc2> just now?
+10:45 -!- peterbrett` [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Ping timeout: 620 seconds]
+10:46 < Ales> just now.
+10:46 < Ales> you may have to update... sorry!
+10:46 < pcjc2> done, no problem
+10:47 < ivan> I think once the git repo is set up, all this will become *much* easier...
+10:48 < cnieves> pcjc2: tell me when you commit. I have one more patch ready.
+10:50 < Ales> Ivan: are you sure that your patches include all the necessary code for gschem_atexit?
+10:50 < Ales> the three that you just sent me
+10:50 < ivan> yes, I checked several times
+10:50 < bert> Hi all :)
+10:50 < Ales> okay, I'll just build it. :)
+10:50 < cnieves> are those the same ones you sent to the mailing list?
+10:50 < cnieves> hi Bert
+10:51 < bert> Hi Carlos
+10:51 < ivan> yes
+10:52 < Ales> Ivan: okay I found the gschem_atexit code
+10:53 < Ales> rebuilding now
+10:54 -!- Cesar [~Cesar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+10:54 < pcjc2> Carlos: Committed just now
+10:54 < cnieves> ok, updating
+10:55 < Cesar> Hi, everybody.
+10:55 < Ales> let me know when you are done peter, cause I have Ivan's patches applied
+10:55 < pcjc2> its done, thanks
+10:55 < Ales> okay rather, Carlos, when you are done
+10:56 < Ales> Hi Cesar
+10:58 < pcjc2> Hi Cesar - Carlos has been looking at committing some of the Win32 fixups you were working on
+10:59 < cnieves> Ales: done
+10:59 < cnieves> Cesar: I applied your button order patch.
+10:59 < Ales> okay, I'm still building, so if anybody else needs to commit go ahead
+11:00 < Cesar> cnieves: Thanks, I will test it right away.
+11:00 < cnieves> Cesar: I was looking at the file permissions patch. BTW do you have cvs write access?
+11:01 < Cesar> cnieves: No, i do not have cvs write access yet.
+11:03 < cnieves> Cesar: I think pcjc2 changed g_mkdir call by mkdir. Does g_mkdir exist in mingw?
+11:03 < pcjc2> glib ought to be portable
+11:03 < cnieves> I thought so, then why did you change it?
+11:03 < Ales> yeah using glib funcs is fine
+11:03 < pcjc2> urm - I wasn't aware that I had
+11:04 < cnieves> ok
+11:04 < ivan> g_mkdir showed up in glib 2.6
+11:04 < Cesar> Problem is, g_mkdir has a second permission argument.
+11:05 < Cesar> My solution was to define the missing flags as zero.
+11:05 < pcjc2> I see what I did - yet
+11:05 < pcjc2> I think Cesar's solution is best
+11:05 < pcjc2> although it does expose bugginess in GLibs portability
+11:06 < pcjc2> "The mode argument is ignored on Windows." it wouldn't have hurt to define the modes as 0 in glib then
+11:07 < cnieves> Cesar: I think your patch is ok. I'll go and apply.
+11:07 < pcjc2> one second
+11:08 < cnieves> Cesar is defining missing permissions as 0, and they are all used with an OR operator when defining file permissions, so I think is ok.
+11:08 < Ales> one more build before I commit all of Ivan's patches
+11:08 < pcjc2> I just wanted to look where those defines go
+11:10 < cnieves> pcjc2: is it ok?
+11:10 < pcjc2> Can we bug Ales for an answer on that
+11:10 < Ales> what?
+11:10 < Ales> :)
+11:10 < pcjc2> the conditional over-rides for modes in f_basic.c
+11:10 < pcjc2> is that the "right place", or should they go in config.h somehow
+11:11 < pcjc2> +#ifndef S_IWGRP
+11:11 < pcjc2> +# define S_IWGRP 0
+11:11 < pcjc2> +#endif
+11:11 < pcjc2> and the like
+11:11 * bert is away: I'm busy doing something else
+11:11 < pcjc2> also done in o_misc.c
+11:11 < Ales> I'm guessing it is probably not the easiest thing to check in configure?
+11:11 < Ales> could you put them instead in a define.h file?
+11:12 < Ales> if it isn't straighforward to check for in configure, then it's okay to put them in a toplevel header file (if they are used in more than one place)
+11:12 < pcjc2> libgeda/include/defines.h ?
+11:12 < Ales> that's fine with me
+11:12 < pcjc2> used in libgeda and gschem
+11:12 < Ales> I'm about to commit Ivan's patches
+11:12 < Ales> perfect place then
+11:13 < pcjc2> cool
+11:13 -!- peterbrett [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+11:13 < peterbrett> hi again
+11:13 < cnieves> ok, I'll change it.
+11:13 < cnieves> hi PeterB
+11:13 < pcjc2> PeterB: Hi - back in the land of the AC-Supply again ;)
+11:13 < peterbrett> :P
+11:14 < peterbrett> now... where was I? :P
+11:14 < pcjc2> PeterB am about to export xgsch2pcb
+11:14 < Ales> commiting... committed.
+11:14 < Ales> okay, I'm done patching, I need to work on the git thingy
+11:15 < Ales> Ivan: please test the latest in CVS.
+11:18 < Ales> okay git.gpleda.org is up and running
+11:18 < peterbrett> 403 Forbidden - No projects found
+11:19 < Ales> there are no probjects
+11:19 < peterbrett> :)
+11:19 < peterbrett> Why the 403?
+11:19 < Ales> it does that without projects
+11:19 < peterbrett> Fair enough :)
+11:19 < peterbrett> I think pcjc2 is creating a xgsch2pcb repo as we speak
+11:19 < pcjc2> git-cvsimport -v -i -k -p -Z,9 -d :pserver:anoncvs@xxxxxxxxxxxx:2401/home/cvspsrv/cvsroot -o master geda/xgsch2pcb
+11:20 < pcjc2> is the command line I used, no conversion of author userids to proper name and email addresses
+11:20 < Ales> so you guys want xgsch2pcb to be its own git?
+11:20 < pcjc2> verbose logging etc...
+11:20 < pcjc2> not especially
+11:20 < pcjc2> but it wants to be in git somehow
+11:20 < peterbrett> Ales: I think it would be a good idea for each distinct project to have separate repos
+11:20 < peterbrett> gaf is a project, xgsch2pcb is a project... etc.
+11:20 < Ales> okay, so far we have gaf, xgsch2pcb, website
+11:21 < peterbrett> Probably enough for the time being :)
+11:21 < pcjc2> xgsch2pcb could be a friend of geda
+11:21 < pcjc2> (gschem)
+11:21 * peterbrett is confused by pcjc2
+11:21 < Ales> friend?
+11:21 < pcjc2> gaf = gschem and friends
+11:21 < peterbrett> lol
+11:21 < Ales> ah
+11:21 < peterbrett> pcjc2: Stabilise it and make it useful first?
+11:21 < Ales> :)
+11:21 < pcjc2> I lied earlier - it has no branches
+11:22 < pcjc2> it has a tag
+11:22 < Ales> okay, so what's the command I should run to do a quick dry run create of the gaf git repo?
+11:22 < Ales> ooops... maybe I should install git on seul first
+11:22 < pcjc2> dry run as in doesn't do anything ?
+11:22 < pcjc2> probably best to make a dir and run a command similar to the one I posted
+11:22 < Ales> no, dry run as in create git file so that I can put something in place
+11:23 < Ales> okay
+11:23 < pcjc2> git-cvsimport -i -k -p -Z,9 -d :pserver:anoncvs@xxxxxxxxxxxx:2401/home/cvspsrv/cvsroot -o master geda/gaf
+11:23 < pcjc2> is what I use
+11:23 < peterbrett> Once you've run the git-cvsimport you'll have a directory called .git
+11:23 < pcjc2> which keeps all branch names, apart from HEAD (which is special in git), which it renames to "master"
+11:23 < Ales> okay
+11:23 < peterbrett> Rename it to xgsch2pcb.git, and put it in the directory where gitweb & git-daemon looks for repositories
+11:24 < pcjc2> that command doesn't attempt to guess where merges occurred, and unless the commit messages have the right magic keywords in them, it doesn't work reliably
+11:24 < Ales> okay
+11:24 < pcjc2> I think PeterB and I came to the conclusion that merge tracking wasn't important for our switchover - the commits are all there etc... and there are no active branches anyway
+11:25 < Ales> yeah, I'm okay with that
+11:27 < dj> installing software packages on windows really makes you appreciate yum
+11:28 < peterbrett> does it ever!
+11:28 < ivan> btw, does anyone here use archlinux? pacman just rocks :)
+11:29 < Ales> which debian package has git-cvsimport?
+11:30 < pcjc2> ah - please ensure you use the newest available cvsps
+11:30 < pcjc2> just searching the package out
+11:30 < Ales> 2.1 good engouh?
+11:30 < pcjc2> git-cvs
+11:31 < Ales> okay
+11:31 < pcjc2> 2.1 but needs patches
+11:31 < pcjc2> IIRC
+11:31 < Ales> okay, that's a problem then
+11:31 < pcjc2> It might do without, but its best to be consistent
+11:31 < peterbrett> pcjc2: It'll probably do okay as long as no-one checks in while export in process
+11:31 < peterbrett> Every time I've had a problem, it's because CVS isn't really concurrent
+11:31 < Ales> I'll take cvs offline when I do things for real
+11:32 < pcjc2> improves tag handling I believe
+11:32 < Ales> 2.1 is the latest
+11:32 < pcjc2> I can give you the URL of the git repo
+11:32 < pcjc2> 2.1 is latest release, but the guy who maintains it is lazy
+11:32 < Ales> is this really necessary?
+11:32 < peterbrett> Okay, I'm going to make libgeda define "geda-rc-path", "geda-data-path" and "path-sep" as Scheme variables.
+11:32 < pcjc2> some other guy has collated various bug fixes in a git-repo to go ontop of 2.1
+11:33 < peterbrett> In g_register_libgeda_vars
+11:33 < peterbrett> s/lazy/busy/
+11:33 < pcjc2> I've had occasional issues with the older cvsps, and less with the patched version - I might be wrong
+11:33 < Ales> lemme try it with 2.1 and see what happens...
+11:33 < pcjc2> s/lazy/busy/ of course, sorry - I didn't mean the guy any offence
+11:34 < pcjc2> I'll make a log with my cvsps, and we can compare notes
+11:34 < pcjc2> (You can run cvsps separeately if you get the command line right, and feed that output manually to git-cvsimport
+11:35 < ivan> Ales, I just checked the latest cvs -- all the code is there, works fine... thanks!
+11:35 < Ales> this is what I got when when I ran git-cvsimport:
+11:35 < Ales> AuthReply: I HATE YOU
+11:35 < Ales> maybe I should pick the right username
+11:35 < Ales> ah better
+11:35 -!- peterbrett [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
+11:35 -!- peterbrett [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+11:36 < Ales> its running now
+11:36 < Ales> doing something
+11:36 < pcjc2> eating my words... I'm not using patched cvsps
+11:37 < pcjc2> wounder if thats why it dropped some stuff recently ;)
+11:37 < peterbrett> lol
+11:37 < Ales> how long is it supposed to run fo?
+11:37 < Ales> r
+11:37 < pcjc2> a long time
+11:38 < Ales> Committing initial tree a157fd973b4d818573a45961560464a2ef75e9f4
+11:38 < Ales> ooh
+11:38 < pcjc2> could be an hour or so I guess
+11:38 < Ales> an hour?
+11:38 < Ales> goodness
+11:38 < pcjc2> you ran with -v?
+11:38 < Ales> nope
+11:38 < Ales> should I have?
+11:38 < pcjc2> ok - boring with no output to watch
+11:38 < peterbrett> It should be faster if it's not throttled by the network connection
+11:38 < Ales> can I just control c it?
+11:38 < pcjc2> you have to delete the .git dir and start again for most safety
+11:38 < Ales> okay
+11:38 < pcjc2> and possible the cvsps cache in ~/.cvsps/.....
+11:39 < Ales> done.
+11:40 < Ales> hmm.. get this:
+11:40 < Ales> connect error: Network is unreachable
+11:40 < Ales> and then it continues on
+11:40 < peterbrett> yes, I get that too
+11:40 < Ales> odd
+11:41 < peterbrett> I've got it for months, it's probably a cvsps bug
+11:43 < Ales> verbose is well verbose
+11:44 < peterbrett> it's "verbose", not "slightly chatty"
+11:44 < pcjc2> how fast is it?
+11:44 < peterbrett> Unlike with some tools, where you have to add "-v -v -v --debug" to get any useful debugging output :P
+11:44 < pcjc2> mine is slow enough to read the individual fetches
+11:44 < Ales> it's scrolling faster than I can really read it
+11:44 < pcjc2> good to hear ;)
+11:46 < cnieves> Patch #1733826: Avoid writting '\r' to files on MinGW. It changes all fopen(file, "w") to fopen(file, "wb"). However this is not documented in the fopen man page installed on my system. What about yours?
+11:47 < pcjc2> 0b22874791baef1fb3626e5046725d61 cvsps.output
+11:47 < pcjc2> from my raw run of cvsps
+11:48 < Ales> run run run
+11:48 < peterbrett> cat .git/refs/heads/master
+11:48 < Ales> this is a read only operation on the cvs repsoitory I hope?
+11:48 < peterbrett> both of you :)
+11:48 < peterbrett> Ales: yep
+11:48 < pcjc2> yep
+11:48 < Ales> efaaae739bcd0f68197f98fd6b473b469e693773
+11:49 < Ales> but it isn't done yet
+11:49 < pcjc2> we're looking at different things
+11:49 < pcjc2> due to time and bandwidth, I'm not cloning cvs
+11:49 < peterbrett> oh, okay
+11:49 < peterbrett> fair enough :)
+11:49 < pcjc2> I just re-ran a complete log, and md5 summed the output of cvsps
+11:49 < Ales> I will be running this again probably tomorrow
+11:49 < pcjc2> 0b22874791baef1fb3626e5046725d61 cvsps_patched.output
+11:49 < pcjc2> so the patched and unpatched cvsps are producing the same output in this (most simple) case where they start from scratch
+11:51 < Ales> does m4 1.4.8 have the multiply bug?
+11:52 * peterbrett can't believe that one slipped through the net
+11:53 < Dan> ales: I don't think so
+11:53 < Dan> I think it was just 1.4.9
+11:53 < pcjc2> 1.4.8b might have had it
+11:53 < Dan> it is easy to check though
+11:54 < Dan> echo "eval(-2/2)" | m4
+11:54 < pcjc2> IIRC, it was only divides with -ve numbers, not multiplies which showed it
+11:55 < Dan> that sounds right to me too
+11:55 < peterbrett> 1.4.8 seems to work for me
+11:56 < Dan> dan@bondage 328 % echo "eval(-2/2)" | /export/disk2/tmp/gnum4-1.4.9/bin/m4
+11:56 < Dan> 2147483647
+11:56 < Dan> dan@bondage 329 % echo "eval(-2/2)" | /export/disk2/tmp/gnum4-1.4.8/bin/m4
+11:56 < Dan> -1
+11:57 < peterbrett> What did Knuth say about optimisation?
+11:57 < Ales> it's the first thing you do
+11:58 < Ales> before your write any code
+11:58 < dj> programming is the art of debugging an empty file
+11:58 -!- jpd [~jpd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+12:00 < Dan> hi john
+12:00 < Cesar> Carlos: About fopen(file, "wb"): There appears to be an alternative: linking every application against binmode.o when on MinGW. I will investigate the automake magic do that.
+12:00 < jpd> Good morning
+12:02 < pcjc2> hi John
+12:06 < cnieves> Cesar: no problem. I found where it is documented. I'm rebuilding now.
+12:06 < cnieves> hi John
+12:09 < cnieves> Cesar: patch committed. Please test.
+12:13 < Dan> ales: are you happy with the current gnetlist testing framework?
+12:14 < Ales> Dan: mostly, except stuart managed to somehow break his spice-sdb tests for make distcheck
+12:15 < Dan> what should I look at for an example of adding tests? I need to add one for cascade and pcbpins
+12:15 < Dan> how is it broken?
+12:15 < Ales> any of them, it's pretty simple
+12:15 < Dan> doh! "I have NOT verified
+12:15 < Dan> that the known good output is correct."
+12:16 < Ales> it doesn't work; I haven't looked at why exactly, probably not copying some dependant file
+12:16 < Dan> thats how the tests from the CAD group at work work too ;)
+12:16 < Ales> still running git-cvsimport
+12:16 < Ales> I sure hope this completes
+12:16 < Ales> sometime today
+12:16 < pcjc2> what file numbers are you on?
+12:17 < pcjc2> I just set one going to see if I could identify where my last incremental tracker lost some of the docs
+12:17 < Ales> v1.6 on various symbols
+12:17 < Ales> well more than that
+12:17 < pcjc2> here ;(
+12:18 < pcjc2> its updating a few hundred bytes at a time - how can these take so long!!
+12:18 < peterbrett> The symbols take FOREVER :(
+12:19 < pcjc2> presumably they haven't changed much since their initial upload though
+12:20 < Ales> 42m in .git
+12:20 < peterbrett> Ales: It looks like system-gafrc is going to get totally re-written
+12:20 < Ales> sounds like fun
+12:20 < pcjc2> it will pack that afterwards
+12:20 < peterbrett> Ales: after export completed, run "git-repack -a -d", and the size drops like mad
+12:20 < Ales> okay, I'll wait till it finishes
+12:21 < pcjc2> 6m here - you have a significant head start
+12:21 < Ales> and this is only a test run... :)
+12:21 < pcjc2> 18m is my tracker which I was actively using
+12:21 < pcjc2> (but not bothering to repack too often)
+12:22 < cnieves> ivan: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1730478&group_id=161080&atid=818426
+12:22 < Cesar> It's lunchtime. I'll be right back.
+12:22 < Ales> yeah, it's going to be food time here too soon
+12:22 < Ales> dj is burning the burgers
+12:22 < cnieves> ivan: I think it is not up to date. Is it?
+12:23 < ivan> I don't know; I thought Ben was going to post a patch
+12:23 < ivan> it's a one-line
+12:23 < pcjc2> Ales - we probably ought to avoid packing with -a too often
+12:23 < Ales> why?
+12:23 < pcjc2> means as changes happen, all files get re-packed into a different pack
+12:24 < pcjc2> which (I think) users have to get whilst cloning
+12:24 < pcjc2> -d means if a new pack makes an old pack redundant, delete the old pack (which is fine)
+12:24 < ivan> cnieves: should I just go ahead and send a patch to the tracker?
+12:24 < ivan> (I can't test this since I'm not seeing the crash)
+12:25 < cnieves> ivan: yes please. However, he is reporting the loop is going backwards, when actually the loop is going forward....
+12:25 < peterbrett> pcjc2: If you're running git-daemon it doesn't matter how often you do or don't repack
+12:26 < peterbrett> pcjc2: packs are generated on the fly depending on the client's HEAD.
+12:26 < ivan> cnieves: ummm.. I see now
+12:26 < ivan> I've moved that code
+12:26 < ivan> he refered to the toplevel walking code
+12:26 < peterbrett> repacking is only a problem if you're using "dumb" servers such as an plain FTP or HTTP server
+12:27 < ivan> the code is now in update_recent_files_menus
+12:27 < ivan> i need first to get to the first toplevel so I walk later through all of them
+12:28 < ivan> hopefully this will be fixed with Ales' toplevel changes or PeterC's list changes...
+12:28 < ivan> in the meantime, i can make a patch for the crash Ben is seeing
+12:29 < cnieves> please post it to the tracker, and I'll apply it.
+12:29 < ivan> sure, will do in a few minutes
+12:29 < ivan> LOL
+12:29 < ivan> the check for wid==-1 is already there
+12:30 < ivan> so no need to touch that
+12:30 < cnieves> Thought so! ;)
+12:30 < ivan> my eyes are blurry... :)
+12:31 < ivan> perhaps you can then close this bug as solved?
+12:33 < cnieves> I wrote a comment "Seems to be fixed in CVS. Please test and report" I'll set the state to pending. If the submitter doesn't update it in 14 days, it will be closed automatically.
+12:33 < ivan> cool
+12:33 < cnieves> s/I'll set/I set
+12:36 < peterbrett> cnieves: That's my usual tactic, works quite well especially for anonymous bugs ;)
+12:36 < pcjc2> which file has the wid==-1 ?
+12:36 < pcjc2> I'll git blame it
+12:37 < ivan> x_menus.c
+12:37 < cnieves> The check is already there (x_menus.c)
+12:37 < pcjc2> which line?
+12:38 < ivan> 436
+12:38 < pcjc2> gschem.x_menus.c
+12:38 < pcjc2> must have been recent - as I don't see it it my git repo
+12:38 < ivan> that's from my patch today :)
+12:38 < pcjc2> ah - ok
+12:39 < pcjc2> it fixed the bug too
+12:39 < pcjc2> good stuff
+12:41 < peterbrett> TOPLEVEL.scheme_directory seems to be *only* used for printing a single error message in gschem.c
+12:41 < peterbrett> What is more, it's an error message which shouldn't even be printed by gschem, as far as I can tell.
+12:41 < ivan> lol
+12:42 < pcjc2> Ales - what were the TOPLEVEL changes you had in the pipeline?
+12:42 < Ales> but it's used in libgeda in a few places
+12:42 < Ales> peterC: I wanted to refactor the rc variables
+12:42 < peterbrett> Ales: only in the code for getting and setting it
+12:42 < Ales> but I'm not ready
+12:43 < peterbrett> Oh wait, it's used in gnetlist for listing available backends
+12:43 < bert> Hi :)
+12:44 < cnieves> I commited a patch for a bug in the SF tracker. I'll write a comment on the tracker. I'd want the (anonymous) submitter test it again. Should I set the state to pending?
+12:44 < peterbrett> cnieves: I don't see why not
+12:44 < peterbrett> I suspect it's a fire-and-forget bug anyway
+12:44 < cnieves> yup
+12:46 < ivan> cnieves: which one? I'm also looking at bug now...
+12:46 < Ales> dj has really burned a burger now
+12:46 < peterbrett> lol
+12:46 < Igor2> :>
+12:46 < Ales> smoke detector going off
+12:47 < pcjc2> not outside?
+12:47 < ivan> :)
+12:48 < Ales> no it was raining a lot
+12:48 < Ales> its a cookin
+12:49 < Ales> 68Meg
+12:49 < Dan> I wish we'd have some of that rain
+12:49 < Ales> we can ship you a bucket
+12:49 < Dan> we got some last night but not enough
+12:49 < peterbrett> Hmm
+12:49 < Dan> I went fishing last week and the creek had nearly stopped flowing
+12:49 < peterbrett> system-gafrc is now 40 lines
+12:50 < pcjc2> its glorious sunshine here
+12:50 < peterbrett> yeah, it's really lovely :)
+12:50 < Dan> its supposed to be 95 F here today
+12:50 < Dan> and tomorrow
+12:50 < Ales> where are the default symbol paths set?
+12:50 < Dan> and in the 90's each day after that for a while
+12:51 < Dan> unfortunately "a while" can mean a month
+12:51 < peterbrett> Ales: geda-symbols will install "geda-clib.scm" and "geda-font.scm"
+12:51 < peterbrett> system-gafrc checks for them and loads them if they exist
+12:51 < Ales> what about source libs?
+12:52 < Dan> ok, found the problem in my guile pkg that was making libgeda unhappy.
+12:53 < Dan> back to building the others
+12:53 < peterbrett> Ales: I've ripped most of the doc comments out, as (a) many of them were out of date and (b) I intend to write a "gEDA Guile Reference" on the wiki.
+12:53 < peterbrett> Most people seem to specify source libs in project-local gafrc files anyway
+12:53 < ivan> peterbrett:: that would be awesome!
+12:54 < Ales> yeah, all the source-libraries can be removed
+12:54 < ivan> by the way, I really think the site should _be_ the wiki
+12:54 < ivan> the wiki now has far more information
+12:54 < jpd> Indeed. Guile is daunting, but it's easy once you get past the *gulp* ;-)
+12:55 < peterbrett> jpd: I really like the economy of Lisp-like languages :)
+12:55 < peterbrett> I've added a "build-path" function to the standard environment too
+12:55 < Dan> I don't like porting guile, but I like scheme as a programming language
+12:56 -!- sdb [~sdb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+12:57 < sdb> Hi guys!
+12:57 < peterbrett> Stuart! Hi!
+12:57 < pcjc2> Hi Stuart
+12:57 < ivan> hi
+12:57 < cnieves> hi Stuart
+12:57 < jpd> Hi Stuart!
+12:57 < sdb> Sorry I'm late! I am 1000 miles away from Ales & DJ helping my parents in the
+12:57 < sdb> American midwest.
+12:57 < dj> hi stuart!
+12:57 < jpd> Halfway here.
+12:58 < sdb> I have a break from work now, so I'm going to try doing some gEDA related work!
+12:58 < dj> I've spent the morning just trying to build pcb on windows *once*
+12:58 < Ales> Hi Stuart!
+12:58 < pcjc2> oh dear - any specific issues?
+12:59 < peterbrett> dj: Why do you put yourself through such torture?
+12:59 < Ales> oh git-cvsimport done
+12:59 < Ales> now what?
+12:59 < Ales> should I repack it?
+12:59 < peterbrett> Ales: Can't hurt
+12:59 < pcjc2> it did that at the end anyway I think
+12:59 < pcjc2> check the file size
+12:59 < Ales> 16764
+12:59 < peterbrett> That matches my repo pretty closely
+13:00 < pcjc2> woo
+13:00 < peterbrett> Ales: Now copy the whole .git directory to gaf.git on gpleda.org server in the place gitweb & git-daemon look for repositories
+13:00 < Ales> 16764
+13:00 < pcjc2> can we see it on gpleda.org now ;)
+13:00 < Ales> one second, creating tarball
+13:01 < ivan> pcjc2: i think 1705092 should be closed, the warnings are gone
+13:01 < pcjc2> one sec
+13:02 < pcjc2> oh - those only show up if you compile without gettext
+13:02 < ivan> ah
+13:02 < ivan> are they still relevant?
+13:02 < pcjc2> some dodgy casting with / without "const"
+13:02 < pcjc2> I couldn't see a "nice" way round it
+13:03 < pcjc2> I did have a stab at fixing them at one point though
+13:03 < pcjc2> I'll post you the alternative fixes I came up with
+13:03 < ivan> ok
+13:04 < pcjc2> will post to dev list
+13:04 < ivan> i won't complain -- the trackers are a real pain
+13:05 < pcjc2> sent
+13:06 < pcjc2> I'm not a fan of bug trackers generally
+13:06 < pcjc2> ubuntu's launchpad isn't awful - but its very hard to navigate
+13:06 < peterbrett> pcjc2: bug trackers make it far too easy for developers to ignore bugs
+13:07 < pcjc2> it would be nice to get a summary email of bugs assigned to each person, say every fortnight / month
+13:07 < pcjc2> with all bugs being assigned to "someone" by default
+13:07 < sdb> Hmmmm, I have a dumb question. Perhaps I missed something this morning.
+13:07 < ivan> i think i will focus some of my dev time to bug solving...
+13:07 < sdb> With all hte talk about git, has the CVS sererver been shut down?
+13:07 < sdb> I'm getting this error when trying to refresh:
+13:07 < pcjc2> GTK have this problem, and they adopted a similar solution, someone goes and emails a summary of patches which need reviewing / applying etc..
+13:07 < sdb> connect to cvs.seul.org( failed: Connection timed out
+13:08 < sdb> Or am I blocked to the CVS port here?
+13:08 < Ales> no cvs should be fine
+13:08 < sdb> Ales, thanks.
+13:08 < peterbrett> Meh crappy ISPs :(
+13:08 < Ales> peter(s): git.gpleda.org
+13:10 < pcjc2> Carlos: you added a patch which logs a warning for missing pixmap
+13:10 < pcjc2> my win32 patch needed something (not NULL) returned IIRC
+13:10 < pcjc2> so I added: + wpixmap = gtk_image_new_from_stock(GTK_STOCK_MISSING_IMAGE , GTK_ICON_SIZ
+13:10 < pcjc2> E_SMALL_TOOLBAR);
+13:10 < pcjc2> seems like a nice addition to the logged warning message
+13:11 < peterbrett> Ales: touch gaf.git/git-daemon-export-ok
+13:11 < Ales> oh yeah sorry forgot
+13:11 < pcjc2> as a nicety, you could edit .git/description
+13:11 < peterbrett> Also I think you need to edit gaf.git/description
+13:11 < peterbrett> lol
+13:12 < Ales> in stero
+13:12 < Ales> stereo
+13:12 < ivan> alright folks, i have to go now. it's been an interesting sprint, keep up the good work! bye
+13:12 < peterbrett> ivan: Have a good one.
+13:12 < pcjc2> bye!
+13:12 -!- ivan [~ivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
+13:12 < pcjc2> We should try and setup the graphic log stuff which repo.or.cz uses at some future time, its quite nice
+13:12 < Ales> done done
+13:13 < pcjc2> its all very nice ;)
+13:13 < Ales> I like the changeset feature already. :)
+13:14 < pcjc2> and you can get arbitrary snapshots
+13:14 < Ales> soo nice.
+13:14 < Ales> this is going to be so much easier
+13:14 < pcjc2> downloaded as a tar ball at any point in the history
+13:14 < peterbrett> Ales: Have you tried gitk?
+13:14 < Ales> stuart: any progress on the cvs problem?
+13:14 < bert> Hi Stuart :)
+13:14 < pcjc2> heck - I often prefer gitweb to the raw command line tools in that respect!
+13:14 < Ales> just finished a git-clone
+13:15 < peterbrett> Ales, sdb: Sounds like a good time to try git-cvsserver ;)
+13:15 < Ales> I need to figure out how to install that.
+13:15 < sdb> Ales, no. I think my port is blocked. I'm trying this at the public library.
+13:15 < Ales> really?
+13:15 < Ales> (15) 13:14:26 [laptop:git] $
+13:15 < sdb> I am thinking about trying out git. What port does it use?
+13:15 < Ales> ack
+13:15 < Ales> telnet cvs.seul.org 2401
+13:15 < Ales> try that
+13:15 < pcjc2> can use the web port if you want it to
+13:16 < peterbrett> Ales: In future when importing patches (like you did in 98c5aa9857df54091624160a6505dd072ff9e3b3) you should set the GIT_AUTHOR_NAME and GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL environment variables, and import them one at a time rather than all together
+13:16 < peterbrett> Ales: As you can see from the git log, it records author and committer separately
+13:16 < Ales> I haven't done any git imports yet
+13:16 < peterbrett> Ales: I know, just for future reference ;)
+13:16 < Ales> are you saying I should have set those first?
+13:16 < Ales> oh yeah.. I'll add that to my list.
+13:17 < sdb> Ales, "telnet cvs.seul.org 2401" seems to time out too.
+13:17 < Ales> we should probably get a geda-git development wiki page
+13:17 < peterbrett> indeed
+13:18 < Ales> I'll start one once I figure out how to use git. :)
+13:19 < bert> Stuart: you mentioned doxygen w.r.t.pcb in the february sprint, are you serious about doxygen generated docs for pcb ?
+13:20 < sdb> Bert, I actually did put some doxygen comments into
+13:20 < sdb> some of hte PCB source. I just haven't submitted the patches.
+13:21 < Ales> gitk is slick too
+13:21 < Ales> all offline too, way cool
+13:21 < sdb> The reason is partially laziness, and partially because PCB alreayd
+13:21 < bert> ah, I see, I was woundering as I didn't see any.
+13:21 < sdb> has its own, home-grown method to generate documentation from comments.
+13:21 < sdb> The machine with comments is back in BOston, so I wont do that this time.
+13:22 < Joely> ah, sorry this is kinda off topic and a silly question, but this is my first _real_ fpga project...i'm trying to make a customizeable processor (ranging from 1 core -> 8) and the timer bit width is a constant dependent on what? i'm looking at the source code to Simply Risc's implementation of Sun's T1, and it just sets it as a constant of 16 bits. i'm wondering why that is, if it needs to be scalable per core.
+13:22 < peterbrett> Joely: Sorry, what was the question?
+13:22 < Ales> we are demoing the design flow and programs to Larry the usability expert
+13:23 < peterbrett> *blink*
+13:23 < Joely> what is the timer bit width dependent on as it is set separately in another file called `s1_defs'
+13:23 < peterbrett> Joely: Are you using iverilog?
+13:23 < Ales> john: got your e-mail, I'll check it in
+13:24 < Joely> peterbrett, yes, for simulation
+13:24 < jpd> Thanks, Ales.
+13:24 < peterbrett> Joely: Hmm. I really think you'd be better off sending an e-mail to the geda-user mailing list
+13:24 < bert> sdb: are you going to push this in the future or is it just for educational purposes ?
+13:24 < peterbrett> I don't think there are any iverilog specialists around today
+13:25 < cnieves> pcjc2: didn't know there was a missing image pixmap. That's fine.
+13:27 < sdb> Bert, ummmm, push what? I'm sorry I'm confused.
+13:27 < sdb> Bert, do you mean DOxygen docs for PCB?
+13:27 < bert> sdb: implementing doxygen comments or stick to the home-grown stuff ?
+13:28 < sdb> Bert, that decision is not up to me, but rather is up to DJ, Dan, and Harry.
+13:28 < pcjc2> Ales: git-cvsimport has a way of mapping usernames like "pcjc2" to the full "Peter Clifton" "pcjc2@xxxxxxxxx" as it imports
+13:28 < sdb> When we last discussed it, I think the PCB developers were sorta lukewarm about
+13:29 < sdb> doxygenating their code, but they weren't opposed as long as the mark-up was
+13:29 < pcjc2> but we'd need to produce a list of all users. The alternative would be to leave it as is, which is also workable
+13:29 < sdb> compatible iwht their home-grown stuff. I think that makes perfect sense
+13:29 < dj> I'm ok with doxygen, as long as we can generate pcb docs with it, like we do today.
+13:29 < sdb> I just haven't done anything about it since... .well, I have a number of projects running
+13:29 < sdb> right now and DOxygenating PCB fell down the priority list.
+13:30 < bert> sdb: OK, I understand.
+13:30 < sdb> THe reason I wanted it was so that I could get a handle on how the code worked.
+13:30 < bert> sdb: It would be my first choice either, it's rather cumbersome
+13:30 < peterbrett> pcjc2, Ales: I vote for leaving it how it is.
+13:30 < Ales> Peter: is this related to the environment variables mentioned before?
+13:30 < bert> s/would/wouldn't/
+13:31 < pcjc2> yes, for example - what I use:
+13:31 < pcjc2> cat ~/.gitconfig
+13:31 < pcjc2> [user]
+13:31 < pcjc2> name = Peter Clifton
+13:31 < pcjc2> email = pcjc2@xxxxxxxxx
+13:31 < pcjc2> so when I make a commit, those details are recorded
+13:31 < pcjc2> git-cvsimport can convert the CVS user names to be like those too
+13:31 < bert> sdb: and it doesn't bring new features for the pcb-users :)
+13:32 < peterbrett> heh. Apparently the conflicting filenames in the default symbol libraries will be fixed "soon" (tm).
+13:33 < pcjc2> Bert - thanks for posting those images
+13:33 < sdb> Bert: That's true. For me it was a mechanism to understand the PCB code, with the
+13:33 < sdb> vision that I might fiddle around with some of my usability peeves after
+13:34 < sdb> I understood it. That project is dead in the water right now. :-(
+13:34 < pcjc2> "soon" (tm) I'll have to get around to refreshing my page navigation patches - I've already had a stab at recovering some of the GedaList based stuff
+13:35 < bert> sdb: for me it would serve the same purpose: go through the code base and get a grasp what is going on :)
+13:36 < peterbrett> al: which of the many gnucap sites is the "current" one?
+13:37 < bert> sdb, dj: if I understand DJ's response well it would be implenetd in between releases so their would be no pieces of comments dangling outside the docs
+13:37 < bert> s/implenetd/implemented/
+13:38 < bert> I should find a better keyboard instead of this typo generator :)
+13:38 < sdb> In my vision, we would just add comments to the functions slowly, over time.
+13:38 < sdb> There is no need (to users, anyway) for every fcn to be documented.
+13:38 < pcjc2> Anyone fancy taking a glance at some patches at http://repo.or.cz/w/geda-gaf/pcjc2.git ?
+13:38 < sdb> It's really just an exercise to help developers better understand hte code.
+13:38 < pcjc2> I'm opening up the floor with RFC to adding GedaList (A gobject) to libgeda
+13:39 < pcjc2> The selection code changes ought to be fairly complete with it
+13:39 < pcjc2> but the very last patch is a mess - ignore that (other than to see what it might look like eventually)
+13:40 < pcjc2> Also, the first patch makes a libgeda/include/geda.h where I've been putting new stuff under development - it keeps the conflicts down
+13:40 < peterbrett> pcjc2: No major objections here
+13:40 < peterbrett> pcjc2: libgeda already links against gobject anyway
+13:40 < pcjc2> it already links against GTK - that doesn't make it an ideal situation ;)
+13:40 < peterbrett> pcjc2: true ;)
+13:40 < dj> The docs we currently have are primarily for the API references, and keeping the "docs" in the source makes it a lot easier to keep them in sync.
+13:41 < pcjc2> anyway - I am of the opinion that gobject brings us benefits, and that we ought to use them
+13:41 < dj> The sources are parsed to build parts of pcb.texi, which is processed into everything else. So it's all at build time that the differences between what we have and what doxygen wants matter.
+13:41 < bert> sdb, dj: so to you guys it would be OK if I put a patch on SF every now and then
+13:41 < sdb> pcjc2: What version of GTK introduced the gobject stuff you want to use?
+13:41 < dj> Sure, or on the -dev mailing list.
+13:41 < peterbrett> Ales: Any decisions on whether you want to keep the import you've got, or make a new one?
+13:41 < peterbrett> sdb: 2.0
+13:42 < dj> One could certainly *add* doxygen comments, without changing the existing API doc-comments, too, and migrate the rest later.
+13:42 < pcjc2> its GLib stuff. Ideally, libgeda shouldn't depend against GTK
+13:42 < Ales> I'm going to reimport after the sprint is done
+13:42 < sdb> Bert: Go for it! I am not a PCB develper, so DJ's opinion is more valuable than mine here.
+13:42 < peterbrett> Ales: Are you going to use a usermap file to put people's proper names/email addresses into the import?
+13:43 < Ales> docs on doing that?
+13:43 < Ales> is it worth doing?
+13:43 < sdb> Peterbrett: OK.
+13:43 < pcjc2> man git-cvsimport
+13:43 < peterbrett> Ales: It makes it look nice ;)
+13:43 < pcjc2> under "-A"
+13:44 < pcjc2> I'm not sure - does it set the commit name and email as well as the author's ?
+13:44 < peterbrett> pcjc2: I believe it sets both to the same thing
+13:44 < bert> sdb, dj: it's a go then :) I think I will start with HID's
+13:44 < Ales> okay, I'll do that for all the contributers.
+13:45 < peterbrett> I recommend also adding a robots.txt which stops Google from indexing the gitweb
+13:45 < pcjc2> PeterB: For the sake of our email addresses, or the repo's content not being useful to google search?
+13:45 < peterbrett> both
+13:45 < sdb> OK, now my next question. I just installed git on my traveling laptop.
+13:46 < sdb> Could some kind soul tell me the magic incantation (command + git repo)
+13:46 < pcjc2> I already get private emails relating to gEDA bugs occasionally - don't want lots more ;)
+13:46 < sdb> I need to check ou the latest stuff?
+13:46 < Ales> I've never gotten those
+13:46 < peterbrett> sdb: hopefully you have cogito
+13:46 < peterbrett> sdb: cg clone git://git.gpleda.org/
+13:46 < Ales> note, the current git repository is temporary
+13:46 < sdb> PeterBrett: Nope. I'll install that now.....
+13:47 < peterbrett> sdb: for testing only ;)
+13:47 < pcjc2> with any luck, when its switched over, the import will be the same, and it will all work fine - just with more recent commits in it
+13:47 < Ales> yup
+13:47 < sdb> PeterBrett: My question is: is that repo in sync wiht the master CVS repo?
+13:47 < pcjc2> ok - (changes his mind) the SHA1 IDs of the commits will change when we import with the pcjc2 -> Peter Clifton type swiching
+13:47 < peterbrett> sdb: At the moment, but I'd hold off until the "official" switchover in a day or so
+13:48 < peterbrett> pcjc2: correct
+13:48 < Ales> shouldn't it be: cg clone git://git.gpleda.org/git/gaf
+13:48 < Ales> I don't know if I like that extra "git" in there
+13:48 < peterbrett> cg clone git://git.gpleda.org/gaf.git ??
+13:49 < Ales> nope.
+13:49 < peterbrett> Um
+13:49 < peterbrett> I can't clone :-(
+13:49 < Ales> cg clone git://git.gpleda.org/git/gaf works for me
+13:49 < peterbrett> cg clone git://git.gpleda.org/git/gaf.git works for me
+13:50 < sdb> Another issue: I don't want to trash my current version of geda/gaf yet. So if I do
+13:50 < peterbrett> Maybe you could put that in gaf.git/description ?
+13:50 < Ales> what is "that"?
+13:50 < sdb> cg clone git://git.gpleda.org/git/gaf will that put it in a separate "git" directory (which is what I want.)
+13:51 < peterbrett> It'll create a gaf directory
+13:51 < peterbrett> 'cg clone git://git.gpleda.org/git/gaf git' will create a git directory
+13:51 < sdb> PeterBrett: Thanks!
+13:51 < Ales> are we okay with the path "git://git.gpleda.org/git/gaf" ?
+13:52 < Ales> I guess I can change it
+13:52 < peterbrett> Ales: git://git.gpleda/gaf[.git] would be more "canonical"
+13:52 < sdb> Hmmmm... which port does git use? It seems to be taking a long time to clone something.....
+13:52 < peterbrett> sdb: ... no idea, sorry :-/
+13:53 < sdb> Uh oh -- "fatal: unable to connect a socket (Connection timed out)"
+13:55 < bert> I just cloned gaf on my FC5 box: no problems whatsoever :)
+13:55 < Ales> bert: using git or cg ?
+13:55 < peterbrett> I just cloned it using cg, took a while but that's normal :)
+13:55 < Ales> hmmm
+13:55 < Ales> I got an error before, but it completed
+13:56 -!- sdb [~sdb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
+13:56 < Ales> remote: Total 19, written 19 (delta 0), reused 19 (delta 0)
+13:56 < Ales> Indexing 19 objects. 100% (19/19) done
+13:56 < Ales> fatal: pack: not a valid SHA1
+13:56 < Ales> New branch: ef17dab2d16bbc8a0a325501b8dfac6c8d440d85
+13:56 < bert> cg clone git://git.gpleda.org/git/gaf
+13:56 < peterbrett> Ales: That's odd.
+13:56 < bert> sdb: did you git-init first ?
+13:56 < peterbrett> bert: You shouldn't need to
+13:56 < Ales> I'll try it again
+13:57 < bert> Well, It did no harm I guess ?
+13:57 < Ales> okay I'm going to change the path to gpleda.org/gaf
+13:57 < peterbrett> Ales: Can you put the clone URL in the description?
+13:57 < Ales> sure
+13:57 < peterbrett> If you put it in a second paragraph it won't clog up the projects list
+13:57 < Ales> oh okay
+13:58 -!- sdb [~sdb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+13:59 < Ales> how can I see that second paragraph?
+13:59 < bert> du gives 46M disk usage
+13:59 < bert> took me about 60 seconds
+13:59 < peterbrett> bert: That's repo (16MB) + checked-out sources (30MB)
+14:00 < pcjc2> Ales: The SHA1 between our trackers match up until about 2003
+14:00 < bert> Well df gives 58GB free so no problem yet :)
+14:00 < pcjc2> http://git.gpleda.org/?p=gaf.git;a=commit;h=24715da4504cbef6dd110451bfc4a25b426d1781
+14:00 < pcjc2> that commit
+14:01 < pcjc2> I'd not be too surprised though - as it could be a file permission different or something
+14:01 < pcjc2> perhaps there was CVS black magic conducted at some point which touched one of those files
+14:01 < Ales> yeah
+14:02 < pcjc2> it should be possible to rebase any existing git repos
+14:02 < pcjc2> it might take a bit of "force", as git won't think the trees match - but it can be done
+14:02 < pcjc2> either with git-rebase, or my new preferred method (seems safer), exporting a series of patches, then re-applying on a different branch
+14:02 < peterbrett> pcjc2: The repo.or.cz repo will become a mirror of the official one
+14:02 < Ales> I put the url in the description
+14:02 < Ales> as the second paragraph
+14:03 < peterbrett> It really doesn't seem to be showing up, does it?
+14:03 < peterbrett> Hmm.
+14:03 < pcjc2> Indeed - although I've not been using the repo.or.cz tracker, I kept my own in sync since yours lost a noscreen patch or so - and have been using it since
+14:03 < Ales> yeah
+14:03 < Ales> we can put that sort of info into the geda git wiki
+14:03 < pcjc2> once you have it up to a point, its low bandwidth and effort to keep it updated anyway
+14:03 < peterbrett> never mind. *shrug*
+14:04 < pcjc2> seems mine dropped some docs recently
+14:04 < bert> after coning I thought of running gitk (and qgit) and they both barf on something and bail out, is this normal ?
+14:04 < pcjc2> I don't think the tracker likes you updating whilst commits are going on!
+14:04 < bert> s/coning/cloning/
+14:04 < pcjc2> Bret: are you in the dir with .git in it?
+14:04 < bert> I has gaf and .git dirs
+14:05 < Ales> I'm going change the git repository
+14:05 < Ales> ^repository^UL
+14:05 < pcjc2> run gitk from the checkout's toplevel dir
+14:05 < pcjc2> that is the one with the .git dir in it
+14:06 < pcjc2> if it bails, post the error message
+14:06 < bert> I made a git.gpleda.org dir and that's where I'm in right now
+14:06 < Joely> peterbrett, how's this?? hehe http://archives.seul.org/geda/user/Jun-2007/msg00092.html
+14:06 < sdb> Another git question: doing a clone git://git.gpleda.org/geda/gaf geda-git" seems to time out.
+14:06 < Ales> possible you isp is blocking you?
+14:06 < sdb> Therefore, I tried usign http: "git clone http://git.gpleda.org/geda/gaf geda-git"
+14:06 < Ales> did that work?
+14:07 < sdb> This gives me the following error: Cannot get remote repository information. Perhaps git-update-server-info needs to be run there?
+14:07 < sdb> Ales, yeah, I think I am experienceing port blockage.
+14:07 < Ales> okay, I don't think I've setup the http part of things
+14:07 < sdb> Ales, ummmm, is it easy to do? If so, setting it up would be great!
+14:07 < pcjc2> Ales - is the repo gaf.git dir directly accessible by web?
+14:08 < pcjc2> If those dirs are somewhere the webserver can get at them, to clone - all you need is that URL
+14:08 < sdb> Indeed, that would be an added benefit of git -- we could grab stuff via http, which uses a port almost nobody blocks.
+14:08 < bert> [bert@steiger git.gpleda.org]$ gitk &
+14:08 < bert> [1] 11776
+14:08 < bert> [bert@steiger git.gpleda.org]$ Error in startup script: child process exited abnormally
+14:08 < bert> while executing
+14:08 < bert> "close $refd"
+14:08 < bert> (procedure "readrefs" line 47)<CR> invoked from within<CR>"readrefs"<CR> (file "/usr/bin/gitk" line 6325)<CR><CR>[1]+ Exit 1 gitk
+14:08 < Ales> I need to setup an alias for that
+14:08 < pcjc2> ok - I got that before on a bugged checkout
+14:09 < pcjc2> urm - I'm not sure.. let me think for a sec
+14:09 < peterbrett> sdb: It's not particularly a nice way to do it. You'll get *much* larger downloads, and it stops Ales from running git-repack on the server to save disk space
+14:10 < pcjc2> Bert: try using "git-clone" for me
+14:10 < pcjc2> git-clone URL
+14:10 < al> The main gnucap site is gnucap.org. Other gnucap.* (like gnucap.net) point to the same IP as gnucap.org. The gnu site (www.gnu.org/software/gnucap) is from CVS. The one on geda.seul.org is in need of updating.
+14:11 < pcjc2> I have to go now I think
+14:11 < pcjc2> has been a good productive sprint so far, I look forward to reading the rest of the logs later
+14:12 < Ales> I'm going to keep banging on git
+14:12 < Ales> git clone http://git.gpleda.org/git/gaf.git
+14:12 < Ales> works for me
+14:12 < Ales> so what's this about not being able to run repack if we allow this?
+14:13 < pcjc2> not can't, just ought not repack into a single pack file
+14:13 < pcjc2> if you allow http access, when people clone, they tend to grab large packs of the server
+14:13 < pcjc2> and if you repack, and they clone / fetch again, they have a big download to do
+14:13 < Ales> okay, I might disable this since I do not have infinite bandwidth
+14:13 < Ales> okay
+14:14 < peterbrett> Ales: New system-gafrc / symbols Scheme files are working nicely
+14:14 < sdb> Ales, you rock! That incantation seemed to work!
+14:14 < bert> pcjc2: same result it gives:
+14:14 < pcjc2> you could let repo.or.cz mirror it
+14:14 < bert> [bert@steiger git.gpleda.org]$ gitk &
+14:14 < bert> [1] 11922
+14:14 < bert> [bert@steiger git.gpleda.org]$ Error in startup script: child process exited abnormally
+14:14 < bert> while executing
+14:14 < bert> "close $refd"
+14:14 < bert> (procedure "readrefs" line 47)
+14:14 < bert> invoked from within
+14:14 < pcjc2> and point people to the http url f that
+14:14 < Ales> sdb: don't get too attached to it.
+14:14 < bert> "readrefs"
+14:14 < bert> (file "/usr/bin/gitk" line 6325)
+14:14 < bert> [1]+ Exit 1 gitk
+14:15 < sdb> Ales: :-) I just need it this once since all my ports are blocked here.
+14:15 < sdb> Ummm, one question, though: Is the stuff I'm downloading the latest & greatest?
+14:15 < Ales> sdb: nope
+14:15 < sdb> Or is the stuff in regular CVS newer?
+14:15 < Ales> it's a test only
+14:15 < sdb> Oh, OK.
+14:15 < Ales> the stuff in CVS is way newer
+14:15 < bert> du now gives 40M and it took almost 2 minuts
+14:16 < Ales> okay git-cvsserver is next
+14:16 < pcjc2> bye! - I'll leave my IRC open to make my own log
+14:16 < Ales> see ya peter1
+14:16 < sdb> Bye!
+14:16 * bert is away: I'm busy doing something else
+14:17 < peterbrett> I've persuaded my lovely girlfriend to make dinner for me, so I'm still around for a bit :)
+14:17 < Ales> blah
+14:17 < Ales> git-cvsserver that is. :)
+14:17 < peterbrett> misbehaving?
+14:18 < Ales> no, I'm just reading the install docs
+14:18 < Ales> though I better change the repository URL first
+14:20 < Ales> I'm bringing down git-daemon
+14:20 < Ales> complain now
+14:21 < Ales> git-clone git://git.gpleda.org/gaf
+14:21 < Ales> much better
+14:22 < peterbrett> wonderful
+14:22 < Ales> the url has changed to: git://git.gpleda.org/gaf
+14:24 < Ales> where the heck is git-cvsserver
+14:25 < peterbrett> Install the git-cvs package
+14:26 < Ales> yeah that would help
+14:26 < Ales> :)
+14:26 < Ales> ah, there it is
+14:26 < Dan> john: glad that the aliasing code was easy to put in
+14:26 < Dan> that was the intent of the design
+14:28 < jpd> Yes. Thanks.
+14:29 < Dan> I'll bet other backends need it
+14:29 < Dan> my guess is some need it because they munge the names unsafely and I'll bet some need it because the geda name space is larger than the target format
+14:29 < Ales> speaking of which, I just commited that backend fix from John
+14:29 < Ales> thanks
+14:30 < jpd> Maybe. Right now I'm working on a Mathematica back end for symbolic circuit analysis.
+14:31 < sdb> John, that's a cool project! What kind of symbolic analysis do you plan to support?
+14:32 < jpd> Initially, symbolic transfer functions and impedances as functions of complex frequency. The usual linear network theory stuff.
+14:34 < sdb> JPD: So you need to have a program which takes a netlist and turns it into a transfer fcn.
+14:34 < sdb> How does that work?
+14:35 < sdb> (I mean, SPICE can do that, but getting from a netlist to a transfer fcn is not trivial.)
+14:36 < jpd> I'm writing a gnetlist back end that generates the KCL equations and equates pin voltages to node voltages.
+14:36 < jpd> Also generates invocations of the model functions (still designing that).
+14:37 < jpd> Then I'll have a set of Mathematica functions to put it all together, solve it algebraically.
+14:38 < jpd> SPICE can't do *symbolic* transfer functions.
+14:39 < sdb> Yeah, SPICE doesn't do symbolic stuff, which is why your ideas sound very interesting.
+14:39 < sdb> OTOH, your stuff assumes linear circuits only, I suppose.
+14:39 < peterbrett> Wow, they've speeded up `install' an awful lot in Fedora 7!
+14:40 < sdb> OK, now that I have checked something out using git, I am ready to work.
+14:40 < sdb> Carlos: You filed a bug 1705025 saying that gattrib doesn't work with un-numbered
+14:40 < jpd> In principle it can do anything SPICE can do with the right models. Can feed the equations to a numerical diffeq solver rather than to an algebraic solver.
+14:41 < jpd> I see no point in competing with Al, though ;-)
+14:41 < sdb> refdeses. That's true. I can't imagine how to deal with attaching attributes to unnumbered
+14:41 < sdb> refdeses. Carlos, do you have any thought on how to identify an un-numbered part for
+14:41 < sdb> attribute attachment?
+14:42 < cnieves> sdb: I filed a bug because gattrib crashed....
+14:42 < cnieves> Now I think about it... if you know the object pointer each row entry belongs to, it shouldn't be so difficult. can you know it?
+14:43 < sdb> Carlos: Oh. OK. I am now downloading your test cases.
+14:43 < sdb> Carlos, as for the object pointer, yes, the software can get the component
+14:43 < sdb> via the object pointer, but that has no meaning to the poor user.
+14:44 < sdb> JPD: Yeah, it can do anything SPICE can do once you have the right solvers and models.
+14:44 < sdb> By that time it will also contain several hundred thousands of lines of code, like SPICE! :-)
+14:45 < cnieves> sdb: no meaning, but then you are being coherent and gattrib won't crash
+14:47 < Ales> ack! missing dependancy for git-cvsserver that wants to bring in apache 1.x
+14:47 < Ales> not going to fly
+14:47 < peterbrett> Ales: Install git-cvsserver from source?
+14:48 < Ales> Can't locate DBI.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/share/perl/5.8.8 /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/bin/git-cvsserver line 2062.
+14:48 < peterbrett> That's pathetic
+14:48 < Ales> need to make sure DBI.pm really lives in libapache-dbi-perl
+14:48 < peterbrett> You could install DBI.pm directly from CPAN
+14:49 < sdb> Carlos, yeah I get a segfault following your bug's instructions. Indeed, the segfault
+14:49 < sdb> happens to me *before* I finish your instructions.
+14:49 < Ales> blah, maybe I won't worry about git-cvsserver for a little bit of time
+14:50 < sdb> Hmmmmm..... I know that gattrib doesn't like to load one design on top of another one.
+14:50 < peterbrett> sdb: Actually, I have found that gattrib has a number of "lose all your work"-style bugs.
+14:51 < peterbrett> To be fair, you have squished all of the ones I've got round to reporting
+14:51 < sdb> Peterbrett: Please report the ones whihc you haven't reported yet. I won't promise to
+14:51 < sdb> fix them today (or tomorrow), but at least I can then get to them at some point.
+14:51 < peterbrett> sure, when I have some dead time (or I run across one again)
+14:52 < peterbrett> so...
+14:52 * peterbrett looks at the next thing on the to-do list
+14:53 < dj> I'm still here folks, just giving our guest Larry a tour of the gEDA workflow.
+14:53 < sdb> DJ, does he have any opinions you'd like to share?
+14:53 < dj> I have a short list but he seems to think we've got it pretty streamlined
+14:56 < dj> ales has been keeping a list too.
+14:57 < sdb> Dan, I am looking at a gattrib bug "[ 1723885 ] gattrib crashes on file save".
+14:57 < sdb> The reporter is using FreeBSD. I run this on my FC2 box, and
+14:57 < sdb> I don't get a crash.
+14:57 < sdb> Could you please take a look at his bug and see if you can reproduce it?
+14:57 < sdb> I am wondering if it is a BSD thing, and I am doing somethign non-portable.
+15:02 < sdb> Ales, yesterday you asked me which version of guile I was using when I reported
+15:02 < Ales> yeah?
+15:02 < sdb> that hitting "g" caused gshem to segfault. I am using 1.8.1
+15:02 < Ales> okay
+15:02 < Ales> yeah, I think we know what was causing that
+15:02 < Ales> speaking of which, has somebody checked in the fix?
+15:03 < cnieves> yup
+15:03 < Ales> great
+15:03 < Ales> I haven't read through the commit logs yet
+15:03 < peterbrett> Ales: system-gschemrc will still need to be processed with configure
+15:04 < peterbrett> Because of the gschem-version thing.
+15:04 < Ales> ah yes
+15:04 < peterbrett> Is it actually used/useful
+15:05 < Ales> it is used to keep gschem and rc versions to match
+15:05 < Ales> that used to be a problem with people trying to use old rc versions with newer software
+15:05 < Ales> and vice versa
+15:12 < peterbrett> I don't think the gschem sort-component-library option does anything any more
+15:12 < peterbrett> The dialog just shows the component sources in the order returned by s_clib_get_sources(), which is alpha case-insensitive
+15:13 -!- dj is now known as dj-mon
+15:14 -!- dj [~dj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+15:15 < dj> pcb ideas from larry...
+15:15 < dj> locked elements on a board should be visibly identifiable
+15:15 < dj> or, the cursor should add a padlock icon when it's over a locked item
+15:16 < dj> when rotating an element, the text's orientation should remain constant even as the text moves (i.e. text moves, but not rotates)
+15:16 < dj> bigger grid dots
+15:16 < dj> the ability to crob the board by selecting a rectangle on the screen, rather than using the board size dialog.
+15:16 < peterbrett> +1
+15:16 < dj> which?
+15:17 < sdb> DJ: one of my peeves about PCB is that when you hit the del key, it doesn't delete
+15:17 < peterbrett> last
+15:17 < sdb> the selected items. Rather, it deletes the object under the cursor.
+15:17 < sdb> What does Larry think about that?
+15:17 < peterbrett> Yes, :DeleteSelected() is my most common command
+15:17 < dj> IMHO delete should "delete selected" if there's something selected, else delete what's under the cursor.
+15:17 < al> jpd: Have you looked at Mathomatic?
+15:18 < dj> A lot of tools should auto-detect selected vs none selected
+15:20 < dj> I think once we have real layer types, editing the board outline will become more important and flexible, too.
+15:21 < sdb> As for my delete bleat, my beef is that PCB often wants to do
+15:21 < dj> Should pcb be able to zoom out further than board extents? It might confuse the scroll bars.
+15:21 < sdb> <position cursor> del <position cursor> del <position cursor> del <position cursor> del
+15:21 < sdb> when I want to do <select> <select> <select> <select> <select> del.
+15:22 < sdb> DJ: Yes, I think PCB should be able to zoom beyond the board borders.
+15:22 < sdb> Maybe 10% beyond is a good target?
+15:23 < dj> You know, you can map the delete key to RemoveSelected()
+15:23 < dj> If we allow it, let's not limit it.
+15:23 < Ales> blah, git-cvsserver is not making me happy
+15:24 < dj> Ales's computer hates him.
+15:24 -!- al [~al@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
+15:25 < peterbrett> I like the idea of the delete key doing removeselected and falling back to the delete under cursor if nothing is selected
+15:25 < sdb> DJ: Remapping the key is OK, but since "select select select select verb" is the
+15:25 < sdb> way "most" people expect a graphical program to work nowadays, why not ship
+15:25 < sdb> PCB with the mapping set by default?
+15:26 -!- al [~al@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+15:26 < dj> I think the default should be "do the right thing", not do one or the other.
+15:27 -!- peterbrett [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has left #geda [ERC Version 5.2 (IRC client for Emacs)]
+15:27 -!- peterbrett [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+15:28 < jpd> Al: I have not looked at Mathomatic.
+15:29 < peterbrett> Ales: The changes I've been working on today involve a lot of file adds/removes
+15:29 < jpd> But the wife's dragging me off to the Rhubarb Festival (I'm not kidding!). See you folks later...
+15:29 < peterbrett> And they're a lot less painful with git, so I'm going to wait until the git switch is complete before committing
+15:29 < peterbrett> jpd: Have lots of fun
+15:32 < sdb> JPD: Bye!
+15:32 < sdb> DJ: "do the right thing" is fine, but what is the right thing?
+15:32 < sdb> IMO, the right thing is to delete the previously selected objects.
+15:33 < dj> delete selected if selected, else delete under cursor
+15:33 < peterbrett> Does anyone know where the gschem preview widget is implemented?
+15:33 < sdb> DJ: Hmmmm, I like the first part, but the second troubles me.
+15:33 < dj> The API has an inconsistency here: We have DeleteRats(), RemoveSelected(), and Mode(Remove)Mode(Notify)
+15:33 < sdb> The gschem preview widget is just another TOPLEVEL
+15:34 < dj> what part of that troubles you?
+15:34 < Ales> peter okay
+15:36 < sdb> DJ, what bugs me is that if I have selected nothing, and I accidently hit <del>, then
+15:36 < sdb> I don't want anything to happen.
+15:36 < dj> Yeah, but what would a newbie expect the delete key to do?
+15:36 < sdb> Also, it's contrary to how most GUI programs work nowadays, including the Mac and a host of
+15:37 < sdb> <shudder> Widoze apps>
+15:37 < dj> Ok, now it's a Larry question.
+15:37 < sdb> If nothing has been selected, hten I think hitting the <del> key shoudl do nothing, or
+15:37 < sdb> perhaps cause the computer to beep at you in annoyance.
+15:38 < Ales> peter: I think the last thing I have to worry about is the whole auth mechanism for push
+15:38 < sdb> DJ: Yeah, I'd be interested to hear what Larry thinks.
+15:38 < Ales> dj is asking the crowd
+15:39 < peterbrett> dj: +1 for delete under cursor if nothing selected
+15:39 < peterbrett> PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
+15:42 < dj> Larry says "delete selected else do nothing"
+15:42 < dj> delete is to dangerous to just delete whatever.
+15:42 < peterbrett> :(
+15:42 < dj> ~/.pcb/pcb-menu.res
+15:43 < peterbrett> Yes, but if the "delete selected or delete under cursor" action isn't available, then that's not much help ;)
+15:43 -!- al [~al@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
+15:43 -!- al [~al@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+15:44 < dj> Well yeah, we can create the relevent actions. I'm thinking about the new user experience.
+15:44 < peterbrett> sure
+15:45 < dj> and also about "acts like every other program" ;-)
+15:45 < Ales> peterb: does git keep track of who check in what by itself?
+15:45 < sdb> DJ: Right on. Yes, there is no reason to not have a "delete under the cursor" action.
+15:45 < dj> I'm thinking a Delete() action that merges DeleteRats(), RemoveSelected(), and the Remove tool.
+15:46 < peterbrett> Ales: No.
+15:46 < sdb> It just shouldn't be the default behavior for the <del> key.
+15:46 < peterbrett> The "committer" string in the commit is the only information.
+15:46 < Ales> peterb: so it depends on username on the remote host?
+15:46 < Ales> remote host being the git host
+15:46 < dj> Right, we need the tools, but we don't have to hand them to the user.
+15:46 < peterbrett> Ales: No, the committer string is set from the user's environment. They can set it to whatever they like
+15:47 < peterbrett> That's why making sure that users are securely authenticated is so important.
+15:47 < Ales> so I do need user accounts on the git host?
+15:47 < peterbrett> No, the user's environment on *their* host
+15:48 < Ales> hmmm
+15:48 < peterbrett> The "committer" string is set when they do cg-commit, not when they push
+15:52 < Ales> so there isn't / doesn't have to be a one-to-one correspondance between commiter string and pushing user?
+15:54 < peterbrett> Ales: No. They might have commits in their branch which were pulled from another person's branch but aren't in git yet (there are situations in which thiis is desirable).
+15:54 < Ales> okay
+15:55 < peterbrett> Ales: I don't know enough about repository management to help you with this.
+15:55 < peterbrett> The best bet would probably to ask on the git mailing list
+15:55 < Ales> I'll do some more research
+15:55 < Ales> thanks. we might still be doing ssh keys cause that might the only way
+15:56 < peterbrett> http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/cvs-migration.html is the best docs I've seen about this
+15:57 < peterbrett> Ales: If you're really worried about it the best bet might be to have a "closed" repository and have several integrators whose repositories you pull from.
+15:58 < Ales> hmmm
+15:59 < Ales> I would rather not be in the critical path.
+15:59 < Ales> but I'll think this through more. thanks for your help
+16:02 < Ales> Next, give every team member read/write access to this repository. One easy way to do this is to give all the team members ssh access to the machine where the repository is hosted. If you don't want to give them a full shell on the machine, there is a restricted shell which only allows users to do git pushes and pulls; see git-shell(1).
+16:02 < Ales> Put all the committers in the same group, and make the repository writable by that group
+16:02 < Ales> hmmm
+16:07 -!- dj [~dj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
+16:07 -!- dj [~dj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+16:08 < dj> wrong button :-P
+16:09 -!- sdb [~sdb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has left #geda [Leaving]
+16:09 -!- sdb [~sdb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+16:11 < peterbrett> Ales: [ 1589691 ] sort-component-library may not work correctly
+16:12 < peterbrett> Committing a fix to CVS now
+16:14 -!- Cesar [~Cesar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Ping timeout: 608 seconds]
+16:15 < Ales> oh a fix to that would be cool
+16:15 < peterbrett> Do you mind if I set the option to default to "enabled"?
+16:15 < peterbrett> It makes it a lot simpler for new users
+16:17 < Dan> does the new gschem_at_exit let you register multiple functions to be called at exit time?
+16:17 < Ales> peter: sure, change it and we'll see what happens
+16:18 < Ales> Dan: yes
+16:19 < Dan> neat
+16:19 < Ales> peter: I'm beginning to see that git really has no idea who is pushing changes into the repository
+16:19 < peterbrett> yep
+16:19 < Ales> it's all based on permissions of the repository itself
+16:20 < peterbrett> Ales: On the other hand, you can see every changeset in the repository
+16:20 < peterbrett> You can't sneak a commit in without someone noticing
+16:21 < Ales> peter: How do you know who commited what?
+16:21 < peterbrett> And if there is a problem, it's possible to roll it back (as long as you tell everyone about it). But that should probably be a last resort.
+16:21 < peterbrett> Ales: Log username, push time/date and new HEAD.
+16:21 < Ales> that username is the unix username?
+16:21 < peterbrett> yep
+16:22 < dj> Any way to have one unix UID, with multiple ssh keys, and have it keep track of who's key it used rather than the unix UID ?
+16:22 < peterbrett> dj: not AFAIK
+16:22 < dj> bummer
+16:22 < Ales> okay seperate user accounts
+16:24 < peterbrett> You could probably even add some sort of invisible tag to the new HEAD each time someone pushes
+16:25 < peterbrett> Containing their unix username
+16:25 < peterbrett> But ask on the git list, I don't know if that's actually possible
+16:25 < Ales> okay
+16:32 < Ales> there I put up a simple webpage at: http://www.gpleda.org/
+16:32 < Ales> al are you still here?
+16:32 < peterbrett> I assume you'll put a link to the git repo once it's official
+16:33 < Ales> peter: yes
+16:34 -!- clepple [~clepple@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+16:34 < Ales> Hi Charles
+16:34 < clepple> Hey, Ales
+16:35 < clepple> just thought I'd stop by and see what's happening
+16:35 < dj> Ok, the delete key now does: DELETE SELECTED
+16:35 < Ales> dj is changing things in pcb
+16:35 < Ales> I'm working on the git server
+16:35 < dj> Peter, you want Delete() instead of Delete(Selected) in pcb-menu.res
+16:35 < peterbrett> dj, thanks
+16:36 < dj> We should probably add options for SelectedLines, SelectedVias, etc.
+16:36 < sdb> Thank you DJ!
+16:36 < dj> Delete(Object) does under the "delete under cursor" action.
+16:37 < Ales> I think I'll configure up gpleda.com
+16:38 < sdb> Charles, I have a bug report for gattrib which somebody reported under FreeBSD.
+16:39 < sdb> I can't reproduce it under Linux. Since OSX is basically BSD, I wonder if you have
+16:39 < sdb> ever seen it. The bug report is on SF, bug # 1723885 "Gattrib crashes upon file save"
+16:40 < clepple> hi Stuart
+16:40 < clepple> I'll take a look
+16:41 < clepple> I also have a FreeBSD box here, in case you want to try debugging it there
+16:41 < Ales> okay, robots.txt is setup for gitweb to give hints to robots to not to traverse it
+16:41 < clepple> (not that I'd recommend running an X app over a DSL line ;-)
+16:41 < peterbrett> Ales: Copyright headers in gaf are (1) out of date and (2) credit you only
+16:42 < Ales> yeah I can fix the out of date, but I doubt I can do anything about the owners
+16:43 < Ales> that has always been up to the people commiting patches
+16:43 < peterbrett> "* Copyright (C) 1998-2007 gEDA Contributors"
+16:43 < Ales> however, I have detailed info on who created what via the ChangeLogs
+16:44 < Ales> afk be right back.
+16:45 < clepple> sdb: you asked if I've ever seen this bug... I have to admit, I haven't really used gEDA/pcb since like 2003
+16:45 < clepple> too much going on at work, I guess...
+16:45 < clepple> I'm not even sure if gattrib was available back in 2003
+16:48 < sdb> Charles, Well, debugging gattrib over a DSL line would be a drag, but thanks for the offer!
+16:48 < sdb> As for gattrib, I wrote it in 2004, IIRC.
+16:49 * clepple briefly disappears to figure out how to get irssi to highlight "Charles" as well as "clepple"
+16:49 < sdb> Guys, I just heard that we have to close up work on my end! It's been all too short!
+16:49 < peterbrett> sdb: Thanks for joining us!
+16:50 < sdb> I did manage to fool around with gattrib a little, and will try spending more time with the
+16:50 < sdb> two gattrib bugs listed on SF in the near future.
+16:50 < sdb> Bye! It was fun, but too short (for me)! I look forward to hearing how things went up
+16:50 < sdb> at DJ's place in NH!
+16:51 -!- sdb [~sdb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
+16:52 < peterbrett> bbiab washing up
+16:57 -!- Igor2 [~igor2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: good night]
+16:57 < dj> Yup, next sprint is also here in August.
+17:14 * peterbrett wonders how much flights are
+17:15 < peterbrett> probably strictly > amount I can afford
+17:18 < dj> Well, if it helps, you can stay here if you visit ;-)
+17:18 < peterbrett> :)
+17:19 < peterbrett> Well, when there's a date, I'll look at my bank balance ;)
+17:19 < peterbrett> I'm already doing one conference this summer, I'm going to Akademy
+17:19 < dj> We'll probably decide on a date at the next freedog meeting.
+17:19 < Ales> Akademy, what's that?
+17:19 < peterbrett> KDE conference
+17:19 < Ales> that's what I thought
+17:19 < dj> where is it?
+17:19 < peterbrett> Glasgow
+17:20 < Ales> you are into KDE?
+17:20 < dj> Glaskow?
+17:20 < peterbrett> just under a months' time now
+17:20 < peterbrett> Ales: Yeah, definitely
+17:20 < Ales> cool
+17:20 < peterbrett> can't live without KMail & ioslavese
+17:20 < Ales> ah okay
+17:20 < peterbrett> s/vese/ves/
+17:20 < dj> Going to write a KDE gui hid for PCB ? ;-)
+17:20 < peterbrett> dj: Probably not :)
+17:20 < Ales> lol
+17:20 < peterbrett> I couldn't integrate it with kioslaves anyway, probably :(
+17:21 < peterbrett> Unless the hids can override the file IO code?
+17:21 < peterbrett> dj: In any case, I don't do C++ :)
+17:21 < Ales> what's wrong with C++?
+17:22 < Ales> :)
+17:22 < dj> So you don't *do* kde, you just *use* kde
+17:22 < peterbrett> Ales: I just haven't really done anything with it
+17:22 < peterbrett> dj: Yep, I spend my development time on gEDA :)
+17:22 < Ales> cool. :)
+17:22 < dj> So if I rewrite PCB in C++... ?
+17:23 < peterbrett> dj: Seeing as my entire PCB code contribution has been a tiny weeny 5-line patch to the file output code, I doubt it'll change my input much :)
+17:29 < peterbrett> Does anyone know anything about GHashTables?
+17:30 < cnieves> see gschem/g_funcs.c
+17:30 < cnieves> or libgeda/src/o_text_basic.c
+17:30 < Ales> or
+17:30 < Ales> http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/glib/glib-Hash-Tables.html
+17:31 < peterbrett> Yes, I've read the documentaton
+17:31 < cnieves> (I thought so)
+17:31 < Ales> not good enough?
+17:31 < peterbrett> The specific question was what g_hash_table_destroy() actually *does*
+17:31 < peterbrett> Anyone know?
+17:31 < Dan> 16:13 <dj> Any way to have one unix UID, with multiple ssh keys, and have it keep track of who's key it used rather than the unix UID ?
+17:31 < Dan> 16:13 <peterbrett> dj: not AFAIK
+17:32 < Dan> peter: are you sure?
+17:32 < peterbrett> No
+17:32 < Ales> Dan: why are you querying this? Do you know something interesting?
+17:32 < Dan> I've used cvs where multiple users accessed the repository with 1 unix account but multiple ssh keys
+17:32 < Dan> and we got the right log names I think
+17:32 < dj> It probably depends on the app software to keep track of it, though.
+17:33 < peterbrett> I want to use a hashtable (or more than one) to make s_clib_glob() fast enough that there's no point in handing a CLibSymbol pointer around
+17:33 < peterbrett> Then I can make s_clib_refresh() and s_clib_remove() actually work
+17:33 < Dan> dj: I believe so
+17:33 < Dan> in your authorized_keys file, you can do stuff like:
+17:34 < peterbrett> But obviously s_clib_refresh() and s_clib_remove() would need to flush the hashtable...
+17:34 < Dan> command="/path/to/somescript",environment="LOGNAME=joeuser" rest of ssh key here
+17:34 < dj> If the app doesn't just use getuid() and getpwnam() though.
+17:35 < peterbrett> I assume somescript is a shell-a-like?
+17:35 < Dan> yeah. When I did it, it was a /bin/sh script that first restricted what command could be run to only "cvs server"
+17:35 < peterbrett> dj: Seeing as it's going to be a custom hook we can probably use whatever :)
+17:35 < peterbrett> Dan: so in our case git-shell
+17:36 < Dan> and by setting LOGNAME in the environment, cvs picked up that
+17:36 < Dan> so if there is any environment variable or even a command line flag to set a log name then you can probably get there this way.
+17:36 < Dan> don't know if this is the prefered way though
+17:37 < Dan> this was a hack to deal with the fact that our sysadmins have a poor user management approach at work and I needed to give some users on other sites access to cvs
+17:37 < peterbrett> http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/hooks.html
+17:38 < peterbrett> "poor user management approach"... that sounds familiar :(
+17:38 < peterbrett> We probably want a post-receive and/or a post-update hook
+17:39 < peterbrett> probably the former
+17:41 < Dan> dj: I'll bet a lot of people like your delete key change. It took me forever to realize why my selected object wasn't always what got deleted.
+17:42 < dj> I think a lot of the tools need to auto-detect selected vs object.
+17:49 < dj> Dan: I never did get pcb to build under windows, though.
+17:49 < peterbrett> Funny, I think pcjc2 did
+17:50 < peterbrett> Think it was by cross-compile though
+17:50 < dj> I'm still trying to configure my mingw tree to do the right thing. It's not pcb, it just can't find gtk/gtk.h
+17:50 < dj> I
+17:50 < dj> I'd prefer cross-compiling if someone wants to write a howto for me.
+17:51 < cnieves> peterbrett: you have to free keys and values first if they are dynamically allocated, then use g_hash_table_destroy to free the hashtable.
+17:51 < peterbrett> pcjc2 has got students using it for projects on Windows, bribe him ;)
+17:51 < clepple> a howto for building the cross-compiler, or doing the configuration and everything?
+17:51 < peterbrett> cnieves: Yep, I think I've figured it out
+17:51 < cnieves> peterbrett: what is your question exactly?
+17:51 < dj> I know how to build a cross compiler.
+17:51 < dj> I've been doing that for Red Hat for nine years now.
+17:51 < peterbrett> I'm flushing the table using g_hash_table_remove_all()
+17:51 < clepple> just checking :-)
+17:51 < peterbrett> I think I've sort of answered my own question
+17:52 < dj> The tricky bit is getting pkg-config working with a cross-installed gtk.
+17:52 < dj> Or working around that ;-)
+17:52 < peterbrett> I think pcjc2 opted for the latter tbh
+17:52 < dj> The current build script does its own thing anyway; configure just takes the paths as arguments.
+17:52 < clepple> I remember having trouble building guile natively in Windows, so I wonder if cross-compliation makes that easier or harder
+17:53 < cnieves> side-question: is there any linker optimizer to remove unused linked libraries?
+17:53 < cnieves> s/linker optimizer/linker optimizer option
+17:53 < dj> -ffunction-section
+17:54 < dj> although *library* objects aren't linked in if the object isn't needed.
+17:54 < dj> -ffunction-section just breaks things up into smaller units for the linker to work with.
+17:54 < cnieves> they are at least reported by ldd
+17:54 < dj> Oops, -ffunction-sections
+17:55 < dj> Oh, ldd is different. You want to build your shared library or application for "lazy linking" or something like that.
+17:55 < cnieves> I'll look about it
+18:04 < dj> Hey,this is the longest code sprint yet!
+18:05 < peterbrett> no way :)
+18:05 < dj> What's the record?
+18:05 < dj> Usually we get out of MIT around 5pm
+18:05 < peterbrett> *shrug* your guess is as good as mine :)
+18:06 < dj> gitk
+18:06 < dj> sorry, wrong window
+18:08 < peterbrett> I think I'll be going to bed fairly soon
+18:08 < peterbrett> Just need to get this working
+18:08 < peterbrett> (famous last words) ;)
+18:10 -!- Cesa2 [~Cesar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+18:14 < jpd> "He died at his console of hunger and thirst, they buried him sideways, face down nine edge first." :-)
+18:15 < Ales> old people humor. :-> :)
+18:15 < dj> In my case, it ends up with "DJ, it's morning. Go to bed."
+18:15 < peterbrett> lol
+18:16 < peterbrett> I don't think I'm allowed that much leeway ;)
+18:17 < peterbrett> Speaking of which, it's bedtime
+18:17 < peterbrett> :)
+18:17 < peterbrett> Happy coding all :)
+18:17 < dj> Bye!
+18:18 -!- peterbrett [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has left #geda [ERC Version 5.2 (IRC client for Emacs)]
+18:18 < jpd> Sleep well, Peter!
+18:20 < jpd> Hey, when's FreeDog September likely to be? I'm starting to plan a trip to MA...
+18:20 < Ales> usually the first week of the month
+18:20 < Ales> we can move things to accomidate
+18:21 < Ales> accommodate
+18:22 < jpd> Right now, I'm planning to be there at least the 4th through the 7th, so sounds OK.
+18:26 < cnieves> I'm leaving too. See you!
+18:26 < dj> Bye!
+18:27 -!- cnieves [~cnieves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: Abandonando]
+18:28 < Ales> qgit is kinda cool too
+18:31 -!- robfitz_ [~robfitz@xxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+18:36 -!- robfitz [~robfitz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Ping timeout: 620 seconds]
+18:43 -!- pcjc2 [~pcjc2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Ping timeout: 608 seconds]
+18:52 < Dan> whats qgit?
+18:52 < dj> gui front ends to git
+18:52 < Ales> a graphical front end to git
+18:52 < Ales> it's nice
+18:52 < dj> we've looked at gitk and qgit so far.
+18:53 < Dan> I hate to ask what the "q" stands for.
+18:53 < Ales> QT
+18:53 < Dan> dj: did you look at the build script in the win32 directory?
+18:53 < dj> Yeah
+18:53 < Dan> Ales: I was afraid you'd say that
+18:54 < Ales> it's not that bad... :)
+18:54 < Dan> basically, I just downloaded all the pre-compiled gtk stuff for windows that you can find from the gtk for windows site and unpacked in the directories listed in that script
+18:54 < Dan> and then it worked
+18:54 < dj> I tried to run it, many times. It took a while to get my mingw area set up right (pkg-config hates me)
+18:55 -!- Cesa2 [~Cesar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Ping timeout: 608 seconds]
+18:55 < Dan> I did it under cygwin but it builds with -mno-cygwin
+18:55 < dj> The .pc files ended up with c:\devel\something\lots-of-hex-chars\gtk in it
+18:55 < Dan> hm.
+18:55 < Dan> wierd.
+18:55 < Ales> I've never seen that in a .pc file
+18:55 < dj> I tried using cygwin before, but got the gtk libraries misinstalled.
+18:56 < Dan> with cygwin I had to not install the gtk which you can get with cygwin
+18:56 < Dan> otherwise I was never able to keep the pcb build from finding them.
+18:56 < dj> I need to wipe my cygwin install and reinstall, too, since I think that gtk install is broken also.
+18:56 < Dan> an example of why everything in /usr/lib is painful
+18:56 < dj> but if you move it around, you need a working pkg-config ;-)
+18:57 < Dan> there should be a working one you can down load with the gtk stuff
+18:57 < Dan> I should try again now that my wifes pc is working again.
+18:57 < dj> It was the one on gimp.org
+19:00 < Dan> ec-fonts-mftraced takes *forever* to build
+19:01 < Dan> well, I'd better take the kids to the pool before there is a revolt. wish I could have made it up north for this one.
+19:01 < dj> do you think you'll be up here any time in the predictable future?
+19:02 < Ales> Okay, I'm off, it's been fun!
+19:02 < Ales> later all
+19:02 < dj> Bye!
+19:03 < clepple> later!
+19:03 -!- Cesa3 [~Cesar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+19:18 -!- Cesa3 [~Cesar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Ping timeout: 620 seconds]
+19:30 -!- pcjc2 [~pcjc2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+19:30 < pcjc2> hi al
+19:30 < pcjc2> Ales: I just noticed a "bug" in git-cvsimport
+19:30 < pcjc2> I ran an export same as you did earlier
+19:30 < pcjc2> but the SHA1 don't match my tracker (even the initial commit)
+19:30 < pcjc2> Its a time-zone thing!
+19:31 < pcjc2> 2,3c2,3
+19:31 < pcjc2> < author geda <geda> 928008813 +0000
+19:31 < pcjc2> < committer geda <geda> 928008813 +0000
+19:31 < pcjc2> ---
+19:31 < pcjc2> > author geda <geda> 928012413 +0000
+19:31 < pcjc2> > committer geda <geda> 928012413 +0000
+19:31 < pcjc2> (Those are the initial commits from both repositories)
+19:31 < pcjc2> The time difference is -3600
+19:32 < pcjc2> The cvsps manual says:
+19:32 < pcjc2> NOTE ON DATE FORMATS
+19:32 < pcjc2> All dates are reported in localtime. This can be overridden (as usual)
+19:32 < pcjc2> using the TZ environment variable. Dates as arguments must be in the
+19:34 < pcjc2> I wonder if this anomaly explains any other difficulties Peter B and I have had tracking CVS
+19:34 < pcjc2> anyway - it would be nice if the real export is canonical - and repeatable in terms of its timestamps. For the most part, your initial export matched my original tracker in SHA1 up til somewhere in 2003
+19:35 < pcjc2> The export I did today (we're on GMT+1 here at the moment - IIRC), was out by 3600 on the timestamps
+19:43 < Dan> dj: I'm not sure when I may make it to New England again. Its been way too long since I've been up.
+20:05 < dj> Well, next time you're up here, we'll make a meeting happen then :-)
+20:11 < Dan> ok
+20:31 < dj> Ok, folks, my turn to wrap it up here. Got to put the computers back in the office. Bye!
+20:40 -!- dj [~dj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
+20:40 -!- dj-mon [~dj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
+21:46 -!- Dan [~mcmahill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: ircII+tkirc2]
+23:01 -!- al [~al@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
+23:20 -!- clepple [~clepple@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: zzz]
+--- Day changed Sun Jun 10 2007
diff --git a/sprints/irclog_sprint_20070805.txt b/sprints/irclog_sprint_20070805.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dade2af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sprints/irclog_sprint_20070805.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+00:19 -!- jpd_ [~jpd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
+03:22 -!- werner2101 [~Werner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+06:02 < Igor2> hi, any rs232 experienced person here? :)
+06:07 -!- Levente [~Levente@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+06:08 < Levente> Hi all!
+06:08 < Levente> Is it a code sprint going on?
+06:10 < Igor2> hi
+06:10 < Igor2> if so, it's very silent :)
+06:17 < Levente> hi!
+06:17 < werner2101> hi all
+06:17 < Levente> hi Werner
+06:18 < werner2101> seems everybody is quit and working on new features ;-)
+06:18 < Levente> ...or maybe I ignore the timezone in the US?
+06:18 < werner2101> yes.
+06:19 < werner2101> Igor2: what are your questions about rs232
+06:27 < Igor2> i'm connecting RX and TX so i have only one shared data line and implement the software to detect collisions
+06:27 < Igor2> does this method have a name? any links about it?
+06:31 < werner2101> Are you trying to watch half duplex data transmission?
+06:31 < Igor2> yup
+06:32 < Igor2> when a device submits a byte, it reads it back and if it doesn't match, it's considered a collision and it stops transmitting
+06:32 < Igor2> i'm just wondering how it is called because i couldn't find any useful link for this for rs232
+06:33 < werner2101> Ah, some kind of "listen self"
+06:33 < Igor2> good idea, searching for that :)
+06:33 < Igor2> hehe, no hit :)
+06:39 < Igor2> anyway i am not sure i should call it rs232 as i'm on TTL side (microcontrollers, MAX232)
+06:44 < Levente> this is CSMA-CD. Implemented by Ethernet.
+06:55 < Igor2> if it works for ethernet it will work for me as well! :)
+06:57 -!- peterbrett [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+07:14 < Ales> yeah, it's too early here. only 7am
+07:14 < peterbrett> heh
+07:14 < Ales> hard to code when one is still asleep
+07:15 < Ales> hi PeterB
+07:16 < peterbrett> 'lo there
+07:16 < peterbrett> I probably won't be coding today
+07:17 < peterbrett> I'll probably just hang around on IRC and troll
+07:17 < Ales> heh
+07:22 -!- ChitleshGoorah [~chitlesh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+07:24 < werner2101> hi Chitlesh
+07:25 < werner2101> just noticed that your TLD is .de, are you from Germany?
+07:37 -!- peterbrett [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
+07:37 -!- peterbrett [~peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+07:53 < Levente> btw.. a few weeks before, I've posted my makefile structure to the list. You might consider include it in gEDA.
+07:54 < Levente> it can be reached at http://levente.obudanet.hu/cgi-bin/viewvc/viewvc.cgi/pskel/
+07:54 < Levente> readme included
+08:30 -!- doublehp [~dhp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+09:06 -!- jpd_ [~jpd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+09:20 -!- Cesar [~Cesar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+09:22 < peterbrett> Hi everyone
+09:23 < peterbrett> I see the people are arriving
+09:23 < peterbrett> Hi John, Cesar :)
+09:23 < Igor2> hi :)
+09:23 < Cesar> Hi
+09:36 -!- mike [~mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+09:36 -!- doublehp [~dhp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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+10:07 -!- dj-mon [~dj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+10:07 -!- dj-mon is now known as dj
+10:07 < dj> Nobody here yet, still setting up...
+10:07 < doublehp> ?
+10:08 -!- robfitz [~robfitz@xxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: leaving]
+10:08 < dj> I meant physically ;-)
+10:08 < doublehp> o_O
+10:13 -!- robfitz [~robfitz@xxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+10:29 < dj> Anyway, welcome to the gEDA code sprint/cookout/freedaug meeting!
+10:40 < jpd_> Good morning from cloudy Colorado!
+10:44 < Ales> ah, the gang has made it to DJs now
+10:45 < mike> Hey all, I tried to set up my git user information with 'git config --global user.name "Mike Jarabek"', but my version ogit (1.4.1) prints...
+10:45 < Ales> you need to have at least 1.5.x
+10:45 < mike> 'git: 'config' is not a git-command'. Do I have to edit the config file manually..
+10:46 < Ales> older version will probably work, but the tutorials aren't going to match
+10:46 < Ales> and you will miss out on some nifty functionality
+10:46 < mike> crud. FreeBSD ships 1.4.1...
+10:47 < mike> I see your note in the Wiki about 1.5.1.
+10:47 -!- bpaddock [~bob_padd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+10:47 < Ales> Hi Bob
+10:47 -!- doublehp [~dhp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has left #geda []
+10:47 -!- sdb [~sdb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+10:48 < sdb> Hi Guys!
+10:48 -!- robfitz_ [~robfitz@xxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
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+10:56 -!- berndj [~berndj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+10:56 < berndj> hello from 33S 18E
+10:56 < Ales> hello berndj
+11:00 < Ales> mmmmmm muffin
+11:02 < berndj> are there known problems with git snapshot tarballs?
+11:02 < berndj> i just downloaded gaf.git-HEAD.tar.gz at the net cafe and now gzip is complaining
+11:03 < Ales> where did you download that from?
+11:03 < berndj> i followed some links - looked fairly official. i think it was git.gpleda.org
+11:04 < Ales> I didn't know you could do that with git.gpleda.org
+11:04 < Ales> could you send me the link, and I'll try it.
+11:04 < berndj> it isn't *totally* borken - i get gattrib and gnetlist, but gschem and libgeda are missing :(
+11:05 < berndj> sorry, i don't have the link anymore. i just chased the links from the download page to git's "snapshot"
+11:05 < Ales> oh that should be fine
+11:06 < Ales> tarballs from: http://geda.seul.org/devel/v1.1/1.1.1/
+11:06 < Ales> should work
+11:07 < berndj> bah, i'll try and build a new gzip (system gzip might be against zlib 1.1.4)
+11:07 < berndj> has much changed since about 8 weeks ago?
+11:07 < berndj> because i have a patch
+11:07 < Ales> probably quite a bit
+11:07 < Ales> but it might be okay
+11:07 < Ales> can you get at the official git repository?
+11:07 < berndj> i solved the transistor problem aka the opamp / nand problem
+11:08 < berndj> the one in the /topic?
+11:08 < Ales> refresh my memory, what is this problem?
+11:08 -!- Topic for #geda: gEDA -- GPL Electronic Design Automation || Website: http://www.geda.seul.org/ || Gitweb: http://git.gpleda.org/
+11:08 -!- Topic set by peterbrett [~user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] [Fri Jun 22 07:04:57 2007]
+11:08 -!- Levente [~Levente@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
+11:08 < berndj> (i don't want to download megabytes now - i'm on a gprs link)
+11:08 < Ales> ah
+11:08 < Ales> yeah, a git clone would take a little bit of a download
+11:09 < berndj> it's that there are n*100 bjt symbols, all of them just slightly different
+11:09 < berndj> or, that there's 7400-1.sym, and 4011-1.sym, etc
+11:09 < Ales> I'd be curious to see this patch
+11:10 < berndj> can i /dcc it to you?
+11:10 < Ales> e-mail please: ahvezda@xxxxxxxx
+11:10 < Ales> or dcc
+11:10 < Ales> that'll work too
+11:10 < berndj> i'll *try* to get at email
+11:11 < berndj> just hold on while i kill some whitespace-only hunks
+11:11 < berndj> what time is it over there, btw?
+11:12 < Ales> 11am
+11:12 < berndj> cool. 5pm here. many people at dj's place?
+11:13 < Ales> 5 people
+11:13 < Ales> I can't count
+11:13 < Ales> 4
+11:13 < dj> Ales can't count
+11:13 < Ales> plus local family
+11:15 -!- jegc [~jegc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+11:15 < berndj> i hope you aren't too mad at me for using libglade (for now)
+11:16 < Ales> that'll make it harder to apply in the short term
+11:17 < Ales> but using libglade is a good thing in the long term
+11:18 < berndj> it's just a fancy new slot editor that you won't have. you can still change the slotting via the attribute editor
+11:18 < Ales> ok
+11:19 < peterbrett> I'm not a glade fan
+11:19 < peterbrett> To much XML vileness
+11:19 < peterbrett> *too
+11:23 < berndj> well how about you go and write us a scheme file format plugin for libglade? ;)
+11:23 < peterbrett> :P
+11:31 < berndj> Ales, let me know if the dcc breaks - dunno how the gprs firewalls work
+11:32 < Ales> didn't work.
+11:32 < berndj> peterbrett, can i flog you my patch?
+11:32 < berndj> bleh
+11:32 < berndj> i'll try email
+11:32 < Ales> DCC no file offered by berndj
+11:32 < Ales> please
+11:32 < peterbrett> git-send-email ;)
+11:37 -!- jpd_ [~jpd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
+11:39 -!- jpd_ [~jpd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+11:40 < jpd> Chased deer from garden, moved to office.
+11:41 < Ales> deer eh?
+11:42 < jpd_> Better than coyotes. The plants grow back, but the cats don't.
+11:44 -!- pcjc2 [~pcjc2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+11:44 < pcjc2> hi all
+11:45 < pcjc2> just making a brief appearance here
+11:45 < pcjc2> I'm at my GF's parents - and had to send a file... me thinks USB stick would have been better than trying to setup internet connection sharing to my laptop!
+11:46 < Ales> Hi PeterC
+11:47 < pcjc2> Ales - that data-structure re-jig thing I was toying with for TOPLEVEL will fit in nicely with your settings changes
+11:47 < pcjc2> Basically TOPLEVEL appears to be (in the vast majority of cases) a gschem settings playground
+11:48 < pcjc2> http://repo.or.cz/w/geda-gaf/pcjc2.git?a=shortlog;h=toplevel_overhaul
+11:48 < dj> a_basic.c:161 Error: 'DATE_VERSION' undeclared ??
+11:48 < pcjc2> Down side... diff on gschem so far has 3073 inserted lines, 2863 deleted lines
+11:49 < pcjc2> My initial playing attempt is to make a GSCHEM_TOPLEVEL
+11:49 < pcjc2> which has a pointer to TOPLEVEL *toplevel
+11:49 < pcjc2> and all gschem functions take a "GSCHEM_TOPLEVEL" rather than a TOPLEVEL
+11:49 < pcjc2> a bulk rename in libgeda from w_current -> toplevel
+11:50 < pcjc2> and in places in gschem toplevel -> w_current helps keep the distinction
+11:50 < pcjc2> I get the feeling a lot more variables are gschem only, and could move. That would make the transition much easier
+11:51 < Ales> that sounds great
+11:51 < pcjc2> And also, I'll probably have to re-do this all again methodically if we ever want to merge similar looking changes
+11:51 < pcjc2> Especially as I based this "little" experiment on master, not after the page list changes I've been queuing up
+11:51 < Ales> okay, also the idea of a separate shared library with gtk+ only stuff is great
+11:52 < pcjc2> As you guessed - that falls down for the picture handling
+11:52 < pcjc2> there is Gdk stuff called in libgeda for manipulating pictures
+11:52 < pcjc2> printing them etc..
+11:52 < Ales> that's going to be tricky
+11:52 < pcjc2> Unless there is a way for us to print postscript without gdk, we're slightly stuck with at least a Gdk dependancy in libgeda
+11:53 < pcjc2> We could move postscript printing code to gschem, or the gtk+ allowed shared lib though
+11:53 < pcjc2> its not like the design database / netlisting needs to know how to write postscript - infact, that is more of a front end operation
+11:54 < pcjc2> anyway - not something for immediate change, just moving the variables is pretty invasive - if quite "simple"
+11:56 < Ales> but gschlas wants to do ps output
+11:57 < Ales> so it has to be somewhere shared
+11:57 < Ales> of course currently gschlas links against everything
+11:57 < Ales> ugg
+11:58 < pcjc2> ok - I'd leave it as is for now
+11:58 < pcjc2> we'll get a lot of tidyup moving variables
+11:58 < pcjc2> just deleting a big batch from TOPLEVEL showed how many were no longer used anyway!
+11:58 < Ales> yeah that'll be nice
+11:58 < pcjc2> and found lots of unused code in gattrib
+11:59 < mike> brb (I figured out why my USBB2K didn't attach properly, have to reboot.)
+11:59 -!- mike [~mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12]
+12:02 < pcjc2> do take a look at the beginnings I pushed
+12:02 < pcjc2> all but the gschem patch are sane
+12:03 < pcjc2> (Although the libgeda one does comment out some picture printing code as a temporary measure)
+12:03 -!- mike [~mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+12:05 < pcjc2> got to go... BBQ here too ;)
+12:05 < pcjc2> might say hello again before I log out.
+12:05 < Ales> later!
+12:13 < berndj> Ales you have mail!
+12:13 < Ales> not yet, but hopefully soon. :)
+12:21 < berndj> so if i want to de-libglade-ize my slot editor, what do i do?
+12:21 < berndj> do i just need to tell glade to generate the C code, or will i have to do a lot of hand-hacking?
+12:23 < berndj> (i'd really rather have the glade interface file be the master)
+12:26 < Ales> there is a way to generate code from glade
+12:26 < Ales> what version of glade?
+12:27 < Ales> the generators used to be built in, but with glade2/3 they were removed
+12:28 < berndj> i'm on 2.5.x
+12:29 < Ales> I haven't gotten your mail yet
+12:32 < berndj> ok i pressed the 'generate' button. i'll just see if it works
+12:33 < berndj> Net::SMTP=GLOB(0x82cab34)<<< 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as B8F23140F797
+12:33 < berndj> maybe you'll have 2 by tomorrow :)
+12:33 < Ales> awesome
+12:34 < berndj> anyway peterbrett, i tried to decouple my fancy new slots from the object list
+12:34 < berndj> the only modifications i do to the object list is to toplevel objects (the ones representing the 'C' lines)
+12:35 < peterbrett> Sounds okay
+12:35 < berndj> and i also have to poke the pinnumber attributes just like all the other slotting mechanism(s)
+12:35 < peterbrett> You should modify the COMPLEX structure in that case
+12:35 < berndj> yes, i added a "SLOT *owning_slot"
+12:36 < peterbrett> good stuff
+12:36 < berndj> and i was a bit lazy; i used GHashTable even though there'll most likely be only a handful entries
+12:37 < peterbrett> Now that libgeda links with libgobject, it would be nice to rework the object datastructure as GObjects
+12:37 < berndj> oh, and a global uuid_map into TOPLEVEL
+12:37 < peterbrett> WIth proper inheritance :D :D
+12:37 < berndj> nice
+12:37 < Ales> gah
+12:37 < peterbrett> Ales not like :D
+12:37 < Ales> but not going to object. :)
+12:37 < Ales> heh, "object"
+12:37 < peterbrett> ...no, please do elaborate
+12:38 < berndj> are there ever any circumstances where an OBJECT might have more than one of arc, text, complex, etc. being non-NULL?
+12:38 < Ales> I'm not a huge fan of GObject, but I understand it's reason for existance
+12:38 < berndj> btw 'complex' is a bad name - conflicts with <complex.h>
+12:38 < Ales> and it's a good thing for the most part, but I prefer C++. :)
+12:38 < peterbrett> It's a good stepping off point, because you can port directly to GTKmm
+12:39 < Ales> yeah
+12:41 < Ales> I'm certainly okay with using GObject throught gaf
+12:42 < Ales> ^throught^thoughout^
+12:44 < berndj> ah, i think i know why dcc didn't work. did you get my email yet?
+12:47 < Ales> nope
+12:47 < dj> food time!
+12:52 < Ales> we are eating! be back in a bit
+13:09 < werner2101> Hi, I'm playing with "component-library-command". That's damn cool stuff. Well done Peter.
+13:10 < werner2101> I'm going to add additional attributs to symbols from a database (or maybe a table)
+13:10 < berndj> hallo werner, wie geht's
+13:11 < werner2101> gut danke.
+13:11 < werner2101> ;-)
+13:12 < berndj> are you fetching symbols from the net / grepping the filesystem?
+13:12 < berndj> i haven't made time to try it out
+13:13 < werner2101> No, I create a table which contains the following items:
+13:13 < werner2101> generic_name geda_symbol_name attribute1=asdf attribute2=dde
+13:14 < werner2101> and so on.
+13:14 < werner2101> example:
+13:14 < werner2101> pnp_2n1234 analog/pnp-2.sym footprint=to-92 id=1234345 model=2n1234
+13:15 < werner2101> once again with spaces: pnp_2n1234 analog/pnp-2.sym footprint=to-92 partid=1234345 model=2n1234
+13:15 < werner2101> a script will do the rest of the work.
+13:17 < berndj> the script that the component library invokes?
+13:18 < werner2101> The script can be added to the gafrc file, and thus gschem calls it:
+13:18 < werner2101> (component-library-command "gschem_partdb transistor2.db" "gschem_partdb transistor2.db" "_transistors2")
+13:19 < werner2101> gschem_partdb is the script with the glue code
+13:20 < berndj> oooh, ok, and then when your scematic references "C 12 23 43 5 54 pnp_sn1234" then libgeda invokes gschem_partdb?
+13:20 < werner2101> Yes.
+13:22 < berndj> how do you guys feel about nonrecursive makefiles?
+13:23 < berndj> btw i almost sold one of my ex-colleagues on geda when i showed him tragesym. really neat tool!
+13:24 < berndj> poor guy is used to manually creating each pin on zillion-pin PCAD symbols
+13:26 < werner2101> At work I see that all the days. It's sad, really.
+13:30 < berndj> what do you use at work?
+13:30 < werner2101> visula from zuken redac
+13:31 < werner2101> very old system
+13:31 < berndj> never heard of it!
+13:37 < berndj> i have just run out of haribos!
+13:44 < werner2101> I'm eating tomato salad
+13:48 < berndj> i think i need ccache :( my system is very slow, but i have plenty of disk
+13:49 < berndj> where in germany are you werner?
+13:51 < werner2101> I'm living in the south, near Friedrichshafen
+13:51 < werner2101> Where all the Zeppelins came from.
+13:54 < berndj> do you feel like being a guinea pig for my patch?
+13:55 < werner2101> What is a guinea pig?
+13:56 < berndj> ein versuchskarnikel!
+13:56 < werner2101> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guinea_pig very sweet ;-)
+13:57 < werner2101> Ok. Send me your patch. I'll play with it.
+13:58 < berndj> i hope dcc works - else email?
+13:59 < werner2101> No it didn't: Fehlgeschlagen (Verbindungsfehler: Zeitüberschreitung bei dieser Aktion)
+14:00 < berndj> this dcc is annoying me. probably firewalled :(
+14:02 < werner2101> Please email the patches. It's more reliable.
+14:03 < berndj> not really! i have to use Net::SMTP to send my mail. but i'll try. address please?
+14:03 < werner2101> werner.ho@xxxxxx
+14:06 < berndj> i hope you have libglade installed. i'm working on a fallback to generated c code
+14:06 < werner2101> yes, I have installed it. I've played with it together with python.
+14:09 < berndj> 503 5.3.2 Sorry, we do not accept connections from your IP. <-- sorry. maybe later
+14:09 -!- berndj [~berndj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: bbl]
+14:10 < sdb> We're back! DJ and John are going to work on fabbing a home brew now....
+14:14 -!- Igor2 [~igor2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
+14:27 < peterbrett> werner2101: finally, someone using my code :D
+14:28 < werner2101> Peter, I didn't know till today that the code is there.
+14:29 < peterbrett> I've been talkimg about it for months, you know ;)
+14:29 < werner2101> I was just tinkering around and saw the three different ways of loading symbols.
+14:29 < peterbrett> works okay?
+14:29 < werner2101> Yes, but I noticed that whitespaces are not allowed in symbol names.
+14:29 < peterbrett> BTW, you're using it *exactly* the way I envisaged, so it makes me very happy :D
+14:30 < peterbrett> werner2101: Yes. I wasn't sure how to interpret the filespec on that
+14:30 < werner2101> I think it's ok that way.
+14:30 < peterbrett> I didn't actually touch the file parsing code, and my code just uses the strings it's sent
+14:31 < werner2101> Just stumbled over it.
+14:31 < peterbrett> Clearly you should read the changelogs :P
+14:32 < werner2101> Well, mmmhh, yes I should
+14:32 < werner2101> I'll promise to do it next time, really ;-)
+14:33 < peterbrett> :P
+14:33 < peterbrett> You live near the Bodensee? Cool.
+14:34 < werner2101> Yes. It's very nice here.
+14:36 -!- berndj [~berndj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+14:36 < peterbrett> gitweb says more BBQ-ing is being done than coding :P
+14:36 < berndj> lazy western hemispherers!
+14:37 < berndj> werner2101, mind if i harass you for dcc again?
+14:37 < werner2101> No, please try.
+14:39 < werner2101> sorry, same error as before (timeout)
+14:42 < Ales> we are doing a real pcb right now... bbiab
+14:42 < Ales> yes, I've been working on a single bug and not making much progress
+14:43 < pcjc2> which bug Ales?
+14:47 < berndj> a spider in the BBQ wood
+14:47 < pcjc2> off again for a bit...
+14:48 < pcjc2> having failed to discover from the interweb whether swelling follicles after leg-waxing is normal
+14:48 < pcjc2> not my legs this is - never mind
+14:52 < Ales> the gschlas embedding problem that dj reported
+14:53 < Ales> I think I fixed the bug, but broke gsymcheck
+14:53 < Ales> now onto the etch step
+14:53 < Ales> brb
+15:18 -!- pcjc2 [~pcjc2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Ping timeout: 608 seconds]
+15:18 < berndj> ok my non-libglade version is almost working
+15:19 < berndj> except i don't get the context passed into the signal callbacks
+15:20 < berndj> what's the trick to make the generated code look like create_slot_chooser_dialog(void *context) and not just create_slot_chooser_dialog(void)?
+15:45 -!- pcjc2 [~pcjc2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+15:45 < peterbrett> pcjc2, yes.
+15:46 < pcjc2> PeterB: yes what?
+15:48 < peterbrett> never mind.
+16:14 -!- Ben [~bjj@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+16:28 -!- Cesar [~Cesar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Ping timeout: 608 seconds]
+16:28 < sdb> Folks -- I put a new copy of the footprint creation doc on my website:
+16:28 < sdb> http://www.brorson.com/gEDA/
+16:28 < sdb> This revision of the doc has been brought up to date w.r.t. the actual behaviors of PCB
+16:29 < Ben> aww, that makes it too easy
+16:29 < sdb> as of the current date (8.5.2007). I'd appreciate it if somebody would take a look
+16:29 < sdb> at it and let me know of any errors! Thanks!
+16:29 < sdb> It's supposed to be easy... :-)
+16:30 < pcjc2> Sdb - did you see the crash bug just reported for gattrib?
+16:31 < sdb> I did see something on e-mail. Let me look on SF.net....
+16:31 < pcjc2> was email I was meaning
+16:31 < pcjc2> just woundered if anyone had reproduced it there
+16:31 < pcjc2> I've not seen any seg-faults with the git head - but can't recall if any fixes have been made since the release in question
+16:32 < pcjc2> Super to see a new version of the footprint document online
+16:32 < pcjc2> I know Peter Long appreciates your work on the up-to-date documentation, and will hopefully be gathering together some docs for the students this next term
+16:33 < Ales> PeterC: the guile 1.6 compat changes do not seem to work with autoconf 2.59
+16:33 < pcjc2> grr!!
+16:34 < Ales> the breakage that people are seeing here is:
+16:34 < Ales> /* #undef scm_is_string */
+16:34 < Ales> ack
+16:34 < Ales> try again
+16:34 < Ales> the breakage that people are seeing here is:
+16:34 < Ales> /* #undef scm_is_string */(x)
+16:34 < Ales> the (x) is showing up outside the comment
+16:34 < pcjc2> I wish they'd document the version numbers of macro's which are supported properly
+16:34 < Ales> and of course the compiler is saying "what the heck are these (x)?"
+16:34 < Ales> more curious
+16:34 < pcjc2> ok, sounds like I need to define the replacement function in a more literal way than the standard AC_DEFINE mechanism
+16:35 < Ales> yeah
+16:35 < pcjc2> which seems to work fine for my autoconf
+16:35 < Ales> 2.61 right?
+16:35 < pcjc2> AC_VERBATIM is possible
+16:35 < Ben> I had to install 261 to build geda from scratch
+16:35 < pcjc2> sorry, AH_VERBATIM
+16:35 < pcjc2> do you have a version of autoconf which exhibits the problem>
+16:35 < Ales> any chance of a fix so that stuart can test it out here today?
+16:35 < pcjc2> ?
+16:35 < Ales> 2.59
+16:36 < pcjc2> I can't promise it, as I've got to get up really early for the wedding tomorrow
+16:36 < pcjc2> but I'll try
+16:36 < Ales> okay
+16:38 < berndj> pcjc2, i wouldn't use AC_DEFINE for what you're doing
+16:38 < pcjc2> whats the best way to do it?
+16:38 < berndj> i thought you were going to use AC_CHECK_DECLS([scm_is_string etc.])
+16:38 < berndj> and then wrap things, like so:
+16:38 < pcjc2> yep
+16:38 < pcjc2> then used AC_DEFINE to make a replacement
+16:38 < berndj> #ifdef HAVE_SCM_IS_STRING / #define scm_is_string(x) ... / #endif
+16:39 < pcjc2> problem is, where do you put that define
+16:39 < berndj> although... does that compatibility header get installed?
+16:39 < pcjc2> I didn't want to have to butcher every C file in gEDA with #include "guile-1.6_compat.h"
+16:39 < pcjc2> so instead, I used the autoheader mechanism to put the defines in config.h
+16:40 < pcjc2> I think AH_VERBATIM should allow the appropriate sections to be inserted
+16:40 < berndj> oh ok. then put that in AH_VERBATIM?
+16:40 < pcjc2> AC_CHECK_DECLS I think defines HAVE_DECL_... or some such
+16:40 < berndj> AFAIUI yes
+16:40 < pcjc2> but yes - in princible
+16:40 < pcjc2> AH_VERBATIM just makes the config.h a bit longer - is all
+16:40 < pcjc2> but sounds like we need to do it that way
+16:41 < pcjc2> AH_VERBATIM stuff comes out, whether it hits the AH_VERBATIM in the ./configure code-path or not - so it always goes in config.h
+16:41 < pcjc2> so needs the '
+16:41 < pcjc2> #ifdef HAVE_.... wrapper around the replacement functions
+16:42 < pcjc2> this is because config.h.in is written at autoheader execution time, not ./configure execution time
+16:43 -!- jpd_ [~jpd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
+16:43 < berndj> oh, btw, it's #ifNdef
+16:44 < pcjc2> ok, of course, sorry!
+16:45 -!- jpd_ [~jpd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+16:45 < berndj> Ales, at last, i managed to find a friendly ftp site:
+16:46 < berndj> ftp://ftp.uunet.co.za/pub/incoming/transistor-problem-libglade-only.diff.g [sic - no z - typo]
+16:46 < berndj> also ftp://ftp.uunet.co.za/pub/incoming/o_attrib_get_name_value.diff.gz
+16:46 < dj> john is happy, two out of two power supply boards worked the first time :-)
+16:54 < Ales> okay, the bug that I'm tracking breaks gsymcheck when you redirect the output to a file
+16:54 < Ales> works otherwise
+16:55 < berndj> output buffering?
+16:56 < Ales> shouldn't be the case, I get complete different behavior in libgeda
+16:57 < Ales> something has gone very very bad
+17:04 < peterbrett> Ales, were these you pan-fried boards?
+17:04 < peterbrett> s/you/your/
+17:05 < Ales> yup, DJ did some pan frying
+17:05 < Ales> I have pics which I can upload once I free up a usb port. :)
+17:06 < Ales> there is some sort of memory corruption with libgeda
+17:06 < pcjc2> under what conditions?
+17:06 < Ales> with my recent changes
+17:06 < Ales> but those might be tickling something else.
+17:06 < pcjc2> does valgrind help?
+17:06 < Ales> I will undo my changes and do something careful
+17:06 < Ales> haven't tried that yet. I'll do that now. :)
+17:08 < berndj> i get lots and lots of complaints about jump or move depends on uninitialized..., and it looks deep withing libguile
+17:09 < peterbrett> berndj: pcjc2 and I believe this is to do with the garbage-collection evil
+17:11 < pcjc2> valgrind probably isn't being clever enough about its logic
+17:14 < jpd_> Meanwhile, I'm playing with my new gEDA application domain: symbolic circuit modeling.
+17:14 < Ales> valgrind is showing lots of interesting "issues"
+17:14 < jpd_> Check out http://www.noqsi.com/images/fastreg-model.zip
+17:15 < sdb> Regarding valgrind: It's a known problem that guile causes valgrind to complain
+17:15 < sdb> bitterly and at great length about what guile is doing. The complaints
+17:15 < sdb> are always benign. Ales tells me that there are suppression files out there.
+17:16 < sdb> .... to make valgrind stop complaining about guile.
+17:16 < Ales> suppression files courtesy of PeterC. :)
+17:16 < sdb> :-)
+17:17 < Ales> okay, I've had enough on this bug. I need to try a different approach
+17:17 < Ales> now I'll work on the etching pics/movies
+17:18 < pcjc2> I've nearly got another attempt at the configure checks
+17:19 < werner2101> bernd, I'm not able to apply the patches cleanly to git master
+17:20 < berndj> ick. where are you getting stuck?
+17:20 < werner2101> the first patch is ok
+17:20 < berndj> i'll get a more recent snapshot at work tomorrow and sync to that
+17:22 < Ben> Alex: Last time that happened to me it was due to structures in libgeda changing shape and me crossing binaries/so versions
+17:22 < werner2101> the file libgeda/src/f_image.c does not exist
+17:22 < Ales> I only have one version of gaf on my system
+17:23 < berndj> was libgeda/src/f_image.c removed recently?
+17:23 < Ales> and I always clean and nuke the old one when I rebuild
+17:23 < Ales> I refactored a bunch of code and maybe I did something stupid
+17:24 < berndj> werner2101, is that the only hunk that fails?
+17:26 < berndj> hmm, looks like f_image_write_objects() [your failed hunk] isn't even called anywhere. so just ignore it
+17:26 < werner2101> berndj, yes. I'm rebuilding right now. the error-message is:
+17:27 < dj> Ben: do you have that polygon patch anywhere?
+17:27 -!- Levente [~Levente@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #geda
+17:27 < Ben> the roundrect part?
+17:27 < Ben> I can make a diff, I just didn't want people applying it in a vacuum, since I only tested it with the other patch in place
+17:27 < Levente> hi all
+17:28 < werner2101> Ok, here it is:
+17:28 < werner2101> if /bin/sh ../libtool --silent --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I../include -pthread -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng12 -I/opt/gnome/include/gtk-2.0 -I/opt/gnome/lib64/gtk-2.0/include -I/opt/gnome/include/atk-1.0 -I/opt/gnome/include/pango-1.0 -I/opt/gnome/include/glib-2.0 -I/opt/gnome/lib64/glib-2.0/include -I/opt/gnome/include/gtk-2.0 -I/opt/gnome/include/glib-2.0
+17:28 < werner2101> -I/opt/gnome/lib64/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng12 -I/opt/gnome/include/gtk-2.0 -I/opt/gnome/lib64/gtk-2.0/include -I/opt/gnome/include/pango-1.0 -I/opt/gnome/include/glib-2.0 -I/opt/gnome/lib64/glib-2.0/include -Wall -g -O2 -MT a_basic.lo -MD -MP -MF ".deps/a_basic.Tpo" -c -o a_basic.lo a_basic.c; \
+17:28 < werner2101> then mv -f ".deps/a_basic.Tpo" ".deps/a_basic.Plo"; else rm -f ".deps/a_basic.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
+17:28 < werner2101> In file included from a_basic.c:31:
+17:28 < werner2101> ../include/struct.h:201: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'SLOT'
+17:28 < werner2101> In file included from a_basic.c:36:
+17:28 < werner2101> ../include/prototype.h:631: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'SLOT'
+17:28 < werner2101> ../include/prototype.h:637: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'SLOT'
+17:28 < werner2101> a_basic.c: In function 'o_save_embedded':
+17:28 < werner2101> a_basic.c:70: error: 'OBJECT' has no member named 'attribute'
+17:28 < werner2101> a_basic.c:102: error: 'OBJECT' has no member named 'complex'
+17:28 < werner2101> a_basic.c:144: error: 'OBJECT' has no member named 'attribs'
+17:28 < werner2101> a_basic.c:145: error: 'OBJECT' has no member named 'attribs'
+17:28 < werner2101> a_basic.c:146: error: 'OBJECT' has no member named 'attribs'
+17:28 < werner2101> a_basic.c:152: error: 'OBJECT' has no member named 'next'
+17:28 < werner2101> a_basic.c: In function 'o_save':
+17:28 < werner2101> a_basic.c:204: error: 'OBJECT' has no member named 'attribute'
+17:28 < werner2101> a_basic.c:239: error: 'OBJECT' has no member named 'complex'
+17:28 < werner2101> a_basic.c:285: error: 'OBJECT' has no member named 'attribs'
+17:28 < werner2101> a_basic.c:286: error: 'OBJECT' has no member named 'attribs'
+17:28 < werner2101> a_basic.c:287: error: 'OBJECT' has no member named 'attribs'
+17:28 < werner2101> a_basic.c:293: error: 'OBJECT' has no member named 'next'
+17:28 < werner2101> a_basic.c: In function 'o_read_buffer':
+17:28 < werner2101> a_basic.c:480: error: 'OBJECT' has no member named 'complex'
+17:28 < werner2101> a_basic.c: In function 'o_scale':
+17:28 < werner2101> a_basic.c:659: error: 'OBJECT' has no member named 'next'
+17:28 < werner2101> make[2]: *** [a_basic.lo] Fehler 1
+17:28 < werner2101> make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/werner/oss/geda/gaf/libgeda/src'
+17:28 < werner2101> make[1]: *** [install-recursive] Fehler 1
+17:28 < werner2101> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/werner/oss/geda/gaf/libgeda'
+17:28 < werner2101> make: *** [libgeda_install] Fehler 2
+17:29 < pcjc2> sounds like struct.h didn't include right
+17:29 < Ben> dj: let me check out your current cvs and apply just the part you want against that
+17:30 < Ben> dj: did you get the diff in the email? that doesn't seem to be applied
+17:35 -!- peterbrett [~peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
+17:41 < Ben> dj: ok, I mailed it to you direct
+17:42 < dj> No, I couldn't find the patch in my archives anywhere.
+17:42 < dj> And it kept crashing in the polygon code last night, I would have checked it in then if I had had it.
+17:43 < Ben> I just mailed it out again
+17:43 < Ben> hell, I would have checked it in 3 weeks ago...
+17:44 < berndj> okay, a new patch. works for me with or without --disable-libglade
+17:44 < berndj> ftp://ftp.uunet.co.za/pub/incoming/berndj/
+17:44 < Ben> http://archives.seul.org/geda/user/Jul-2007/msg00448.html
+17:44 < Ben> that's the original mail
+17:44 < berndj> i've been working against gaf.git-9dde0233ebed32065511b567445f9f34d4b3bea1.tar.gz
+17:45 < berndj> which is about 2 months old.
+17:46 < pcjc2> probably will be easiest for you to checkout the current repo
+17:46 < pcjc2> make a branch off the SHA1 where that tarball came from
+17:46 < pcjc2> and apply your patch there
+17:46 < pcjc2> (Ie, in the git repo)
+17:47 < pcjc2> then checkout a branch off the "origin" - that is, the branch tracking the main git repository
+17:47 < berndj> i'll do that tomorrow. i'm on gprs at the moment!
+17:47 < pcjc2> and git merge into that
+17:47 < pcjc2> the 3-way merge mechanism will be clever than just trying to apply the diff with patch
+17:47 < berndj> i'm still *decades* away from getting git installed. maybe on my work pc, but not at home
+17:47 < Ales> DJ and Stuart are testing your changes for autoconf PeterC
+17:47 < pcjc2> then you can take a diff between the origin, and the branch with your changes
+17:48 < berndj> (i'm still running Debian Sid!)
+17:48 < pcjc2> at some point, send me the patches and the details of where the patch was originally based, and I'll see if I can do it
+17:48 < pcjc2> pcjc2@xxxxxxxxx
+17:49 < berndj> Ales, to make my patch work with or without libglade, i've had to make gschem's makefile a bit more nonrecursive
+17:49 < pcjc2> I have to get to bed now, night all!
+17:50 < berndj> night pcjc2
+17:50 -!- pcjc2 [~pcjc2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has left #geda []
+17:56 < dj> seems to work :-)
+17:58 < berndj> werner2101, i think you may need to do a autoreconf in all the subdirectories
+17:58 < berndj> or --enable-maintainer-mode
+17:58 < berndj> because i've touched quite a few Makefile.am and configure.ac
+17:59 < berndj> and symbols is worse: you'll have to do ./config.status --recheck after running autoreconf (i may be mistaken)
+17:59 < berndj> because it generates a list of files to install and distribute at ./configure-time
+17:59 < berndj> what's working, dj?
+18:01 < Ales> okay, I'm done for today. I got almost nothing done. :)
+18:05 < werner2101> berndj: I'm always appling a git clean, make reconfig && make install
+18:05 < dj> the new geda configury.
+18:06 < berndj> a single toplevel ./configure and nonrecursive makefile?
+18:06 < berndj> i can hope, can't i!
+18:06 < werner2101> I've tried to apply your patches to 9dde0233ebed32065511b56. That worked
+18:06 < berndj> ah, thanks!
+18:06 < werner2101> but merging with git master failed on several files:
+18:07 < werner2101> CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in gnetlist/tests/Makefile.am
+18:07 < werner2101> CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in libgeda/configure.ac
+18:07 < werner2101> CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in libgeda/src/Makefile.am
+18:07 < werner2101> CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in libgeda/src/f_basic.c
+18:07 < werner2101> CONFLICT (delete/modify): libgeda/src/f_image.c deleted in HEAD and modified in 9dde0233ebed32065511b5674. Version 9dde0233ebed32065511b5674 of libgeda/src/f_image.c left in tree.
+18:08 < werner2101> Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
+18:08 < berndj> i think it's safe to delete f_image
+18:08 < berndj> the others will require a little more thinking
+18:08 < werner2101> Ok. I haven't fixed the conflicts.
+18:09 < berndj> well anyway, if you've gotten the 9dde0233ebed32065511b56 version to build,
+18:09 < berndj> try running gschem on gnetlist/tests/324.sch
+18:09 < berndj> select the op-amp (the bottom one, if you see 2)
+18:09 < werner2101> I'm tired now. Happy coding to all somewhere western of germany.
+18:09 < berndj> and invoke slot-edit (e-shiftS for me)
+18:09 < berndj> gute nacht!
+18:09 < werner2101> berndj. I havent build the patched 9dde0233ebed3206551
+18:10 < werner2101> I'll try tomorrow.
+18:10 < berndj> cool. thanks for your help
+18:10 < werner2101> good night.
+18:10 < ChitleshGoorah> werner2101: later on, can I catch you for easy_spice ?
+18:11 < Ales> DJ and Stuart report that PeterC's fixes to the configure mechanism work great
+18:11 < werner2101> Chitlesh: yes, of course, but I think you should try gspiceui
+18:11 < ChitleshGoorah> easy_spice got some featue that I love :)
+18:11 < werner2101> really ?
+18:12 < berndj> does anyone know if gitweb can give me diffs between two versions?
+18:14 < werner2101> Chitlesh: I think we should improve gschem, and get rid of easy_spice and other glue programms, ...
+18:15 < ChitleshGoorah> its autoupdate plot feature is cool :)
+18:16 < sdb> Tschuess, Werner!
+18:16 < werner2101> ahh, ok. But the gui looks ugly, nevertheless.
+18:17 < werner2101> sdb: haha. Seems that everyone knows some german words ;-)
+18:17 < werner2101> good night, ...
+18:17 < ChitleshGoorah> you are in germany ?
+18:17 < werner2101> yes, Chitlesh.
+18:17 < ChitleshGoorah> where ? actually I'm in frankfurt(main) these days
+18:18 < werner2101> Oh, I live near Friedrichshafen, or the Lake of Konstanz
+18:18 < Levente> I've just got home from Stuttgart.
+18:19 < ChitleshGoorah> near schafhauseen werner2101?
+18:19 < ChitleshGoorah> lol I was there last weekend
+18:19 < ChitleshGoorah> but that switzerland
+18:20 < werner2101> http://maps.google.de/?ie=UTF8&ll=47.596903,9.624023&spn=0.34542,1.053314&z=10&om=1
+18:22 < werner2101> schaffhausen is in the west of the lake.
+18:23 < ChitleshGoorah> by the way the food is great over there
+18:24 < werner2101> Chitlesh: I was courious where you come from, as your name does not sound like a german one.
+18:25 < ChitleshGoorah> I come from a small island called mauritius (Indian ocean)
+18:25 < ChitleshGoorah> I'm studying in strasbourg, france
+18:25 < ChitleshGoorah> but my girlfriend is swissgerman, but she lives in frankfurt
+18:25 < ChitleshGoorah> that's the story
+18:25 < ChitleshGoorah> :)
+18:25 < Ales> okay I'm out of here... later all!
+18:28 < werner2101> Neat Chitlesh, ok. good night. I really need some sleep now. Regards, ...
+18:28 -!- werner2101 [~Werner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
+18:36 < sdb> We're leaving DJ
+18:37 < sdb> We're leaving DJ's place now! Goodbye, everybody!
+18:37 < berndj> bye
+18:37 -!- sdb [~sdb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
+18:42 < Levente> I go to sleep. Bye all.
+18:42 -!- Levente [~Levente@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
+18:53 < berndj> night all
+18:54 -!- berndj [~berndj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: changelog catharsis]
+18:55 < dj> ok, I spent the whole day making boards and showing off projects, and got 1.5 patches applied.
+19:02 < dj> We'll call it a success anyway :-)
+19:42 -!- jegc [~jegc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Ping timeout: 608 seconds]
+20:11 < dj> bye folks
+20:11 -!- dj [~dj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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commit 7a693aefc297a79a6ddc44e72aeb55ad88a4aa6f
Author: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue Oct 9 19:22:17 2007 -0400
Added missing screenshots
diff --git a/screenshots/gattrib-thumb.png b/screenshots/gattrib-thumb.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46f6d8b
Binary files /dev/null and b/screenshots/gattrib-thumb.png differ
diff --git a/screenshots/gattrib.png b/screenshots/gattrib.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cca6286
Binary files /dev/null and b/screenshots/gattrib.png differ
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