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gEDA-cvs: CVS update: AUTHORS

  User: ahvezda 
  Date: 06/09/24 18:27:39

  Modified:    .        AUTHORS ChangeLog
  Consolidated all AUTHORS file into gschem/AUTHORS.  Simplified gschem's 
  AUTHORS file to just list contributors since all the details as to who
  did what is in the ChangeLogs
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.33      +65 -182   eda/geda/gaf/gschem/AUTHORS
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: AUTHORS
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/gschem/AUTHORS,v
  retrieving revision 1.32
  retrieving revision 1.33
  diff -u -b -r1.32 -r1.33
  --- AUTHORS	1 Sep 2003 04:05:54 -0000	1.32
  +++ AUTHORS	24 Sep 2006 22:27:39 -0000	1.33
  @@ -3,195 +3,78 @@
   GPL Electronic Design Automation
  -gschem AUTHORS
  +gEDA/gaf AUTHORS and contributors
  -Ales V. Hvezda
  -E-mail: ahvezda@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  -Web: http://www.geda.seul.org/
  +Many thanks to the following individuals for their contributions:
  -Kazu Hirata		- For doing significant code cleanup.  Greatly
  -			  appreciated! (especially since some of the code
  -			  is so gross)
  -Michael Linnemann	- For proposing the multi hot key scheme which is
  -			  currently in use
  -Stefan Petersen		- For writing the actual guile code which implements
  -			  the key remapping (worked almost out of the box!)
  -			- Pointed out some obsolete stuff in the configure.in
  -			- Bug fixes and improvements to gschem.scm
  -			- Continued bug fixes and additions to gschem.scm
  -			- list-keys.scm which prints out the keymap
  -			- For writing a better scheme like way of handling
  -			  strokes
  -			- Cleanup of the configure mechanisms
  -Thien-Thi Nguyen 	- Wrote a much better g_read_file()
  -		     	- A configure.in which handles guile better then 
  -			  my quick hack
  -			- Help with the guile key remapping code 
  -			- Bug fixes and improvements to gschem.scm
  -Erick Britis Ortiz	- Provided a patch to fix the broken select box and  
  -Jeff McNeal		  box object
  -Jeff McNeal		- Provided a patch which adds the lowe level code to
  -	                  implement transparent zoom/pan when drawing 
  -			  nets/pins.
  -Manu Rouat		- For pointing out my inconsistant license headers
  -			  (which really need to be correct)
  -			- Found incorrect path in gschemrc.in 
  -			  (scheme-directory)
  -			- Contributed a patch to make zoom limits have a 
  -			  border (zoom limits looks much better now)
  -			- For contributing a patch which makes building
  -			  RPMs easier. (for libgeda/gschem/gnetlist/...)
  -Roger Williams 		- For supplying a patch with provides variable snap
  -			  grid spacing
  -			  For contributing the agile-vfo-block_1.sch schematic
  -			  For pointing out how to fix support for alphanumeric
  -			  slotting (in libgeda)
  -Mike Jarabek 		- For contributing code which displays grid points 
  -			  at negative coordinates. 
  -			  Providing an updated test_verilog.sym
  -Anatole Sokolov		- Pointed out a few bugs in o_erase_* (using a 
  -			  constant instead of a variable)
  -Egil Kvaleberg		- For providing a patch which gives gEDA gtk+ 1.1.x 
  -			  compatibility (integrated by AVH)
  -			  As well as a sample schematic (filter_1.sch)
  -			  Also for providing numerous patches for various
  -			  things (bugs, features etc...).
  -			  Wrote the "Hierarchy/Documentation, Help/Manual, 
  -			  and Help/Component documentation searching from 
  -			  within gschem" feature.
  -			  Rewrote part of the event state / status message
  -			  to implement the "Snap off" / "Show Hidden" feature.
  -			  For providing code/patch to support bus rippers
  -			  in gschem.  This patch was not directly applied, but
  -			  served as inspiration on how to quickly implement
  -			  bus ripper support in gschem.
  -Thomas Dean		- Submitting a few useful patches for various
  -			  things
  -Reinhard Kotucha        - For suggesting the use of setlinecap in the 
  -			  postscript output.  Output looks much better
  -			  with some sort of cap style set.
  -			  One of many who suggested rotation of component
  -			  before it is placed	
  -Matt Ettus		- For greatly rewritting the attribute edit
  -		  	  attribute dialog box
  -			  For writing the multi-add/edit attribute dialog box
  -Martin Benes            - For contributing the attribute promotion code and
  -                          a bunch of useful GUI bug fixes/patches.  Ales had
  -                          to slighly modify a few (to make them configurable)
  -			  For pointing out and providing misc bug fixes
  -Patrick Bernaud		- For many primitive object code updates, bug
  -			  fixes, and additions (line types and fill types)
  -                          Adding grips to the arc object
  -                          Many improvements to the primitive objects
  -Werner Hoch		- For providing a patch to fix some long outstanding
  -			  zooming / panning bugs
  -			  More bug fixes to the panning / zoom code as well
  -	 		  as some really important code cleanup.  Files 
  -	 		  changed:
  -				a_pan.c a_zoom.c i_callbacks.c x_grid.c
  -				x_window.c x_event.c
  -			  For doing the German strings translation as well
  -			  as bug reports related to the i18n support.
  -Chris Ellec		- For providing a patch that causes changes in the
  -			  slot= attribute in the multi attrib dialog box
  -			  (Add and Change) to take effect.
  -			  For providing lots of feedback on various bugs
  -                          For contributing various patches to add very useful
  -                          functionality
  -Eduard Moser 		- For contributing the guile and C code to generate
  -Martin Lehmann		  netlists on the fly (at least for the vams backend)
  -Rolf Fiedler            - For contributing patches and ideas for feature / UI
  -                          improvements (patch: increase drawing window size)
  -Bruno Schwander		- For suggestions and providing patches to improve
  -			  the configure mechanism (Stefan applied the patches)
  -Dave Lawrence		- For contributing the find-text, hide-text, show-text,
  -			  and autonumber text code.
  -			  For contributing the much needed improvements to the
  -		 	  add attribute / edit attribute dialog box.  The
  -			  ability to add an attribute to muliple objects 
  -		 	  (all, components, or nets) and to replace existing
  -			  attributes.
  -Alexandre P. Nunes	- For contributing all the work to get gschem to use
  -			  gettext (i18n).  Also for doing on the Portuguese
  -			  translation.  Thank you. 
  -			  For continuing to support the i18n work.
  -Antonio A Todo Bom	- For also working and coordinating the gettext
  -			  support. Thank you.
  -			  For continuing to support the i18n work.
  -MIYAMOTO Takanori	- For contributing the Japanese translation.
  -Bert Timmerman		- For contributing the Dutch translation.
  -Andy Shevchenko         - For contributing the Russian translation.
  -Also thanks go to all the people on the geda-dev mailing list.  Many of
  -the subscribers provided good suggestions which are greatly appreciated
  -(and even implemented :-).  I'll be listing some of the contributers
  -here once I get my act together.  Here's a start of a list of the many
  -geda-dev contributers (in no particular order):
  -Magnus Danielson
  -Manu Rouat
  -Stephen Tell
  -Ron Van Dam 
  -Erick Britis Ortiz
  -Stefan Petersen
  +Andrew Bardsley
  +Nick Bastin
  +Martin Benes
  +Patrick Bernaud
  +Antonio A Todo Bom
  +Peter Brett 
  +Stuart Brorson
   Eric Busta
  -Michael Linnemann
  -Marius Vollmer 
  -Børge Strand
  +Peter Clifton
  +Ron Van Dam
  +Magnus Danielson
  +Thomas Dean
  +DJ Delorie
  +Bryce Denney
   Andrew Dyer
  -John White
  +Chris Ellec
  +Matt Ettus
  +Rolf Fiedler 
  +Geoff Harland
  +Thomas Heidel
  +Kazu Hirata		
  +Werner Hoch
  +Ales Hvezda
  +Braddock Gaskill
  +Bas Gieltjes
  +Mike Jarabek
  +Wojciech Kazubski
  +Reinhard Kotucha
  +Egil Kvaleberg
  +Dave Lawrence
  +Martin Lehmann
  +Michael Linnemann
  +Arnim Littek
  +Ye Ma  
  +Dan McMahill
  +Jeff McNeal	
  +Piotr Miarecki 
   Hamish Moffatt
  +Eduard Moser
  +Thien-Thi Nguyen
  +Alexandre P. Nunes
  +Jerry O'Keefe
  +Carlos Nieves Onega
  +Erick Britis Ortiz
   Simon Peacock 
  -Geoff Harland 
  +Stefan Petersen
  +Manu Rouat
  +JM Routoure
  +Bruno Schwander
  +Andy Shevchenko
  +Anatole Sokolov	
  +Nuno Sucena
  +Borge Strand
   James Swonger
  +Miyamoto Takanori
  +Stephen Tell
  +Bert Timmerman
  +Marius Vollmer 
  +Rich Walker
  +John White
   Roger Williams 
  -Arnim Littek 
  -Nick Bastin
  +Bill Wilson
  +For specific contributions, please check out the appropriate ChangeLog
  +for more details.
  +Also thanks go to all the people on the geda-* mailing list.  Many of
  +the subscribers provided good suggestions (as well as patches) that are
  +greatly appreciated
  -And anybody else who spoke up and let their opinion be heard.
  1.510     +7 -0      eda/geda/gaf/gschem/ChangeLog
  (In the diff below, changes in quantity of whitespace are not shown.)
  Index: ChangeLog
  RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/eda/geda/gaf/gschem/ChangeLog,v
  retrieving revision 1.509
  retrieving revision 1.510
  diff -u -b -r1.509 -r1.510
  --- ChangeLog	24 Sep 2006 21:06:22 -0000	1.509
  +++ ChangeLog	24 Sep 2006 22:27:39 -0000	1.510
  @@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
   2006-09-24 Ales Hvezda   <ahvezda@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  +        * AUTHORS: Greatly simplified the file since the ChangeLog tracks
  +	who has changed what.  Also added a few missing names that should
  +	most certainly be in the list.  Also consolidated all AUTHOR files
  +	for gEDA/gaf into this file.
  +2006-09-24 Ales Hvezda   <ahvezda@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
           * configure.ac: Tweaked glib detection to not fail ./configure 
           when gdlib is not installed.  gdlib is an optional dependancy.

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