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gEDA-cvs: gaf.git: branch: master updated (1.6.1-20100214-135-gcd369fc)

The branch, master has been updated
       via  cd369fce23897f3e0c28c7db5f7923edee3ff34c (commit)
      from  e5f32954a1fb23534309d6fa06d887859afbc664 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.


 utils/man/Makefile.am |    2 +-
 utils/man/gxyrs.1     |  330 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 331 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 utils/man/gxyrs.1

 Commit Messages

commit cd369fce23897f3e0c28c7db5f7923edee3ff34c
Author: Carlos Nieves Onega <cnieves@xxxxxxxxxx>
Commit: Carlos Nieves Onega <cnieves@xxxxxxxxxx>

    Added gxyrs man page.
    Added gxyrs man page. This closes bug #2836717.

:100644 100644 47f7833... a86f50b... M	utils/man/Makefile.am
:000000 100644 0000000... 2f2dc73... A	utils/man/gxyrs.1


commit cd369fce23897f3e0c28c7db5f7923edee3ff34c
Author: Carlos Nieves Onega <cnieves@xxxxxxxxxx>
Commit: Carlos Nieves Onega <cnieves@xxxxxxxxxx>

    Added gxyrs man page.
    Added gxyrs man page. This closes bug #2836717.

diff --git a/utils/man/Makefile.am b/utils/man/Makefile.am
index 47f7833..a86f50b 100644
--- a/utils/man/Makefile.am
+++ b/utils/man/Makefile.am
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
-dist_man_MANS = grenum.1
+dist_man_MANS = grenum.1 gxyrs.1
 # Rules for converting man->html
diff --git a/utils/man/gxyrs.1 b/utils/man/gxyrs.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f2dc73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/man/gxyrs.1
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+.\"Created with GNOME Manpages Editor Wizard
+.TH \fBgxyrs\fP 1 "Agosto 22, 2010" "" "\fBgxyrs\fP"
+\fBgxyrs\fP \- is a program to batch process XYRS files.
+.B \fBgxyrs\fP 
+.RI \fBfile\fP
+XYRS files are usually generated by PCB design programs, and are used by board assemblers.
+Format of XYRS files is discussed in FILES section.
+Processing of these files is often needed by board assemblers or designers to suit their 
+process and tools flows.
+\fBgxyrs\fP helps batch-processing these files. Rules and commands can be defined to make 
+batch-processing easy.
+\fBgxyrs\fP consists on a perl library providing the core functions, and a perl script providing some basic functionality.
+It takes some arguments from the command line: input and output files, some modifiers, and an action-file or an action-string.
+The action-file or action-script contains some commands. For every line of the input file, \fBgxyrs\fP executes those commands, which can modify the contents of the line, 
+and then writes the resulting line to the output file.
+Since \fBgxyrs\fP is written in perl, actions are also written in this language.
+.IP       --help 
+Display  a  usage  message  on standard output and exit successfully.
+.BI      \--verbose 
+Display more information messages when processing files.
+.BI      \--process-comments 
+By default, gxyrs doesn't process lines starting with '*' and '#' characters.
+It just copies these lines to the output, without further processing.
+With this option, it processes these lines as well.
+.BI      \--tabulate 
+Give each field in the output file a fixed length, enough to contain the longest string.
+		Using this option make the output file easier to read by humans.
+.BI      \--caseinsensitive 
+Ignore case distinctions when comparing patterns.
+.BI      \--adjust "\| FILE\ " 
+File with the commands to process the input file.
+.BI      \--eval "\| PATTERN\ " 
+Interpret PATTERN as the commands to process the input file.
+.BI      \--output "\| FILE\ " 
+Save the output to the specified FILE. 
+If FILE string is "-" (without double quotes), then output is redirected to standard output STDOUT.
+.BI      \--output-delimiter "\| CHAR\ "  
+Use the given CHAR as an output field delimiter.
+gxyrs defines automatically the following variables:
+column number (starting at 0) where the component reference is.
+column number (starting at 0) where the component footprint is.
+column number (starting at 0) where the component's X location coordinate is.
+column number (starting at 0) where the component's Y location coordinate is.
+column number (starting at 0) where the component rotation angle is.
+column number (starting at 0) where the component's layer side location is.
+column number (starting at 0) where the component's value is. Usually this is the component's part number.
+this is the line number of the input file that is being currently processed.
+array where each array element is a field or column of the input file's line being processed.
+All the following commands accept a \fIchecklist\fP parameter.
+A \fIchecklist\fP is a list of one or more \fIcheck_items\fP.
+A \fIcheckitem\fP is a list of two single elements:
+.B column_number
+is the data index number 'n' of the global variable \fBLINE\fP to be checked.
+The first element of the data has the number 1.
+.B pattern 
+is the regular expression to be matched.
+The commands will only be executed on those lines that match all the \fIcheckitems\fP in the \fIchecklist\fP.
+.B \fBdel_line\fP \fIchecklist\fP;
+Delete the line (global variable \fBLINE\fP) if \fIchecklist\fP is matched.
+Returns -1 if error, 0 if not match, 1 if match and changed.
+.B rotate_comp \fIangle_col\fP, \fIangle\fP, \fIchecklist\fP;
+rotate the component the degrees given in \fIangle\fP parameter, if \fIchecklist\fP is matched. 
+The angle column number is \fIangle_col\fP.
+Returns 1 if match and changed, 0 if not match, -1 if error.
+.B subst_col_val \fIcol\fP, \fIvalue\fP, \fIchecklist\fP;
+Replace a column value by the new value \fIvalue\fP, if \fIchecklist\fP is matched.
+Returns 1 if match and changed, 0 if not match, -1 if error.
+.B change_col_units \fIunits\fP, \fIcolumn_numbers\fP;
+Change units of a given column number. More than one column number can be specified.
+\fIUnits\fP is a string with the desired units. Only "mm" (milimeters), "in" (inches) and "mil" (thousands of an inch) are supported.
+It is required that numbers to be converted are followed their units (see supported units above). Otherwise, the number is not changed.
+.B add_number_to_col \fIcol_number\fP, \fIvalue\fP, \fIchecklist\fP;
+Adds a number to the value in a given column number.
+Note: offset and the value to be changed can be in different units.
+Returns -1 if error, -2 if warning, and 1 if success.
+.B translate_col_val \fIcol_number\fP, \fIstring\fP, \fIsubstitution\fP, \fIchecklist\fP;
+Translate a \fIstring\fP in the column \fIcol_number\fP if \fIchecklist\fP is matched.
+\fISubstitution\fP is an expression with the new string. Old column value can be used here.
+Returns -1 if error, 0 if not match, 1 if match and changed.
+  translate 2, '^([0-9]+)n$','sprintf("%dnF",$1)', 3, 'C[0-9]+';
+    if the value in column 3 is C followed by a number, then 
+    if the value in column 2 is a number followed by 'n', translate it to the same value followed by 'nF'.
+    If there is 'C10' in column 3 and '10n' in column 2, 
+    change '10n' to '10nF'.
+.B mul_col_val \fIcol_number\fP, \fIfactor\fP, \fIchecklist\fP;
+Multiply the number in the specified column number \fIcol_number\fP by the given \fIfactor\fP, if \fIchecklist\fP is matched.
+The number in the specified column number may have units at the end.
+Returns -1 if error, 0 if not match, 1 if match and changed.
+.B swap_columns \fIcol_number1\fP, \fIcol_number2\fP, \fIchecklist\fP;
+Swap columns \fIcol_number1\fP and \fIcol_number2\fP if \fIchecklist\fP is matched.
+Returns -1 if error, 0 if not match, 1 if match and changed.
+.B insert_column \fIcol_number\fP, \fInew_column_value\fP;
+Insert a new column in the given \fIcol_number\fP position (0 if it's going to be the first column), with the value \fInew_column_value\fP.
+Returns -1 if error, 1 if the new column was inserted.
+The return value of \fBgxyrs\fP is an integer with the following possible values:
+	1 if the command found a match and the execution was succesful
+	0 if there was no match
+	-1 if there was an error
+	-2 if there was a warning
+.B       XYRS files
+The format of these files is not standard, and depends on the application used to generate it.
+The data stored in these files is usually a header, and one line per component of the board.
+For each component, at least the following information is needed by assemblers:
+	- Reference
+	- Coordinates (X and Y)
+	- Rotation angle
+	- Side where the component is located (top or bottom)
+There can be more information, such as description, footprint, but this depends on the 
+design program an its configuration.
+This information is organized in lines, one line per component, and each line is divided in as much fields or columns as needed.
+Field delimiters are used between columns, but field delimiters are not standardized and they depend on the program used to generate the XYRS file.
+The program that generates the XYRS file usually write a header  (usually the first two or thre lines in the file) with a column title.
+\fBgxyrs\fP tries to guess the file format, and column numbers, based on this header. Thus, the known column titles are the following:
+	- for reference designator: \fIDesignator\fP, \fIRefDesignator\fP, \fIRefDes\fP.
+	- for footprint: \fIFootprint\fP, \fITopCell\fP, \fIDescription\fP (only if there is no other "TopCell" column title).
+	- for X coordinate: \fIMid X\fP, \fIX\fP.
+	- for Y coordinate: \fIMid Y\fP, \fIY\fP.
+	- for rotation angle: \fIRotation\fP, \fIrotation\fP, \fIRot\fP.
+	- for location side: \fITB\fP, \fISide\fP, \fItop/bottom\fP.
+	- for value: \fIComment\fP, \fIPartNumber\fP, \fIValue\fP.
+.B       Action files
+An action file contains a list of commands, using perl language, that can include any call to a built-in function or use any variable defined by \fIgxyrs\fP.
+Each action file should end with the following line (with a carrier return at the end of the line):
+	1;
+.B Run an action file:
+Run the action file \fIyour_comands.txt\fP with the XYRS file \fIyour_xyrs_file.txt\fP and write the output result to the file \fIoutput_file.txt\fP:
+	gxyrs  your_xyrs_file.txt --adjust your_commands.txt --output output_file.txt
+.B Run a command specified in the command line:
+Run the commands \fIyour_commands\fP wiith the XYRS file \fIyour_xyrs_file.txt\fP and write the output result to the file \fIoutput_file.txt\fP:
+	gxyrs  your_xyrs_file.txt --eval "your_commands" --output output_file.txt
+.B Delete some lines matching a pattern. 
+Parse the XYRS file \fIyour_xyrs_file.txt\fP, delete all lines having a R followed by a number in column number 2, and write the output result to the file \fIoutput_file.txt\fP:
+	gxyrs your_xyrs_file.txt --eval "del 2, 'R[0-9]+';" --output output_file.txt
+.B Delete some lines matching a pattern, using the column number guessed by \fBgxyrs\fP. 
+Parse the XYRS file \fIyour_xyrs_file.txt\fP, delete all lines having a R followed by a number in reference designator column, and write the output result to the file \fIoutput_file.txt\fP:
+	gxyrs your_xyrs_file.txt --eval "del \\$REF_COL, 'R[0-9]+';" --output output_file.txt
+.B Rotate some lines matching a pattern.
+Parse the XYRS file \fIyour_xyrs_file.txt\fP, rotate by 90º all lines having a R followed by a number in reference designator column, and write the output result to the file \fIoutput_file.txt\fP. Use the rotation  and reference column number guessed by \fIgxyrs\fP:
+	gxyrs your_xyrs_file.txt --eval "rotate \\$ANGLE_COL, 90, \\$REF_COL, 'R[0-9]+';" --output output_file.txt
+.B Change all numbers to 'mm' units.
+Parse the XYRS file \fIyour_xyrs_file.txt\fP, convert all numbers in column 3 and 5 to its equivalent in mm, and write the output result to the file \fIoutput_file.txt\fP:
+	gxyrs your_xyrs_file.txt --eval "change_units 'mm', 3, 5;" --output output_file.txt
+.B Replace a value matching a pattern with another value.
+Parse the XYRS file \fIyour_xyrs_file.txt\fP, if the value in column 3 is "0.1u", then replace it with "100nF", and write the output result to the file \fIoutput_file.txt\fP:
+	gxyrs your_xyrs_file.txt --eval "subst 3 , '100nF', 3, '0.1u'" --output output_file.txt
+.B Change the reference of a component with a value matching a pattern.
+Parse the XYRS file \fIyour_xyrs_file.txt\fP, if the value in value column is "1n4148", then replace reference column with "D1", and write the output result to the file \fIoutput_file.txt\fP:
+	gxyrs your_xyrs_file.txt --eval "subst \\$REF_COL , 'D1', \\$VALUE_COL, '1n4148';" --output output_file.txt
+.B Adds an offset to the X coordinate of a component  with a reference having a R followed by a number.
+Parse the XYRS file \fIyour_xyrs_file.txt\fP, if the text in reference column is R followed by a number, then adds 102.5mm to the value in X coordinate column, and write the output result to the file \fIoutput_file.txt\fP.
+Value in column 3 can be in other units (for example: '640mil'):
+	gxyrs your_xyrs_file.txt --eval "offset \\$X_COL, '102.5mm', \\$REF_COL, 'R[0-9]+' ;" --output output_file.txt
+.B Multiply the value of the X coordinate of a component  by a number, if the component reference is having a R followed by a number.
+Parse the XYRS file \fIyour_xyrs_file.txt\fP, if the text in reference column is R followed by a number, then multiply the value in X coordinate column by 2.5, and write the output result to the file \fIoutput_file.txt\fP.
+Value in column 3 can be in other units (for example: '640mil'):
+	gxyrs your_xyrs_file.txt --eval "mul_col_val \\$X_COL, 2.5, \\$REF_COL, 'R[0-9]+' ;" --output output_file.txt
+.B Swap two columns.
+Parse the XYRS file \fIyour_xyrs_file.txt\fP, swap columns 3 and 4 if the text in column number 4 is R followed by a number, and write the output result to the file \fIoutput_file.txt\fP:
+	gxyrs your_xyrs_file.txt --eval "swap_columns 3, 4, 4, 'R[0-9]+' ;" --output output_file.txt
+.B Insert a column.
+Insert a column in the first position, displacing all existing columns to the right. Column value is 'new_column_value':
+	gxyrs your_xyrs_file.txt --eval "insert_column 0, 'new_column_value';" --output output_file.txt
+regex(7), GNU regular expression manual
\ No newline at end of file

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