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Re: gEDA-user: Print dialog resizing

I not quite sure of your question but ---

gschem will scale the extents of your drawing to fit the size of your paper.
When I begin a schematic I place a title block and border and then only place
parts within the border. Everything on your schematic will
be scaled the same amount since the extents will be set by the border.
Scaling will change only when you change papersize.

(* jcl *)

On 4/3/06, Tomasz Nowak <nowak2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> I think something with the "Print" dialog is not exactly right.
> When I resize it, all the parts are growing.
> In my opinion, only the list of paper formats should grow...
> I am using:
> gschem version 20060123
> Best regards
> Tomasz
