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gEDA-user: PCB - how to update elements/components on a PCB


I have a PCB design that uses 5 SOT-23 elements.  The original SOT-23
element is stored as a text file bf_SOT23:

[david@solomon hardware-0.2]$ more pkg/newlib/bf_SOT23

Element["" "bf_SOT23" "" "" 206000 121000 0 0 0 100 ""]
        Pad[-3500 3500 -3500 5500 3900 3000 6900 "1" "1" "square,edge2"]
        Pad[3500 3500 3500 5500 3900 3000 6900 "2" "2" "square,edge2"]
        Pad[0 -5500 0 -3000 3900 3000 6900 "3" "3" "square"]
        ElementLine [-6500 -8500 -6500 8248 1000]
        ElementLine [6500 -8500 -6500 -8500 1000]
        ElementLine [6500 8500 6500 -8248 1000]
        ElementLine [-6500 8500 6500 8500 1000]


Now if I change this element, is there any way to make PCB automatically
update the 5 components I have placed on the PCB using this element?  I
would like to preserve the component designator, value, orientation etc.

Currently I am manually loading up the element using "File-load element
to paste buffer" then manually replacing the 5 components and entering
the designator/value.

