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Re: Re: gEDA-user: Simple relay footprint
Użytkownik John Luciani <jluciani@xxxxxxxxx> napisał:
>On 4/20/06, Tomasz Nowak <nowak2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I'd like to put a simple relay footprint in PCB. Unfortunately, I can't find any... Nobody uses relays these days?
>> The part looks like this:
>> http://sirius.cs.put.poznan.pl/~inf66293/relay.jpg
>> and is probably on the first photo at http://www.chinesesource.com/company.cfm?companyid=708
>Below are some footprints for a variety of NAIS relays. If you go to Digikey
>you can get the datasheet and see if they are similar to the one you want
>to use. (...)
Thanks for replies!
Fortunately your 11th relay was this what I needed :)